[med-svn] [canu] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.5+dfsg'

Afif Elghraoui afif at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 18 05:30:13 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

afif pushed a commit to branch master
in repository canu.

commit a9101d36f75d05681f6bd16f71c63eaf6ce63abb
Merge: f6f924b 15ffcc1
Author: Afif Elghraoui <afif at debian.org>
Date:   Thu May 18 01:18:32 2017 -0400

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.5+dfsg'
    Upstream version 1.5+dfsg

 README.licenses                                    |   43 +
 addCopyrights-BuildData.pl                         |    1 +
 addCopyrights.dat                                  |  729 +++++
 addCopyrights.pl                                   |   41 +-
 buildRelease.sh                                    |   39 +
 documentation/reST-markup-hints                    |   10 +
 documentation/source/conf.py                       |    4 +-
 documentation/source/faq.rst                       |   95 +-
 documentation/source/parameter-reference.rst       |  418 ++-
 documentation/source/quick-start.rst               |   55 +-
 documentation/source/tutorial.rst                  |  114 +-
 src/AS_UTL/AS_UTL_fileIO.C                         |  149 +-
 src/AS_UTL/AS_UTL_fileIO.H                         |    8 +-
 src/AS_UTL/AS_UTL_stackTrace.C                     |  376 ++-
 src/AS_UTL/AS_UTL_stackTrace.H                     |    2 +-
 src/AS_UTL/bitPackedFile.C                         |    2 +-
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/LICENSE                    |   29 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/README                     |   15 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/atomic.c                   |  113 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/backtrace-supported.h      |   66 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/backtrace.c                |  129 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/backtrace.h                |  182 ++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/config.h                   |  128 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/dwarf.c                    | 3123 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/elf.c                      |  983 ++++++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/fileline.c                 |  194 ++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/internal.h                 |  294 ++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/make.out                   |   26 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/make.sh                    |   22 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/mmap.c                     |  303 ++
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/mmapio.c                   |  100 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/posix.c                    |  100 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/print.c                    |   92 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/simple.c                   |  108 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/sort.c                     |  108 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/state.c                    |   72 +
 src/AS_UTL/libbacktrace/unknown.c                  |   68 +
 src/AS_global.C                                    |   10 +-
 src/Makefile                                       |  227 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_BestOverlapGraph.C               |   88 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_BestOverlapGraph.H               |   10 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_ChunkGraph.C                     |   16 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_CreateUnitigs.C                  |    2 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_MergeOrphans.H                   |    6 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_OverlapCache.C                   |   70 +-
 src/bogart/AS_BAT_TigGraph.C                       |   28 +-
 src/bogart/bogart.C                                |   25 +-
 src/canu_version_update.pl                         |   58 +-
 src/correction/generateCorrectionLayouts.C         |   63 +-
 src/falcon_sense/falcon_sense.C                    |   21 +
 src/falcon_sense/falcon_sense.mk                   |    2 +-
 src/falcon_sense/libfalcon/falcon.C                |  240 +-
 src/falcon_sense/libfalcon/falcon.H                |   75 +-
 src/falcon_sense/libfalcon/kmer_lookup.C           |  622 ----
 src/fastq-utilities/fastqSimulate.C                |    4 +-
 src/gfa/alignGFA.C                                 |  464 +++
 .../falcon_sense.mk => gfa/alignGFA.mk}            |    8 +-
 src/gfa/gfa.C                                      |  345 +++
 src/gfa/gfa.H                                      |  103 +
 src/main.mk                                        |   43 +-
 src/merTrim/merTrim.C                              |  183 +-
 .../falcon_sense.mk => merTrim/merTrim.mk}         |   10 +-
 src/merTrim/merTrimResult.H                        |    9 +-
 src/meryl/compare-counts.C                         |    4 +
 src/meryl/estimate-mer-threshold.C                 |  310 +-
 src/meryl/existDB.C                                |  252 ++
 .../falcon_sense.mk => meryl/existDB.mk}           |   12 +-
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB-create-from-fasta.C      |  304 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB-create-from-meryl.C      |  261 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB-create-from-sequence.C   |  293 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB-state.C                  |  233 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB.C                        |  211 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB.H                        |  190 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/existDB.mk                       |   13 +
