[med-svn] [r-cran-crul] 02/04: New upstream version 0.2.0
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Sun Oct 1 21:04:03 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-crul.
commit 4cafab2c26ddf49c72d7253b4228172432e09668
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Sun Oct 1 22:58:44 2017 +0200
New upstream version 0.2.0
MD5 | 48 +++++
NEWS.md | 55 +++++
R/body.R | 85 ++++++++
R/client.R | 291 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
R/crul-package.r | 21 ++
R/curl-options.R | 21 ++
R/curl_options.R | 13 ++
R/fetch.R | 12 ++
R/handle.R | 15 ++
R/headers.R | 11 +
R/http-headers.R | 35 +++
R/make_url.R | 39 ++++
R/post-requests.R | 46 ++++
R/query.R | 28 +++
R/response.R | 155 ++++++++++++++
R/use_agent.R | 8 +
R/writing-options.R | 18 ++
R/zzz.R | 3 +
README.md | 248 +++++++++++++++++++++
build/vignette.rds | Bin 0 -> 209 bytes
debian/README.test | 8 -
debian/changelog | 5 -
debian/compat | 1 -
debian/control | 32 ---
debian/copyright | 32 ---
debian/docs | 3 -
debian/rules | 5 -
debian/source/format | 1 -
debian/tests/control | 5 -
debian/tests/run-unit-test | 17 --
debian/watch | 2 -
inst/doc/crul_vignette.Rmd | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/crul_vignette.html | 450 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
inst/vign/crul_vignette.Rmd | 156 ++++++++++++++
inst/vign/crul_vignette.md | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
man/HttpClient.Rd | 95 +++++++++
man/HttpResponse.Rd | 64 ++++++
man/crul-package.Rd | 29 +++
man/curl-options.Rd | 27 +++
man/handle.Rd | 25 +++
man/http-headers.Rd | 41 ++++
man/post-requests.Rd | 52 +++++
man/writing-options.Rd | 24 +++
tests/test-all.R | 2 +
tests/testthat/test-client.R | 23 ++
tests/testthat/test-delete.R | 38 ++++
tests/testthat/test-get.R | 43 ++++
tests/testthat/test-head.R | 20 ++
tests/testthat/test-headers.R | 25 +++
tests/testthat/test-patch.R | 38 ++++
tests/testthat/test-paths.R | 47 ++++
tests/testthat/test-post.R | 38 ++++
tests/testthat/test-put.R | 38 ++++
tests/testthat/test-query.R | 35 +++
tests/testthat/test-status.R | 39 ++++
tests/testthat/test-user-agent.R | 12 ++
vignettes/crul_vignette.Rmd | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
60 files changed, 3392 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902c44c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Package: crul
+Title: HTTP Client
+Description: A simple HTTP client, with tools for making HTTP requests,
+ and mocking HTTP requests. The package is built on R6, and takes
+ inspiration from Ruby's 'faraday' gem (<https://rubygems.org/gems/faraday>).
+ The package name is a play on curl, the widely used command line tool
+ for HTTP, and this package is built on top of the R package 'curl', an
+ interface to 'libcurl' (<https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl>).
+Version: 0.2.0
+License: MIT + file LICENSE
+Authors at R: c(
+ person("Scott", "Chamberlain", role = c("aut", "cre"),
+ email = "myrmecocystus at gmail.com")
+ )
+URL: https://github.com/ropensci/crul
+BugReports: https://github.com/ropensci/crul/issues
+Imports: curl (>= 2.2), R6 (>= 2.2.0), urltools (>= 1.6.0), httpcode
+ (>= 0.2.0), mime
+Suggests: testthat, fauxpas (>= 0.1.0), knitr, covr, jsonlite
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
+RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
+NeedsCompilation: no
+Packaged: 2017-01-03 15:18:41 UTC; sacmac
+Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre]
+Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus at gmail.com>
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2017-01-03 16:27:27
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ee2c7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+YEAR: 2017
+COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Scott Chamberlain
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e85ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+a6f6fbc16cd71616d681a37cb3c912e9 *DESCRIPTION
+c5af52351472a750055a760a8924ce71 *LICENSE
+ccfd2548d37213f1c9fb4ed441c441e1 *NAMESPACE
+863807c45f19cb9c253d7a29dae2eabb *NEWS.md
+c6de1547ab52ff1cd67fb5c6aeeac61d *R/body.R
+01ee24174d618c7272c081739e07c1e7 *R/client.R
+c2c1b73d8f35cf3a5d89fbd07020e28c *R/crul-package.r
+5cb4fcba89003e2e8188b5c08a7a9f04 *R/curl-options.R
+ce31dc346613d071e58f07d49bdb14eb *R/curl_options.R
+8f916ca18e13c4b6c544f2c284b9fabf *R/fetch.R
+2dfad3475055103724c39b36f6ac1d2a *R/handle.R
+7fe1bb2e5890da2188c2f3099ef5ccc1 *R/headers.R
+0cd2754bc2668203d10a1431d2713c4e *R/http-headers.R
+9141860e68614c1ec7ff6b7381f5f808 *R/make_url.R
+3d4be1045a245a5ab31e88b3bec7fef4 *R/post-requests.R
+bbc44d0c12732851f73d1f556098317a *R/query.R
+e1c677d21d92379174d5d4e6e35895ab *R/response.R
+14c11771d130c3cc4ba9e9f475a2951d *R/use_agent.R
+c92e901a06260e4175002099a617aa60 *R/writing-options.R
+226c3a16c73ea8dd62a69524df930908 *R/zzz.R
+f4aca5d2f32af09d109570d33de13836 *README.md
+13d67e238649588f477b9dfd996b8269 *build/vignette.rds
+02bf1952e659c0bd4a564da66c12c9db *inst/doc/crul_vignette.Rmd
+3cbc48c791a977d09be812762d3959b7 *inst/doc/crul_vignette.html
+80d1d44e24d667bc689d3ae88f6ce364 *inst/vign/crul_vignette.Rmd
+02bf1952e659c0bd4a564da66c12c9db *inst/vign/crul_vignette.md
+a10ec0e1878c2413d815012af25f9ac7 *man/HttpClient.Rd
+20a2ec2ab50ab466c0a5df70e6e737cf *man/HttpResponse.Rd
+238334b1249de8c8a108cd7eeba6bd87 *man/crul-package.Rd
+17b7aa113d4e3f2bb27181a0f30aec86 *man/curl-options.Rd
+099cc621daf091046a95667588044cb3 *man/handle.Rd
+cb453c1382bb59334acf15f7565933bc *man/http-headers.Rd
+42bfec87af6ea9ee8c034a1945b55789 *man/post-requests.Rd
+65da7a25eb2fa7bceb0ac867acbe4034 *man/writing-options.Rd
+9d086d73e3d68be9f055a6103bf7be39 *tests/test-all.R
+18d7e9ae1cd3375c8c646e6af971fae0 *tests/testthat/test-client.R
+411b885d9cffa5d35c8c76640b33dace *tests/testthat/test-delete.R
+81c982a6d03502e5b48ce38d581e8fe8 *tests/testthat/test-get.R
+f703252d231c221048dbdd8e74db7a49 *tests/testthat/test-head.R
+7302796a88a8ed8326239c4cced4726a *tests/testthat/test-headers.R
+d97a38299ad7f3501b4bfc9aeab50310 *tests/testthat/test-patch.R
+1acaf78df767322f37911a1925f1eda1 *tests/testthat/test-paths.R
+8e092d174768345a088f0ff4388542e9 *tests/testthat/test-post.R
+2ee7f4b175d689c27227a8bb91bb2d6d *tests/testthat/test-put.R
+edd29a7dd644adb3389cf4dca2bd5f2e *tests/testthat/test-query.R
+ae1547b89f973f29f0d21fd526ccb7ce *tests/testthat/test-status.R
+b66e8ddf24d1ff5ffe66761e00d75a0e *tests/testthat/test-user-agent.R
+02bf1952e659c0bd4a564da66c12c9db *vignettes/crul_vignette.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a539e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6b519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+crul 0.2.0
+* Created new manual files for various tasks to document
+usage better (#19)
+* URL encode paths - should fix any bugs where spaces between words
+caused errors previously (#17)
+* URL encode query parameters - should fix any bugs where spaces between words
+caused errors previously (#11)
+* request headers now passed correctly to response object (#13)
+* response headers now parsed to a list for easier access (#14)
+* Now supporting multiple query parameters of the same name, wasn't
+possible in last version (#15)
+crul 0.1.6
+* Improved options for using curl options. Can manually add
+to list of curl options or pass in via `...`. And we
+check that user doesn't pass in prohibited options
+(`curl` package takes care of checking that options
+are valid) (#5)
+* Incorporated `fauxpas` package for dealing with HTTP
+conditions. It's a Suggest, so only used if installed (#6)
+* Added support for streaming via `curl::curl_fetch_stream`.
+`stream` param defaults to `NULL` (thus ignored), or pass in a
+function to use streaming. Only one of memory, streaming or
+disk allowed. (#9)
+* Added support for streaming via `curl::curl_fetch_disk`.
