[med-svn] [plink1.9] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 1.90~b4.4-170531

Dylan Aïssi bob.dybian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jun 6 14:06:03 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bob.dybian-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository plink1.9.

commit 66f851f2fb7ae47643a99bca9b34dcb9da6a4dff
Author: Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jun 6 16:05:25 2017 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 1.90~b4.4-170531
 plink.c        |  41 ++++--
 plink_calc.c   |   2 +-
 plink_common.c |   4 +-
 plink_common.h |   6 +-
 plink_data.c   |  10 +-
 plink_family.c | 400 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 plink_family.h |   3 +
 plink_glm.c    | 280 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 plink_help.c   |  13 +-
 plink_matrix.c |  26 ++--
 plink_misc.c   |  18 ++-
 11 files changed, 629 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plink.c b/plink.c
index b28fbb9..4e3d37c 100644
--- a/plink.c
+++ b/plink.c
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 static const char ver_str[] =
-  "PLINK v1.90b4.1"
+  "PLINK v1.90b4.4"
   "PLINK v1.90p"
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ static const char ver_str[] =
   " 32-bit"
-  " (30 Mar 2017)";
+  " (31 May 2017)";
 static const char ver_str2[] =
   // include leading space if day < 10, so character length stays the same
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ static const char notestr_null_calc2[] = "Commands include --make-bed, --recode,
   #ifndef NOLAPACK
-static const char notestr_null_calc2[] = "Commands include --make-bed, --recode, --flip-scan, --merge-list,\n--write-snplist, --list-duplicate-vars, --freqx, --missing, --test-mishap,\n--hardy, --mendel, --ibc, --impute-sex, --indep-pairphase, --r2, --show-tags,\n--blocks, --distance, --genome, --homozyg, --make-rel, --make-grm-gz,\n--rel-cutoff, --cluster, --pca, --neighbour, --ibs-test, --regress-distance,\n--model, --bd, --gxe, --logistic, --dosage, --lasso, --test-missing,\n--make-pe [...]
+static const char notestr_null_calc2[] = "Commands include --make-bed, --recode, --flip-scan, --merge-list,\n--write-snplist, --list-duplicate-vars, --freqx, --missing, --test-mishap,\n--hardy, --mendel, --ibc, --impute-sex, --indep-pairphase, --r2, --show-tags,\n--blocks, --distance, --genome, --homozyg, --make-rel, --make-grm-gz,\n--rel-cutoff, --cluster, --pca, --neighbour, --ibs-test, --regress-distance,\n--model, --bd, --gxe, --logistic, --dosage, --lasso, --test-missing,\n--make-pe [...]
-static const char notestr_null_calc2[] = "Commands include --make-bed, --recode, --flip-scan, --merge-list,\n--write-snplist, --list-duplicate-vars, --freqx, --missing, --test-mishap,\n--hardy, --mendel, --ibc, --impute-sex, --indep-pairphase, --r2, --show-tags,\n--blocks, --distance, --genome, --homozyg, --make-rel, --make-grm-gz,\n--rel-cutoff, --cluster, --neighbour, --ibs-test, --regress-distance, --model,\n--bd, --gxe, --logistic, --dosage, --lasso, --test-missing, --make-perm-pheno [...]
+static const char notestr_null_calc2[] = "Commands include --make-bed, --recode, --flip-scan, --merge-list,\n--write-snplist, --list-duplicate-vars, --freqx, --missing, --test-mishap,\n--hardy, --mendel, --ibc, --impute-sex, --indep-pairphase, --r2, --show-tags,\n--blocks, --distance, --genome, --homozyg, --make-rel, --make-grm-gz,\n--rel-cutoff, --cluster, --neighbour, --ibs-test, --regress-distance, --model,\n--bd, --gxe, --logistic, --dosage, --lasso, --test-missing, --make-perm-pheno [...]
@@ -294,14 +294,14 @@ static inline int32_t bed_suffix_conflict(uint64_t calculation_type, uint32_t re
 static inline uint32_t are_marker_pos_needed(uint64_t calculation_type, uint64_t misc_flags, char* cm_map_fname, char* set_fname, uint32_t min_bp_space, uint32_t genome_skip_write, uint32_t ld_modifier, uint32_t epi_modifier, uint32_t cluster_modifier) {
-  return (calculation_type & (CALC_MAKE_BED | CALC_MAKE_BIM | CALC_RECODE | CALC_GENOME | CALC_HOMOZYG | CALC_LD_PRUNE | CALC_REGRESS_PCS | CALC_MODEL | CALC_GLM | CALC_CLUMP | CALC_BLOCKS | CALC_FLIPSCAN | CALC_TDT | CALC_QFAM | CALC_FST | CALC_SHOW_TAGS | CALC_DUPVAR | CALC_RPLUGIN)) || (misc_flags & (MISC_EXTRACT_RANGE | MISC_EXCLUDE_RANGE)) || cm_map_fname || set_fname || min_bp_space || genome_skip_write || ((calculation_type & CALC_LD) && (!(ld_modifier & LD_MATRIX_SHAPEMASK))) ||  [...]
+  return (calculation_type & (CALC_MAKE_BED | CALC_MAKE_BIM | CALC_RECODE | CALC_GENOME | CALC_HOMOZYG | CALC_LD_PRUNE | CALC_REGRESS_PCS | CALC_MODEL | CALC_GLM | CALC_CLUMP | CALC_BLOCKS | CALC_FLIPSCAN | CALC_TDT | CALC_QFAM | CALC_FST | CALC_SHOW_TAGS | CALC_DUPVAR | CALC_RPLUGIN | CALC_TUCC)) || (misc_flags & (MISC_EXTRACT_RANGE | MISC_EXCLUDE_RANGE)) || cm_map_fname || set_fname || min_bp_space || genome_skip_write || ((calculation_type & CALC_LD) && (!(ld_modifier & LD_MATRIX_SHAP [...]
 static inline uint32_t are_marker_cms_needed(uint64_t calculation_type, char* cm_map_fname, Two_col_params* update_cm, Ld_info* ldip) {
   if ((calculation_type & CALC_LD) && (!(ldip->modifier & LD_MATRIX_SHAPEMASK)) && (ldip->window_cm != -1)) {
     return MARKER_CMS_FORCED;
-  if (calculation_type & (CALC_MAKE_BED | CALC_MAKE_BIM | CALC_RECODE)) {
+  if (calculation_type & (CALC_MAKE_BED | CALC_MAKE_BIM | CALC_RECODE | CALC_TUCC)) {
     if (cm_map_fname || update_cm) {
       return MARKER_CMS_FORCED;
     } else {
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static inline uint32_t are_marker_cms_needed(uint64_t calculation_type, char* cm
 static inline uint32_t are_marker_alleles_needed(uint64_t calculation_type, char* freqname, Homozyg_info* homozyg_ptr, Two_col_params* a1alleles, Two_col_params* a2alleles, uint32_t ld_modifier, uint32_t snps_only, uint32_t clump_modifier, uint32_t cluster_modifier, uint32_t rel_modifier) {
 static inline int32_t relationship_or_ibc_req(uint64_t calculation_type) {
@@ -1539,6 +1539,13 @@ int32_t plink(char* outname, char* outname_end, char* bedname, char* bimname, ch
 	  goto plink_ret_1;
+      if (calculation_type & CALC_TUCC) {
+	retval = make_pseudocontrols(bedfile, bed_offset, outname, outname_end, unfiltered_marker_ct, marker_exclude, marker_ct, marker_ids, max_marker_id_len, marker_cms, marker_pos, marker_allele_ptrs, max_marker_allele_blen, marker_reverse, unfiltered_sample_ct, sample_exclude, sample_ct, founder_info, sex_nm, sex_male, sample_ids, max_sample_id_len, paternal_ids, max_paternal_id_len, maternal_ids, max_maternal_id_len, chrom_info_ptr, fam_ip);
+	if (retval) {
+	  goto plink_ret_1;
+	}
+      }
     if (calculation_type & CALC_MAKE_PERM_PHENO) {
@@ -3793,6 +3800,7 @@ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char** argv) {
 	    if (!memcmp(argptr2, "12", 2)) {
               memcpy(flagptr, "recode 12", 10);
 	      recode_modifier |= RECODE_12;
+	      // technically, this should also affect --tucc, but whatever
 	      ujj = 1;
             } else if (match_upper(argptr2, "AD")) {
               memcpy(flagptr, "recode AD", 10);
@@ -11279,7 +11287,9 @@ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char** argv) {
 	  logerrprint("Error: --standard-beta must be used with --linear or --dosage.\n");
 	  goto main_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE_A;
-	logprint("Note: --standard-beta flag deprecated.  Use e.g. '--linear standard-beta'.\n");
+	// '--linear standard-beta' is ALSO deprecated now for plink2's
+	// --{covar-}variance-normalize, so this note is pointless.
