[med-svn] [python-biopython] branch master updated (a28a896 -> 93f39f7)
Steffen Möller
moeller at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 24 13:56:44 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
moeller pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-biopython.
from a28a896 Upload to unstable
new e6d5572 New upstream version 1.70+dfsg
new ab67306 Updated version 1.70+dfsg from 'upstream/1.70+dfsg'
new 93f39f7 Preparations for new Upstream versions
The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.appveyor.yml | 48 +
.codecov.yml | 2 +-
.gitignore | 7 +
.travis-tox.ini | 75 +-
.travis.yml | 88 +-
Bio/.flake8 | 58 +
Bio/Affy/CelFile.py | 257 +-
Bio/Affy/__init__.py | 3 +-
Bio/Align/AlignInfo.py | 251 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_ClustalOmega.py | 6 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Clustalw.py | 4 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Dialign.py | 4 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_MSAProbs.py | 3 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Mafft.py | 9 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Muscle.py | 486 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Prank.py | 9 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_Probcons.py | 4 +-
Bio/Align/Applications/_TCoffee.py | 1 +
Bio/Align/Applications/__init__.py | 4 +-
Bio/Align/Generic.py | 452 -
Bio/Align/__init__.py | 308 +-
Bio/AlignIO/ClustalIO.py | 8 +-
Bio/AlignIO/EmbossIO.py | 22 +-
Bio/AlignIO/FastaIO.py | 21 +-
Bio/AlignIO/Interfaces.py | 49 +-
Bio/AlignIO/MafIO.py | 718 +
Bio/AlignIO/MauveIO.py | 321 +
Bio/AlignIO/NexusIO.py | 94 +-
Bio/AlignIO/PhylipIO.py | 22 +-
Bio/AlignIO/StockholmIO.py | 107 +-
Bio/AlignIO/__init__.py | 90 +-
Bio/Alphabet/IUPAC.py | 41 +-
Bio/Alphabet/Reduced.py | 12 +
Bio/Alphabet/__init__.py | 26 +-
Bio/Application/__init__.py | 95 +-
Bio/Blast/Applications.py | 31 +
Bio/Blast/NCBIStandalone.py | 24 +-
Bio/Blast/NCBIXML.py | 156 +-
Bio/Blast/ParseBlastTable.py | 1 +
Bio/Blast/Record.py | 10 +
Bio/CAPS/__init__.py | 6 +-
Bio/Cluster/__init__.py | 523 +-
Bio/Compass/__init__.py | 1 +
Bio/Crystal/__init__.py | 8 +-
Bio/Data/CodonTable.py | 4 +-
Bio/Data/IUPACData.py | 3 +
Bio/DocSQL.py | 15 +-
Bio/Emboss/Applications.py | 23 +-
Bio/Emboss/Primer3.py | 5 +-
Bio/Emboss/PrimerSearch.py | 15 +-
Bio/Entrez/DTDs/nlmcatalogrecordset_170601.dtd | 280 +
Bio/Entrez/Parser.py | 20 +-
Bio/Entrez/__init__.py | 53 +-
Bio/ExPASy/Enzyme.py | 32 +-
Bio/ExPASy/Prodoc.py | 24 +-
Bio/ExPASy/Prosite.py | 141 +-
Bio/ExPASy/ScanProsite.py | 2 +-
Bio/ExPASy/__init__.py | 111 +-
Bio/ExPASy/cellosaurus.py | 164 +
Bio/FSSP/FSSPTools.py | 6 +-
Bio/FSSP/__init__.py | 15 +-
Bio/FSSP/fssp_rec.py | 1 +
Bio/File.py | 119 +-
Bio/GA/Crossover/General.py | 15 +-
Bio/GA/Crossover/GeneralPoint.py | 77 +-
Bio/GA/Crossover/Point.py | 4 +-
Bio/GA/Crossover/TwoPoint.py | 15 +-
Bio/GA/Crossover/Uniform.py | 8 +-
Bio/GA/Evolver.py | 24 +-
Bio/GA/Mutation/General.py | 20 +-
Bio/GA/Mutation/Simple.py | 30 +-
Bio/GA/Organism.py | 95 +-
Bio/GA/Repair/Stabilizing.py | 19 +-
Bio/GA/Selection/Abstract.py | 22 +-
Bio/GA/Selection/Diversity.py | 15 +-
Bio/GA/Selection/RouletteWheel.py | 34 +-
Bio/GA/Selection/Tournament.py | 18 +-
Bio/GA/__init__.py | 16 +-
Bio/GenBank/Record.py | 245 +-
Bio/GenBank/Scanner.py | 330 +-
