[med-svn] [r-cran-bit] 03/07: New upstream version 1.1-12

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Nov 29 14:32:58 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-bit.

commit f119eef3dd4dffc66439bb780ae93ed24cde73c7
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 29 15:30:12 2017 +0100

    New upstream version 1.1-12
 DESCRIPTION               |   37 +
 MD5                       |   49 +
 NAMESPACE                 |  289 +++++
 NEWS                      |  181 ++++
 R/attrutil.R              |  197 ++++
 R/bit.R                   | 2549 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/chunkutil.R             |  466 +++++++++
 R/clone.R                 |   77 ++
 R/generics.R              |  227 ++++
 R/rle.R                   |  195 ++++
 R/timeutil.R              |   68 ++
 R/zzz.R                   |   22 +
 debian/changelog          |    5 -
 debian/compat             |    1 -
 debian/control            |   43 -
 debian/copyright          |   16 -
 debian/rules              |    8 -
 debian/source/format      |    1 -
 debian/watch              |    2 -
 exec/make_rd.pl           |   33 +
 exec/prebuild.sh          |   17 +
 inst/ANNOUNCEMENT-1.0.txt |   32 +
 inst/README_devel.txt     |   10 +
 man/Extract.rd            |   46 +
 man/LogicBit.rd           |   92 ++
 man/Summary.rd            |  119 +++
 man/as.bit.rd             |   46 +
 man/as.bitwhich.rd        |   42 +
 man/as.logical.bit.rd     |   58 ++
 man/as.which.rd           |   41 +
 man/bbatch.rd             |   29 +
 man/bit-package.rd        |  258 +++++
 man/bit_init.rd           |   30 +
 man/bitwhich.rd           |   41 +
 man/c.bit.rd              |   24 +
 man/chunk.rd              |   84 ++
 man/clone.rd              |   43 +
 man/intrle.rd             |   45 +
 man/is.bit.rd             |   31 +
 man/is.sorted.rd          |   55 +
 man/length.bit.rd         |  125 +++
 man/physical.rd           |   52 +
 man/ramsort.rd            |  106 ++
 man/regtest.bit.rd        |   33 +
 man/repeat.time.rd        |   35 +
 man/repfromto.rd          |   32 +
 man/ri.rd                 |   29 +
 man/rlepack.rd            |   38 +
 man/setattributes.rd      |  127 +++
 man/unattr.rd             |   34 +
 man/vecseq.rd             |   36 +
 src/Makevars              |    5 +
 src/attrutil.c            |    8 +
 src/bit.c                 |  974 +++++++++++++++++
 src/chunkutil.c           |   52 +
 src/clone.c               |   70 ++
 src/rle.c                 |  145 +++
 57 files changed, 7434 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c8997
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Package: bit
+Type: Package
+Title: A class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
+Version: 1.1-12
+Date: 2012-01-17
+Author: Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+Maintainer: Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+Depends: R (>= 2.9.2)
+Description: bitmapped vectors of booleans (no NAs), 
+  coercion from and to logicals, integers and integer subscripts; 
+  fast boolean operators and fast summary statistics. 
+  With 'bit' vectors you can store true binary booleans {FALSE,TRUE} at the 
+  expense of 1 bit only, on a 32 bit architecture this means factor 32 less 
+  RAM and ~ factor 32 more speed on boolean operations. Due to overhead of 
+  R calls, actual speed gain depends on the size of the vector: expect gains 
+  for vectors of size > 10000 elements. Even for one-time boolean operations 
+  it can pay-off to convert to bit, the pay-off is obvious, when such 
+  components are used more than once. 
+  Reading from and writing to bit is approximately as fast as accessing 
+  standard logicals - mostly due to R's time for memory allocation. The package 
+  allows to work with pre-allocated memory for return values by calling .Call() 
+  directly: when evaluating the speed of C-access with pre-allocated vector 
+  memory, coping from bit to logical requires only 70% of the time for copying 
+  from logical to logical; and copying from logical to bit comes at a 
+  performance penalty of 150%. the package now contains further classes for 
+  representing logical selections: 'bitwhich' for very skewed selections and 
+  'ri' for selecting ranges of values for chunked processing. All three index 
+  classes can be used for subsetting 'ff' objects (ff-2.1-0 and higher).
+License: GPL-2
+LazyLoad: yes
+ByteCompile: yes
+Encoding: latin1
+URL: http://ff.r-forge.r-project.org/
+Packaged: 2014-04-08 21:51:43 UTC; jens
+NeedsCompilation: yes
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2014-04-09 09:54:10
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515b271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+992fa889403b3aa0ae890d5937afb896 *DESCRIPTION
+3aa226341bc1ca975e8375bac9ad605a *NAMESPACE
+915c607beb2726339f242c6349243b74 *NEWS
+828b96d4e6d2f7ff64e544837487a76a *R/attrutil.R
+0828e958b9441e0e47fd94702465534d *R/bit.R
+6ae38f274f6937dba2102c63915ede66 *R/chunkutil.R
+16f2566ca3c991694e8cd446183f17d5 *R/clone.R
+445cb72abe21ee80b56d6fa123cab330 *R/generics.R
+d837a9c09d87693235ab187f58b332c3 *R/rle.R
+36f507daac6a1c8745c392928d0715b8 *R/timeutil.R
+1dc6d923f46c4963e7211e27e3a14274 *R/zzz.R
+c713193bd00e945a08ef544493dd5cd1 *exec/make_rd.pl
+23fba14720be94643fac516a872d4909 *exec/prebuild.sh
+6012b2583253398b02b465c8a4c6449a *inst/ANNOUNCEMENT-1.0.txt
+7e310047f0b855d2e1589a5e1b66d0ea *inst/README_devel.txt
+0e950629d67dc1bbee5e388bbe1c3195 *man/Extract.rd
+f998dd3cc817a1c8de7f6e2903385c29 *man/LogicBit.rd
+c772557a16f2112349892f9e9775d9b9 *man/Summary.rd
+55321dbf1be4d65983f059ff7244bbdd *man/as.bit.rd
+1496ad85f4c1dece7dd9299fed157614 *man/as.bitwhich.rd
+d7bbbd11c0e03a7b65b7e11182af9231 *man/as.logical.bit.rd
+acb8453ce3ef9275babd7e41ee3f1a72 *man/as.which.rd
+691ed2c79f044701331b35b2df5224d6 *man/bbatch.rd
+1dc1233093acb329296283d222394fd2 *man/bit-package.rd
+31c8d3ec8b8d081f6d819ff13d4436cc *man/bit_init.rd
+d32a9b91de9aaab6fb75c0e33b02a81f *man/bitwhich.rd
+cd9048b329500a691e7515c3e8090dfc *man/c.bit.rd
+cd9d6ba27ebcbf5c68b7ae824bbeeed2 *man/chunk.rd
+4de53a1f505130360e5d735f97db04fa *man/clone.rd
+773767404bb6f1f4bdba57c35c0dda16 *man/intrle.rd
+5812b8c7d615aee0444c65ae39a3d2cf *man/is.bit.rd
+1a31fb9875f1201acb226db53956aec1 *man/is.sorted.rd
+a5b4159c17ac74d04d59a846739f64ee *man/length.bit.rd
+0e888ccfa9a69b9c127923418a1c6e0b *man/physical.rd
+c2d22bb39b9224bf65bb778aa3a73747 *man/ramsort.rd
+ae1aaa0003c49f7270889509e9502ed1 *man/regtest.bit.rd
+7cb6a32582cb8bc14aa382335f41beb3 *man/repeat.time.rd
+b20977b6e44a4efcf93bea48d5649d44 *man/repfromto.rd
+bb74482813de633bc7810eb6801a25be *man/ri.rd
+dbdddfe99e83b867051d99642bf342a6 *man/rlepack.rd
+d1a0ecba5228bae36f12d95d98187ccf *man/setattributes.rd
+abbecf78aa0143002a25fdfac8fec743 *man/unattr.rd
+7f57cc4252971e345f4f09f3c71c1983 *man/vecseq.rd
+7d0c6453f860aee55bbde53145a2ec99 *src/Makevars
+17e468897ab676a3e2d25b73677b8a0f *src/attrutil.c
+50d4db295725a7f8e8da3ac5853f0952 *src/bit.c
+3dd6d63c09075d957b5fb5329b9f8b8b *src/chunkutil.c
+c62ef01254401ec36e70ac4e22b8c36c *src/clone.c
+e405277b9200df60b8be242b86e657cc *src/rle.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f669831
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# Namespace for bit (currently exporting (almost) everything in order to facilitate debugging)
+# (c) 2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Created: 2009-10-25
+# Last changed: 2009-10-25
+importFrom(utils, packageDescription)
+# == this is a complete list of R functions and metadata of this package sorted by filenames, non-exported functions are commented away ==
+# -- attrutil.R - modify attributes inplace without memory copying --
+  "setattr"
+, "setattributes"
+, "unattr"
+#, "named"
+# -- clone.R - deep copying --
+, "clone.default"
+, "clone.list"
+, "still.identical"
+# -- generics.R - new generics for bit and ff --
+# -- bit.R - 1-bit boolean vectors for R --
+# -- rle.R - rle utilities for bit and ff --
+# -- Chunking utilities for bit and ff --
+# -- timing utilities for bit and ff --
+# -- zzz.R --
+# -- bit.R - 1-bit boolean vectors for R --
+S3method("!", bit)
+S3method("!", bitwhich)
+S3method("!=", bit)
+S3method("!=", bitwhich)
+S3method("&", bit)
+S3method("&", bitwhich)
+S3method("[", bit)
+S3method("[[", bit)
+S3method("[[<-", bit)
+S3method("[<-", bit)
+S3method("|", bit)
+S3method("|", bitwhich)
+S3method("==", bit)
+S3method("==", bitwhich)
+S3method("all", bit)
+S3method("all", bitwhich)
+S3method("all", ri)
+S3method("any", bit)
+S3method("any", bitwhich)
+S3method("any", ri)
+S3method("as.bit", bit)
+S3method("as.bit", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.bit", double)
+S3method("as.bit", integer)
+S3method("as.bit", logical)
+S3method("as.bit", ri)
+S3method("as.bit", which)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", bit)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", double)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", integer)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", logical)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", ri)
+S3method("as.bitwhich", which)
+S3method("as.double", bit)
+S3method("as.double", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.double", ri)
+S3method("as.integer", bit)
+S3method("as.integer", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.integer", ri)
+S3method("as.logical", bit)
+S3method("as.logical", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.logical", ri)
+S3method("as.which", bit)
+S3method("as.which", bitwhich)
+S3method("as.which", default)
+S3method("as.which", ri)
+S3method("c", bit)
+S3method("c", bitwhich)
+S3method("length", bit)
+S3method("length", bitwhich)
+S3method("length", ri)
+S3method("length<-", bit)
+S3method("length<-", bitwhich)
+S3method("max", bit)
+S3method("max", bitwhich)
+S3method("max", ri)
+S3method("min", bit)
+S3method("min", bitwhich)
+S3method("min", ri)
+S3method("physical", default)
+S3method("physical<-", default)
+S3method("print", bit)
+S3method("print", bitwhich)
+S3method("print", physical)
+S3method("print", ri)
+S3method("print", virtual)
+S3method("range", bit)
+S3method("range", bitwhich)
+S3method("range", ri)
+S3method("sum", bit)
+S3method("sum", bitwhich)
+S3method("sum", ri)
+S3method("summary", bit)
+S3method("summary", bitwhich)
+S3method("summary", ri)
+S3method("virtual", default)
+S3method("virtual<-", default)
+S3method("xor", bit)
+S3method("xor", bitwhich)
+#S3method("xor", default)
+# -- rle.R - rle utilities for bit and ff --
+# -- Chunking utilities for bit and ff --
+S3method(chunk, default)
+# -- clone.R - deep copying --
+S3method(clone, default)
+S3method(clone, list)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c825f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-12
+    o function still.identical() has been moved to here from package bit64
+    o generic 'clone' and methods clone.default and clone.list have been moved to here from package ff
+    o bit[bitwhich] is now subscripting properly (VALGRIND)
+	o UBSAN should no longer complain about left shift of int
+      (although that never was a problem)
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-10
+    o function 'vecseq' now calls C-code when calling with the default 
+	  parameters 'concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE' (wish of Matthew Dowle)
+    o all.bit no longer ignores TRUE values in the second and following words
+	  (spotted by Nelson Chen)
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-9
+    o new function 'repeat.time' for adaptive timing
+    o generics for sorting and ordering have been moved from 'ff' to 'bit'
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-7
+    o all calls to 'seq.int' have been replaced by 'seq_along' or 'seq_len'
+    o most calls to 'cat' have been replaced by 'message'
+    o chunk.default now works with chunk(from=2, to=3, by=1) thanks to Edwin de Jonge
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-5
+    o new utility functions setattr() and setattributes() allow to set attributes 
+      by reference (unlike attr()<- attributes()<- without copying the object)
+    o new utility unattr() returns copy of input with attributes removed
+    o certain operations like creating a bit object are even faster now: need 
+      half the time and RAM through the use of setattr() instead of attr()<-
+    o [.bit now decorates its logical return vector with attr(,'vmode')='boolean',
+      i.e. we retain the information that there are no NAs.
+    o .onLoad() no longer calls installed.packages() which substantially 
+      improves startup time (thanks to Brian Ripley)
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-2
+    o The package now has a namespace
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-1
+    o Function 'chunk' has been made generic, the default method
+      provides the previous behavior.
+    o New method to increase length of bitwhich objects.
+    o Added further coercion methods.
+      provides the previous behavior.
+    o as.bitwhich.ri now generates correct negative subscripts.
+    CHANGES IN bit VERSION 1.1-0
+    o New class 'bitwhich' stores subscript positions in most efficient way:
+      TRUE for all()==TRUE, FALSE for !any()==TRUE. otherwise positive or
+      negative subscripts, whatever needs less RAM. Coercion functions and 
+      logical operators are available, the latter being efficient for very
+      asymetric (skewed) distributions: selecting or exlcuding small factions
+      of the data.
+    o New class 'ri' (range index) allows to select ranges of positions for 
+      chunked processing: all three classes 'bit', 'bitwhich' and 'ri' can be 
+      used for subsetting 'ff' objects (ff-2.1.0 and higher).
+    o New c() method for 'bit' and 'bitwhich' objects which behaves like 
+      c(logical).
+    o The bit methods sum(), any(), all(), min(), max(), range(), summary() 
+      and which() now support a range argument that allows to restrict the 
+      range of evaluation for chunked processing.
+    o New utilities for chunked processing: bbatch, repfromto, chunk, vecseq.
+    o reducing length of bit objects will now set hidden bits to FALSE, 
+      such that subsequent length increase behaves consistent with bit
+      objects that had never been reduced in length: new bits are FALSE
+    o 'which' is no longer turned into a generic. Use 'bitwhich' instead, 
+      or, 'as.which' if you need strictly positive subscripts. 
+    o 'which.bit' has been renamed to 'as.which.bit'. It no longer has 
+      parameter 'negative' and always returns positive subscripts (wish of 
+      Stavros Macrakis). It now has second parameter 'range' in order to return
+      subscripts for chunked processing (note that the bitwhich representation 
+      is not suitable for chunked processing). In order to facilitate coercion, 
+      the return vector of 'as.which' now has class 'which'.
+    o the internal structure of a bit object has been changed to align with ff 
+      ram objects: the bitlength of a bit object is no longer stored in 
+      attr(bit, "n"), instead in attr(attr(bit, "physical"), "Length"),
+      which is accessible via physical(bit)$Length, but should be accessed
+      usually via length(bit). 
+    o the semantics of 'min', 'max' and 'range' have been changed. They now 
+      refer to the positions of TRUE in the bit vector (and thus are consistent
+      with bitwhich rather than with logical. The 'summary' method now returns 
+      four elements c("FALSE"=, "TRUE"=, "Min."=, "Max."=).
+    o which.bit no longer returns integer() for a bit vector that has all TRUE
+    o NAs are mapped to TRUE in 'bit' and to FALSE in 'ff' booleans. Might be aligned 
+      in a future release. Don't use bit if you have NAs - or map NAs explicitely.
diff --git a/R/attrutil.R b/R/attrutil.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ac54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/attrutil.R
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# attribute utilities for ff and bit
+# (c) 2010 Jens Oehlschl�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2007-08-24
+# Last changed: 2007-10-25
+# WARNING: these functions are called for the side-effect of changing their arguments
+# this can save RAM and avoid unnecessary copying
+# but it can easily have unexpected effects
+# Only use them if you know what you do - and even then think twice
+#! \name{setattributes}
+#! \alias{setattributes}
+#! \alias{setattr}
+#! \title{
+#! Attribute setting by reference
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! Function \code{setattr} sets a singe attribute  and function \code{setattributes} sets a list of attributes.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! setattr(x, which, value)
+#! setattributes(x, attributes)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{
+#! }
+#!   \item{which}{
+#! name of the attribute
+#! }
+#!   \item{value}{
+#! value of the attribute, use NULL to remove this attribute
+#! }
+#!   \item{attributes}{
+#! a named list of attribute values }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#! The attributes of 'x' are changed in place without copying x. function \code{setattributes} does only change the named attributes, it does not delete the non-names attributes like \code{\link{attributes}} does.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   invisible(), we do not return the changed object to remind you of the fact that this function is called for its side-effect of changing its input object.
+#! }
+#! \references{
+#!   Writing R extensions -- System and foreign language interfaces -- Handling R objects in C -- Attributes (Version 2.11.1 (2010-06-03 ) R Development)
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel
+#! }
+#! \seealso{
+#!   \code{\link{attr}}  \code{\link{unattr}}
+#! }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- as.single(runif(10))
+#!   attr(x, "Csingle")
+#!   f <- function(x)attr(x, "Csingle") <- NULL
+#!   g <- function(x)setattr(x, "Csingle", NULL)
+#!   f(x)
+#!   x
+#!   g(x)
+#!   x
+#!  \dontrun{
+#!   # restart R
+#!   library(bit)
+#!   mysingle <- function(length = 0){
+#!     ret <- double(length)
+#!     setattr(ret, "Csingle", TRUE)
+#!     ret
+#!   }
+#!   # show that mysinge gives exactly the same result as single
+#!   identical(single(10), mysingle(10))
+#!   # look at the speedup and memory-savings of mysingle compared to single
+#!   system.time(mysingle(1e7))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   system.time(single(1e7))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   # look at the memory limits
+#!   # on my win32 machine the first line fails beause of not enough RAM, the second works
+#!   x <- single(1e8)
+#!   x <- mysingle(1e8)
+#!   # .g. performance with factors
+#!   x <- rep(factor(letters), length.out=1e7)
+#!   x[1:10]
+#!   # look how fast one can do this
+#!   system.time(setattr(x, "levels", rev(letters)))
+#!   x[1:10]
+#!   # look at the performance loss in time caused by the non-needed copying
+#!   system.time(levels(x) <- letters)
+#!   x[1:10]
+#!   # restart R
+#!   library(bit)
+#!   simplefactor <- function(n){
+#!     factor(rep(1:2, length=n))
+#!   }
+#!   mysimplefactor <- function(n){
+#!     ret <- rep(1:2, length=n)
+#!     setattr(ret, "levels", as.character(1:2))
+#!     setattr(ret, "class", "factor")
+#!     ret
+#!   }
+#!   identical(simplefactor(10), mysimplefactor(10))
+#!   system.time(x <- mysimplefactor(1e7))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   system.time(setattr(x, "levels", c("a","b")))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   x[1:4]
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   rm(x)
+#!   gc()
+#!   system.time(x <- simplefactor(1e7))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   system.time(levels(x) <- c("x","y"))
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   x[1:4]
+#!   memory.size(max=TRUE)
+#!   rm(x)
+#!   gc()
+#! }
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ attributes }
+setattr <- function(x, which, value)
+  .Call("R_bit_set_attr", x, which, value, PACKAGE="bit")
+  invisible()
+setattributes <- function(x, attributes)
+  nam <- names(attributes)
+  for (i in seq_len(length(attributes))){
+    .Call("R_bit_set_attr", x, nam[[i]], attributes[[i]], PACKAGE="bit")
+  }
+  invisible()
+#! \name{unattr}
+#! \alias{unattr}
+#! \title{
+#! Attribute removal
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! Returns object with attributes removed
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! unattr(x)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{
+#! any R object
+#! }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#! attribute removal copies the object as usual
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#! a similar object with attributes removed
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel
+#! }
+#! \seealso{
+#!   \code{\link{attributes}}, \code{\link{setattributes}}, \code{\link{unclass}}
+#! }
+#! \examples{
+#!   bit(2)[]
+#!   unattr(bit(2)[])
+#! }
+#! \keyword{attribute}
+unattr <- function(x){
+  attributes(x) <- NULL
+  x
diff --git a/R/bit.R b/R/bit.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..501285e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bit.R
@@ -0,0 +1,2549 @@
+# 1-bit boolean vectors for R
+# (c) 2008-2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# currently |.bit and |.bitwhich are bypassed if we ask for bit | bitwhich
+# xx explore/write Ops.bit Ops.bitwhich
+# xx bit_extract should be comlemented with 
+# source("C:/mwp/eanalysis/bit/R/bit.R")
+#! \name{bit-package}
+#! \alias{bit-package}
+#! \alias{bit}
+#! \alias{print.bit}
+#! \docType{package}
+#! \title{
+#!    A class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! Package 'bit' provides bitmapped vectors of booleans (no NAs),
+#! coercion from and to logicals, integers and integer subscripts;
+#! fast boolean operators and fast summary statistics. \cr
+#! With bit vectors you can store true binary booleans \{FALSE,TRUE\} at the expense
+#! of 1 bit only, on a 32 bit architecture this means factor 32 less RAM and
+#! factor 32 more speed on boolean operations. With this speed gain it even
+#! pays-off to convert to bit in order to avoid a single boolean operation on
+#! logicals or a single set operation on (longer) integer subscripts, the pay-off
+#! is dramatic when such components are used more than once. \cr
+#! Reading from and writing to bit is approximately as fast as accessing standard
+#! logicals - mostly due to R's time for memory allocation. The package allows to
+#! work with pre-allocated memory for return values by calling .Call() directly:
+#! when evaluating the speed of C-access with pre-allocated vector memory, coping
+#! from bit to logical requires only 70\% of the time for copying from logical to
+#! logical; and copying from logical to bit comes at a performance penalty of 150\%. \cr
+#! Since bit objects cannot be used as subsripts in R, a second class 'bitwhich'
+#! allows to store selections as efficiently as possible with standard R types.
+#! This is usefull either to represent parts of bit objects or to represent
+#! very asymetric selections.  \cr
+#! Class 'ri' (range index) allows to select ranges of positions for  chunked processing:
+#! all three classes 'bit', 'bitwhich' and 'ri' can be used for subsetting 'ff' objects (ff-2.1.0 and higher).
