[med-svn] [r-cran-dbitest] 05/07: New upstream version 1.4
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Sun Oct 1 21:31:57 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-dbitest.
commit e0d0684c0f41e0e70652e5bfe50b13b43f06b66a
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Sun Oct 1 23:26:27 2017 +0200
New upstream version 1.4
MD5 | 94 +++++
NAMESPACE | 61 +++
NEWS.md | 207 ++++++++++
R/DBItest.R | 10 +
R/context.R | 74 ++++
R/expectations.R | 35 ++
R/import-dbi.R | 12 +
R/import-testthat.R | 6 +
R/run.R | 46 +++
R/s4.R | 49 +++
R/spec-.R | 57 +++
R/spec-compliance-methods.R | 96 +++++
R/spec-compliance-read-only.R | 18 +
R/spec-compliance.R | 8 +
R/spec-connection-connect.R | 23 ++
R/spec-connection-data-type.R | 36 ++
R/spec-connection-get-info.R | 28 ++
R/spec-connection.R | 7 +
R/spec-driver-class.R | 14 +
R/spec-driver-constructor.R | 46 +++
R/spec-driver-data-type.R | 60 +++
R/spec-driver-get-info.R | 23 ++
R/spec-driver.R | 8 +
R/spec-getting-started.R | 28 ++
R/spec-meta-bind-.R | 291 ++++++++++++++
R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R | 70 ++++
R/spec-meta-bind.R | 277 +++++++++++++
R/spec-meta-column-info.R | 22 +
R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R | 26 ++
R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R | 48 +++
R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R | 42 ++
R/spec-meta-get-statement.R | 20 +
R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R | 16 +
R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R | 21 +
R/spec-meta.R | 19 +
R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R | 65 +++
R/spec-result-fetch.R | 162 ++++++++
R/spec-result-get-query.R | 79 ++++
R/spec-result-roundtrip.R | 600 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
R/spec-result-send-query.R | 82 ++++
R/spec-result.R | 25 ++
R/spec-sql-list-fields.R | 22 +
R/spec-sql-list-tables.R | 41 ++
R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R | 67 ++++
R/spec-sql-quote-string.R | 52 +++
R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R | 241 +++++++++++
R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R | 137 +++++++
R/spec-sql.R | 10 +
R/spec-stress-connection.R | 68 ++++
R/spec-stress-driver.R | 34 ++
R/spec-stress.R | 6 +
R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R | 98 +++++
R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R | 10 +
R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R | 10 +
R/spec-transaction.R | 9 +
R/spec.R | 31 ++
R/test-all.R | 25 ++
R/test-compliance.R | 18 +
R/test-connection.R | 20 +
R/test-driver.R | 19 +
R/test-getting-started.R | 21 +
R/test-meta.R | 18 +
R/test-result.R | 18 +
R/test-sql.R | 18 +
R/test-stress.R | 18 +
R/test-transaction.R | 18 +
R/tweaks.R | 107 +++++
R/utf8.R | 11 +
R/utils.R | 51 +++
README.md | 37 ++
build/vignette.rds | Bin 0 -> 202 bytes
debian/README.test | 8 -
debian/changelog | 5 -
debian/compat | 1 -
debian/control | 27 --
debian/copyright | 30 --
debian/docs | 3 -
debian/rules | 5 -
debian/source/format | 1 -
debian/tests/control | 3 -
debian/tests/run-unit-test | 13 -
debian/watch | 2 -
inst/doc/test.Rmd | 83 ++++
inst/doc/test.html | 128 ++++++
man/DBIspec-wip.Rd | 353 ++++++++++++++++
man/DBIspec.Rd | 194 +++++++++
man/DBItest-package.Rd | 30 ++
man/context.Rd | 41 ++
man/make_placeholder_fun.Rd | 21 +
man/test_all.Rd | 62 +++
man/test_compliance.Rd | 27 ++
man/test_connection.Rd | 27 ++
man/test_driver.Rd | 27 ++
man/test_getting_started.Rd | 27 ++
man/test_meta.Rd | 26 ++
man/test_result.Rd | 26 ++
man/test_sql.Rd | 26 ++
man/test_stress.Rd | 26 ++
man/test_transaction.Rd | 26 ++
man/tweaks.Rd | 48 +++
tests/testthat.R | 4 +
tests/testthat/test-context.R | 5 +
tests/testthat/test-lint.R | 15 +
tests/testthat/test-tweaks.R | 10 +
vignettes/test.Rmd | 83 ++++
106 files changed, 5515 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..375793f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Package: DBItest
+Title: Testing 'DBI' Back Ends
+Version: 1.4
+Date: 2016-12-02
+Authors at R: c( person(given = "Kirill", family = "Müller", role =
+ c("aut", "cre"), email = "krlmlr+r at mailbox.org"),
+ person("RStudio", role = "cph") )
+Description: A helper that tests 'DBI' back ends for conformity
+ to the interface.
+Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
+Imports: DBI (>= 0.4-9), methods, R6, testthat (>= 1.0.2), withr
+Suggests: devtools, knitr, lintr, rmarkdown
+License: LGPL (>= 2)
+LazyData: true
+Encoding: UTF-8
+BugReports: https://github.com/rstats-db/DBItest/issues
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
+Collate: 'DBItest.R' 'context.R' 'expectations.R' 'import-dbi.R'
+ 'import-testthat.R' 'run.R' 's4.R' 'spec.R'
+ 'spec-getting-started.R' 'spec-driver-class.R'
+ 'spec-driver-constructor.R' 'spec-driver-data-type.R'
+ 'spec-driver-get-info.R' 'spec-driver.R'
+ 'spec-connection-connect.R' 'spec-connection-data-type.R'
+ 'spec-connection-get-info.R' 'spec-connection.R'
+ 'spec-result-send-query.R' 'spec-result-fetch.R'
+ 'spec-result-get-query.R'
+ 'spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R'
+ 'spec-result-roundtrip.R' 'spec-result.R'
+ 'spec-sql-quote-string.R' 'spec-sql-quote-identifier.R'
+ 'spec-sql-read-write-table.R' 'spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R'
+ 'spec-sql-list-tables.R' 'spec-sql-list-fields.R' 'spec-sql.R'
+ 'spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R' 'spec-meta-is-valid-result.R'
+ 'spec-meta-get-statement.R' 'spec-meta-column-info.R'
+ 'spec-meta-get-row-count.R' 'spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R'
+ 'spec-meta-get-info-result.R' 'spec-meta-bind.R'
+ 'spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R' 'spec-meta-bind-.R' 'spec-meta.R'
+ 'spec-transaction-begin-commit.R'
+ 'spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R'
+ 'spec-transaction-with-transaction.R' 'spec-transaction.R'
+ 'spec-compliance-methods.R' 'spec-compliance-read-only.R'
+ 'spec-compliance.R' 'spec-stress-driver.R'
+ 'spec-stress-connection.R' 'spec-stress.R' 'spec-.R'
+ 'test-all.R' 'test-getting-started.R' 'test-driver.R'
+ 'test-connection.R' 'test-result.R' 'test-sql.R' 'test-meta.R'
+ 'test-transaction.R' 'test-compliance.R' 'test-stress.R'
+ 'tweaks.R' 'utf8.R' 'utils.R'
+NeedsCompilation: no
+Packaged: 2016-12-03 07:33:52 UTC; muelleki
+Author: Kirill Müller [aut, cre],
+ RStudio [cph]
+Maintainer: Kirill Müller <krlmlr+r at mailbox.org>
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2016-12-03 09:38:00
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f090858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+5fc4ec7955f22b177ff6ec1324b83ca4 *DESCRIPTION
+81cd946d3de4c7b9dda883b122c6d728 *NAMESPACE
+d8c88467640b146998eb53ae514c26e0 *NEWS.md
+f956e8e1290d2316d720831804645f34 *R/DBItest.R
+5aff7b5a0aca622d131ff7d6d1721c95 *R/context.R
+ac14ecef161e0215338bdbec18e6efa6 *R/expectations.R
+33d6bb1e697558fa783c48b4fadeafcd *R/import-dbi.R
+d1e36fe1f7d910ebe6ded24c9a2052b3 *R/import-testthat.R
+ae71a7343fa7585c7140c8f9f38d6f95 *R/run.R
+392269cd7ac8df3e6fbc56b0bea5538b *R/s4.R
+c8d4595c9679057b2d2062ccb04d7be2 *R/spec-.R
+50461b143db937afc2ac9a4a5f6f0d36 *R/spec-compliance-methods.R
+540f3c072b3b4c11d6399ada69511ea2 *R/spec-compliance-read-only.R
+9713a34fea629c2af551b92b2286a3ae *R/spec-compliance.R
+d2b51be02b7918e4a12e5dd5ed43f3a5 *R/spec-connection-connect.R
+613cfa69e2a310ea3c12fa6afda715d7 *R/spec-connection-data-type.R
+c4c5e3d7f0dd8051a9f34d88ae8b68c9 *R/spec-connection-get-info.R
+4b89a1600c91ceefb43e95fdf6cf3786 *R/spec-connection.R
+d2c103c881337a6f77e795661626e22b *R/spec-driver-class.R
+e39149bf7d88ad365c717b0fb9cbb9d9 *R/spec-driver-constructor.R
+7c0ff9831cd7e3755b9c75016468f4cf *R/spec-driver-data-type.R
+978caf381fa28ccf9cc86f6e6dd1829e *R/spec-driver-get-info.R
+1e89ea5b2cab75c520a4b84d0f7a266f *R/spec-driver.R
+47c6653a4b7f3631a81be59e1e19066a *R/spec-getting-started.R
+53e20873912387b7e072b97d3fa7a827 *R/spec-meta-bind-.R
+6c85ffbcf0862780619becd6e91d4387 *R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R
+b6ddec2116deb42841879e3d92ce75b2 *R/spec-meta-bind.R
+d5daa12e58b8f4a105fb78d56fb185b5 *R/spec-meta-column-info.R
+8baa8e35cca961dbf729f32e64772a8c *R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R
+98ef128fd9c3696a2096e1736566bd09 *R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R
+7c0cc8f4eefe301c9dbd996e7f9edc05 *R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R
+c65042cf47857b9d1b80456ca4d9ec2f *R/spec-meta-get-statement.R
+8144ef9733640935ce1b6a6cbc1aa0db *R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R
+d719d353cf89f3bec0fadff81faa9d1d *R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R
+a6c9971e4d04a4d2dbe08e756c1478d6 *R/spec-meta.R
+b8f98188cd517505409fb51f7849a5c1 *R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R
+df1faf90c7d8b2276bee75efb0690337 *R/spec-result-fetch.R
+f0988ce5d7f08d595f891942a7f29724 *R/spec-result-get-query.R
+49967036adccaeef8ab7bf3c210f1259 *R/spec-result-roundtrip.R
+471c08dd04893fece4639075ae9c884a *R/spec-result-send-query.R
+9e8f4e7b38f18382a3693675bdc00a3d *R/spec-result.R
+415dda2703baf2b2181839623551a498 *R/spec-sql-list-fields.R
+cc10b00b566802e74094323f4aa6f1b8 *R/spec-sql-list-tables.R
+4a4308ae632ee0cbeb28facacf391724 *R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R
+c87d982d3ec048485c876eeb11a86404 *R/spec-sql-quote-string.R
+ee39cce95d7c16246bedeee7f6c0c46e *R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R
+b142b6fa4661c19ca31024ed3cd7f57f *R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R
+96328be15900ec078468ae49cf55963d *R/spec-sql.R
+0667076b1e04bbdbc42de060e47a9446 *R/spec-stress-connection.R
+cb3218a7f9285a392f2d692d24bddac3 *R/spec-stress-driver.R
+73cf07d48bda9a36aa75ea52b2e1d0c4 *R/spec-stress.R
+536357374e5a2c280ab5b3de409d3b5f *R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R
+28d4aa077a503dc5443b6d615608a33b *R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R
+8a72283fb233f4f036bc7f0c667e438b *R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R
+7e1873b2a47fc22f7113db9e3a1e4ff5 *R/spec-transaction.R
+4ebba52dcbf2f992f73001f7e4c992b4 *R/spec.R
+42930e1c30af1764d829eb72b5f7377b *R/test-all.R
+0f3c8fb591881f71dc343a2bbd3cf898 *R/test-compliance.R
+5306ca1f57b4cec62b057c38b9acce72 *R/test-connection.R
+0395879bafa2c627d4c3f954baf1c3e5 *R/test-driver.R
+c206fc81b191714dd7e736e3348666e5 *R/test-getting-started.R
+a11b4257b6ee210f7840be0cc32a1fc8 *R/test-meta.R
+91549a3a28e40ee333ab44724b5eb46c *R/test-result.R
+c23e4b8e51ad324d42d65f45e10eaacc *R/test-sql.R
+4f098cdffca1949c4cbe9f96fc270c88 *R/test-stress.R
+16036f6126b6d6184b02c9f2978eb75a *R/test-transaction.R
+a184497d73f437ab2c1a6506331ff7d3 *R/tweaks.R
+5bb7302537533dc370d8aa96bb6d1dfd *R/utf8.R
+964c6a1fb51ac4953eec954e40eb0ea9 *R/utils.R
+2ac48354a76e3430802052eff9620bac *README.md
+ae2fd6ea55bce774f817836f579f6f5b *build/vignette.rds
+1994b1ff1f8a4d1ded48cd7a04a8d770 *inst/doc/test.Rmd
+c05c2b2466a3d5d513106443f4f768ff *inst/doc/test.html
+95db7c3f60b0a8dd95d9b2fe8badb4a6 *man/DBIspec-wip.Rd
+91e6a04a3b0565e65f5f012bbac89b39 *man/DBIspec.Rd
+2c210cf5334383ea31c9fb433cda01ee *man/DBItest-package.Rd
+6dc3d568a3939a41158e4d4ce0cc4244 *man/context.Rd
+4567f06e67179b2ef9f5821dc3039922 *man/make_placeholder_fun.Rd
+6b085b1c60ce27e321737430f7ce9da6 *man/test_all.Rd
+fed4f17ab866041d1096aed7d83ca042 *man/test_compliance.Rd
+c6520953292eb0086be311cb0dc58163 *man/test_connection.Rd
+5fe3efacc98502dbf6e29aabc06f5e1a *man/test_driver.Rd
+067b47bf6df2eedf248c9576f181e7aa *man/test_getting_started.Rd
+5cafd1a20f6cc2a2797a65e869d8642c *man/test_meta.Rd
+fa7bfdec7b1354fb1c436b43c6abd817 *man/test_result.Rd
+8d7d087982f2d0738aad95b1809e009e *man/test_sql.Rd
+04b8e7396de9b11026b4778c07792885 *man/test_stress.Rd
+a501fdb79764314a9bd20ba58154d8e2 *man/test_transaction.Rd
+2eafca654541bff02abd622dc12e12a5 *man/tweaks.Rd
+e66cc0201e7914ca0a08d2401d1ac8a8 *tests/testthat.R
+3675efbbcc4ee2129cfe7b52a10fd282 *tests/testthat/test-context.R
+4c438214a5f4b238d0832ce8b8c9a0ba *tests/testthat/test-lint.R
+361b9b8cea0450bd4dc41916dd4da39a *tests/testthat/test-tweaks.R
+1994b1ff1f8a4d1ded48cd7a04a8d770 *vignettes/test.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..296315f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d6f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# DBItest 1.4 (2016-12-02)
+## DBI specification
+- Use markdown in documentation.