Bio/GenBank/__init__.py | 269 +-
Bio/GenBank/utils.py | 10 +-
Bio/Geo/Record.py | 1 +
Bio/Graphics/BasicChromosome.py | 126 +-
Bio/Graphics/ColorSpiral.py | 17 +-
Bio/Graphics/Comparative.py | 8 +-
Bio/Graphics/DisplayRepresentation.py | 31 +-
Bio/Graphics/Distribution.py | 13 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_AbstractDrawer.py | 191 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_CircularDrawer.py | 318 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_Colors.py | 155 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_CrossLink.py | 19 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_Diagram.py | 130 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_Feature.py | 197 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_FeatureSet.py | 16 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_Graph.py | 180 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_GraphSet.py | 157 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_LinearDrawer.py | 428 +-
Bio/Graphics/GenomeDiagram/_Track.py | 331 +-
Bio/Graphics/KGML_vis.py | 26 +-
Bio/Graphics/__init__.py | 2 +-
Bio/HMM/DynamicProgramming.py | 78 +-
Bio/HMM/MarkovModel.py | 100 +-
Bio/HMM/Trainer.py | 139 +-
Bio/HMM/Utilities.py | 10 +-
Bio/Index.py | 7 +-
Bio/KDTree/KDTree.py | 4 +
Bio/KEGG/Compound/__init__.py | 1 +
Bio/KEGG/Enzyme/__init__.py | 4 +-
Bio/KEGG/KGML/KGML_parser.py | 87 +-
Bio/KEGG/KGML/KGML_pathway.py | 116 +-
Bio/KEGG/KGML/__init__.py | 5 +-
Bio/KEGG/Map/__init__.py | 12 +-
Bio/KEGG/REST.py | 2 +-
Bio/KEGG/__init__.py | 18 +-
Bio/LogisticRegression.py | 1 +
Bio/MarkovModel.py | 66 +-
Bio/MaxEntropy.py | 158 +-
Bio/Medline/__init__.py | 2 +
Bio/NMR/NOEtools.py | 2 +-
Bio/NMR/xpktools.py | 11 +-
Bio/NaiveBayes.py | 70 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/BackPropagation/Layer.py | 89 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/BackPropagation/Network.py | 43 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/Gene/Motif.py | 41 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/Gene/Pattern.py | 56 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/Gene/Schema.py | 200 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/Gene/Signature.py | 46 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/StopTraining.py | 18 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/Training.py | 48 +-
Bio/NeuralNetwork/__init__.py | 15 +-
Bio/Nexus/Nexus.py | 125 +-
Bio/Nexus/StandardData.py | 18 +-
Bio/Nexus/Trees.py | 45 +-
Bio/PDB/AbstractPropertyMap.py | 17 +-
Bio/PDB/Atom.py | 10 +-
Bio/PDB/Chain.py | 30 +-
Bio/PDB/DSSP.py | 151 +-
Bio/PDB/Dice.py | 22 +-
Bio/PDB/Entity.py | 126 +-
Bio/PDB/FragmentMapper.py | 95 +-
Bio/PDB/HSExposure.py | 87 +-
Bio/PDB/MMCIF2Dict.py | 38 +-
Bio/PDB/MMCIFParser.py | 47 +-
Bio/PDB/Model.py | 14 +-
Bio/PDB/NeighborSearch.py | 8 +-
Bio/PDB/PDBIO.py | 33 +-
Bio/PDB/PDBList.py | 321 +-
Bio/PDB/PDBParser.py | 27 +-
Bio/PDB/PSEA.py | 4 +-
Bio/PDB/Polypeptide.py | 40 +-
Bio/PDB/QCPSuperimposer/__init__.py | 80 +-
Bio/PDB/Residue.py | 39 +-
Bio/PDB/ResidueDepth.py | 479 +-
Bio/PDB/Selection.py | 15 +-
Bio/PDB/Structure.py | 8 +-
Bio/PDB/StructureAlignment.py | 68 +-
Bio/PDB/StructureBuilder.py | 70 +-
Bio/PDB/Superimposer.py | 39 +-
Bio/PDB/Vector.py | 169 +-
Bio/PDB/mmtf/DefaultParser.py | 38 +-
Bio/PDB/mmtf/__init__.py | 7 +-