+`disk` param defaults to `NULL` (thus ignored), or pass in a
+path to write to disk instead of use memory. Only one of memory,
+streaming or disk allowed. (#12)
+* Added missing `raise_for_status()` method on the
+`HttpResponse` class (#10)
+* Was importing `httpcode` but wasn't using it in the package.
+Now using the package in `HttpResponse`
+crul 0.1.0
+* Released to CRAN.
diff --git a/R/body.R b/R/body.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c198a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/body.R
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+make_type <- function(x) {
+ if (is.null(x)) {
+ return()
+ }
+ if (substr(x, 1, 1) == ".") {
+ x <- mime::guess_type(x, empty = NULL)
+ }
+ list(`Content-Type` = x)
+# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
+raw_body <- function(body, type = NULL) {
+ if (is.character(body)) {
+ body <- charToRaw(paste(body, collapse = "\n"))
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.raw(body))
+ list(
+ opts = list(
+ post = TRUE,
+ postfieldsize = length(body),
+ postfields = body
+ ),
+ type = make_type(type %||% "")
+ )
+# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
+prep_body <- function(body, encode, type = NULL) {
+ if (identical(body, FALSE)) {
+ return(list(opts = list(post = TRUE, nobody = TRUE)))
+ }
+ if (is.character(body) || is.raw(body)) {
+ return(raw_body(body, type = type))
+ }
+ if ("files" %in% names(body)) {
+ con <- file(body$files$path, "rb")
+ size <- file.info(body$files$path)$size
+ return(
+ list(
+ post = TRUE,
+ readfunction = function(nbytes, ...) {
+ if (is.null(con)) return(raw())
+ bin <- readBin(con, "raw", nbytes)
+ if (length(bin) < nbytes) {
+ close(con)
+ con <<- NULL
+ }
+ bin
+ },
+ postfieldsize_large = size,
+ type = make_type(body$type)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ if (is.null(body)) {
+ return(raw_body(raw()))
+ }
+ if (!is.list(body)) {
+ stop("Unknown type of `body`: must be NULL, FALSE, character, raw or list",
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ body <- ccp(body)
+ if (!encode %in% c('raw', 'form', 'json', 'multipart')) {
+ stop("encode must be one of raw, form, json, or multipart", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (encode == "raw") {
+ raw_body(body)
+ } else if (encode == "form") {
+ raw_body(make_query(body), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+ } else if (encode == "json") {
+ raw_body(jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox = TRUE), "application/json")
+ } else if (encode == "multipart") {
+ if (!all(has_name(body))) {
+ stop("All components of body must be named", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ list(
+ opts = list(
+ post = TRUE
+ ),
+ fields = lapply(body, as.character)
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/R/client.R b/R/client.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f03a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/client.R
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#' HTTP client
+#' @export
+#' @param url (character) A url. One of \code{url} or \code{handle} required.
+#' @param opts (list) curl options
+#' @param handle A handle
+#' @details
+#' \strong{Methods}
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\code{get(path, query, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a GET request
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{post(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a POST request
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{put(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a PUT request
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{patch(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a PATCH request
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{delete(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a DELETE request
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{head(path, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+#' Make a HEAD request
+#' }
+#' }
+#' @format NULL
+#' @usage NULL
+#' @details Possible parameters (not all are allowed in each HTTP verb):
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item path - URL path, appended to the base URL
+#' \item query - query terms, as a list
+#' \item body - body as an R list
+#' \item encode - one of form, multipart, json, or raw
+#' \item disk - a path to write to. if NULL (default), memory used
+#' \item stream - an R function to determine how to stream data. if
+#' NULL (default), memory used
+#' \item ... curl options, only those in the acceptable set from
+#' \code{\link[curl]{curl_options}} except the following: httpget, httppost,
+#' post, postfields, postfieldsize, and customrequest
+#' }
+#' @seealso \code{\link{post-requests}}, \code{\link{http-headers}},
+#' \code{\link{writing-options}}
+#' @examples
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' x$url
+#' (res_get1 <- x$get('get'))
+#' res_get1$content
+#' res_get1$response_headers
+#' res_get1$parse()
+#' (res_get2 <- x$get('get', query = list(hello = "world")))
+#' res_get2$parse()
+#' library("jsonlite")
+#' jsonlite::fromJSON(res_get2$parse())
+#' # post request
+#' (res_post <- x$post('post', body = list(hello = "world")))
+#' ## empty body request
+#' x$post('post')
+#' # put request
+#' (res_put <- x$put('put'))
+#' # delete request
+#' (res_delete <- x$delete('delete'))
+#' # patch request
+#' (res_patch <- x$patch('patch'))
+#' # head request
+#' (res_head <- x$head())
+#' # query params are URL encoded for you, so DO NOT do it yourself
+#' ## if you url encode yourself, it gets double encoded, and that's bad
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' res <- x$get("get", query = list(a = 'hello world'), verbose = TRUE)
+HttpClient <- R6::R6Class(
+ 'HttpClient',
+ public = list(
+ url = NULL,
+ opts = list(),
+ headers = list(),
+ handle = NULL,
+ print = function(x, ...) {
+ cat("<crul connection> ", sep = "\n")
+ cat(paste0(" url: ", if (is.null(self$url)) self$handle$url else self$url), sep = "\n")
+ cat(" options: ", sep = "\n")
+ for (i in seq_along(self$opts)) {
+ cat(sprintf(" %s: %s", names(self$opts)[i],
+ self$opts[[i]]), sep = "\n")
+ }
+ cat(" headers: ", sep = "\n")
+ for (i in seq_along(self$headers)) {
+ cat(sprintf(" %s: %s", names(self$headers)[i],
+ self$headers[[i]]), sep = "\n")
+ }
+ invisible(self)
+ },
+ initialize = function(url, opts, headers, handle) {
+ if (!missing(url)) self$url <- url
+ if (!missing(opts)) self$opts <- opts
+ if (!missing(headers)) self$headers <- headers
+ if (!missing(handle)) self$handle <- handle
+ if (is.null(self$url) && is.null(self$handle)) {
+ stop("need one of url or handle", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ },
+ get = function(path = NULL, query = list(), disk = NULL,
+ stream = NULL, ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, query)
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "get",
+ options = list(
+ httpget = TRUE,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ ),
+ headers = self$headers
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ },
+ post = function(path = NULL, query = list(), body = NULL, disk = NULL,
+ stream = NULL, encode = "multipart", ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, query)
+ # opts <- list(post = TRUE)
+ # if (is.null(body)) {
+ # opts$postfields <- raw(0)
+ # opts$postfieldsize <- 0
+ # }
+ opts <- prep_body(body, encode)
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "post",
+ options = as.list(c(
+ opts$opts,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ )),
+ headers = c(self$headers, opts$type),
+ fields = opts$fields
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ },
+ put = function(path = NULL, query = list(), body = NULL, disk = NULL,
+ stream = NULL, encode = NULL, ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, query)
+ opts <- list(customrequest = "PUT")
+ if (is.null(body)) {
+ opts$postfields <- raw(0)
+ opts$postfieldsize <- 0
+ }
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "put",
+ options = c(
+ opts,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ ),
+ headers = self$headers,
+ fields = body
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ },
+ patch = function(path = NULL, query = list(), body = NULL, disk = NULL,
+ stream = NULL, encode = NULL, ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, query)
+ opts <- list(customrequest = "PATCH")
+ if (is.null(body)) {
+ opts$postfields <- raw(0)
+ opts$postfieldsize <- 0
+ }
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "patch",
+ options = c(
+ opts,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ ),
+ headers = self$headers,
+ fields = body
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ },
+ delete = function(path = NULL, query = list(), body = NULL, disk = NULL,
+ stream = NULL, encode = NULL, ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, query)
+ opts <- list(customrequest = "DELETE")
+ if (is.null(body)) {
+ opts$postfields <- raw(0)
+ opts$postfieldsize <- 0
+ }
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "delete",
+ options = c(
+ opts,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ ),
+ headers = self$headers,
+ fields = body
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ },
+ head = function(path = NULL, disk = NULL, stream = NULL, ...) {
+ curl_opts_check(...)
+ url <- make_url(self$url, self$handle, path, NULL)
+ opts <- list(customrequest = "HEAD", nobody = TRUE)
+ rr <- list(
+ url = url,
+ method = "head",
+ options = c(
+ opts,
+ useragent = make_ua()
+ ),
+ headers = self$headers
+ )
+ rr$options <- utils::modifyList(rr$options, c(self$opts, ...))
