[med-svn] [salmon] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0+ds1'
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Jan 24 13:17:29 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository salmon.
commit ab1af01017d7ceb917666790896ba6ffaf249d09
Merge: 393bd0a 993416c
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Tue Jan 24 09:45:37 2017 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.0+ds1'
Upstream version 0.8.0+ds1
.drone.yml | 26 +
.drone.yml.sig | 1 +
.drone/build.sh | 19 +
.drone/copy_build.sh | 10 +
.drone/test_quant.sh | 27 +
CMakeLists.txt | 162 +-
doc/source/salmon.rst | 8 +-
include/AlignmentLibrary.hpp | 96 +
include/CollapsedGibbsSampler.hpp | 11 +-
include/EquivalenceClassBuilder.hpp | 2 +-
include/FragmentLengthDistribution.hpp | 11 +-
include/GCFragModel.hpp | 334 +--
include/GZipWriter.hpp | 7 +-
include/PartitionRefiner.hpp | 42 -
include/PerfectHashIndex.hpp | 174 --
include/ReadExperiment.hpp | 132 +-
include/ReadPair.hpp | 7 +-
include/SailfishUtils.hpp | 153 --
include/SalmonConfig.hpp | 9 +-
include/SalmonIndex.hpp | 9 +-
include/SalmonOpts.hpp | 29 +-
include/SalmonUtils.hpp | 6 +-
include/Sampler.hpp | 86 +-
include/SimplePosBias.hpp | 6 +
include/Transcript.hpp | 101 +-
include/TranscriptGeneMap.hpp | 16 +-
include/UnpairedRead.hpp | 2 +-
include/btree.h | 2394 ---------------------
include/btree_container.h | 350 ----
include/btree_map.h | 130 --
include/btree_set.h | 121 --
include/concurrentqueue.h | 4 +-
include/count_main_cmdline.hpp | 711 -------
include/cuckoohash_config.hh | 14 +-
include/cuckoohash_map.hh | 3572 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
include/cuckoohash_util.hh | 81 +-
include/lazy_array.hh | 119 --
include/libcuckoo_lazy_array.hh | 202 ++
include/merge_files.hpp | 30 -
include/pcg_extras.hpp | 638 ++++++
include/pcg_random.hpp | 1756 ++++++++++++++++
include/safe_btree.h | 395 ----
include/safe_btree_map.h | 89 -
include/safe_btree_set.h | 88 -
scripts/ConvertBootstrapsToTSV.py | 9 +-
scripts/Dockerfile | 34 +
scripts/fetchRapMap.sh | 4 +-
scripts/make-release.sh | 3 +
scripts/test_sim_corr.py | 48 +
src/BuildSalmonIndex.cpp | 14 +-
src/CMakeLists.txt | 40 +-
src/CollapsedEMOptimizer.cpp | 227 +-
src/CollapsedGibbsSampler.cpp | 774 +++++--
src/FASTAParser.cpp | 38 +-
src/FragmentLengthDistribution.cpp | 51 +-
src/GZipWriter.cpp | 158 +-
src/JellyfishMerCounter.cpp | 379 ----
src/LookUpTableUtils.cpp | 255 ---
src/SailfishUtils.cpp | 699 -------
src/Salmon.cpp | 123 +-
src/SalmonQuantify.cpp | 382 +++-
src/SalmonQuantifyAlignments.cpp | 213 +-
src/SalmonUtils.cpp | 347 +++-
src/SimplePosBias.cpp | 20 +-
tests/test_quant.nf | 71 +
65 files changed, 7508 insertions(+), 8561 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/salmon.git
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