Bio/PDB/parse_pdb_header.py | 23 +-
Bio/ParserSupport.py | 55 +-
Bio/Pathway/__init__.py | 47 +-
Bio/Phylo/Applications/__init__.py | 4 +-
Bio/Phylo/BaseTree.py | 41 +-
Bio/Phylo/CDAO.py | 2 +
Bio/Phylo/CDAOIO.py | 29 +-
Bio/Phylo/Consensus.py | 26 +-
Bio/Phylo/NeXML.py | 2 +
Bio/Phylo/NeXMLIO.py | 11 +-
Bio/Phylo/Newick.py | 2 +
Bio/Phylo/NewickIO.py | 12 +-
Bio/Phylo/NexusIO.py | 2 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/_paml.py | 61 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/_parse_baseml.py | 18 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/_parse_codeml.py | 53 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/_parse_yn00.py | 29 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/baseml.py | 16 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/codeml.py | 19 +-
Bio/Phylo/PAML/yn00.py | 12 +-
Bio/Phylo/PhyloXML.py | 79 +-
Bio/Phylo/PhyloXMLIO.py | 20 +-
Bio/Phylo/TreeConstruction.py | 116 +-
Bio/Phylo/__init__.py | 3 +-
Bio/Phylo/_cdao_owl.py | 3 +-
Bio/Phylo/_io.py | 2 +-
Bio/Phylo/_utils.py | 17 +-
Bio/PopGen/Async/Local.py | 65 -
Bio/PopGen/Async/__init__.py | 122 -
Bio/PopGen/FDist/Async.py | 180 -
Bio/PopGen/FDist/Controller.py | 297 -
Bio/PopGen/FDist/Utils.py | 214 -
Bio/PopGen/FDist/__init__.py | 93 -
Bio/PopGen/GenePop/Controller.py | 104 +-
Bio/PopGen/GenePop/EasyController.py | 45 +-
Bio/PopGen/GenePop/FileParser.py | 81 +-
Bio/PopGen/GenePop/LargeFileParser.py | 12 +-
Bio/PopGen/GenePop/__init__.py | 37 +-
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/Async.py | 31 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/Cache.py | 86 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/Controller.py | 222 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/Template.py | 228 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/__init__.py | 26 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/bottle.par | 14 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/decline_lambda.par | 14 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/decline_split.par | 23 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/island.par | 14 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/simple.par | 12 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/split_island.par | 17 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/split_ssm_1d.par | 17 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/split_ssm_2d.par | 17 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/ssm_1d.par | 14 -
Bio/PopGen/SimCoal/data/ssm_2d.par | 14 -
Bio/Restriction/PrintFormat.py | 38 +-
Bio/Restriction/Restriction.py | 1132 +-
Bio/Restriction/Restriction_Dictionary.py | 20115 ++++----
Bio/Restriction/__init__.py | 4 +-
Bio/SCOP/Cla.py | 10 +-
Bio/SCOP/Des.py | 6 +-
Bio/SCOP/Dom.py | 7 +-
Bio/SCOP/Hie.py | 5 +-
Bio/SCOP/Raf.py | 57 +-
Bio/SCOP/__init__.py | 160 +-
Bio/SVDSuperimposer/__init__.py | 110 +-
Bio/SearchIO/BlastIO/__init__.py | 16 +-
Bio/SearchIO/BlastIO/blast_tab.py | 14 +-
Bio/SearchIO/BlastIO/blast_text.py | 3 +-
Bio/SearchIO/BlastIO/blast_xml.py | 142 +-
Bio/SearchIO/BlatIO.py | 27 +-
Bio/SearchIO/ExonerateIO/_base.py | 128 +-
Bio/SearchIO/ExonerateIO/exonerate_cigar.py | 8 +-
Bio/SearchIO/ExonerateIO/exonerate_text.py | 21 +-
Bio/SearchIO/ExonerateIO/exonerate_vulgar.py | 4 +-
Bio/SearchIO/FastaIO.py | 17 +-