+- Description of parametrized queries and statements (#88).
+- New hidden `DBIspec-wip` page for work-in-progress documentation.
+- Get rid of "Format" and "Usage" sections, and aliases, in the specs.
+## Tests
+- Not testing for presence of `max.connections` element in `dbGetInfo(Driver)` (rstats-db/DBI#56).
+- Test multi-row binding for queries and statements (#96).
+- New `ellipsis` check that verifies that all implemented DBI methods contain `...` in their formals. This excludes `show()` and all methods defined in this or other packages.
+- Refactored `bind_` tests to use the new `parameter_pattern` tweak (#95).
+- Rough draft of transaction tests (#36).
+- New `fetch_zero_rows` test, split from `fetch_premature_close`.
+- The "compliance" test tests that the backend package exports exactly one subclass of each DBI virtual class.
+- Document and enhance test for `dbDataType("DBIDriver", "ANY")` (#88).
+- Minor corrections for "bind" tests.
+## Internal
+- Isolate stress tests from main test suite (#92).
+- Refactor test specification in smaller modules, isolated from actual test execution (#81). This breaks the documentation of the tests, which will be substituted by a DBI specification in prose.
+- Align description of binding with code.
+- Refactor tests for `dbBind()`, test is run by `BindTester` class, and behavior is specified by members and by instances of the new `BindTesterExtra` class.
+- The `skip` argument to the `test_()` functions is again evaluated with `perl = TRUE` to support negative lookaheads (#33).
+- Use `dbSendStatement()` and `dbExecute()` where appropriate.
+- Avoid empty subsections in Rd documentation to satisfy `R CMD check` (#81).
+# DBItest 1.3 (2016-07-07)
+Bug fixes
+- Fix `read_table` test when the backend actually returns the data in a different order.
+New tests
+- Test `dbDataType()` on connections (#69, #75, @imanuelcostigan).
+- Check returned strings for UTF-8 encoding (#72).
+- Repeated `dbBind()` + `dbFetch()` on the same result set (#51).
+- `tweaks()` gains an `...` as first argument to support future/deprecated tweaks (with a warning), and also to avoid unnamed arguments (#83).
+- `testthat` now shows a more accurate location for the source of errors, failures, and skips (#78).
+- Aggregate skipped tests, only one `skip()` call per test function.
+- Indicate that some tests are optional in documentation (#15).
+- New `constructor_relax_args` tweak, currently not queried.
+- The `ctx` argument is now explicit in the test functions.
+- Change underscores to dashes in file names.
+- Remove `testthat` compatibility hack.
+- New `all_have_utf8_or_ascii_encoding()` which vectorizes `has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding()`.
+- Test on AppVeyor (#73).
+- Work around regression in R 3.3.0 (fix scheduled for R 3.3.1) which affected stress tests.
+# DBItest 1.2 (2016-05-21)
+- Infrastructure
+ - Support names for contexts (@hoesler, #67).
+ - The `skip` argument to the test functions is now treated as a Perl regular expression to allow negative lookahead. Use `skip = "(?!test_regex).*"` to choose a single test to run (#33).
+ - Added encoding arguments to non-ASCII string constants (#60, @hoesler).
+- Improve tests
+ - `simultaneous_connections` test always closes all connections on exit (@hoesler, #68).
+ - More generic compliance check (@hoesler, #61).
+ - Update documentation to reflect test condition (@imanuelcostigan, #70).
+- `testthat` dependency
+ - Import all of `testthat` to avoid `R CMD check` warnings.
+ - Compatibility with dev version of `testthat` (#62).
+- Improve Travis builds
+ - Use container-based builds on Travis.
+ - Install `RPostgres` and `RMySQL` from `rstats-db`.
+ - Install `DBI` and `testthat` from GitHub.
+Version 1.1 (2016-02-12)
+- New feature: tweaks
+ - New argument `tweaks` to `make_context()` (#49).
+ - New `tweaks()`, essentially constructs a named list of tweaks but with predefined and documented argument names.
+ - `constructor_name`, respected by the `constructor.*` tests.
+ - `strict_identifier`, if `TRUE` all identifier must be syntactic names even if quoted. The quoting test is now split, and a part is ignored conditional to this tweak. The `roundtrip_quotes` tests also respects this tweak.
+ - `omit_blob_tests` for DBMS that don't have a BLOB data type.
+ - `current_needs_parens` -- some SQL dialects (e.g., BigQuery) require parentheses for the functions `current_date`, `current_time` and `current_timestamp`.
+ - `union`, for specifying a nonstandard way of combining queries. All union queries now name each column in each subquery (required for `bigrquery`).
+- New tests
+ - `dbGetInfo(Result)` (rstats-db/DBI#55).
+ - `dbListFields()` (#26).
+ - New `package_name` test in `test_getting_started()`.
+- Improved tests
+ - Stress test now installs package in temporary library (before loading `DBI`) using `R CMD INSTALL` before loading DBI (rstats-db/RSQLite#128, #48).
+ - Row count is now tested for equality but not identity, so that backends can return a numeric value > 2^31 at their discretion.
+ - Call `dbRemoveTable()` instead of issuing `DROP` requests, the latter might be unsupported.
+ - Use subqueries in queries that use `WHERE`.
+ - Test that `dbClearResult()` on a closed result set raises a warning.
+ - Expect a warning instead of an error for double disconnect (#50).
+ - Move connection test that requires `dbFetch()` to `test_result()`.
+ - Split `can_connect_and_disconnect` test.
+ - Expect `DBI` to be in `Imports`, not in `Depends`.
+- Removed tests
+ - Remove test for `dbGetException()` (rstats-db/DBI#51).
+- Bug fixes
+ - Fix broken tests for quoting.
+- Self-testing
+ - Test `RPostgres`, `RMySQL`, `RSQLite` and `RKazam` as part of the Travis-CI tests (#52).
+ - Travis CI now installs rstats-db/DBI, updated namespace imports (`dbiCheckCompliance()`, `dbListResults()`).
+ - Use fork of `testthat`.
+- Utilities
+ - Return test results as named array of logical. Requires hadley/testthat#360, gracefully degrades with the CRAN version.
+- Internal
+ - Refactored the `get_info_()` tests to use a vector of names.
+ - Use versioned dependency for DBI
+ - Use unqualified calls to `dbBind()` again
+Version 1.0 (2015-12-17)
+- CRAN release
+ - Eliminate errors on win-builder
+ - Satisfy R CMD check
+ - Use LGPL-2 license
+ - Add RStudio as copyright holder
+ - Move `devtools` package from "Imports" to "Suggests"
+Version 0.3 (2015-11-15)
+- Feature-complete, ready for review
+- Tests from the proposal
+ - Add missing methods to compliance check
+ - Add simple read-only test (#27)
+ - Add stress tests for repeated load/unload (with and without connecting) in new R session (#2),
+ - Migrate all tests from existing backends (#28)
+ - Refactor `data_` tests to use a worker function `test_select()`
+ - Test tables with `NA` values above and below the non-`NA` value in `data_` tests
+ - Test return values and error conditions for `dbBind()` and `dbClearResult()` (#31)
+ - Test vectorization of `dbQuoteString()` and `dbQuoteIdentifier()` (#18)
+ - Test that dates have `integer` as underlying data type (#9)
+ - Roundtrip tests sort output table to be sure (#32)
+ - Test `NA` to `NULL` conversion in `dbQuoteString()`, and false friends (#23)
+ - Enhance test for `dbQuoteIdentifier()` (#30)
+- Style
+ - Avoid using `data.frame()` for date and time columns (#10)
+ - Use `expect_identical()` instead of `expect_equal()` in many places (#13)
+ - Catch all errors in `on.exit()` handlers via `expect_error()` (#20).
+ - Combine "meta" tests into new `test_meta()` (#37)
+- Documentation
+ - New "test" vignette (#16)
+ - Add package documentation (#38)
+- Same as 0.2-5
+Version 0.2 (2015-11-11)
+- Tests from the proposal
+ - SQL
+ - Metadata
+ - DBI compliance (not testing read-only yet)
+- Migrate most of the tests from RMySQL
+- Test improvements
+ - Test BLOB data type (#17)
+ - Check actual availability of type returned by `dbDataType()` (#19)
+- Testing infrastructure
+ - Disambiguate test names (#21)
+ - Use regex matching for deciding skipped tests, skip regex must match the entire test name
+- Documentation
+ - Document all tests in each test function using the new inline documentation feature of roxygen2
+ - Improve documentation for `test_all()`: Tests are listed in new "Tests" section
+ - Add brief instructions to README
+- Move repository to rstats-db namespace
+- Same as 0.1-6
+Version 0.1 (2015-10-11)
+- First GitHub release
+- Builds successfully on Travis
+- Testing infrastructure
+ - Test context
+ - Skipped tests call `skip()`
+ - Function `test_all()` that runs all tests
+- Tests from the proposal
+ - Getting started
+ - Driver
+ - Connection
+ - Results
+- Code formatting is checked with lintr
+- Same as 0.0-5
diff --git a/R/DBItest.R b/R/DBItest.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8938daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/DBItest.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#' @details
+#' The two most important functions are [make_context()] and
+#' [test_all()]. The former tells the package how to connect to your
+#' DBI backend, the latter executes all tests of the test suite. More
+#' fine-grained test functions (all with prefix `test_`) are available.
+#' See the package's vignette for more details.
+#' @author Kirill Müller
diff --git a/R/context.R b/R/context.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2a482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/context.R
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#' Test contexts
+#' Create a test context, set and query the default context.
+#' @param drv `[DBIDriver]`\cr An expression that constructs a DBI driver,
+#' like `SQLite()`.
+#' @param connect_args `[named list]`\cr Connection arguments (names and values).
+#' @param set_as_default `[logical(1)]`\cr Should the created context be
+#' set as default context?
+#' @param tweaks `[DBItest_tweaks]`\cr Tweaks as constructed by the
+#' [tweaks()] function.
+#' @param ctx `[DBItest_context]`\cr A test context.
+#' @param name `[character]`\cr An optional name of the context which will
+#' be used in test messages.
+#' @return `[DBItest_context]`\cr A test context, for
+#' `set_default_context` the previous default context (invisibly) or
+#' `NULL`.
+#' @rdname context
+#' @export
+make_context <- function(drv, connect_args, set_as_default = TRUE,
+ tweaks = NULL, name = NULL) {
+ drv_call <- substitute(drv)
+ if (is.null(drv)) {
+ stop("drv cannot be NULL.")
+ }
+ if (is.null(tweaks)) {
+ tweaks <- tweaks()
+ }
+ ctx <- structure(
+ list(
+ drv = drv,
+ drv_call = drv_call,
+ connect_args = connect_args,
+ tweaks = tweaks,
+ name = name
+ ),
+ class = "DBItest_context"
+ )
+ if (set_as_default) {
+ set_default_context(ctx)
+ }
+ ctx
+#' @rdname context
+#' @export
+set_default_context <- function(ctx) {
+ old_ctx <- .ctx_env$default_context
+ .ctx_env$default_context <- ctx
+ invisible(old_ctx)
+#' @rdname context
+#' @export
+get_default_context <- function() {
+ .ctx_env$default_context
+package_name <- function(ctx) {
+ attr(class(ctx$drv), "package")
+connect <- function(ctx) {
+ do.call(dbConnect, c(list(ctx$drv), ctx$connect_args))
+.ctx_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
diff --git a/R/expectations.R b/R/expectations.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14cae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/expectations.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+arglist_is_empty <- function() {
+ function(x) {
+ expect_true(
+ is.null(formals(x)),
+ "has empty argument list")
+ }
+all_args_have_default_values <- function() {
+ function(x) {
+ args <- formals(x)
+ args <- args[names(args) != "..."]