+	// logprint("Note: --standard-beta flag deprecated.  Use e.g. '--linear standard-beta'.\n");
 	glm_modifier |= GLM_STANDARD_BETA;
 	goto main_param_zero;
       } else if (!memcmp(argptr2, "et-table", 9)) {
@@ -12124,6 +12134,21 @@ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char** argv) {
 	ld_info.modifier |= LD_SHOW_TAGS_MODE2;
         goto main_param_zero;
+      } else if (!memcmp(argptr2, "ucc", 4)) {
+	UNSTABLE("tucc");
+	if (enforce_param_ct_range(param_ct, argv[cur_arg], 0, 1)) {
+	  goto main_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE_2A;
+	}
+	if (param_ct) {
+	  if (strcmp(argv[cur_arg + 1], "write-bed")) {
+	    sprintf(g_logbuf, "Error: Invalid --tucc parameter '%s'.\n", argv[cur_arg + 1]);
+	    goto main_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE;
+	  }
+	  family_info.tucc_bed = 1;
+	} else {
+	  logerrprint("Warning: --tucc without 'write-bed' is deprecated.\n");
+	}
+	calculation_type |= CALC_TUCC;
       } else {
diff --git a/plink_calc.c b/plink_calc.c
index 6586372..63f76b5 100644
--- a/plink_calc.c
+++ b/plink_calc.c
@@ -5531,7 +5531,7 @@ int32_t calc_genome(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
   return retval;
-inline void rel_cut_arr_dec(int32_t* rel_ct_arr_elem, uint32_t* exactly_one_rel_ct_ptr) {
+static inline void rel_cut_arr_dec(int32_t* rel_ct_arr_elem, uint32_t* exactly_one_rel_ct_ptr) {
   int32_t rcae = *rel_ct_arr_elem - 1;
   *rel_ct_arr_elem = rcae;
   if (rcae < 2) {
diff --git a/plink_common.c b/plink_common.c
index 255e5d7..e6b8021 100644
--- a/plink_common.c
+++ b/plink_common.c
@@ -6426,7 +6426,9 @@ uint32_t window_back(const uint32_t* __restrict marker_pos, const double* __rest
 	cur_word &= cur_word - 1;
-      marker_uwidx_cur += CTZLU(cur_word);
+      // bugfix (7 May 2017): forgot to round marker_uwidx_cur down to word
+      //   boundary, before adding CTZLU(cur_word) offset
+      marker_uwidx_cur = (marker_uwidx_cur & (~(BITCT - ONELU))) + CTZLU(cur_word);
       if ((marker_pos[marker_uwidx_cur] < min_pos) || (marker_cms && (marker_cms[marker_uwidx_cur] < min_cm))) {
 	goto window_back_find_first_pos;
diff --git a/plink_common.h b/plink_common.h
index e96a04e..28e6728 100644
--- a/plink_common.h
+++ b/plink_common.h
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
-#define NDEBUG
+// avoid compiler warning
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  #define NDEBUG
 #include <assert.h>
 // Uncomment this to build this without CBLAS/CLAPACK.
@@ -418,6 +421,7 @@
 #define CALC_DUPVAR 0x100000000000000LLU
 #define CALC_RPLUGIN 0x200000000000000LLU
 #define CALC_DFAM 0x400000000000000LLU
+#define CALC_TUCC 0x800000000000000LLU
 // only room for 6 more basic commands before we need to switch from a single
diff --git a/plink_data.c b/plink_data.c
index 23e789c..972aa21 100644
--- a/plink_data.c
+++ b/plink_data.c
@@ -10464,10 +10464,10 @@ int32_t generate_dummy(char* outname, char* outname_end, uint32_t flags, uintptr
   double missing_phenod = (double)missing_pheno;
   uint32_t dbl_sample_mod4 = 2 * (sample_ct % 4);
   uint32_t four_alleles = 0;
-  uint32_t geno_m_check = (geno_mrate > 0.0);
-  uint32_t geno_m32 = (uint32_t)(geno_mrate * 4294967296.0);
-  uint32_t pheno_m_check = (pheno_mrate > 0.0);
-  uint32_t pheno_m32 = (uint32_t)(geno_mrate * 4294967296.0);
+  uint32_t geno_m_check = (geno_mrate >= RECIP_2_32 * 0.5);
+  uint32_t geno_m32 = (uint32_t)(geno_mrate * 4294967296.0 - 0.5);
+  uint32_t pheno_m_check = (pheno_mrate >= RECIP_2_32 * 0.5);
+  uint32_t pheno_m32 = (uint32_t)(pheno_mrate * 4294967296.0 - 0.5);
   uint32_t saved_rnormal = 0;
   int32_t retval = 0;
   char wbuf[64];
@@ -10629,7 +10629,7 @@ int32_t generate_dummy(char* outname, char* outname_end, uint32_t flags, uintptr
 	ucc = 0;
 	for (ukk = 0; ukk < 8; ukk += 2) {
-	  if (geno_m_check && (sfmt_genrand_uint32(&g_sfmt) < geno_m32)) {
+	  if (geno_m_check && (sfmt_genrand_uint32(&g_sfmt) <= geno_m32)) {
 	    ucc2 = 1;
 	  } else {
 	    ucc2 = urand & 3;
diff --git a/plink_family.c b/plink_family.c
index 01c4adb..b7bbb44 100644
--- a/plink_family.c
+++ b/plink_family.c
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ void family_init(Family_info* fam_ip) {
   fam_ip->dfam_mperm_val = 0;
   fam_ip->qfam_modifier = 0;
   fam_ip->qfam_mperm_val = 0;
+  fam_ip->tucc_bed = 0;
 // bottom 2 bits of index = child genotype
@@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ int32_t get_trios_and_families(uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ct, uintptr_t* sample
   // family_list has paternal indices in low 32 bits, maternal indices in high
   // 32, sorted in child ID order.
   // trio_list has child IDs in low 32 bits, family_list indices in high 32
-  // bits, in PLINK 1.07 reporting order.
+  // bits, in PLINK 1.07 reporting order.  (Actually, reporting order may
+  // change, but this isn't a big deal.)
   // If include_duos is set, missing parental IDs are coded as
   // unfiltered_sample_ct.  include_duos must be 0 or 1.