Bio/SearchIO/HmmerIO/_base.py | 6 +-
Bio/SearchIO/HmmerIO/hmmer2_text.py | 5 +-
Bio/SearchIO/HmmerIO/hmmer3_domtab.py | 29 +-
Bio/SearchIO/HmmerIO/hmmer3_tab.py | 8 +-
Bio/SearchIO/HmmerIO/hmmer3_text.py | 15 +-
Bio/SearchIO/__init__.py | 2 +-
Bio/SearchIO/_index.py | 10 +-
Bio/SearchIO/_model/__init__.py | 2 +-
Bio/SearchIO/_model/_base.py | 2 -
Bio/SearchIO/_model/hit.py | 1 -
Bio/SearchIO/_model/hsp.py | 3 +-
Bio/SearchIO/_model/query.py | 17 +-
Bio/SearchIO/_utils.py | 6 +-
Bio/Seq.py | 677 +-
Bio/SeqFeature.py | 372 +-
Bio/SeqIO/AbiIO.py | 63 +-
Bio/SeqIO/FastaIO.py | 7 +-
Bio/SeqIO/IgIO.py | 1 +
Bio/SeqIO/InsdcIO.py | 183 +-
Bio/SeqIO/Interfaces.py | 63 +-
Bio/SeqIO/PirIO.py | 21 +-
Bio/SeqIO/QualityIO.py | 40 +-
Bio/SeqIO/SeqXmlIO.py | 29 +-
Bio/SeqIO/SffIO.py | 273 +-
Bio/SeqIO/SwissIO.py | 5 +
Bio/SeqIO/TabIO.py | 3 +-
Bio/SeqIO/UniprotIO.py | 76 +-
Bio/SeqIO/__init__.py | 122 +-
Bio/SeqIO/_index.py | 172 +-
Bio/SeqRecord.py | 74 +-
Bio/SeqUtils/CheckSum.py | 1 +
Bio/SeqUtils/CodonUsage.py | 1 -
Bio/SeqUtils/MeltingTemp.py | 14 +-
Bio/SeqUtils/ProtParam.py | 3 +-
Bio/SeqUtils/ProtParamData.py | 2 +-
Bio/SeqUtils/__init__.py | 50 +-
Bio/SeqUtils/lcc.py | 3 +-
Bio/Sequencing/Ace.py | 22 +-
Bio/Sequencing/Applications/_Novoalign.py | 1 +
Bio/Sequencing/Applications/__init__.py | 12 +-
Bio/Sequencing/Applications/_bwa.py | 9 +-
Bio/Sequencing/Applications/_samtools.py | 87 +-
Bio/Sequencing/Phd.py | 5 +-
Bio/Statistics/lowess.py | 14 +-
Bio/SubsMat/FreqTable.py | 4 +-
Bio/SubsMat/MatrixInfo.py | 80 +
Bio/SubsMat/__init__.py | 116 +-
Bio/SwissProt/KeyWList.py | 18 +-
Bio/SwissProt/__init__.py | 142 +-
Bio/TogoWS/__init__.py | 72 +-
Bio/UniGene/__init__.py | 38 +-
Bio/UniProt/GOA.py | 232 +-
Bio/Wise/__init__.py | 11 +-
Bio/Wise/dnal.py | 13 +-
Bio/Wise/psw.py | 12 +-
Bio/__init__.py | 16 +-
Bio/_py3k/__init__.py | 97 +-
Bio/_py3k/_ordereddict.py | 129 -
Bio/_utils.py | 4 +-
Bio/bgzf.py | 27 +-
Bio/codonalign/__init__.py | 99 +-
Bio/codonalign/chisq.py | 256 +-
Bio/codonalign/codonalignment.py | 90 +-
Bio/codonalign/codonalphabet.py | 24 +-
Bio/codonalign/codonseq.py | 83 +-
Bio/kNN.py | 34 +-
Bio/motifs/__init__.py | 40 +-
Bio/motifs/alignace.py | 5 +-
Bio/motifs/applications/_xxmotif.py | 2 +-
Bio/motifs/jaspar/__init__.py | 5 +-
Bio/motifs/jaspar/db.py | 71 +-
Bio/motifs/mast.py | 1 +
Bio/motifs/matrix.py | 73 +-
Bio/motifs/meme.py | 20 +-
Bio/motifs/thresholds.py | 18 +-
Bio/motifs/transfac.py | 186 +-
Bio/pairwise2.py | 199 +-
Bio/phenotype/__init__.py | 1 -
Bio/phenotype/phen_micro.py | 29 +-
Bio/phenotype/pm_fitting.py | 6 +-
Bio/trie.c | 18 +-
Bio/triefind.py | 5 +-
Bio/triemodule.c | 6 +
BioSQL/.flake8 | 15 +
BioSQL/BioSeq.py | 48 +-
BioSQL/BioSeqDatabase.py | 184 +-
BioSQL/DBUtils.py | 27 +-
BioSQL/Loader.py | 154 +-
BioSQL/__init__.py | 10 +-
CONTRIB | 162 +-
CONTRIB.rst | 214 +
CONTRIBUTING.rst | 113 +
Doc/Tutorial.tex | 8 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_align.tex | 2 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_appendix.tex | 5 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_blast.tex | 6 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_cluster.tex | 34 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_cookbook.tex | 184 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_entrez.tex | 253 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_graphics.tex | 6 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_introduction.tex | 38 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_kegg.tex | 15 +