 src/meryl/libkmer/percentCovered.C                 |   95 +
 src/meryl/libkmer/percentCovered.mk                |   13 +
 src/meryl/libkmer/posDB.mk                         |   13 +
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB-access.C              |  376 +++
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB-dump.C                |   79 +
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB-file.C                |  318 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB-mismatch.C            |  412 +++
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB-sort.C                |  182 ++
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB.C                     | 1186 ++++++++
 src/meryl/libkmer/positionDB.H                     |  273 ++
 src/meryl/maskMers.C                               |    4 +
 src/meryl/meryl-build.C                            |   20 +
 src/meryl/positionDB.C                             |  308 ++
 .../falcon_sense.mk => meryl/positionDB.mk}        |   12 +-
 src/mhap/mhapConvert.C                             |   33 +-
 src/minimap/mmapConvert.C                          |   36 +-
 src/overlapInCore/libedlib/edlib.C                 |   65 +-
 src/overlapInCore/libedlib/edlib.H                 |  327 +-
 .../prefixEditDistance-allocateMoreSpace.C         |   13 +-
 .../liboverlap/prefixEditDistance-extend.C         |   18 +-
 .../liboverlap/prefixEditDistance-forward.C        |   36 +-
 .../liboverlap/prefixEditDistance-reverse.C        |   36 +-
 src/overlapInCore/liboverlap/prefixEditDistance.H  |   21 +-
 .../overlapInCore-Process_String_Overlaps.C        |    2 +-
 src/overlapInCore/overlapPair.C                    |  700 +++--
 src/pipelines/canu-object-store.pl                 |  152 +
 src/pipelines/canu.pl                              |  405 +--
 src/pipelines/canu/Configure.pm                    |  193 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/Consensus.pm                    |  465 ++-
 src/pipelines/canu/CorrectReads.pm                 |  688 +++--
 src/pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm                     |  569 ++--
 src/pipelines/canu/ErrorEstimate.pm                |  102 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/Execution.pm                    |  508 +++-
 src/pipelines/canu/Gatekeeper.pm                   |  369 +--
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_Cloud.pm                   |  347 +++
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_DNANexus.pm                |  104 +
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_LSF.pm                     |    3 -
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_PBSTorque.pm               |   19 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_SGE.pm                     |   34 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/Grid_Slurm.pm                   |    3 -
 src/pipelines/canu/HTML.pm                         |  214 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/Meryl.pm                        |  573 ++--
 src/pipelines/canu/Output.pm                       |  150 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapBasedTrimming.pm         |  165 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapErrorAdjustment.pm       |  345 ++-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapInCore.pm                |  216 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapMMap.pm                  |  298 +-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapMhap.pm                  |  352 ++-
 src/pipelines/canu/OverlapStore.pm                 |  428 +--
 src/pipelines/canu/Report.pm                       |  172 ++
 src/pipelines/canu/Unitig.pm                       |  169 +-
 src/pipelines/parallel-ovl-store-test.sh           |   68 +
 src/pipelines/sanity/sanity-all-done.pl            |  240 --
 src/pipelines/sanity/sanity-merge-qc.pl            |  121 -
 src/pipelines/sanity/sanity.pl                     |  382 ---
 src/pipelines/sanity/sanity.sh                     |   50 -
 src/pipelines/simple-repeat-test.pl                |  107 +
 src/stores/gatekeeperPartition.C                   |   82 +-
 src/stores/gkStore.C                               |   35 +-
 src/stores/gkStore.H                               |    3 +-
 src/stores/ovOverlap.C                             |   13 +-
 src/stores/ovOverlap.H                             |   18 +-
 src/stores/ovStore.C                               |  115 +-
 src/stores/ovStore.H                               |   14 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreBucketizer.C                     |    4 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreBuild.C                          |   13 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreFile.C                           |  202 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreFilter.C                         |   23 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreHistogram.C                      |   28 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreHistogram.H                      |    4 +-
 src/stores/ovStoreWriter.C                         |   12 +-
 src/stores/tgStore.C                               |    8 +-
 src/stores/tgStoreCoverageStat.C                   |    4 +-
 src/stores/tgStoreDump.C                           |   16 +-
 src/stores/tgStoreLoad.C                           |   41 +-
 src/stores/tgTig.C                                 |   32 +
 src/stores/tgTig.H                                 |    2 +
 src/stores/tgTigMultiAlignDisplay.C                |    2 +-
 src/utgcns/libNDFalcon/dw.C                        |   10 +
 src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.C                |  134 +-
 src/utgcns/libcns/unitigConsensus.H                |    3 +-
 src/utgcns/libpbutgcns/LICENSE                     |   72 +-
 src/utgcns/utgcns.C                                |    5 +-
 157 files changed, 20800 insertions(+), 5840 deletions(-)