   // If toposort is set, trio_lookup has child IDs in [4n], paternal IDs in
@@ -3702,7 +3704,7 @@ THREAD_RET_TYPE dfam_perm_thread(void* arg) {
       } else {
-	for (perm_idx = 0; perm_idx < perm_vec_ct;) {
+	for (perm_idx = 0; perm_idx < perm_vec_ct; ++perm_idx) {
 	  dxx = numers[perm_idx] + ((double)((int32_t)twice_numers[perm_idx])) * 0.5;
 	  dyy = denoms[perm_idx] + ((double)((int32_t)quad_denom)) * 0.25;
 	  chisq = dxx * dxx / dyy;
@@ -5948,3 +5950,397 @@ int32_t qfam(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, char* outn
   return retval;
+// bottom 2 bits of index = child genotype
+// middle 2 bits of index = paternal genotype
+// top 2 bits of index = maternal genotype
+// bottom 2 bits of result = child genotype
+// top 2 bits of result = untransmitted genotype
+const uintptr_t tucc_table[] =
+{0, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 8, 5, 2, 5,
+ 5, 5, 10, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 8, 5, 2, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 12, 5, 10, 3,
+ 5, 5, 14, 11,
+ 5, 5, 10, 5,
+ 5, 5, 5, 5,
+ 5, 5, 14, 11,
+ 5, 5, 5, 15};
+int32_t make_pseudocontrols(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, char* outname, char* outname_end, uintptr_t unfiltered_marker_ct, uintptr_t* marker_exclude, uintptr_t marker_ct, char* marker_ids, uintptr_t max_marker_id_blen, double* marker_cms, uint32_t* marker_pos, char** marker_allele_ptrs, uintptr_t max_marker_allele_blen, uintptr_t* marker_reverse, uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ct, uintptr_t* sample_exclude, uintptr_t sample_ct, uintptr_t* founder_info, uintptr_t* sex_nm, uintptr_t*  [...]
+  unsigned char* bigstack_mark = g_bigstack_base;
+  FILE* outfile = NULL;
+  int32_t retval = 0;
+  {
+    const uint32_t unfiltered_marker_ctl = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(unfiltered_marker_ct);
+    const uint32_t sex_mt_variant_ct = count_non_autosomal_markers(chrom_info_ptr, marker_exclude, 1, 1);
+    if (sex_mt_variant_ct) {
+      LOGPRINTF("Excluding %u X/MT/haploid variant%s from --tucc dataset.\n", sex_mt_variant_ct, (sex_mt_variant_ct == 1)? "" : "s");
+      if (sex_mt_variant_ct == marker_ct) {
+	logerrprint("Error: No variants remaining for --tucc.\n");
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE;
+      }
+      marker_ct -= sex_mt_variant_ct;
+      uintptr_t* marker_exclude_new;
+      if (bigstack_alloc_ul(unfiltered_marker_ctl, &marker_exclude_new)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_NOMEM;
+      }
+      memcpy(marker_exclude_new, marker_exclude, unfiltered_marker_ctl * sizeof(intptr_t));
+      for (uint32_t chrom_fo_idx = 0; chrom_fo_idx < chrom_info_ptr->chrom_ct; ++chrom_fo_idx) {
+	const uint32_t chrom_idx = chrom_info_ptr->chrom_file_order[chrom_fo_idx];
+	if (is_set(chrom_info_ptr->haploid_mask, chrom_idx) || ((int32_t)chrom_idx == chrom_info_ptr->xymt_codes[MT_OFFSET])) {
+	  const uint32_t variant_uidx_start = chrom_info_ptr->chrom_fo_vidx_start[chrom_fo_idx];
+	  fill_bits(variant_uidx_start, chrom_info_ptr->chrom_fo_vidx_start[chrom_fo_idx + 1] - variant_uidx_start, marker_exclude_new);
+	}
+      }
+      marker_exclude = marker_exclude_new;
+    } else if (is_set(chrom_info_ptr->haploid_mask, 0)) {
+      logerrprint("Error: --tucc test does not support haploid data.\n");
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE;
+    }
+    const uint32_t multigen = (fam_ip->mendel_modifier / MENDEL_MULTIGEN) & 1;
+    uint64_t* family_list;
+    uint64_t* trio_list;
+    uint32_t* trio_error_lookup;
+    uint32_t family_ct;
+    uintptr_t trio_ct;
+    retval = get_trios_and_families(unfiltered_sample_ct, sample_exclude, sample_ct, founder_info, sex_nm, sex_male, sample_ids, max_sample_id_blen, paternal_ids, max_paternal_id_blen, maternal_ids, max_maternal_id_blen, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &family_list, &family_ct, &trio_list, &trio_ct, &trio_error_lookup, 0, multigen);
+    if (retval) {
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_1;
+    }
+    if (!trio_ct) {
+      LOGERRPRINTF("Warning: Skipping --tucc since there are no trios.\n");
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_1;
+    } else if (trio_ct > 0x3fffffff) {
+      logerrprint("Error: Too many trios for --tucc.\n");
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE;
+    }
+    // main write buffer size requirements:
+    //   write-bed:
+    //     MAXLINELEN + max(max_sample_id_blen + 16,
+    //                      max_chrom_slen + max_marker_id_blen +
+    //                        2 * max_marker_allele_blen + 48,
+    //                      trio_ct2 + sizeof(intptr_t) - 1)
+    //   ped:
+    //     MAXLINELEN + max(max_sample_id_blen + 16,
+    //                      2 * max_marker_allele_blen)
+    const uint32_t write_bed = fam_ip->tucc_bed;
+    const uintptr_t trio_ct2 = (trio_ct + 1) / 2;
+    char* chrom_buf = nullptr;
+    uintptr_t writebuf_blen = max_sample_id_blen + 16;
+    if (write_bed) {
+      if (writebuf_blen < trio_ct2 + BYTECT - 1) {
+	writebuf_blen = trio_ct2 + BYTECT - 1;
+      }
+      const uint32_t max_chrom_slen = get_max_chrom_slen(chrom_info_ptr);
+      if (bigstack_alloc_c(max_chrom_slen + 1, &chrom_buf)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_NOMEM;
+      }
+      if (writebuf_blen < max_chrom_slen + max_marker_id_blen + 2 * max_marker_id_blen + 48) {
+	writebuf_blen = max_chrom_slen + max_marker_id_blen + 2 * max_marker_id_blen + 48;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (writebuf_blen < 2 * max_marker_allele_blen) {
+	writebuf_blen = 2 * max_marker_allele_blen;
+      }
+    }
+    writebuf_blen += MAXLINELEN;
+    const uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ctl2m1 = (unfiltered_sample_ct - 1) / BITCT2;
+    const uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ctp1l2 = 1 + (unfiltered_sample_ct / BITCT2);
+    uintptr_t* loadbuf;
+    uintptr_t* workbuf;
+    char* writebuf;
+    if (bigstack_alloc_ul(unfiltered_sample_ctl2m1 + 1, &loadbuf) ||
+	bigstack_alloc_ul(unfiltered_sample_ctp1l2, &workbuf) ||
+	bigstack_alloc_c(writebuf_blen, &writebuf)) {
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_NOMEM;
+    }
+    loadbuf[unfiltered_sample_ctl2m1] = 0;
+    workbuf[unfiltered_sample_ctp1l2 - 1] = 0;
+    char* writebuf_flush = &(writebuf[MAXLINELEN]);
+    const char* output_missing_geno_ptr = g_output_missing_geno_ptr;
+    unsigned char* new_bed_contents = nullptr;
+    unsigned char* uwrite_iter;
+    if (write_bed) {
+      strcpy(outname_end, ".tucc.fam");
+      if (fopen_checked(outname, "wb", &outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_OPEN_FAIL;
+      }
+      char* write_iter = writebuf;
+      for (uintptr_t trio_idx = 0; trio_idx < trio_ct; ++trio_idx) {
+	const uintptr_t child_uidx = (uint32_t)trio_list[trio_idx];
+	const char* child_sample_id = (const char*)(&(sample_ids[child_uidx * max_sample_id_blen]));
