[med-svn] [mothur] 02/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.39.0'

Tomasz Buchert tomasz at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 26 15:29:32 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tomasz pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mothur.

commit 49675ba79bc8d30633917dcad6043cc0ad104e3b
Merge: eca5873 4608f7e
Author: Tomasz Buchert <tomasz at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 27 07:05:20 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.39.0'
    Upstream version 1.39.0

 .gitignore                                    |     1 +
 Makefile                                      |     7 +-
 Mothur.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj              |   133 +-
 README.md                                     |     2 +-
 TestMothur/catch.hpp                          |  4392 ++-
 TestMothur/dataset.h                          |    10 +-
 TestMothur/distcdataset.cpp                   | 46955 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 TestMothur/distcdataset.h                     |    32 +
 TestMothur/distpdataset.cpp                   |  2578 ++
 TestMothur/distpdataset.h                     |    30 +
 TestMothur/main.cpp                           |     7 +-
 TestMothur/testclassifier/testphylotree.cpp   |   129 +
 TestMothur/testclassifier/testphylotree.hpp   |    32 +
 TestMothur/testcontainers/testfastqread.cpp   |     5 +-
 TestMothur/testcontainers/testoptimatrix.cpp  |   101 +
 TestMothur/testcontainers/testoptimatrix.h    |    31 +
 TestMothur/testopticluster.cpp                |   132 +
 TestMothur/testopticluster.h                  |    35 +
 TestMothur/testtrimoligos.hpp                 |     4 +-
 TestMothur/testvsearchfileparser.cpp          |     6 +-
 TestMothur/testvsearchfileparser.h            |     1 -
 makefile-internal                             |     6 +-
 source/calculators/filters.h                  |    12 +
 source/chimera/chimeracheckrdp.cpp            |     2 +-
 source/classifier/classify.cpp                |     1 -
 source/classifier/phylosummary.cpp            |    38 +-
 source/classifier/phylotree.cpp               |    13 +-
 source/classifier/phylotree.h                 |     5 +
 source/classifier/taxonomyequalizer.cpp       |    41 +-
 source/cluster.cpp                            |     4 +-
 source/cluster.hpp                            |    10 +-
 source/commandfactory.cpp                     |     6 +-
 source/commands/aligncommand.cpp              |     2 +-
 source/commands/aligncommand.h                |     2 +-
 source/commands/biominfocommand.cpp           |     6 +
 source/commands/catchallcommand.cpp           |     4 +-
 source/commands/chimeraperseuscommand.cpp     |     6 +-
 source/commands/chimeraperseuscommand.h       |     9 +-
 source/commands/chimeraslayercommand.cpp      |     6 +-
 source/commands/chimerauchimecommand.cpp      |    34 +-
 source/commands/chimerauchimecommand.h        |    18 +-
 source/commands/chimeravsearchcommand.cpp     |   350 +-
 source/commands/chimeravsearchcommand.h       |     3 -
 source/commands/classifyotucommand.cpp        |    13 +-
 source/commands/classifyseqscommand.cpp       |     7 +-
 source/commands/clustercommand.cpp            |   247 +-
 source/commands/clustercommand.h              |    15 +-
 source/commands/clustersplitcommand.cpp       |   307 +-
 source/commands/clustersplitcommand.h         |    17 +-
 source/commands/createdatabasecommand.cpp     |    99 +-
 source/commands/distancecommand.cpp           |     2 +-
 source/commands/getcommandinfocommand.cpp     |     2 +-
 source/commands/getcurrentcommand.cpp         |     2 +
 source/commands/getgroupscommand.cpp          |     6 +-
 source/commands/getlineagecommand.cpp         |    16 +-
 source/commands/getotulabelscommand.cpp       |     9 +-
 source/commands/getotuscommand.cpp            |   432 -
 source/commands/getotuscommand.h              |    55 -
 source/commands/getseqscommand.cpp            |     8 +-
 source/commands/listseqscommand.cpp           |     7 +-
 source/commands/makebiomcommand.cpp           |     8 +-