+ expect_true(
+ all(vapply(args, as.character, character(1L)) != ""),
+ "has arguments without default values")
+ }
+has_method <- function(method_name) {
+ function(x) {
+ my_class <- class(x)
+ expect_true(
+ length(findMethod(method_name, my_class)) > 0L,
+ paste("object of class", my_class, "has no", method_name, "method"))
+ }
+expect_invisible_true <- function(code) {
+ ret <- withVisible(code)
+ expect_true(ret$value)
+ # Cannot test for visibility of return value yet (#89)
+ return()
+ expect_false(ret$visible)
diff --git a/R/import-dbi.R b/R/import-dbi.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a27aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/import-dbi.R
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# The imports below were generated using the following call:
+# @import.gen::importFrom("DBI")
+#' @importFrom DBI dbBegin dbBind dbCallProc dbClearResult dbColumnInfo
+#' @importFrom DBI dbCommit dbConnect dbDataType dbDisconnect dbDriver
+#' @importFrom DBI dbExecute dbExistsTable dbFetch dbGetDBIVersion
+#' @importFrom DBI dbGetInfo dbGetQuery dbGetRowCount dbGetRowsAffected
+#' @importFrom DBI dbGetStatement dbHasCompleted dbIsValid
+#' @importFrom DBI dbListConnections dbListFields dbListTables
+#' @importFrom DBI dbQuoteIdentifier dbQuoteString dbReadTable dbRemoveTable
+#' @importFrom DBI dbRollback dbSendQuery dbSendStatement dbSetDataMappings
+#' @importFrom DBI dbUnloadDriver dbWriteTable
diff --git a/R/import-testthat.R b/R/import-testthat.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3b445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/import-testthat.R
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#' @import testthat
+#' @importFrom methods findMethod getClasses getClass extends
+#' @importFrom stats setNames
diff --git a/R/run.R b/R/run.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4389634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/run.R
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+run_tests <- function(ctx, tests, skip, test_suite) {
+ if (is.null(ctx)) {
+ stop("Need to call make_context() to use the test_...() functions.", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (!inherits(ctx, "DBItest_context")) {
+ stop("ctx must be a DBItest_context object created by make_context().", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ test_context <- paste0(
+ "DBItest", if(!is.null(ctx$name)) paste0("[", ctx$name, "]"),
+ ": ", test_suite)
+ context(test_context)
+ tests <- tests[!vapply(tests, is.null, logical(1L))]
+ skip_rx <- paste0(paste0("(?:^", skip, "$)"), collapse = "|")
+ skip_flag <- grepl(skip_rx, names(tests), perl = TRUE)
+ ok <- vapply(seq_along(tests), function(test_idx) {
+ test_name <- names(tests)[[test_idx]]
+ if (skip_flag[[test_idx]])
+ else {
+ test_fun <- patch_test_fun(tests[[test_name]], paste0(test_context, ": ", test_name))
+ test_fun(ctx)
+ }
+ },
+ logical(1L))
+ if (any(skip_flag)) {
+ test_that(paste0(test_context, ": skipped tests"), {
+ skip(paste0("by request: ", paste(names(tests)[skip_flag], collapse = ", ")))
+ })
+ }
+ ok
+patch_test_fun <- function(test_fun, desc) {
+ body_of_test_fun <- body(test_fun)
+ eval(bquote(
+ function(ctx) {
+ test_that(.(desc), .(body_of_test_fun))
+ }
+ ))
diff --git a/R/s4.R b/R/s4.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/s4.R
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# http://stackoverflow.com/a/39880324/946850
+s4_methods <- function(env, pkg_fun = NULL) {
+ generics <- methods::getGenerics(env)
+ if (is.null(pkg_fun)) {
+ ok <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ ok <- pkg_fun(generics at package)
+ }
+ res <- Map(
+ generics at .Data[ok], generics at package[ok], USE.NAMES = TRUE,
+ f = function(name, package) {
+ what <- methods::methodsPackageMetaName("T", paste(name, package, sep = ":"))
+ table <- get(what, envir = env)
+ mget(ls(table, all.names = TRUE), envir = table)
+ })
+ unlist(res, recursive = FALSE)
+s4_real_argument_names <- function(s4_method) {
+ expect_is(s4_method, c("function", "MethodDefinition", "derivedDefaultMethod"))
+ unwrapped <- s4_unwrap(s4_method)
+ names(formals(unwrapped))
+s4_unwrap <- function(s4_method) {
+ # Only unwrap if body is of the following form:
+ # {
+ # .local <- function(x, y, z, ...) {
+ # ...
+ # }
+ # ...
+ # }
+ method_body <- body(s4_method)
+ if (inherits(method_body, "{")) {
+ local_def <- method_body[[2]]
+ if (inherits(local_def, "<-") && local_def[[2]] == quote(.local)) {
+ local_fun <- local_def[[3]]
+ if (inherits(local_fun, "function"))
+ return(local_fun)
+ }
+ }
+ s4_method
diff --git a/R/spec-.R b/R/spec-.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57eb1c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-.R
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# reverse order
+# Script to create new spec files from subspec names read from clipboard:
+# xclip -out -se c | sed 's/,//' | for i in $(cat); do f=$(echo $i | sed 's/_/-/g;s/$/.R/'); echo "$i <- list(" > R/$f; echo ")" >> R/$f; echo "#' @include $f"; done | tac
+# Example input:
+# test_xxx_1,
+# test_xxx_2,
+# Output: Files R/test-xxx-1.R and R/test-xxx-2.R, and @include directives to stdout
+#' @include spec-stress.R
+#' @include spec-stress-connection.R
+#' @include spec-stress-driver.R
+#' @include spec-compliance.R
+#' @include spec-compliance-read-only.R
+#' @include spec-compliance-methods.R
+#' @include spec-transaction.R
+#' @include spec-transaction-with-transaction.R
+#' @include spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R
+#' @include spec-transaction-begin-commit.R
+#' @include spec-meta.R
+#' @include spec-meta-bind-.R
+#' @include spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R
+#' @include spec-meta-bind.R
+#' @include spec-meta-get-info-result.R
+#' @include spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R
+#' @include spec-meta-get-row-count.R
+#' @include spec-meta-column-info.R
+#' @include spec-meta-get-statement.R
+#' @include spec-meta-is-valid-result.R
+#' @include spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R
+#' @include spec-sql.R
+#' @include spec-sql-list-fields.R
+#' @include spec-sql-list-tables.R
+#' @include spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R
+#' @include spec-sql-read-write-table.R
+#' @include spec-sql-quote-identifier.R
+#' @include spec-sql-quote-string.R
+#' @include spec-result.R
+#' @include spec-result-roundtrip.R
+#' @include spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R
+#' @include spec-result-get-query.R
+#' @include spec-result-fetch.R
+#' @include spec-result-send-query.R
+#' @include spec-connection.R
+#' @include spec-connection-get-info.R
+#' @include spec-connection-data-type.R
+#' @include spec-connection-connect.R
+#' @include spec-driver.R
+#' @include spec-driver-get-info.R
+#' @include spec-driver-data-type.R
+#' @include spec-driver-constructor.R
+#' @include spec-driver-class.R
+#' @include spec-getting-started.R
+#' @include spec.R
diff --git a/R/spec-compliance-methods.R b/R/spec-compliance-methods.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a45c621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-compliance-methods.R
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Full compliance:
+#' \subsection{All of DBI}{
+spec_compliance_methods <- list(
+ #' The package defines three classes that implement the required methods.
+ compliance = function(ctx) {
+ pkg <- package_name(ctx)
+ where <- asNamespace(pkg)
+ sapply(names(key_methods), function(name) {
+ dbi_class <- paste0("DBI", name)
+ classes <- Filter(function(class) {
+ extends(class, dbi_class) && getClass(class)@virtual == FALSE
+ }, getClasses(where))
+ expect_equal(length(classes), 1)
+ class <- classes[[1]]
+ mapply(function(method, args) {
+ expect_has_class_method(method, class, args, where)
+ }, names(key_methods[[name]]), key_methods[[name]])
+ })
+ },
+ #' All methods have an ellipsis `...` in their formals.
+ ellipsis = function(ctx) {
+ pkg <- package_name(ctx)
+ where <- asNamespace(pkg)
+ methods <- s4_methods(where, function(x) x == "DBI")
+ Map(expect_ellipsis_in_formals, methods, names(methods))
+ },
+ #' }
+# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#' @importFrom methods hasMethod
+expect_has_class_method <- function(name, class, args, driver_package) {
+ full_args <- c(class, args)
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(hasMethod(.(name), .(full_args), driver_package))
+ ))
+expect_ellipsis_in_formals <- function(method, name) {
+ sym <- as.name(name)
+ eval(bquote({
+ .(sym) <- method
+ expect_true("..." %in% s4_real_argument_names(.(sym)))
+ }))
+key_methods <- list(
+ Driver = list(
+ "dbGetInfo" = NULL,
+ "dbConnect" = NULL,
+ "dbDataType" = NULL
+ ),
+ Connection = list(
+ "dbDisconnect" = NULL,
+ "dbGetInfo" = NULL,
+ "dbSendQuery" = "character",
+ "dbListFields" = "character",
+ "dbListTables" = NULL,
+ "dbReadTable" = "character",
+ "dbWriteTable" = c("character", "data.frame"),
+ "dbExistsTable" = "character",
+ "dbRemoveTable" = "character",
+ "dbBegin" = NULL,
+ "dbCommit" = NULL,
+ "dbRollback" = NULL,
+ "dbIsValid" = NULL,
+ "dbQuoteString" = "character",
+ "dbQuoteIdentifier" = "character"
+ ),
+ Result = list(
+ "dbIsValid" = NULL,
+ "dbFetch" = NULL,
+ "dbClearResult" = NULL,
+ "dbColumnInfo" = NULL,
+ "dbGetRowsAffected" = NULL,
+ "dbGetRowCount" = NULL,
+ "dbHasCompleted" = NULL,
+ "dbGetStatement" = NULL,
+ "dbBind" = NULL
+ )
diff --git a/R/spec-compliance-read-only.R b/R/spec-compliance-read-only.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae06a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-compliance-read-only.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Full compliance:
+#' \subsection{Read-only access}{
+spec_compliance_read_only <- list(
+ spec_compliance_methods,
+ #' Writing to the database fails. (You might need to set up a separate
+ #' test context just for this test.)
+ read_only = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbWriteTable(con, "test", data.frame(a = 1)))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-compliance.R b/R/spec-compliance.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7cf75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-compliance.R
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_compliance <- c(
+ spec_compliance_methods,
+ spec_compliance_read_only,
diff --git a/R/spec-connection-connect.R b/R/spec-connection-connect.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db85f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-connection-connect.R
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Connection:
+#' \subsection{Construction: `dbConnect("DBIDriver")` and `dbDisconnect("DBIConnection", "ANY")`}{
+spec_connection_connect <- list(
+ #' Can connect and disconnect, connection object inherits from
+ #' "DBIConnection".
+ can_connect_and_disconnect = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ expect_s4_class(con, "DBIConnection")
+ expect_true(dbDisconnect(con))
+ },
+ #' Repeated disconnect throws warning.
+ cannot_disconnect_twice = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ dbDisconnect(con)
+ expect_warning(dbDisconnect(con))
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-connection-data-type.R b/R/spec-connection-data-type.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac41127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-connection-data-type.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Connection:
+#' \subsection{`dbDataType("DBIConnection", "ANY")`}{
+spec_connection_data_type <- list(
+ #' SQL Data types exist for all basic R data types. dbDataType() does not
+ #' throw an error and returns a nonempty atomic character
+ data_type_connection = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ check_conn_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote({
+ expect_is(dbDataType(con, .(value)), "character")
+ expect_equal(length(dbDataType(con, .(value))), 1L)
+ expect_match(dbDataType(con, .(value)), ".")
+ }))
+ }
+ expect_conn_has_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_error(check_conn_data_type(.(value)), NA)))
+ }
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(logical(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(integer(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(numeric(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(character(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(Sys.Date())
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(Sys.time())
+ if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(list(raw(1)))
+ }
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-connection-get-info.R b/R/spec-connection-get-info.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdd9afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-connection-get-info.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Connection:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetInfo("DBIConnection")` (deprecated)}{
+spec_connection_get_info <- list(
+ #' Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements
+ get_info_connection = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbDisconnect(con), NA), add = TRUE)
+ info <- dbGetInfo(con)
+ expect_is(info, "list")
+ info_names <- names(info)
+ necessary_names <-
+ c("db.version", "dbname", "username", "host", "port")
+ for (name in necessary_names) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(.(name) %in% info_names)))
+ }
+ expect_false("password" %in% info_names)
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-connection.R b/R/spec-connection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3dec97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-connection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_connection <- c(
+ spec_connection_connect,
+ spec_connection_data_type,
+ spec_connection_get_info
diff --git a/R/spec-driver-class.R b/R/spec-driver-class.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0f728e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-driver-class.R
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Driver:
+spec_driver_class <- list(
+ inherits_from_driver = function(ctx) {
+ #' Each DBI backend implements a \dfn{driver class},
+ #' which must be an S4 class and inherit from the `DBIDriver` class.