+ rr$disk <- disk
+ rr$stream <- stream
+ private$make_request(rr)
+ }
+ ),
+ private = list(
+ request = NULL,
+ make_request = function(opts) {
+ if (xor(!is.null(opts$disk), !is.null(opts$stream))) {
+ if (!is.null(opts$disk) && !is.null(opts$stream)) {
+ stop("disk and stream can not be used together", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ }
+ curl::handle_setopt(opts$url$handle, .list = opts$options)
+ if (!is.null(opts$fields)) {
+ curl::handle_setform(opts$url$handle, .list = opts$fields)
+ }
+ curl::handle_setheaders(opts$url$handle, .list = opts$headers)
+ on.exit(curl::handle_reset(opts$url$handle), add = TRUE)
+ resp <- crul_fetch(opts)
+ HttpResponse$new(
+ method = opts$method,
+ url = resp$url,
+ status_code = resp$status_code,
+ request_headers = c(useragent = opts$options$useragent, opts$headers),
+ response_headers = {
+ headers_parse(curl::parse_headers(rawToChar(resp$headers)))
+ },
+ modified = resp$modified,
+ times = resp$times,
+ content = resp$content,
+ handle = opts$url$handle,
+ request = opts
+ )
+ }
+ )
diff --git a/R/crul-package.r b/R/crul-package.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3a6bbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/crul-package.r
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#' \strong{HTTP R client}
+#' @section Package API:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item \code{\link{HttpClient}} - create a connection client, set all
+#' your http options, make http requests
+#' \item \code{\link{HttpResponse}} - mostly for internal use, handles
+#' http responses
+#' }
+#' @section HTTP conditions:
+#' We use \code{fauxpas} if you have it installed for handling HTTP
+#' conditions but if it's not installed we use \pkg{httpcode}
+#' @import curl
+#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
+#' @name crul-package
+#' @aliases crul
+#' @author Scott Chamberlain \email{myrmecocystus@@gmail.com}
+#' @docType package
diff --git a/R/curl-options.R b/R/curl-options.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d5920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/curl-options.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#' curl options
+#' @name curl-options
+#' @examples
+#' # set curl options on client initialization
+#' (res <- HttpClient$new(
+#' url = "https://httpbin.org",
+#' opts = list(
+#' verbose = TRUE,
+#' useragent = "hello world"
+#' )
+#' ))
+#' res$opts
+#' res$get('get')
+#' # or set curl options when performing HTTP operation
+#' (res <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' res$get('get', verbose = TRUE)
+#' \dontrun{res$get('get', stuff = "things")}
+#' \dontrun{res$get('get', httpget = TRUE)}
diff --git a/R/curl_options.R b/R/curl_options.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b4071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/curl_options.R
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+nonacccurl <- c("httpget", "httppost", "post", "postfields",
+ "postfieldsize", "customrequest")
+curl_opts_check <- function(...) {
+ x <- list(...)
+ if (any(names(x) %in% nonacccurl)) {
+ stop(
+ paste0("the following curl options are not allowed:\n ",
+ paste(nonacccurl, collapse = ", ")),
+ call. = FALSE
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/R/fetch.R b/R/fetch.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f18de03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/fetch.R
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+crul_fetch <- function(x) {
+ if (is.null(x$disk) && is.null(x$stream)) {
+ # memory
+ curl::curl_fetch_memory(x$url$url, handle = x$url$handle)
+ } else if (!is.null(x$disk)) {
+ # disk
+ curl::curl_fetch_disk(x$url$url, x$disk, handle = x$url$handle)
+ } else {
+ # stream
+ curl::curl_fetch_stream(x$url$url, x$stream, handle = x$url$handle)
+ }
diff --git a/R/handle.R b/R/handle.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f0068f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/handle.R
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#' Make a handle
+#' @export
+#' @param url (character) A url. required.
+#' @param ... options passed on to \code{\link[curl]{new_handle}}
+#' @examples
+#' handle("https://httpbin.org")
+#' # handles - pass in your own handle
+#' h <- handle("https://httpbin.org")
+#' (res <- HttpClient$new(handle = h))
+#' out <- res$get("get")
+handle <- function(url, ...) {
+ list(url = url, handle = curl::new_handle(...))
diff --git a/R/headers.R b/R/headers.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9584014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/headers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+head_parse <- function(z) {
+ if (grepl("HTTP\\/", z)) {
+ list(status = z)
+ } else {
+ ff <- regexec("^([^:]*):\\s*(.*)$", z)
+ xx <- regmatches(z, ff)[[1]]
+ as.list(stats::setNames(xx[[3]], tolower(xx[[2]])))
+ }
+headers_parse <- function(x) do.call("c", lapply(x, head_parse))
diff --git a/R/http-headers.R b/R/http-headers.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f8265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/http-headers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#' Working with HTTP headers
+#' @name http-headers
+#' @examples
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' # set headers
+#' (res <- HttpClient$new(
+#' url = "https://httpbin.org",
+#' opts = list(
+#' verbose = TRUE
+#' ),
+#' headers = list(
+#' a = "stuff",
+#' b = "things"
+#' )
+#' ))
+#' res$headers
+#' # reassign header value
+#' res$headers$a <- "that"
+#' # define new header
+#' res$headers$c <- "what"
+#' # request
+#' res$get('get')
+#' ## setting content-type via headers
+#' (res <- HttpClient$new(
+#' url = "https://httpbin.org",
+#' opts = list(
+#' verbose = TRUE
+#' ),
+#' headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json")
+#' ))
+#' res$get('get')
diff --git a/R/make_url.R b/R/make_url.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a47616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/make_url.R
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+make_url <- function(url = NULL, handle = NULL, path, query) {
+ if (!is.null(handle)) {
+ url <- handle$url
+ } else {
+ handle <- list(handle = curl::new_handle())
+ }
+ if (!is.null(path)) {
+ urltools::path(url) <- path
+ }
+ url <- gsub("\\s", "%20", url)
+ url <- add_query(query, url)
+ # if (length(query)) {
+ # for (i in seq_along(query)) {
+ # url <- urltools::param_set(url, names(query)[i], query[[i]])
+ # }
+ # }
+ return(list(url = url, handle = handle$handle))
+# query <- list(a = 5, a = 6)
+# query <- list(a = 5)
+# query <- list()
+# add_query(query, "https://httpbin.org")
+add_query <- function(x, url) {
+ if (length(x)) {
+ quer <- list()
+ for (i in seq_along(x)) {
+ quer[[i]] <- paste(names(x)[i], urltools::url_encode(x[[i]]), sep = "=")
+ }
+ parms <- paste0(quer, collapse = "&")
+ paste0(url, "?", parms)
+ } else {
+ return(url)
+ }
diff --git a/R/post-requests.R b/R/post-requests.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a43f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/post-requests.R
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#' HTTP POST requests
+#' @name post-requests
+#' @examples
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' # post request
+#' (res_post <- x$post('post', body = list(hello = "world")))
+#' ## empty body request
+#' x$post('post')
+#' ## form requests
+#' (cli <- HttpClient$new(
+#' url = "http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/advsearch.do"
+#' ))
+#' cli$post(
+#' encode = "form",
+#' body = list(
+#' page = 'advancedSearch',
+#' genus = 'Gagea',
+#' species = 'pratensis',
+#' selectedLevel = 'cont'
+#' )
+#' )
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' res <- x$post("post",
+#' encode = "json",
+#' body = list(
+#' genus = 'Gagea',
+#' species = 'pratensis'
+#' )
+#' )
+#' jsonlite::fromJSON(res$parse())
+#' # path <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_DOC_DIR"), "html/logo.jpg")
+#' # (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' # x$post("post",
+#' # body = list(
+#' # files = list(path = path)
+#' # )
+#' # )
diff --git a/R/query.R b/R/query.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6aa3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/query.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
+encode <- function(x) {
+ if (inherits(x, "AsIs"))
+ return(x)
+ curl::curl_escape(x)
+# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
+has_name <- function(x) {
+ nms <- names(x)
+ if (is.null(nms)) return(rep(FALSE, length(x)))
+ !is.na(nms) & nms != ""
+# adapted from https://github.com/hadley/httr
+make_query <- function(x) {
+ if (length(x) == 0) {
+ return("")
+ }
+ if (!all(has_name(x))) {
+ stop("All components of query must be named", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.list(x))
+ x <- ccp(x)
+ names <- curl::curl_escape(names(x))
+ values <- vapply(x, encode, character(1))
+ paste0(names, "=", values, collapse = "&")
diff --git a/R/response.R b/R/response.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1bb5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/response.R
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#' Base response object
+#' @export
+#' @param url (character) A url
+#' @param opts (list) curl options
+#' @param handle A handle
+#' @details
+#' \strong{Methods}
+#' \describe{
+#' \item{\code{parse()}}{
+#' Parse the raw response content to text
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{success()}}{
+#' Was status code less than or equal to 201.
+#' returns boolean
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{status_http()}}{
+#' Get HTTP status code, message, and explanation
+#' }
+#' \item{\code{raise_for_status()}}{
+#' Check HTTP status and stop with appropriate
+#' HTTP error code and message if >= 300.