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#!  bit(length)
+#!  \method{print}{bit}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{length}{ length of vector in bits }
+#!   \item{x}{ a bit vector }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments to print }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#! \tabular{ll}{
+#!    Package: \tab bit\cr
+#!    Type: \tab Package\cr
+#!    Version: \tab 1.1.0\cr
+#!    Date: \tab 2012-06-05\cr
+#!    License: \tab GPL-2\cr
+#!    LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
+#!    Encoding: \tab latin1\cr
+#! }
+#! Index:
+#! \tabular{rrrrl}{
+#!    \bold{bit function}           \tab \bold{bitwhich function}          \tab \bold{ri function}                \tab \bold{see also}          \tab \bold{description} \cr
+#!    \code{.BITS}                  \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{globalenv}}   \tab variable holding number of bits on this system \cr
+#!    \code{\link{bit_init}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{.First.lib}}  \tab initially allocate bit-masks (done in .First.lib) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{bit_done}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{.Last.lib}}   \tab finally de-allocate bit-masks (done in .Last.lib) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{bit}}             \tab \code{\link{bitwhich}}            \tab \code{\link{ri}}                  \tab \code{\link{logical}}     \tab create bit object \cr
+#!    \code{\link{print.bit}}       \tab \code{\link{print.bitwhich}}      \tab \code{\link{print.ri}}            \tab \code{\link{print}}       \tab print bit vector \cr
+#!    \code{\link{length.bit}}      \tab \code{\link{length.bitwhich}}     \tab \code{\link{length.ri}}           \tab \code{\link{length}}      \tab get length of bit vector \cr
+#!    \code{\link{length<-.bit}}    \tab \code{\link{length<-.bitwhich}}   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{length<-}}    \tab change length of bit vector \cr
+#!    \code{\link{c.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{c.bitwhich}}          \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{c}}           \tab concatenate bit vectors \cr
+#!    \code{\link{is.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{is.bitwhich}}         \tab \code{\link{is.ri}}               \tab \code{\link{is.logical}}  \tab test for bit class \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{as.logical}}  \tab generically coerce to bit or bitwhich \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.logical}}  \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.logical}} \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{logical}}     \tab coerce logical to bit vector (FALSE => FALSE, c(NA, TRUE) => TRUE) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.integer}}  \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.integer}} \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{integer}}     \tab coerce integer to bit vector (0 => FALSE, ELSE => TRUE) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.double}}   \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.double}}  \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{double}}      \tab coerce double to bit vector (0 => FALSE, ELSE => TRUE) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.double.bit}}   \tab \code{\link{as.double.bitwhich}}  \tab \code{\link{as.double.ri}}        \tab \code{\link{as.double}}   \tab coerce bit vector to double (0/1) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.integer.bit}}  \tab \code{\link{as.integer.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.integer.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.integer}}  \tab coerce bit vector to integer (0L/1L) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.logical.bit}}  \tab \code{\link{as.logical.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.logical.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.logical}}  \tab coerce bit vector to logical (FALSE/TRUE) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.which.bit}}    \tab \code{\link{as.which.bitwhich}}   \tab \code{\link{as.which.ri}}         \tab \code{\link{as.which}}    \tab coerce bit vector to positive integer subscripts\cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.which}}    \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.which}}   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{bitwhich}}    \tab coerce integer subscripts to bit vector \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.bitwhich}}\tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from bitwhich  \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.bit}}      \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.bit}}     \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{UseMethod}}   \tab coerce from bit \cr
+#!    \code{\link{as.bit.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.ri}}      \tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from range index \cr
+#!    \code{\link[ff]{as.bit.ff}}   \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link[ff]{ff}}      \tab coerce ff boolean to bit vector \cr
+#!    \code{\link[ff]{as.ff.bit}}   \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}   \tab coerce bit vector to ff boolean \cr
+#!    \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.bit}}   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.bitwhich}}  \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.ri}}        \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}}   \tab coerce to hybrid index (requires package ff) \cr
+#!    \code{\link[ff]{as.bit.hi}}   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.bitwhich.hi}}  \tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from hybrid index (requires package ff) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{[[.bit}}          \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[[}}          \tab get single bit (index checked) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{[[<-.bit}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[[<-}}        \tab set single bit (index checked) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{[.bit}}           \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[}}           \tab get vector of bits (unchecked) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{[<-.bit}}         \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[<-}}         \tab set vector of bits (unchecked) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{!.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{!.bitwhich}}          \tab (works as second arg in           \tab \code{\link{!}}           \tab boolean NOT on bit \cr
+#!    \code{\link{&.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{&.bitwhich}}          \tab  bit and bitwhich ops)            \tab \code{\link{&}}           \tab boolean AND on bit \cr
+#!    \code{\link{|.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{|.bitwhich}}          \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{|}}           \tab boolean OR on bit \cr
+#!    \code{\link{xor.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{xor.bitwhich}}        \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{xor}}         \tab boolean XOR on bit \cr
+#!    \code{\link{!=.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{!=.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{!=}}          \tab boolean unequality (same as XOR) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{==.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{==.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{==}}          \tab boolean equality \cr
+#!    \code{\link{all.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{all.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{all.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{all}}         \tab aggregate AND \cr
+#!    \code{\link{any.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{any.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{any.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{any}}         \tab aggregate OR \cr
+#!    \code{\link{min.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{min.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{min.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{min}}         \tab aggregate MIN (first TRUE position) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{max.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{max.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{max.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{max}}         \tab aggregate MAX (last TRUE position) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{range.bit}}       \tab \code{\link{range.bitwhich}}      \tab \code{\link{range.ri}}            \tab \code{\link{range}}       \tab aggregate [MIN,MAX] \cr
+#!    \code{\link{sum.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{sum.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{sum.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{sum}}         \tab aggregate SUM (count of TRUE) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{summary.bit}}     \tab \code{\link{summary.bitwhich}}    \tab \code{\link{summary.ri}}          \tab \code{\link{tabulate}}    \tab aggregate c(nFALSE, nTRUE, minRange, maxRange) \cr
+#!    \code{\link{regtest.bit}}     \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab                           \tab regressiontests for the package \cr
+#!  }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \code{bit} returns a vector of integer sufficiently long to store 'length' bits
+#!   (but not longer) with an attribute 'n' and class 'bit'
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+#! Maintainer: Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+#! }
+#! \note{
+#!   Currently operations on bit objects have some overhead from R-calls. Do expect speed gains for vectors
+#!   of length ~ 10000 or longer. \cr
+#!   Since this package was created for high performance purposes, only positive integer subscripts are allowed:
+#!   The '[.bit' and '[<-.bit' methods don't check whether the subscripts are positive integers in the allowed range.
+#!   All R-functions behave as expected - i.e. they do not change their arguments and create new return values.
+#!   If you want to save the time for return value memory allocation, you must use \code{\link{.Call}} directly
+#!   (see the dontrun example in \code{\link{sum.bit}}).
+#!   Note that the package has not been tested under 64 bit.
+#!   Note also that the mapping of NAs to TRUE differs from the mapping of NAs to FALSE
+#!   in \code{\link[ff]{vmode}="boolean"} in package ff (and one of the two may change in the future).
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ package }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{logical}} in base R and \code{\link[ff]{vmode}} in package 'ff' }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- bit(12)                                 # create bit vector
+#!   x                                            # autoprint bit vector
+#!   length(x) <- 16                              # change length
+#!   length(x)                                    # get length
+#!   x[[2]]                                       # extract single element
+#!   x[[2]] <- TRUE                               # replace single element
+#!   x[1:2]                                       # extract parts of bit vector
+#!   x[1:2] <- TRUE                               # replace parts of bit vector
+#!   as.which(x)                                  # coerce bit to subscripts
+#!   x <- as.bit.which(3:4, 4)                    # coerce subscripts to bit
+#!   as.logical(x)                                # coerce bit to logical
+#!   y <- as.bit(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))     # coerce logical to bit
+#!   is.bit(y)                                    # test for bit
+#!   !x                                           # boolean NOT
+#!   x & y                                        # boolean AND
+#!   x | y                                        # boolean OR
+#!   xor(x, y)                                    # boolean Exclusive OR
+#!   x != y                                       # boolean unequality (same as xor)
+#!   x == y                                       # boolean equality
+#!   all(x)                                       # aggregate AND
+#!   any(x)                                       # aggregate OR
+#!   min(x)                                       # aggregate MIN (integer version of ALL)
+#!   max(x)                                       # aggregate MAX (integer version of ANY)
+#!   range(x)                                     # aggregate [MIN,MAX]
+#!   sum(x)                                       # aggregate SUM (count of TRUE)
+#!   summary(x)                                   # aggregate count of FALSE and TRUE
+#!   \dontrun{
+#!     message("\nEven for a single boolean operation transforming logical to bit pays off")
+#!     n <- 10000000
+#!     x <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+#!     y <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+#!     system.time(x|y)
+#!     system.time({
+#!        x <- as.bit(x)
+#!        y <- as.bit(y)
+#!     })
+#!     system.time( z <- x | y )
+#!     system.time( as.logical(z) )
+#!     message("Even more so if multiple operations are needed :-)")
+#!     message("\nEven for a single set operation transforming subscripts to bit pays off\n")
+#!     n <- 10000000
+#!     x <- sample(n, n/2)
+#!     y <- sample(n, n/2)
+#!     system.time( union(x,y) )
+#!     system.time({
+#!      x <- as.bit.which(x, n)
+#!      y <- as.bit.which(y, n)
+#!     })
+#!     system.time( as.which.bit( x | y ) )
+#!     message("Even more so if multiple operations are needed :-)")
+#!     message("\nSome timings WITH memory allocation")
+#!     n <- 2000000
+#!     l <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+#!     # copy logical to logical
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.0112
+#!        l2 <- l
+#!        l2[1] <- TRUE   # force new memory allocation (copy on modify)
+#!        rm(l2)
+#!     })/100
+#!     # copy logical to bit
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.0123
+#!        b <- as.bit(l)
+#!        rm(b)
+#!     })/100
+#!     # copy bit to logical
+#!     b <- as.bit(l)
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.009
+#!        l2 <- as.logical(b)
+#!        rm(l2)
+#!     })/100
+#!     # copy bit to bit
+#!     b <- as.bit(l)
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.009
+#!        b2 <- b
+#!        b2[1] <- TRUE   # force new memory allocation (copy on modify)
+#!        rm(b2)
+#!     })/100
+#!     l2 <- l
+#!     # replace logical by TRUE
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        l[] <- TRUE
+#!     })/100
+#!     # replace bit by TRUE (NOTE that we recycle the assignment  
+#!		 # value on R side == memory allocation and assignment first)
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        b[] <- TRUE
+#!     })/100
+#!     # THUS the following is faster
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        b <- !bit(n)
+#!     })/100
+#!     # replace logical by logical
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        l[] <- l2
+#!     })/100
+#!     # replace bit by logical
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        b[] <- l2
+#!     })/100
+#!     # extract logical
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        l2[]
+#!     })/100
+#!     # extract bit
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+#!        b[]
+#!     })/100
+#!     message("\nSome timings WITHOUT memory allocation (Serge, that's for you)")
+#!     n <- 2000000L
+#!     l <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+#!     b <- as.bit(l)
+#!     # read from logical, write to logical
+#!     l2 <- logical(n)
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_filter_getset", l, l2, PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+#!     # read from bit, write to logical
+#!     l2 <- logical(n)
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_bit_get", b, l2, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+#!     # read from logical, write to bit
+#!     system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_bit_set", b, l2, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+#!   }
+#! }
+#was wrong because C-code uses int: .BITS <- 8L * .Machine$sizeof.pointer
+.BITS <- 32L
+#! \name{bit_init}
+#! \alias{bit_init}
+#! \alias{bit_done}
+#! \alias{.BITS}
+#! \title{ Initializing bit masks }
+#! \description{
+#!   Functions to allocate (and de-allocate) bit masks
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#!   bit_init()
+#!   bit_done()
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   The C-code operates with bit masks.
+#!   The memory for these is allocated dynamically.
+#!   \code{bit_init} is called by \code{\link{.First.lib}}
+#!   and \code{bit_done} is called by \code{\link{.Last.lib}}.
+#!   You don't need to care about these under normal circumstances.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   NULL
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}  }
+#! \examples{
+#!   bit_done()
+#!   bit_init()
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+# initialize and finalize the bit-mask vectors used in C
+bit_init <- function()
+  .Call("R_bit_init", .BITS, PACKAGE="bit")
+bit_done <- function()
+  .Call("R_bit_done", PACKAGE="bit")
+# creator for empty bit vector
+bit <- function(length){
+  length <- as.integer(length)
+  if (length %% .BITS)
+    n <- length %/% .BITS + 1L
+  else
+    n <- length %/% .BITS
+  x <- integer(n)
+  #physical(x) <- list(vmode="boolean")
+  #virtual(x)  <- list(Length=length)
+  #class(x) <- "bit"
+  # tuning
+  p <- list()
+  v <- list()
+  attributes(p) <- list(vmode="boolean", class="physical")
+  attributes(v) <- list(Length=length, class="virtual")
+  attributes(x) <- list(physical=p, virtual=v, class="bit")
+  x
+print.bit <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  cat("bit length=", n, " occupying only ", length(unclass(x)), " integers\n", sep="")
+  if (n>16){
+    y <- c(x[1:8], "..", x[(n-7L):n])
+    names(y) <- c(1:8, "", (n-7L):n)
+    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)
+  }else if(n){
+    y <- c(x[])
+    names(y) <- c(1:n)
+    print(y, quote=FALSE, ...)
+  }
+#! \name{bitwhich}
+#! \alias{bitwhich}
+#! \alias{print.bitwhich}
+#! \title{ A class for vectors representing asymetric selections }
+#! \description{
+#!   A bitwhich object like the result of \code{\link{which}} and \code{\link{as.which}} does represent integer subscript positions,
+#!   but bitwhich objects represent some subscripts rather with negative integers, if this needs less space.
+#!   The extreme cases of selecting all/none subscripts are represented by TRUE/FALSE.
+#!   This needs less RAM compared to \code{\link{logical}} (and often less than \code{\link{as.which}}).
+#!   Logical operations are fast if the selection is asymetric (only few or almost all selected).
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! bitwhich(maxindex, poslength = NULL, x = NULL)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{maxindex}{ the length of the vector (sum of all TRUEs and FALSEs) }
+#!   \item{poslength}{ Only use if x is not NULL: the sum of all TRUEs }
+#!   \item{x}{ Default NULL or FALSE or unique negative integers or unique positive integers or TRUE}
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   An object of class 'bitwhich' carrying two attributes
+#!   \item{maxindex}{ see above }
+#!   \item{poslength}{ see above }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   class 'bitwhich' represents a boolean selection in one of the following ways
+#!   \itemize{
+#!    \item FALSE to select nothing
+#!    \item TRUE to select everything
+#!    \item unique positive integers to select those
+#!    \item unique negative integers to exclude those
+#!   }
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{bit}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!  bitwhich(12, x=c(1,3), poslength=2)
+#!  bitwhich(12, x=-c(1,3), poslength=10)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+bitwhich <- function(maxindex, poslength=NULL, x=NULL){
+  if (is.null(x)){
+    x <- FALSE
+    poslength <- 0L
+  }else{
+    poslength <- as.integer(poslength)
+  }
+  attr(x, "maxindex") <- as.integer(maxindex)
+  attr(x, "poslength") <- poslength
+  # NOTE: here we want one (1) copy of x to not modify argument x 
+	# therefore we did not replace the oldClass assignment with a call to setttattr
+  oldClass(x) <- "bitwhich"
+  x
+print.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  cat("bitwhich: ", sum(x), "/", length(x), "\n", sep="")
+#! \name{is.bit}
+#! \alias{is.ri}
+#! \alias{is.bit}
+#! \alias{is.bitwhich}
+#! \title{ Testing for bit, bitwhich and ri selection classes }
+#! \description{
+#!   Test whether an object inherits from 'ri', 'bit' or 'bitwhich'
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! is.ri(x)
+#! is.bit(x)
+#! is.bitwhich(x)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an R object of unknown type }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   TRUE or FALSE
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{is.logical}}, \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!  is.ri(TRUE)
+#!  is.ri(ri(1,4,12))
+#!  is.bit(TRUE)
+#!  is.bitwhich(TRUE)
+#!  is.bit(as.bit(TRUE))
+#!  is.bitwhich(as.bitwhich(TRUE))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+is.ri <- function(x)
+  inherits(x, "ri")
+is.bit <- function(x)
+  inherits(x, "bit")
+is.bitwhich <- function(x)
+  inherits(x, "bitwhich")
+#! \name{length.bit}
+#! \alias{length.bit}
+#! \alias{length.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{length.ri}
+#! \alias{length<-.bit}
+#! \alias{length<-.bitwhich}
+#! \title{ Getting and setting length of bit, bitwhich and ri objects }
+#! \description{
+#!   Query the number of bits in a \code{\link{bit}} vector or change the number of bits in a bit vector. \cr
+#!   Query the number of bits in a \code{\link{bitwhich}} vector or change the number of bits in a bit vector. \cr
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{length}{ri}(x)
+#! \method{length}{bit}(x)
+#! \method{length}{bitwhich}(x)
+#! \method{length}{bit}(x) <- value
+#! \method{length}{bitwhich}(x) <- value
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ a \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or \code{\link{ri}} object }
+#!   \item{value}{ the new number of bits }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   NOTE that the length does NOT reflect the number of selected (\code{TRUE}) bits, it reflects the sum of both, \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE} bits.
+#!   Increasing the length of a \code{\link{bit}} object will set new bits to \code{FALSE}.
+#!   The behaviour of increasing the length of a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object is different and depends on the content of the object:
+#!   \itemize{
+#!    \item{TRUE}{all included, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}}
+#!    \item{positive integers}{some included, new bits are set to \code{FALSE}}
+#!    \item{negative integers}{some excluded, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}}
+#!    \item{FALSE}{all excluded:, new bits are set to \code{FALSE}}
+#!   }
+#!   Decreasing the length of bit or bitwhich removes any previous information about the status bits above the new length.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   the length  A bit vector with the new length
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{length}}, \code{\link[=sum.bit]{sum}}, \code{\link[ff]{poslength}}, \code{\link[ff]{maxindex}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   stopifnot(length(ri(1, 1, 32))==32)
+#!   x <- as.bit(ri(32, 32, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   x <- as.bit(ri(1, 1, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(bit(32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(!bit(32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(32, 32, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(2, 32, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==15)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 1, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 31, 32))
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+#!   message("NOTE the change from 'some excluded' to 'all excluded' here")
+#!   length(x) <- 16
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
+#!   length(x) <- 32
+#!   stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+#!   stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+length.bit <- function(x)
+  virtual(x)$Length
+"length<-.bit" <- function(x, value){
+  if (value!=length(x)){
+    value <- as.integer(value)
+    dn <- value %% .BITS
+    if (dn){
+      n <- value %/% .BITS + 1L
+      .Call("R_bit_replace", x, (value+1L):(value+dn), logical(dn), FALSE, PACKAGE="bit")
+    }else{
+      n <- value %/% .BITS
+    }
+    #pattr <- physical(x)
+    #vattr <- virtual(x)
+    pattr <- attr(x, "physical")
+    vattr <- attr(x, "virtual")
+    cl <- oldClass(x)
+    #x <- unclass(x)
+    attr(x, "class") <- NULL
+    length(x) <- n
+    #vattr$Length <- value
+    attr(vattr, "Length") <- value
+    #physical(x) <- pattr
+    #virtual(x) <- vattr
+    #class(x) <- cl
+    attr(x, "physical") <- pattr
+    attr(x, "virtual") <- vattr
+    attr(x, "class") <- cl
+    x
+  }else
+    x
+length.bitwhich <- function(x)
+  attr(x, "maxindex")
+"length<-.bitwhich" <- function(x, value){
+  if (value!=length(x)){
+    value <- as.integer(value)
+    if (is.integer(x)){
+      cl <- oldClass(x)
+      oldClass(x) <- NULL
+      if (x[1]>0){
+        x <- x[x <= value]
+        l <- length(x)
+        if (l==0)
+          x <- FALSE
+        else if (l==value)
+          x <- TRUE
+        else if (l>(value%/%2L))
+          x <- -as.integer(seq_len(value))[-x]
+        attr(x, "poslength") <- l
+      }else{
+        x <- x[x >= -value]
+        l <- length(x)
+        if (l==0)
+          x <- TRUE
+        else if (l==value)
+          x <- FALSE
+        else if (!((value-l)>(value%/%2L)))
+          x <- -as.integer(seq_len(value))[-x]
+        attr(x, "poslength") <- value - l
+      }
+      oldClass(x) <- cl
+    }else if(x){
+      attr(x, "poslength") <- value
+    }
+    attr(x, "maxindex") <- value
+  }
+  x
+#! \name{c.bit}
+#! \alias{c.bit}
+#! \alias{c.bitwhich}
+#! \title{ Concatenating bit and bitwhich vectors }
+#! \description{
+#!   Creating new bit by concatenating bit vectors
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{c}{bit}(\dots)
+#! \method{c}{bitwhich}(\dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{\dots}{ bit objects }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   An object of class 'bit'
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{c}}, \code{\link{bit}} , \code{\link{bitwhich}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!  c(bit(4), bit(4))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+c.bit <- function(...){
+  l <- list(...)
+  nl <- length(l)
+  nold <- sapply(l, length)
+  nnew <- sum(nold)
+  ncum <- cumsum(nold)
+  offsets <- c(0L, ncum[-length(ncum)])
+  x <- bit(nnew)
+  for (i in as.integer(seq.int(from=1, to=nl, by=1))){
+    b <- as.bit(l[[i]])
+    .Call("R_bit_shiftcopy", bsource_=b, btarget_=x, otarget_=offsets[i], n_=nold[i], FALSE, PACKAGE="bit")
+  }
+  x
+c.bitwhich <- function(...){
+  l <- list(...)
+  if (length(l)==1)
+    l[[1]]
+  else
+    as.bitwhich(do.call("c", lapply(l, as.bit)))
+#! \name{as.bit}
+#! \alias{as.bit}
+#! \alias{as.bit.bit}
+#! \alias{as.bit.logical}
+#! \alias{as.bit.integer}
+#! \alias{as.bit.double}
+#! \alias{as.bit.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.bit.which}
+#! \alias{as.bit.ri}
+#! \title{ Coercing to bit }
+#! \description{
+#!   Coercing to bit vector
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! as.bit(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{bit}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{logical}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{integer}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{which}(x, length, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bit}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{logical}}, \code{\link{integer}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or an integer from \code{\link{as.which}} or a boolean \code{\link[ff:vmode]{ff}} }
+#!   \item{length}{ the length of the new bit vector }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Coercing to bit is quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register
+#! }
+#! \note{
+#!   Zero is coerced to FALSE, all other numbers including NA are coerced to TRUE.
+#!   This differs from the NA-to-FALSE coercion in package ff and may change in the future.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \code{is.bit} returns FALSE or TRUE, \code{as.bit} returns a vector of class 'bit'
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link[bit:as.logical.bit]{as.logical}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
+#!   as.bit(x)
+#!   as.bit.which(c(1,3,4), 12)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+as.bit.bit <- function(x, ...)
+  x
+as.bit.logical <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  b <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_set", b, x, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")
+as.bit.integer <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  b <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_set_integer", b, x, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")
+as.bit.double <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  b <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_set_integer", b, as.integer(x), c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")
+as.bit.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  p <- sum(x)
+  b <- bit(n)
+  if (is.logical(x)){
+    if (p==n)
+      b[] <- TRUE
+  }else{
+    oldClass(x) <- NULL
+    x <- as.integer(x)
+    if (x[1]<0){
+      b[-x] <- TRUE  # remember that negative indices are not allowed (and the assignment value is recycled to the length of the index)
+      b <- !b
+    }else{
+      b[x] <- TRUE
+    }
+  }
+  b
+as.bit.which <- function(x, length, ...){
+  b <- bit(length)
+  if (length(x)){
+    x <- as.integer(x)
+    if (x[1]<0){
+      b[-x] <- TRUE  # remember that negative indices are not allowed (and the assignment value is recycled to the length of the index)
+      b <- !b
+    }else{
+      b[x] <- TRUE
+    }
+  }
+  b
+as.bit.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  b <- bit(length(x))
+  b[x] <- TRUE
+  b
+#! \name{as.logical.bit}
+#! \alias{as.logical.bit}
+#! \alias{as.integer.bit}
+#! \alias{as.double.bit}
+#! \alias{as.logical.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.integer.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.double.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.logical.ri}
+#! \alias{as.integer.ri}
+#! \alias{as.double.ri}
+#! \title{ Coercion from bit, bitwhich and ri to logical, integer, double }
+#! \description{
+#!   Coercing from bit to logical, integer, which.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{as.logical}{bit}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.logical}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.logical}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.integer}{bit}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.integer}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.integer}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.double}{bit}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.double}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.double}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or \code{\link{ri}} }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ ignored }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Coercion from bit is quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \code{\link{as.logical}} returns a vector of \code{FALSE, TRUE}, \code{\link{as.integer}} and \code{\link{as.double}} return a vector of \code{0,1}.
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- ri(2, 5, 10)
+#!   y <- as.logical(x)
+#!   y
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bit(x))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bitwhich(x))))
+#!   y <- as.integer(x)
+#!   y
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.logical(x))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bit(x))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bitwhich(x))))
+#!   y <- as.double(x)
+#!   y
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.logical(x))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bit(x))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bitwhich(x))))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+as.logical.bit <- function(x, ...){
+  l <- logical(length(x))
+  .Call("R_bit_get", x, l, c(1L, length(x)), PACKAGE="bit")
+as.integer.bit <- function(x, ...){
+  l <- integer(length(x))
+  .Call("R_bit_get_integer", x, l, c(1L, length(x)), PACKAGE="bit")
+as.double.bit <- function(x, ...){
+  l <- integer(length(x))
+  as.double(.Call("R_bit_get_integer", x, l, c(1L, length(x)), PACKAGE="bit"))
+as.logical.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (is.na(x[3]))
+    stop("cannot coerce to logical from ri object with unknown maxindex")
+  ret <- logical(x[3])
+  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- TRUE
+  ret
+as.integer.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (is.na(x[3]))
+    stop("cannot coerce to integer from ri object with unknown maxindex")
+  ret <- integer(x[3])
+  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- 1L
+  ret
+as.double.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (is.na(x[3]))
+    stop("cannot coerce to integer from ri object with unknown maxindex")
+  ret <- double(x[3])
+  ret[x[1]:x[2]] <- 1
+  ret
+#! \name{as.which}
+#! \alias{as.which}
+#! \alias{as.which.default}
+#! \alias{as.which.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.which.bit}
+#! \alias{as.which.ri}
+#! \title{ Coercion to (positive) integer positions }
+#! \description{
+#!   Coercing to something like the result of which \code{\link{which}}
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! as.which(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.which}{default}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.which}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.which}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{as.which}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an object of classes \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}}, \code{\link{ri}} or something on which \code{\link{which}} works }
+#!   \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments (passed to \code{\link{which}} for the default method, ignored otherwise) }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   \code{as.which.bit} returns a vector of subscripts with class 'which'
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   a vector of class 'logical' or 'integer'
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.logical}}, \code{\link{as.integer}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   r <- ri(5, 20, 100)
+#!   x <- as.which(r)
+#!   x
+#!   stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.logical(r))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.bitwhich(r))))
+#!   stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.bit(r))))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+as.which.default <- function(x, ...){
+  ret <- which(x)
+  oldClass(ret) <- "which"
+  ret
+as.which.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  ret <- x[1]:x[2]
+  oldClass(ret) <- "which"
+  ret
+as.which.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  s <- sum(x, range=range)
+  n <- range[2] - range[1] + 1L
+  if (s==0L){
+    x <- integer()
+  }else if (s==n){
+    x <- as.integer(seq.int(from=range[1], to=range[2], by=1))
+  }else
+    x <- .Call("R_bit_which", x, s, range, negative=FALSE, PACKAGE="bit")
+  oldClass(x) <- "which"
+  x
+as.which.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (is.logical(x)){
+    if (unclass(x))
+      x <- as.integer(seq_len(length(x)))
+    else
+      x <- integer()
+  }else{
+    if (x[[1]]<0)
+      x <- as.integer(seq_len(length(x)))[x]
+    else{
+      attributes(x) <- NULL
+    }
+  }
+  oldClass(x) <- "which"
+  x
+#! \name{as.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.bit}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.ri}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.which}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.integer}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.double}
+#! \alias{as.bitwhich.logical}
+#! \title{ Coercing to bitwhich }
+#! \description{
+#!   Functions to coerce to bitwhich
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! as.bitwhich(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{bit}(x, range=NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{which}(x, maxindex, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{integer}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{double}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{as.bitwhich}{logical}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ An object of class 'bitwhich', 'integer', 'logical' or 'bit' or an integer vector as resulting from 'which' }
+#!   \item{maxindex}{ the length of the new bitwhich vector }
+#!   \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   a value of class \code{\link{bitwhich}}
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bitwhich}}, \code{\link{as.bit}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!  as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
+#!  as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
+#!  as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
+#!  as.bitwhich(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+as.bitwhich.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  x
+as.bitwhich.which <- function(x, maxindex, ...){
+  poslength <- length(x)
+  if (missing(maxindex))
+    stop("you must provide maxindex with as.bitwhich.integer()")
+  if (poslength==0)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, FALSE)
+  else if (poslength==maxindex)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, TRUE)
+  else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, -as.integer(seq_len(maxindex))[-x])
+  }else{
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, x)
+  }
+as.bitwhich.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  poslength <- sum(x)
+  maxindex <- length(x)
+  if (poslength==0)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, FALSE)
+  else if (poslength==maxindex)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, TRUE)
+  else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
+    if (x[1]>1L) a <- 1:(x[1]-1L) else a <- integer()
+    if (x[2]<maxindex) b <- (x[2]+1L):maxindex else b <- integer()
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, -c(a,b))
+  }else{
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, x[1]:x[2])
+  }
+as.bitwhich.double <- as.bitwhich.integer <- function(x, ...)