+ expect_s4_class(ctx$drv, "DBIDriver")
+ },
+ #' This section describes the construction of, and the methods defined for,
+ #' this driver class.
diff --git a/R/spec-driver-constructor.R b/R/spec-driver-constructor.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c11392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-driver-constructor.R
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Driver:
+#' \subsection{Construction}{
+spec_driver_constructor <- list(
+ constructor = function(ctx) {
+ pkg_name <- package_name(ctx)
+ #' The backend must support creation of an instance of this driver class
+ #' with a \dfn{constructor function}.
+ #' By default, its name is the package name without the leading \sQuote{R}
+ #' (if it exists), e.g., `SQLite` for the \pkg{RSQLite} package.
+ default_constructor_name <- gsub("^R", "", pkg_name)
+ #' For the automated tests, the constructor name can be tweaked using the
+ #' `constructor_name` tweak.
+ constructor_name <- ctx$tweaks$constructor_name %||% default_constructor_name
+ #'
+ #' The constructor must be exported, and
+ pkg_env <- getNamespace(pkg_name)
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(.(constructor_name) %in% getNamespaceExports(pkg_env))))
+ #' it must be a function
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(exists(.(constructor_name), mode = "function", pkg_env))))
+ constructor <- get(constructor_name, mode = "function", pkg_env)
+ #' that is callable without arguments.
+ #' For the automated tests, unless the
+ #' `constructor_relax_args` tweak is set to `TRUE`,
+ if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$constructor_relax_args)) {
+ #' an empty argument list is expected.
+ expect_that(constructor, arglist_is_empty())
+ } else {
+ #' Otherwise, an argument list where all arguments have default values
+ #' is also accepted.
+ expect_that(constructor, all_args_have_default_values())
+ }
+ #'
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-driver-data-type.R b/R/spec-driver-data-type.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1dbc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-driver-data-type.R
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Driver:
+#' \subsection{`dbDataType("DBIDriver", "ANY")`}{
+spec_driver_data_type <- list(
+ #' The backend can override the [DBI::dbDataType()] generic
+ #' for its driver class.
+ data_type_driver = function(ctx) {
+ #' This generic expects an arbitrary object as second argument
+ #' and returns a corresponding SQL type
+ check_driver_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote({
+ #' as atomic
+ expect_equal(length(dbDataType(ctx$drv, .(value))), 1L)
+ #' character value
+ expect_is(dbDataType(ctx$drv, .(value)), "character")
+ #' with at least one character.
+ expect_match(dbDataType(ctx$drv, .(value)), ".")
+ #' As-is objects (i.e., wrapped by [base::I()]) must be
+ #' supported and return the same results as their unwrapped counterparts.
+ expect_identical(dbDataType(ctx$drv, I(.(value))),
+ dbDataType(ctx$drv, .(value)))
+ }))
+ }
+ #'
+ #' To query the values returned by the default implementation,
+ #' run `example(dbDataType, package = "DBI")`.
+ #' If the backend needs to override this generic,
+ #' it must accept all basic R data types as its second argument, namely
+ expect_driver_has_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_error(check_driver_data_type(.(value)), NA)))
+ }
+ #' [base::logical()],
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(logical(1))
+ #' [base::integer()],
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(integer(1))
+ #' [base::numeric()],
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(numeric(1))
+ #' [base::character()],
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(character(1))
+ #' dates (see [base::Dates()]),
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(Sys.Date())
+ #' date-time (see [base::DateTimeClasses()]),
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(Sys.time())
+ #' and [base::difftime()].
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(Sys.time() - Sys.time())
+ #' It also must accept lists of `raw` vectors
+ #' and map them to the BLOB (binary large object) data type.
+ if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ expect_driver_has_data_type(list(raw(1)))
+ }
+ #' The behavior for other object types is not specified.
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-driver-get-info.R b/R/spec-driver-get-info.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7518903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-driver-get-info.R
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Driver:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetInfo("DBIDriver")` (deprecated)}{
+spec_driver_get_info <- list(
+ #' Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements.
+ get_info_driver = function(ctx) {
+ info <- dbGetInfo(ctx$drv)
+ expect_is(info, "list")
+ info_names <- names(info)
+ necessary_names <-
+ c("driver.version", "client.version")
+ for (name in necessary_names) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(.(name) %in% info_names)))
+ }
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-driver.R b/R/spec-driver.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea3ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-driver.R
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_driver <- c(
+ spec_driver_class,
+ spec_driver_constructor,
+ spec_driver_data_type,
+ spec_driver_get_info
diff --git a/R/spec-getting-started.R b/R/spec-getting-started.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25f293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-getting-started.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Getting started:
+spec_getting_started <- list(
+ package_dependencies = function(ctx) {
+ #' A DBI backend is an R package,
+ pkg <- get_pkg(ctx)
+ pkg_imports <- devtools::parse_deps(pkg$imports)$name
+ #' which should import the \pkg{DBI}
+ expect_true("DBI" %in% pkg_imports)
+ #' and \pkg{methods}
+ expect_true("methods" %in% pkg_imports)
+ #' packages.
+ },
+ package_name = function(ctx) {
+ pkg_name <- package_name(ctx)
+ #' For better or worse, the names of many existing backends start with
+ #' \sQuote{R}, e.g., \pkg{RSQLite}, \pkg{RMySQL}, \pkg{RSQLServer}; it is up
+ #' to the package author to adopt this convention or not.
+ expect_match(pkg_name, "^R")
+ },
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-bind-.R b/R/spec-meta-bind-.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc46e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-bind-.R
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
+test_select_bind <- function(con, placeholder_fun, ...) {
+ if (is.character(placeholder_fun))
+ placeholder_fun <- lapply(placeholder_fun, make_placeholder_fun)
+ else if (is.function(placeholder_fun))
+ placeholder_fun <- list(placeholder_fun)
+ if (length(placeholder_fun) == 0) {
+ skip("Use the placeholder_pattern tweak, or skip all 'bind_.*' tests")
+ }
+ lapply(placeholder_fun, test_select_bind_one, con = con, ...)
+test_select_bind_one <- function(con, placeholder_fun, values,
+ type = "character(10)",
+ query = TRUE,
+ transform_input = as.character,
+ transform_output = function(x) trimws(x, "right"),
+ expect = expect_identical,
+ extra = "none") {
+ bind_tester <- BindTester$new(con)
+ bind_tester$placeholder <- placeholder_fun(length(values))
+ bind_tester$values <- values
+ bind_tester$type <- type
+ bind_tester$query <- query
+ bind_tester$transform$input <- transform_input
+ bind_tester$transform$output <- transform_output
+ bind_tester$expect$fun <- expect
+ bind_tester$extra_obj <- new_extra_imp(extra)
+ bind_tester$run()
+new_extra_imp <- function(extra) {
+ if (length(extra) == 0)
+ new_extra_imp_one("none")
+ else if (length(extra) == 1)
+ new_extra_imp_one(extra)
+ else {
+ stop("need BindTesterExtraMulti")
+ # BindTesterExtraMulti$new(lapply(extra, new_extra_imp_one))
+ }
+new_extra_imp_one <- function(extra) {
+ extra_imp <- switch(
+ extra,
+ return_value = BindTesterExtraReturnValue,
+ too_many = BindTesterExtraTooMany,
+ not_enough = BindTesterExtraNotEnough,
+ wrong_name = BindTesterExtraWrongName,
+ unequal_length = BindTesterExtraUnequalLength,
+ repeated = BindTesterExtraRepeated,
+ none = BindTesterExtra,
+ stop("Unknown extra: ", extra, call. = FALSE)
+ )
+ extra_imp$new()
+# BindTesterExtra ---------------------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtra <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtra",
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ check_return_value = function(bind_res, res) invisible(NULL),
+ patch_bind_values = identity,
+ requires_names = function() FALSE,
+ is_repeated = function() FALSE
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraReturnValue ----------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraReturnValue <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraReturnValue",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ check_return_value = function(bind_res, res) {
+ expect_false(bind_res$visible)
+ expect_identical(res, bind_res$value)
+ }
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraTooMany --------------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraTooMany <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraTooMany",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ patch_bind_values = function(bind_values) {
+ c(bind_values, bind_values[[1L]])
+ }
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraNotEnough --------------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraNotEnough <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraNotEnough",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ patch_bind_values = function(bind_values) {
+ bind_values[-1L]
+ }
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraWrongName ------------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraWrongName <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraWrongName",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ patch_bind_values = function(bind_values) {
+ stats::setNames(bind_values, paste0("bogus", names(bind_values)))
+ },
+ requires_names = function() TRUE
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraUnequalLength --------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraUnequalLength <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraUnequalLength",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ patch_bind_values = function(bind_values) {
+ bind_values[[2]] <- bind_values[[2]][-1]
+ bind_values
+ }
+ )
+# BindTesterExtraRepeated -------------------------------------------------
+BindTesterExtraRepeated <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTesterExtraRepeated",
+ inherit = BindTesterExtra,
+ portable = TRUE,
+ public = list(
+ is_repeated = function() TRUE
+ )
+# BindTester --------------------------------------------------------------
+BindTester <- R6::R6Class(
+ "BindTester",
+ portable = FALSE,
+ public = list(
+ initialize = function(con) {
+ self$con <- con
+ },
+ run = run_bind_tester$fun,
+ con = NULL,
+ placeholder = NULL,
+ values = NULL,
+ type = "character(10)",
+ query = TRUE,
+ transform = list(input = as.character, output = function(x) trimws(x, "right")),
+ expect = list(fun = expect_identical),
+ extra_obj = NULL
+ ),
+ private = list(
+ is_query = function() {
+ query
+ },
+ send_query = function() {
+ value_names <- letters[seq_along(values)]
+ if (is.null(type)) {
+ typed_placeholder <- placeholder
+ } else {
+ typed_placeholder <- paste0("cast(", placeholder, " as ", type, ")")
+ }
+ query <- paste0("SELECT ", paste0(
+ typed_placeholder, " as ", value_names, collapse = ", "))
+ dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ },
+ send_statement = function() {
+ data <- data.frame(a = rep(1:5, 1:5))
+ data$b <- seq_along(data$a)
+ table_name <- random_table_name()
+ dbWriteTable(con, table_name, data, temporary = TRUE)
+ value_names <- letters[seq_along(values)]
+ statement <- paste0(
+ "UPDATE ", dbQuoteIdentifier(con, table_name), "SET b = b + 1 WHERE ",
+ paste(value_names, " = ", placeholder, collapse = " AND "))
+ dbSendStatement(con, statement)
+ },
+ bind = function(res, bind_values) {
+ error_bind_values <- extra_obj$patch_bind_values(bind_values)
+ if (!identical(bind_values, error_bind_values)) {
+ expect_error(dbBind(res, error_bind_values))
+ return(FALSE)
+ }
+ bind_res <- withVisible(dbBind(res, bind_values))
+ extra_obj$check_return_value(bind_res, res)
+ },
+ compare = function(rows, values) {
+ expect$fun(lapply(unname(rows), transform$output),
+ lapply(unname(values), transform$input))
+ },
+ compare_affected = function(rows_affected, values) {
+ expect_equal(rows_affected, sum(values[[1]]))
+ }
+ )
+# make_placeholder_fun ----------------------------------------------------
+#' Create a function that creates n placeholders
+#' For internal use by the `placeholder_format` tweak.
+#' @param pattern `[character(1)]`\cr Any character, optionally followed by `1` or `name`. Examples: `"?"`, `"$1"`, `":name"`
+#' @return `[function(n)]`\cr A function with one argument `n` that
+#' returns a vector of length `n` with placeholders of the specified format.
+#' Examples: `?, ?, ?, ...`, `$1, $2, $3, ...`, `:a, :b, :c`
+#' @keywords internal
+make_placeholder_fun <- function(pattern) {
+ format_rx <- "^(.)(.*)$"
+ character <- gsub(format_rx, "\\1", pattern)
+ kind <- gsub(format_rx, "\\2", pattern)
+ if (character == "") {
+ stop("placeholder pattern must have at least one character", call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ if (kind == "") {
+ eval(bquote(
+ function(n) .(character)
+ ))
+ } else if (kind == "1") {
+ eval(bquote(
+ function(n) paste0(.(character), seq_len(n))
+ ))
+ } else if (kind == "name") {
+ eval(bquote(
+ function(n) {
+ l <- letters[seq_len(n)]
+ stats::setNames(paste0(.(character), l), l)
+ }
+ ))
+ } else {
+ stop("Pattern must be any character, optionally followed by 1 or name. Examples: $1, :name", call. = FALSE)
+ }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R b/R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e46dcea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Parametrised queries and statements:
+#' \subsection{`dbBind("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_bind_multi_row <- list(
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values.
+ bind_multi_row = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values with zero rows.
+ bind_multi_row_zero_length = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(integer(), integer()))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values with unequal length.
+ bind_multi_row_unequal_length = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3, 2:4), extra = "unequal_length")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row statements.
+ bind_multi_row_statement = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3), query = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
+#' @noRd
+#' @details
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values with group column.
+ bind_multi_row_group_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3), extra = "group_column")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values with group column and zero rows.
