[med-svn] [khmer] branch upstream updated (a9e0b66 -> a119d2c)

Michael Crusoe misterc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 25 16:46:40 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

misterc-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository khmer.

      from  a9e0b66   Imported Upstream version 2.0+dfsg
      adds  021bb43   New upstream version 2.0~pre2.1-20170216-b2ab51575c2fa4c6bff078387ed8b67c4299df12
      adds  a119d2c   New upstream version 2.1.1+dfsg

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .dictionary                                        |    155 +
 doc/dev/details.rst => .github/CONTRIBUTING.md     |     24 +-
 .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md                   |     16 +
 .gitignore                                         |      5 +-
 .mailmap                                           |     10 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |     91 +
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |     79 +
 CITATION                                           |     12 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                    |     42 -
 IDEAS                                              |     18 -
 MANIFEST.in                                        |      5 +-
 Makefile                                           |    223 +-
 README.rst                                         |    117 +-
 TODO                                               |     80 -
 author-skips.txt                                   |     15 +
 authors.csv                                        |     68 +
 ci_scripts/install.sh                              |     31 +
 data/16s+23s.fa                                    |    800 -
 data/16s.fa                                        |    714 -
 data/1m-bigpart.fa                                 |  44872 --------
 data/23s.fa                                        |     86 -
 data/MSB2-part.group1.fa                           | 100806 -----------------
 data/MSB2-part.group10.fa                          | 101128 -----------------
 data/MSB2-part.group31.fa                          | 103446 ------------------
 data/high-sodd.fa                                  |    384 -
 data/mda-test.fa                                   |     28 -
 data/primers.fa                                    |      4 -
 doc/conf.py                                        |     31 +-
 doc/contributors.rst                               |     51 +-
 doc/dev/a-quick-guide-to-testing.rst               |     50 +-
 doc/dev/binary-file-formats.rst                    |     14 +-
 doc/dev/codebase-guide.rst                         |     23 +-
 doc/dev/coding-guidelines-and-review.rst           |    189 -
 doc/dev/development.rst                            |     95 +-
 doc/dev/for-khmer-developers.rst                   |     33 +-
 doc/dev/getting-started.rst                        |    399 +-
 doc/dev/guidelines-continued-dev.rst               |    269 +
 doc/dev/index.rst                                  |     16 +-
 doc/dev/python-api.rst                             |    152 +
 doc/dev/release.rst                                |    127 +-
 doc/dev/scripts-and-sandbox.rst                    |     47 +-
 doc/index.rst                                      |     53 +-
 doc/introduction.rst                               |    115 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-1.2.md                   |     64 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-1.2.rst                  |     25 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-1.4.md                   |     10 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-1.4.rst                  |     12 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-2.0.md                   |      4 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-2.0.rst                  |      4 +-
 doc/release-notes/release-2.1.md                   |     47 +
 doc/release-notes/release-2.1.rst                  |     78 +
 doc/requirements.txt                               |      5 +-
 doc/roadmap.rst                                    |     16 +-
 doc/{dev/crazy-ideas.rst => user/api-examples.rst} |     31 +-
 doc/user/blog-posts.rst                            |     22 +-
 doc/user/choosing-table-sizes.rst                  |     53 +-
 doc/user/guide.rst                                 |     16 +-
 doc/user/index.rst                                 |     16 +-
 doc/user/install.rst                               |     43 +-
 doc/user/known-issues.rst                          |     23 +-
 doc/whats-new-2.0.rst                              |    197 -
 examples/README.txt                                |      5 -
 examples/c++-api/.gitignore                        |      3 +
 examples/c++-api/Makefile                          |     20 +
 examples/c++-api/bloom.cc                          |     38 +
 examples/c++-api/consume.cc                        |     39 +
 examples/c++-api/exact-counting.cc                 |     40 +
 examples/c++-api/reads.fastq                       |    532 +
 examples/python-api/bloom.py                       |     26 +
 examples/python-api/consume.py                     |     20 +
 examples/python-api/exact-counting.py              |     39 +
 examples/stamps/do.sh                              |      8 +-