+  as.bitwhich(as.logical(x))
+as.bitwhich.logical <- function(x, ...){
+  poslength <- sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)
+  maxindex <- length(x)
+  if (poslength==0)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, FALSE)
+  else if (poslength==maxindex)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, TRUE)
+  else if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, -which(!x))
+  }else{
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, which(x))
+  }
+as.bitwhich.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  maxindex <- length(x)
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, maxindex)
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>maxindex)
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  poslength <- sum(x, range=range, na.rm=TRUE)
+  if (poslength==0)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, FALSE)
+  else if (poslength==maxindex)
+    bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, TRUE)
+  else{
+    if (poslength>(maxindex%/%2L)){
+      bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, .Call("R_bit_which", x, maxindex - poslength, range=range, negative=TRUE, PACKAGE="bit"))
+    }else{
+      bitwhich(maxindex, poslength, .Call("R_bit_which", x, poslength, range=range, negative=FALSE, PACKAGE="bit"))
+    }
+  }
+as.integer.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  if (is.logical(x)){
+    if (sum(x)==n)
+      rep(1L, n)
+    else
+      rep(0L, n)
+  }else{
+    ret <- integer(n)
+    ret[x] <- 1L
+    ret
+  }
+as.double.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  if (is.logical(x)){
+    if (sum(x)==n)
+      rep(1, n)
+    else
+      rep(0, n)
+  }else{
+    ret <- double(n)
+    ret[x] <- 1
+    ret
+  }
+as.logical.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  n <- length(x)
+  p <- sum(x)
+  if (p==0){
+    rep(FALSE, length(x))
+  }else if (p==n){
+    rep(TRUE, length(x))
+  }else{
+    ret <- logical(length(x))
+    ret[x] <- TRUE
+    ret
+  }
+# xx
+#"[.bitwhich" <- function(x, i){
+#  if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
+#    nx <- length(x)
+#    ni <- length(i)
+#    px <- poslength(x)
+#    pi <- poslength(i)
+#    if (is.logical(x)){
+#      if (is.logical(i)){
+#        if (unclass(x) && unclass(i))
+#          return(bitwhich())
+#        else
+#          return()
+#      }else{
+#      }
+#    }else{
+#      if (is.logical(i)){
+#      }else{
+#      }
+#    }
+#  }else
+#    stop("not implemented")
+#! \name{LogicBit}
+#! \alias{LogicBit}
+#! \alias{!.bit}
+#! \alias{!.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{&.bit}
+#! \alias{&.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{|.bit}
+#! \alias{|.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{==.bit}
+#! \alias{==.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{!=.bit}
+#! \alias{!=.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{xor}
+#! \alias{xor.default}
+#! \alias{xor.bit}
+#! \alias{xor.bitwhich}
+#! \title{ Boolean operators and functions for class bit }
+#! \description{
+#!   Boolean 'negation', 'and', 'or' and 'exclusive or'.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{!}{bit}(x)
+#! \method{!}{bitwhich}(x)
+#! \method{&}{bit}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{&}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{|}{bit}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{|}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{==}{bit}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{==}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{!=}{bit}(e1, e2)
+#! \method{!=}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+#! xor(x, y)
+#! \method{xor}{default}(x, y)
+#! \method{xor}{bit}(x, y)
+#! \method{xor}{bitwhich}(x, y)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ a bit vector (or one logical vector in binary operators) }
+#!   \item{y}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+#!   \item{e1}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+#!   \item{e2}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Binary operators and function \code{xor} can combine 'bit' objects and 'logical' vectors.
+#!   They do not recycle, thus the lengths of objects must match. Boolean operations on bit vectors are extremely fast
+#!   because they are implemented using C's bitwise operators. If one argument is 'logical' it is converted to 'bit'. \cr
+#!   Binary operators and function \code{xor} can combine 'bitwhich' objects and other vectors.
+#!   They do not recycle, thus the lengths of objects must match. Boolean operations on bitwhich vectors are fast
+#!   if the distribution of TRUE and FALSE is very asymetric. If one argument is not 'bitwhich' it is converted to 'bitwhich'. \cr
+#!   The \code{xor} function has been made generic and \code{xor.default} has been implemented much faster than R's standard \code{\link[base]{xor}}.
+#!   This was possible because actually boolean function \code{xor} and comparison operator \code{!=} do the same (even with NAs), and \code{!=} is much faster than the multiple calls in \code{(x | y) & !(x & y)}
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   An object of class 'bit' (or 'bitwhich')
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{Logic}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, NA, NA, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+#!   y <- as.bit(yl)
+#!   !x
+#!   x & y
+#!   x | y
+#!   xor(x, y)
+#!   x != y
+#!   x == y
+#!   x & yl
+#!   x | yl
+#!   xor(x, yl)
+#!   x != yl
+#!   x == yl
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, NA, NA, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+#!   y <- as.bitwhich(yl)
+#!   !x
+#!   x & y
+#!   x | y
+#!   xor(x, y)
+#!   x != y
+#!   x == y
+#!   x & yl
+#!   x | yl
+#!   xor(x, yl)
+#!   x != yl
+#!   x == yl
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+"!.bit" <- function(x){
+  if (length(x)){
+    ret <- x
+    ret[1] <- ret[1]  # force duplication
+    .Call("R_bit_not", ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+  }else{
+    x
+  }
+"&.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
+  n <- length(e1)
+  if(n!=length(e2))
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
+  ret <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_and", e1, e2, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+"|.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
+  n <- length(e1)
+  if(n!=length(e2))
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
+  ret <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_or", e1, e2, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+xor.default <- function(x,y){
+  as.logical(x) != as.logical(y)
+"xor.bit" <- function(x, y){
+  n <- length(x)
+  if(n!=length(y))
+    stop("length(x) != length(y)")
+  x <- as.bit(x)
+  y <- as.bit(y)
+  ret <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_xor", x, y, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+"!=.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
+  n <- length(e1)
+  if(n!=length(e2))
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
+  ret <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_xor", e1, e2, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+"==.bit" <- function(e1, e2){
+  n <- length(e1)
+  if(n!=length(e2))
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  e1 <- as.bit(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bit(e2)
+  ret <- bit(n)
+  .Call("R_bit_equal", e1, e2, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+"!.bitwhich" <- function(x){
+  n <- length(x)
+  p <- sum(x)
+  if (is.logical(x)){
+    if (p==n){
+      bitwhich(maxindex=n, poslength=0L, FALSE)
+    }else{
+      bitwhich(maxindex=n, poslength=n, TRUE)
+    }
+  }else{
+    bitwhich(maxindex=n, poslength=n-p, -x)
+  }
+"&.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
+  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
+  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
+  if(n[1]!=n[2])
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
+  if (p[1]==0 || p[2]==0)
+    return(bitwhich(n[1], 0L, FALSE))
+  if (p[1]==n[1])
+    return(e2)
+  if (p[2]==n[2])
+    return(e1)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- c(e1[1]<0, e2[1]<0)
+  if (negative[1]){
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- union(e1, e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), ret) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- setdiff(e2, !e1)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else FALSE) )
+    }
+  }else{
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- setdiff(e1, !e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else FALSE) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- intersect(e1, e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else FALSE) )
+    }
+  }
+  #as.bitwhich(as.bit(e1) & as.bit(e2))
+"|.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2){
+  e1 <- as.bitwhich(e1)
+  e2 <- as.bitwhich(e2)
+  n <- c(length(e1), length(e2))
+  if(n[1]!=n[2])
+    stop("length(e1) != length(e2)")
+  p <- c(sum(e1), sum(e2))
+  if (p[1]==n[1] || p[2]==n[2])
+    return(bitwhich(n[1], n[1], TRUE))
+  if (p[1]==0)
+    return(e2)
+  if (p[2]==0)
+    return(e1)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- c(e1[1]<0, e2[1]<0)
+  if (negative[1]){
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- intersect(e1, e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else TRUE) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- setdiff(e1, !e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else TRUE) )
+    }
+  }else{
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- setdiff(e2, !e1)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else TRUE) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- union(e1, e2)
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), ret) )
+    }
+  }
+  #as.bitwhich(as.bit(e1) | as.bit(e2))
+"xor.bitwhich" <- function(x, y){
+  x <- as.bitwhich(x)
+  y <- as.bitwhich(y)
+  n <- c(length(x), length(y))
+  if(n[1]!=n[2])
+    stop("length(x) != length(y)")
+  p <- c(sum(x), sum(y))
+  if (p[1]==0)
+    return(y)
+  if (p[1]==n[1])
+    return(!y)
+  if (p[2]==0)
+    return(x)
+  if (p[2]==n[2])
+    return(!x)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- c(x[1]<0, y[1]<0)
+  if (negative[1]){
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- -union(setdiff(y, x), setdiff(x, y))
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else FALSE) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- union(-setdiff(y, !x), setdiff(x, !y))
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else TRUE) )
+    }
+  }else{
+    if (negative[2]){
+      ret <- union(-setdiff(x, !y), setdiff(y, !x))
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=n[1]-length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else TRUE) )
+    }else{
+      ret <- setdiff(union(x, y), intersect(x, y))
+      return( bitwhich(maxindex=n[1], poslength=length(ret), if (length(ret)) ret else FALSE) )
+    }
+  }
+  #as.bitwhich(xor(as.bit(x), as.bit(y)))
+"!=.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2)
+xor.bitwhich(e1, e2)
+"==.bitwhich" <- function(e1, e2)
+!xor.bitwhich(e1, e2)
+#! \name{Summary}
+#! \alias{all.bit}
+#! \alias{any.bit}
+#! \alias{min.bit}
+#! \alias{max.bit}
+#! \alias{range.bit}
+#! \alias{sum.bit}
+#! \alias{summary.bit}
+#! \alias{all.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{any.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{min.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{max.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{range.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{sum.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{summary.bitwhich}
+#! \alias{all.ri}
+#! \alias{any.ri}
+#! \alias{min.ri}
+#! \alias{max.ri}
+#! \alias{range.ri}
+#! \alias{sum.ri}
+#! \alias{summary.ri}
+#! \title{ Summaries of bit vectors }
+#! \description{
+#!   Fast aggregation functions for bit vectors.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{all}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{any}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{min}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{max}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{range}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{sum}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{summary}{bit}(object, range = NULL, \dots)
+#! \method{all}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{any}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{min}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{max}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{range}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{sum}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{summary}{bitwhich}(object, \dots)
+#! \method{all}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{any}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{min}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{max}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{range}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{sum}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{summary}{ri}(object, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an object of class bit or bitwhich }
+#!   \item{object}{ an object of class bit }
+#!   \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ formally required but not used }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Bit summaries are quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register.
+#!   Furthermore we break out of looping as soon as possible.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   as expected
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{all}}, \code{\link{any}}, \code{\link{min}}, \code{\link{max}}, \code{\link{range}}, \code{\link{sum}}, \code{\link{summary}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- as.bit(c(TRUE, TRUE))
+#!   all(x)
+#!   any(x)
+#!   min(x)
+#!   max(x)
+#!   range(x)
+#!   sum(x)
+#!   summary(x)
+#!   x <- as.bitwhich(c(TRUE, TRUE))
+#!   all(x)
+#!   any(x)
+#!   min(x)
+#!   max(x)
+#!   range(x)
+#!   sum(x)
+#!   summary(x)
+#!  \dontrun{
+#!     n <- .Machine$integer.max
+#!     x <- !bit(n)
+#!     N <- 1000000L  # batchsize
+#!     B <- n \%/\% N   # number of batches
+#!     R <- n \%\% N    # rest
+#!     message("Batched sum (52.5 sec on Centrino duo)")
+#!     system.time({
+#!       s <- 0L
+#!       for (b in 1:B){
+#!         s <- s + sum(x[((b-1L)*N+1L):(b*N)])
+#!       }
+#!       if (R)
+#!         s <- s + sum(x[(n-R+1L):n])
+#!     })
+#!     message("Batched sum saving repeated memory allocation for the return vector
+#!     (44.4 sec on Centrino duo)")
+#!     system.time({
+#!       s <- 0L
+#!       l <- logical(N)
+#!       for (b in 1:B){
+#!         .Call("R_bit_extract", x, ((b-1L)*N+1L):(b*N), l, PACKAGE = "bit")
+#!         s <- s + sum(l)
+#!       }
+#!       if (R)
+#!         s <- s + sum(x[(n-R+1L):n])
+#!     })
+#!     message("C-coded sum (3.1 sec on Centrino duo)")
+#!     system.time(sum(x))
+#!  }
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+sum.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  .Call("R_bit_sum", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+all.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  .Call("R_bit_all", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+any.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  .Call("R_bit_any", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+min.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  .Call("R_bit_min", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+max.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  .Call("R_bit_max", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+range.bit <- function(x, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(x))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(x))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  ret <- integer(2)
+  ret[1] <- .Call("R_bit_min", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+  if (is.na(ret[1]))
+    ret[2] <- NA
+  else
+    ret[2] <- .Call("R_bit_max", x, range, PACKAGE="bit")
+  ret
+summary.bit <- function(object, range=NULL, ...){
+  if (is.null(range))
+    range <- c(1L, length(object))
+  else{
+    range <- as.integer(range[1:2])
+    if (range[1]<1L || range[2]>length(object))
+      stop("illegal range")
+  }
+  s <- sum(object, range=range)
+  r <- range(object, range=range)
+  c("FALSE"=range[2]-range[1]+1L-s, "TRUE"=s, "Min."=r[1], "Max."=r[2])
+sum.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  attr(x, "poslength")
+all.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  attr(x, "poslength") == attr(x, "maxindex")
+any.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  attr(x, "poslength") > 0L
+min.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  n <- attr(x, "maxindex")
+  p <- attr(x, "poslength")
+  if (p==0)
+    return(as.integer(NA))
+  if (p==n)
+    return(n)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- x[1]<0
+  if (negative){
+    min(as.bit(x))
+  }else{
+    min(unclass(x))
+  }
+max.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  n <- attr(x, "maxindex")
+  p <- attr(x, "poslength")
+  if (p==0)
+    return(as.integer(NA))
+  if (p==n)
+    return(n)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- x[1]<0
+  if (negative){
+    max(as.bit(x))
+  }else{
+    max(unclass(x))
+  }
+range.bitwhich <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  n <- attr(x, "maxindex")
+  p <- attr(x, "poslength")
+  if (p==0)
+    return(as.integer(NA))
+  if (p==n)
+    return(n)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- x[1]<0
+  if (negative){
+    range(as.bit(x))
+  }else{
+    range(unclass(x))
+  }
+summary.bitwhich <- function(object, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'bitwhich'")
+  n <- attr(object, "maxindex")
+  p <- attr(object, "poslength")
+  if (p==0)
+    return(as.integer(NA))
+  if (p==n)
+    return(n)
+  #negative <- p>(n%/%2L)
+  negative <- object[1]<0
+  if (negative){
+    r <- range(as.bit(object))
+  }else{
+    r <- range(object)
+  }
+  c("FALSE"=n-p, "TRUE"=p, "Min."=r[1], "Max."=r[2])
+if (FALSE){
+  library(bit)
+  # test correctness of max.bit
+  for (n in c(0, 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 95, 96, 97, 127,128,129)){
+    for (to1 in seq_len(n)){
+      cat("n", n, "to", to1, "\n")
+      for (from1 in seq.int(from=1, to=to1, by=1L)){
+      x <- bit(n)
+      if (!identical(max(x, from=from1, to=to1), as.integer(NA)))
+        stop("wrong")
+      for (i in seq_len(n)){
+        x[i] <- TRUE
+        if (!identical(i, max(x, from=from1, to=to1)))
+          stop("wrong")
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # test correctness of min.bit
+  for (n in c(0, 1, 2, 31, 32, 33, 63, 64, 65, 95, 96, 97, 127,128,129)){
+    for (to1 in seq_len(n)){
+      cat("n", n, "to", to1, "\n")
+      for (from1 in seq.int(from=1, to=to1, by=1L)){
+      x <- bit(n)
+      if (!identical(min(x, from=from1, to=to1), as.integer(NA)))
+        stop("wrong")
+      for (i in rev(seq_len(n))){
+        x[i] <- TRUE
+        if (!identical(i, min(x, from=from1, to=to1)))
+          stop("wrong")
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#! \name{Extract}
+#! \alias{[[.bit}
+#! \alias{[[<-.bit}
+#! \alias{[.bit}
+#! \alias{[<-.bit}
+#! \title{ Extract or replace part of an bit vector }
+#! \description{
+#!   Operators acting on bit objects to extract or replace parts.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! \method{[[}{bit}(x, i)
+#! \method{[[}{bit}(x, i) <- value
+#! \method{[}{bit}(x, i)
+#! \method{[}{bit}(x, i) <- value
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ a bit object }
+#!   \item{i}{ positive integer subscript }
+#!   \item{value}{ new logical or integer values }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Since this package was created for high performance purposes, only positive integer subscripts make sense.
+#!   Negative subscripts are converted to positive ones, beware the RAM consumption.
+#!   Further subscript classes allowed for '[' and '[<-' are range indices \code{\link{ri}} and \code{\link{bitwhich}}.
+#!   The '[' and '[<-' methods don't check whether the subscripts are positive integers in the allowed range.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   The extractors \code{[[} and \code{[} return a logical scalar or vector.
+#!   The replacment functions return a bit object.
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{Extract}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
+#!   x[] <- c(FALSE, NA, TRUE)
+#!   x[1:2]
+#!   x[-3]
+#!   x[ri(1,2)]
+#!   x[as.bitwhich(c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE))]
+#!   x[[1]]
+#!   x[] <- TRUE
+#!   x[1:2] <- FALSE
+#!   x[[1]] <- TRUE
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+"[[.bit" <- function(x, i){
+  if (length(i)!=1)
+    stop("subscript length not 1")
+  if (is.numeric(i)){
+    i <- as.integer(i)
+    if (is.na(i) || i<1L || i>length(x))
+      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
+    ret <- logical(1L)
+    attr(ret, "vmode") <- "boolean"
+    .Call("R_bit_extract", x, i, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+  }else
+    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
+"[[<-.bit" <- function(x, i, value){
+  if (length(i)!=1)
+    stop("subscript length not 1")
+  if (length(value)!=1)
+    stop("value length not 1")
+  if (is.numeric(i)){
+    i <- as.integer(i)
+    if (is.na(i) || i<1L || i>length(x))
+      stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
+    value2 <- as.logical(value)
+    .Call("R_bit_replace", x, i, value2, FALSE, PACKAGE="bit")
+  }else
+    stop("subscript must be positive integer (or double) within length")
+if (FALSE){
+  library(ff)
+  library(bit)
+  a <- bit(100)
+  a[1] <- T
+  a[100] <- T
+  a[]
+  a[99:100]
+  a[range=c(99,100)]
+  a[range=c(1,100)] <- TRUE
+  a
+  a[range=c(1,100)] <- FALSE
+  a
+"[.bit" <- function(x, i){
+  if ( missing(i) ){
+    len <- length(x)
+    ret <- logical(len)
+    .Call("R_bit_get", x, ret, range=c(1L, len), PACKAGE="bit")
+  }else if(is.numeric(i)){
+    if (inherits(i, "ri")){
+      if (i[1]<1L || i[2]>length(x))
+        stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
+      ret <- logical(i[2]-i[1]+1L)
+      .Call("R_bit_get", x, ret, range=i, PACKAGE="bit")
+    }else if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
+			i <- as.which(i)
+      n <- length(i)
+			ret <- logical(n)
+			if (n)
+        .Call("R_bit_extract", x, i, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+		}else{
+      i <- as.integer(i)
+      if (length(i)){
+        if (i[1]<0)
+          i <- (as.integer(seq_along(x)))[i]
+				ret <- logical(length(i))
+        .Call("R_bit_extract", x, i, ret, PACKAGE="bit")
+      }else{
+        ret <- logical()
+      }
+    }
+  }else if(is.logical(i)){
+    if (length(i)!=1 || is.na(i)){
+      stop("only TRUE or FALSE allowed")
+    }else{
+      if (i){
+        len <- length(x)
+        ret <- logical(len)
+        .Call("R_bit_get", x, ret, range=c(1L, len), PACKAGE="bit")
+      }else{
+        ret <- logical()
+      }
+    }
+  }else
+      stop("subscript must be integer (or double) or bitwhich")
+  attr(ret, "vmode") <- "boolean"
+  ret
+"[<-.bit" <- function(x, i, value){
+  if ( missing(i) ){
+    len <- length(x)
+    if (length(value)==len){
+      value2 <- as.logical(value)
+    }else{
+      value2 <- logical(len)
+      value2[] <- value
+    }
+    .Call("R_bit_set", x, value2, range=c(1L, len), PACKAGE="bit")
+  }else if(is.numeric(i)){
+    if (inherits(i, "ri")){
+      if (i[1]<1L || i[2]>length(x))
+        stop("illegal range index 'ri'")
+      n <- i[2] - i[1] + 1L
+      if (length(value)==n){
+        value2 <- as.logical(value)
+      }else{
+        value2 <- logical(n)
+        value2[] <- value
+      }
+      .Call("R_bit_set", x, value2, range=i, PACKAGE="bit")
+    }else{
+			if (inherits(i, "bitwhich")){
+				i <- as.which(i)
+				n <- length(i)
+			}else{
+				i <- as.integer(i)
+				n <- length(i)
+				if (n && i[1]<0){
+					i <- (as.integer(seq_along(x)))[i]
+					n <- length(i)
+				}
+			} 
+      if (length(value)==n){
+        value2 <- as.logical(value)
+      }else{
+        value2 <- logical(n)
+        value2[] <- value
+      }
+      .Call("R_bit_replace", x, i, value2, PACKAGE="bit")
+    }
+  }else if (is.logical(i)){
+    if (length(i)!=1 || is.na(i)){
+      stop("only TRUE or FALSE allowed")
+    }else{
+      if (i){
+        len <- length(x)
+        if (length(value)==len){
+          value2 <- as.logical(value)
+        }else{
+          value2 <- logical(len)
+          value2[] <- value
+        }
+        .Call("R_bit_set", x, value2, range=c(1L, len), PACKAGE="bit")
+      }else{
+        x
+      }
+    }
+  }else
+      stop("subscript must be integer (or double) within length")
+#! \name{ri}
+#! \alias{ri}
+#! \alias{print.ri}
+#! \title{ Range index }
+#! \description{
+#!   A range index can be used to extract or replace a continuous ascending part of the data
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! ri(from, to = NULL, maxindex=NA)
+#! \method{print}{ri}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{from}{ first position }
+#!   \item{to}{ last posistion }
+#!   \item{x}{ an object of class 'ri' }
+#!   \item{maxindex}{ the maximal length of the object-to-be-subscripted (if known) }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   A two element integer vector with class 'ri'
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.ri}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!  bit(12)[ri(1,6)]
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+ri <- function(from, to=NULL, maxindex=NA){
+  if (is.null(to)){
+    x <- as.integer(c(from, maxindex))
+  }else{
+    x <- as.integer(c(from, to, maxindex))
+  }
+  maxindex = maxindex
+  if (length(x)!=3 )
+    stop("range must have exactly three elements")
+  if (x[[1]]<1L)
+    stop("range must at least select one element")
+  if (x[[1]]>x[[2]])
+    stop("lower bound must be smaller or equal than upper bound")
+  if (!is.na(x[[3]]) && x[[2]]>x[[3]])
+    stop("lower and upper bound must be smaller or equal to maxindex")
+  oldClass(x) <- "ri"
+  x
+print.ri <- function(x, ...)