+ bind_multi_row_group_column_zero_length = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(integer(), integer()), extra = "group_column")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values, groupwise fetching.
+ bind_multi_row_groupwise_fetch = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3), extra = "groupwise_fetch")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of multi-row integer values, groupwise fetching, with group column.
+ bind_multi_row_group_column_groupwise_fetch = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1:3), extra = c("group_column", "groupwise_fetch"))
+ })
+ },
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-bind.R b/R/spec-meta-bind.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf80bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-bind.R
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+run_bind_tester <- list()
+#' @template dbispec-sub
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Parametrized queries and statements:
+#' \pkg{DBI} supports parametrized (or prepared) queries and statements
+#' via the [DBI::dbBind()] generic.
+#' Parametrized queries are different from normal queries
+#' in that they allow an arbitrary number of placeholders,
+#' which are later substituted by actual values.
+#' Parametrized queries (and statements) serve two purposes:
+#' - The same query can be executed more than once with different values.
+#' The DBMS may cache intermediate information for the query,
+#' such as the execution plan,
+#' and execute it faster.
+#' - Separation of query syntax and parameters protects against SQL injection.
+#' The placeholder format is currently not specified by \pkg{DBI};
+#' in the future, a uniform placeholder syntax may be supported.
+#' Consult the backend documentation for the supported formats.
+#' For automated testing, backend authors specify the placeholder syntax with
+#' the `placeholder_pattern` tweak.
+#' Known examples are:
+#' - `?` (positional matching in order of appearance) in \pkg{RMySQL} and \pkg{RSQLite}
+#' - `$1` (positional matching by index) in \pkg{RPostgres} and \pkg{RSQLite}
+#' - `:name` and `$name` (named matching) in \pkg{RSQLite}
+#' \pkg{DBI} clients execute parametrized statements as follows:
+run_bind_tester$fun <- function() {
+ if (extra_obj$requires_names() && is.null(names(placeholder))) {
+ # wrong_name test only valid for named placeholders
+ return()
+ }
+ #' 1. Call [DBI::dbSendQuery()] or [DBI::dbSendStatement()] with a query or statement
+ #' that contains placeholders,
+ #' store the returned \code{\linkS4class{DBIResult}} object in a variable.
+ #' Mixing placeholders (in particular, named and unnamed ones) is not
+ #' recommended.
+ if (is_query())
+ res <- send_query()
+ else
+ res <- send_statement()
+ #' It is good practice to register a call to [DBI::dbClearResult()] via
+ #' [on.exit()] right after calling `dbSendQuery()`, see the last
+ #' enumeration item.
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA))
+ #' 1. Construct a list with parameters
+ #' that specify actual values for the placeholders.
+ bind_values <- values
+ #' The list must be named or unnamed,
+ #' depending on the kind of placeholders used.
+ #' Named values are matched to named parameters, unnamed values
+ #' are matched by position.
+ if (!is.null(names(placeholder))) {
+ names(bind_values) <- names(placeholder)
+ }
+ #' All elements in this list must have the same lengths and contain values
+ #' supported by the backend; a [data.frame()] is internally stored as such
+ #' a list.
+ #' The parameter list is passed a call to [dbBind()] on the `DBIResult`
+ #' object.
+ if (!bind(res, bind_values))
+ return()
+ #' 1. Retrieve the data or the number of affected rows from the `DBIResult` object.
+ retrieve <- function() {
+ #' - For queries issued by `dbSendQuery()`,
+ #' call [DBI::dbFetch()].
+ if (is_query()) {
+ rows <- dbFetch(res)
+ compare(rows, values)
+ } else {
+ #' - For statements issued by `dbSendStatements()`,
+ #' call [DBI::dbGetRowsAffected()].
+ #' (Execution begins immediately after the `dbBind()` call,
+ #' the statement is processed entirely before the function returns.
+ #' Calls to `dbFetch()` are ignored.)
+ rows_affected <- dbGetRowsAffected(res)
+ compare_affected(rows_affected, values)
+ }
+ }
+ retrieve()
+ #' 1. Repeat 2. and 3. as necessary.
+ if (extra_obj$is_repeated()) {
+ bind(res, bind_values)
+ retrieve()
+ }
+ #' 1. Close the result set via [DBI::dbClearResult()].
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Parametrised queries and statements:
+#' \subsection{`dbBind("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_bind <- list(
+ #' Empty binding with check of
+ #' return value.
+ bind_empty = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1")
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ bind_res <- withVisible(dbBind(res, list()))
+ expect_false(bind_res$visible)
+ expect_identical(res, bind_res$value)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values raises an
+ #' error if connection is closed.
+ bind_error = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ dbDisconnect(con)
+ expect_error(test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L))
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values with check of
+ #' return value.
+ bind_return_value = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L, extra = "return_value")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values with too many
+ #' values.
+ bind_too_many = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L, extra = "too_many")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values with too few
+ #' values.
+ bind_not_enough = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L, extra = "not_enough")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values, repeated.
+ bind_repeated = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L, extra = "repeated")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values with wrong names.
+ bind_wrong_name = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L, extra = "wrong_name")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of integer values.
+ bind_integer = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of numeric values.
+ bind_numeric = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, 1.5)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of logical values.
+ bind_logical = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, TRUE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of logical values (coerced to integer).
+ bind_logical_int = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(
+ con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, TRUE,
+ transform_input = function(x) as.character(as.integer(x)))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of `NULL` values.
+ bind_null = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(
+ con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, NA,
+ transform_input = function(x) TRUE,
+ transform_output = is.na)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of character values.
+ bind_character = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, texts)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of date values.
+ bind_date = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, Sys.Date())
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of [POSIXct] timestamp values.
+ bind_timestamp = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ data_in <- as.POSIXct(round(Sys.time()))
+ test_select_bind(
+ con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, data_in,
+ type = dbDataType(con, data_in),
+ transform_input = identity,
+ transform_output = identity,
+ expect = expect_equal)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of [POSIXlt] timestamp values.
+ bind_timestamp_lt = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ data_in <- as.POSIXlt(round(Sys.time()))
+ test_select_bind(
+ con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, data_in,
+ type = dbDataType(con, data_in),
+ transform_input = as.POSIXct,
+ transform_output = identity)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of raw values.
+ bind_raw = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(
+ con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(list(as.raw(1:10))),
+ type = NULL,
+ transform_input = identity,
+ transform_output = identity)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Binding of statements.
+ bind_statement = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1), query = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Repeated binding of statements.
+ bind_statement_repeated = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select_bind(con, ctx$tweaks$placeholder_pattern, list(1), query = FALSE, extra = "repeated")
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-column-info.R b/R/spec-meta-column-info.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880aefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-column-info.R
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbColumnInfo("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_column_info <- list(
+ #' Column information is correct.
+ column_info = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a, 1.5 as b, NULL"
+ expect_warning(res <- dbSendQuery(con, query), NA)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ ci <- dbColumnInfo(res)
+ expect_is(ci, "data.frame")
+ expect_identical(colnames(ci), c("name", "type"))
+ expect_identical(ci$name[1:2], c("a", "b"))
+ expect_is(ci$type, "character")
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R b/R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8338e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetInfo("DBIResult")` (deprecated)}{
+spec_meta_get_info_result <- list(
+ #' Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements
+ get_info_result = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1 as a")
+ info <- dbGetInfo(res)
+ expect_is(info, "list")
+ info_names <- names(info)
+ necessary_names <-
+ c("statement", "row.count", "rows.affected", "has.completed")
+ for (name in necessary_names) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_true(.(name) %in% info_names)))
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R b/R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb3ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetRowCount("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_get_row_count <- list(
+ #' Row count information is correct.
+ row_count = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a"
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 0L)
+ dbFetch(res)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 1L)
+ })
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(.ctx = ctx, "SELECT 1 as a", "SELECT 2", "SELECT 3")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 0L)
+ dbFetch(res, 2L)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 2L)
+ dbFetch(res)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 3L)
+ })
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, "SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 as a) a WHERE (0 = 1)")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 0L)
+ dbFetch(res)
+ rc <- dbGetRowCount(res)
+ expect_equal(rc, 0L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R b/R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4ce77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetRowsAffected("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_get_rows_affected <- list(
+ #' Information on affected rows is correct.
+ rows_affected = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ local({
+ query <- paste0(
+ dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "Species"),
+ " = ", dbQuoteString(con, "versicolor"),
+ ")")
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ ra <- dbGetRowsAffected(res)
+ expect_identical(ra, sum(iris$Species == "versicolor"))
+ })
+ local({
+ query <- "DELETE FROM iris WHERE (0 = 1)"
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ ra <- dbGetRowsAffected(res)
+ expect_identical(ra, 0L)
+ })
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-get-statement.R b/R/spec-meta-get-statement.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10909ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-get-statement.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetStatement("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_get_statement <- list(
+ #' SQL query can be retrieved from the result.
+ get_statement = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a"
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ s <- dbGetStatement(res)
+ expect_is(s, "character")
+ expect_identical(s, query)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R b/R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d865b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbIsValid("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_meta_is_valid_connection <- list(
+ #' Only an open connection is valid.
+ is_valid_connection = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ expect_true(dbIsValid(con))
+ expect_error(dbDisconnect(con), NA)
+ expect_false(dbIsValid(con))
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R b/R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b07610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Meta:
+#' \subsection{`dbIsValid("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_meta_is_valid_result <- list(
+ #' Only an open result set is valid.
+ is_valid_result = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a"
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ expect_true(dbIsValid(res))
+ expect_error(dbFetch(res), NA)
+ expect_true(dbIsValid(res))
+ dbClearResult(res)
+ expect_false(dbIsValid(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-meta.R b/R/spec-meta.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f9a3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-meta.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_meta <- c(
+ spec_meta_is_valid_connection,
+ spec_meta_is_valid_result,
+ spec_meta_get_statement,
+ spec_meta_column_info,
+ spec_meta_get_row_count,
+ spec_meta_get_rows_affected,
+ spec_meta_get_info_result,
+ spec_meta_bind,
+ spec_meta_bind_multi_row,
+ # dbHasCompleted tested in test_result
+ # no 64-bit or time input data type yet
diff --git a/R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R b/R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6cce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Result:
+#' \subsection{Create table with data type}{
+spec_result_create_table_with_data_type <- list(
+ #' SQL Data types exist for all basic R data types, and the engine can
+ #' process them.
+ data_type_connection = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ check_connection_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote({
+ expect_is(dbDataType(con, .(value)), "character")
+ expect_equal(length(dbDataType(con, .(value))), 1L)
+ expect_error({
+ as_is_type <- dbDataType(con, I(.(value)))
+ expect_identical(dbDataType(con, .(value)), as_is_type)
+ }
+ , NA)
+ expect_error({
+ unknown_type <- dbDataType(con, structure(.(value),
+ class = "unknown1"))
+ expect_identical(dbDataType(con, unclass(.(value))), unknown_type)
+ }
+ , NA)
+ query <- paste0("CREATE TABLE test (a ", dbDataType(con, .(value)),
+ ")")
+ }))
+ eval(bquote({
+ expect_error(dbExecute(con, .(query)), NA)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE test"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ }))
+ }
+ expect_conn_has_data_type <- function(value) {
+ eval(bquote(
+ expect_error(check_connection_data_type(.(value)), NA)))
+ }
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(logical(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(integer(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(numeric(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(character(1))
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(Sys.Date())
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(Sys.time())
+ if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ expect_conn_has_data_type(list(raw(1)))
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ #' SQL data type for factor is the same as for character.
+ data_type_factor = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_identical(dbDataType(con, letters),
+ dbDataType(con, factor(letters)))
+ expect_identical(dbDataType(con, letters),
+ dbDataType(con, ordered(letters)))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-result-fetch.R b/R/spec-result-fetch.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5208979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result-fetch.R
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Result:
+#' \subsection{`dbFetch("DBIResult")` and `dbHasCompleted("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_result_fetch <- list(
+ #' Single-value queries can be fetched.
+ fetch_single = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a"
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L))
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Multi-row single-column queries can be fetched.
+ fetch_multi_row_single_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:3, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:3L))
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Multi-row queries can be fetched progressively.
+ fetch_progressive = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:25, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res, 10)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:10L))
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res, 10)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=11L:20L))
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res, 10)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=21L:25L))
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' If more rows than available are fetched, the result is returned in full
+ #' but no warning is issued.
+ fetch_more_rows = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:3, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_false(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbFetch(res, 5L), NA)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:3L))
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' If zero rows are fetched, the result is still fully typed.
+ fetch_zero_rows = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:3, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbFetch(res, 0L), NA)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=integer()))
+ expect_warning(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' If less rows than available are fetched, the result is returned in full
+ #' but no warning is issued.
+ fetch_premature_close = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:3, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbFetch(res, 2L), NA)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:2L))
+ expect_warning(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Side-effect-only queries (without return value) can be fetched.
+ fetch_no_return_value = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "CREATE TABLE test (a integer)"
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, query)
+ on.exit({
+ expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ expect_error(dbClearResult(dbSendStatement(con, "DROP TABLE test")), NA)
+ }
+ , add = TRUE)
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ rows <- dbFetch(res)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame())
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Fetching from a closed result set raises an error.
+ fetch_closed = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1"
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
+ dbClearResult(res)
+ expect_error(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ expect_error(dbFetch(res))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Querying a disconnected connection throws error.