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_motifs.tex | 18 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_pdb.tex | 17 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_phenotype.tex | 2 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_phylo.tex | 2 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_popgen.tex | 5 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_searchio.tex | 12 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_seq_annot.tex | 12 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_seqio.tex | 154 +-
Doc/Tutorial/chapter_uniprot.tex | 25 +-
Doc/biopdb_faq.tex | 4 +-
Doc/examples/.flake8 | 14 +
Doc/examples/Proux_et_al_2002_Figure_6.py | 3 +-
Doc/examples/clustal_run.py | 5 +-
Doc/examples/ec_5.4.2.2.txt | 3636 ++
Doc/examples/fasta_iterator.py | 1 +
Doc/examples/getgene.py | 7 +-
Doc/examples/ls_orchid.gbk.bz2 | Bin 0 -> 20040 bytes
Doc/examples/ls_orchid.gbk.gz | Bin 0 -> 24986 bytes
Doc/examples/make_subsmat.py | 3 +-
Doc/images/biopython_logo.pdf | Bin 0 -> 8249 bytes
Doc/images/biopython_logo.svg | 162 +
Doc/images/biopython_logo_l.png | Bin 0 -> 135570 bytes
Doc/images/biopython_logo_m.png | Bin 0 -> 64156 bytes
.../{biopython.jpg => biopython_logo_old.jpg} | Bin
Doc/images/biopython_logo_s.png | Bin 0 -> 29744 bytes
Doc/images/biopython_logo_xs.png | Bin 0 -> 19480 bytes
LICENSE | 20 +-
LICENSE.rst | 68 +
MANIFEST.in | 17 +-
NEWS | 1915 +-
NEWS => NEWS.rst | 1383 +-
README | 261 +-
README.rst | 295 +-
Scripts/.flake8 | 27 +
Scripts/GenBank/check_output.py | 1 +
Scripts/Performance/biosql_performance_load.py | 4 +-
Scripts/Performance/biosql_performance_read.py | 4 +-
Scripts/Restriction/ranacompiler.py | 86 +-
Scripts/Restriction/rebase_update.py | 12 +-
Scripts/SeqGui/SeqGui.py | 1 +
Scripts/debug/debug_blast_parser.py | 14 +-
Scripts/query_pubmed.py | 1 +
Scripts/scop_pdb.py | 1 +
Scripts/xbbtools/nextorf.py | 17 +-
Scripts/xbbtools/xbb_blast.py | 2 +-
Scripts/xbbtools/xbb_blastbg.py | 3 +-
Scripts/xbbtools/xbb_translations.py | 3 +-
Scripts/xbbtools/xbb_widget.py | 1 +
Tests/.coveragerc | 18 +
Tests/.flake8 | 53 +
Tests/Abi/test.fsa | Bin 0 -> 78167 bytes
Tests/Affy/affy_v4_example.CEL | Bin 0 -> 1079 bytes
Tests/BioSQL/cor6_6.db | Bin 417792 -> 417792 bytes
Tests/Blat/README.txt | 8 +
Tests/Blat/psl_35_001.psl | 13 +
Tests/Blat/psl_35_002.psl | 8 +
Tests/Blat/pslx_35_002.pslx | 8 +
Tests/Cellosaurus/cell_lines_1.txt | 14 +
Tests/Cellosaurus/cell_lines_2.txt | 63 +
Tests/Cellosaurus/cell_lines_3.txt | 9 +
Tests/Cluster/README | 13 +
Tests/Cluster/cyano.txt | 91 +
Tests/EMBL/hla_3260_sample.imgt | 956 +
Tests/EMBL/kipo_prt_sample.embl | 596 +
Tests/GenBank/EU851978_output.gbk | 87 +
Tests/GenBank/HM138502_output.gbk | 78 +
Tests/GenBank/KF527485_output.gbk | 82 +
Tests/Hmmer/README.txt | 6 +-
Tests/Hmmer/text_31b2_hmmsearch_001.out | 234 +
Tests/Hmmer/text_31b2_hmmsearch_002.out | 465 +
Tests/KEGG/enzyme.4letter | 3832 ++
Tests/KEGG/ko00010.xml | 1485 +
Tests/KEGG/ko00253.xml | 359 +
Tests/MAF/bug2453.maf | 26 +
Tests/MAF/bundle_without_target.maf | 6 +
Tests/MAF/cnksr3.fa | 70 +
Tests/MAF/corrupt.idx | Bin 0 -> 6144 bytes