+	const uint32_t child_sample_id_slen = strlen(child_sample_id);
+	const char child_sex_char = sexchar(sex_nm, sex_male, child_uidx);
+	for (uint32_t is_pseudocontrol = 0; is_pseudocontrol < 2; ++is_pseudocontrol) {
+	  write_iter = memcpyax(write_iter, child_sample_id, child_sample_id_slen, '_');
+	  *write_iter++ = 'T' + is_pseudocontrol;
+	  write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, "\t0\t0\t");
+	  *write_iter++ = child_sex_char;
+	  *write_iter++ = '\t';
+	  *write_iter++ = '2' - is_pseudocontrol;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	  *write_iter++ = '\r';
+	  *write_iter++ = '\n';
+	  if (write_iter >= writebuf_flush) {
+	    if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	    }
+	    write_iter = writebuf;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+      if (write_iter != writebuf) {
+	if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	}
+      }
+      if (fclose_null(&outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+      }
+      memcpy(&(outname_end[6]), "bi", 2);
+      if (fopen_checked(outname, "wb", &outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_OPEN_FAIL;
+      }
+      write_iter = writebuf;
+      const char* missing_geno_ptr = g_missing_geno_ptr;
+      uint32_t variant_uidx = 0;
+      uint32_t chrom_fo_idx = 0xffffffffU;
+      uint32_t chrom_end = 0;
+      uint32_t chrom_name_blen = 0;
+      for (uint32_t variant_idx = 0; variant_idx < marker_ct; ++variant_idx, ++variant_uidx) {
+	next_unset_unsafe_ck(marker_exclude, &variant_uidx);
+	if (variant_uidx >= chrom_end) {
+	  do {
+	    ++chrom_fo_idx;
+	    chrom_end = chrom_info_ptr->chrom_fo_vidx_start[chrom_fo_idx + 1];
+	  } while (variant_uidx >= chrom_end);
+	  const uint32_t chrom_idx = chrom_info_ptr->chrom_file_order[chrom_fo_idx];
+	  char* chrom_name_end = chrom_name_write(chrom_info_ptr, chrom_idx, chrom_buf);
+	  *chrom_name_end = '\t';
+	  chrom_name_blen = 1 + (uintptr_t)(chrom_name_end - chrom_buf);
+	}
+	write_iter = memcpya(write_iter, chrom_buf, chrom_name_blen);
+	write_iter = strcpyax(write_iter, &(marker_ids[variant_uidx * max_marker_id_blen]), '\t');
+	if (!marker_cms) {
+	  *write_iter++ = '0';
+	} else {
+	  write_iter = dtoa_g_wxp8(marker_cms[variant_uidx], 1, write_iter);
+	}
+	*write_iter++ = '\t';
+	write_iter = uint32toa_x(marker_pos[variant_uidx], '\t', write_iter);
+	write_iter = strcpyax(write_iter, cond_replace(marker_allele_ptrs[2 * variant_uidx], missing_geno_ptr, output_missing_geno_ptr), '\t');
+	write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, cond_replace(marker_allele_ptrs[2 * variant_uidx + 1], missing_geno_ptr, output_missing_geno_ptr));
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	*write_iter++ = '\r';
+	*write_iter++ = '\n';
+	if (write_iter >= writebuf_flush) {
+	  if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	    goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	  }
+	  write_iter = writebuf;
+	}
+      }
+      if (write_iter != writebuf) {
+	if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	}
+      }
+      if (fclose_null(&outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+      }
+      memcpy(&(outname_end[7]), "ed", 2);
+      if (fopen_checked(outname, "wb", &outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_OPEN_FAIL;
+      }
+      uwrite_iter = (unsigned char*)memcpyl3a(writebuf, "l\x1b\x01");
+    } else {
+      if (bigstack_alloc_uc(trio_ct2 * marker_ct + BYTECT, &new_bed_contents)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_NOMEM;
+      }
+      uwrite_iter = new_bed_contents;
+      // never flush
+      writebuf_flush = (char*)(&(new_bed_contents[trio_ct2 * marker_ct + BYTECT]));
+    }
+    if (fseeko(bedfile, bed_offset, SEEK_SET)) {
+      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_READ_FAIL;
+    }
+    const uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ct4 = (unfiltered_sample_ct + 3) / 4;
+    const uintptr_t final_mask = get_final_mask(unfiltered_sample_ct);
+    const uint32_t write_word_ct_m1 = (trio_ct - 1) / (BITCT / 4);
+    uint32_t variant_uidx = 0;
+    for (uint32_t variant_idx = 0; variant_idx < marker_ct; ++variant_idx, ++variant_uidx) {
+      if (!is_set(marker_exclude, variant_uidx)) {
+	variant_uidx = next_unset_unsafe(marker_exclude, variant_uidx);
+	if (fseeko(bedfile, bed_offset + ((uint64_t)variant_uidx) * unfiltered_sample_ct4, SEEK_SET)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_READ_FAIL;
+	}
+      }
+      if (load_raw2(unfiltered_sample_ct4, unfiltered_sample_ctl2m1, final_mask, bedfile, loadbuf)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_READ_FAIL;
+      }
+      if (IS_SET(marker_reverse, variant_uidx)) {
+	reverse_loadbuf(unfiltered_sample_ct, (unsigned char*)loadbuf);
+      }
+      // 1. iterate through all trios, setting Mendel errors to missing
+      // 2. iterate through trio_list:
+      //    a. if child or either parent isn't genotyped, save missing genos
+      //    b. otherwise, save appropriate 4-bit genotype pair
+      erase_mendel_errors(unfiltered_sample_ct, loadbuf, workbuf, sex_male, trio_error_lookup, trio_ct, 0, multigen);
+      uint32_t loop_len = BITCT / 4;
+      const uint64_t* trio_list_iter = trio_list;
+      uintptr_t* uwrite_alias = (uintptr_t*)uwrite_iter;
+      uint32_t widx = 0;
+      while (1) {
+	if (widx >= write_word_ct_m1) {
+	  if (widx > write_word_ct_m1) {
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  loop_len = 1 + ((trio_ct - 1) % (BITCT / 4));
+	}
+	uintptr_t cur_write_word = 0;
+	for (uint32_t trio_idx_lowbits = 0; trio_idx_lowbits < loop_len; ++trio_idx_lowbits) {
+	  const uint64_t trio_code = *trio_list_iter++;
+	  const uint64_t family_code = family_list[trio_code >> 32];
+	  const uint32_t table_index = EXTRACT_2BIT_GENO(loadbuf, ((uint32_t)trio_code)) + 4 * EXTRACT_2BIT_GENO(loadbuf, ((uint32_t)family_code)) + 16 * EXTRACT_2BIT_GENO(loadbuf, (family_code >> 32));
+	  cur_write_word |= tucc_table[table_index] << (trio_idx_lowbits * 4);
+	}
+        uwrite_alias[widx++] = cur_write_word;
+      }
+      uwrite_iter = &(uwrite_iter[trio_ct2]);
+      if (uwrite_iter >= ((unsigned char*)writebuf_flush)) {
+	if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, uwrite_iter - ((unsigned char*)writebuf), outfile)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	}
+	uwrite_iter = (unsigned char*)writebuf;
+      }
+    }
+    if (write_bed) {
+      if (uwrite_iter != (unsigned char*)writebuf) {
+	if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, uwrite_iter - ((unsigned char*)writebuf), outfile)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	}
+      }
+      if (fclose_null(&outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+      }
+      outname_end[6] = '\0';
+      LOGPRINTFWW("--tucc write-bed: Pseudo cases/controls written to %sbed + %sbim + %sfam .\n", outname, outname, outname);
+    } else {
+      strcpy(outname_end, ".tucc.ped");