+ cannot_query_disconnected = function(ctx) {
+ # TODO: Rename to fetch_disconnected
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ dbDisconnect(con)
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT 1"))
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-result-get-query.R b/R/spec-result-get-query.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89503ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result-get-query.R
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# TODO: Decide where to put this, it's a connection method but requires result methods to be implemented
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Result:
+#' \subsection{`dbGetQuery("DBIConnection", "ANY")`}{
+spec_result_get_query <- list(
+ #' Single-value queries can be read with dbGetQuery
+ get_query_single = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a"
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Multi-row single-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+ get_query_multi_row_single_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(
+ .ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:3, "AS a"), .order_by = "a")
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:3L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Empty single-column queries can be read with
+ #' [DBI::dbGetQuery()]. Not all SQL dialects support the query
+ #' used here.
+ get_query_empty_single_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 as a) AS x WHERE (1 = 0)"
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(names(rows), "a")
+ expect_identical(dim(rows), c(0L, 1L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Single-row multi-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+ get_query_single_row_multi_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- "SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c"
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L, b=2L, c=3L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Multi-row multi-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+ get_query_multi = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <- union(.ctx = ctx, paste("SELECT", 1:2, "AS a,", 2:3, "AS b"),
+ .order_by = "a")
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(rows, data.frame(a=1L:2L, b=2L:3L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Empty multi-column queries can be read with
+ #' [DBI::dbGetQuery()]. Not all SQL dialects support the query
+ #' used here.
+ get_query_empty_multi_column = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ query <-
+ "SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 as a, 2 as b, 3 as c) AS x WHERE (1 = 0)"
+ rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query)
+ expect_identical(names(rows), letters[1:3])
+ expect_identical(dim(rows), c(0L, 3L))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-result-roundtrip.R b/R/spec-result-roundtrip.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eedb21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result-roundtrip.R
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Result:
+#' \subsection{Data roundtrip}{
+spec_result_roundtrip <- list(
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: integer
+ data_integer = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1L, -100L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: integer with typed NULL values.
+ data_integer_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1L, -100L, .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: integer with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_integer_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1L, -100L, .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric.
+ data_numeric = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1.5, -100.5)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric with typed NULL values.
+ data_numeric_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1.5, -100.5, .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_numeric_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, 1.5, -100.5, .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical. Optional, conflict with the
+ #' `data_logical_int` test.
+ data_logical = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = TRUE, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical with typed NULL values.
+ data_logical_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = TRUE, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = FALSE,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row
+ data_logical_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = TRUE, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = FALSE,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers). Optional,
+ #' conflict with the `data_logical` test.
+ data_logical_int = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = 1L, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = 0L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers) with typed NULL
+ #' values.
+ data_logical_int_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = 1L, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = 0L,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers) with typed NULL
+ #' values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_logical_int_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "CAST(1 AS boolean)" = 1L, "cast(0 AS boolean)" = 0L,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: A NULL value is returned as NA.
+ data_null = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ check_result <- function(rows) {
+ expect_true(is.na(rows$a))
+ }
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, "NULL" = is.na)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers.
+ data_64_bit = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "10000000000" = 10000000000, "-10000000000" = -10000000000)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers with typed NULL values.
+ data_64_bit_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "10000000000" = 10000000000, "-10000000000" = -10000000000,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_64_bit_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "10000000000" = 10000000000, "-10000000000" = -10000000000,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: character.
+ data_character = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ values <- texts
+ test_funs <- rep(list(has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding), length(values))
+ sql_names <- as.character(dbQuoteString(con, texts))
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names))
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(test_funs, sql_names))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: character with typed NULL values.
+ data_character_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ values <- texts
+ test_funs <- rep(list(has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding), length(values))
+ sql_names <- as.character(dbQuoteString(con, texts))
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "below")
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(test_funs, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: character with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_character_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ values <- texts
+ test_funs <- rep(list(has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding), length(values))
+ sql_names <- as.character(dbQuoteString(con, texts))
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "above")
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(test_funs, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: raw. Not all SQL dialects support the
+ #' syntax of the query used here.
+ data_raw = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ values <- list(is_raw_list)
+ sql_names <- paste0("cast(1 as ", dbDataType(con, list(raw())), ")")
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: raw with typed NULL values.
+ data_raw_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ values <- list(is_raw_list)
+ sql_names <- paste0("cast(1 as ", dbDataType(con, list(raw())), ")")
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: raw with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_raw_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ values <- list(is_raw_list)
+ sql_names <- paste0("cast(1 as ", dbDataType(con, list(raw())), ")")
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con, .dots = setNames(values, sql_names),
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: date, returned as integer with class.
+ data_date = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "date('2015-01-01')" = as_integer_date("2015-01-01"),
+ "date('2015-02-02')" = as_integer_date("2015-02-02"),
+ "date('2015-03-03')" = as_integer_date("2015-03-03"),
+ "date('2015-04-04')" = as_integer_date("2015-04-04"),
+ "date('2015-05-05')" = as_integer_date("2015-05-05"),
+ "date('2015-06-06')" = as_integer_date("2015-06-06"),
+ "date('2015-07-07')" = as_integer_date("2015-07-07"),
+ "date('2015-08-08')" = as_integer_date("2015-08-08"),
+ "date('2015-09-09')" = as_integer_date("2015-09-09"),
+ "date('2015-10-10')" = as_integer_date("2015-10-10"),
+ "date('2015-11-11')" = as_integer_date("2015-11-11"),
+ "date('2015-12-12')" = as_integer_date("2015-12-12"),
+ "current_date" ~ as_integer_date(Sys.time()))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: date with typed NULL values.
+ data_date_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "date('2015-01-01')" = as_integer_date("2015-01-01"),
+ "date('2015-02-02')" = as_integer_date("2015-02-02"),
+ "date('2015-03-03')" = as_integer_date("2015-03-03"),
+ "date('2015-04-04')" = as_integer_date("2015-04-04"),
+ "date('2015-05-05')" = as_integer_date("2015-05-05"),
+ "date('2015-06-06')" = as_integer_date("2015-06-06"),
+ "date('2015-07-07')" = as_integer_date("2015-07-07"),
+ "date('2015-08-08')" = as_integer_date("2015-08-08"),
+ "date('2015-09-09')" = as_integer_date("2015-09-09"),
+ "date('2015-10-10')" = as_integer_date("2015-10-10"),
+ "date('2015-11-11')" = as_integer_date("2015-11-11"),
+ "date('2015-12-12')" = as_integer_date("2015-12-12"),
+ "current_date" ~ as_integer_date(Sys.time()),
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: date with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_date_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "date('2015-01-01')" = as_integer_date("2015-01-01"),
+ "date('2015-02-02')" = as_integer_date("2015-02-02"),
+ "date('2015-03-03')" = as_integer_date("2015-03-03"),
+ "date('2015-04-04')" = as_integer_date("2015-04-04"),
+ "date('2015-05-05')" = as_integer_date("2015-05-05"),
+ "date('2015-06-06')" = as_integer_date("2015-06-06"),
+ "date('2015-07-07')" = as_integer_date("2015-07-07"),
+ "date('2015-08-08')" = as_integer_date("2015-08-08"),
+ "date('2015-09-09')" = as_integer_date("2015-09-09"),
+ "date('2015-10-10')" = as_integer_date("2015-10-10"),
+ "date('2015-11-11')" = as_integer_date("2015-11-11"),
+ "date('2015-12-12')" = as_integer_date("2015-12-12"),
+ "current_date" ~ as_integer_date(Sys.time()),
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time.
+ data_time = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time '00:00:00'" = "00:00:00",
+ "time '12:34:56'" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time with typed NULL values.
+ data_time_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time '00:00:00'" = "00:00:00",
+ "time '12:34:56'" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_time_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time '00:00:00'" = "00:00:00",
+ "time '12:34:56'" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+ #' parentheses for specifying time literals).
+ data_time_parens = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time('00:00:00')" = "00:00:00",
+ "time('12:34:56')" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+ #' parentheses for specifying time literals) with typed NULL values.
+ data_time_parens_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time('00:00:00')" = "00:00:00",
+ "time('12:34:56')" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+ #' parentheses for specifying time literals) with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_time_parens_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "time('00:00:00')" = "00:00:00",
+ "time('12:34:56')" = "12:34:56",
+ "current_time" ~ is.character,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp.
+ data_timestamp = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00'" = is_time,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56'" = is_time,
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with typed NULL values.
+ data_timestamp_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00'" = is_time,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56'" = is_time,
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_timestamp_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx, con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00'" = is_time,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56'" = is_time,
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone.
+ data_timestamp_utc = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00"),
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone with typed NULL
+ #' values.
+ data_timestamp_utc_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00"),
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone with typed NULL
+ #' values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_timestamp_utc_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00+02:00"),
+ "timestamp '2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00'" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56-05:00"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+ #' for specifying timestamp literals).
+ data_timestamp_parens = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 00:00:00')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00Z"),
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 12:34:56')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56Z"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+ #' for specifying timestamp literals) with typed NULL values.
+ data_timestamp_parens_null_below = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 00:00:00')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00Z"),
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 12:34:56')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56Z"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "below")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+ #' for specifying timestamp literals) with typed NULL values
+ #' in the first row.
+ data_timestamp_parens_null_above = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ test_select(.ctx = ctx,
+ con,
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 00:00:00')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 00:00:00Z"),
+ "datetime('2015-10-11 12:34:56')" =
+ as.POSIXct("2015-10-11 12:34:56Z"),
+ "current_timestamp" ~ is_roughly_current_time,
+ .add_null = "above")
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
+# NB: .table = TRUE will not work in bigrquery
+test_select <- function(con, ..., .dots = NULL, .add_null = "none",
+ .table = FALSE, .ctx, .envir = parent.frame()) {
+ values <- c(list(...), .dots)
+ value_is_formula <- vapply(values, is.call, logical(1L))
+ names(values)[value_is_formula] <- lapply(values[value_is_formula], "[[", 2L)
+ values[value_is_formula] <- lapply(
+ values[value_is_formula],
+ function(x) {
+ eval(x[[3]], envir = .envir)
+ }
+ )
+ if (is.null(names(values))) {
+ sql_values <- lapply(values, as.character)
+ } else {
+ sql_values <- names(values)
+ }
+ if (isTRUE(.ctx$tweaks$current_needs_parens)) {
+ sql_values <- gsub("^(current_(?:date|time|timestamp))$", "\\1()",
+ sql_values)
+ }
+ sql_names <- letters[seq_along(sql_values)]
+ query <- paste("SELECT",
+ paste(sql_values, "as", sql_names, collapse = ", "))
+ if (.add_null != "none") {
+ query_null <- paste("SELECT",
+ paste("NULL as", sql_names, collapse = ", "))
+ query <- c(query, query_null)
+ if (.add_null == "above") {
+ query <- rev(query)
+ }
+ query <- paste0(query, ", ", 1:2, " as id")
+ query <- union(.ctx = .ctx, query)
+ }
+ if (.table) {
+ query <- paste("CREATE TABLE test AS", query)
+ expect_warning(dbExecute(con, query), NA)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbReadTable(con, "test"), NA)
+ } else {
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query), NA)
+ }
+ if (.add_null != "none") {
+ rows <- rows[order(rows$id), -(length(sql_names) + 1L)]
+ if (.add_null == "above") {
+ rows <- rows[2:1, ]
+ }
+ }
+ expect_identical(names(rows), sql_names)
+ for (i in seq_along(values)) {
+ value_or_testfun <- values[[i]]
+ if (is.function(value_or_testfun)) {
+ eval(bquote(expect_true(value_or_testfun(rows[1L, .(i)]))))
+ } else {
+ eval(bquote(expect_identical(rows[1L, .(i)], .(value_or_testfun))))
+ }
+ }
+ if (.add_null != "none") {
+ expect_equal(nrow(rows), 2L)
+ expect_true(all(is.na(unname(unlist(rows[2L, ])))))
+ } else {
+ expect_equal(nrow(rows), 1L)
+ }
+all_have_utf8_or_ascii_encoding <- function(x) {
+ all(vapply(x, has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding, logical(1L)))
+has_utf8_or_ascii_encoding <- function(x) {
+ if (Encoding(x) == "UTF-8")
+ else if (Encoding(x) == "unknown") {
+ # Characters encoded as "unknown" must be ASCII only, and remain "unknown"
+ # after attempting to assign an encoding. From ?Encoding :
+ # > ASCII strings will never be marked with a declared encoding, since their
+ # > representation is the same in all supported encodings.
+ Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
+ Encoding(x) == "unknown"
+ } else
+is_raw_list <- function(x) {
+ is.list(x) && is.raw(x[[1L]])
+is_time <- function(x) {
+ inherits(x, "POSIXct")
+is_roughly_current_time <- function(x) {
+ is_time(x) && (Sys.time() - x <= 2)
+as_integer_date <- function(d) {
+ d <- as.Date(d)
+ structure(as.integer(unclass(d)), class = class(d))
diff --git a/R/spec-result-send-query.R b/R/spec-result-send-query.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f0025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result-send-query.R
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Result:
+#' \subsection{Construction: `dbSendQuery("DBIConnection")` and `dbClearResult("DBIResult")`}{
+spec_result_send_query <- list(
+ #' Can issue trivial query, result object inherits from "DBIResult".