 khmer/__init__.py                                  |    172 +-
 khmer/_cpy_counttable.hh                           |    128 +
 khmer/_cpy_hashgraph.hh                            |   1587 +
 khmer/_cpy_nodetable.hh                            |    131 +
 khmer/_cpy_smallcountgraph.hh                      |    181 +
 khmer/_cpy_smallcounttable.hh                      |    127 +
 khmer/_khmer.cc                                    |   6100 +-
 khmer/_version.py                                  |    488 +-
 khmer/kfile.py                                     |     38 +-
 khmer/khmer_args.py                                |    368 +-
 khmer/khmer_logger.py                              |     13 +-
 khmer/thread_utils.py                              |     68 +-
 khmer/{khmer_logger.py => trimming.py}             |     66 +-
 khmer/utils.py                                     |    115 +-
 ChangeLog => legacy/ChangeLog                      |    662 +-
 jenkins-build.sh => legacy/jenkins-build.sh        |     12 +-
 lib/.gitignore                                     |      1 +
 lib/Makefile                                       |     18 +-
 lib/{test-compile.cc => alphabets.cc}              |     21 +-
 lib/{.check_openmp.cc => alphabets.hh}             |     23 +-
 lib/assembler.cc                                   |    533 +
 lib/assembler.hh                                   |    177 +
 lib/counting.cc                                    |   1041 -
 lib/counting.hh                                    |    348 -
 lib/get_version.py                                 |     52 -
 lib/hashbits.cc                                    |    215 -
 lib/hashbits.hh                                    |    215 -
 lib/{hashtable.cc => hashgraph.cc}                 |    760 +-
 lib/hashgraph.hh                                   |    298 +
 lib/hashtable.cc                                   |   1168 +-
 lib/hashtable.hh                                   |    490 +-
 lib/hllcounter.cc                                  |     39 +-
 lib/hllcounter.hh                                  |     33 +-
 lib/khmer.hh                                       |     22 +-
 lib/kmer_filters.cc                                |    159 +
 lib/{test-Colors.cc => kmer_filters.hh}            |     42 +-
 lib/kmer_hash.cc                                   |     47 +-
 lib/kmer_hash.hh                                   |     98 +-
 lib/labelhash.cc                                   |    198 +-
 lib/labelhash.hh                                   |    110 +-
 lib/magic                                          |     61 +-
 lib/oxli.pc.in                                     |      4 +-
 lib/read_aligner.cc                                |     24 +-
 lib/read_aligner.hh                                |      8 +-
 lib/read_parsers.cc                                |    407 +-
 lib/read_parsers.hh                                |    189 +-
 lib/storage.cc                                     |    916 +
 lib/storage.hh                                     |    651 +
 lib/subset.cc                                      |    339 +-
 lib/subset.hh                                      |     31 +-
 lib/test-Colors.cc                                 |      2 +-
 lib/test-compile.cc                                |      4 +-
 lib/traversal.cc                                   |    325 +-
 lib/traversal.hh                                   |    253 +-
 oxli/__init__.py                                   |     15 +-
 oxli/build_graph.py                                |     14 +-
 oxli/functions.py                                  |     21 +-
 oxli/partition.py                                  |     49 +
 papers/paper-v2.1.md                               |    121 +
 pylintrc                                           |    384 +
 pytest.ini                                         |      4 +
 sandbox/Makefile.read_aligner_training             |     26 +-
 sandbox/README.rst                                 |     16 +-
 sandbox/abundance-hist-by-position.py              |     70 -
 sandbox/assemble-and-track.py                      |    139 +
 sandbox/assemble-on-the-go.py                      |    118 +
 sandbox/assembly-diff.py                           |      4 +-
 sandbox/assemstats3.py                             |      3 +-
 sandbox/bloom-count.py                             |      3 +
 sandbox/collect-reads.py                           |      3 +-
 sandbox/collect-variants.py                        |      3 +-
 sandbox/count-kmers-single.py                      |      5 +-
 sandbox/count-kmers.py                             |      3 +-
 sandbox/extract-compact-dbg.py                     |    230 +
 sandbox/extract-unassembled-reads-2.py             |     72 +
 sandbox/extract-unassembled-reads.py               |     86 +
 sandbox/fasta-to-abundance-hist.py                 |     57 -
 sandbox/find-high-abund-kmers.py                   |    107 -
 sandbox/graph-size.py                              |      2 +-
 sandbox/hi-lo-abundance-by-position.py             |     65 -
 sandbox/link-compact-dbg.py                        |    198 +
 sandbox/optimal_args_hashbits.py                   |      5 +-
 sandbox/readaligner_pairhmm_train.py               |     14 +-
 sandbox/reassemble-contigs.py                      |     51 +
 sandbox/saturate-by-median.py                      |      3 +-