diff --cc src/AS_global.C
index 533f428,0b9304f..d7aefbb
--- a/src/AS_global.C
+++ b/src/AS_global.C
@@@ -102,9 -102,9 +102,10 @@@ AS_configure(int argc, char **argv) 
    //  Install a signal handler to catch seg faults and errors.
-   AS_UTL_installCrashCatcher();
+   AS_UTL_installCrashCatcher(argv[0]);
    //  Et cetera.
diff --cc src/overlapInCore/overlapPair.C
index bb7ac31,63571ea..3dce0d0
--- a/src/overlapInCore/overlapPair.C
+++ b/src/overlapInCore/overlapPair.C
@@@ -513,18 -802,18 +802,18 @@@ main(int argc, char **argv) 
    //  Initialize thread work areas.  Mirrored from overlapInCore.C
    for (uint32 tt=0; tt<numThreads; tt++) {
 -    fprintf(stderr, "Initialize thread %u\n", tt);
 +      fprintf(stderr, "Initialize thread %u\n", tt);
 -    WA[tt].threadID         = tt;
 -    WA[tt].maxErate         = maxErate;
 -    WA[tt].partialOverlaps  = partialOverlaps;
 -    WA[tt].invertOverlaps   = invertOverlaps;
 +      WA[tt].threadID         = tt;
 +      WA[tt].maxErate         = maxErate;
 +      WA[tt].partialOverlaps  = partialOverlaps;
 +      WA[tt].invertOverlaps   = invertOverlaps;
-       WA[tt].gkpStore         = gkpStore;
-       WA[tt].overlaps         = NULL;
+     WA[tt].gkpStore         = gkpStore;
+     WA[tt].overlaps         = NULL;
-       // preallocate some work thread memory for common tasks to avoid allocation
-       WA[tt].readSeq = new char[AS_MAX_READLEN+1];
+     // preallocate some work thread memory for common tasks to avoid allocation
+     WA[tt].readSeq = new char[AS_MAX_READLEN+1];
diff --cc src/pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm
index 0c3d69e,6e91966..c7a3df3
--- a/src/pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm
+++ b/src/pipelines/canu/Defaults.pm
@@@ -987,17 -998,32 +998,194 @@@ sub setDefaults () 
+ #  Get the version information.  Needs to be last so that pathMap can be defined.
+ sub setVersion ($) {
+     my $bin    = shift @_;
+     my $version;
+     open(F, "$bin/gatekeeperCreate --version 2>&1 |");
+     while (<F>) {
+         $version = $_;  chomp $version;
+     }
+     close(F);
+     $global{'version'} = $version;
+ }
+ sub checkJava () {
+     return  if ((getGlobal("corOverlapper") ne "mhap") &&
+                 (getGlobal("obtOverlapper") ne "mhap") &&
+                 (getGlobal("utgOverlapper") ne "mhap"));
+     my $java       = getGlobal("java");
+     my $versionStr = "unknown";
+     my $version    = 0;
+     #  Argh, we can't use runCommand() here, because we're included in Execution.pm.  Try to check
++    #  it with -x.  Nope.  Fails if $java == "java".
++    #if (! -x $java) {
++    #    addCommandLineError("ERROR:  java executable '$java' not found or not executable\n");
++    #}
++    open(F, "$java -Xmx1g -showversion 2>&1 |");
++    while (<F>) {
++        #  First word is either "java" or "openjdk" or ...
++        if (m/^.*\s+version\s+\"(\d+.\d+)(.*)\".*$/) {
++            $versionStr = "$1$2";
++            $version    =  $1;
++        }
++    }
++    close(F);
++    if ($version < 1.8) {
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  mhap overlapper requires java version at least 1.8.0; you have $versionStr (from '$java').\n");
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  '$java -showversion' reports:\n");
++        open(F, "$java -showversion 2>&1 |");
++        while (<F>) {
++            chomp;
++            addCommandLineError("ERROR:    '$_'\n");
++        }
++        close(F);
++    } else {
++        print STDERR "-- Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '$versionStr' (from '$java').\n";
++    }
++sub checkGnuplot () {
++    return  if (getGlobal("gnuPlotTested") == 1);
++    my $gnuplot = getGlobal("gnuplot");
++    my $format  = getGlobal("gnuplotImageFormat");
++    my $version = undef;
++    #  Check for existence of gnuplot.
++    open(F, "$gnuplot -V |");
++    while (<F>) {
++        chomp;
++        $version = $_;
++        $version = $1  if ($version =~ m/^gnuplot\s+(.*)$/);
++    }
++    close(F);
++    if (!defined($version)) {
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  Failed to run gnuplot from '$gnuplot'.");
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  Set option gnuplot=<path-to-gnuplot> or gnuplotTested=true to skip this test and not generate plots.\n");
++        return;
++    }
++    #  Check for existence of a decent output format.  Need to redirect in /dev/null to make gnuplot
++    #  not use it's builtin pager.
++    if (!defined($format)) {
++        my $havePNG = 0;
++        my $haveSVG = 0;
++        my $haveGIF = 0;
++        open(F, "> /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp");
