[med-svn] [bppsuite] branch master updated (b307988 -> 39e54c5)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Jun 14 12:46:40 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository bppsuite.
from b307988 Take over to Debian Med team maintenance
new e9422c1 cme fix dpkg-control
new 38fe236 debhelper 10
new 4442ddd DEP5
new 415f1d8 Add watch file
new 457ddcd use dh
new 616ba6c New upstream version 2.3.1
new 7177225 Updated version 2.3.1 from 'upstream/2.3.1'
new 4ff487c New upstream version
new 962b011 Fix manpage debhelper input
new 39e54c5 Adjust Build-Depends
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
AUTHORS.txt | 2 +
CMakeLists.txt | 302 +++------------
ChangeLog | 31 ++
Examples/MaximumLikelihood/Codons/M1/ML.bpp | 4 +-
Examples/MaximumLikelihood/Codons/M2/ML.bpp | 4 +-
Examples/PhylogeneticSampling/PhySamp.bpp | 54 ---
Examples/PopStats/PopStats.bpp | 11 +
Examples/PopStats/PopStatsCodonSites.bpp | 19 +
Examples/README | 1 -
INSTALL.txt | 13 +-
bppSuite/CMakeLists.txt | 86 ++--
bppSuite/bppAlnScore.cpp | 44 ++-
bppSuite/bppAncestor.cpp | 43 +-
bppSuite/bppConsense.cpp | 8 +-
bppSuite/bppDist.cpp | 24 +-
bppSuite/bppML.cpp | 61 +--
bppSuite/bppMixedLikelihoods.cpp | 75 ++--
bppSuite/bppPars.cpp | 11 +-
bppSuite/bppPhyloSampler.cpp | 282 --------------
bppSuite/bppPopStats.cpp | 421 ++++++++++++++++++++
bppSuite/bppReRoot.cpp | 10 +-
bppSuite/bppSeqGen.cpp | 208 +++++++---
bppSuite/bppSeqMan.cpp | 77 ++--
bppSuite/bppTreeDraw.cpp | 20 +-
bppsuite.spec | 80 ++--
buildBin.sh | 5 +-
debian/bppsuite.manpages | 12 +-
debian/changelog | 10 +-
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 22 +-
debian/copyright | 80 ++--
debian/rules | 153 +-------
debian/watch | 3 +
doc/CMakeLists.txt | 76 +++-
doc/bppsuite.texi | 431 ++++++++++++++++-----
man/CMakeLists.txt | 54 ++-
man/{bppalnscore.1.txt => bppalnscore.1} | 0
man/{bppancestor.1.txt => bppancestor.1} | 0
man/{bppconsense.1.txt => bppconsense.1} | 0
man/{bppdist.1.txt => bppdist.1} | 0
...ixedlikelihoods.1.txt => bppmixedlikelihoods.1} | 0
man/{bppml.1.txt => bppml.1} | 0
man/{bpppars.1.txt => bpppars.1} | 0
man/bppphysamp.1.txt | 37 --
man/{bpppars.1.txt => bpppopstats.1} | 10 +-
man/{bppreroot.1.txt => bppreroot.1} | 0
man/{bppseqgen.1.txt => bppseqgen.1} | 0
man/{bppseqman.1.txt => bppseqman.1} | 0
man/{bpptreedraw.1.txt => bpptreedraw.1} | 0
49 files changed, 1526 insertions(+), 1260 deletions(-)
delete mode 100755 Examples/PhylogeneticSampling/PhySamp.bpp
create mode 100644 Examples/PopStats/PopStats.bpp
create mode 100644 Examples/PopStats/PopStatsCodonSites.bpp
delete mode 100755 bppSuite/bppPhyloSampler.cpp
create mode 100644 bppSuite/bppPopStats.cpp
create mode 100644 debian/watch
rename man/{bppalnscore.1.txt => bppalnscore.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppancestor.1.txt => bppancestor.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppconsense.1.txt => bppconsense.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppdist.1.txt => bppdist.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppmixedlikelihoods.1.txt => bppmixedlikelihoods.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppml.1.txt => bppml.1} (100%)
copy man/{bpppars.1.txt => bpppars.1} (100%)
delete mode 100644 man/bppphysamp.1.txt
rename man/{bpppars.1.txt => bpppopstats.1} (59%)
rename man/{bppreroot.1.txt => bppreroot.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppseqgen.1.txt => bppseqgen.1} (100%)
rename man/{bppseqman.1.txt => bppseqman.1} (100%)
rename man/{bpptreedraw.1.txt => bpptreedraw.1} (100%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/bppsuite.git
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