+      if (fopen_checked(outname, "wb", &outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_OPEN_FAIL;
+      }
+      writebuf_flush = &(writebuf[MAXLINELEN]);
+      char missing4[4];
+      missing4[0] = ' ';
+      missing4[1] = *output_missing_geno_ptr;
+      missing4[2] = ' ';
+      missing4[3] = *output_missing_geno_ptr;
+      char* write_iter = writebuf;
+      for (uintptr_t trio_idx = 0; trio_idx < trio_ct; ++trio_idx) {
+	const uintptr_t child_uidx = (uint32_t)trio_list[trio_idx];
+	const char* child_fid = (const char*)(&(sample_ids[child_uidx * max_sample_id_blen]));
+	const char* iid_start = (const char*)memchr(child_fid, '\t', max_sample_id_blen);
+	const uint32_t fid_slen = (uintptr_t)(iid_start - child_fid);
+	++iid_start;
+	const uint32_t iid_slen = strlen(iid_start);
+	const char child_sex_char = sexchar(sex_nm, sex_male, child_uidx);
+	for (uint32_t is_pseudocontrol = 0; is_pseudocontrol < 2; ++is_pseudocontrol) {
+	  write_iter = memcpyax(write_iter, child_fid, fid_slen, ' ');
+	  write_iter = memcpyax(write_iter, iid_start, iid_slen, '_');
+	  *write_iter++ = 'T' + is_pseudocontrol;
+	  write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, " 0 0 ");
+	  *write_iter++ = child_sex_char;
+	  *write_iter++ = ' ';
+	  *write_iter++ = '2' - is_pseudocontrol;
+	  *write_iter++ = ' ';
+	  if (write_iter >= writebuf_flush) {
+	    if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	      goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	    }
+	    write_iter = writebuf;
+	  }
+	  variant_uidx = 0;
+	  const unsigned char* cur_geno_base = &(new_bed_contents[trio_idx / 2]);
+	  const uint32_t cur_shift = ((trio_idx % 2) * 2 + is_pseudocontrol) * 2;
+	  for (uint32_t variant_idx = 0; variant_idx < marker_ct; ++variant_idx, ++variant_uidx) {
+	    next_unset_unsafe_ck(marker_exclude, &variant_uidx);
+	    const uint32_t cur_geno = (cur_geno_base[variant_uidx * trio_ct2] >> cur_shift) & 3;
+	    if (cur_geno == 1) {
+	      write_iter = memcpya(write_iter, missing4, 4);
+	    } else {
+	      *write_iter++ = ' ';
+	      const char* a1_allele = marker_allele_ptrs[2 * variant_uidx];
+	      const char* a2_allele = marker_allele_ptrs[2 * variant_uidx + 1];
+	      if (cur_geno == 3) {
+		write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, a2_allele);
+	      } else {
+		write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, a1_allele);
+	      }
+	      *write_iter++ = ' ';
+	      if (cur_geno == 0) {
+		write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, a1_allele);
+	      } else {
+		write_iter = strcpya(write_iter, a2_allele);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    if (write_iter >= writebuf_flush) {
+	      if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+		goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	      }
+	      write_iter = writebuf;
+	    }
+	  }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	  *write_iter++ = '\r';
+	  *write_iter++ = '\n';
+	}
+      }
+      if (write_iter != writebuf_flush) {
+	if (fwrite_checked(writebuf, write_iter - writebuf, outfile)) {
+	  goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+	}
+      }
+      if (fclose_null(&outfile)) {
+	goto make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL;
+      }
+      LOGPRINTFWW("--tucc: Pseudo cases/controls written to %s .\n", outname);
+    }
+  }
+  while (0) {
+  make_pseudocontrols_ret_NOMEM:
+    retval = RET_NOMEM;
+    break;
+  make_pseudocontrols_ret_OPEN_FAIL:
+    retval = RET_OPEN_FAIL;
+    break;
+  make_pseudocontrols_ret_READ_FAIL:
+    retval = RET_READ_FAIL;
+    break;
+  make_pseudocontrols_ret_WRITE_FAIL:
+    retval = RET_WRITE_FAIL;
+    break;
+  make_pseudocontrols_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE:
+    retval = RET_INVALID_CMDLINE;
+    break;
+  }
+ make_pseudocontrols_ret_1:
+  bigstack_reset(bigstack_mark);
+  fclose_cond(outfile);
+  return retval;
diff --git a/plink_family.h b/plink_family.h
index f546f20..b1569e3 100644
--- a/plink_family.h
+++ b/plink_family.h
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t dfam_mperm_val;
   uint32_t qfam_modifier;
   uint32_t qfam_mperm_val;
+  uint32_t tucc_bed;
 } Family_info;
 void family_init(Family_info* fam_ip);
@@ -105,4 +106,6 @@ int32_t dfam(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, char* outn
 int32_t qfam(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, char* outname, char* outname_end, uintptr_t unfiltered_marker_ct, uintptr_t* marker_exclude, uintptr_t marker_ct, char* marker_ids, uintptr_t max_marker_id_len, uint32_t plink_maxsnp, uint32_t* marker_pos, char** marker_allele_ptrs, uintptr_t* marker_reverse, uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ct, uintptr_t* sample_exclude, uintptr_t sample_ct, Aperm_info* apip, uintptr_t* pheno_nm, double* pheno_d, uintptr_t* founder_info, u [...]
+int32_t make_pseudocontrols(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, char* outname, char* outname_end, uintptr_t unfiltered_marker_ct, uintptr_t* marker_exclude, uintptr_t marker_ct, char* marker_ids, uintptr_t max_marker_id_blen, double* marker_cms, uint32_t* marker_pos, char** marker_allele_ptrs, uintptr_t max_marker_allele_blen, uintptr_t* marker_reverse, uintptr_t unfiltered_sample_ct, uintptr_t* sample_exclude, uintptr_t sample_ct, uintptr_t* founder_info, uintptr_t* sex_nm, uintptr_t*  [...]
 #endif // __PLINK_FAMILY_H__
diff --git a/plink_glm.c b/plink_glm.c
index 405f8a4..45faaa1 100644
--- a/plink_glm.c
+++ b/plink_glm.c
@@ -2078,54 +2078,36 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, double* fixed_covars_cov_
       copy_when_nonmissing(loadbuf_collapsed, (char*)(&(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct])), sizeof(double), sample_valid_ct, missing_ct, (char*)dptr);
       dptr = &(dptr[cur_sample_valid_ct]);
-    if (interactions_present) {
-      if (is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 1)) {
-	ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
-	ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
-	sample_idx = 0;
-	sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
-	dptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
-	if (!(coding_flags & GLM_HETHOM)) {
-	  if (!male_x_01) {
-	    while (1) {
-	      while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
-		cur_word = *ulptr++;
-		for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
-		  cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
-		  if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		    // 0/1/2
-		    *dptr++ = ((double)((intptr_t)(2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype))) * (*dptr2);
-		  }
-		  dptr2++;
+    // bugfix (21 May 2017): if no covariates, interactions_present is false
+    // even in "--linear sex interaction" case.  so we always check
+    // active_params[] (allocating the necessary extra bits even when
+    // 'interaction' was not specified).