++        print F "set terminal\n";
++        close(F);
++        system("cd /tmp && $gnuplot < /dev/null /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp > /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err 2>&1");
++        open(F, "< /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err");
++        while (<F>) {
++            s/^\s+//;
++            s/\s+$//;
++            my @t = split '\s+', $_;
++            $havePNG = 1  if ($t[0] eq 'png');
++            $haveSVG = 1  if ($t[0] eq 'svg');
++            $haveGIF = 1  if ($t[0] eq 'gif');
++        }
++        close(F);
++        $format = "gif"   if ($haveGIF);
++        $format = "svg"   if ($haveSVG);
++        $format = "png"   if ($havePNG);
++        setGlobal("gnuplotImageFormat", $format);
++        unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp";
++        unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err";
++    }
++    if (!defined($format)) {
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  Failed to detect a suitable output format for gnuplot.\n");
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  Looked for png, svg and gif, found none of them.\n");
++        addCommandLineError("Set option gnuplotImageFormat=<type>, or gnuplotTested=true to skip this test and not generate plots.\n");
++        return;
++    }
++    #  Test if we can actually make images.
++    open(F, "> /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp");
++    print F "set title 'gnuplot test'\n";
++    print F "set xlabel 'X'\n";
++    print F "set xlabel 'Y'\n";
++    print F "\n";
++    print F "set terminal $format size 1024,1024\n";
++    print F "set output '/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.1.$format'\n";
++    print F "\n";
++    print F "plot [-30:20] sin(x*20) * atan(x)\n\n";
++    print F "\n";
++    print F "set terminal $format size 256,256\n";
++    print F "set output '/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.2.$format'\n";
++    print F "\n";
++    print F "bogus line\n";
++    close(F);
++    #  Dang, we don't have runCommandSilently here, so have to do it the hard way.
++    system("cd /tmp && $gnuplot < /dev/null /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp > /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err 2>&1");
++    if ((! -e "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.1.$format") ||
++        (! -e "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.2.$format")) {
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  gnuplot failed to generate images.\n");
++        open(F, "< /tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err");
++        while (<F>) {
++            chomp;
++            addCommandLineError("ERROR:  gnuplot reports:  $_\n");
++        }
++        close(F);
++        addCommandLineError("ERROR:  Set option gnuplotImageFormat=<type>, or gnuplotTested=true to skip this test and not generate plots.\n");
++        return;
++    }
++    #  Yay, gnuplot works!
++    print STDERR "-- Detected gnuplot version '$version' (from '$gnuplot') and image format '$format'.\n";
++    #addCommandLineOption("gnuplotTested=1");
++    unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.gp";
++    unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.err";
++    unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.1.$format";
++    unlink "/tmp/gnuplot-$$-test.2.$format";
 +sub checkJava () {
 +    return  if ((getGlobal("corOverlapper") ne "mhap") &&
 +                (getGlobal("obtOverlapper") ne "mhap") &&
 +                (getGlobal("utgOverlapper") ne "mhap"));
 +    my $java       = getGlobal("java");
 +    my $versionStr = "unknown";
 +    my $version    = 0;
 +    #  Argh, we can't use runCommand() here, because we're included in Execution.pm.  Try to check
      #  it with -x.  Nope.  Fails if $java == "java".
      #if (! -x $java) {
diff --cc src/stores/ovStore.H
index d86a6b1,fdaee47..dfec980
--- a/src/stores/ovStore.H
+++ b/src/stores/ovStore.H
@@@ -322,14 -322,13 +322,19 @@@ public
    //  of evalues must agree.
    void       addEvalues(vector<char *> &fileList);
-   void       addEvalues(uint32 bgnID, uint32 endID, uint16 *evalues, uint64 evaluesLen);
+   //  Return the statistics associated with this store
+   ovStoreHistogram  *getHistogram(void) {
+     return(new ovStoreHistogram(_storePath));
+   };
 +  //  Return the statistics associated with this store
 +  ovStoreHistogram  *getHistogram(void) {
 +    return(new ovStoreHistogram(_gkp, _storePath));
 +  };
    char               _storePath[FILENAME_MAX];

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