+  cat("range index (ri) from", x[[1]], "to", x[[2]], "maxindex",  x[[3]], "\n")
+length.ri <- function(x)
+all.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  x[[1]]<=1L && x[[2]]>=x[[3]]
+any.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+min.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  x[[1]]
+max.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  x[[2]]
+range.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  x[1:2]
+sum.ri <- function(x, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  x[[2]] - x[[1]] + 1L
+summary.ri <- function(object, ...){
+  if (any(names(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))=="range"))
+    stop("parameter 'range' allowed only for 'bit' but not for 'ri'")
+  s <- object[[2]] - object[[1]] + 1L
+   c(`FALSE` = object[[3]] - s, `TRUE` = s, Min. = object[[1]], Max. = object[[2]])
+#! \name{physical}
+#! \alias{physical}
+#! \alias{physical<-}
+#! \alias{virtual}
+#! \alias{virtual<-}
+#! \alias{physical.default}
+#! \alias{physical<-.default}
+#! \alias{virtual.default}
+#! \alias{virtual<-.default}
+#! \alias{print.physical}
+#! \alias{print.virtual}
+#! \title{ Physical and virtual attributes }
+#! \description{
+#!   Compatibility functions (to package ff) for getting and setting physical and virtual attributes.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! physical(x)
+#! virtual(x)
+#! physical(x) <- value
+#! virtual(x) <- value
+#! \method{physical}{default}(x)
+#! \method{virtual}{default}(x)
+#! \method{physical}{default}(x) <- value
+#! \method{virtual}{default}(x) <- value
+#! \method{print}{physical}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{print}{virtual}(x, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ a ff or ram object }
+#!   \item{value}{ a list with named elements }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   ff objects have physical and virtual attributes, which have different copying semantics:
+#!   physical attributes are shared between copies of ff objects while virtual attributes might differ between copies.
+#!   \code{\link[ff]{as.ram}} will retain some physical and virtual atrributes in the ram clone,
+#!   such that \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}} can restore an ff object with the same attributes.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \command{physical} and \command{virtual} returns a list with named elements
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{
+#!  \code{\link[ff]{physical.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{physical.ffdf}}
+#! }
+#! \examples{
+#!   physical(bit(12))
+#!   virtual(bit(12))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+#! \keyword{ attribute }
+# this version without vmode() will be overwritte by the version in package ff
+physical.default <- function(x){
+  p <- attributes(attr(x, "physical"))
+  p <- p[is.na(match(names(p), "class"))]
+  p
+"physical<-.default" <- function(x, value){
+  attributes(attr(x, "physical")) <- c(value, list(class="physical"))
+  x
+virtual.default <- function(x){
+  v <- attributes(attr(x, "virtual"))
+  v[is.na(match(names(v), "class"))]
+"virtual<-.default" <- function(x, value){
+  attributes(attr(x, "virtual")) <- c(value, list(class="virtual"))
+  x
+print.physical <- function(x, ...){
+  cat("(hidden, use physical(x) to access the physical attributes and vmode(x) for accessing vmode)\n")
+  invisible()
+print.virtual <- function(x, ...){
+  cat("(hidden, use virtual(x) to access the virtual attributes)\n")
+  invisible()
+# not exported - just here to avoid cross calling the dll from ff
+R_bit_as_hi <- function(x, range, offset)
+.Call("R_bit_as_hi", x, range, offset, PACKAGE="bit")
+#! \name{regtest.bit}
+#! \alias{regtest.bit}
+#! \title{ Regressiontests for bit }
+#! \description{
+#!   Test package bit for correctness
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! regtest.bit(N = 100)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{N}{ number of random test runs }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   random data of random length are generated and correctness of package functions tested on these
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   a vector of class 'logical' or 'integer'
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.logical}}, \code{\link{as.integer}}, \code{\link{which}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   if (regtest.bit()){
+#!     message("regtest.bit is OK")
+#!   }else{
+#!     message("regtest.bit failed")
+#!   }
+#!   \dontrun{
+#!     regtest.bit(10000)
+#!   }
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ classes }
+#! \keyword{ logic }
+regtest.bit <- function(
+    N = 100  # number of repetitions for random regression tests
+  OK <- TRUE
+  pool <- c(FALSE, TRUE)
+  for (i in 1:N){
+    n <- sample(1:(2*.BITS), 1)
+    l <- sample(pool, n, TRUE)
+    # check direct coercion
+    b <- as.bit(l)
+    l2 <- as.logical(b)
+    if (!identical(l,l2)){
+      message("\nregression test difference between logical")
+      print(l)
+      message("and as.logical(as.bit(logical))")
+      print(l2)
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # summary functions with logical return
+    s <- c(all=all(l), any=any(l))
+    s2 <- c(all=all(b), any=any(b))
+    if (!identical(s,s2)){
+      message("\nregression test difference between logical summaries")
+      print(s)
+      message("and bit summaries")
+      print(s2)
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # summary functions with integer return
+    if (any(l)){
+        s <- c(min=min(as.which(l)), max=max(as.which(l)), range=range(as.which(l)), sum=sum(l), summary=c("FALSE"=length(l)-sum(l), "TRUE"=sum(l), "Min."=min(as.which(l)), "Max."=max(as.which(l))))
+    }else{
+      s <- c( min=as.integer(NA), max=as.integer(NA), range=c(as.integer(NA), as.integer(NA)), sum=sum(l), summary=c("FALSE"=length(l)-sum(l), "TRUE"=sum(l), "Min."=as.integer(NA), "Max."=as.integer(NA)) )
+    }
+    s2 <- c(min=min(b), max=max(b), range=range(b), sum=sum(b), summary=summary(b))
+    if (!identical(s,s2)){
+      message("\nregression test difference between logical summaries")
+      print(s)
+      message("and bit summaries")
+      print(s2)
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # check positive whichs
+    w <- as.which(l)
+    w2 <- as.which(as.bit.which(w, n))
+    if (!identical(w,w2)){
+      message("\nregression test difference between which")
+      print(w)
+      message("and as.which(as.bit.which(which))")
+      print(w2)
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # check automatic whichs (pos or neg whatever shorter)
+    s <- sum(l)
+    if (s==0){
+      w <- FALSE
+    }else if (s==n){
+      w <- TRUE
+    }else if (s>(n%/%2L)){
+      w <- -rev(which(!l))
+    }else{
+      w <- which(l)
+    }
+    w2 <- as.vector(as.bitwhich(as.bit(l)))
+    if (!identical(w,w2)){
+      message("\nregression test difference between which")
+      print(w)
+      message("and as.which(as.bit.which(which))")
+      print(w2)
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # check boolean operators
+    l2 <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+    b2 <- as.bit(l2)
+    ops <- c(
+      NOT = identical(!l, as.logical(!b))
+    , AND = identical(l&l2, as.logical(b&b2))
+    , OR = identical(l|l2, as.logical(b|b2))
+    , XOR = identical(xor(l,l2), as.logical(xor(b,b2)))
+    , NEQ = identical(l!=l2, as.logical(b!=b2))
+    , EQ = identical(l==l2, as.logical(b==b2))
+    )
+    if (!all(ops)){
+      message("\nbit differs for boolean operators(s)")
+      print(ops)
+      print(cbind(l=l, l2=l))
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    w <- as.bitwhich(l)
+    w2 <- as.bitwhich(l2)
+    ops <- c(
+      NOT = identical(!l, as.logical(!w))
+    , AND = identical(l&l2, as.logical(w&w2))
+    , OR = identical(l|l2, as.logical(w|w2))
+    , XOR = identical(xor(l,l2), as.logical(xor(w,w2)))
+    , NEQ = identical(l!=l2, as.logical(w!=w2))
+    , EQ = identical(l==l2, as.logical(w==w2))
+    )
+    if (!all(ops)){
+      message("\nbitwhich differs for boolean operators(s)")
+      print(ops)
+      print(cbind(l=l, l2=l))
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    rm(l2,b2,w2)
+    # check extractors
+    n2 <- sample(1:n, 1)
+    j <- sample(1:n, n2)
+    if (!identical(l[j], unattr(b[j]))){
+      message("\nregression test difference when extracting")
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # check replacement (index)
+    new <- sample(pool, n2, TRUE)
+    l[j] <- new
+    b[j] <- new
+    if (!identical(l, unattr(b[]))){
+      message("\nregression test difference when replacing with index")
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+    # check replacement (recycle)
+    if (n%%2){
+      new <- sample(pool, 1)
+      l[] <- new
+      b[] <- new
+    }else{
+      l[] <- pool
+      b[] <- pool
+    }
+    if (!identical(l, as.logical(b))){
+      message("\nregression test difference when replacing with recylcling")
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+  }
+  l0 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)
+  l1 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
+  l2 <- c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
+  l3 <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
+  bw0 <- as.bitwhich(l0)
+  bw1 <- as.bitwhich(l1)
+  bw2 <- as.bitwhich(l2)
+  bw3 <- as.bitwhich(l3)
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0, as.logical(bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1, as.logical(bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2, as.logical(bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3, as.logical(bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 & l0, as.logical(bw0 & bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 & l1, as.logical(bw0 & bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 & l2, as.logical(bw0 & bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 & l3, as.logical(bw0 & bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 & l0, as.logical(bw1 & bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 & l1, as.logical(bw1 & bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 & l2, as.logical(bw1 & bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 & l3, as.logical(bw1 & bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 & l0, as.logical(bw2 & bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 & l1, as.logical(bw2 & bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 & l2, as.logical(bw2 & bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 & l3, as.logical(bw2 & bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 & l0, as.logical(bw3 & bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 & l1, as.logical(bw3 & bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 & l2, as.logical(bw3 & bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 & l3, as.logical(bw3 & bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 | l0, as.logical(bw0 | bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 | l1, as.logical(bw0 | bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 | l2, as.logical(bw0 | bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l0 | l3, as.logical(bw0 | bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 | l0, as.logical(bw1 | bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 | l1, as.logical(bw1 | bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 | l2, as.logical(bw1 | bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l1 | l3, as.logical(bw1 | bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 | l0, as.logical(bw2 | bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 | l1, as.logical(bw2 | bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 | l2, as.logical(bw2 | bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l2 | l3, as.logical(bw2 | bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 | l0, as.logical(bw3 | bw0))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 | l1, as.logical(bw3 | bw1))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 | l2, as.logical(bw3 | bw2))
+  OK <- OK && identical(l3 | l3, as.logical(bw3 | bw3))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l0,l0), as.logical(xor(bw0,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l0,l1), as.logical(xor(bw0,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l0,l2), as.logical(xor(bw0,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l0,l3), as.logical(xor(bw0,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l1,l0), as.logical(xor(bw1,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l1,l1), as.logical(xor(bw1,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l1,l2), as.logical(xor(bw1,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l1,l3), as.logical(xor(bw1,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l2,l0), as.logical(xor(bw2,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l2,l1), as.logical(xor(bw2,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l2,l2), as.logical(xor(bw2,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l2,l3), as.logical(xor(bw2,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l3,l0), as.logical(xor(bw3,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l3,l1), as.logical(xor(bw3,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l3,l2), as.logical(xor(bw3,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(xor(l3,l3), as.logical(xor(bw3,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l0,l0), as.logical(c(bw0,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l0,l1), as.logical(c(bw0,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l0,l2), as.logical(c(bw0,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l0,l3), as.logical(c(bw0,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l1,l0), as.logical(c(bw1,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l1,l1), as.logical(c(bw1,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l1,l2), as.logical(c(bw1,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l1,l3), as.logical(c(bw1,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l2,l0), as.logical(c(bw2,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l2,l1), as.logical(c(bw2,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l2,l2), as.logical(c(bw2,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l2,l3), as.logical(c(bw2,bw3)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l3,l0), as.logical(c(bw3,bw0)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l3,l1), as.logical(c(bw3,bw1)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l3,l2), as.logical(c(bw3,bw2)))
+  OK <- OK && identical(c(l3,l3), as.logical(c(bw3,bw3)))
+  N <- 2L*.BITS
+  l <- logical(N)
+  b <- bit(N)
+  for (i in 1:N){
+    l[i] <- TRUE
+    b[i] <- TRUE
+    if (!identical(l,as.logical(b))){
+      message("\nregression test difference when replacing at position", i, "")
+      OK <- FALSE
+    }
+  }
+  OK
diff --git a/R/chunkutil.R b/R/chunkutil.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785dd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/chunkutil.R
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Chunking utilities for bit and ff
+# (c) 2007-2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2007-09-03
+# Last changed: 2007-10-25
+# source("D:/mwp/eanalysis/bit/R/chunkutil.R")
+#! \name{bbatch}
+#! \alias{bbatch}
+#! \title{ Balanced Batch sizes }
+#! \description{
+#!   \command{bbatch} calculates batch sizes so that they have rather balanced sizes than very different sizes
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! bbatch(N, B)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{N}{ total size }
+#!   \item{B}{ desired batch size }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   a list with components
+#!   \item{ b }{ the batch size }
+#!   \item{ nb }{ the number of batches }
+#!   \item{ rb }{ the size of the rest }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   Tries to have \code{rb==0} or \code{rb} as close to \code{b} as possible while guaranteing that \code{rb < b && (b - rb) <= min(nb, b)}
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{repfromto}}, \code{\link[ff]{ffvecapply}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   bbatch(100, 24)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+# non-vectorized
+#bbatch <-
+#  N <- as.integer(N)
+#  B <- as.integer(B)
+#  RB <- N %% B
+#  NB <- N %/% B
+#  if (RB){
+#    cc <- min((B - RB) %/% NB, (B - RB) %/% (NB + 1L))
+#    if (cc){
+#      rb <- RB + cc * NB
+#      b <- B - cc
+#      if (rb==b){
+#        return(list(b=b, nb=NB+1L, rb=0L))
+#      }else{
+#        return(list(b=b, nb=NB, rb=rb))
+#      }
+#    }else{
+#      return(list(b=B, nb=NB, rb=RB))
+#    }
+#  }else{
+#    return(list(b=B, nb=NB, rb=RB))
+#  }
+# balanced batchsizes
+bbatch <- function(N,B){
+  if (any(B<1))
+    stop("B too small")
+  N <- as.integer(N)
+  B <- as.integer(B)
+  RB <- N %% B
+  NB <- N %/% B
+  cc <- pmin((B - RB) %/% NB, (B - RB) %/% (NB + 1L))
+  cc[RB==0 | NB == 0] <- 0
+  i <- cc > 0
+  RB[i] <- RB[i] + cc[i] * NB[i]
+  B[i] <- B[i] - cc[i]
+  j <- i & (RB[i] == B[i])
+  NB[i & j] <- NB[i & j] + 1L
+  RB[i & j] <- 0L
+  i <- (RB>0) & (NB == 0)
+  B[i] <- RB[i]
+  NB[i] <- 1L
+  RB[i] <- 0L
+  return(list(b=B, nb=NB, rb=RB))
+#! \name{repfromto}
+#! \alias{repfromto}
+#! \alias{repfromto<-}
+#! \title{ Virtual recycling }
+#! \description{
+#!   \command{repfromto} virtually recylcles object \code{x} and cuts out positions \code{from .. to}
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! repfromto(x, from, to)
+#! repfromto(x, from, to) <- value
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an object from which to recycle }
+#!   \item{from}{ first position to return }
+#!   \item{to}{ last position to return }
+#!   \item{value}{ value to assign }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   \code{repfromto} is a generalization of \code{\link{rep}}, where \code{rep(x, n) == repfromto(x, 1, n)}.
+#!   You can see this as an R-side (vector) solution of the \code{mod_iterate} macro in arithmetic.c
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   a vector of length \code{from - to + 1}
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{rep}}, \code{\link[ff]{ffvecapply}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   message("a simple example")
+#!   repfromto(0:9, 11, 20)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+repfromto <- function(x, from, to){
+  nx <- length(x)
+  if (nx){
+    from <- as.integer(from)
+    to <- as.integer(to)
+    if (to>nx){
+      N <- to - from + 1L
+      from <- (from-1L)%%nx + 1L
+      to <- to%%nx
+      # NOTE: fetch in sequence pre-main-post in case is.ff(x)
+      if (from<=to && N<nx){
+        ret <- x[from:to]
+      }else{
+        pre <- x[from:nx]
+        nrep <- (N - length(pre) - to) %/%nx
+        main <- if (nrep) rep(x[1:nx], nrep) else NULL
+        post <- if (to) x[1:to] else NULL
+        ret <- c(pre, main, post)
+      }
+    }else{
+      ret <- x[from:to]
+    }
+    a <- attributes(x[1])
+    a$names <- NULL
+    attributes(ret) <- a
+    return(ret)
+  }else{
+    return(NA[from:to])
+  }
+"repfromto<-" <- function(x, from, to, value){
+  x[from:to] <- value
+  x
+if (FALSE){
+  x <- 1:10
+  for (n in 1:20)
+  for (i1 in 1:30){
+    i2 <- i1+n-1
+    cat(i1,i2,"|",repfromto(x,i1,i2), "\n")
+  }
+if (FALSE){
+  intseq <- function(from=NULL, to=NULL, by=NULL, length.out=NULL, along.with=NULL){
+    if (is.null(from)){
+      if (is.null(to))
+        stop("need 'from' or 'to'")
+      else
+        to <- as.integer(to)
+      if (is.null(by))
+        by <- 1L
+      else
+        by <- as.integer(by)
+    }else{
+      from <- as.integer(from)
+      if (is.null(to)){
+        if (is.null(by))
+          by <- 1L
+        else
+          by <- as.integer(by)
+      }else{
+        to <- as.integer(to)
+        n <- to - from
+        if (is.null(by)){
+          if (to<from)
+            by = -1L
+          else
+            by = 1L
+        }else{
+          by <- as.integer(by)
+          if (n){
+            if (sign(n) != sign(by))
+              stop("wrong sign of by")
+          }else
+            return(from)  # to == from
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (is.null(length.out)){
+      if (is.null(along.with)){
+        if (is.null(to) || is.null(from))
+          stop("not enough info to guess the length.out")
+        else{
+          length.out <- n %/% by + 1L
+        }
+      }else{
+        length.out <- length(along.with)
+      }
+    }else{
+      length.out <- as.integer(length.out)
+    }
+    if (length.out){
+      if (length.out==1L)
+        from
+      else
+        cumsum(c(from, rep(by, length.out-1L)))
+    }else
+      integer()
+  }
+#! \name{chunk}
+#! \alias{chunk}
+#! \alias{chunk.default}
+#! \title{ Chunked range index }
+#! \description{
+#!   creates a sequence of range indexes using a syntax not completely unlike 'seq'
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! chunk(\dots)
+#! \method{chunk}{default}(from = NULL, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL
+#! , overlap = 0L, method = c("bbatch", "seq"), maxindex = NA, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{from}{ the starting value of the sequence. }
+#!   \item{to}{ the (maximal) end value of the sequence. }
+#!   \item{by}{ increment of the sequence }
+#!   \item{length.out}{ desired length of the sequence. }
+#!   \item{along.with}{ take the length from the length of this argument. }
+#!   \item{overlap}{ number of values to overlap (will lower the starting value of the sequence, the first range becomes smaller }
+#!   \item{method}{ default 'bbatch' will try to balance the chunk size, see \code{\link{bbatch}}, 'seq' will create chunks like \code{\link[base]{seq}} }
+#!   \item{maxindex}{ passed to \code{\link{ri}} }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ ignored }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   \code{chunk} is generic, the default method is described here, other methods that automatically consider RAM needs are provided with package 'ff', see for example \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ffdf}}
+#! }
+#! \section{available methods}{
+#!   \code{chunk.default}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.bit}}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ff_vector}}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ffdf}}
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \code{chunk.default} returns a list of \code{\link{ri}} objects representing chunks of subscripts
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{ri}},  \code{\link[base]{seq}}, \code{\link{bbatch}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   chunk(1, 100, by=30)
+#!   chunk(1, 100, by=30, method="seq")
+#!    \dontrun{
+#! require(foreach)
+#! m <- 10000
+#! k <- 1000
+#! n <- m*k
+#! message("Four ways to loop from 1 to n. Slowest foreach to fastest chunk is 1700:1 
+#! on a dual core notebook with 3GB RAM\n")
+#! z <- 0L; 
+#! print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it) \%do\% { z <- i; NULL }}))
+#! z
+#! z <- 0L
+#! print(system.time({i <- 0L; while (i<n) {i <- i + 1L; z <- i}}))
+#! z
+#! z <- 0L
+#! print(system.time(for (i in 1:n) z <- i))
+#! z
+#! z <- 0L; n <- m*k; 
+#! print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){for (i in ch[1]:ch[2])z <- i}))
+#! z
+#! message("Seven ways to calculate sum(1:n). 
+#!  Slowest foreach to fastest chunk is 61000:1 on a dual core notebook with 3GB RAM\n")
+#! print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it, .combine="+") \%do\% { i }}))
+#! z <- 0; 
+#! print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it) \%do\% { z <- z + i; NULL }}))
+#! z
+#! z <- 0; print(system.time({i <- 0L;while (i<n) {i <- i + 1L; z <- z + i}})); z
+#! z <- 0; print(system.time(for (i in 1:n) z <- z + i)); z
+#! print(system.time(sum(as.double(1:n))))
+#! z <- 0; n <- m*k
+#! print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){for (i in ch[1]:ch[2])z <- z + i}))
+#! z
+#! z <- 0; n <- m*k
+#! print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){z <- z+sum(as.double(ch[1]:ch[2]))}))
+#! z
+#!    }
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+chunk <- function(...)
+  UseMethod("chunk")
+chunk.default <- function(
+  from = NULL
+, to = NULL
+, by = NULL
+, length.out = NULL
+, along.with = NULL
+, overlap = 0L
+, method=c("bbatch","seq")
+, maxindex = NA
+, ...
+  method <- match.arg(method)
+  if (!is.null(along.with)){
+    if (is.null(from))
+      from <- 1L
+    else{
+      if (length(from)==1)
+        from <- as.integer(from)
+      else
+        stop("'from' must be scalar")
+    }
+    if (is.null(to))
+      to <- length(along.with)
+    else{
+      if (length(to)==1)
+        to <- as.integer(to)
+      else
+        stop("'to' must be scalar")
+    }
+  }
+  if (length(from)==1)
+    from <- as.integer(from)
+  else
+    stop("'from' must be scalar")
+  if (length(to)==1)
+    to <- as.integer(to)
+  else
+    stop("'to' must be scalar")
+  if (to<from)
+    stop("to < from")
+  N <- to - from + 1L
+  if (is.null(by)){
+    if (is.null(length.out))
+      stop("need either 'by' or 'length.out'")
+    else{
+      if (length(length.out)==1){
+        length.out <- as.integer(length.out)
+        if (length.out>N)
+          length.out <- N
+        by <- N %/% length.out
+      }else
+        stop("'length.out' must be scalar")
+    }
+  }else{
+    if (length(by)==1){
+      by <- as.integer(by)
+      if (by<1)
+        stop("'by' must be > 0")
+      length.out <- (N - 1L) %/% by + 1L
+    }else
+      stop("'by' must be scalar")
+  }
+  if (method=="bbatch")
+    by <- bbatch(N, by)$b
+  if (length.out>1L){
+    from <- cumsum(c(from, rep(by, length.out - 1L)))
+    to <- c(from[-1], from[1] + N) - 1L  # fixed by Edwin de Jonge, 18.1.2011
+    if (overlap>0)
+      from[-1] <- from[-1] - overlap
+  }
+  n <- length(from)
+  s <- seq_len(n)
+  ret <- vector("list", n)
+  for (i in s){
+    ret[[i]] <- ri(from[i], to[i], maxindex)
+  }
+  ret
+#! \name{vecseq}
+#! \alias{vecseq}
+#! \title{ Vectorized Sequences }
+#! \description{
+#!   \command{vecseq} returns concatenated multiple sequences
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#!  vecseq(x, y=NULL, concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ vector of sequence start points }
+#!   \item{y}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+#!   \item{concat}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+#!   \item{eval}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   This is a generalization of \code{\link{sequence}} in that you can choose sequence starts other than 1 and also have options to no concat and/or return a call instead of the evaluated sequence.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   if \code{concat==FALSE} and \code{eval==FALSE} a list with n calls that generate sequences \cr
+#!   if \code{concat==FALSE} and \code{eval==TRUE } a list with n sequences \cr
+#!   if \code{concat==TRUE } and \code{eval==FALSE} a single call generating the concatenated sequences \cr
+#!   if \code{concat==TRUE } and \code{eval==TRUE } an integer vector of concatentated sequences
+#! }
+#! \author{ Angelo Canty, Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{:}}, \code{\link{seq}}, \code{\link{sequence}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   sequence(c(3,4))
+#!   vecseq(c(3,4))
+#!   vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15))
+#!   vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=FALSE, eval=FALSE)
+#!   vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=FALSE, eval=TRUE)
+#!   vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=TRUE, eval=FALSE)
+#!   vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ manip }
+vecseq <- function(x, y=NULL, concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE){
+        if (missing(y)){
+          y <- x
+          x <- 1L
+				}
+        if (concat){
+          if (eval){
+						# pure R version was: eval(parse(text=paste("c(",paste(x,y,sep=":",collapse=","),")")))
+						# now calling C-code
+						nx <- length(x)
+						ny <- length(y)
+						if (nx<ny)
+							x <- rep(as.integer(x), length.out=ny)
+						if (ny<nx)
+							y <- rep(as.integer(y), length.out=nx)
+            .Call("R_bit_vecseq", as.integer(x),  as.integer(y), PACKAGE="bit") 
+          }else
+            parse(text=paste("c(",paste(x,y,sep=":",collapse=","),")"))[[1]]
+        }else{
+          if (eval)
+            eval(parse(text=paste("list(",paste(x,y,sep=":",collapse=","),")")))
+          else
+            as.list(parse(text=paste(x,y,sep=":")))
+        }
diff --git a/R/clone.R b/R/clone.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8b7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/clone.R
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# clone utilities for bit,bit64,ff
+# (c) 2014 Jens Oehlschl�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2014-03-02
+#! \name{clone}
+#! \alias{clone}
+#! \alias{clone.list}
+#! \alias{clone.default}
+#! \alias{still.identical}
+#! \title{ Cloning ff and ram objects }
+#! \description{
+#!   \command{clone} physically duplicates objects and can additionally change some features, e.g. length.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! clone(x, \dots)
+#! \method{clone}{list}(x, \dots)
+#! \method{clone}{default}(x, \dots)
+#! still.identical(x, y)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ \code{x} }
+#!   \item{y}{ \code{y} }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the generic }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   \command{clone} is generic. 