+    if (is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 1)) {
+      ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
+      ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
+      sample_idx = 0;
+      sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
+      dptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      if (!(coding_flags & GLM_HETHOM)) {
+	if (!male_x_01) {
+	  while (1) {
+	    while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
+	      cur_word = *ulptr++;
+	      for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
+		cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
+		if (cur_genotype != 1) {
+		  // 0/1/2
+		  *dptr++ = ((double)((intptr_t)(2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype))) * (*dptr2);
-		sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
-	      }
-	      if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
-		break;
+		dptr2++;
-	      ulptr_end++;
-	      sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
+	      sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
-	  } else {
-	    while (1) {
-	      while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
-		cur_word = *ulptr++;
-		for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
-		  cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
-		  if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		    // 0/1/2
-		    *dptr++ = ((double)((intptr_t)((2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype) >> IS_SET(sex_male_collapsed, sample_idx)))) * (*dptr2);
-		  }
-		  dptr2++;
-		}
-		sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
-	      }
-	      if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
-		break;
-	      }
-	      ulptr_end++;
-	      sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
+	    if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
+	      break;
+	    ulptr_end++;
+	    sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
 	} else {
 	  while (1) {
@@ -2134,8 +2116,8 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, double* fixed_covars_cov_
 	      for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
 		cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
 		if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		  // 0/0/1
-	          *dptr++ = ((double)(cur_genotype == 0)) * (*dptr2);
+		  // 0/1/2
+		  *dptr++ = ((double)((intptr_t)((2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype) >> IS_SET(sex_male_collapsed, sample_idx)))) * (*dptr2);
@@ -2148,21 +2130,15 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, double* fixed_covars_cov_
 	    sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-      }
-      if (genotypic_or_hethom && (!is_nonx_haploid) && is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 2)) {
-	ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
-	ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
-	sample_idx = 0;
-	sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
-	dptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      } else {
 	while (1) {
 	  while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
 	    cur_word = *ulptr++;
 	    for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
 	      cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
 	      if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		// 0/1/0
-		*dptr++ = ((double)(cur_genotype == 2)) * (*dptr2);
+		// 0/0/1
+		*dptr++ = ((double)(cur_genotype == 0)) * (*dptr2);
@@ -2176,6 +2152,32 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, double* fixed_covars_cov_
+    if (genotypic_or_hethom && (!is_nonx_haploid) && is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 2)) {
+      ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
+      ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
+      sample_idx = 0;
+      sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
+      dptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      while (1) {
+	while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
+	  cur_word = *ulptr++;
+	  for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
+	    cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
+	    if (cur_genotype != 1) {
+	      // 0/1/0
+	      *dptr++ = ((double)(cur_genotype == 2)) * (*dptr2);
+	    }
+	    dptr2++;
+	  }
+	  sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
+	}
+	if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
+	  break;
+	}
+	ulptr_end++;
+	sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
+      }
+    }
   // if (dptr != &(cur_covars_cov_major[cur_param_ct * cur_sample_valid_ct])) {
   //   printf("assert failure:\n  cur_param_ct = %u\n  cur_sample_valid_ct = %" PRIuPTR "\n  dptr - cur_covars_cov_major = %" PRIuPTR "\n", cur_param_ct, cur_sample_valid_ct, (uintptr_t)(dptr - cur_covars_cov_major));
@@ -2506,22 +2508,42 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design_float(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, float* fixed_covars
       fill_float_zero(align_skip, &(fptr[cur_sample_valid_ct]));
       fptr = &(fptr[cur_sample_valid_cta4]);
-    if (interactions_present) {
-      if (is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 1)) {
-	ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
-	ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
-	sample_idx = 0;
-	sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
-	fptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
-	if (coding_flags & GLM_DOMINANT) {
+    if (is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 1)) {
+      ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
+      ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
+      sample_idx = 0;
+      sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
+      fptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      if (coding_flags & GLM_DOMINANT) {
+	while (1) {
+	  while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
+	    cur_word = *ulptr++;
+	    for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
+	      cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
+	      if (cur_genotype != 1) {
+		// 0/1/1
+		*fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype != 3)) * (*fptr2);
+	      }
+	      fptr2++;
+	    }
+	    sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
+	  }
+	  if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  ulptr_end++;
+	  sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
+	}
+      } else if (!(coding_flags & (GLM_HETHOM | GLM_RECESSIVE))) {
+	if (!male_x_01) {
 	  while (1) {
 	    while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
 	      cur_word = *ulptr++;
 	      for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
 		cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
 		if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		  // 0/1/1
-		  *fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype != 3)) * (*fptr2);
+		  // 0/1/2
+		  *fptr++ = ((float)((intptr_t)(2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype))) * (*fptr2);
@@ -2533,48 +2555,6 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design_float(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, float* fixed_covars
 	    sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-	} else if (!(coding_flags & (GLM_HETHOM | GLM_RECESSIVE))) {
-	  if (!male_x_01) {
-	    while (1) {
-	      while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
-		cur_word = *ulptr++;
-		for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
-		  cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
-		  if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		    // 0/1/2
-		    *fptr++ = ((float)((intptr_t)(2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype))) * (*fptr2);
-		  }
-		  fptr2++;
-		}
-		sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
-	      }
-	      if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
-		break;
-	      }
-	      ulptr_end++;
-	      sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    while (1) {
-	      while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
-		cur_word = *ulptr++;
-		for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
-		  cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
-		  if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		    // 0/1/2
-		    *fptr++ = ((float)((intptr_t)((2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype) >> IS_SET(sex_male_collapsed, sample_idx)))) * (*fptr2);
-		  }
-		  fptr2++;
-		}
-		sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
-	      }
-	      if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
-		break;
-	      }
-	      ulptr_end++;
-	      sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-	    }
-	  }
 	} else {
 	  while (1) {
 	    while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
@@ -2582,8 +2562,8 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design_float(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, float* fixed_covars
 	      for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
 		cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
 		if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		  // 0/0/1
-	          *fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype == 0)) * (*fptr2);
+		  // 0/1/2
+		  *fptr++ = ((float)((intptr_t)((2 + (cur_genotype / 2) - cur_genotype) >> IS_SET(sex_male_collapsed, sample_idx)))) * (*fptr2);
@@ -2596,23 +2576,15 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design_float(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, float* fixed_covars
 	    sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-	fill_float_zero(align_skip, fptr);
-	fptr = &(fptr[align_skip]);
-      }
-      if (genotypic_or_hethom && (!is_nonx_haploid) && is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 2)) {
-	ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
-	ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
-	sample_idx = 0;
-	sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
-	fptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      } else {
 	while (1) {
 	  while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
 	    cur_word = *ulptr++;