+ trivial_query = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1")
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA), add = TRUE)
+ expect_s4_class(res, "DBIResult")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Return value, currently tests that the return value is always
+ #' `TRUE`, and that an attempt to close a closed result set issues a
+ #' warning.
+ clear_result_return = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1")
+ expect_true(dbClearResult(res))
+ expect_warning(expect_true(dbClearResult(res)))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Leaving a result open when closing a connection gives a warning.
+ stale_result_warning = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_warning(dbClearResult(dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1")), NA)
+ expect_warning(dbClearResult(dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 2")), NA)
+ })
+ expect_warning(
+ with_connection(dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1"))
+ )
+ with_connection({
+ expect_warning(res1 <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 1"), NA)
+ expect_true(dbIsValid(res1))
+ expect_warning(res2 <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT 2"))
+ expect_true(dbIsValid(res2))
+ expect_false(dbIsValid(res1))
+ dbClearResult(res2)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can issue a command query that creates a table, inserts a row, and
+ #' deletes it; the result sets for these query always have "completed"
+ #' status.
+ command_query = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ on.exit({
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, "DROP TABLE test")
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ }
+ , add = TRUE)
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, "CREATE TABLE test (a integer)")
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ res <- dbSendStatement(con, "INSERT INTO test SELECT 1")
+ expect_true(dbHasCompleted(res))
+ expect_error(dbClearResult(res), NA)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Issuing an invalid query throws error (but no warnings, e.g. related to
+ #' pending results, are thrown).
+ invalid_query = function(ctx) {
+ expect_warning(
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbSendStatement(con, "RAISE"))
+ }),
+ NA
+ )
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-result.R b/R/spec-result.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2805b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-result.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_result <- c(
+ spec_result_send_query,
+ spec_result_fetch,
+ spec_result_get_query,
+ spec_result_create_table_with_data_type,
+ spec_result_roundtrip
+# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
+union <- function(..., .order_by = NULL, .ctx) {
+ if (is.null(.ctx$tweaks$union)) {
+ query <- paste(c(...), collapse = " UNION ")
+ } else {
+ query <- .ctx$tweaks$union(c(...))
+ }
+ if (!missing(.order_by)) {
+ query <- paste(query, "ORDER BY", .order_by)
+ }
+ query
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-list-fields.R b/R/spec-sql-list-fields.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d1aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-list-fields.R
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{`dbListFields("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_sql_list_fields <- list(
+ #' Can list the fields for a table in the database.
+ list_fields = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ fields <- dbListFields(con, "iris")
+ expect_identical(fields, names(iris))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-list-tables.R b/R/spec-sql-list-tables.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..197d87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-list-tables.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{`dbListTables("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_sql_list_tables <- list(
+ #' Can list the tables in the database, adding and removing tables affects
+ #' the list. Can also check existence of a table.
+ list_tables = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ tables <- dbListTables(con)
+ expect_is(tables, "character")
+ expect_false("iris" %in% tables)
+ expect_false(dbExistsTable(con, "iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ tables <- dbListTables(con)
+ expect_true("iris" %in% tables)
+ expect_true(dbExistsTable(con, "iris"))
+ dbRemoveTable(con, "iris")
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ tables <- dbListTables(con)
+ expect_false("iris" %in% tables)
+ expect_false(dbExistsTable(con, "iris"))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R b/R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b37362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{`dbQuoteIdentifier("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_sql_quote_identifier <- list(
+ #' Can quote identifiers that consist of letters only.
+ quote_identifier = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ simple <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "simple")
+ query <- paste0("SELECT 1 as", simple)
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query), NA)
+ expect_identical(names(rows), "simple")
+ expect_identical(unlist(unname(rows)), 1L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can quote identifiers with special characters, and create identifiers
+ #' that contain quotes and spaces.
+ quote_identifier_special = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
+ skip("tweak: strict_identifier")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ simple <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "simple")
+ with_space <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "with space")
+ with_dot <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "with.dot")
+ with_comma <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "with,comma")
+ quoted_simple <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, as.character(simple))
+ quoted_with_space <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, as.character(with_space))
+ quoted_with_dot <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, as.character(with_dot))
+ quoted_with_comma <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, as.character(with_comma))
+ query <- paste0("SELECT ",
+ "1 as", simple, ",",
+ "2 as", with_space, ",",
+ "3 as", with_dot, ",",
+ "4 as", with_comma, ",",
+ "5 as", quoted_simple, ",",
+ "6 as", quoted_with_space, ",",
+ "7 as", quoted_with_dot, ",",
+ "8 as", quoted_with_comma)
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query), NA)
+ expect_identical(names(rows),
+ c("simple", "with space", "with.dot", "with,comma",
+ as.character(simple), as.character(with_space),
+ as.character(with_dot), as.character(with_comma)))
+ expect_identical(unlist(unname(rows)), 1:8)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Character vectors are treated as a single qualified identifier.
+ quote_identifier_not_vectorized = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ simple_out <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "simple")
+ expect_equal(length(simple_out), 1L)
+ letters_out <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, letters[1:3])
+ expect_equal(length(letters_out), 1L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-quote-string.R b/R/spec-sql-quote-string.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2395916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-quote-string.R
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{`dbQuoteString("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_sql_quote_string <- list(
+ #' Can quote strings, and create strings that contain quotes and spaces.
+ quote_string = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ simple <- dbQuoteString(con, "simple")
+ with_spaces <- dbQuoteString(con, "with spaces")
+ quoted_simple <- dbQuoteString(con, as.character(simple))
+ quoted_with_spaces <- dbQuoteString(con, as.character(with_spaces))
+ null <- dbQuoteString(con, NA_character_)
+ quoted_null <- dbQuoteString(con, as.character(null))
+ na <- dbQuoteString(con, "NA")
+ quoted_na <- dbQuoteString(con, as.character(na))
+ query <- paste0("SELECT",
+ simple, "as simple,",
+ with_spaces, "as with_spaces,",
+ null, " as null_return,",
+ na, "as na_return,",
+ quoted_simple, "as quoted_simple,",
+ quoted_with_spaces, "as quoted_with_spaces,",
+ quoted_null, "as quoted_null,",
+ quoted_na, "as quoted_na")
+ expect_warning(rows <- dbGetQuery(con, query), NA)
+ expect_identical(rows$simple, "simple")
+ expect_identical(rows$with_spaces, "with spaces")
+ expect_true(is.na(rows$null_return))
+ expect_identical(rows$na_return, "NA")
+ expect_identical(rows$quoted_simple, as.character(simple))
+ expect_identical(rows$quoted_with_spaces, as.character(with_spaces))
+ expect_identical(rows$quoted_null, as.character(null))
+ expect_identical(rows$quoted_na, as.character(na))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can quote more than one string at once by passing a character vector.
+ quote_string_vectorized = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ simple_out <- dbQuoteString(con, "simple")
+ expect_equal(length(simple_out), 1L)
+ letters_out <- dbQuoteString(con, letters)
+ expect_equal(length(letters_out), length(letters))
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R b/R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b462ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{Roundtrip tests}{
+spec_sql_read_write_roundtrip <- list(
+ #' Can create tables with keywords as table and column names.
+ roundtrip_keywords = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(SELECT = "UNIQUE", FROM = "JOIN", WHERE = "ORDER",
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "EXISTS"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "EXISTS", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "EXISTS")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with quotes, commas, and spaces in column names and
+ #' data.
+ roundtrip_quotes = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = as.character(dbQuoteString(con, "")),
+ b = as.character(dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "")),
+ c = "with space",
+ d = ",",
+ stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ if (!isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
+ names(tbl_in) <- c(
+ as.character(dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "")),
+ as.character(dbQuoteString(con, "")),
+ "with space",
+ ",")
+ }
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with integer columns.
+ roundtrip_integer = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(1:5, NA), id = 1:6)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with numeric columns.
+ roundtrip_numeric = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(seq(1, 3, by = 0.5), NA), id = 1:6)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with numeric columns that contain special values such
+ #' as `Inf` and `NaN`.
+ roundtrip_numeric_special = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(seq(1, 3, by = 0.5), NA, -Inf, Inf, NaN),
+ id = 1:9)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_equal(tbl_in$a, tbl_out$a[order(tbl_out$id)])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with logical columns.
+ roundtrip_logical = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), id = 1:3)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with logical columns, returned as integer.
+ roundtrip_logical_int = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), id = 1:3)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(as.integer(tbl_in$a), tbl_out$a[order(tbl_out$id)])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with NULL values.
+ roundtrip_null = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = NA)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_true(is.na(tbl_out$a))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with 64-bit columns.
+ roundtrip_64_bit = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(-1e14, 1e15, 0.25, NA), id = 1:4)
+ tbl_in_trunc <- data.frame(a = trunc(tbl_in$a))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in, field.types = "bigint")
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in_trunc, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with character columns.
+ roundtrip_character = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(text_cyrillic, text_latin,
+ text_chinese, text_ascii, NA),
+ id = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ expect_true(all_have_utf8_or_ascii_encoding(tbl_out$a))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with factor columns.
+ roundtrip_factor = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = factor(c(text_cyrillic, text_latin,
+ text_chinese, text_ascii, NA)),
+ id = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(as.character(tbl_in$a), tbl_out$a[order(tbl_out$id)])
+ expect_true(all_have_utf8_or_ascii_encoding(tbl_out$a))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with raw columns.
+ roundtrip_raw = function(ctx) {
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$omit_blob_tests)) {
+ skip("tweak: omit_blob_tests")
+ }
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- list(a = list(as.raw(1:10), NA), id = 1:2)
+ tbl_in <- structure(tbl_in, class = "data.frame",
+ row.names = c(NA, -2L))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with date columns.
+ roundtrip_date = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(id = 1:6)
+ tbl_in$a <- c(Sys.Date() + 1:5, NA)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_equal(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ expect_is(unclass(tbl_out$a), "integer")
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with timestamp columns.
+ roundtrip_timestamp = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(id = 1:5)
+ tbl_in$a <- round(Sys.time()) + c(1, 60, 3600, 86400, NA)
+ tbl_in$b <- as.POSIXlt(tbl_in$a, tz = "GMT")
+ tbl_in$c <- as.POSIXlt(tbl_in$a, tz = "PST")
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(tbl_in, tbl_out[order(tbl_out$id), ])
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can create tables with row names.
+ roundtrip_rownames = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ tbl_in <- data.frame(a = c(1:5, NA),
+ row.names = paste0(LETTERS[1:6], 1:6),
+ id = 1:6)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA), add = TRUE)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", tbl_in)
+ tbl_out <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
+ expect_identical(rownames(tbl_in), rownames(tbl_out)[order(tbl_out$id)])
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R b/R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a5a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section SQL:
+#' \subsection{`dbReadTable("DBIConnection")` and `dbWriteTable("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_sql_read_write_table <- list(
+ #' Can write the [datasets::iris] data as a table to the
+ #' database, but won't overwrite by default.
+ write_table = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ expect_error(dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris))
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con2, "SELECT * FROM iris"), NA)
+ }
+ , con = "con2")
+ })
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can read the [datasets::iris] data from a database table.
+ read_table = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris_in <- get_iris(ctx)
+ iris_in$Species <- as.character(iris_in$Species)
+ order_in <- do.call(order, iris_in)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris_in)
+ iris_out <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")
+ order_out <- do.call(order, iris_out)
+ expect_identical(unrowname(iris_in[order_in, ]), unrowname(iris_out[order_out, ]))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can write the [datasets::iris] data as a table to the
+ #' database, will overwrite if asked.
+ overwrite_table = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ expect_error(dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris[1:10,], overwrite = TRUE),
+ NA)
+ iris_out <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")
+ expect_identical(nrow(iris_out), 10L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can write the [datasets::iris] data as a table to the
+ #' database, will append if asked.
+ append_table = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)
+ expect_error(dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris[1:10,], append = TRUE), NA)
+ iris_out <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")
+ expect_identical(nrow(iris_out), nrow(iris) + 10L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' Cannot append to nonexisting table.
+ append_table_error = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris")))
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ expect_error(dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris[1:20,], append = TRUE))
+ })
+ },
+ #' Can write the [datasets::iris] data as a temporary table to
+ #' the database, the table is not available in a second connection and is
+ #' gone after reconnecting.
+ temporary_table = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ iris <- get_iris(ctx)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris[1:30, ], temporary = TRUE)
+ iris_out <- dbReadTable(con, "iris")
+ expect_identical(nrow(iris_out), 30L)
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con2, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ }
+ , con = "con2")
+ })
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM iris"))
+ try(dbRemoveTable(con, "iris"), silent = TRUE)
+ })
+ },
+ #' A new table is visible in a second connection.
+ table_visible_in_other_connection = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * from test"))
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), NA),
+ add = TRUE)
+ data <- data.frame(a = 1L)
+ dbWriteTable(con, "test", data)
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(rows <- dbGetQuery(con2, "SELECT * FROM test"), NA)
+ expect_identical(rows, data)
+ }
+ , con = "con2")
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-sql.R b/R/spec-sql.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0280728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-sql.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_sql <- c(
+ spec_sql_quote_string,
+ spec_sql_quote_identifier,
+ spec_sql_read_write_table,
+ spec_sql_read_write_roundtrip,
+ spec_sql_list_tables,
+ spec_sql_list_fields
diff --git a/R/spec-stress-connection.R b/R/spec-stress-connection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00294b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-stress-connection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Connection:
+#' \subsection{Stress tests}{
+spec_stress_connection <- list(
+ #' Open 50 simultaneous connections
+ simultaneous_connections = function(ctx) {
+ cons <- list()
+ on.exit(expect_error(lapply(cons, dbDisconnect), NA), add = TRUE)
+ for (i in seq_len(50L)) {
+ cons <- c(cons, connect(ctx))
+ }
+ inherit_from_connection <-
+ vapply(cons, is, class2 = "DBIConnection", logical(1))
+ expect_true(all(inherit_from_connection))
+ },
+ #' Open and close 50 connections
+ stress_connections = function(ctx) {
+ for (i in seq_len(50L)) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ expect_s4_class(con, "DBIConnection")
+ expect_error(dbDisconnect(con), NA)
+ }
+ },
+ #' Repeated load, instantiation, connection, disconnection, and unload of
+ #' package in a new R session.