+#!   \command{clone.default} currently only handles atomics. 
+#!   \command{clone.list} recursively clones list elements.
+#!   \command{still.identical} returns TRUE if the two atomic arguments still point to the same memory.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   an object that is a deep copy of x
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{clone.ff}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- 1:12
+#!   y <- x
+#!   still.identical(x,y)
+#!   y[1] <- y[1]
+#!   still.identical(x,y)
+#!   y <- clone(x)
+#!   still.identical(x,y)
+#!   rm(x,y); gc()
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+# named <- function(x)
+  # .Call("R_bit_named", x, PACKAGE="bit")
+still.identical <- function(x, y){
+  .Call("r_ram_truly_identical", x = x, y = y, PACKAGE = "bit")
+clone.default <- function(x
+, ... # passed to clone
+  if (is.atomic(x)){
+    if (length(x))
+      x[1] <- x[1]  # force a copy around COPY ON MODIFY
+    x
+  }else{
+    stop("clone not defined for type")
+  }
+clone.list <- function(x
+, ... # passed to clone
+  lapply(x, clone, ...)
diff --git a/R/generics.R b/R/generics.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405dbbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/generics.R
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# 1-bit boolean vectors for R
+# (c) 2008-2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# source("D:/mwp/eanalysis/bit/R/generics.R")
+clone  <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("clone")
+as.bit <- function(x, ...)
+  UseMethod("as.bit", x)
+as.which <- function (x, ...)
+  UseMethod("as.which")
+as.bitwhich <- function(x, ...)
+  UseMethod("as.bitwhich")
+xor <- function(x, y)
+  UseMethod("xor", x)
+physical <- function(x)UseMethod("physical")
+"physical<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("physical<-")
+virtual <- function(x)UseMethod("virtual")
+"virtual<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("virtual<-")
+#! \name{ramsort}
+#! \alias{ramsort}
+#! \alias{shellsort}
+#! \alias{quicksort}
+#! \alias{mergesort}
+#! \alias{radixsort}
+#! \alias{keysort}
+#! \alias{ramorder}
+#! \alias{shellorder}
+#! \alias{quickorder}
+#! \alias{mergeorder}
+#! \alias{radixorder}
+#! \alias{keyorder}
+#! \alias{ramsortorder}
+#! \alias{shellsortorder}
+#! \alias{quicksortorder}
+#! \alias{mergesortorder}
+#! \alias{radixsortorder}
+#! \alias{keysortorder}
+#! \title{
+#!    Generics for in-RAM sorting and ordering
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! These are generic stubs for low-level sorting and ordering methods implemented in packages 
+#! 'bit64'  and 'ff'.
+#!   The \code{..sortorder} methods do sorting and ordering at once, which requires more RAM than ordering but is (almost) as fast as as sorting.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#!  ramsort(x, \dots)
+#!  ramorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  ramsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  mergesort(x, \dots)
+#!  mergeorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  mergesortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  quicksort(x, \dots)
+#!  quickorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  quicksortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  shellsort(x, \dots)
+#!  shellorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  shellsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  radixsort(x, \dots)
+#!  radixorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  radixsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  keysort(x, \dots)
+#!  keyorder(x, i, \dots)
+#!  keysortorder(x, i, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ a vector to be sorted by \code{\link{ramsort}} and \code{\link{ramsortorder}}, i.e. the output of  \code{\link{sort}} }
+#!   \item{i}{ integer positions to be modified by \code{\link{ramorder}} and \code{\link{ramsortorder}}, default is 1:n, in this case the output is similar to \code{\link{order}} }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the sorting methods }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!  The \code{sort} generics do sort their argument 'x', some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'x'. 
+#!  The \code{order} generics do order their argument 'i' leaving 'x' as it was, 
+#!    some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'i'. 
+#!  The \code{sortorder} generics do sort their argument 'x' and order their argument 'i', 
+#!    this way of ordering is much faster at the price of requiring temporary RAM for both, 
+#!    'x' and 'i', if the method requires temporary RAM.
+#!  The \code{ram} generics are high-level functions containing an optimizer that chooses the 'best' algorithms given some context. 
+#! }
+#! \section{Index of implemented methods}{
+#! \tabular{rrl}{
+#!    \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+#!    \code{ramsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{ramsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramsort.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{shellsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{shellsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellsort.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{quicksort} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quicksort.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{mergesort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{mergesort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergesort.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{radixsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{radixsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixsort.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{keysort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{keysort.default}} \tab  \cr
+#!  \cr
+#!    \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+#!    \code{ramorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{ramorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{shellorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{shellorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{quickorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quickorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{mergeorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{mergeorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergeorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{radixorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{radixorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{keyorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{keyorder.default}} \tab  \cr
+#!  \cr
+#!    \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+#!    \code{ramsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{shellsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{quicksortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quicksortorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{mergesortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergesortorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{radixsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+#!    \code{keysortorder} \tab  \tab  \cr
+#! }
+#! }
+#! \note{
+#!  Note that these methods purposely violate the functional programming paradigm: they are called for the side-effect of changing some of their arguments.
+#!   The rationale behind this is that sorting is very RAM-intensive and in certain
+#!   situations we might not want to allocate additional memory if not necessary to do so.
+#!  The \code{sort}-methods change \code{x}, the \code{order}-methods change \code{i}, and the \code{sortoder}-methods change both \code{x} and \code{i}
+#!   You as the user are responsible to create copies of the input data 'x' and 'i' 
+#!   if you need non-modified versions.
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   These functions return the number of \code{NAs} found or assumed during sorting
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+#! }
+#! \keyword{univar}
+#! \keyword{manip}
+#! \keyword{arith}
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link{sort}}  and \code{\link{order}} in base R}
+ramsort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("ramsort")
+ramorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("ramorder")
+ramsortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("ramsortorder")
+mergesort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("mergesort")
+mergeorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("mergeorder")
+mergesortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("mergesortorder")
+quicksort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("quicksort")
+quickorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("quickorder")
+quicksortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("quicksortorder")
+shellsort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("shellsort")
+shellorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("shellorder")
+shellsortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("shellsortorder")
+radixsort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("radixsort")
+radixorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("radixorder")
+radixsortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("radixsortorder")
+keysort <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("keysort")
+keyorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("keyorder")
+keysortorder <- function(x, i, ...)UseMethod("keysortorder")
+#! \name{is.sorted}
+#! \alias{is.sorted}
+#! \alias{na.count}
+#! \alias{nvalid}
+#! \alias{nunique}
+#! \alias{nties}
+#! \alias{is.sorted<-}
+#! \alias{na.count<-}
+#! \alias{nunique<-}
+#! \alias{nties<-}
+#! \title{
+#! 	Generics related to cache access
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! 	These generics are packaged here for methods in packages \code{bit64} and \code{ff}.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! is.sorted(x, \dots)
+#! is.sorted(x, \dots) <- value
+#! na.count(x, \dots)
+#! na.count(x, \dots) <- value
+#! nvalid(x, \dots)
+#! nunique(x, \dots)
+#! nunique(x, \dots) <- value
+#! nties(x, \dots)
+#! nties(x, \dots) <- value
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{
+#! 	some object
+#! 	}
+#!   \item{value}{
+#! 	value assigned on responsibility of the user
+#! 	}
+#!   \item{\dots}{
+#! 	ignored
+#! 	}
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#! 	see help of the available methods
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#! 	see help of the available methods
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+#! }
+#! \seealso{
+#! 	\code{\link[bit64]{is.sorted.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{na.count.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nvalid.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nunique.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nties.integer64}} \cr
+#! }
+#! \examples{
+#! 	methods("na.count")
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ environment }
+#! \keyword{ methods }
+is.sorted <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("is.sorted")
+"is.sorted<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("is.sorted<-")
+na.count <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("na.count")
+"na.count<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("na.count<-")
+nvalid <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("nvalid")
+nunique <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("nunique")
+"nunique<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("nunique<-")
+nties <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("nties")
+"nties<-" <- function(x, ..., value)UseMethod("nties<-")
diff --git a/R/rle.R b/R/rle.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c0052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/rle.R
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# rle utilities for bit and ff
+# (c) 2007-2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2007-09-03
+# Last changed: 2007-10-25
+# source("D:/mwp/eanalysis/bit/R/rle.R")
+#! \name{intrle}
+#! \alias{intrle}
+#! \alias{intisasc}
+#! \alias{intisdesc}
+#! \title{ Hybrid Index, C-coded utilities }
+#! \description{
+#!   These C-coded utilitites speed up index preprocessing considerably
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! intrle(x)
+#! intisasc(x)
+#! intisdesc(x)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an integer vector }
+#! }
+#! \details{
+#!   \code{intrle} is by factor 50 faster and needs less RAM (2x its input vector) compared to \code{\link{rle}} which needs 9x the RAM of its input vector.
+#!   This is achieved because we allow the C-code of \code{intrle} to break when it turns out, that rle-packing will not achieve a
+#!   compression factor of 3 or better.
+#!   \cr
+#!   \code{intisasc} is a faster version of \code{\link{is.unsorted}}: it checks whether \code{x} is sorted and returns NA \code{x} contains NAs.
+#!   \cr
+#!   \code{intisdesc} checks for being sorted descending and assumes that the input \code{x} contains no NAs (is used after \code{intisasc} and does not check for NAs).
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   \code{intrle} returns an object of class \code{\link{rle}} or NULL, if rle-compression is not efficient (compression factor <3 or length(x)<3).
+#!   \cr
+#!   \code{intisasc} returns one of \code{FALSE, NA, TRUE}
+#!   \cr
+#!   \code{intisdesc} returns one of \code{FALSE, TRUE} (if the input contains NAs, the output is undefined)
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{hi}}, \code{\link{rle}}, \code{\link{is.unsorted}}, \code{\link[ff]{is.sorted}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   intrle(sample(1:100))
+#!   intrle(diff(1:100))
+#!   intisasc(1:100)
+#!   intisasc(100:1)
+#!   intisasc(c(NA, 1:100))
+#!   intisdesc(1:100)
+#!   intisdesc(100:1)
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+# -- check for sorting and NAs, 0s can be checked later when sorted ------------------
+# NA=NAs FALSE=NotAscending TRUE=OK
+intisasc <- function(x){
+  stopifnot(is.integer(x))
+ .Call("int_check_ascending", x, PACKAGE="bit")
+# FALSE=NotDescending TRUE=OK (assumes no NAs, i.e. need to use intisasc first)
+intisdesc <- function(x){
+  stopifnot(is.integer(x))
+ .Call("int_check_descending", x, PACKAGE="bit")
+# -- fast and efficient rle ------------------
+# integer only
+# returns rle object only if n>2 && rle is efficient (length(values)+lengths(lengths))<=length(x)
+# returns NULL if n<3 || rle is inefficient
+intrle <- function(x){
+  stopifnot(is.integer(x))
+ .Call("int_rle", x, PACKAGE="bit")
+# -- basic sequence packing and unpacking ---------------------------------------------------
+#! \name{rlepack}
+#! \alias{rlepack}
+#! \alias{rleunpack}
+#! \alias{rev.rlepack}
+#! \alias{unique.rlepack}
+#! \title{ Hybrid Index, rle-pack utilities }
+#! \description{
+#!   Basic utilities for rle packing and unpacking and apropriate methods for \code{\link{rev}} and \code{\link{unique}}.
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! rlepack(x, pack = TRUE)
+#! rleunpack(x)
+#! \method{rev}{rlepack}(x)
+#! \method{unique}{rlepack}(x, incomparables = FALSE, \dots)
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{x}{ an integer vector }
+#!   \item{pack}{ FALSE to suppress packing }
+#!   \item{incomparables}{ just to keep R CMD CHECK quiet (not used) }
+#!   \item{\dots}{ just to keep R CMD CHECK quiet (not used) }
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   A list with components
+#!   \item{ first }{ the first element of the packed sequence }
+#!   \item{ dat   }{ either an object of class \code{\link{rle}} or the complete input vector \code{x} if rle-packing is not efficient }
+#!   \item{ last  }{ the last element of the packed sequence }
+#! }
+#! \author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+#! \note{
+#!   Only for sorted input \code{unique.rlepack(rlepack(x))} will be the same as \code{rlepack(unique(x))}, furthermore \code{rlepack(unique(x))} is faster.
+#!   Therefore we only use \code{unique.rlepack} only where we have rlepack format from \code{\link[ff]{hi}}
+#! }
+#! \seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{hi}}, \code{\link{intrle}}, \code{\link{rle}}, \code{\link{rev}}, \code{\link{unique}} }
+#! \examples{
+#!   x <- rlepack(rep(0L, 10))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{ IO }
+#! \keyword{ data }
+rlepack <- function(
+  x
+, pack = TRUE   # TRUE / FALSE
+  n <- length(x)
+  if (n>1){
+    if (pack)
+      r <- intrle(diff(x))  # returns NULL if rle is inefficient, old condition was 2*length(r$lengths)<n
+    else
+      r <- NULL
+    if (is.null(r))
+      list(first=x[1], dat=x, last=x[n])
+    else
+      list(first=x[1], dat=r, last=x[n])
+  }else if (n==1){
+    list(first=x[1], dat=x, last=x[1])
+  }else{
+    list(first=as.integer(NA), dat=x, last=as.integer(NA))
+  }
+rleunpack <- function(x){
+  if (inherits(x$dat, "rle"))
+    as.integer(cumsum(c(x$first, rep(x$dat$values, x$dat$lengths))))
+  else
+    x$dat
+rev.rlepack <- function(x){
+  if (inherits(x$dat,"rle")){
+    x$dat$values <- -rev(x$dat$values)
+    x$dat$lengths <- rev(x$dat$lengths)
+  }else{
+    x$dat <- rev(x$dat)
+  }
+  buf <- x$first
+  x$first <- x$last
+  x$last <- buf
+  x
+# beware: only for sorted input identical with unique()
+# beware: rlepack(unique(x)) is faster than unique(rlepack(x))
+# we use this only in hi() and as.hi.default()
+unique.rlepack <- function(x
+, incomparables = FALSE # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
+, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
+  if (inherits(x$dat,"rle")){
+    x$dat$lengths <- x$dat$lengths[x$dat$values != 0]
+    x$dat$values <- x$dat$values[x$dat$values != 0]
+  }else{
+    x$dat <- unique(x$dat)
+  }
+  x
+# beware: only for sorted input identical with unique()
+# beware: returns TRUE/FALSE, not position of first duplicate
+anyDuplicated.rlepack <- function(x
+, incomparables = FALSE # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
+, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
+  if (inherits(x$dat,"rle")){
+    any(x$dat$values == 0L)
+  }else{
+    anyDuplicated(x$dat)>0
+  }
diff --git a/R/timeutil.R b/R/timeutil.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0feee76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/timeutil.R
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# timing utilities for ff and bit
+# (c) 2012 Jens Oehlschl�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2012-05-28
+#! \name{repeat.time}
+#! \alias{repeat.time}
+#! \title{
+#! Adaptive timer
+#! }
+#! \description{
+#! Repeats timing expr until minSec is reached
+#! }
+#! \usage{
+#! repeat.time(expr, gcFirst = TRUE, minSec = 0.5, envir=parent.frame())
+#! }
+#! \arguments{
+#!   \item{expr}{Valid \R expression to be timed.}
+#!   \item{gcFirst}{Logical - should a garbage collection be performed
+#!     immediately before the timing?  Default is \code{TRUE}.}
+#!   \item{minSec}{number of seconds to repeat at least}
+#!   \item{envir}{the environment in which to evaluate \code{expr} (by default the calling frame)}
+#! }
+#! \value{
+#!   A object of class \code{"proc_time"}: see
+#!   \code{\link{proc.time}} for details.
+#! }
+#! \seealso{
+#!   \code{\link{system.time}}
+#! }
+#! \author{
+#! Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+#! }
+#! \examples{
+#!   system.time(1+1)
+#!   repeat.time(1+1)
+#!   system.time(sort(runif(1e6)))
+#!   repeat.time(sort(runif(1e6)))
+#! }
+#! \keyword{utilities}
+repeat.time <- 
+function (expr, gcFirst = TRUE, minSec=0.5, envir=parent.frame()) 
+	ppt <- function(y) {
+		if (!is.na(y[4L])) 
+			y[1L] <- y[1L] + y[4L]
+		if (!is.na(y[5L])) 
+			y[2L] <- y[2L] + y[5L]
+		y[1L:3L]
+	}
+	if (!exists("proc.time")) 
+		return(rep(NA_real_, 5L))
+	if (gcFirst) 
+		gc(FALSE)
+	time <- proc.time()
+	on.exit(cat("Timing stopped at:", ppt(proc.time() - time), 
+		"\n"))
+	r <- 0L
+	while((proc.time()[3]-time[3]) < minSec){
+		r <- r + 1L
+		eval(substitute(expr), envir=envir)
+	}	
+	new.time <- proc.time()
+	on.exit()
+	structure((new.time - time)/r, class = "proc_time")
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e29d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
+  ##library.dynam("bit", pkg, lib) use useDynLib(bit) in NAMESPACE instead
+  ##packageStartupMessage("Loading package bit ", packageDescription("bit", fields="Version"))
+  bit_init()
+.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
+  packageStartupMessage("Attaching package bit")
+  packageStartupMessage("package:bit (c) 2008-2012 Jens Oehlschlaegel (GPL-2)")
+  packageStartupMessage("creators: bit bitwhich")
+  packageStartupMessage("coercion: as.logical as.integer as.bit as.bitwhich which")
+  packageStartupMessage("operator: ! & | xor != ==")
+  packageStartupMessage("querying: print length any all min max range sum summary")
+  packageStartupMessage("bit access: length<- [ [<- [[ [[<-")
+  packageStartupMessage("for more help type ?bit")
+.onUnload <- function(libpath){
+   packageStartupMessage("Unloading package bit")
+   bit_done()
+   library.dynam.unload("bit", libpath)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e88c7..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-r-cran-bit (1.1-12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Initial release (closes: #873270)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Aug 2017 00:08:51 +0200
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index f599e28..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c7ba87..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Source: r-cran-bit
-Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: gnu-r
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10),
-               dh-r,
-               r-base-dev
-Standards-Version: 4.1.0
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-bit/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-bit/trunk/
-Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/package=bit
-Package: r-cran-bit
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${R:Depends},
-         ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: ${R:Recommends}
-Suggests: ${R:Suggests}
-Description: GNU R class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
- This GNU R package provides bitmapped vectors of booleans (no NAs),
- coercion from and to logicals, integers and integer subscripts; fast
- boolean operators and fast summary statistics. With 'bit' vectors you
- can store true binary booleans {FALSE,TRUE} at the expense of 1 bit
- only, on a 32 bit architecture this means factor 32 less RAM and ~
- factor 32 more speed on boolean operations. Due to overhead of R calls,
- actual speed gain depends on the size of the vector: expect gains for
- vectors of size > 10000 elements. Even for one-time boolean operations
- it can pay-off to convert to bit, the pay-off is obvious, when such
- components are used more than once.
- .
- Reading from and writing to bit is approximately as fast as accessing
- standard logicals - mostly due to R's time for memory allocation. The
- package allows one to work with pre-allocated memory for return values
- by calling .Call() directly: when evaluating the speed of C-access with
- pre-allocated vector memory, coping from bit to logical requires only
- 70% of the time for copying from logical to logical; and copying from
- logical to bit comes at a performance penalty of 150%. the package now
- contains further classes for representing logical selections: 'bitwhich'
- for very skewed selections and 'ri' for selecting ranges of values for
- chunked processing. All three index classes can be used for subsetting
- 'ff' objects (ff-2.1-0 and higher).
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index db0bb56..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: bit
-Upstream-Contact: Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
-Source: https://cran.r-project.org/package=bit
-Files: *
-Copyright: Jens Oehlschlägel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
-License: GPL-2
-Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 2017 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-License: GPL-2
-License: GPL-2
- On Debian systems you can find the full text of the GNU General Public
- License at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index e68d5e2..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-	dh $@ --buildsystem R
-	dh_fixperms
-	find debian -name make_rd.pl -exec chmod -x \{\} \;
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index 330866f..0000000
--- a/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/exec/make_rd.pl b/exec/make_rd.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bfbd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/make_rd.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# reads the standard input line by line and writes out all lines
+# that begin with "#!". The output is splitted into several output
+# files as follows: Every time a line of the format "#! \name{<name>}
+# is encountered, a file with the name "<name>.Rd" is created and
+# the output is written into it (until the next line with this format
+# is found). Thus, the first line beginning with "#!" must of this
+# type, because otherwise the script would not know where to write
+# the output to.
+my $open = 0; 
+    $line = $_;
+    if( $line =~ /^#! ?(.*)/ )
+    {
+    	$line = $1;
+        if( $line =~ /\\name{(.*)}/ )
+        {
+            $f = $1;
+            if( $open )
+            {
+                close( OUT );
+            }
+            open( OUT, ">$f.rd" );
+            $open = "true";
+        }
+        if( $open )
+        {
+        	print OUT $line . "\n";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/exec/prebuild.sh b/exec/prebuild.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891a67e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/prebuild.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Produce the Rd-files for the documentation from the R source files
+# Prerequisites:
+#   - Perl
+#   - R_HOME must be set to the directory where R is installed
+echo "#### starting prebuild.sh"
+cd ..
+mkdir -p man
+cd man
+find ../R -name '*.[rR]' -exec cat \{\} \; | perl ../exec/make_rd.pl 
+cd ../exec
+echo "#### prebuild.sh completed!"
diff --git a/inst/ANNOUNCEMENT-1.0.txt b/inst/ANNOUNCEMENT-1.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74da80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/ANNOUNCEMENT-1.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Dear R community,
+Package 'bit' Version 1.0 is available on CRAN. 
+It provides bitmapped vectors of booleans (no NAs), 
+coercion from and to logicals, integers and integer subscripts; 
+fast boolean operators and fast summary statistics. 
+With bit vectors you can store true binary booleans {FALSE,TRUE} at the expense 
+of 1 bit only, on a 32 bit architecture this means factor 32 less RAM and 
+factor 32 more speed on boolean operations. With this speed gain it even 
+pays-off to convert to bit in order to avoid a single boolean operation on 
+logicals or a single set operation on (longer) integer subscripts, the pay-off 
+is dramatic when such components are used more than once. 
+Reading from and writing to bit is approximately as fast as accessing standard 
+logicals - mostly due to R's time for memory allocation. The package allows to 
+work with pre-allocated memory for return values by calling .Call() directly: 
+when evaluating the speed of C-access with pre-allocated vector memory, coping 
+from bit to logical requires only 70% of the time for copying from logical to 
+logical; and copying from logical to bit comes at a performance penalty of 150%.
+Functions 'which' and 'xor' are made S3 generic, 'xor.default' is implemented 
+much faster than in base R (this should go into base R).
+The package has automated regression-tests and is hopefully useful for better
+handling large datasets, together with packages 'rindex' and 'ff'.
+Best regards
+Jens Oehlschl�gel
+Munich, 10.10.2008
diff --git a/inst/README_devel.txt b/inst/README_devel.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b57c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/README_devel.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Naming conventions
+R/*.R 		R   files (including .Rd comments)
+src/*.c		C   files 
+man/*.Rd	Automatically generated Rd. files, do not modify
+Rd api
+prebuild.sh		call manually for generating all .Rd files from the .Rd comments in the R files with the help of
+exec/make_rd.pl		converts "#! lines" in R/*.R files into man/<name>.Rd files, where <name> is derived from the "#! \name{<name>}" in the first line
diff --git a/man/Extract.rd b/man/Extract.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936bc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Extract.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\title{ Extract or replace part of an bit vector }
+  Operators acting on bit objects to extract or replace parts.
+\method{[[}{bit}(x, i)
+\method{[[}{bit}(x, i) <- value
+\method{[}{bit}(x, i)
+\method{[}{bit}(x, i) <- value
+  \item{x}{ a bit object }
+  \item{i}{ positive integer subscript }
+  \item{value}{ new logical or integer values }
+  Since this package was created for high performance purposes, only positive integer subscripts make sense.
+  Negative subscripts are converted to positive ones, beware the RAM consumption.
+  Further subscript classes allowed for '[' and '[<-' are range indices \code{\link{ri}} and \code{\link{bitwhich}}.
+  The '[' and '[<-' methods don't check whether the subscripts are positive integers in the allowed range.
+  The extractors \code{[[} and \code{[} return a logical scalar or vector.
+  The replacment functions return a bit object.
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{Extract}} }
+  x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
+  x[] <- c(FALSE, NA, TRUE)
+  x[1:2]
+  x[-3]
+  x[ri(1,2)]
+  x[as.bitwhich(c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE))]
+  x[[1]]
+  x[] <- TRUE
+  x[1:2] <- FALSE
+  x[[1]] <- TRUE
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/LogicBit.rd b/man/LogicBit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b8e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/LogicBit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+\title{ Boolean operators and functions for class bit }
+  Boolean 'negation', 'and', 'or' and 'exclusive or'.