 	    for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
 	      cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
 	      if (cur_genotype != 1) {
-		// 0/1/0
-		*fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype == 2)) * (*fptr2);
+		// 0/0/1
+		*fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype == 0)) * (*fptr2);
@@ -2624,9 +2596,37 @@ uint32_t glm_fill_design_float(uintptr_t* loadbuf_collapsed, float* fixed_covars
 	  sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
-	fill_float_zero(align_skip, fptr);
-	fptr = &(fptr[align_skip]);
+      fill_float_zero(align_skip, fptr);
+      fptr = &(fptr[align_skip]);
+    }
+    if (genotypic_or_hethom && (!is_nonx_haploid) && is_set(active_params, sex_start_idx + 2)) {
+      ulptr = loadbuf_collapsed;
+      ulptr_end = ulptr_end_init;
+      sample_idx = 0;
+      sample_idx_stop = BITCT2;
+      fptr2 = &(fixed_covars_cov_major[fixed_covar_nonsex_ct * sample_valid_ct]);
+      while (1) {
+	while (ulptr < ulptr_end) {
+	  cur_word = *ulptr++;
+	  for (; sample_idx < sample_idx_stop; sample_idx++, cur_word >>= 2) {
+	    cur_genotype = cur_word & 3;
+	    if (cur_genotype != 1) {
+	      // 0/1/0
+	      *fptr++ = ((float)(cur_genotype == 2)) * (*fptr2);
+	    }
+	    fptr2++;
+	  }
+	  sample_idx_stop += BITCT2;
+	}
+	if (sample_idx == sample_valid_ct) {
+	  break;
+	}
+	ulptr_end++;
+	sample_idx_stop = sample_valid_ct;
+      }
+      fill_float_zero(align_skip, fptr);
+      fptr = &(fptr[align_skip]);
   // if (fptr != &(cur_covars_cov_major[cur_param_ct * cur_sample_valid_cta4])) {
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ int32_t glm_common_init(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uint32_t glm_modifi
   uintptr_t sample_uidx_stop;
   uintptr_t sample_idx;
   uintptr_t param_raw_ct_max;
-  uintptr_t param_raw_ctl;
+  uintptr_t param_raw_ctp2l; // two extra bits for '--linear sex interaction'
   uintptr_t param_ctx_max;
   uintptr_t param_ctl_max;
   uintptr_t condition_list_start_idx;
@@ -3726,8 +3726,8 @@ int32_t glm_common_init(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uint32_t glm_modifi
   copy_bitarr_subset(sex_male, load_mask, unfiltered_sample_ct, sample_valid_ct, sex_male_collapsed);
   param_raw_ct_max = np_base_raw + np_diploid_raw + np_sex_raw;
-  param_raw_ctl = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct_max);
-  if (bigstack_alloc_ul(param_raw_ctl, &active_params)) {
+  param_raw_ctp2l = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct_max + 2);
+  if (bigstack_alloc_ul(param_raw_ctp2l, &active_params)) {
     goto glm_common_init_ret_NOMEM;
   condition_list_start_idx = 2 + genotypic_or_hethom;
@@ -3749,7 +3749,7 @@ int32_t glm_common_init(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uint32_t glm_modifi
   g_sex_male_collapsed = sex_male_collapsed;
   if (parameters_range_list_ptr->name_ct) {
-    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctl, active_params);
+    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctp2l, active_params);
     active_params[0] = 1;
     numeric_range_list_to_bitarr(parameters_range_list_ptr, param_raw_ct_max, 0, 1, active_params);
     if ((!(active_params[0] & 2)) && ((!np_diploid_raw) || (!(active_params[0] & 4))) && ((!covar_interactions) || ((!popcount_bit_idx(active_params, interaction_start_idx, sex_start_idx)) && ((!variation_in_sex) || (!popcount_bit_idx(active_params, sex_start_idx + 1, param_raw_ct_max)))))) {
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ int32_t glm_common_init(FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uint32_t glm_modifi
       logerrprint("Error: --parameters must retain at least one dosage-dependent variable.  To\nperform one-off regression(s), use the --linear 'no-snp' modifier instead.\n");
       goto glm_common_init_ret_INVALID_CMDLINE;
-    param_ct_max = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctl);
+    param_ct_max = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctp2l);
     if (np_diploid_raw) {
       np_diploid = IS_SET(active_params, 2);
       if (covar_interactions) {
@@ -5053,7 +5053,9 @@ int32_t glm_linear_assoc(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset
       g_include_sex = sex_covar_everywhere || (g_is_x && np_sex);
       if (cur_constraint_ct) {
-	if (g_is_x || (!g_min_ploidy_1)) {
+	// bugfix (9 May 2017): constraints_con_major wasn't being initialized
+	// in some haploid cases
+	if (g_is_x || (!g_min_ploidy_1) || (!genotypic_or_hethom)) {
 	  ulii = 0;
 	  for (constraint_idx = 0; constraint_idx < cur_constraint_ct; ulii++, constraint_idx++) {
             next_set_ul_unsafe_ck(g_joint_test_params, &ulii);
@@ -6524,7 +6526,7 @@ int32_t glm_logistic_assoc(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offs
       g_include_sex = sex_covar_everywhere || (g_is_x && np_sex);
       if (cur_constraint_ct) {
-	if (g_is_x || (!g_min_ploidy_1)) {
+	if (g_is_x || (!g_min_ploidy_1) || (!genotypic_or_hethom)) {
 	  ulii = 0;
 	  for (constraint_idx = 0; constraint_idx < cur_constraint_ct; ulii++, constraint_idx++) {
             next_set_ul_unsafe_ck(g_joint_test_params, &ulii);
@@ -7092,7 +7094,7 @@ int32_t glm_linear_nosnp(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset
   uintptr_t sample_valid_ctv2;
   uintptr_t sample_uidx_stop;
   uintptr_t sample_idx;
-  uintptr_t param_raw_ctl;
+  uintptr_t param_raw_ctp2l;
   uintptr_t param_ct;
   uintptr_t param_ctx; // param_ct + 1 if joint test needed, param_ct otherwise
   uintptr_t param_idx;
@@ -7203,15 +7205,15 @@ int32_t glm_linear_nosnp(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset
     loadbuf_collapsed[sample_valid_ctv2 - 1] = 0;
     copy_bitarr_subset(sex_male, load_mask, unfiltered_sample_ct, sample_valid_ct, sex_male_collapsed);
-  param_raw_ctl = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct);
-  if (aligned_malloc(param_raw_ctl * sizeof(intptr_t), &active_params)) {
+  param_raw_ctp2l = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct + 2);
+  if (aligned_malloc(param_raw_ctp2l * sizeof(intptr_t), &active_params)) {
     goto glm_linear_nosnp_ret_NOMEM;
   if (parameters_range_list_ptr->name_ct) {
-    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctl, active_params);
+    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctp2l, active_params);
     active_params[0] = 1;
     numeric_range_list_to_bitarr(parameters_range_list_ptr, param_raw_ct, 0, 1, active_params);
-    param_ct = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctl);
+    param_ct = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctp2l);
   } else {
     fill_all_bits(param_raw_ct, active_params);
     param_ct = param_raw_ct;
@@ -7954,7 +7956,7 @@ int32_t glm_logistic_nosnp(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offs
   uintptr_t sample_valid_ctv2;
   uintptr_t sample_uidx_stop;
   uintptr_t sample_idx;
-  uintptr_t param_raw_ctl;
+  uintptr_t param_raw_ctp2l;
   uintptr_t param_ct;
   uintptr_t param_cta4;
   uintptr_t param_ctx; // param_ct + 1 if joint test needed, param_ct otherwise
@@ -8066,15 +8068,15 @@ int32_t glm_logistic_nosnp(pthread_t* threads, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offs
     loadbuf_collapsed[sample_valid_ctv2 - 1] = 0;
     copy_bitarr_subset(sex_male, load_mask, unfiltered_sample_ct, sample_valid_ct, sex_male_collapsed);
-  param_raw_ctl = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct);
-  if (aligned_malloc(param_raw_ctl * sizeof(intptr_t), &active_params)) {
+  param_raw_ctp2l = BITCT_TO_WORDCT(param_raw_ct + 2);
+  if (aligned_malloc(param_raw_ctp2l * sizeof(intptr_t), &active_params)) {
     goto glm_logistic_nosnp_ret_NOMEM;
   if (parameters_range_list_ptr->name_ct) {
-    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctl, active_params);
+    fill_ulong_zero(param_raw_ctp2l, active_params);
     active_params[0] = 1;
     numeric_range_list_to_bitarr(parameters_range_list_ptr, param_raw_ct, 0, 1, active_params);
-    param_ct = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctl);
+    param_ct = popcount_longs(active_params, param_raw_ctp2l);
   } else {
     fill_all_bits(param_raw_ct, active_params);
     param_ct = param_raw_ct;
diff --git a/plink_help.c b/plink_help.c
index 921b90e..6192882 100644
--- a/plink_help.c
+++ b/plink_help.c
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ int32_t disp_help(uint32_t param_ct, char** argv) {
 "      normally zero, but can be changed with 'skip0', 'skip1', and 'skip2'\n"
 "      respectively.)  If such a header line is not present,\n"
 "      * when all samples appear in the same order as they do in the .fam file,\n"
-"        you can use the 'noheader' modiifer.\n"
+"        you can use the 'noheader' modifier.\n"
 "      * Otherwise, use the 'sepheader' modifier, and append sample ID filenames\n"
 "        to your 'list' file entries.\n"
 "    * The 'format' modifier lets you specify the number of values used to\n"
@@ -1150,6 +1150,17 @@ int32_t disp_help(uint32_t param_ct, char** argv) {
 "    * The 'emp-se' modifier adds BETA and EMP_SE (empirical standard error for\n"
 "      beta) fields to the .perm output file.\n\n"
+    help_print("tucc", &help_ctrl, 1,
+"  --tucc <write-bed>\n"
+"    By default, this generates a .tucc.ped file where, for each child with two\n"
+"    parents in the dataset, one case sample is created with all the child's\n"
+"    alleles, and one pseudocontrol sample is created with all untransmitted\n"
+"    alleles.  (Both genotypes are set to missing when there's a Mendel error.)\n"
+"    Add the 'write-bed' modifier to create a .tucc.bed + .tucc.bim + .tucc.fam\n"
+"    fileset instead.\n\n"
+	       );
     help_print("annotate", &help_ctrl, 1,
 "  --annotate [PLINK report] <attrib=[file]> <ranges=[file]> <filter=[file]>\n"
 "             <snps=[file]> <NA | prune> <block> <subset=[file]> <minimal>\n"
diff --git a/plink_matrix.c b/plink_matrix.c
index 914a983..094ec82 100644
--- a/plink_matrix.c
+++ b/plink_matrix.c
@@ -25,22 +25,10 @@
-inline double SQR(const double a) {
+static inline double SQR(const double a) {
   return a * a;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-inline double SIGN(const double &a, const double &b) {
-  // PLINK helper.h SIGN() template specialized to doubles.