+#' - If you have \code{fauxpas} installed we use that,
+#' otherwise use \pkg{httpcode}
+#' }
+#' }
+#' @format NULL
+#' @usage NULL
+#' @examples
+#' x <- HttpResponse$new(method = "get", url = "https://httpbin.org")
+#' x$url
+#' x$method
+#' x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org')
+#' (res <- x$get('get'))
+#' res$request_headers
+#' res$response_headers
+#' res$parse()
+#' res$status_code
+#' res$status_http()
+#' res$status_http()$status_code
+#' res$status_http()$message
+#' res$status_http()$explanation
+#' res$success()
+#' x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org/status/404')
+#' (res <- x$get())
+#' \dontrun{res$raise_for_status()}
+#' x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org/status/414')
+#' (res <- x$get())
+#' \dontrun{res$raise_for_status()}
+HttpResponse <- R6::R6Class(
+ 'HttpResponse',
+ public = list(
+ method = NULL,
+ url = NULL,
+ opts = NULL,
+ handle = NULL,
+ status_code = NULL,
+ request_headers = NULL,
+ response_headers = NULL,
+ modified = NULL,
+ times = NULL,
+ content = NULL,
+ request = NULL,
+ print = function(x, ...) {
+ cat("<crul response> ", sep = "\n")
+ cat(paste0(" url: ", self$url), sep = "\n")
+ cat(" request_headers: ", sep = "\n")
+ for (i in seq_along(self$request_headers)) {
+ cat(sprintf(" %s: %s", names(self$request_headers)[i], self$request_headers[[i]]), sep = "\n")
+ }
+ cat(" response_headers: ", sep = "\n")
+ for (i in seq_along(self$response_headers)) {
+ cat(sprintf(" %s: %s", names(self$response_headers)[i], self$response_headers[[i]]), sep = "\n")
+ }
+ params <- parse_params(self$url)
+ if (!is.null(params)) {
+ cat(" params: ", sep = "\n")
+ for (i in seq_along(params)) {
+ cat(paste0(" ", sub("=", ": ", params[[i]], "=")), sep = "\n")
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is.null(self$status_code)) cat(paste0(" status: ", self$status_code), sep = "\n")
+ invisible(self)
+ },
+ initialize = function(method, url, opts, handle, status_code, request_headers,
+ response_headers, modified, times, content, request) {
+ if (!missing(method)) self$method <- method
+ if (!missing(url)) self$url <- url
+ if (!missing(opts)) self$opts <- opts
+ if (!missing(handle)) self$handle <- handle
+ if (!missing(status_code)) self$status_code <- as.numeric(status_code)
+ if (!missing(request_headers)) self$request_headers <- request_headers
+ if (!missing(response_headers)) self$response_headers <- response_headers
+ if (!missing(modified)) self$modified <- modified
+ if (!missing(times)) self$times <- times
+ if (!missing(content)) self$content <- content
+ if (!missing(request)) self$request <- request
+ },
+ parse = function(encoding = NULL) {
+ # readBin(self$content, character())
+ iconv(readBin(self$content, character()),
+ from = guess_encoding(encoding),
+ to = "UTF-8")
+ },
+ success = function() {
+ self$status_code <= 201
+ },
+ status_http = function(verbose = FALSE) {
+ httpcode::http_code(code = self$status_code, verbose = verbose)
+ },
+ raise_for_status = function() {
+ if (self$status_code >= 300) {
+ if (!requireNamespace("fauxpas", quietly = TRUE)) {
+ x <- httpcode::http_code(code = self$status_code)
+ stop(sprintf("%s (HTTP %s)", x$message, x$status_code), call. = FALSE)
+ } else {
+ fauxpas::http(self, behavior = "stop")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+guess_encoding <- function(encoding = NULL) {
+ if (!is.null(encoding)) {
+ return(check_encoding(encoding))
+ } else {
+ message("No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.")
+ return("UTF-8")
+ }
+check_encoding <- function(x) {
+ if ((tolower(x) %in% tolower(iconvlist()))) return(x)
+ message("Invalid encoding ", x, ": defaulting to UTF-8.")
+ "UTF-8"
+parse_params <- function(x) {
+ x <- urltools::parameters(x)
+ if (is.na(x)) {
+ } else {
+ strsplit(x, "&")[[1]]
+ }
diff --git a/R/use_agent.R b/R/use_agent.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99eb8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/use_agent.R
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+make_ua <- function() {
+ versions <- c(
+ libcurl = curl::curl_version()$version,
+ `r-curl` = as.character(utils::packageVersion("curl")),
+ crul = as.character(utils::packageVersion("crul"))
+ )
+ paste0(names(versions), "/", versions, collapse = " ")
diff --git a/R/writing-options.R b/R/writing-options.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e011907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/writing-options.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' Writing data options
+#' @name writing-options
+#' @examples
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' # write to disk
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' f <- tempfile()
+#' res <- x$get(disk = f)
+#' res$content # when using write to disk, content is a path
+#' readLines(res$content)
+#' # streaming response
+#' (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#' res <- x$get('stream/50', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+#' res$content # when streaming, content is NULL
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d2325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+`%||%` <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x
+ccp <- function(x) Filter(Negate(is.null), x)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..188ce5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+An HTTP client, taking inspiration from Rubyland's [faraday](https://rubygems.org/gems/faraday).
+## Installation
+CRAN version
+Dev version
+## the client
+`HttpClient` is where to start
+(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> timeout: 1
+#> headers:
+#> a: hello world
+Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set
+#> $timeout
+#> [1] 1
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+You can also pass in curl options when you make HTTP requests, see below
+for examples.
+## do some http
+The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.
+Here, we'll do a __GET__ request on the route `/get` on our base url
+`https://httpbin.org` (the full url is then `https://httpbin.org/get`)
+res <- x$get("get")
+The response from a http request is another R6 class `HttpResponse`, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:
+Status code
+#> [1] 200
+Status information
+#> <Status code: 200>
+#> Message: OK
+#> Explanation: Request fulfilled, document follows
+The content
+#> [1] 7b 0a 20 20 22 61 72 67 73 22 3a 20 7b 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 68 65 61
+#> [24] 64 65 72 73 22 3a 20 7b 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 22 3a 20 22 68 65 6c 6c
+#> [47] 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 22
+#> [70] 3a 20 22 2a 2f 2a 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 2d 45
+#> [93] 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 22 3a 20 22 67 7a 69 70 2c 20 64 65 66 6c 61 74
+#> [116] 65 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 48 6f 73 74 22 3a 20 22 68 74 74 70 62
+#> [139] 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65
+#> [162] 6e 74 22 3a 20 22 6c 69 62 63 75 72 6c 2f 37 2e 35 31 2e 30 20 72 2d
+#> [185] 63 75 72 6c 2f 32 2e 33 20 63 72 75 6c 2f 30 2e 32 2e 30 22 0a 20 20
+#> [208] 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 22 3a 20 22 37 31 2e 36 33 2e
+#> [231] 32 32 33 2e 31 31 33 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 75 72 6c 22 3a 20 22 68 74
+#> [254] 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 68 74 74 70 62 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 65 74 22 0a
+#> [277] 7d 0a
+HTTP method
+#> [1] "get"
+Request headers
+#> $useragent
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+Response headers
+#> $status
+#> [1] "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
+#> $server
+#> [1] "nginx"
+#> $date
+#> [1] "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:51:33 GMT"
+#> $`content-type`
+#> [1] "application/json"
+#> $`content-length`
+#> [1] "278"
+#> $connection
+#> [1] "keep-alive"
+#> $`access-control-allow-origin`
+#> [1] "*"
+#> $`access-control-allow-credentials`
+#> [1] "true"
+And you can parse the content with `parse()`
+#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
+#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {}, \n \"headers\": {\n \"A\": \"hello world\", \n \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \n \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip, deflate\", \n \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \n \"User-Agent\": \"libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0\"\n }, \n \"origin\": \"\", \n \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\"\n}\n"
+#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
+#> $args
+#> named list()
+#> $headers
+#> $headers$A
+#> [1] "hello world"
+#> $headers$Accept
+#> [1] "*/*"
+#> $headers$`Accept-Encoding`
+#> [1] "gzip, deflate"
+#> $headers$Host
+#> [1] "httpbin.org"
+#> $headers$`User-Agent`
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $origin
+#> [1] ""
+#> $url
+#> [1] "https://httpbin.org/get"
+## curl options
+res <- HttpClient$new(url = "http://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search")
+res$get(query = list(limit = 100), timeout_ms = 100)
+#> Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(x$url$url, handle = x$url$handle) :
+#> Timeout was reached
+## TO DO
+Add integration for:
+* [webmockr](https://github.com/ropensci/webmockr)
+* [vcr](https://github.com/ropensci/vcr)
+for flexible and easy HTTP request caching
+## Meta
+* Please [report any issues or bugs](https://github.com/ropensci/crul/issues).
+* License: MIT
+* Get citation information for `crul` in R doing `citation(package = 'crul')`
+* Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](CONDUCT.md).
+By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c57c5ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/debian/README.test b/debian/README.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 53fb4d7..0000000
--- a/debian/README.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Notes on how this package can be tested.
-This package can be tested by running the provided test:
- sh ./run-unit-test
-in order to confirm its integrity.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc3dd1..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-r-cran-crul (0.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Initial release (closes: #851567)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Mon, 16 Jan 2017 17:28:14 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index f599e28..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
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index 5440587..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Source: r-cran-crul
-Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: gnu-r
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10),
- dh-r,
- r-base-dev,
- r-cran-curl (>= 2.2),
- r-cran-r6 (>= 2.2.0),
- r-cran-mime,
- r-cran-httpcode,
- r-cran-urltools
-Standards-Version: 3.9.8
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-crul/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-crul/
-Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/package=crul
-Package: r-cran-crul
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${R:Depends},
- ${shlibs:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: ${R:Recommends}
-Suggests: ${R:Suggests}
-Description: simple HTTP Client for GNU R
- A simple HTTP client, with tools for making HTTP requests,
- and mocking HTTP requests. The package is built on R6, and takes
- inspiration from Ruby's 'faraday' gem (<https://rubygems.org/gems/faraday>).