+\method{&}{bit}(e1, e2)
+\method{&}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+\method{|}{bit}(e1, e2)
+\method{|}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+\method{==}{bit}(e1, e2)
+\method{==}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+\method{!=}{bit}(e1, e2)
+\method{!=}{bitwhich}(e1, e2)
+xor(x, y)
+\method{xor}{default}(x, y)
+\method{xor}{bit}(x, y)
+\method{xor}{bitwhich}(x, y)
+  \item{x}{ a bit vector (or one logical vector in binary operators) }
+  \item{y}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+  \item{e1}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+  \item{e2}{ a bit vector or an logical vector }
+  Binary operators and function \code{xor} can combine 'bit' objects and 'logical' vectors.
+  They do not recycle, thus the lengths of objects must match. Boolean operations on bit vectors are extremely fast
+  because they are implemented using C's bitwise operators. If one argument is 'logical' it is converted to 'bit'. \cr
+  Binary operators and function \code{xor} can combine 'bitwhich' objects and other vectors.
+  They do not recycle, thus the lengths of objects must match. Boolean operations on bitwhich vectors are fast
+  if the distribution of TRUE and FALSE is very asymetric. If one argument is not 'bitwhich' it is converted to 'bitwhich'. \cr
+  The \code{xor} function has been made generic and \code{xor.default} has been implemented much faster than R's standard \code{\link[base]{xor}}.
+  This was possible because actually boolean function \code{xor} and comparison operator \code{!=} do the same (even with NAs), and \code{!=} is much faster than the multiple calls in \code{(x | y) & !(x & y)}
+  An object of class 'bit' (or 'bitwhich')
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{Logic}} }
+  x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, NA, NA, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+  y <- as.bit(yl)
+  !x
+  x & y
+  x | y
+  xor(x, y)
+  x != y
+  x == y
+  x & yl
+  x | yl
+  xor(x, yl)
+  x != yl
+  x == yl
+  x <- as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, NA, NA, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+  y <- as.bitwhich(yl)
+  !x
+  x & y
+  x | y
+  xor(x, y)
+  x != y
+  x == y
+  x & yl
+  x | yl
+  xor(x, yl)
+  x != yl
+  x == yl
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/Summary.rd b/man/Summary.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce2ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Summary.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+\title{ Summaries of bit vectors }
+  Fast aggregation functions for bit vectors.
+\method{all}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{any}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{min}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{max}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{range}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{sum}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{summary}{bit}(object, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{all}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{any}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{min}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{max}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{range}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{sum}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{summary}{bitwhich}(object, \dots)
+\method{all}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{any}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{min}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{max}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{range}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{sum}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{summary}{ri}(object, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ an object of class bit or bitwhich }
+  \item{object}{ an object of class bit }
+  \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+  \item{\dots}{ formally required but not used }
+  Bit summaries are quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register.
+  Furthermore we break out of looping as soon as possible.
+  as expected
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{all}}, \code{\link{any}}, \code{\link{min}}, \code{\link{max}}, \code{\link{range}}, \code{\link{sum}}, \code{\link{summary}} }
+  x <- as.bit(c(TRUE, TRUE))
+  all(x)
+  any(x)
+  min(x)
+  max(x)
+  range(x)
+  sum(x)
+  summary(x)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(c(TRUE, TRUE))
+  all(x)
+  any(x)
+  min(x)
+  max(x)
+  range(x)
+  sum(x)
+  summary(x)
+ \dontrun{
+    n <- .Machine$integer.max
+    x <- !bit(n)
+    N <- 1000000L  # batchsize
+    B <- n \%/\% N   # number of batches
+    R <- n \%\% N    # rest
+    message("Batched sum (52.5 sec on Centrino duo)")
+    system.time({
+      s <- 0L
+      for (b in 1:B){
+        s <- s + sum(x[((b-1L)*N+1L):(b*N)])
+      }
+      if (R)
+        s <- s + sum(x[(n-R+1L):n])
+    })
+    message("Batched sum saving repeated memory allocation for the return vector
+    (44.4 sec on Centrino duo)")
+    system.time({
+      s <- 0L
+      l <- logical(N)
+      for (b in 1:B){
+        .Call("R_bit_extract", x, ((b-1L)*N+1L):(b*N), l, PACKAGE = "bit")
+        s <- s + sum(l)
+      }
+      if (R)
+        s <- s + sum(x[(n-R+1L):n])
+    })
+    message("C-coded sum (3.1 sec on Centrino duo)")
+    system.time(sum(x))
+ }
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/as.bit.rd b/man/as.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f01d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\title{ Coercing to bit }
+  Coercing to bit vector
+as.bit(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{bit}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{logical}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{integer}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{which}(x, length, \dots)
+\method{as.bit}{ri}(x, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{logical}}, \code{\link{integer}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or an integer from \code{\link{as.which}} or a boolean \code{\link[ff:vmode]{ff}} }
+  \item{length}{ the length of the new bit vector }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+  Coercing to bit is quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register
+  Zero is coerced to FALSE, all other numbers including NA are coerced to TRUE.
+  This differs from the NA-to-FALSE coercion in package ff and may change in the future.
+  \code{is.bit} returns FALSE or TRUE, \code{as.bit} returns a vector of class 'bit'
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link[bit:as.logical.bit]{as.logical}} }
+  x <- as.bit(c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
+  as.bit(x)
+  as.bit.which(c(1,3,4), 12)
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/as.bitwhich.rd b/man/as.bitwhich.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3d1052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as.bitwhich.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\title{ Coercing to bitwhich }
+  Functions to coerce to bitwhich
+as.bitwhich(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{bit}(x, range=NULL, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{which}(x, maxindex, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{integer}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{double}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.bitwhich}{logical}(x, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ An object of class 'bitwhich', 'integer', 'logical' or 'bit' or an integer vector as resulting from 'which' }
+  \item{maxindex}{ the length of the new bitwhich vector }
+  \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+  a value of class \code{\link{bitwhich}}
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bitwhich}}, \code{\link{as.bit}} }
+ as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
+ as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
+ as.bitwhich(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
+ as.bitwhich(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/as.logical.bit.rd b/man/as.logical.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c6656c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as.logical.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\title{ Coercion from bit, bitwhich and ri to logical, integer, double }
+  Coercing from bit to logical, integer, which.
+\method{as.logical}{bit}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.logical}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.logical}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.integer}{bit}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.integer}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.integer}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.double}{bit}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.double}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.double}{ri}(x, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or \code{\link{ri}} }
+  \item{\dots}{ ignored }
+  Coercion from bit is quite fast because we use a double loop that fixes each word in a processor register.
+  \code{\link{as.logical}} returns a vector of \code{FALSE, TRUE}, \code{\link{as.integer}} and \code{\link{as.double}} return a vector of \code{0,1}.
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}} }
+  x <- ri(2, 5, 10)
+  y <- as.logical(x)
+  y
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bit(x))))
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.logical(as.bitwhich(x))))
+  y <- as.integer(x)
+  y
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.logical(x))))
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bit(x))))
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.integer(as.bitwhich(x))))
+  y <- as.double(x)
+  y
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.logical(x))))
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bit(x))))
+  stopifnot(identical(y, as.double(as.bitwhich(x))))
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/as.which.rd b/man/as.which.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094276d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/as.which.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\title{ Coercion to (positive) integer positions }
+  Coercing to something like the result of which \code{\link{which}}
+as.which(x, \dots)
+\method{as.which}{default}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.which}{ri}(x, \dots)
+\method{as.which}{bit}(x, range = NULL, \dots)
+\method{as.which}{bitwhich}(x, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ an object of classes \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}}, \code{\link{ri}} or something on which \code{\link{which}} works }
+  \item{range}{ a \code{\link{ri}} or an integer vector of length==2 giving a range restriction for chunked processing }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments (passed to \code{\link{which}} for the default method, ignored otherwise) }
+  \code{as.which.bit} returns a vector of subscripts with class 'which'
+  a vector of class 'logical' or 'integer'
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.logical}}, \code{\link{as.integer}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}} }
+  r <- ri(5, 20, 100)
+  x <- as.which(r)
+  x
+  stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.logical(r))))
+  stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.bitwhich(r))))
+  stopifnot(identical(x, as.which(as.bit(r))))
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/bbatch.rd b/man/bbatch.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9986f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bbatch.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{ Balanced Batch sizes }
+  \command{bbatch} calculates batch sizes so that they have rather balanced sizes than very different sizes
+bbatch(N, B)
+  \item{N}{ total size }
+  \item{B}{ desired batch size }
+  a list with components
+  \item{ b }{ the batch size }
+  \item{ nb }{ the number of batches }
+  \item{ rb }{ the size of the rest }
+  Tries to have \code{rb==0} or \code{rb} as close to \code{b} as possible while guaranteing that \code{rb < b && (b - rb) <= min(nb, b)}
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{repfromto}}, \code{\link[ff]{ffvecapply}} }
+  bbatch(100, 24)
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/bit-package.rd b/man/bit-package.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287906d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bit-package.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+   A class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
+Package 'bit' provides bitmapped vectors of booleans (no NAs),
+coercion from and to logicals, integers and integer subscripts;
+fast boolean operators and fast summary statistics. \cr
+With bit vectors you can store true binary booleans \{FALSE,TRUE\} at the expense
+of 1 bit only, on a 32 bit architecture this means factor 32 less RAM and
+factor 32 more speed on boolean operations. With this speed gain it even
+pays-off to convert to bit in order to avoid a single boolean operation on
+logicals or a single set operation on (longer) integer subscripts, the pay-off
+is dramatic when such components are used more than once. \cr
+Reading from and writing to bit is approximately as fast as accessing standard
+logicals - mostly due to R's time for memory allocation. The package allows to
+work with pre-allocated memory for return values by calling .Call() directly:
+when evaluating the speed of C-access with pre-allocated vector memory, coping
+from bit to logical requires only 70\% of the time for copying from logical to
+logical; and copying from logical to bit comes at a performance penalty of 150\%. \cr
+Since bit objects cannot be used as subsripts in R, a second class 'bitwhich'
+allows to store selections as efficiently as possible with standard R types.
+This is usefull either to represent parts of bit objects or to represent
+very asymetric selections.  \cr
+Class 'ri' (range index) allows to select ranges of positions for  chunked processing:
+all three classes 'bit', 'bitwhich' and 'ri' can be used for subsetting 'ff' objects (ff-2.1.0 and higher).
+ bit(length)
+ \method{print}{bit}(x, \dots)
+  \item{length}{ length of vector in bits }
+  \item{x}{ a bit vector }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments to print }
+   Package: \tab bit\cr
+   Type: \tab Package\cr
+   Version: \tab 1.1.0\cr
+   Date: \tab 2012-06-05\cr
+   License: \tab GPL-2\cr
+   LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
+   Encoding: \tab latin1\cr
+   \bold{bit function}           \tab \bold{bitwhich function}          \tab \bold{ri function}                \tab \bold{see also}          \tab \bold{description} \cr
+   \code{.BITS}                  \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{globalenv}}   \tab variable holding number of bits on this system \cr
+   \code{\link{bit_init}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{.First.lib}}  \tab initially allocate bit-masks (done in .First.lib) \cr
+   \code{\link{bit_done}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{.Last.lib}}   \tab finally de-allocate bit-masks (done in .Last.lib) \cr
+   \code{\link{bit}}             \tab \code{\link{bitwhich}}            \tab \code{\link{ri}}                  \tab \code{\link{logical}}     \tab create bit object \cr
+   \code{\link{print.bit}}       \tab \code{\link{print.bitwhich}}      \tab \code{\link{print.ri}}            \tab \code{\link{print}}       \tab print bit vector \cr
+   \code{\link{length.bit}}      \tab \code{\link{length.bitwhich}}     \tab \code{\link{length.ri}}           \tab \code{\link{length}}      \tab get length of bit vector \cr
+   \code{\link{length<-.bit}}    \tab \code{\link{length<-.bitwhich}}   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{length<-}}    \tab change length of bit vector \cr
+   \code{\link{c.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{c.bitwhich}}          \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{c}}           \tab concatenate bit vectors \cr
+   \code{\link{is.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{is.bitwhich}}         \tab \code{\link{is.ri}}               \tab \code{\link{is.logical}}  \tab test for bit class \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{as.logical}}  \tab generically coerce to bit or bitwhich \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.logical}}  \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.logical}} \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{logical}}     \tab coerce logical to bit vector (FALSE => FALSE, c(NA, TRUE) => TRUE) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.integer}}  \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.integer}} \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{integer}}     \tab coerce integer to bit vector (0 => FALSE, ELSE => TRUE) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.double}}   \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.double}}  \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{double}}      \tab coerce double to bit vector (0 => FALSE, ELSE => TRUE) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.double.bit}}   \tab \code{\link{as.double.bitwhich}}  \tab \code{\link{as.double.ri}}        \tab \code{\link{as.double}}   \tab coerce bit vector to double (0/1) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.integer.bit}}  \tab \code{\link{as.integer.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.integer.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.integer}}  \tab coerce bit vector to integer (0L/1L) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.logical.bit}}  \tab \code{\link{as.logical.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.logical.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.logical}}  \tab coerce bit vector to logical (FALSE/TRUE) \cr
+   \code{\link{as.which.bit}}    \tab \code{\link{as.which.bitwhich}}   \tab \code{\link{as.which.ri}}         \tab \code{\link{as.which}}    \tab coerce bit vector to positive integer subscripts\cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.which}}    \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.which}}   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{bitwhich}}    \tab coerce integer subscripts to bit vector \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.bitwhich}} \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.bitwhich}}\tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from bitwhich  \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.bit}}      \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.bit}}     \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{UseMethod}}   \tab coerce from bit \cr
+   \code{\link{as.bit.ri}}       \tab \code{\link{as.bitwhich.ri}}      \tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from range index \cr
+   \code{\link[ff]{as.bit.ff}}   \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link[ff]{ff}}      \tab coerce ff boolean to bit vector \cr
+   \code{\link[ff]{as.ff.bit}}   \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}}   \tab coerce bit vector to ff boolean \cr
+   \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.bit}}   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.bitwhich}}  \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.ri}}        \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.hi}}   \tab coerce to hybrid index (requires package ff) \cr
+   \code{\link[ff]{as.bit.hi}}   \tab \code{\link[ff]{as.bitwhich.hi}}  \tab                                   \tab                           \tab coerce from hybrid index (requires package ff) \cr
+   \code{\link{[[.bit}}          \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[[}}          \tab get single bit (index checked) \cr
+   \code{\link{[[<-.bit}}        \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[[<-}}        \tab set single bit (index checked) \cr
+   \code{\link{[.bit}}           \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[}}           \tab get vector of bits (unchecked) \cr
+   \code{\link{[<-.bit}}         \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{[<-}}         \tab set vector of bits (unchecked) \cr
+   \code{\link{!.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{!.bitwhich}}          \tab (works as second arg in           \tab \code{\link{!}}           \tab boolean NOT on bit \cr
+   \code{\link{&.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{&.bitwhich}}          \tab  bit and bitwhich ops)            \tab \code{\link{&}}           \tab boolean AND on bit \cr
+   \code{\link{|.bit}}           \tab \code{\link{|.bitwhich}}          \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{|}}           \tab boolean OR on bit \cr
+   \code{\link{xor.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{xor.bitwhich}}        \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{xor}}         \tab boolean XOR on bit \cr
+   \code{\link{!=.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{!=.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{!=}}          \tab boolean unequality (same as XOR) \cr
+   \code{\link{==.bit}}          \tab \code{\link{==.bitwhich}}         \tab                                   \tab \code{\link{==}}          \tab boolean equality \cr
+   \code{\link{all.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{all.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{all.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{all}}         \tab aggregate AND \cr
+   \code{\link{any.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{any.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{any.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{any}}         \tab aggregate OR \cr
+   \code{\link{min.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{min.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{min.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{min}}         \tab aggregate MIN (first TRUE position) \cr
+   \code{\link{max.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{max.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{max.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{max}}         \tab aggregate MAX (last TRUE position) \cr
+   \code{\link{range.bit}}       \tab \code{\link{range.bitwhich}}      \tab \code{\link{range.ri}}            \tab \code{\link{range}}       \tab aggregate [MIN,MAX] \cr
+   \code{\link{sum.bit}}         \tab \code{\link{sum.bitwhich}}        \tab \code{\link{sum.ri}}              \tab \code{\link{sum}}         \tab aggregate SUM (count of TRUE) \cr
+   \code{\link{summary.bit}}     \tab \code{\link{summary.bitwhich}}    \tab \code{\link{summary.ri}}          \tab \code{\link{tabulate}}    \tab aggregate c(nFALSE, nTRUE, minRange, maxRange) \cr
+   \code{\link{regtest.bit}}     \tab                                   \tab                                   \tab                           \tab regressiontests for the package \cr
+ }
+  \code{bit} returns a vector of integer sufficiently long to store 'length' bits
+  (but not longer) with an attribute 'n' and class 'bit'
+Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+Maintainer: Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+  Currently operations on bit objects have some overhead from R-calls. Do expect speed gains for vectors
+  of length ~ 10000 or longer. \cr
+  Since this package was created for high performance purposes, only positive integer subscripts are allowed:
+  The '[.bit' and '[<-.bit' methods don't check whether the subscripts are positive integers in the allowed range.
+  All R-functions behave as expected - i.e. they do not change their arguments and create new return values.
+  If you want to save the time for return value memory allocation, you must use \code{\link{.Call}} directly
+  (see the dontrun example in \code{\link{sum.bit}}).
+  Note that the package has not been tested under 64 bit.
+  Note also that the mapping of NAs to TRUE differs from the mapping of NAs to FALSE
+  in \code{\link[ff]{vmode}="boolean"} in package ff (and one of the two may change in the future).
+\keyword{ package }
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{logical}} in base R and \code{\link[ff]{vmode}} in package 'ff' }
+  x <- bit(12)                                 # create bit vector
+  x                                            # autoprint bit vector
+  length(x) <- 16                              # change length
+  length(x)                                    # get length
+  x[[2]]                                       # extract single element
+  x[[2]] <- TRUE                               # replace single element
+  x[1:2]                                       # extract parts of bit vector
+  x[1:2] <- TRUE                               # replace parts of bit vector
+  as.which(x)                                  # coerce bit to subscripts
+  x <- as.bit.which(3:4, 4)                    # coerce subscripts to bit
+  as.logical(x)                                # coerce bit to logical
+  y <- as.bit(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE))     # coerce logical to bit
+  is.bit(y)                                    # test for bit
+  !x                                           # boolean NOT
+  x & y                                        # boolean AND
+  x | y                                        # boolean OR
+  xor(x, y)                                    # boolean Exclusive OR
+  x != y                                       # boolean unequality (same as xor)
+  x == y                                       # boolean equality
+  all(x)                                       # aggregate AND
+  any(x)                                       # aggregate OR
+  min(x)                                       # aggregate MIN (integer version of ALL)
+  max(x)                                       # aggregate MAX (integer version of ANY)
+  range(x)                                     # aggregate [MIN,MAX]
+  sum(x)                                       # aggregate SUM (count of TRUE)
+  summary(x)                                   # aggregate count of FALSE and TRUE
+  \dontrun{
+    message("\nEven for a single boolean operation transforming logical to bit pays off")
+    n <- 10000000
+    x <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+    y <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+    system.time(x|y)
+    system.time({
+       x <- as.bit(x)
+       y <- as.bit(y)
+    })
+    system.time( z <- x | y )
+    system.time( as.logical(z) )
+    message("Even more so if multiple operations are needed :-)")
+    message("\nEven for a single set operation transforming subscripts to bit pays off\n")
+    n <- 10000000
+    x <- sample(n, n/2)
+    y <- sample(n, n/2)
+    system.time( union(x,y) )
+    system.time({
+     x <- as.bit.which(x, n)
+     y <- as.bit.which(y, n)
+    })
+    system.time( as.which.bit( x | y ) )
+    message("Even more so if multiple operations are needed :-)")
+    message("\nSome timings WITH memory allocation")
+    n <- 2000000
+    l <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+    # copy logical to logical
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.0112
+       l2 <- l
+       l2[1] <- TRUE   # force new memory allocation (copy on modify)
+       rm(l2)
+    })/100
+    # copy logical to bit
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.0123
+       b <- as.bit(l)
+       rm(b)
+    })/100
+    # copy bit to logical
+    b <- as.bit(l)
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.009
+       l2 <- as.logical(b)
+       rm(l2)
+    })/100
+    # copy bit to bit
+    b <- as.bit(l)
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){  # 0.009
+       b2 <- b
+       b2[1] <- TRUE   # force new memory allocation (copy on modify)
+       rm(b2)
+    })/100
+    l2 <- l
+    # replace logical by TRUE
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       l[] <- TRUE
+    })/100
+    # replace bit by TRUE (NOTE that we recycle the assignment  
+		 # value on R side == memory allocation and assignment first)
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       b[] <- TRUE
+    })/100
+    # THUS the following is faster
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       b <- !bit(n)
+    })/100
+    # replace logical by logical
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       l[] <- l2
+    })/100
+    # replace bit by logical
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       b[] <- l2
+    })/100
+    # extract logical
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       l2[]
+    })/100
+    # extract bit
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100){
+       b[]
+    })/100
+    message("\nSome timings WITHOUT memory allocation (Serge, that's for you)")
+    n <- 2000000L
+    l <- sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, TRUE)
+    b <- as.bit(l)
+    # read from logical, write to logical
+    l2 <- logical(n)
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_filter_getset", l, l2, PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+    # read from bit, write to logical
+    l2 <- logical(n)
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_bit_get", b, l2, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+    # read from logical, write to bit
+    system.time(for(i in 1:100).Call("R_bit_set", b, l2, c(1L, n), PACKAGE="bit")) / 100
+  }
diff --git a/man/bit_init.rd b/man/bit_init.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..728e386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bit_init.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+\title{ Initializing bit masks }
+  Functions to allocate (and de-allocate) bit masks
+  bit_init()
+  bit_done()
+  The C-code operates with bit masks.
+  The memory for these is allocated dynamically.
+  \code{bit_init} is called by \code{\link{.First.lib}}
+  and \code{bit_done} is called by \code{\link{.Last.lib}}.
+  You don't need to care about these under normal circumstances.
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}  }
+  bit_done()
+  bit_init()
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/bitwhich.rd b/man/bitwhich.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e371f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bitwhich.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\title{ A class for vectors representing asymetric selections }
+  A bitwhich object like the result of \code{\link{which}} and \code{\link{as.which}} does represent integer subscript positions,
+  but bitwhich objects represent some subscripts rather with negative integers, if this needs less space.
+  The extreme cases of selecting all/none subscripts are represented by TRUE/FALSE.
+  This needs less RAM compared to \code{\link{logical}} (and often less than \code{\link{as.which}}).
+  Logical operations are fast if the selection is asymetric (only few or almost all selected).
+bitwhich(maxindex, poslength = NULL, x = NULL)
+  \item{maxindex}{ the length of the vector (sum of all TRUEs and FALSEs) }
+  \item{poslength}{ Only use if x is not NULL: the sum of all TRUEs }
+  \item{x}{ Default NULL or FALSE or unique negative integers or unique positive integers or TRUE}
+  An object of class 'bitwhich' carrying two attributes
+  \item{maxindex}{ see above }
+  \item{poslength}{ see above }
+  class 'bitwhich' represents a boolean selection in one of the following ways
+  \itemize{
+   \item FALSE to select nothing
+   \item TRUE to select everything
+   \item unique positive integers to select those
+   \item unique negative integers to exclude those
+  }
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{as.bitwhich}}, \code{\link{as.which}}, \code{\link{bit}} }
+ bitwhich(12, x=c(1,3), poslength=2)
+ bitwhich(12, x=-c(1,3), poslength=10)
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/c.bit.rd b/man/c.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc60875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\title{ Concatenating bit and bitwhich vectors }
+  Creating new bit by concatenating bit vectors
+  \item{\dots}{ bit objects }
+  An object of class 'bit'
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{c}}, \code{\link{bit}} , \code{\link{bitwhich}} }
+ c(bit(4), bit(4))
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/chunk.rd b/man/chunk.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de0117f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/chunk.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+\title{ Chunked range index }
+  creates a sequence of range indexes using a syntax not completely unlike 'seq'
+\method{chunk}{default}(from = NULL, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL
+, overlap = 0L, method = c("bbatch", "seq"), maxindex = NA, \dots)
+  \item{from}{ the starting value of the sequence. }
+  \item{to}{ the (maximal) end value of the sequence. }
+  \item{by}{ increment of the sequence }
+  \item{length.out}{ desired length of the sequence. }
+  \item{along.with}{ take the length from the length of this argument. }
+  \item{overlap}{ number of values to overlap (will lower the starting value of the sequence, the first range becomes smaller }
+  \item{method}{ default 'bbatch' will try to balance the chunk size, see \code{\link{bbatch}}, 'seq' will create chunks like \code{\link[base]{seq}} }
+  \item{maxindex}{ passed to \code{\link{ri}} }
+  \item{\dots}{ ignored }
+  \code{chunk} is generic, the default method is described here, other methods that automatically consider RAM needs are provided with package 'ff', see for example \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ffdf}}
+\section{available methods}{
+  \code{chunk.default}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.bit}}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ff_vector}}, \code{\link[ff]{chunk.ffdf}}
+  \code{chunk.default} returns a list of \code{\link{ri}} objects representing chunks of subscripts
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{ri}},  \code{\link[base]{seq}}, \code{\link{bbatch}} }
+  chunk(1, 100, by=30)
+  chunk(1, 100, by=30, method="seq")
+   \dontrun{
+m <- 10000
+k <- 1000
+n <- m*k
+message("Four ways to loop from 1 to n. Slowest foreach to fastest chunk is 1700:1 
+on a dual core notebook with 3GB RAM\n")
+z <- 0L; 
+print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it) \%do\% { z <- i; NULL }}))
+z <- 0L
+print(system.time({i <- 0L; while (i<n) {i <- i + 1L; z <- i}}))
+z <- 0L
+print(system.time(for (i in 1:n) z <- i))
+z <- 0L; n <- m*k; 
+print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){for (i in ch[1]:ch[2])z <- i}))
+message("Seven ways to calculate sum(1:n). 