-  return (b >= 0)? (a >= 0 ? a : -a) : (a >= 0 ? -a : a);
-inline double SIGN(const double a, const double b) {
-  // PLINK helper.h SIGN() template specialized to doubles.
-  return (b >= 0)? (a >= 0 ? a : -a) : (a >= 0 ? -a : a);
 double pythag(const double a, const double b) {
   // PLINK stats.cpp pythag().
   double absa,absb;
@@ -52,6 +40,18 @@ double pythag(const double a, const double b) {
 #ifdef NOLAPACK
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+static inline double SIGN(const double &a, const double &b) {
+  // PLINK helper.h SIGN() template specialized to doubles.
+  return (b >= 0)? (a >= 0 ? a : -a) : (a >= 0 ? -a : a);
+  #else
+static inline double SIGN(const double a, const double b) {
+  // PLINK helper.h SIGN() template specialized to doubles.
+  return (b >= 0)? (a >= 0 ? a : -a) : (a >= 0 ? -a : a);
+  #endif
 int32_t svdcmp_c(int32_t m, double* a, double* w, double* v) {
   // C port of PLINK stats.cpp svdcmp().
   // now thread-safe.
diff --git a/plink_misc.c b/plink_misc.c
index 464133f..9f425a0 100644
--- a/plink_misc.c
+++ b/plink_misc.c
@@ -2290,9 +2290,15 @@ int32_t load_ax_alleles(Two_col_params* axalleles, uintptr_t unfiltered_marker_c
     if (colid_first) {
       colid_ptr = next_token_multz(colid_ptr, colmin);
       colx_ptr = next_token_mult(colid_ptr, coldiff);
+      if (!colx_ptr) {
+	goto load_ax_alleles_ret_MISSING_TOKENS;
+      }
     } else {
       colx_ptr = next_token_multz(colid_ptr, colmin);
       colid_ptr = next_token_mult(colx_ptr, coldiff);
+      if (!colid_ptr) {
+	goto load_ax_alleles_ret_MISSING_TOKENS;
+      }
     idlen = strlen_se(colid_ptr);
     marker_uidx = id_htable_find(colid_ptr, idlen, marker_id_htable, marker_id_htable_size, marker_ids, max_marker_id_len);
@@ -2354,6 +2360,9 @@ int32_t load_ax_alleles(Two_col_params* axalleles, uintptr_t unfiltered_marker_c
     retval = RET_READ_FAIL;
+  load_ax_alleles_ret_MISSING_TOKENS:
+    sprintf(g_logbuf, "Error: Fewer tokens than expected on line %" PRIuPTR " of --a%c-allele file.\n", line_idx, is_a2? '2' : '1');
+    wordwrapb(0);
     retval = RET_INVALID_FORMAT;
@@ -4217,6 +4226,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
   uintptr_t* sample_male_include2 = nullptr;
   double* qrange_keys = nullptr;
   double* effect_sizes_cur = nullptr;
+  double abs_score_sum = 0.0;
   double ploidy_d = 0.0;
   double lbound = 0.0;
   double ubound = 0.0;
@@ -4370,7 +4380,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
       bufptr_arr[allele_idx][strlen_se(bufptr_arr[allele_idx])] = '\0';
       uii = strcmp(bufptr_arr[allele_idx], marker_allele_ptrs[2 * marker_uidx]);
       if ((!uii) || (!strcmp(bufptr_arr[allele_idx], marker_allele_ptrs[2 * marker_uidx + 1]))) {
-        if (scan_double(bufptr_arr[effect_idx], &(dptr[marker_uidx]))) {
+        if (scan_double(bufptr_arr[effect_idx], &dxx) || (dxx != dxx)) {
 	  if (!miss_ct) {
 	    if (fopen_checked(outname, "w", &outfile)) {
 	      goto score_report_ret_OPEN_FAIL;
@@ -4388,6 +4398,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
             LOGPREPRINTFWW("Error: Duplicate variant '%s' in --score file.\n", bufptr_arr[varid_idx]);
             goto score_report_ret_INVALID_FORMAT_2;
+	  dptr[marker_uidx] = dxx;
           CLEAR_BIT(marker_uidx, marker_exclude);
 	  if (uii) {
 	    SET_BIT(marker_uidx, a2_effect);
@@ -4503,7 +4514,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
       marker_uidx = id_htable_find(bufptr_arr[varid_idx], strlen_se(bufptr_arr[varid_idx]), marker_id_htable, marker_id_htable_size, marker_ids, max_marker_id_len);
       if (marker_uidx != 0xffffffffU) {
         if (!IS_SET(marker_exclude, marker_uidx)) {
-	  if (scan_double(bufptr_arr[1 - varid_idx], &dxx) || (dxx != dxx)) {
+	  if (scan_double(bufptr_arr[1 - varid_idx], &dxx) || (dxx != dxx) || (dxx == INFINITY) || (dxx == -INFINITY)) {
 	  } else {
 	    dptr[marker_uidx] = dxx;
@@ -4696,6 +4707,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
       haploid_fix(hh_exists, sample_include2, sample_male_include2, sample_ct, is_x, is_y, (unsigned char*)loadbuf);
     cur_effect_size = (*dptr++) * ploidy_d;
+    abs_score_sum += fabs(cur_effect_size);
     uii = IS_SET(a2_effect, marker_uidx);
     if (!uii) {
       delta1 = 1;
@@ -4855,7 +4867,7 @@ int32_t score_report(Score_info* sc_ip, FILE* bedfile, uintptr_t bed_offset, uin
     bufptr = uint32toa_w6x(((int32_t)named_allele_ct_expected) - ujj * named_allele_ct_female_delta + named_allele_ct_deltas[sample_idx], ' ', bufptr);
     dxx = (score_base + ((int32_t)ujj) * female_y_offset + score_deltas[sample_idx]);
-    if (fabs(dxx) < SMALL_EPSILON) {
+    if (fabs(dxx) < abs_score_sum * RECIP_2_53) {
       dxx = 0;
     } else if (report_average) {
       dxx /= ((double)((int32_t)uii));

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