Tests/MAF/humor.maf | 10 +
Tests/MAF/invalid.idx | 1 +
Tests/MAF/length_coords_mismatch.maf | 15 +
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10.maf | 981 +
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10.mafindex | Bin 0 -> 6144 bytes
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10_bad.maf | 981 +
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10_bad.mafindex | Bin 0 -> 6144 bytes
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10_big.maf | 42124 ++++++++++++++++
Tests/MAF/ucsc_mm9_chr10_big.mafindex | Bin 0 -> 60416 bytes
Tests/MAF/ucsc_test.maf | 27 +
Tests/MAF/unfinished.idx | Bin 0 -> 6144 bytes
Tests/MAF/wrong_version.idx | Bin 0 -> 6144 bytes
Tests/MEME/mast.dna.oops.txt | 301 -
Tests/MEME/mast.protein.oops.txt | 885 -
Tests/MEME/mast.protein.tcm.txt | 332 -
Tests/MEME/meme.dna.oops.txt | 324 -
Tests/MEME/meme.protein.oops.txt | 630 -
Tests/MEME/meme.protein.tcm.txt | 466 -
Tests/Mauve/simple.fa | 400 +
Tests/Mauve/simple.xmfa | 375 +
Tests/Mauve/simple.xmfa.backbone | 7 +
Tests/Mauve/simple.xmfa.bbcols | 3 +
Tests/PAML/Alignments/longnames.fasta | 63 +
Tests/PAML/Control_files/yn00/yn00.ctl | 2 +-
.../Control_files/yn00/{yn00.ctl => yn00_long.ctl} | 34 +-
Tests/PAML/Results/yn00/yn00-4_8.out | 262 +
Tests/PAML/Results/yn00/yn00_long-4_8.out | 434 +
Tests/PAML/gen_results.py | 7 +-
Tests/PDB/1A8O.mmtf | Bin 12510 -> 12510 bytes
Tests/PDB/1A8O.xyzr | 644 +
Tests/PDB/1AS5.cif | 5995 +++
Tests/PDB/2BEG.cif | 20317 ++++++++
Tests/PDB/3JQH.cif | 1507 +
Tests/PDB/4CUP.mmtf | Bin 19438 -> 19438 bytes
Tests/PDB/4ZHL.mmtf | Bin 27073 -> 27073 bytes
Tests/PDB/a_structure.pdb | 2 +-
Tests/PDB/alignment_file.fa | 4 +
Tests/PDB/lib_10_z_5.txt | 131 +
Tests/PopGen/README | 7 -
Tests/PopGen/data_dfst_outfile | 300 -
Tests/PopGen/data_fst_outfile | 4 -
Tests/PopGen/dfdist1 | 1204 -
Tests/PopGen/dout.cpl | 300 -
Tests/PopGen/dout.dat | 50000 -------------------
Tests/PopGen/fdist1 | 24 -
Tests/PopGen/out.cpl | 8 -
Tests/PopGen/out.dat | 4999 --
Tests/PopGen/simple.par | 18 -
Tests/SwissProt/P84001.xml | 110 +
Tests/SwissProt/P97881.xml | 303 +
Tests/SwissProt/R5HY77.xml | 215 +
Tests/SwissProt/README | 3 +-
Tests/UniProt/goa_yeast.gaf | 599 +
Tests/biosql.ini.appveyor | 27 +
Tests/common_BioSQL.py | 189 +-
Tests/common_BioSQL_online.py | 30 +-
Tests/motifs/meme_v_4_11_4.txt | 226 +
Tests/output/test_AlignIO | 214 +
Tests/output/test_AlignIO_MauveIO | 1 +
Tests/output/test_GenBank | 154 +-
Tests/output/test_KEGG | 857 -
Tests/output/test_QCPSuperimposer | 12 -
Tests/output/test_SVDSuperimposer | 12 -
Tests/output/test_SeqIO | 398 +
Tests/run_tests.py | 111 +-
Tests/search_tests_common.py | 10 +-
Tests/seq_tests_common.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_Affy.py | 192 +
Tests/test_AlignIO.py | 71 +-
Tests/test_AlignIO_ClustalIO.py | 7 +-
Tests/test_AlignIO_EmbossIO.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_AlignIO_MauveIO.py | 111 +
Tests/test_AlignIO_convert.py | 1 +
Tests/test_AlignInfo.py | 36 +-
Tests/test_BWA_tool.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_MySQLdb.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_MySQLdb_online.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_mysql_connector.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_mysql_connector_online.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_psycopg2.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_psycopg2_online.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_sqlite3.py | 9 +-