+ Slowest foreach to fastest chunk is 61000:1 on a dual core notebook with 3GB RAM\n")
+print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it, .combine="+") \%do\% { i }}))
+z <- 0; 
+print(k*system.time({it <- icount(m); foreach (i = it) \%do\% { z <- z + i; NULL }}))
+z <- 0; print(system.time({i <- 0L;while (i<n) {i <- i + 1L; z <- z + i}})); z
+z <- 0; print(system.time(for (i in 1:n) z <- z + i)); z
+z <- 0; n <- m*k
+print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){for (i in ch[1]:ch[2])z <- z + i}))
+z <- 0; n <- m*k
+print(system.time(for (ch in chunk(1, n, by=m)){z <- z+sum(as.double(ch[1]:ch[2]))}))
+   }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/clone.rd b/man/clone.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2915b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/clone.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\title{ Cloning ff and ram objects }
+  \command{clone} physically duplicates objects and can additionally change some features, e.g. length.
+clone(x, \dots)
+\method{clone}{list}(x, \dots)
+\method{clone}{default}(x, \dots)
+still.identical(x, y)
+  \item{x}{ \code{x} }
+  \item{y}{ \code{y} }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the generic }
+  \command{clone} is generic. 
+  \command{clone.default} currently only handles atomics. 
+  \command{clone.list} recursively clones list elements.
+  \command{still.identical} returns TRUE if the two atomic arguments still point to the same memory.
+  an object that is a deep copy of x
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{clone.ff}} }
+  x <- 1:12
+  y <- x
+  still.identical(x,y)
+  y[1] <- y[1]
+  still.identical(x,y)
+  y <- clone(x)
+  still.identical(x,y)
+  rm(x,y); gc()
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/intrle.rd b/man/intrle.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a3dbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/intrle.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{ Hybrid Index, C-coded utilities }
+  These C-coded utilitites speed up index preprocessing considerably
+  \item{x}{ an integer vector }
+  \code{intrle} is by factor 50 faster and needs less RAM (2x its input vector) compared to \code{\link{rle}} which needs 9x the RAM of its input vector.
+  This is achieved because we allow the C-code of \code{intrle} to break when it turns out, that rle-packing will not achieve a
+  compression factor of 3 or better.
+  \cr
+  \code{intisasc} is a faster version of \code{\link{is.unsorted}}: it checks whether \code{x} is sorted and returns NA \code{x} contains NAs.
+  \cr
+  \code{intisdesc} checks for being sorted descending and assumes that the input \code{x} contains no NAs (is used after \code{intisasc} and does not check for NAs).
+  \code{intrle} returns an object of class \code{\link{rle}} or NULL, if rle-compression is not efficient (compression factor <3 or length(x)<3).
+  \cr
+  \code{intisasc} returns one of \code{FALSE, NA, TRUE}
+  \cr
+  \code{intisdesc} returns one of \code{FALSE, TRUE} (if the input contains NAs, the output is undefined)
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{hi}}, \code{\link{rle}}, \code{\link{is.unsorted}}, \code{\link[ff]{is.sorted}} }
+  intrle(sample(1:100))
+  intrle(diff(1:100))
+  intisasc(1:100)
+  intisasc(100:1)
+  intisasc(c(NA, 1:100))
+  intisdesc(1:100)
+  intisdesc(100:1)
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/is.bit.rd b/man/is.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65549b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\title{ Testing for bit, bitwhich and ri selection classes }
+  Test whether an object inherits from 'ri', 'bit' or 'bitwhich'
+  \item{x}{ an R object of unknown type }
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{is.logical}}, \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} }
+ is.ri(TRUE)
+ is.ri(ri(1,4,12))
+ is.bit(TRUE)
+ is.bitwhich(TRUE)
+ is.bit(as.bit(TRUE))
+ is.bitwhich(as.bitwhich(TRUE))
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/is.sorted.rd b/man/is.sorted.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a1504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is.sorted.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+	Generics related to cache access
+	These generics are packaged here for methods in packages \code{bit64} and \code{ff}.
+is.sorted(x, \dots)
+is.sorted(x, \dots) <- value
+na.count(x, \dots)
+na.count(x, \dots) <- value
+nvalid(x, \dots)
+nunique(x, \dots)
+nunique(x, \dots) <- value
+nties(x, \dots)
+nties(x, \dots) <- value
+  \item{x}{
+	some object
+	}
+  \item{value}{
+	value assigned on responsibility of the user
+	}
+  \item{\dots}{
+	ignored
+	}
+	see help of the available methods
+	see help of the available methods
+Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+	\code{\link[bit64]{is.sorted.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{na.count.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nvalid.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nunique.integer64}}, \code{\link[bit64]{nties.integer64}} \cr
+	methods("na.count")
+\keyword{ environment }
+\keyword{ methods }
diff --git a/man/length.bit.rd b/man/length.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ef7b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/length.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+\title{ Getting and setting length of bit, bitwhich and ri objects }
+  Query the number of bits in a \code{\link{bit}} vector or change the number of bits in a bit vector. \cr
+  Query the number of bits in a \code{\link{bitwhich}} vector or change the number of bits in a bit vector. \cr
+\method{length}{bit}(x) <- value
+\method{length}{bitwhich}(x) <- value
+  \item{x}{ a \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{bitwhich}} or \code{\link{ri}} object }
+  \item{value}{ the new number of bits }
+  NOTE that the length does NOT reflect the number of selected (\code{TRUE}) bits, it reflects the sum of both, \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE} bits.
+  Increasing the length of a \code{\link{bit}} object will set new bits to \code{FALSE}.
+  The behaviour of increasing the length of a \code{\link{bitwhich}} object is different and depends on the content of the object:
+  \itemize{
+   \item{TRUE}{all included, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}}
+   \item{positive integers}{some included, new bits are set to \code{FALSE}}
+   \item{negative integers}{some excluded, new bits are set to \code{TRUE}}
+   \item{FALSE}{all excluded:, new bits are set to \code{FALSE}}
+  }
+  Decreasing the length of bit or bitwhich removes any previous information about the status bits above the new length.
+  the length  A bit vector with the new length
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{length}}, \code{\link[=sum.bit]{sum}}, \code{\link[ff]{poslength}}, \code{\link[ff]{maxindex}} }
+  stopifnot(length(ri(1, 1, 32))==32)
+  x <- as.bit(ri(32, 32, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  x <- as.bit(ri(1, 1, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(bit(32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(!bit(32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(ri(32, 32, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==0)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(ri(2, 32, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==15)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 1, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==1)
+  x <- as.bitwhich(ri(1, 31, 32))
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==31)
+  message("NOTE the change from 'some excluded' to 'all excluded' here")
+  length(x) <- 16
+  stopifnot(length(x)==16)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==16)
+  length(x) <- 32
+  stopifnot(length(x)==32)
+  stopifnot(sum(x)==32)
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/physical.rd b/man/physical.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c68b93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/physical.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\title{ Physical and virtual attributes }
+  Compatibility functions (to package ff) for getting and setting physical and virtual attributes.
+physical(x) <- value
+virtual(x) <- value
+\method{physical}{default}(x) <- value
+\method{virtual}{default}(x) <- value
+\method{print}{physical}(x, \dots)
+\method{print}{virtual}(x, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ a ff or ram object }
+  \item{value}{ a list with named elements }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+  ff objects have physical and virtual attributes, which have different copying semantics:
+  physical attributes are shared between copies of ff objects while virtual attributes might differ between copies.
+  \code{\link[ff]{as.ram}} will retain some physical and virtual atrributes in the ram clone,
+  such that \code{\link[ff]{as.ff}} can restore an ff object with the same attributes.
+  \command{physical} and \command{virtual} returns a list with named elements
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+ \code{\link[ff]{physical.ff}}, \code{\link[ff]{physical.ffdf}}
+  physical(bit(12))
+  virtual(bit(12))
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
+\keyword{ attribute }
diff --git a/man/ramsort.rd b/man/ramsort.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe9b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ramsort.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+   Generics for in-RAM sorting and ordering
+These are generic stubs for low-level sorting and ordering methods implemented in packages 
+'bit64'  and 'ff'.
+  The \code{..sortorder} methods do sorting and ordering at once, which requires more RAM than ordering but is (almost) as fast as as sorting.
+ ramsort(x, \dots)
+ ramorder(x, i, \dots)
+ ramsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+ mergesort(x, \dots)
+ mergeorder(x, i, \dots)
+ mergesortorder(x, i, \dots)
+ quicksort(x, \dots)
+ quickorder(x, i, \dots)
+ quicksortorder(x, i, \dots)
+ shellsort(x, \dots)
+ shellorder(x, i, \dots)
+ shellsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+ radixsort(x, \dots)
+ radixorder(x, i, \dots)
+ radixsortorder(x, i, \dots)
+ keysort(x, \dots)
+ keyorder(x, i, \dots)
+ keysortorder(x, i, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ a vector to be sorted by \code{\link{ramsort}} and \code{\link{ramsortorder}}, i.e. the output of  \code{\link{sort}} }
+  \item{i}{ integer positions to be modified by \code{\link{ramorder}} and \code{\link{ramsortorder}}, default is 1:n, in this case the output is similar to \code{\link{order}} }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the sorting methods }
+ The \code{sort} generics do sort their argument 'x', some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'x'. 
+ The \code{order} generics do order their argument 'i' leaving 'x' as it was, 
+   some methods need temporary RAM of the same size as 'i'. 
+ The \code{sortorder} generics do sort their argument 'x' and order their argument 'i', 
+   this way of ordering is much faster at the price of requiring temporary RAM for both, 
+   'x' and 'i', if the method requires temporary RAM.
+ The \code{ram} generics are high-level functions containing an optimizer that chooses the 'best' algorithms given some context. 
+\section{Index of implemented methods}{
+   \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+   \code{ramsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{ramsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramsort.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{shellsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{shellsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellsort.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{quicksort} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quicksort.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{mergesort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{mergesort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergesort.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{radixsort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{radixsort.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixsort.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{keysort} \tab \code{\link[ff]{keysort.default}} \tab  \cr
+ \cr
+   \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+   \code{ramorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{ramorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{shellorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{shellorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{quickorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quickorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{mergeorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{mergeorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergeorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{radixorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{radixorder.default}} \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{keyorder} \tab \code{\link[ff]{keyorder.default}} \tab  \cr
+ \cr
+   \bold{generic} \tab \bold{ff}          \tab \bold{bit64} \cr
+   \code{ramsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{ramsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{shellsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{shellsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{quicksortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{quicksortorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{mergesortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{mergesortorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{radixsortorder} \tab  \tab \code{\link[bit64]{radixsortorder.integer64}} \cr
+   \code{keysortorder} \tab  \tab  \cr
+ Note that these methods purposely violate the functional programming paradigm: they are called for the side-effect of changing some of their arguments.
+  The rationale behind this is that sorting is very RAM-intensive and in certain
+  situations we might not want to allocate additional memory if not necessary to do so.
+ The \code{sort}-methods change \code{x}, the \code{order}-methods change \code{i}, and the \code{sortoder}-methods change both \code{x} and \code{i}
+  You as the user are responsible to create copies of the input data 'x' and 'i' 
+  if you need non-modified versions.
+  These functions return the number of \code{NAs} found or assumed during sorting
+Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+\seealso{ \code{\link{sort}}  and \code{\link{order}} in base R}
diff --git a/man/regtest.bit.rd b/man/regtest.bit.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..080ffe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/regtest.bit.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\title{ Regressiontests for bit }
+  Test package bit for correctness
+regtest.bit(N = 100)
+  \item{N}{ number of random test runs }
+  random data of random length are generated and correctness of package functions tested on these
+  a vector of class 'logical' or 'integer'
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{bit}}, \code{\link{as.bit}}, \code{\link{as.logical}}, \code{\link{as.integer}}, \code{\link{which}} }
+  if (regtest.bit()){
+    message("regtest.bit is OK")
+  }else{
+    message("regtest.bit failed")
+  }
+  \dontrun{
+    regtest.bit(10000)
+  }
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/repeat.time.rd b/man/repeat.time.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e62b5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/repeat.time.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Adaptive timer
+Repeats timing expr until minSec is reached
+repeat.time(expr, gcFirst = TRUE, minSec = 0.5, envir=parent.frame())
+  \item{expr}{Valid \R expression to be timed.}
+  \item{gcFirst}{Logical - should a garbage collection be performed
+    immediately before the timing?  Default is \code{TRUE}.}
+  \item{minSec}{number of seconds to repeat at least}
+  \item{envir}{the environment in which to evaluate \code{expr} (by default the calling frame)}
+  A object of class \code{"proc_time"}: see
+  \code{\link{proc.time}} for details.
+  \code{\link{system.time}}
+Jens Oehlschl�gel <Jens.Oehlschlaegel at truecluster.com>
+  system.time(1+1)
+  repeat.time(1+1)
+  system.time(sort(runif(1e6)))
+  repeat.time(sort(runif(1e6)))
diff --git a/man/repfromto.rd b/man/repfromto.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902f478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/repfromto.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\title{ Virtual recycling }
+  \command{repfromto} virtually recylcles object \code{x} and cuts out positions \code{from .. to}
+repfromto(x, from, to)
+repfromto(x, from, to) <- value
+  \item{x}{ an object from which to recycle }
+  \item{from}{ first position to return }
+  \item{to}{ last position to return }
+  \item{value}{ value to assign }
+  \code{repfromto} is a generalization of \code{\link{rep}}, where \code{rep(x, n) == repfromto(x, 1, n)}.
+  You can see this as an R-side (vector) solution of the \code{mod_iterate} macro in arithmetic.c
+  a vector of length \code{from - to + 1}
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{rep}}, \code{\link[ff]{ffvecapply}} }
+  message("a simple example")
+  repfromto(0:9, 11, 20)
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/ri.rd b/man/ri.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c35b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ri.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\title{ Range index }
+  A range index can be used to extract or replace a continuous ascending part of the data
+ri(from, to = NULL, maxindex=NA)
+\method{print}{ri}(x, \dots)
+  \item{from}{ first position }
+  \item{to}{ last posistion }
+  \item{x}{ an object of class 'ri' }
+  \item{maxindex}{ the maximal length of the object-to-be-subscripted (if known) }
+  \item{\dots}{ further arguments }
+  A two element integer vector with class 'ri'
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{as.hi.ri}} }
+ bit(12)[ri(1,6)]
+\keyword{ classes }
+\keyword{ logic }
diff --git a/man/rlepack.rd b/man/rlepack.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae07b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/rlepack.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+\title{ Hybrid Index, rle-pack utilities }
+  Basic utilities for rle packing and unpacking and apropriate methods for \code{\link{rev}} and \code{\link{unique}}.
+rlepack(x, pack = TRUE)
+\method{unique}{rlepack}(x, incomparables = FALSE, \dots)
+  \item{x}{ an integer vector }
+  \item{pack}{ FALSE to suppress packing }
+  \item{incomparables}{ just to keep R CMD CHECK quiet (not used) }
+  \item{\dots}{ just to keep R CMD CHECK quiet (not used) }
+  A list with components
+  \item{ first }{ the first element of the packed sequence }
+  \item{ dat   }{ either an object of class \code{\link{rle}} or the complete input vector \code{x} if rle-packing is not efficient }
+  \item{ last  }{ the last element of the packed sequence }
+\author{ Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+  Only for sorted input \code{unique.rlepack(rlepack(x))} will be the same as \code{rlepack(unique(x))}, furthermore \code{rlepack(unique(x))} is faster.
+  Therefore we only use \code{unique.rlepack} only where we have rlepack format from \code{\link[ff]{hi}}
+\seealso{ \code{\link[ff]{hi}}, \code{\link{intrle}}, \code{\link{rle}}, \code{\link{rev}}, \code{\link{unique}} }
+  x <- rlepack(rep(0L, 10))
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ data }
diff --git a/man/setattributes.rd b/man/setattributes.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ae2248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/setattributes.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Attribute setting by reference
+Function \code{setattr} sets a singe attribute  and function \code{setattributes} sets a list of attributes.
+setattr(x, which, value)
+setattributes(x, attributes)
+  \item{x}{
+  \item{which}{
+name of the attribute
+  \item{value}{
+value of the attribute, use NULL to remove this attribute
+  \item{attributes}{
+a named list of attribute values }
+The attributes of 'x' are changed in place without copying x. function \code{setattributes} does only change the named attributes, it does not delete the non-names attributes like \code{\link{attributes}} does.
+  invisible(), we do not return the changed object to remind you of the fact that this function is called for its side-effect of changing its input object.
+  Writing R extensions -- System and foreign language interfaces -- Handling R objects in C -- Attributes (Version 2.11.1 (2010-06-03 ) R Development)
+Jens Oehlschl�gel
+  \code{\link{attr}}  \code{\link{unattr}}
+  x <- as.single(runif(10))
+  attr(x, "Csingle")
+  f <- function(x)attr(x, "Csingle") <- NULL
+  g <- function(x)setattr(x, "Csingle", NULL)
+  f(x)
+  x
+  g(x)
+  x
+ \dontrun{
+  # restart R
+  library(bit)
+  mysingle <- function(length = 0){
+    ret <- double(length)
+    setattr(ret, "Csingle", TRUE)
+    ret
+  }
+  # show that mysinge gives exactly the same result as single
+  identical(single(10), mysingle(10))
+  # look at the speedup and memory-savings of mysingle compared to single
+  system.time(mysingle(1e7))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  system.time(single(1e7))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  # look at the memory limits
+  # on my win32 machine the first line fails beause of not enough RAM, the second works
+  x <- single(1e8)
+  x <- mysingle(1e8)
+  # .g. performance with factors
+  x <- rep(factor(letters), length.out=1e7)
+  x[1:10]
+  # look how fast one can do this
+  system.time(setattr(x, "levels", rev(letters)))
+  x[1:10]
+  # look at the performance loss in time caused by the non-needed copying
+  system.time(levels(x) <- letters)
+  x[1:10]
+  # restart R
+  library(bit)
+  simplefactor <- function(n){
+    factor(rep(1:2, length=n))
+  }
+  mysimplefactor <- function(n){
+    ret <- rep(1:2, length=n)
+    setattr(ret, "levels", as.character(1:2))
+    setattr(ret, "class", "factor")
+    ret
+  }
+  identical(simplefactor(10), mysimplefactor(10))
+  system.time(x <- mysimplefactor(1e7))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  system.time(setattr(x, "levels", c("a","b")))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  x[1:4]
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  rm(x)
+  gc()
+  system.time(x <- simplefactor(1e7))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  system.time(levels(x) <- c("x","y"))
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  x[1:4]
+  memory.size(max=TRUE)
+  rm(x)
+  gc()
+\keyword{ attributes }
diff --git a/man/unattr.rd b/man/unattr.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5af10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/unattr.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Attribute removal
+Returns object with attributes removed
+  \item{x}{
+any R object
+attribute removal copies the object as usual
+a similar object with attributes removed
+Jens Oehlschl�gel
+  \code{\link{attributes}}, \code{\link{setattributes}}, \code{\link{unclass}}
+  bit(2)[]
+  unattr(bit(2)[])
diff --git a/man/vecseq.rd b/man/vecseq.rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9efca51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/vecseq.rd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\title{ Vectorized Sequences }
+  \command{vecseq} returns concatenated multiple sequences
+ vecseq(x, y=NULL, concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE)
+  \item{x}{ vector of sequence start points }
+  \item{y}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+  \item{concat}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+  \item{eval}{ vector of sequence end points (if \code{is.null(y)} then \code{x} are taken as endpoints, all starting at 1) }
+  This is a generalization of \code{\link{sequence}} in that you can choose sequence starts other than 1 and also have options to no concat and/or return a call instead of the evaluated sequence.
