[med-svn] [htslib] 01/03: Merge branch 'master' into debian/jessie-backports

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Mar 21 18:40:51 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch debian/jessie-backports
in repository htslib.

commit adc8ffc6ddb7d5e3b240570f92ce474583378ed5
Merge: 83fbdd9 879855b
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 21 19:30:10 2017 +0100

    Merge branch 'master' into debian/jessie-backports

 .gitignore                                   |   13 +
 .travis.yml                                  |   23 +-
 INSTALL                                      |  104 +-
 Makefile                                     |  247 +++--
 NEWS                                         |  102 +-
 README.md                                    |    5 +-
 bcf_sr_sort.c                                |  645 ++++++++++++
 bcf_sr_sort.h                                |  103 ++
 bgzf.c                                       | 1250 +++++++++++++++++------
 bgzip.c                                      |   38 +-
 config.h.in                                  |   38 -
 config.mk.in                                 |   56 +-
 configure.ac                                 |  243 ++++-
 cram/cram_codecs.c                           |  180 +++-
 cram/cram_codecs.h                           |    4 +
 cram/cram_decode.c                           |  182 +++-
 cram/cram_encode.c                           |  904 +++++++++--------
 cram/cram_encode.h                           |   10 +
 cram/cram_external.c                         |   16 +
 cram/cram_index.c                            |  134 +--
 cram/cram_index.h                            |    4 +-
 cram/cram_io.c                               |  335 +++++--
 cram/cram_io.h                               |   79 +-
 cram/cram_samtools.c                         |   17 +-
 cram/cram_samtools.h                         |    2 +-
 cram/cram_stats.c                            |  266 +----
 cram/cram_structs.h                          |   57 +-
 cram/open_trace_file.c                       |    1 -
 cram/os.h                                    |   96 +-
 cram/pooled_alloc.h                          |    2 +
 cram/rANS_byte.h                             |   14 +
 cram/rANS_static.c                           |  200 ++--
 cram/sam_header.c                            |    5 +-
 cram/string_alloc.c                          |    2 +-
 cram/thread_pool.c                           |  757 --------------
 cram/thread_pool.h                           |  218 ----
 cram/vlen.h                                  |    2 +
 cram/zfio.c                                  |   41 +-
 errmod.c                                     |  194 ++++
 faidx.c                                      |  334 ++++---
 hfile.c                                      |  248 ++++-
 hfile_gcs.c                                  |  137 +++
 hfile_internal.h                             |   25 +-
 hfile_irods.c                                |  259 -----
 hfile_libcurl.c                              |  459 ++-------
 hfile_s3.c                                   |  400 ++++++++
 hts.c                                        |  582 ++++++++---
 hts_internal.h                               |   96 ++
 htsfile.1                                    |    9 +-
 htsfile.c                                    |  191 ++--
 htslib.mk                                    |   24 +-
 htslib.pc.in                                 |   15 +-
 htslib/bgzf.h                                |  106 +-
 htslib/cram.h                                |   37 +-
 htslib/faidx.h                               |  188 ++--
 htslib/hfile.h                               |  190 ++--
 htslib/hts.h                                 |  194 +++-
 htslib/hts_defs.h                            |    8 +-
 htslib/hts_endian.h                          |  354 +++++++
 htslib/knetfile.h                            |    1 +
 htslib/ksort.h                               |    3 +-
 htslib/kstring.h                             |   99 +-
 htslib/regidx.h                              |    2 +
 htslib/sam.h                                 |  178 +++-
 htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h                   |   59 +-
 htslib/tbx.h                                 |    9 +-
 htslib/thread_pool.h                         |  290 ++++++
 htslib/vcf.h                                 |  108 +-
 htslib/vcf_sweep.h                           |    5 +-
 htslib/vcfutils.h                            |   14 +-
 htslib_vars.mk                               |    6 +-
 knetfile.c                                   |    6 +-
 kstring.c                                    |  124 ++-
 md5.c                                        |    3 +-
 multipart.c                                  |  242 +++++
 plugin.c                                     |   34 +-
 probaln.c                                    |  285 ++++++
 realn.c                                      |  199 ++++
 regidx.c                                     |   15 +-
 sam.c                                        |  623 ++++++++----
 synced_bcf_reader.c                          |  242 ++---
 tabix.1                                      |   14 +-
 tabix.c                                      |   48 +-
 tbx.c                                        |   88 +-
 test/aux#aux_java.cram                       |  Bin 3774 -> 0 bytes
 test/auxf#values.sam                         |    4 +-
 test/auxf#values_java.cram                   |  Bin 0 -> 5152 bytes
 test/bgziptest.txt                           |    1 +
 test/bgziptest.txt.gz                        |  Bin 0 -> 181 bytes
 test/bgziptest.txt.gz.gzi                    |  Bin 0 -> 88 bytes
 test/compare_sam.pl                          |   22 +-
 test/cross_validate.sh                       |    4 +-
 test/formatmissing-out.vcf                   |    6 +
 test/formatmissing.vcf                       |    6 +
 test/hfile.c                                 |   44 +-
 test/hts_endian.c                            |  510 ++++++++++
 test/md#1.sam                                |   12 +
 test/md.fa                                   |    3 +
 test/md.fa.fai                               |    1 +
 test/sam.c                                   |  209 +++-
 test/tabix/bed_file.Y.100200.out             |    1 +
 test/tabix/bed_file.bed                      |   39 +
 test/tabix/gff_file.X.2934832.2935190.out    |    4 +
 test/tabix/gff_file.gff                      |   70 ++
 test/tabix/large_chr.20.1.2147483647.out     |    9 +
 test/tabix/large_chr.vcf                     |   18 +
 test/tabix/tabix.tst                         |   65 ++
 test/tabix/test-tabix.sh                     |  182 ++++
 test/tabix/vcf_file.1.3000151.out            |    1 +
 test/tabix/vcf_file.2.3199812.out            |    1 +
 test/tabix/vcf_file.vcf                      |   36 +
 test/test-bcf-sr.c                           |  141 +++
 test/test-bcf-sr.pl                          |  546 ++++++++++
 test/test-regidx.c                           |   10 +-
 test/test.pl                                 |   89 +-
 test/test_bgzf.c                             |  789 +++++++++++++++
 test/test_view.c                             |   21 +-
 htslib/vcf_sweep.h => test/thrash_threads1.c |   56 +-
 htslib/vcf_sweep.h => test/thrash_threads2.c |   54 +-
 htslib/vcf_sweep.h => test/thrash_threads3.c |   59 +-
 test/thrash_threads4.c                       |   68 ++
 test/thrash_threads5.c                       |   66 ++
 test/thrash_threads6.c                       |  108 ++
 test/thread_pool.md                          |   58 ++
 textutils.c                                  |  379 +++++++
 thread_pool.c                                | 1376 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 thread_pool_internal.h                       |  165 +++
 vcf.c                                        |  596 ++++++++---
 vcf_sweep.c                                  |    4 +-
 vcfutils.c                                   |  218 +++-
 130 files changed, 14375 insertions(+), 4818 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/htslib.git

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