- The package name is a play on curl, the widely used command line tool
- for HTTP, and this package is built on top of the R package 'curl', an
- interface to 'libcurl' (<https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl>).
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ab093..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: crul
-Upstream-Contact: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus at gmail.com>
-Source: https://cran.r-project.org/package=crul
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2015-2017 Scott Chamberlain
-License: MIT
-Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 2017 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-License: MIT
-License: MIT
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- the following conditions:
- .
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- .
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--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
- dh $@ --buildsystem R
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
deleted file mode 100644
index d746f15..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Tests: run-unit-test
-Depends: @, r-cran-testthat
-Restrictions: allow-stderr
diff --git a/debian/tests/run-unit-test b/debian/tests/run-unit-test
deleted file mode 100644
index ac92771..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/run-unit-test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-if [ "$ADTTMP" = "" ] ; then
- ADTTMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${debname}-test.XXXXXX`
-cp -a /usr/share/doc/$debname/tests/* $ADTTMP
-gunzip -r *
-for testfile in *.R; do
- echo "BEGIN TEST $testfile"
- LC_ALL=C R --no-save < $testfile
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1d27d..0000000
--- a/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/inst/doc/crul_vignette.Rmd b/inst/doc/crul_vignette.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c31d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/crul_vignette.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{crul introduction}
+crul introduction
+`crul` is an HTTP client for R.
+## Install
+Stable CRAN version
+Dev version
+## the client
+`HttpClient` is where to start
+(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> timeout: 1
+#> headers:
+#> a: hello world
+Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set
+#> $timeout
+#> [1] 1
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+## do some http
+The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.
+Here, we'll do a __GET__ request on the route `/get` on our base url
+`https://httpbin.org` (the full url is then `https://httpbin.org/get`)
+res <- x$get("get")
+The response from a http request is another R6 class `HttpResponse`, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:
+Status code
+#> [1] 200
+The content
+#> [1] 7b 0a 20 20 22 61 72 67 73 22 3a 20 7b 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 68 65 61
+#> [24] 64 65 72 73 22 3a 20 7b 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 22 3a 20 22 68 65 6c 6c
+#> [47] 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 22
+#> [70] 3a 20 22 2a 2f 2a 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 2d 45
+#> [93] 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 22 3a 20 22 67 7a 69 70 2c 20 64 65 66 6c 61 74
+#> [116] 65 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 48 6f 73 74 22 3a 20 22 68 74 74 70 62
+#> [139] 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65
+#> [162] 6e 74 22 3a 20 22 6c 69 62 63 75 72 6c 2f 37 2e 35 31 2e 30 20 72 2d
+#> [185] 63 75 72 6c 2f 32 2e 33 20 63 72 75 6c 2f 30 2e 32 2e 30 22 0a 20 20
+#> [208] 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 22 3a 20 22 37 31 2e 36 33 2e
+#> [231] 32 32 33 2e 31 31 33 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 75 72 6c 22 3a 20 22 68 74
+#> [254] 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 68 74 74 70 62 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 65 74 22 0a
+#> [277] 7d 0a
+HTTP method
+#> [1] "get"
+Request headers
+#> $useragent
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+Response headers
+#> $status
+#> [1] "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
+#> $server
+#> [1] "nginx"
+#> $date
+#> [1] "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT"
+#> $`content-type`
+#> [1] "application/json"
+#> $`content-length`
+#> [1] "278"
+#> $connection
+#> [1] "keep-alive"
+#> $`access-control-allow-origin`
+#> [1] "*"
+#> $`access-control-allow-credentials`
+#> [1] "true"
+And you can parse the content with a provided function:
+#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {}, \n \"headers\": {\n \"A\": \"hello world\", \n \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \n \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip, deflate\", \n \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \n \"User-Agent\": \"libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0\"\n }, \n \"origin\": \"\", \n \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\"\n}\n"
+#> $args
+#> named list()
+#> $headers
+#> $headers$A
+#> [1] "hello world"
+#> $headers$Accept
+#> [1] "*/*"
+#> $headers$`Accept-Encoding`
+#> [1] "gzip, deflate"
+#> $headers$Host
+#> [1] "httpbin.org"
+#> $headers$`User-Agent`
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $origin
+#> [1] ""
+#> $url
+#> [1] "https://httpbin.org/get"
+With the `HttpClient` object, which holds any configuration stuff
+we set, we can make other HTTP verb requests. For example, a `HEAD`
+ path = "post",
+ body = list(hello = "world")
+#> <crul response>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org/post
+#> request_headers:
+#> useragent: libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0
+#> a: hello world
+#> response_headers:
+#> status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+#> server: nginx
+#> date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT
+#> content-type: application/json
+#> content-length: 491
+#> connection: keep-alive
+#> access-control-allow-origin: *
+#> access-control-allow-credentials: true
+#> status: 200
+## write to disk
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+# when using write to disk, content is a path
+#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpoZ8Rrd/fileee7a81dea18"
+Read lines
+readLines(res$content, n = 10)
+#> [1] "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+#> [2] "<html>"
+#> [3] "<head>"
+#> [4] " <meta http-equiv='content-type' value='text/html;charset=utf8'>"
+#> [5] " <meta name='generator' value='Ronn/v0.7.3 (http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3)'>"
+#> [6] " <title>httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service</title>"
+#> [7] " <style type='text/css' media='all'>"
+#> [8] " /* style: man */"
+#> [9] " body#manpage {margin:0}"
+#> [10] " .mp {max-width:100ex;padding:0 9ex 1ex 4ex}"
+## stream data
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> headers:
+res <- x$get('stream/5', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 0, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 1, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 2, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 3, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 4, "origin": ""}
+# when streaming, content is NULL
+#> NULL
diff --git a/inst/doc/crul_vignette.html b/inst/doc/crul_vignette.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26d3a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/crul_vignette.html
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+<title>crul introduction</title>
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+%\VignetteIndexEntry{crul introduction}
+<h1>crul introduction</h1>
+<p><code>crul</code> is an HTTP client for R.</p>
+<p>Stable CRAN version</p>
+<pre><code class="r">install.packages("crul")
+<p>Dev version</p>
+<pre><code class="r">devtools::install_github("ropensci/crul")
+<pre><code class="r">library("crul")
+<h2>the client</h2>
+<p><code>HttpClient</code> is where to start</p>
+<pre><code class="r">(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> timeout: 1
+#> headers:
+#> a: hello world
+<p>Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set</p>
+<pre><code class="r">x$opts
+#> $timeout
+#> [1] 1
+<pre><code class="r">x$headers
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+<h2>do some http</h2>
+<p>The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.</p>
+<p>Here, we'll do a <strong>GET</strong> request on the route <code>/get</code> on our base url
+<code>https://httpbin.org</code> (the full url is then <code>https://httpbin.org/get</code>)</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res <- x$get("get")
+<p>The response from a http request is another R6 class <code>HttpResponse</code>, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:</p>
+<p>Status code</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$status_code
+#> [1] 200
+<p>The content</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$content
+#> [1] 7b 0a 20 20 22 61 72 67 73 22 3a 20 7b 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 68 65 61
+#> [24] 64 65 72 73 22 3a 20 7b 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 22 3a 20 22 68 65 6c 6c
+#> [47] 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 22
+#> [70] 3a 20 22 2a 2f 2a 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 2d 45
+#> [93] 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 22 3a 20 22 67 7a 69 70 2c 20 64 65 66 6c 61 74
+#> [116] 65 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 48 6f 73 74 22 3a 20 22 68 74 74 70 62
+#> [139] 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65
+#> [162] 6e 74 22 3a 20 22 6c 69 62 63 75 72 6c 2f 37 2e 35 31 2e 30 20 72 2d
+#> [185] 63 75 72 6c 2f 32 2e 33 20 63 72 75 6c 2f 30 2e 32 2e 30 22 0a 20 20
+#> [208] 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 22 3a 20 22 37 31 2e 36 33 2e
+#> [231] 32 32 33 2e 31 31 33 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 75 72 6c 22 3a 20 22 68 74
+#> [254] 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 68 74 74 70 62 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 65 74 22 0a
+#> [277] 7d 0a
+<p>HTTP method</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$method
+#> [1] "get"
+<p>Request headers</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$request_headers
+#> $useragent
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+<p>Response headers</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$response_headers
+#> $status
+#> [1] "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
+#> $server
+#> [1] "nginx"
+#> $date
+#> [1] "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT"
+#> $`content-type`
+#> [1] "application/json"
+#> $`content-length`
+#> [1] "278"
+#> $connection
+#> [1] "keep-alive"
+#> $`access-control-allow-origin`
+#> [1] "*"
+#> $`access-control-allow-credentials`
+#> [1] "true"
+<p>And you can parse the content with a provided function:</p>
+<pre><code class="r">res$parse()
+#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {}, \n \"headers\": {\n \"A\": \"hello world\", \n \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \n \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip, deflate\", \n \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \n \"User-Agent\": \"libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0\"\n }, \n \"origin\": \"\", \n \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\" [...]