 sandbox/stoptag-abundance-hist.py                  |      2 +
 sandbox/streaming-assembly-simple.py               |    145 +
 sandbox/sweep-out-reads-with-contigs.py            |      2 +-
 sandbox/sweep-reads2.py                            |     63 +-
 sandbox/sweep-reads3.py                            |      5 +-
 scripts/abundance-dist-single.py                   |     83 +-
 scripts/abundance-dist.py                          |     60 +-
 scripts/annotate-partitions.py                     |     13 +-
 scripts/count-median.py                            |     16 +-
 scripts/do-partition.py                            |     54 +-
 scripts/extract-long-sequences.py                  |     11 +-
 scripts/extract-paired-reads.py                    |     32 +-
 scripts/extract-partitions.py                      |    308 +-
 scripts/fastq-to-fasta.py                          |     20 +-
 scripts/filter-abund-single.py                     |    103 +-
 scripts/filter-abund.py                            |    100 +-
 scripts/filter-stoptags.py                         |     19 +-
 scripts/find-knots.py                              |     13 +-
 scripts/interleave-reads.py                        |     46 +-
 scripts/load-graph.py                              |      6 +-
 scripts/load-into-counting.py                      |     63 +-
 scripts/make-initial-stoptags.py                   |     14 +-
 scripts/merge-partitions.py                        |     15 +-
 scripts/normalize-by-median.py                     |     65 +-
 scripts/partition-graph.py                         |     52 +-
 scripts/readstats.py                               |     26 +-
 scripts/sample-reads-randomly.py                   |     38 +-
 scripts/split-paired-reads.py                      |     36 +-
 scripts/trim-low-abund.py                          |    544 +-
 scripts/unique-kmers.py                            |     35 +-
 setup.cfg                                          |     24 +-
 setup.py                                           |     88 +-
 sort-authors-list.py                               |     22 +-
 tests/__init__.py                                  |      1 +
 tests/khmer_tst_utils.py                           |    109 +-
 tests/test-data/README.rst                         |     10 +
 tests/test-data/goodversion-k12.ht                 |    Bin 16 -> 28 bytes
 tests/test-data/goodversion-k12.ht.gz              |    Bin 38 -> 56 bytes
 tests/test-data/goodversion-k32.stoptags           |    Bin 1174 -> 1354 bytes
 ...ed-mixed.fa.pe => paired-mixed-witherror.fa.pe} |      2 +-
 tests/test-data/{paired.fq => paired.malformat.fq} |      6 +-
 .../{paired.fq.1 => paired.malformat.fq.2}         |      6 +-
 tests/test-data/simple-genome-reads.fa             |   2000 +
 tests/test-data/simple-genome.fa                   |      2 +
 tests/test-data/single-read.fa                     |      2 +
 tests/test-data/unclean-reads.fastq                |      8 +
 tests/test-data/valid-read-testing.fq              |     36 +
 tests/test_assembly.py                             |    906 +
 tests/test_countgraph.py                           |    357 +-
 tests/test_counting_single.py                      |     60 +-
 tests/{test_filter.py => test_counttable.py}       |     85 +-
 .../test_cpython_hierarchy.py                      |     74 +-
 tests/test_filter_abund.py                         |    432 +
 tests/test_functions.py                            |    280 +-
 tests/test_graph.py                                |     32 +-
 tests/test_hashset.py                              |    169 +
 tests/test_hll.py                                  |     73 +-
 tests/test_labelhash.py                            |     78 +-
 tests/test_lump.py                                 |     31 +-
 tests/test_nibblestorage.py                        |    131 +
 tests/test_nodegraph.py                            |    489 +-
 tests/test_normalize_by_median.py                  |    254 +-
 tests/test_oxli_functions.py                       |      9 +-
 tests/test_read_aligner.py                         |    127 +-
 tests/test_read_handling.py                        |    789 +
 tests/test_read_parsers.py                         |    156 +-
 tests/test_sandbox_scripts.py                      |    128 +-
 tests/test_script_arguments.py                     |    265 +-
 tests/test_script_output.py                        |    184 +
 tests/test_scripts.py                              |   1653 +-
 tests/test_sequence_validation.py                  |    335 +
 tests/test_streaming_io.py                         |     92 +-
 tests/test_subset_graph.py                         |    143 +-
 tests/test_tabletype.py                            |    448 +
 tests/test_threaded_sequence_processor.py          |     47 +-
 tests/test_version.py                              |     11 +-
 third-party/seqan/ChangeLog                        |      5 +
 .../core/include/seqan/basic/debug_test_system.h   |      2 +-
 versioneer.py                                      |   1905 +-
 236 files changed, 25850 insertions(+), 366033 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .dictionary
 rename doc/dev/details.rst => .github/CONTRIBUTING.md (86%)
 create mode 100644 .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml
 create mode 100644 CHANGELOG.md
 delete mode 100644 CONTRIBUTING.md
 delete mode 100644 IDEAS
