[med-svn] [python-schema-salad] branch master updated (03b9483 -> 7576356)
Michael Crusoe
misterc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 13 05:29:29 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
misterc-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-schema-salad.
from 03b9483 stop generating manpage via help2man since this is broken by this upstream version
new 349d823 Fix help2man
new bfe1e0e New upstream version 1.21.20161215163938
new f3b2d26 Merge tag 'upstream/1.21.20161215163938'
new 2b8a1f2 new upstream release
new 4915ed3 2.x is ok now
new f5d6df0 New upstream version 2.2.20170111180227
new 58f5404 Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.20170111180227'
new de0aa63 new upstream release
new 7576356 remove errant .coverage file
The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
MANIFEST.in | 5 +-
PKG-INFO | 6 +-
README.rst | 4 +-
debian/changelog | 11 +-
debian/control | 6 +-
debian/rules | 13 +-
debian/watch | 2 +-
schema_salad.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 6 +-
schema_salad.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 31 +-
schema_salad.egg-info/pbr.json | 2 +-
schema_salad.egg-info/requires.txt | 13 +-
schema_salad/add_dictlist.py | 1 +
schema_salad/aslist.py | 1 +
schema_salad/flatten.py | 2 +
schema_salad/jsonld_context.py | 42 +-
schema_salad/main.py | 43 +-
schema_salad/makedoc.py | 26 +-
schema_salad/ref_resolver.py | 433 ++++++----
schema_salad/schema.py | 136 +++-
schema_salad/sourceline.py | 165 ++++
schema_salad/tests/.coverage | 1 +
schema_salad/tests/frag.yml | 4 +
schema_salad/tests/test_errors.py | 31 +
schema_salad/tests/test_errors.py~ | 1 +
schema_salad/tests/test_examples.py | 92 ++-
schema_salad/tests/test_fetch.py~ | 13 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/CommandLineTool.yml | 894 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../tests/test_schema/CommonWorkflowLanguage.yml | 11 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/Process.yml | 743 +++++++++++++++++
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/Workflow.yml | 582 ++++++++++++++
.../tests/test_schema/concepts.md | 0
.../tests/test_schema/contrib.md | 0
.../tests/test_schema/intro.md | 0
.../tests/test_schema/invocation.md | 0
.../test_schema}/metaschema_base.yml | 0
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test1.cwl | 1 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test10.cwl | 10 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test11.cwl | 10 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test2.cwl | 1 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test3.cwl | 6 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test4.cwl | 6 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test5.cwl | 6 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test6.cwl | 5 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test7.cwl | 10 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test8.cwl | 10 +
schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test9.cwl | 10 +
schema_salad/tests/test_validate.pyx | 71 ++
schema_salad/tests/test_validate.py~ | 70 ++
schema_salad/tests/util.py | 13 +
schema_salad/validate.py | 147 ++--
setup.cfg | 2 +-
setup.py | 15 +-
52 files changed, 3344 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 schema_salad/sourceline.py
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/.coverage
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/frag.yml
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_errors.py
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_errors.py~
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_fetch.py~
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/CommandLineTool.yml
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/CommonWorkflowLanguage.yml
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/Process.yml
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/Workflow.yml
copy schema_salad.egg-info/dependency_links.txt => schema_salad/tests/test_schema/concepts.md (100%)
copy schema_salad.egg-info/dependency_links.txt => schema_salad/tests/test_schema/contrib.md (100%)
copy schema_salad.egg-info/dependency_links.txt => schema_salad/tests/test_schema/intro.md (100%)
copy schema_salad.egg-info/dependency_links.txt => schema_salad/tests/test_schema/invocation.md (100%)
copy schema_salad/{metaschema => tests/test_schema}/metaschema_base.yml (100%)
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test1.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test10.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test11.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test2.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test3.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test4.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test5.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test6.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test7.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test8.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_schema/test9.cwl
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_validate.pyx
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/test_validate.py~
create mode 100644 schema_salad/tests/util.py
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-schema-salad.git
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