+#> $args
+#> named list()
+#> $headers
+#> $headers$A
+#> [1] "hello world"
+#> $headers$Accept
+#> [1] "*/*"
+#> $headers$`Accept-Encoding`
+#> [1] "gzip, deflate"
+#> $headers$Host
+#> [1] "httpbin.org"
+#> $headers$`User-Agent`
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $origin
+#> [1] ""
+#> $url
+#> [1] "https://httpbin.org/get"
+<p>With the <code>HttpClient</code> object, which holds any configuration stuff
+we set, we can make other HTTP verb requests. For example, a <code>HEAD</code>
+<pre><code class="r">x$post(
+ path = "post",
+ body = list(hello = "world")
+#> <crul response>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org/post
+#> request_headers:
+#> useragent: libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0
+#> a: hello world
+#> response_headers:
+#> status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+#> server: nginx
+#> date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT
+#> content-type: application/json
+#> content-length: 491
+#> connection: keep-alive
+#> access-control-allow-origin: *
+#> access-control-allow-credentials: true
+#> status: 200
+<h2>write to disk</h2>
+<pre><code class="r">x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+# when using write to disk, content is a path
+#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpoZ8Rrd/fileee7a81dea18"
+<p>Read lines</p>
+<pre><code class="r">readLines(res$content, n = 10)
+#> [1] "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+#> [2] "<html>"
+#> [3] "<head>"
+#> [4] " <meta http-equiv='content-type' value='text/html;charset=utf8'>"
+#> [5] " <meta name='generator' value='Ronn/v0.7.3 (http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3)'>"
+#> [6] " <title>httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service</title>"
+#> [7] " <style type='text/css' media='all'>"
+#> [8] " /* style: man */"
+#> [9] " body#manpage {margin:0}"
+#> [10] " .mp {max-width:100ex;padding:0 9ex 1ex 4ex}"
+<h2>stream data</h2>
+<pre><code class="r">(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> headers:
+res <- x$get('stream/5', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 0, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 1, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 2, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 3, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 4, "origin": ""}
+# when streaming, content is NULL
+#> NULL
diff --git a/inst/vign/crul_vignette.Rmd b/inst/vign/crul_vignette.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39ae112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/vign/crul_vignette.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{crul introduction}
+```{r echo=FALSE}
+ comment = "#>",
+ collapse = TRUE,
+ warning = FALSE,
+ message = FALSE
+crul introduction
+`crul` is an HTTP client for R.
+## Install
+Stable CRAN version
+```{r eval=FALSE}
+Dev version
+```{r eval=FALSE}
+## the client
+`HttpClient` is where to start
+(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set
+## do some http
+The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.
+Here, we'll do a __GET__ request on the route `/get` on our base url
+`https://httpbin.org` (the full url is then `https://httpbin.org/get`)
+res <- x$get("get")
+The response from a http request is another R6 class `HttpResponse`, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:
+Status code
+The content
+HTTP method
+Request headers
+Response headers
+And you can parse the content with a provided function:
+With the `HttpClient` object, which holds any configuration stuff
+we set, we can make other HTTP verb requests. For example, a `HEAD`
+ path = "post",
+ body = list(hello = "world")
+## write to disk
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+# when using write to disk, content is a path
+Read lines
+readLines(res$content, n = 10)
+## stream data
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+res <- x$get('stream/5', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+# when streaming, content is NULL
diff --git a/inst/vign/crul_vignette.md b/inst/vign/crul_vignette.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c31d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/vign/crul_vignette.md
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{crul introduction}
+crul introduction
+`crul` is an HTTP client for R.
+## Install
+Stable CRAN version
+Dev version
+## the client
+`HttpClient` is where to start
+(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> timeout: 1
+#> headers:
+#> a: hello world
+Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set
+#> $timeout
+#> [1] 1
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+## do some http
+The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.
+Here, we'll do a __GET__ request on the route `/get` on our base url
+`https://httpbin.org` (the full url is then `https://httpbin.org/get`)
+res <- x$get("get")
+The response from a http request is another R6 class `HttpResponse`, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:
+Status code
+#> [1] 200
+The content
+#> [1] 7b 0a 20 20 22 61 72 67 73 22 3a 20 7b 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 68 65 61
+#> [24] 64 65 72 73 22 3a 20 7b 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 22 3a 20 22 68 65 6c 6c
+#> [47] 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 22
+#> [70] 3a 20 22 2a 2f 2a 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 2d 45
+#> [93] 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 22 3a 20 22 67 7a 69 70 2c 20 64 65 66 6c 61 74
+#> [116] 65 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 48 6f 73 74 22 3a 20 22 68 74 74 70 62
+#> [139] 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65
+#> [162] 6e 74 22 3a 20 22 6c 69 62 63 75 72 6c 2f 37 2e 35 31 2e 30 20 72 2d
+#> [185] 63 75 72 6c 2f 32 2e 33 20 63 72 75 6c 2f 30 2e 32 2e 30 22 0a 20 20
+#> [208] 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 22 3a 20 22 37 31 2e 36 33 2e
+#> [231] 32 32 33 2e 31 31 33 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 75 72 6c 22 3a 20 22 68 74
+#> [254] 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 68 74 74 70 62 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 65 74 22 0a
+#> [277] 7d 0a
+HTTP method
+#> [1] "get"
+Request headers
+#> $useragent
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+Response headers
+#> $status
+#> [1] "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
+#> $server
+#> [1] "nginx"
+#> $date
+#> [1] "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT"
+#> $`content-type`
+#> [1] "application/json"
+#> $`content-length`
+#> [1] "278"
+#> $connection
+#> [1] "keep-alive"
+#> $`access-control-allow-origin`
+#> [1] "*"
+#> $`access-control-allow-credentials`
+#> [1] "true"
+And you can parse the content with a provided function:
+#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {}, \n \"headers\": {\n \"A\": \"hello world\", \n \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \n \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip, deflate\", \n \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \n \"User-Agent\": \"libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0\"\n }, \n \"origin\": \"\", \n \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\"\n}\n"
+#> $args
+#> named list()
+#> $headers
+#> $headers$A
+#> [1] "hello world"
+#> $headers$Accept
+#> [1] "*/*"
+#> $headers$`Accept-Encoding`
+#> [1] "gzip, deflate"
+#> $headers$Host
+#> [1] "httpbin.org"
+#> $headers$`User-Agent`
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $origin
+#> [1] ""
+#> $url
+#> [1] "https://httpbin.org/get"
+With the `HttpClient` object, which holds any configuration stuff
+we set, we can make other HTTP verb requests. For example, a `HEAD`
+ path = "post",
+ body = list(hello = "world")
+#> <crul response>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org/post
+#> request_headers:
+#> useragent: libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0
+#> a: hello world
+#> response_headers:
+#> status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+#> server: nginx
+#> date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT
+#> content-type: application/json
+#> content-length: 491
+#> connection: keep-alive
+#> access-control-allow-origin: *
+#> access-control-allow-credentials: true
+#> status: 200
+## write to disk
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+# when using write to disk, content is a path
+#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpoZ8Rrd/fileee7a81dea18"
+Read lines
+readLines(res$content, n = 10)
+#> [1] "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+#> [2] "<html>"
+#> [3] "<head>"
+#> [4] " <meta http-equiv='content-type' value='text/html;charset=utf8'>"
+#> [5] " <meta name='generator' value='Ronn/v0.7.3 (http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3)'>"
+#> [6] " <title>httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service</title>"
+#> [7] " <style type='text/css' media='all'>"
+#> [8] " /* style: man */"
+#> [9] " body#manpage {margin:0}"
+#> [10] " .mp {max-width:100ex;padding:0 9ex 1ex 4ex}"
+## stream data
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> headers:
+res <- x$get('stream/5', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 0, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 1, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 2, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 3, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 4, "origin": ""}
+# when streaming, content is NULL
+#> NULL
diff --git a/man/HttpClient.Rd b/man/HttpClient.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf0d0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/HttpClient.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/client.R
+\title{HTTP client}
+\item{url}{(character) A url. One of \code{url} or \code{handle} required.}
+\item{opts}{(list) curl options}
+\item{handle}{A handle}
+HTTP client
+ \describe{
+ \item{\code{get(path, query, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a GET request
+ }
+ \item{\code{post(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a POST request
+ }
+ \item{\code{put(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a PUT request
+ }
+ \item{\code{patch(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a PATCH request
+ }
+ \item{\code{delete(path, query, body, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a DELETE request
+ }
+ \item{\code{head(path, disk, stream, ...)}}{
+ Make a HEAD request
+ }
+ }
+Possible parameters (not all are allowed in each HTTP verb):
+ \item path - URL path, appended to the base URL
+ \item query - query terms, as a list
+ \item body - body as an R list
+ \item encode - one of form, multipart, json, or raw
+ \item disk - a path to write to. if NULL (default), memory used
+ \item stream - an R function to determine how to stream data. if
+ NULL (default), memory used
+ \item ... curl options, only those in the acceptable set from
+ \code{\link[curl]{curl_options}} except the following: httpget, httppost,
+ post, postfields, postfieldsize, and customrequest
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+(res_get1 <- x$get('get'))
+(res_get2 <- x$get('get', query = list(hello = "world")))
+# post request
+(res_post <- x$post('post', body = list(hello = "world")))
+## empty body request
+# put request
+(res_put <- x$put('put'))
+# delete request
+(res_delete <- x$delete('delete'))
+# patch request
+(res_patch <- x$patch('patch'))
+# head request
+(res_head <- x$head())
+# query params are URL encoded for you, so DO NOT do it yourself
+## if you url encode yourself, it gets double encoded, and that's bad
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+res <- x$get("get", query = list(a = 'hello world'), verbose = TRUE)
+\code{\link{post-requests}}, \code{\link{http-headers}},
diff --git a/man/HttpResponse.Rd b/man/HttpResponse.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9581d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/HttpResponse.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/response.R
+\title{Base response object}
+\item{url}{(character) A url}
+\item{opts}{(list) curl options}
+\item{handle}{A handle}
+Base response object
+ \describe{
+ \item{\code{parse()}}{
+ Parse the raw response content to text
+ }
+ \item{\code{success()}}{
+ Was status code less than or equal to 201.
