[med-svn] [qcumber] branch debian/jessie-backports updated (eb0dd0b -> 61bfed6)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Mar 14 12:15:53 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to branch debian/jessie-backports
in repository qcumber.

      from  eb0dd0b   Backport to Jessie
      adds  966a33a   New upstream version 1.0.9+dfsg
      adds  c0ceb61   Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.9+dfsg'
      adds  330c593   New upstream version
      adds  3bfb2d9   New upstream version 1.0.10+dfsg
      adds  43f3080   Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.10+dfsg'
      adds  240040b   In the last moment a new version poped up
      adds  9b54cb1   Depends: r-bioc-savr
      adds  3697eb3   New upstream version 1.0.11+dfsg
      adds  e6a970f   Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.11+dfsg'
      adds  8007975   New upstream version
      adds  6590656   Refresh patches
      adds  e3a7fba   Upload to unstable
       new  1fdcc32   Merge branch 'master' into debian/jessie-backports
       new  61bfed6   Another inofficial Jessie backport

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 QCumber.py                                         | 617 +++++++++++----------
 barplot.R                                          |  56 +-
 batch_report.html                                  |  10 +-
 classes.py                                         |  96 ++--
 config.txt                                         |   6 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  13 +
 debian/control                                     |   1 +
 debian/patches/adapt_config.patch                  |   9 +-
 debian/patches/check_fasta.patch                   |  18 +-
 .../set_absolute_path_to_tex_template.patch        |   8 +-
 helper.py                                          |  11 +-
 parameter.txt                                      |  13 +-
 report.tex                                         |  14 +-
 13 files changed, 468 insertions(+), 404 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/qcumber.git

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