Tests/test_BioSQL_sqlite3_online.py | 5 +-
Tests/test_CelFile.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_Chi2.py | 1 +
Tests/test_ClustalOmega_tool.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_Clustalw_tool.py | 2 +-
Tests/test_Cluster.py | 15 +-
Tests/test_ColorSpiral.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_Compass.py | 1 +
Tests/test_Consensus.py | 9 +-
Tests/test_Crystal.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_DSSP_tool.py | 39 +-
Tests/test_DocSQL.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_Emboss.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_EmbossPhylipNew.py | 1 +
Tests/test_EmbossPrimer.py | 10 +-
Tests/test_Entrez.py | 30 +-
Tests/test_Entrez_online.py | 83 +-
Tests/test_Entrez_parser.py | 19 +-
Tests/test_Enzyme.py | 29 +
Tests/test_ExPASy.py | 58 +
Tests/test_GACrossover.py | 19 +-
Tests/test_GAMutation.py | 13 +-
Tests/test_GAOrganism.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_GAQueens.py | 79 +-
Tests/test_GARepair.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_GASelection.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_GenBank.py | 82 +-
Tests/test_GenBank_unittest.py | 156 +-
Tests/test_GenomeDiagram.py | 20 +-
Tests/test_GraphicsBitmaps.py | 9 +-
Tests/test_GraphicsChromosome.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_GraphicsDistribution.py | 5 +-
Tests/test_GraphicsGeneral.py | 60 +-
Tests/test_HMMCasino.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_HMMGeneral.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_KDTree.py | 2 +
Tests/test_KEGG.py | 170 +-
Tests/test_KEGG_online.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_KGML_graphics.py | 2 -
Tests/test_KGML_graphics_online.py | 2 -
Tests/test_KGML_nographics.py | 18 +-
Tests/test_KeyWList.py | 1 +
Tests/test_LogisticRegression.py | 1 +
Tests/test_MafIO_index.py | 426 +
Tests/test_Mafft_tool.py | 35 +-
Tests/test_MarkovModel.py | 265 +-
Tests/test_Muscle_tool.py | 9 +-
Tests/test_NCBITextParser.py | 2 +-
Tests/test_NCBI_BLAST_tools.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_NCBI_qblast.py | 14 +-
Tests/test_NNExclusiveOr.py | 13 +-
Tests/test_NNGene.py | 23 +-
Tests/test_NNGeneral.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_NaiveBayes.py | 10 +
Tests/test_Nexus.py | 161 +-
Tests/test_PAML_baseml.py | 43 +-
Tests/test_PAML_codeml.py | 149 +-
Tests/test_PAML_tools.py | 16 +-
Tests/test_PAML_yn00.py | 29 +-
Tests/test_PDB.py | 315 +-
Tests/test_PDBList.py | 117 +
Tests/test_PDB_FragmentMapper.py | 40 +
Tests/test_PDB_MMCIF2Dict.py | 38 +
Tests/{test_MMCIF.py => test_PDB_MMCIFParser.py} | 82 +
Tests/test_PDB_Polypetide.py | 69 +
Tests/test_PDB_StructureAlignment.py | 49 +
Tests/test_PDB_Superimposer.py | 113 +
Tests/test_ParserSupport.py | 4 +
Tests/test_Phd.py | 1 +
Tests/test_Phylo.py | 2 +
Tests/test_PhyloXML.py | 1 +
Tests/test_Phylo_CDAO.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_Phylo_NeXML.py | 2 +
Tests/test_Phylo_matplotlib.py | 14 +-
Tests/test_PopGen_DFDist.py | 133 -
Tests/test_PopGen_FDist.py | 128 -
Tests/test_PopGen_FDist_nodepend.py | 108 -
Tests/test_PopGen_FastSimCoal.py | 63 -