+ returns boolean
+ }
+ \item{\code{status_http()}}{
+ Get HTTP status code, message, and explanation
+ }
+ \item{\code{raise_for_status()}}{
+ Check HTTP status and stop with appropriate
+ HTTP error code and message if >= 300.
+ - If you have \code{fauxpas} installed we use that,
+ otherwise use \pkg{httpcode}
+ }
+ }
+x <- HttpResponse$new(method = "get", url = "https://httpbin.org")
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org')
+(res <- x$get('get'))
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org/status/404')
+(res <- x$get())
+ \dontrun{res$raise_for_status()}
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = 'https://httpbin.org/status/414')
+(res <- x$get())
+ \dontrun{res$raise_for_status()}
diff --git a/man/crul-package.Rd b/man/crul-package.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebaff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/crul-package.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/crul-package.r
+\title{\strong{HTTP R client}}
+\strong{HTTP R client}
+\section{Package API}{
+ \item \code{\link{HttpClient}} - create a connection client, set all
+ your http options, make http requests
+ \item \code{\link{HttpResponse}} - mostly for internal use, handles
+ http responses
+\section{HTTP conditions}{
+We use \code{fauxpas} if you have it installed for handling HTTP
+conditions but if it's not installed we use \pkg{httpcode}
+Scott Chamberlain \email{myrmecocystus at gmail.com}
diff --git a/man/curl-options.Rd b/man/curl-options.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a8cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/curl-options.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/curl-options.R
+\title{curl options}
+curl options
+# set curl options on client initialization
+(res <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ verbose = TRUE,
+ useragent = "hello world"
+ )
+# or set curl options when performing HTTP operation
+(res <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+res$get('get', verbose = TRUE)
+\dontrun{res$get('get', stuff = "things")}
+\dontrun{res$get('get', httpget = TRUE)}
diff --git a/man/handle.Rd b/man/handle.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8850b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/handle.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/handle.R
+\title{Make a handle}
+handle(url, ...)
+\item{url}{(character) A url. required.}
+\item{...}{options passed on to \code{\link[curl]{new_handle}}}
+Make a handle
+# handles - pass in your own handle
+h <- handle("https://httpbin.org")
+(res <- HttpClient$new(handle = h))
+out <- res$get("get")
diff --git a/man/http-headers.Rd b/man/http-headers.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b8f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/http-headers.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/http-headers.R
+\title{Working with HTTP headers}
+Working with HTTP headers
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+# set headers
+(res <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ verbose = TRUE
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "stuff",
+ b = "things"
+ )
+# reassign header value
+res$headers$a <- "that"
+# define new header
+res$headers$c <- "what"
+# request
+## setting content-type via headers
+(res <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ verbose = TRUE
+ ),
+ headers = list(`Content-Type` = "application/json")
diff --git a/man/post-requests.Rd b/man/post-requests.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b85b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/post-requests.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/post-requests.R
+\title{HTTP POST requests}
+HTTP POST requests
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+# post request
+(res_post <- x$post('post', body = list(hello = "world")))
+## empty body request
+## form requests
+(cli <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/advsearch.do"
+ encode = "form",
+ body = list(
+ page = 'advancedSearch',
+ genus = 'Gagea',
+ species = 'pratensis',
+ selectedLevel = 'cont'
+ )
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+res <- x$post("post",
+ encode = "json",
+ body = list(
+ genus = 'Gagea',
+ species = 'pratensis'
+ )
+# path <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_DOC_DIR"), "html/logo.jpg")
+# (x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+# x$post("post",
+# body = list(
+# files = list(path = path)
+# )
+# )
diff --git a/man/writing-options.Rd b/man/writing-options.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dee37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/writing-options.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/writing-options.R
+\title{Writing data options}
+Writing data options
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+# write to disk
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+res$content # when using write to disk, content is a path
+# streaming response
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+res <- x$get('stream/50', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+res$content # when streaming, content is NULL
diff --git a/tests/test-all.R b/tests/test-all.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dc830f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-all.R
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-client.R b/tests/testthat/test-client.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05cfa59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-client.R
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+test_that("HttpClient works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ expect_is(HttpClient, "R6ClassGenerator")
+ aa <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpClient")
+ expect_null(aa$handle)
+ expect_length(aa$opts, 0)
+ expect_is(aa$url, "character")
+ expect_is(aa$.__enclos_env__$private$make_request, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$post, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$get, "function")
+test_that("HttpClient fails well", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ expect_error(HttpClient$new(), "need one of url or handle")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-delete.R b/tests/testthat/test-delete.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb43839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-delete.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+context("request: delete")
+test_that("delete request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$delete("delete")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "delete")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_null(aa$request$fields)
+test_that("delete request with body", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$delete("delete", body = list(hello = "world"))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "delete")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_named(aa$request$fields, "hello")
+ expect_equal(aa$request$fields[[1]], "world")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-get.R b/tests/testthat/test-get.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..248b074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-get.R
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+context("request: get")
+test_that("get request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get("get")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "get")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+test_that("get request - query parameters", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ querya <- list(a = "Asdfadsf", hello = "world")
+ aa <- cli$get("get", query = querya)
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "get")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ library(urltools)
+ params <- unlist(lapply(
+ strsplit(urltools::url_parse(aa$request$url$url)$parameter, "&")[[1]],
+ function(x) {
+ tmp <- strsplit(x, "=")[[1]]
+ as.list(stats::setNames(tmp[2], tmp[1]))
+ }
+ ), FALSE)
+ expect_equal(params, querya)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-head.R b/tests/testthat/test-head.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1552dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-head.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+context("request: head")
+test_that("head request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://www.google.com")
+ aa <- cli$head()
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "head")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ # content is empty
+ expect_equal(aa$content, raw(0))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-headers.R b/tests/testthat/test-headers.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b5b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-headers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+test_that("headers work - just default headers", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get('get')
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_named(aa$request_headers, 'useragent')
+test_that("headers work - user headers passed", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ headers = list(hello = "world")
+ )
+ bb <- cli$get('get')
+ expect_is(bb, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_named(bb$request_headers, c('useragent', 'hello'))
+ expect_true(any(grepl("Hello", names(jsonlite::fromJSON(bb$parse())$headers))))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-patch.R b/tests/testthat/test-patch.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2ae0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-patch.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+context("request: patch")
+test_that("patch request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$patch("patch")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "patch")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_null(aa$request$fields)
+test_that("patch request with body", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$patch("patch", body = list(hello = "world"))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "patch")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_named(aa$request$fields, "hello")
+ expect_equal(aa$request$fields[[1]], "world")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-paths.R b/tests/testthat/test-paths.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9d06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-paths.R
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+test_that("paths work", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get(path = 'get')
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ urlsp <- strsplit(aa$url, "/")[[1]]
+ expect_equal(urlsp[length(urlsp)], "get")
+ expect_equal(aa$status_code, 200)
+test_that("path - multiple route paths work", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://api.github.com")
+ bb <- cli$get('orgs/ropenscilabs')
+ expect_is(bb, "HttpResponse")
+ urlsp <- strsplit(bb$url, "/")[[1]]
+ expect_equal(urlsp[4:5], c('orgs', 'ropenscilabs'))
+ expect_equal(bb$status_code, 200)
+test_that("path - paths don't work if paths already on URL", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://api.github.com/orgs")
+ bb <- cli$get('ropenscilabs')
+ expect_is(bb, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_equal(bb$status_code, 404)
+test_that("path - work with routes that have spaces", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "http://www.marinespecies.org")