+  if \code{concat==FALSE} and \code{eval==FALSE} a list with n calls that generate sequences \cr
+  if \code{concat==FALSE} and \code{eval==TRUE } a list with n sequences \cr
+  if \code{concat==TRUE } and \code{eval==FALSE} a single call generating the concatenated sequences \cr
+  if \code{concat==TRUE } and \code{eval==TRUE } an integer vector of concatentated sequences
+\author{ Angelo Canty, Jens Oehlschl�gel }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{:}}, \code{\link{seq}}, \code{\link{sequence}} }
+  sequence(c(3,4))
+  vecseq(c(3,4))
+  vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15))
+  vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=FALSE, eval=FALSE)
+  vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=FALSE, eval=TRUE)
+  vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=TRUE, eval=FALSE)
+  vecseq(c(1,11), c(5, 15), concat=TRUE, eval=TRUE)
+\keyword{ manip }
diff --git a/src/Makevars b/src/Makevars
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ddcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makevars
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+CC = gcc-4.8 -std=gnu99 -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+CXX = g++-4.8 -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+F77 = gfortran-4.8 -fsanitize=address
+FC = gfortran-4.8 -fsanitize=address
diff --git a/src/attrutil.c b/src/attrutil.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4335f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/attrutil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+void R_bit_set_attr(SEXP x, SEXP which, SEXP value)
+  setAttrib(x, install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(which, 0))), value);  /* xx looking at R sources setAttrib would directly accept a string, however this is not documented */
diff --git a/src/bit.c b/src/bit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afad3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+   1-bit boolean vectors for R
+   first bit is stored in lowest (rightmost) bit of forst word
+   remember that rightshifting is dangerous because we use the sign position
+   Copyright 2008 Jens Oehlschl�gel
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+int BITS;    // number of bits in one word
+int LASTBIT; // last bit in word (=BITS-1)
+ & bitwise and
+ | bitwise or
+ ^ bitwise xor
+ ~ bitwise not
+int *mask0, *mask1;
+void bit_init(int   bits){
+  BITS = bits;
+  LASTBIT = bits - 1;
+  mask0 = calloc(BITS, sizeof(int));
+  mask1 = calloc(BITS, sizeof(int));
+  unsigned int b = 1;
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<BITS; i++){
+    mask1[i] = (int) b;
+    mask0[i] = (int) ~b;
+    //Rprintf("i=%d mask0[i]=%d mask1[i]=%d\n", i, mask0[i], mask1[i]);
+    b = b << 1;
+  }
+void bit_done(){
+  free(mask0);
+  free(mask1);
+SEXP R_bit_init(SEXP bits_){
+  int bits = asInteger(bits_);
+  bit_init(bits);
+  return R_NilValue;
+SEXP R_bit_done(){
+  bit_done();
+  return R_NilValue;
+  copy 'n' bits from 'bfrom' to 'bto' with offset 'oto'
+  NOTE that remaining target bits AFTER the copied area are overwritten with zero
+void bit_shiftcopy(
+  unsigned int *bsource /* bit source */
+, unsigned int *btarget   /* bit target */
+, int otarget    /* offset target */
+, int n      /* number of bits to copy */
+  register int upshift = otarget % BITS;    /* this is used for leftshifting bsource to meet btarget */
+  int downshift = BITS - upshift;
+  register int downshiftrest = downshift - 1;    /* this is used for downshiftresting bsource to meet btarget */
+  int source_i  = 0;
+  int target_i  = otarget;
+  int source_i1 = n - 1;
+  int target_i1 = otarget + n - 1;
+  int source_j  = source_i  / BITS;
+  int target_j  = target_i  / BITS;
+  int source_j1 = source_i1 / BITS;
+  int target_j1 = target_i1 / BITS;
+  //int source_k  = source_i  % BITS;
+  //int target_k  = target_i  % BITS;
+  //int source_k1 = source_i1 % BITS;
+  //int target_k1 = target_i1 % BITS;
+  if (upshift){
+    /* clean the positions of the new bits for the following OR */
+    btarget[target_j] = (((btarget[target_j] << downshift) >> 1) & mask0[LASTBIT]) >> downshiftrest; /* special treatment of the leftmost bit in downshift to make sure the downshift is filled with zeros */
+    /* now copy into part using OR */
+    btarget[target_j] |= bsource[source_j] << upshift;
+    target_j++;
+    for (; source_j<source_j1; source_j++,target_j++){
+      /* & mask0[LASTBIT] */
+      btarget[target_j] = ( ((bsource[source_j] >> 1) & mask0[LASTBIT]) >> downshiftrest ) | ( bsource[source_j+1] << upshift ); /* special treatment of the leftmost bit in downshift to make sure the downshift is filled with zeros */
+    }
+  }else{
+    for (; source_j<source_j1; source_j++,target_j++){
+      btarget[target_j] = bsource[source_j];
+    }
+  }
+  if (target_j==target_j1){
+    if (upshift){
+      /* clean the positions of the new bits for the following OR */
+      btarget[target_j1] = ( ((btarget[target_j1] >> 1) & mask0[LASTBIT]) >> (upshift-1)) << upshift;
+      /*  & mask0[LASTBIT] */
+      btarget[target_j1] |= ( ((bsource[source_j1] >> 1) & mask0[LASTBIT]) >> downshiftrest ); /* special treatment of the leftmost bit in downshift to make sure the downshift is filled with zeros */
+    }else{
+      btarget[target_j1] = bsource[source_j1];
+    }
+  }
+void bit_get(int *b, int *l, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int i=0;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      l[i++] = word & mask1[k] ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      word = b[j];
+      for(k=0 ;k<BITS ;k++){
+        l[i++] = word & mask1[k] ? 1 : 0;
+      }
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1 ;k++){
+      l[i++] = word & mask1[k] ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+  }
+void bit_set(int *b, int *l, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word = 0;  /* this init only to keep compiler quiet */
+  register int i=0;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      if (l[i++])
+        word |= mask1[k];
+      else
+        word &= mask0[k];
+    }
+    b[j] = word;
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      word = b[j];
+      for(k=0 ;k<BITS; k++){
+        if (l[i++])
+          word |= mask1[k];
+        else
+          word &= mask0[k];
+      }
+      b[j] = word;
+    }
+    k = 0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1 ;k++){
+      if (l[i++])
+        word |= mask1[k];
+      else
+        word &= mask0[k];
+    }
+    b[j] = word;
+  }
+void bit_which_positive(int *b, int *l, int from, int to, int offset){
+  register int i=from + offset;
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int h=0;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      if (word & mask1[k])
+        l[h++] = i;
+      i++;
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      word = b[j];
+      for(k=0 ;k<BITS; k++){
+        if (word & mask1[k])
+          l[h++] = i;
+        i++;
+      }
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1 ;k++){
+      if (word & mask1[k])
+        l[h++] = i;
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+void bit_which_negative(int *b, int *l, int from, int to){
+  register int i= -to;
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int h=0;
+  register int k0=from%BITS;
+  register int j0=from/BITS;
+  register int k=to%BITS;
+  register int j=to/BITS;
+  if (j>j0){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k>=0; k--){
+      if (!(word & mask1[k]))
+        l[h++] = i;
+      i++;
+    }
+    for (j--; j>j0; j--){
+      word = b[j];
+      for(k=LASTBIT ;k>=0 ;k--){
+        if (!(word & mask1[k]))
+          l[h++] = i;
+        i++;
+      }
+    }
+    k = LASTBIT;
+  }
+  if (j==j0){
+    word = b[j];
+    for( ;k>=k0 ;k--){
+      if (!(word & mask1[k]))
+        l[h++] = i;
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+void bit_extract(int *b, int *i, int *l, int n){
+  register int il, ib, j, k;
+  for (il=0; il<n; il++){
+    ib = i[il] - 1;
+    j = ib/BITS;
+    k = ib%BITS;
+    l[il] = b[j] & mask1[k] ? 1 : 0;
+    //Rprintf("il=%d ib=%d j=%d k=%d b[j]=%d mask1[k]=%d l[il]=%d\n", il, ib, j, k, b[j], mask1[k], l[il]);
+  }
+void bit_replace(int *b, int *i, int *l, int n){
+  register int il, ib, j, k;
+  for (il=0; il<n; il++){
+    ib = i[il] - 1;
+    j = ib/BITS;
+    k = ib%BITS;
+    //Rprintf("il=%d ib=%d j=%d k=%d b[j]=%d l[il]=%d mask1[k]=%d mask0[k]=%d\n", il, ib, j, k, b[j], l[il], mask1[k], mask0[k]);
+    if (l[il])
+      b[j] |= mask1[k];
+    else
+      b[j] &= mask0[k];
+  }
+void bit_not(int *b, int n){
+  register int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    b[i] = ~b[i];
+  }
+void bit_and(int *b1, int *b2, int *ret, int n){
+  register int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    ret[i] = b1[i] & b2[i];
+  }
+void bit_or(int *b1, int *b2, int *ret, int n){
+  register int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    ret[i] = b1[i] | b2[i];
+  }
+void bit_xor(int *b1, int *b2, int *ret, int n){
+  register int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    ret[i] = b1[i] ^ b2[i];
+  }
+void bit_equal(int *b1, int *b2, int *ret, int n){
+  register int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    ret[i] = ~(b1[i] ^ b2[i]);
+  }
+int bit_sum(int *b, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int s=0;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      if (word & mask1[k])
+        s++;
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      word = b[j];
+      for(k=0; k<BITS; k++){
+        if (word & mask1[k])
+          s++;
+      }
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1; k++){
+      if (word & mask1[k])
+        s++;
+    }
+  }
+  return s;
+int bit_all(int *b, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      if (!(word & mask1[k]))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      if(~(b[j]))
+        return 0;
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1; k++){
+      if (!(word & mask1[k]))
+        return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+int bit_any(int *b, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      if (word & mask1[k])
+        return 1;
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      if(b[j])
+        return 1;
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1; k++){
+      if(b[j])
+        return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int bit_min(int *b, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int k=from%BITS;
+  register int j=from/BITS;
+  register int k1=to%BITS;
+  register int j1=to/BITS;
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    if(word){
+      for(; k<BITS; k++){
+        if (word & mask1[k]){
+          return j*BITS + k + 1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+      word = b[j];
+      if (word)
+        for(k=0; k<BITS ;k++){
+          if (word & mask1[k]){
+            return j*BITS + k + 1;
+          }
+        }
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    if (word)
+      for(; k<=k1; k++){
+        if (word & mask1[k]){
+          return j*BITS+k+1;
+        }
+      }
+  }
+  return NA_INTEGER;
+int bit_max(int *b, int from, int to){
+  from--;
+  to--;
+  register int word;
+  register int k0=from%BITS;
+  register int j0=from/BITS;
+  register int k=to%BITS;
+  register int j=to/BITS;
+  if (j>j0){
+    word = b[j];
+    if (word){
+      for(; k>=0; k--){
+        if (word & mask1[k])
+          return j*BITS+k+1;
+      }
+    }
+    for (j--; j>j0; j--){
+      word = b[j];
+      if (word){
+        for(k=LASTBIT; k>=0; k--){
+          if (word & mask1[k])
+            return j*BITS+k+1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    k=LASTBIT;
+  }
+  if (j==j0){
+    word = b[j];
+    if (word){
+      for(; k>=k0; k--){
+        if (word & mask1[k])
+          return j*BITS+k+1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return NA_INTEGER;
+/* R interface functions -------------------- */
+SEXP R_bit_shiftcopy(
+  SEXP bsource_  /* bit source */
+, SEXP btarget_    /* bit target: assumed FALSE in the target positions and above */
+, SEXP otarget_    /* offset target */
+, SEXP n_      /* number of bits to copy */
+  unsigned int *bsource = (unsigned int*) INTEGER(bsource_);
+  unsigned int *btarget = (unsigned int*) INTEGER(btarget_);
+  int otarget = asInteger(otarget_);
+  int n = asInteger(n_);
+  bit_shiftcopy(bsource, btarget, otarget, n);
+  return(btarget_);
+SEXP R_bit_get(SEXP b_, SEXP l_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *l = LOGICAL(l_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  bit_get(b, l, range[0], range[1]);
+  return(l_);
+SEXP R_bit_get_integer(SEXP b_, SEXP l_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *l = INTEGER(l_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  bit_get(b, l, range[0], range[1]);
+  return(l_);
+SEXP R_bit_set(SEXP b_, SEXP l_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *l = LOGICAL(l_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  bit_set(b, l, range[0], range[1]);
+  return(b_);
+SEXP R_bit_set_integer(SEXP b_, SEXP l_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *l = INTEGER(l_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  bit_set(b, l, range[0], range[1]);
+  return(b_);
+SEXP R_bit_which(SEXP b_, SEXP s_, SEXP range_, SEXP negative_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  int s = asInteger(s_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  int *ret;
+  if (asLogical(negative_)){
+    // negative return
+    PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,s) );
+    ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+    bit_which_negative(b, ret, range[0], range[1]);
+  }else{
+    // positive return
+    PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,s) );
+    ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+    bit_which_positive(b, ret, range[0], range[1], 0);
+  }
+  return(ret_);
+#define HANDLE_TRUE \
+  d = i - li; \
+  li = i; \
+  if (d==ld){ \
+    ln++; \
+  }else{ \
+    val[c] = ld; \
+    len[c] = ln; \
+    s+=ln; \
+    c++; \
+    if (c==n2){ \
+      Free(val); \
+      Free(len); \
+      last = NA_INTEGER; j=j1 + 1; break; \
+    } \
+    ld = d; \
+    ln = 1; \
+  }
+/* last=0 means aborting rle */
+SEXP R_bit_as_hi(SEXP b_, SEXP range_, SEXP offset_)
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  int offset = asInteger(offset_);
+  SEXP ret_, first_, dat_, last_, len_, retnames_;
+  int protectcount = 0;
+  register int word;
+  register int k=(range[0]-1)%BITS;
+  register int j=(range[0]-1)/BITS;
+  int k1=(range[1]-1)%BITS;
+  int j1=(range[1]-1)/BITS;
+  int first = NA_INTEGER;
+  int last = -1;  /* setting this to NA_INTEGER means: abort rle */
+  int  c = 0;               /* rle position */
+  register int  i = NA_INTEGER;       /* position     */
+  register int li = NA_INTEGER;       /* last position */
+  register int  d = NA_INTEGER;       /* difference */
+  register int ld = NA_INTEGER;       /* last difference */
+  register int ln = 0;                /* counter of last difference */
+  int s = 1; /* sum of TRUE */
+  /* begin determine first and first increment d (stored in last_diff ld) */
+  if (j<j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<BITS; k++){
+      //Rprintf(" pre1 j=%d k=%d i=%d\n", j,k, j*BITS+k);
+      if (word & mask1[k]){
+        if (first==NA_INTEGER)
+          first = j*BITS + k;
+        else{
+          li = j*BITS + k;
+          ld = li - first;
+          ln = 1;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!ln){
+      for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+        word = b[j];
+        for(k=0; k<BITS; k++){
+          //Rprintf("main1 j=%d k=%d i=%d\n", j,k, j*BITS+k);
+          if (word & mask1[k]){
+            if (first==NA_INTEGER)
+              first = j*BITS + k;
+            else{
+              li = j*BITS + k;
+              ld = li - first;
+              ln = 1;
+              j = j1 + 1; break;;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    k=0;
+  }
+  if (!ln && j==j1){
+    word = b[j];
+    for(; k<=k1; k++){
+      //Rprintf("post1 j=%d k=%d i=%d\n", j,k, j*BITS+k);
+      if (word & mask1[k]){
+        if (first==NA_INTEGER)
+          first = j*BITS + k;
+        else{
+          li = j*BITS + k;
+          ld = li - first;
+          ln = 1;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* end determine first and first increment d */
+  if (first!=NA_INTEGER){  /* we have found at least one TRUE position */
+    int n = range[1] - first;
+    //Rprintf("CHECK: first=%d last=%d range[0]=%d range[1]=%d n=%d ln=%d\n", first, last, range[0], range[1], n, ln);
+    if (ln && n>=3){
+      /* see function intrle in package ff:
+         max RAM requirement 2x, but rle only if at least 2/3 savings,
+         using 2 instead of 3 would need 50% more time,
+         have max RAM requirement 2.5x for savings of any size
+         NOTE that n is a fuzzy worst case estimate of the number of TRUEs
+         i.e. in some cases we miss the rle abort and use rle although simple positions would cost less RAM
+       */
+      int *val, *len;
+      int n2 = n / 3;
+      val = Calloc(n2, int);
+      len = Calloc(n2, int);
+      i=first+ld;
+      k=(i+1)%BITS;
+      j=(i+1)/BITS;
+      //Rprintf("first=%d li=%d\n", first, li);
+      /* begin determine increments */
+      if (j<j1){
+        word = b[j];
+        for(; k<BITS; k++){
+          i++;
+          //Rprintf(" pre2 j=%d k=%d j*BITS+k=%d i=%d\n", j, k, j*BITS+k, i);
+          if (word & mask1[k]){
+            HANDLE_TRUE
+          }
+        }
+        if (last!=NA_INTEGER){ /* not aborted rle */
+          for (j++; j<j1; j++){
+            word = b[j];
+            for(k=0; k<BITS ;k++){
+              i++;
+              //Rprintf("main2 j=%d k=%d j*BITS+k=%d i=%d\n", j, k, j*BITS+k, i);
+              if (word & mask1[k]){
+                HANDLE_TRUE
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        k = 0;
+      }
+      if (last!=NA_INTEGER && j==j1){ /* not aborted rle */
+        word = b[j];
+        for(; k<=k1; k++){
+          i++;
+          //Rprintf("post2 j=%d k=%d j*BITS+k=%d i=%d\n", j, k, j*BITS+k, i);
+          if (word & mask1[k]){
+            HANDLE_TRUE
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (last!=NA_INTEGER){ /* not aborted rle */
+        int *values, *lengths;
+        SEXP lengths_, values_, datnames_, class_;
+        s += ln;
+        val[c] = ld;
+        len[c] = ln;
+        c++;
+        first++;
+        last = range[1] - (i-li);
+        /* end determine increments */
+        PROTECT( values_ = allocVector(INTSXP, c) );
+        values = INTEGER(values_);
+        for (i=0;i<c;i++)
+          values[i] = val[i];
+        Free(val);
+        PROTECT( lengths_ = allocVector(INTSXP, c) );
+        lengths = INTEGER(lengths_);
+        for (i=0;i<c;i++)
+          lengths[i] = len[i];
+        Free(len);
+        PROTECT( dat_ = allocVector(VECSXP, 2) );
+        PROTECT( datnames_ = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
+        PROTECT( class_ = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
+        SET_STRING_ELT(datnames_, 0, mkChar("lengths"));
+        SET_STRING_ELT(datnames_, 1, mkChar("values"));
+        SET_STRING_ELT(class_, 0, mkChar("rle"));
+        SET_VECTOR_ELT(dat_, 0, lengths_);
+        SET_VECTOR_ELT(dat_, 1, values_);
+        setAttrib(dat_, R_NamesSymbol, datnames_);
+        classgets(dat_, class_);
+        protectcount += 5;
+      }
+    }else{
+      last = NA_INTEGER; /* abort rle */
+    }
+    /* if rle aborted, do the simple positions */
+    if (last==NA_INTEGER){
+      int *dat;
+      first++;
+      s = bit_sum(b, first, range[1]);
+      PROTECT( dat_ = allocVector(INTSXP, s) );
+      dat = INTEGER(dat_);
+      //Rprintf("1: offset=%d first=%d last=%d\n", offset, first, last);
+      bit_which_positive(b, dat, first, range[1], offset);
+      last = dat[s-1] - offset;
+      //Rprintf("2: offset=%d first=%d last=%d\n", offset, first, last);
+      protectcount++;
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* all FALSE */
+    last = NA_INTEGER;
+    s = 0;
+    PROTECT( dat_ = allocVector(INTSXP,0) );
+    protectcount++;
+  }
+  PROTECT( first_ = allocVector(INTSXP, 1) );
+  PROTECT( last_ = allocVector(INTSXP, 1) );
+  PROTECT( len_ = allocVector(INTSXP, 1) );
+  //Rprintf("3: offset=%d first=%d last=%d\n", offset, first, last);
+  INTEGER(first_)[0] = offset + first;
+  INTEGER(last_)[0] = offset + last;
+  INTEGER(len_)[0] = s;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(VECSXP, 4) );
+  PROTECT( retnames_ = allocVector(STRSXP, 4));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(retnames_, 0, mkChar("first"));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(retnames_, 1, mkChar("dat"));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(retnames_, 2, mkChar("last"));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(retnames_, 3, mkChar("len"));
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 0, first_);
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 1, dat_);
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 2, last_);
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 3, len_);
+  setAttrib(ret_, R_NamesSymbol, retnames_);
+  protectcount += 5;
+  UNPROTECT(protectcount);
+  return ret_;
+SEXP R_bit_extract(SEXP b_, SEXP i_, SEXP l_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *i = INTEGER(i_);
+  int *l = LOGICAL(l_);
+  int n = LENGTH(i_);
+  bit_extract(b, i, l, n);
+  return(l_);
+SEXP R_bit_replace(SEXP b_, SEXP i_, SEXP l_, SEXP negative_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *i = INTEGER(i_);
+  int *l = LOGICAL(l_);
+  int n = LENGTH(i_);
+  bit_replace(b, i, l, n);
+  return(b_);
+SEXP R_bit_not(SEXP b_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int n = LENGTH(b_);
+  bit_not(b, n);
+  return(b_);
+SEXP R_bit_and(SEXP b1_, SEXP b2_, SEXP ret_){
+  int *b1 = INTEGER(b1_);
+  int *b2 = INTEGER(b2_);
+  int *ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+  int n = LENGTH(b1_);
+  bit_and(b1, b2, ret, n);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_or(SEXP b1_, SEXP b2_, SEXP ret_){
+  int *b1 = INTEGER(b1_);
+  int *b2 = INTEGER(b2_);
+  int *ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+  int n = LENGTH(b1_);
+  bit_or(b1, b2, ret, n);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_xor(SEXP b1_, SEXP b2_, SEXP ret_){
+  int *b1 = INTEGER(b1_);
+  int *b2 = INTEGER(b2_);
+  int *ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+  int n = LENGTH(b1_);
+  bit_xor(b1, b2, ret, n);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_equal(SEXP b1_, SEXP b2_, SEXP ret_){
+  int *b1 = INTEGER(b1_);
+  int *b2 = INTEGER(b2_);
+  int *ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+  int n = LENGTH(b1_);
+  bit_equal(b1, b2, ret, n);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_sum(SEXP b_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,1) );
+  INTEGER(ret_)[0] = bit_sum(b, range[0],  range[1]);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_all(SEXP b_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(LGLSXP,1) );
+  LOGICAL(ret_)[0] = bit_all(b, range[0],  range[1]);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_any(SEXP b_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(LGLSXP,1) );
+  LOGICAL(ret_)[0] = bit_any(b, range[0],  range[1]);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_min(SEXP b_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,1) );
+  INTEGER(ret_)[0] = bit_min(b, range[0],  range[1]);
+  return(ret_);
+SEXP R_bit_max(SEXP b_, SEXP range_){
+  int *b = INTEGER(b_);
+  int *range = INTEGER(range_);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,1) );
+  INTEGER(ret_)[0] = bit_max(b, range[0],  range[1]);
+  return(ret_);
+// performance tests without bit
+void filter_getset(int *l1, int *l2, int n){
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<n; i++){
+    if (l1[i])
+      l2[i] = 1;
+    else
+      l2[i] = 0;
+  }
+SEXP R_filter_getset(SEXP l1_, SEXP l2_){
+  int *l1 = LOGICAL(l1_);
+  int *l2 = LOGICAL(l2_);
+  int n = LENGTH(l1_);
+  filter_getset(l1, l2, n);
+  return(l2_);
diff --git a/src/chunkutil.c b/src/chunkutil.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8948d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chunkutil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# C-Code for chunk utilities
+# (c) 2012 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2012-12-02
+# Last changed:  2012-12-02
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+SEXP R_bit_vecseq(SEXP x_, SEXP y_)
+    int *x,*y,*ret;
+    register int val, lim;
+    R_len_t K,k,n,i;
+    SEXP ret_;
+    // if (!isInteger(x_))
+      // error("x must be an integer vector");
+    // if (!isInteger(y_))
+      // error("y must be an integer vector");
+    K = LENGTH(x_);
+    // if (LENGTH(y_) != K) error("x and y must be the same length");
+    x = INTEGER(x_);
+    y = INTEGER(y_);
+    n = 0;
+    for (k=0; k<K; k++) 
+      n += x[k] < y[k] ? y[k] - x[k] + 1 : x[k] - y[k] + 1;
+    ret_ = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, n));
+    ret = INTEGER(ret_);
+    i = 0;
+    for (k=0; k<K; k++) {
+      lim = y[k];
+      val = x[k];
+      if (val < lim){
+        while(val<=lim){
+          ret[i++] = val++;
+        }
+      }else{
+        while(val>=lim){
+          ret[i++] = val--;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    UNPROTECT(1);
+    return(ret_);
diff --git a/src/clone.c b/src/clone.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b8b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clone.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#  cloning and identity querying
+# (c) 2014 Jens Oehlschl�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+// SEXP R_bit_named(SEXP x){
+  // SEXP ret_; 
+  // PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(INTSXP,1) );
+  // INTEGER(ret_)[0] = NAMED(x);
+  // UNPROTECT(1);
+  // return ret_;
+// }
+SEXP r_ram_truly_identical(
+  SEXP x_
+, SEXP y_
+	SEXP ret_;
+	Rboolean ret;
+	if(!isVectorAtomic(x_)){
+		error("SEXP is not atomic vector");
+			return R_NilValue;
+	}
+	if (TYPEOF(x_)!=TYPEOF(y_)){
+		error("vectors don't have identic type");
+		return R_NilValue;
+	}
+	//somehow is DATAPTR not declared: ret = DATAPTR(x_)==DATAPTR(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+    switch (TYPEOF(x_)) {
+    case CHARSXP:
+		ret = CHAR(x_)==CHAR(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    case LGLSXP:
+		ret = LOGICAL(x_)==LOGICAL(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+    case INTSXP:
+		ret = INTEGER(x_)==INTEGER(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    case REALSXP:
+		ret = REAL(x_)==REAL(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    case CPLXSXP:
+		ret = COMPLEX(x_)==COMPLEX(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    case STRSXP:
+		ret = STRING_PTR(x_)==STRING_PTR(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    case VECSXP:
+		ret = VECTOR_PTR(x_)==VECTOR_PTR(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+    case RAWSXP:
+		ret = RAW(x_)==RAW(y_) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+	break;
+    default:
+		error("unimplemented type in truly.identical");
+		return R_NilValue;
+    }
+	if (LENGTH(x_)!=LENGTH(y_)){
+		ret = FALSE;
+	}
+	PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1) );
+	INTEGER(ret_)[0] = ret;
+	return ret_;
diff --git a/src/rle.c b/src/rle.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feb2315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rle.c
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# fast rle handling for bit and ff
+# (c) 2007-2009 Jens Oehlsch�gel
+# Licence: GPL2
+# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
+# Created: 2007-08-24
+# Last changed: 2007-11-29
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+/* check for NA and not sorted ascending
+   stop on finding NA but not on finding unsorted
+   (guarantee any NA is found)
+   return 0 (OK) 1 (unsorted) 2 (has NA)
+SEXP int_check_ascending(SEXP x)
+  Rboolean status=TRUE;
+  int i;
+  int n = LENGTH(x);
+  int *p = INTEGER(x);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1) );
+  if (n){
+    if (p[0]==NA_INTEGER){
+      status=NA_LOGICAL;
+    }else{
+      for (i=1;i<n;i++){
+        if (p[i]==NA_INTEGER){
+          status = NA_LOGICAL;
+          break;
+        }else if (p[i]<p[i-1]){
+          status = FALSE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  INTEGER(ret_)[0] = status;
+  return ret_;
+/* check for not sorted descending
+   stop on finding unsorted
+   (assume check for NAs has already be done successfully: no NAs)
+   return 0 (OK) 1 (unsorted)
+SEXP int_check_descending(SEXP x)
+  Rboolean status=TRUE;
+  int i;
+  int n = LENGTH(x);
+  int *p = INTEGER(x);
+  SEXP ret_;
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1) );
+  if (n){
+    for (i=1;i<n;i++){
+      if (p[i]>p[i-1]){
+        status = FALSE;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  INTEGER(ret_)[0] = status;
+  return ret_;
+/* create integer rle
+   NOTE if rle is not efficient we return NULL instead of an rle object
+SEXP int_rle(SEXP x_)
+  register int lv,ln,i,c=0;
+  int n2, n = LENGTH(x_);
+  if (n<3)
+    return R_NilValue;
+  n2 = n / 3; /* xx max RAM requirement 2x, but rle only if at least 2/3 savings, using 2 instead of 3 would need 50% more time, have max RAM requirement 2.5x for savings of any size */
+  int *x = INTEGER(x_);
+  int *val, *len, *values, *lengths;
+  SEXP ret_, lengths_, values_, names_, class_;
+  val = Calloc(n2, int);
+  len = Calloc(n2, int);
+  if (n){
+    lv = x[0];
+    ln = 1;
+    for (i=1;i<n;i++){
+      if (x[i]==lv){
+        ln++;
+      }else{
+        val[c] = lv;
+        len[c] = ln;
+        c++;
+        if (c==n2){
+          Free(val);
+          Free(len);
+          return R_NilValue;
+        }
+        lv = x[i];
+        ln = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    val[c] = lv;
+    len[c] = ln;
+    c++;
+  }
+  PROTECT( values_ = allocVector(INTSXP, c) );
+  values = INTEGER(values_);
+  for (i=0;i<c;i++)
+    values[i] = val[i];
+  Free(val);
+  PROTECT( lengths_ = allocVector(INTSXP, c) );
+  lengths = INTEGER(lengths_);
+  for (i=0;i<c;i++)
+    lengths[i] = len[i];
+  Free(len);
+  PROTECT( ret_ = allocVector(VECSXP, 2) );
+  PROTECT( names_ = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
+  PROTECT( class_ = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(names_, 0, mkChar("lengths"));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(names_, 1, mkChar("values"));
+  SET_STRING_ELT(class_, 0, mkChar("rle"));
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 0, lengths_);
+  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret_, 1, values_);
+  setAttrib(ret_, R_NamesSymbol, names_);
+  classgets(ret_, class_);
+  return ret_;

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