[med-svn] r23676 - trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian
Andreas Tille
tille at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 10 23:11:58 UTC 2017
Author: tille
Date: 2017-02-10 23:11:57 +0000 (Fri, 10 Feb 2017)
New Revision: 23676
Add quote from upstream regarding license
Modified: trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/changelog 2017-02-08 10:37:38 UTC (rev 23675)
+++ trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/changelog 2017-02-10 23:11:57 UTC (rev 23676)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-r-cran-rgeos (0.3-21-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+r-cran-rgeos (0.3-21-1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Initial release (closes: #xxxxxx)
+ * Initial release (closes: #844197)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 13 Nov 2016 09:46:10 +0100
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 13 Nov 2016 17:56:16 +0100
Modified: trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/copyright
--- trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/copyright 2017-02-08 10:37:38 UTC (rev 23675)
+++ trunk/packages/R/r-cran-rgeos/trunk/debian/copyright 2017-02-10 23:11:57 UTC (rev 23676)
@@ -7,6 +7,54 @@
Copyright: 2009-2016 Roger Bivand, Colin Rundel, Edzer Pebesma, Rainer Stuetz, Karl Ove Hufthammer
License: GPL-2+
+Files: R/Rgpc_funcs.R
+Copyright: 2003-2010 Roger D. Peng <rpeng at jhsph.edu>
+License: GPL-2+
+Comment: Quoting a mail from Roger Bivand
+ Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 10:58:09 +0100
+ From: Roger Bivand <Roger.Bivand at nhh.no>
+ .
+ On Fri, 3 Feb 2017, Andreas Tille wrote:
+ >
+ > I intended to package rgeos for Debian since it would enable the test
+ > suite of some other package. Unfortunately rgeos contains
+ > R/Rgpc_funcs.R which uses gpclib that has a license:
+ >
+ > Free for non-commercial use; commercial use prohibited (see the files
+ > `gpc.c' and `gpc.h' for details)
+ >
+ > So how could this be GPL-2?
+ .
+ Obviously it is, because rgeos neither suggests, links to, imports or
+ depends on the R gpclib package, nor does it load or attach that package.
+ .
+ The functions in R/gpc_geos.R convert sp objects to R gpclib classes,
+ defined in R/Rgpc_funcs.R. The examples in man/gpc-new-generics.Rd
+ expressly show how to use GEOS compiled code instead of gpclib compiled
+ code to yield the same results. That is, when rgeos was first published in
+ 2011, one of its intentions was to show that nobody needed to use the
+ R gpclib package with its awkward license, but that the code in
+ R/Rgpc_funcs.R provided a drop-in replacement - load rgeos instead of
+ gpclib and get the same output but without the gpclib license issue. The
+ code copied from gpclib/R/Rgpc.R to rgeos/R is:
+ .
+ ## Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Roger D. Peng <rpeng at jhsph.edu>
+ .
+ Our understanding of the R gpclib LICENSE is that it only refers to the
+ code written by Alan Murta and "taken" by this former employer - that is
+ the files src/gpc.*. This is evidenced by the verbatim text of the package
+ LICENSE file: Free for non-commercial use; commercial use prohibited (see
+ the files `gpc.c' and `gpc.h' for details). Obviously C and R code written
+ by the maintainer or contributed by others is not covered by this
+ restriction.
+ .
+ .
+ Summarising the content of the last paragraph which is not worth quoting:
+ .
+ The purposes of rgeos is to provide a substitute for gpclib, The LICENSE
+ file of the R gpclib package should have been drafted to state that only
+ src/gpc.* are covered by the conditions stated therein.
Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2016 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
License: GPL-2+
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