 source/commands/makecontigscommand.cpp        |   150 +-
 source/commands/makecontigscommand.h          |   792 +-
 source/commands/makefilecommand.cpp           |   129 +-
 source/commands/makefilecommand.h             |     3 +
 source/commands/mergetaxsummarycommand.cpp    |    35 +-
 source/commands/mgclustercommand.cpp          |    20 +-
 source/commands/mgclustercommand.h            |     2 +-
 source/commands/pcrseqscommand.cpp            |     7 +-
 source/commands/phylotypecommand.cpp          |    30 +-
 source/commands/phylotypecommand.h            |     2 -
 source/commands/preclustercommand.cpp         |   170 +-
 source/commands/preclustercommand.h           |    84 +-
 source/commands/removegroupscommand.cpp       |     6 +-
 source/commands/removelineagecommand.cpp      |    15 +-
 source/commands/removeotulabelscommand.cpp    |     9 +-
 source/commands/removeotuscommand.cpp         |   439 -
 source/commands/removeotuscommand.h           |    52 -
 source/commands/removeseqscommand.cpp         |     8 +-
 source/commands/renamefilecommand.cpp         |    19 +-
 source/commands/screenseqscommand.cpp         |    45 +-
 source/commands/screenseqscommand.h           |     2 +-
 source/commands/sensspeccommand.cpp           |    58 +-
 source/commands/sensspeccommand.h             |     3 +-
 source/commands/setcurrentcommand.cpp         |    18 +-
 source/commands/setcurrentcommand.h           |     2 +-
 source/commands/setdircommand.cpp             |    39 +-
 source/commands/setdircommand.h               |     2 +-
 source/commands/sffinfocommand.cpp            |    12 +-
 source/commands/sffmultiplecommand.cpp        |    16 +-
 source/commands/sharedcommand.cpp             |     8 +-
 source/commands/shhhercommand.cpp             |    32 +-
 source/commands/shhhseqscommand.cpp           |     3 +-
 source/commands/shhhseqscommand.h             |     3 +-
 source/commands/sortseqscommand.cpp           |     8 +-
 source/commands/sparcccommand.cpp             |     8 +-
 source/commands/splitgroupscommand.cpp        |     7 +-
 source/commands/sracommand.cpp                |     6 +-
 source/commands/sracommand.h                  |     2 +-
 source/commands/subsamplecommand.cpp          |     4 +-
 source/commands/summarytaxcommand.cpp         |   113 +-
 source/commands/summarytaxcommand.h           |     1 +
 source/datastructures/alignmentdb.cpp         |     6 +-
 source/datastructures/alignmentdb.h           |     2 +-
 source/datastructures/blastalign.cpp          |     3 +-
 source/datastructures/blastdb.cpp             |    18 +-
 source/datastructures/counttable.h            |     2 +-
 source/datastructures/kmerdb.cpp              |     2 +-
 source/datastructures/optimatrix.cpp          |   445 +
 source/datastructures/optimatrix.h            |    60 +
 source/datastructures/sequencecountparser.cpp |   169 +-
 source/datastructures/sequencecountparser.h   |    12 +-
 source/datastructures/sequencedb.cpp          |    54 -
 source/datastructures/sequencedb.h            |     2 -
 source/datastructures/sequenceparser.cpp      |   275 +-
 source/datastructures/sequenceparser.h        |     6 +-
 source/engine.cpp                             |    18 +-
 source/linearalgebra.cpp                      |     2 +-
 source/makefile                               |   171 -
 source/mothur.cpp                             |     7 +-
 source/mothurout.cpp                          |   203 +-
 source/mothurout.h                            |    19 +-
 source/opticluster.cpp                        |   632 +
 source/opticluster.h                          |    66 +
 source/optionparser.cpp                       |    26 +-
 source/read/splitmatrix.cpp                   |    13 +-
 source/read/splitmatrix.h                     |     4 +-
 source/singlelinkage.cpp                      |     1 -
 source/trimoligos.h                           |     6 +
 source/validparameter.cpp                     |    10 +-
 source/vsearchfileparser.cpp                  |     5 +-
 131 files changed, 56870 insertions(+), 4186 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mothur.git

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