 delete mode 100644 TODO
 create mode 100644 author-skips.txt
 create mode 100644 authors.csv
 create mode 100644 ci_scripts/install.sh
 delete mode 100644 data/16s+23s.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/16s.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/1m-bigpart.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/23s.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/MSB2-part.group1.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/MSB2-part.group10.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/MSB2-part.group31.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/high-sodd.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/mda-test.fa
 delete mode 100644 data/primers.fa
 delete mode 100644 doc/dev/coding-guidelines-and-review.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/dev/guidelines-continued-dev.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/dev/python-api.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/release-notes/release-2.1.md
 create mode 100644 doc/release-notes/release-2.1.rst
 rename doc/{dev/crazy-ideas.rst => user/api-examples.rst} (63%)
 delete mode 100644 doc/whats-new-2.0.rst
 delete mode 100644 examples/README.txt
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/Makefile
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/bloom.cc
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/consume.cc
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/exact-counting.cc
 create mode 100644 examples/c++-api/reads.fastq
 create mode 100755 examples/python-api/bloom.py
 create mode 100755 examples/python-api/consume.py
 create mode 100755 examples/python-api/exact-counting.py
 create mode 100644 khmer/_cpy_counttable.hh
 create mode 100644 khmer/_cpy_hashgraph.hh
 create mode 100644 khmer/_cpy_nodetable.hh
 create mode 100644 khmer/_cpy_smallcountgraph.hh
 create mode 100644 khmer/_cpy_smallcounttable.hh
 copy khmer/{khmer_logger.py => trimming.py} (61%)
 rename ChangeLog => legacy/ChangeLog (83%)
 rename jenkins-build.sh => legacy/jenkins-build.sh (91%)
 copy lib/{test-compile.cc => alphabets.cc} (84%)
 copy lib/{.check_openmp.cc => alphabets.hh} (85%)
 create mode 100644 lib/assembler.cc
 create mode 100644 lib/assembler.hh
 delete mode 100644 lib/counting.cc
 delete mode 100644 lib/counting.hh
 delete mode 100755 lib/get_version.py
 delete mode 100644 lib/hashbits.cc
 delete mode 100644 lib/hashbits.hh
 copy lib/{hashtable.cc => hashgraph.cc} (55%)
 create mode 100644 lib/hashgraph.hh
 create mode 100644 lib/kmer_filters.cc
 copy lib/{test-Colors.cc => kmer_filters.hh} (67%)
 create mode 100644 lib/storage.cc
 create mode 100644 lib/storage.hh
 mode change 100644 => 100755 oxli/build_graph.py
 mode change 100644 => 100755 oxli/functions.py
 create mode 100755 oxli/partition.py
 create mode 100644 papers/paper-v2.1.md
 create mode 100644 pylintrc
 create mode 100644 pytest.ini
 delete mode 100755 sandbox/abundance-hist-by-position.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/assemble-and-track.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/assemble-on-the-go.py
 mode change 100644 => 100755 sandbox/count-kmers.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/extract-compact-dbg.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/extract-unassembled-reads-2.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/extract-unassembled-reads.py
 delete mode 100755 sandbox/fasta-to-abundance-hist.py
 delete mode 100755 sandbox/find-high-abund-kmers.py
 delete mode 100755 sandbox/hi-lo-abundance-by-position.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/link-compact-dbg.py
 mode change 100644 => 100755 sandbox/optimal_args_hashbits.py
 mode change 100644 => 100755 sandbox/readaligner_pairhmm_train.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/reassemble-contigs.py
 create mode 100755 sandbox/streaming-assembly-simple.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/README.rst
 copy tests/test-data/{paired-mixed.fa.pe => paired-mixed-witherror.fa.pe} (92%)
 copy tests/test-data/{paired.fq => paired.malformat.fq} (95%)
 copy tests/test-data/{paired.fq.1 => paired.malformat.fq.2} (90%)
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/simple-genome-reads.fa
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/simple-genome.fa
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/single-read.fa
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/unclean-reads.fastq
 create mode 100644 tests/test-data/valid-read-testing.fq
 create mode 100644 tests/test_assembly.py
 rename tests/{test_filter.py => test_counttable.py} (53%)
 copy sandbox/stoptag-abundance-hist.py => tests/test_cpython_hierarchy.py (58%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644
 create mode 100644 tests/test_filter_abund.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_hashset.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_nibblestorage.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_read_handling.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_script_output.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_sequence_validation.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_tabletype.py
 mode change 100755 => 100644 versioneer.py

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/khmer.git

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