[med-svn] [r-cran-ape] branch debian/jessie-backports updated (5ea2c9e -> bef70bf)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Jun 6 18:01:20 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch debian/jessie-backports
in repository r-cran-ape.
from 5ea2c9e Rebuild for jessie-backports
adds bd01c59 Add autopkgtest
adds 3b7b29e Imported Upstream version 4.0
adds 485ea02 Merge tag 'upstream/4.0'
adds 932f829 Update d/changelog
adds 9c921ba Update debian/*
adds 91b7372 Canonical homepage for CRAN
adds 32a3053 Update watch file
adds 860b061 Convert to dh-r
adds e392dd0 Bump debhelper to 10
adds badaf97 Upload to unstable
new 90e39f7 Merge tag 'debian/4.0-1' into debian/jessie-backports
new bef70bf Rebuild for jessie-backports
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
MD5 | 126 +++++++-------
NAMESPACE | 39 ++++-
R/CDF.birth.death.R | 6 +-
R/DNA.R | 202 ++++++++++++++++------
R/MPR.R | 2 +-
R/SDM.R | 2 +-
R/SlowinskiGuyer.R | 25 +--
R/ace.R | 6 +-
R/as.phylo.R | 2 +-
R/checkValidPhylo.R | 9 +-
R/chronoMPL.R | 2 +-
R/clustal.R | 35 +++-
R/coalescent.intervals.R | 2 +-
R/dist.topo.R | 124 +++++++------
R/is.binary.tree.R | 37 ++--
R/is.ultrametric.R | 45 +++--
R/ltt.plot.R | 6 +-
R/makeLabel.R | 6 +-
R/multi2di.R | 54 +++++-
R/node.dating.R | 277 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
R/pic.R | 2 +-
R/plot.phylo.R | 29 +++-
R/plot.phyloExtra.R | 32 +++-
R/read.GenBank.R | 80 ++++-----
R/read.dna.R | 16 +-
R/read.gff.R | 22 +++
R/reconstruct.R | 421 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
R/reorder.phylo.R | 37 +++-
R/root.R | 103 ++++++++---
R/rtt.R | 16 +-
R/summary.phylo.R | 116 ++++++++++---
R/write.dna.R | 2 +-
R/yule.R | 2 +-
build/vignette.rds | Bin 192 -> 194 bytes
data/hivtree.newick.rda | Bin 2189 -> 2190 bytes
data/landplants.newick.rda | Bin 575 -> 0 bytes
data/opsin.newick.rda | Bin 445 -> 0 bytes
debian/README.source | 10 +-
debian/README.test | 8 +
debian/changelog | 23 +++
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 49 +++---
debian/copyright | 6 +-
debian/docs | 2 +
debian/examples | 1 +
debian/rules | 3 +-
debian/tests/control | 5 +
debian/tests/run-unit-test | 19 ++
debian/upstream/metadata | 10 ++
debian/watch | 4 +-
inst/doc/MoranI.pdf | Bin 238263 -> 238589 bytes
man/AAbin.Rd | 3 +-
man/all.equal.DNAbin.Rd | 65 +++++++
man/alview.Rd | 2 +-
man/ape-internal.Rd | 6 +
man/ape-package.Rd | 4 +
man/boot.phylo.Rd | 9 +-
man/c.phylo.Rd | 23 +--
man/checkAlignment.Rd | 2 +-
man/clustal.Rd | 31 +++-
man/dist.topo.Rd | 21 ++-
man/image.DNAbin.Rd | 5 +-
man/is.binary.tree.Rd | 40 +++--
man/is.ultrametric.Rd | 39 +++--
man/landplants.Rd | 36 ----
man/mixedFontLabel.Rd | 2 +-
man/multi2di.Rd | 25 ++-
man/node.dating.Rd | 107 ++++++++++++
man/opsin.Rd | 35 ----
man/plot.phyloExtra.Rd | 2 +-
man/plotTreeTime.Rd | 44 +++++
man/read.GenBank.Rd | 62 +++----
man/read.dna.Rd | 4 +-
man/read.gff.Rd | 46 +++++
man/reconstruct.Rd | 85 ++++++---
man/reorder.phylo.Rd | 8 +-
man/root.Rd | 64 +++++--
man/summary.phylo.Rd | 20 ++-
src/ape.c | 8 +-
src/dist_dna.c | 126 +++++++++-----
src/read_dna.c | 26 +--
82 files changed, 2222 insertions(+), 769 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 R/node.dating.R
create mode 100644 R/read.gff.R
delete mode 100644 data/landplants.newick.rda
delete mode 100644 data/opsin.newick.rda
create mode 100644 debian/README.test
create mode 100644 debian/docs
create mode 100644 debian/examples
create mode 100644 debian/tests/control
create mode 100644 debian/tests/run-unit-test
create mode 100644 man/all.equal.DNAbin.Rd
delete mode 100644 man/landplants.Rd
create mode 100644 man/node.dating.Rd
delete mode 100644 man/opsin.Rd
create mode 100644 man/plotTreeTime.Rd
create mode 100644 man/read.gff.Rd
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-cran-ape.git
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