[med-svn] [elastix] branch master created (now e2c46c2)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Jun 20 07:53:19 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository elastix.
at e2c46c2 Add more recent publication
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 632d5f1 Initial packaging, for release 4.3. Will not be released as elastix 4.4 is already out.
new b5c2f56 Remove install-dir.patch; addressed upstream.
new 2ab7af0 Patch and configuration to build elastix 4.4.
new 579d789 Add copyright, manpages.
new f265111 Update release time.
new ffca2c4 Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1. Insert full license text rather than referring to common-licenses/BSD. Install manpages.
new 391180e Fix NAME paragraph.
new a28f083 Build docs in package elastix-doc.
new e894a92 Finalize set of build-depends.
new 2fdaf5d Fix name of Debian Med team
new e98dc65 Fix bug mentioning typo in description, added VCS fields, added upstream-metadata.yaml with citation
new 84d8b71 Added watch file (thanks to Paul Wise <pabs at debian.org>); could be uploaded IMHO - should I care for it?
new 72e3a9b Enhanced watch file (thanks to Daniel Leidert <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
new e24daad Target upload to unstable (no changes).
new 617735e New upstream.
new 6be3981 Update standards version.
new 2609583 Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
new b462c80 Corrected the files that did not validate with YAML::XS.
new 598fe8f Slight change in debian/upstream; Fixed Vcs fields in debian/control; please switch to valid DEP5 debian/copyright for next upload
new 87a8818 Valid BibTeX authors field and other more precise information
new 6d28fc4 Changes Build-Depends of libpng (s/libpng12-dev/libpng/)
new 4b3a794 DEP5
new ba6c600 Remark why denhelper 9 currently does not seem to be a good idea; upload to unstable
new 352a197 Add latex-xcolor to fix #713280; tried new upstream version but failed to build - see changelog -> just tell me whether it is worth trying new upstream or if we want to stick with old for the moment
new a465398 Try building with Build-Depends: libinsighttoolkit4-dev instead of libinsighttoolkit3-dev which in turn leads to a missing itk_tiff.h which seems to reside only in libinsighttoolkit3-dev ... very confusing. I think I'll step back to old upstream version
new ae76a08 Revert attempt to upgrade to new version and just fix bug in recent version in Debian
new 0cf6b9c Use xz compression
new 784eb0d Fix some small lintian info issues and upload to unstable
new 08fa9a8 * Team upload. * Build-depend on libtiff-dev, instead of libtiff4-dev.
new 5e60a8b releasing package elastix version 4.5-4
new 7e8cb55 Update for new upstream, new ITK (v4).
new c50b123 Update build-deps.
new eae9202 Update review module detection to be compatible with ITK 4.5
new 4ed6f0a Tighten ITK build dep to ensure ITK 4.5 is used with the review module present.
new 22dd7dd Add new dep required by ITK.
new 6b9f248 Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
new 1064973 upload of new upstream version
new e0eb510 actually delete the old patches from svn
new c9ce0d2 Add a patch to remove google analytics from the documentation
new 7261c6a Add a patch to remove google analytics from the documentation
new e8727b6 Document google-adsense patch in the changelog
new 360466f Add documentation text to the adsense patch
new 9806f83 Use `cme fix dpkg-control` to fix Vcs fields; 11.3. is "Tue"
new 80d34e9 Provide doc-base file and upload to unstable
new fb3ad86 Add doc-base file
new 513820f Build-Depends: libfftw3-dev
new 8298ec0 Prepare upload of the new 4.8 release.
new 4f48f4c remove un-needed depends for elastix-doc
new e1a3f34 Fix d/copyright format
new 23d8c57 Clean up the Doxygen generated documentation
new e1ef5e2 d/rules: - delete the right md5 files - add compiler flag to make some warnings about visibility go away
new a02279b Cleanup lintian warnings and update changelog
new 0cbbb5f d/rules: delete jquery.js instead of couning on debhelper
new 03e998d prepare for upload
new 183fff3 Rework the Documentation creation (WIP)
new f1da3c1 Further update of patches * Enable HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS because otherwise the required dynsections.js is not added * Add some newlines to build-static-ann.patch to quell a warning about the patch stopping early
new fe4a305 Enable the searchengine in doxygen
new cf21e52 Change to target unstable for upload.
new 437ecce Add Registration field to upstream metadata
new 209b4b5 Update build depenedencies for libdcmtk-dev
new 9ada409 Add png transition bug closing
new fd6d021 Ready for new upload
new 5603598 Add NMU patch thanks: Gianfranco Costamagna
new 1c2d7d4 Update date-time patch for reproducible builds, Closes: #813345
new 3760813 Correct the date-time patch
new 4c7bc4e d/control: update standards version and VCS url
new fb51cb7 Update changelog for upload
new 5414d94 Prepare new upload to fix date in manual.pdf
new 145b9e8 Update standards version
new 7d71a2b Add another date-time fix for reproducable builds
new 6bb9435 d/rules: Correct sed rule for eliminating \today
new 524f6c6 Update for upload
new d8f72be Update standards version
new 9a3a547 prepare for upload
new 7e33345 force -std=c++03 because of #822713
new d0405a5 Prepare upload
new 69d24e7 Enable hardening and correct VXS browse url
new 524eb9c prepare new upload
new 43cb160 Add patch to build against ITK 4.10
new 1b3ba03 prepare to upload fixed version
new bbc5ef8 New upstream version 4.8
new a42c8aa Merge tag 'upstream/4.8'
new 5ffaa6a Re-add debian/ dir
new f1fa73b Moved packaging from SVN to Git
new b120106 Drop myself from Uploaders
new e2c46c2 Add more recent publication
The 86 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/elastix.git
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