Tests/test_PopGen_GenePop.py | 1 +
Tests/test_PopGen_GenePop_EasyController.py | 7 +
Tests/test_PopGen_GenePop_nodepend.py | 82 +-
Tests/test_PopGen_SimCoal.py | 65 -
Tests/test_PopGen_SimCoal_nodepend.py | 52 -
Tests/test_Prank_tool.py | 26 +-
Tests/test_QCPSuperimposer.py | 227 +-
Tests/test_RCSBFormats.py | 1 +
Tests/test_Restriction.py | 486 +-
Tests/test_SCOP_Astral.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_SCOP_Cla.py | 2 +-
Tests/test_SCOP_Residues.py | 2 +-
Tests/test_SCOP_online.py | 1 +
Tests/test_SVDSuperimposer.py | 142 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_blast_text.py | 2 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_blast_xml.py | 40 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_blast_xml_index.py | 1 -
Tests/test_SearchIO_blat_psl.py | 107 +
Tests/test_SearchIO_exonerate.py | 70 +
Tests/test_SearchIO_hmmer2_text_index.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_hmmer3_domtab.py | 1 +
Tests/test_SearchIO_hmmer3_text.py | 31 +
Tests/test_SearchIO_hmmer3_text_index.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_model.py | 60 +-
Tests/test_SearchIO_write.py | 12 +
Tests/test_SeqFeature.py | 84 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_AbiIO.py | 43 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_FastaIO.py | 3 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_Insdc.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_PdbIO.py | 5 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_QualityIO.py | 14 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_SeqXML.py | 4 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_convert.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_features.py | 56 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_index.py | 52 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_online.py | 14 +-
Tests/test_SeqIO_write.py | 25 +-
Tests/test_SeqRecord.py | 15 +-
Tests/test_SeqUtils.py | 6 +-
Tests/test_Seq_objs.py | 164 +-
Tests/test_SffIO.py | 194 +-
Tests/test_SubsMat.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_SwissProt.py | 77 +-
Tests/test_TCoffee_tool.py | 12 +-
Tests/test_TogoWS.py | 85 +-
Tests/test_TreeConstruction.py | 72 +-
Tests/test_Tutorial.py | 62 +-
Tests/test_Uniprot.py | 57 +-
Tests/test_XXmotif_tool.py | 10 +-
Tests/test_align.py | 13 +-
Tests/test_bgzf.py | 16 +-
Tests/test_cellosaurus.py | 135 +
Tests/test_codonalign.py | 35 +-
Tests/test_kNN.py | 2 +
Tests/test_lowess.py | 1 +
Tests/test_mmtf.py | 11 +-
Tests/test_mmtf_online.py | 32 +
Tests/test_motifs.py | 152 +-
Tests/test_pairwise2.py | 62 +-
Tests/test_phenotype.py | 1 +
Tests/test_phenotype_fit.py | 5 +-
Tests/test_phyml_tool.py | 16 +-
Tests/test_psw.py | 1 +
Tests/test_py3k.py | 24 -
Tests/test_raxml_tool.py | 3 +-
Tests/test_samtools_tool.py | 31 +-
Tests/test_seq.py | 463 +-
Tests/test_trie.py | 40 +-
debian/changelog | 11 +
debian/control | 2 +
debian/patches/fix_test_phyml_tool.patch | 18 -
debian/patches/series | 3 +-
debian/rules | 22 +-
debian/upstream/metadata | 7 +
setup.py | 304 +-
653 files changed, 120279 insertions(+), 86739 deletions(-)
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mode change 100755 => 100644
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/python-biopython.git
More information about the debian-med-commit
mailing list