[med-svn] [stacks] 06/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.46'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Jun 24 07:04:23 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository stacks.

commit f24f4e983727bdd9a69d011a8ef558f746e963cd
Merge: 55df420 5eedfd9
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jun 24 08:21:12 2017 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.46'
    Upstream version 1.46

 ChangeLog                           |   34 +
 Makefile.am                         |   47 +-
 Makefile.in                         | 3814 ++++++++++++-----------
 aclocal.m4                          |  740 ++---
 config.h.in                         |    9 +-
 config/compile                      |  232 +-
 config/depcomp                      |  531 ++--
 config/install-sh                   |  385 +--
 config/missing                      |  461 ++-
 config/test-driver                  |  148 -
 configure                           | 5763 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 configure.ac                        |   31 +-
 htslib/._INSTALL                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._LICENSE                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._Makefile                   |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._NEWS                       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._README                     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._bgzf.c                     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._bgzip.c                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._cram                       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._faidx.c                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hfile.c                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hfile_internal.h           |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hfile_irods.c              |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hfile_libcurl.c            |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hfile_net.c                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hts.c                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._hts_internal.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._htsfile.c                  |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._htslib                     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._htslib.pc.in               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._htslib_vars.mk             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._kfunc.c                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._knetfile.c                 |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._kstring.c                  |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._md5.c                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._plugin.c                   |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._regidx.c                   |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._sam.c                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._synced_bcf_reader.c        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._tabix.c                    |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._tbx.c                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._vcf.c                      |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._vcf_sweep.c                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/._vcfutils.c                 |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram.h                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_codecs.c         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_codecs.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_decode.c         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_decode.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_encode.c         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_encode.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_external.c       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_index.c          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_index.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_io.c             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_io.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_samtools.c       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_samtools.h       |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_stats.c          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_stats.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._cram_structs.h        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._files.c               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._mFILE.c               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._mFILE.h               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._misc.h                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._open_trace_file.c     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._open_trace_file.h     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._os.h                  |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._pooled_alloc.c        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._pooled_alloc.h        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._rANS_byte.h           |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._rANS_static.c         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._rANS_static.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._sam_header.c          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._sam_header.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._string_alloc.c        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._string_alloc.h        |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._thread_pool.c         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._thread_pool.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._vlen.c                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._vlen.h                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._zfio.c                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/cram/._zfio.h                |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._bgzf.h              |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._cram.h              |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._faidx.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._hfile.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._hts.h               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._hts_defs.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._kbitset.h           |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._kfunc.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._khash.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._khash_str2int.h     |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._klist.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._knetfile.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._kseq.h              |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._ksort.h             |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._kstring.h           |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._regidx.h            |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._sam.h               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._synced_bcf_reader.h |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._tbx.h               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._vcf.h               |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._vcf_sweep.h         |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 htslib/htslib/._vcfutils.h          |  Bin 181 -> 0 bytes
 scripts/count_fixed_catalog_snps.py |  323 ++
 scripts/denovo_map.pl               |   11 +-
 scripts/integrate_alignments.py     |    1 +
 scripts/ref_map.pl                  |    9 +-
 src/BamI.h                          |  285 +-
 src/MetaPopInfo.cc                  |   43 +-
 src/MetaPopInfo.h                   |    6 +-
 src/PopMap.h                        |    9 +-
 src/SamI.h                          |  356 +--
 src/Vcf.cc                          |    2 +
 src/aln_utils.cc                    |   55 +-
 src/aln_utils.h                     |    2 +-
 src/bootstrap.h                     |   19 +-
 src/catalog_utils.cc                |   22 +
 src/catalog_utils.h                 |    6 +
 src/clone_filter.cc                 |    2 +
 src/constants.cc                    |   88 +
 src/constants.h                     |   85 +-
 src/cstacks.cc                      |  160 +-
 src/estacks.cc                      |    9 +-
 src/export_formats.cc               |  169 +-
 src/export_formats.h                |    2 -
 src/file_io.cc                      |   24 -
 src/file_io.h                       |    1 -
 src/genotypes.cc                    |   13 +-
 src/hstacks.cc                      |    2 +
 src/input.cc                        |   38 +-
 src/input.h                         |    9 +-
 src/kmer_filter.cc                  |    2 +
 src/locus.cc                        |    7 +-
 src/log_utils.cc                    |   15 +
 src/log_utils.h                     |   15 +-
 src/mst.cc                          |    8 +
 src/mst.h                           |    8 +-
 src/phasedstacks.cc                 |    2 +
 src/populations.cc                  |  179 +-
 src/populations.h                   |    2 +
 src/process_radtags.cc              |   99 +-
 src/process_shortreads.cc           |   18 +-
 src/pstacks.cc                      |  508 +--
 src/pstacks.h                       |   13 +-
 src/renz.cc                         |   64 +-
 src/rxstacks.cc                     |   77 +-
 src/smoothing.h                     |   22 +-
 src/sql_utilities.cc                |    6 +-
 src/sstacks.cc                      |  143 +-
 src/stacks.h                        |    8 +-
 src/ustacks.cc                      |  286 +-
 src/ustacks.h                       |    4 +-
 src/utils.cc                        |   36 +-
 src/utils.h                         |   30 +
 157 files changed, 8489 insertions(+), 7009 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/stacks.git

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