+ bb <- cli$get('rest/AphiaRecordsByName/Platanista gangetica')
+ expect_is(bb, "HttpResponse")
+ urlsp <- strsplit(bb$url, "/")[[1]]
+ expect_equal(urlsp[length(urlsp)], 'Platanista%20gangetica')
+ expect_equal(bb$status_code, 200)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-post.R b/tests/testthat/test-post.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de5f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-post.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+context("request: post")
+test_that("post request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$post("post")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "post")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_null(aa$request$fields)
+test_that("post request with body", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$post("post", body = list(hello = "world"))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "post")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_named(aa$request$fields, "hello")
+ expect_equal(aa$request$fields[[1]], "world")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-put.R b/tests/testthat/test-put.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb51ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-put.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+context("request: put")
+test_that("put request works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$put("put")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "put")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_null(aa$request$fields)
+test_that("put request with body", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$put("put", body = list(hello = "world"))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$handle, 'curl_handle')
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_is(aa$method, "character")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "put")
+ expect_is(aa$parse, "function")
+ expect_is(aa$parse(), "character")
+ expect_true(aa$success())
+ expect_named(aa$request$fields, "hello")
+ expect_equal(aa$request$fields[[1]], "world")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-query.R b/tests/testthat/test-query.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15418b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-query.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+test_that("query works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get('get', query = list(hello = "world"))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_match(aa$url, "hello")
+ expect_match(aa$url, "world")
+ expect_match(jsonlite::fromJSON(aa$parse())$url, "hello")
+ expect_match(jsonlite::fromJSON(aa$parse())$url, "world")
+test_that("query - multiple params of same name work", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get('get', query = list(hello = 5, hello = 6))
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_equal(length(gregexpr("hello", aa$url)[[1]]), 2)
+ expect_equal(length(gregexpr("hello", jsonlite::fromJSON(aa$parse())$url)[[1]]), 2)
+test_that("query - length 0 query list works", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ aa <- cli$get('get', query = list())
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_false(grepl("\\?", aa$url))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-status.R b/tests/testthat/test-status.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987317c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-status.R
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+context("request: status")
+test_that("HTTP status is as expected", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ cli <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+ # im a teapot
+ aa <- cli$get("status/418")
+ expect_is(aa, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(aa$content, "raw")
+ expect_equal(aa$method, "get")
+ expect_equal(aa$status_code, 418)
+ expect_match(aa$response_headers[[1]], "I'M A TEAPOT")
+ # method not allowed
+ bb <- cli$get("status/405")
+ expect_is(bb, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(bb$content, "raw")
+ expect_equal(bb$method, "get")
+ expect_equal(bb$status_code, 405)
+ expect_match(bb$response_headers[[1]], "METHOD NOT ALLOWED")
+ # service unavailable
+ cc <- cli$get("status/503")
+ expect_is(cc, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(cc$content, "raw")
+ expect_equal(cc$method, "get")
+ expect_equal(cc$status_code, 503)
+ expect_match(cc$response_headers[[1]], "SERVICE UNAVAILABLE")
+ # Partial Content
+ dd <- cli$get("status/206")
+ expect_is(dd, "HttpResponse")
+ expect_is(dd$content, "raw")
+ expect_equal(dd$method, "get")
+ expect_equal(dd$status_code, 206)
+ expect_match(dd$response_headers[[1]], "PARTIAL CONTENT")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-user-agent.R b/tests/testthat/test-user-agent.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b00367d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-user-agent.R
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+test_that("user-agent", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ aa <- make_ua()
+ expect_is(aa, "character")
+ expect_match(aa, 'libcurl')
+ expect_match(aa, 'r-curl')
+ expect_match(aa, 'crul')
diff --git a/vignettes/crul_vignette.Rmd b/vignettes/crul_vignette.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c31d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/crul_vignette.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{crul introduction}
+crul introduction
+`crul` is an HTTP client for R.
+## Install
+Stable CRAN version
+Dev version
+## the client
+`HttpClient` is where to start
+(x <- HttpClient$new(
+ url = "https://httpbin.org",
+ opts = list(
+ timeout = 1
+ ),
+ headers = list(
+ a = "hello world"
+ )
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> timeout: 1
+#> headers:
+#> a: hello world
+Makes a R6 class, that has all the bits and bobs you'd expect for doing HTTP
+requests. When it prints, it gives any defaults you've set. As you update
+the object you can see what's been set
+#> $timeout
+#> [1] 1
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+## do some http
+The client object created above has http methods that you can call,
+and pass paths to, as well as query parameters, body values, and any other
+curl options.
+Here, we'll do a __GET__ request on the route `/get` on our base url
+`https://httpbin.org` (the full url is then `https://httpbin.org/get`)
+res <- x$get("get")
+The response from a http request is another R6 class `HttpResponse`, which
+has slots for the outputs of the request, and some functions to deal with
+the response:
+Status code
+#> [1] 200
+The content
+#> [1] 7b 0a 20 20 22 61 72 67 73 22 3a 20 7b 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 68 65 61
+#> [24] 64 65 72 73 22 3a 20 7b 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 22 3a 20 22 68 65 6c 6c
+#> [47] 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 22
+#> [70] 3a 20 22 2a 2f 2a 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 41 63 63 65 70 74 2d 45
+#> [93] 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 22 3a 20 22 67 7a 69 70 2c 20 64 65 66 6c 61 74
+#> [116] 65 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 48 6f 73 74 22 3a 20 22 68 74 74 70 62
+#> [139] 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 20 20 22 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65
+#> [162] 6e 74 22 3a 20 22 6c 69 62 63 75 72 6c 2f 37 2e 35 31 2e 30 20 72 2d
+#> [185] 63 75 72 6c 2f 32 2e 33 20 63 72 75 6c 2f 30 2e 32 2e 30 22 0a 20 20
+#> [208] 7d 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 6f 72 69 67 69 6e 22 3a 20 22 37 31 2e 36 33 2e
+#> [231] 32 32 33 2e 31 31 33 22 2c 20 0a 20 20 22 75 72 6c 22 3a 20 22 68 74
+#> [254] 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 68 74 74 70 62 69 6e 2e 6f 72 67 2f 67 65 74 22 0a
+#> [277] 7d 0a
+HTTP method
+#> [1] "get"
+Request headers
+#> $useragent
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $a
+#> [1] "hello world"
+Response headers
+#> $status
+#> [1] "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
+#> $server
+#> [1] "nginx"
+#> $date
+#> [1] "Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT"
+#> $`content-type`
+#> [1] "application/json"
+#> $`content-length`
+#> [1] "278"
+#> $connection
+#> [1] "keep-alive"
+#> $`access-control-allow-origin`
+#> [1] "*"
+#> $`access-control-allow-credentials`
+#> [1] "true"
+And you can parse the content with a provided function:
+#> [1] "{\n \"args\": {}, \n \"headers\": {\n \"A\": \"hello world\", \n \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \n \"Accept-Encoding\": \"gzip, deflate\", \n \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \n \"User-Agent\": \"libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0\"\n }, \n \"origin\": \"\", \n \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\"\n}\n"
+#> $args
+#> named list()
+#> $headers
+#> $headers$A
+#> [1] "hello world"
+#> $headers$Accept
+#> [1] "*/*"
+#> $headers$`Accept-Encoding`
+#> [1] "gzip, deflate"
+#> $headers$Host
+#> [1] "httpbin.org"
+#> $headers$`User-Agent`
+#> [1] "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"
+#> $origin
+#> [1] ""
+#> $url
+#> [1] "https://httpbin.org/get"
+With the `HttpClient` object, which holds any configuration stuff
+we set, we can make other HTTP verb requests. For example, a `HEAD`
+ path = "post",
+ body = list(hello = "world")
+#> <crul response>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org/post
+#> request_headers:
+#> useragent: libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0
+#> a: hello world
+#> response_headers:
+#> status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+#> server: nginx
+#> date: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 05:52:03 GMT
+#> content-type: application/json
+#> content-length: 491
+#> connection: keep-alive
+#> access-control-allow-origin: *
+#> access-control-allow-credentials: true
+#> status: 200
+## write to disk
+x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
+f <- tempfile()
+res <- x$get(disk = f)
+# when using write to disk, content is a path
+#> [1] "/var/folders/gs/4khph0xs0436gmd2gdnwsg080000gn/T//RtmpoZ8Rrd/fileee7a81dea18"
+Read lines
+readLines(res$content, n = 10)
+#> [1] "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+#> [2] "<html>"
+#> [3] "<head>"
+#> [4] " <meta http-equiv='content-type' value='text/html;charset=utf8'>"
+#> [5] " <meta name='generator' value='Ronn/v0.7.3 (http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3)'>"
+#> [6] " <title>httpbin(1): HTTP Client Testing Service</title>"
+#> [7] " <style type='text/css' media='all'>"
+#> [8] " /* style: man */"
+#> [9] " body#manpage {margin:0}"
+#> [10] " .mp {max-width:100ex;padding:0 9ex 1ex 4ex}"
+## stream data
+(x <- HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org"))
+#> <crul connection>
+#> url: https://httpbin.org
+#> options:
+#> headers:
+res <- x$get('stream/5', stream = function(x) cat(rawToChar(x)))
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 0, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 1, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 2, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 3, "origin": ""}
+#> {"url": "https://httpbin.org/stream/5", "headers": {"Host": "httpbin.org", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "libcurl/7.51.0 r-curl/2.3 crul/0.2.0"}, "args": {}, "id": 4, "origin": ""}
+# when streaming, content is NULL
+#> NULL
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