[med-svn] [orthanc-dicomweb] 02/06: Updated version 0.4+dfsg from 'upstream/0.4+dfsg'
Sebastien Jodogne
jodogne-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 20 12:08:36 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jodogne-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository orthanc-dicomweb.
commit f87278f9e93e1b71638af8888496a7e19c3f44a6
Merge: 7e37555 0e0f2ec
Author: jodogne-guest <s.jodogne at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 20 13:48:59 2017 +0200
Updated version 0.4+dfsg from 'upstream/0.4+dfsg'
with Debian dir e28c25adb7dc07aacd2e49c589a54763d9d647be
.hg_archival.txt | 7 +-
AUTHORS | 11 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
NEWS | 20 +-
Orthanc/Core/ChunkedBuffer.cpp | 1 +
Orthanc/Core/ChunkedBuffer.h | 1 +
Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.cpp | 113 +++-
Orthanc/Core/Enumerations.h | 11 +-
Orthanc/Core/Logging.h | 69 ++-
Orthanc/Core/OrthancException.h | 3 +-
Orthanc/Core/PrecompiledHeaders.h | 4 +-
Orthanc/Core/SystemToolbox.cpp | 552 +++++++++++++++++
.../Core/{OrthancException.h => SystemToolbox.h} | 101 ++--
Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.cpp | 650 ++++++---------------
Orthanc/Core/Toolbox.h | 106 ++--
Orthanc/Core/WebServiceParameters.cpp | 14 +-
Orthanc/Core/WebServiceParameters.h | 7 +
.../Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.cpp | 595 +++++++++++++++----
.../Samples/Common/OrthancPluginCppWrapper.h | 280 ++++++---
.../Samples/Common/OrthancPluginException.h | 101 ++++
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/BoostConfiguration.cmake | 60 +-
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/Compiler.cmake | 29 +-
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/DownloadPackage.cmake | 22 +-
.../Resources/CMake/GoogleTestConfiguration.cmake | 29 +-
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/JsonCppConfiguration.cmake | 2 +-
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/PugixmlConfiguration.cmake | 8 +-
Orthanc/Resources/CMake/ZlibConfiguration.cmake | 6 +-
Orthanc/Resources/ThirdParty/VisualStudio/stdint.h | 506 ++++++++--------
Orthanc/Resources/WindowsResources.py | 1 +
Plugin/Configuration.cpp | 223 ++++---
Plugin/Configuration.h | 1 +
Plugin/Dicom.cpp | 11 +-
Plugin/Dicom.h | 2 +
Plugin/DicomResults.cpp | 17 +-
Plugin/DicomResults.h | 1 +
Plugin/DicomWebClient.cpp | 119 ++--
Plugin/DicomWebClient.h | 1 +
Plugin/DicomWebServers.cpp | 13 +-
Plugin/DicomWebServers.h | 1 +
Plugin/Plugin.cpp | 18 +-
Plugin/Plugin.h | 1 +
Plugin/QidoRs.cpp | 37 +-
Plugin/QidoRs.h | 1 +
Plugin/StowRs.cpp | 7 +
Plugin/StowRs.h | 1 +
Plugin/WadoRs.cpp | 21 +-
Plugin/WadoRs.h | 1 +
Plugin/WadoRsRetrieveFrames.cpp | 133 +++--
Plugin/WadoUri.cpp | 15 +-
Plugin/WadoUri.h | 1 +
README | 5 +-
Resources/BuildInstructions.txt | 11 +-
Resources/CMake/GdcmConfiguration.cmake | 4 +-
Resources/Samples/JavaScript/qido-rs.js | 1 +
Resources/Samples/JavaScript/stow-rs.js | 1 +
Resources/Samples/Python/SendStow.py | 8 +-
Resources/Samples/Python/WadoRetrieveStudy.py | 1 +
Resources/SyncOrthancFolder.py | 3 +
Status.txt | 16 +
UnitTestsSources/UnitTestsMain.cpp | 10 +
Usage.txt | 284 ---------
61 files changed, 2724 insertions(+), 1560 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/orthanc-dicomweb.git
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