+ stress_load_connect_unload = function(ctx) {
+ skip_on_travis()
+ skip_on_appveyor()
+ skip_if_not(getRversion() != "3.3.0")
+ pkg <- get_pkg(ctx)
+ script_file <- tempfile("DBItest", fileext = ".R")
+ local({
+ sink(script_file)
+ on.exit(sink(), add = TRUE)
+ cat(
+ "devtools::RCMD('INSTALL', ", shQuote(pkg$path), ")\n",
+ "library(DBI, quietly = TRUE)\n",
+ "connect_args <- ",
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ dput(ctx$connect_args)
+ cat(
+ "for (i in 1:50) {\n",
+ " drv <- ", pkg$package, "::", deparse(ctx$drv_call), "\n",
+ " con <- do.call(dbConnect, c(drv, connect_args))\n",
+ " dbDisconnect(con)\n",
+ " unloadNamespace(getNamespace(\"", pkg$package, "\"))\n",
+ "}\n",
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ })
+ with_temp_libpaths({
+ expect_equal(system(paste0("R -q --vanilla -f ", shQuote(script_file)),
+ ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE),
+ 0L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-stress-driver.R b/R/spec-stress-driver.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b13cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-stress-driver.R
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Driver:
+#' \subsection{Repeated loading, instantiation, and unloading}{
+spec_stress_driver <- list(
+ #' Repeated load, instantiation, and unload of package in a new R session.
+ stress_load_unload = function(ctx) {
+ skip_on_travis()
+ skip_on_appveyor()
+ skip_if_not(getRversion() != "3.3.0")
+ pkg <- get_pkg(ctx)
+ script_file <- tempfile("DBItest", fileext = ".R")
+ cat(
+ "devtools::RCMD('INSTALL', ", shQuote(pkg$path), ")\n",
+ "for (i in 1:50) {\n",
+ " ", pkg$package, "::", deparse(ctx$drv_call), "\n",
+ " unloadNamespace(getNamespace(\"", pkg$package, "\"))\n",
+ "}\n",
+ sep = "",
+ file = script_file
+ )
+ with_temp_libpaths({
+ expect_equal(system(paste0("R -q --vanilla -f ", shQuote(script_file)),
+ ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE),
+ 0L)
+ })
+ },
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-stress.R b/R/spec-stress.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ca853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-stress.R
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_stress <- c(
+ spec_stress_driver,
+ spec_stress_connection
diff --git a/R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R b/R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839589b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Transactions:
+#' \subsection{`dbBegin("DBIConnection")` and `dbCommit("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_transaction_begin_commit <- list(
+ #' Transactions are available in DBI, but actual support may vary between backends.
+ begin_commit = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ #' A transaction is initiated by a call to [DBI::dbBegin()]
+ dbBegin(con)
+ on.exit(dbRollback(con), add = FALSE)
+ #' and committed by a call to [DBI::dbCommit()].
+ expect_error({dbCommit(con); on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)}, NA)
+ })
+ },
+ begin_commit_return_value = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ #' Both generics expect an object of class \code{\linkS4class{DBIConnection}}
+ #' and return `TRUE` (invisibly) upon success.
+ expect_invisible_true(dbBegin(con))
+ on.exit(dbRollback(con), add = FALSE)
+ expect_invisible_true(dbCommit(con))
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #'
+ #' The implementations are expected to raise an error in case of failure,
+ #' but this is difficult to test in an automated way.
+ begin_commit_closed = function(ctx) {
+ con <- connect(ctx)
+ dbDisconnect(con)
+ #' In any way, both generics should throw an error with a closed connection.
+ expect_error(dbBegin(con))
+ expect_error(dbCommit(con))
+ },
+ commit_without_begin = function(ctx) {
+ #' In addition, a call to [DBI::dbCommit()] without
+ #' a call to [DBI::dbBegin()] should raise an error.
+ with_connection({
+ expect_error(dbCommit(con))
+ })
+ },
+ begin_begin = function(ctx) {
+ #' Nested transactions are not supported by DBI,
+ with_connection({
+ #' an attempt to call [DBI::dbBegin()] twice
+ dbBegin(con)
+ on.exit(dbRollback(con), add = FALSE)
+ #' should yield an error.
+ expect_error(dbBegin(con))
+ dbCommit(con)
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ })
+ },
+ #'
+ #' Data written in a transaction must persist after the transaction is committed.
+ begin_write_commit = function(ctx) {
+ with_connection({
+ #' For example, a table that is missing when the transaction is started
+ expect_false(dbExistsTable(con, "test"))
+ dbBegin(con)
+ on.exit(dbRollback(con), add = FALSE)
+ #' but is created
+ dbExecute(con, paste0("CREATE TABLE test (a ", dbDataType(con, 0L), ")"))
+ #' and populated during the transaction
+ dbExecute(con, paste0("INSERT INTO test (a) VALUES (1)"))
+ #' must exist and contain the data added there
+ expect_equal(dbReadTable(con, "test"), data.frame(a = 1))
+ #' both during
+ dbCommit(con)
+ on.exit(dbRemoveTable(con, "test"), add = FALSE)
+ #' and after the transaction.
+ expect_equal(dbReadTable(con, "test"), data.frame(a = 1))
+ })
+ },
+ #'
+ #' The behavior is not specified if other arguments are passed to these
+ #' functions. In particular, \pkg{RSQLite} issues named transactions
+ #' if the `name` argument is set.
+ #'
+ #' The transaction isolation level is not specified by DBI.
+ #'
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R b/R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e1134f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Transactions:
+#' \subsection{`dbBegin("DBIConnection")` and `dbRollback("DBIConnection")`}{
+spec_transaction_begin_rollback <- list(
+ #' Filler
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R b/R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b3bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#' @template dbispec-sub-wip
+#' @format NULL
+#' @section Transactions:
+#' \subsection{`dbWithTransaction("DBIConnection")` and `dbBreak()`}{
+spec_transaction_with_transaction <- list(
+ #' Filler
+ #' }
diff --git a/R/spec-transaction.R b/R/spec-transaction.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793eee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec-transaction.R
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#' @template dbispec
+#' @format NULL
+spec_transaction <- c(
+ spec_transaction_begin_commit,
+ spec_transaction_begin_rollback,
+ spec_transaction_with_transaction,
diff --git a/R/spec.R b/R/spec.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fc75cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/spec.R
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#' DBI specification
+#' @description
+#' The \pkg{DBI} package defines the generic DataBase Interface for R.
+#' The connection to individual DBMS is made by packages that import \pkg{DBI}
+#' (so-called \emph{DBI backends}).
+#' This document formalizes the behavior expected by the functions declared in
+#' \pkg{DBI} and implemented by the individal backends.
+#' To ensure maximum portability and exchangeability, and to reduce the effort
+#' for implementing a new DBI backend, the \pkg{DBItest} package defines
+#' a comprehensive set of test cases that test conformance to the DBI
+#' specification.
+#' In fact, this document is derived from comments in the test definitions of
+#' the \pkg{DBItest} package.
+#' This ensures that an extension or update to the tests will be reflected in
+#' this document.
+#' @format NULL
+#' @usage NULL
+#' @name DBIspec
+#' DBI specification (work in progress)
+#' Placeholder page.
+#' @format NULL
+#' @usage NULL
+#' @name DBIspec-wip
diff --git a/R/test-all.R b/R/test-all.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd0aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-all.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#' Run all tests
+#' This function calls all tests defined in this package (see the section
+#' "Tests" below).
+#' @section Tests:
+#' This function runs the following tests, except the stress tests:
+#' @param skip `[character()]`\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+#' against test names; skip test if matching any.
+#' @param ctx `[DBItest_context]`\cr A test context as created by
+#' [make_context()].
+#' @export
+test_all <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_getting_started(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_driver(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_connection(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_result(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_sql(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_meta(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_transaction(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ test_compliance(skip = skip, ctx = ctx)
+ # stress tests are not tested by default (#92)
diff --git a/R/test-compliance.R b/R/test-compliance.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e47ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-compliance.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_compliance()]:
+#' Test full compliance to DBI
+#' Test full compliance to DBI
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-transaction.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_compliance <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Full compliance"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_compliance, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-connection.R b/R/test-connection.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a60c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-connection.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_connection()]:
+#' Test the "Connection" class
+#' Test the "Connection" class
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-driver.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @importFrom withr with_temp_libpaths
+#' @importFrom methods is
+#' @export
+test_connection <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Connection"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_connection, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-driver.R b/R/test-driver.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e63093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-driver.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_driver()]:
+#' Test the "Driver" class
+#' Test the "Driver" class
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-getting-started.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @importFrom withr with_temp_libpaths
+#' @export
+test_driver <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Driver"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_driver, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-getting-started.R b/R/test-getting-started.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..375e4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-getting-started.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_getting_started()]:
+#' Getting started with testing
+#' Getting started with testing
+#' Tests very basic features of a DBI driver package, to support testing
+#' and test-first development right from the start.
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-all.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_getting_started <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Getting started"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_getting_started, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-meta.R b/R/test-meta.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b267091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-meta.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_meta()]:
+#' Test metadata functions
+#' Test metadata functions
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-sql.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_meta <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Metadata"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_meta, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-result.R b/R/test-result.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa015b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-result.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_result()]:
+#' Test the "Result" class
+#' Test the "Result" class
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-connection.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_result <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Result"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_result, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-sql.R b/R/test-sql.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8bd982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-sql.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_sql()]:
+#' Test SQL methods
+#' Test SQL methods
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-result.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_sql <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "SQL"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_sql, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-stress.R b/R/test-stress.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89f91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-stress.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_stress()]:
+#' Stress tests (not tested with `test_all`)
+#' Stress tests
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-compliance.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_stress <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Stress"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_stress, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/test-transaction.R b/R/test-transaction.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a271f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/test-transaction.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#' @name test_all
+#' @aliases NULL
+#' @section Tests:
+#' [test_transaction()]:
+#' Test transaction functions
+#' Test transaction functions
+#' @inheritParams test_all
+#' @include test-meta.R
+#' @family tests
+#' @export
+test_transaction <- function(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context()) {
+ test_suite <- "Transactions"
+ run_tests(ctx, spec_transaction, skip, test_suite)
diff --git a/R/tweaks.R b/R/tweaks.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84bbfad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tweaks.R
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#' Tweaks for DBI tests
+#' TBD.
+#' @name tweaks
+#' @aliases NULL
+{ # nolint
+ tweak_names <- c(
+ #' @param ... `[any]`\cr
+ #' Unknown tweaks are accepted, with a warning. The ellipsis
+ #' also asserts that all arguments are named.
+ "...",
+ #' @param constructor_name `[character(1)]`\cr
+ #' Name of the function that constructs the `Driver` object.
+ "constructor_name",
+ #' @param constructor_relax_args `[logical(1)]`\cr
+ #' If `TRUE`, allow a driver constructor with default values for all
+ #' arguments; otherwise, require a constructor with empty argument list
+ #' (default).
+ "constructor_relax_args",
+ #' @param strict_identifier `[logical(1)]`\cr
+ #' Set to `TRUE` if the DBMS does not support arbitrarily-named
+ #' identifiers even when quoting is used.
+ "strict_identifier",
+ #' @param omit_blob_tests `[logical(1)]`\cr
+ #' Set to `TRUE` if the DBMS does not support a `BLOB` data
+ #' type.
+ "omit_blob_tests",
+ #' @param current_needs_parens `[logical(1)]`\cr
+ #' Set to `TRUE` if the SQL functions `current_date`,
+ #' `current_time`, and `current_timestamp` require parentheses.
+ "current_needs_parens",
+ #' @param union `[function(character)]`\cr
+ #' Function that combines several subqueries into one so that the
+ #' resulting query returns the concatenated results of the subqueries
+ "union",
+ #' @param placeholder_pattern `[character]`\cr
+ #' A pattern for placeholders used in [DBI::dbBind()], e.g.,
+ #' `"?"`, `"$1"`, or `":name"`. See
+ #' [make_placeholder_fun()] for details.
+ "placeholder_pattern",
+ # Dummy argument
+ )
+# A helper function that constructs the tweaks() function in a DRY fashion.
+make_tweaks <- function(envir = parent.frame()) {
+ fmls <- vector(mode = "list", length(tweak_names))
+ names(fmls) <- tweak_names
+ fmls["..."] <- alist(`...` = )
+ tweak_quoted <- lapply(setNames(nm = tweak_names), as.name)
+ tweak_quoted <- c(tweak_quoted)
+ list_call <- as.call(c(quote(list), tweak_quoted))
+ fun <- eval(bquote(function() {
+ unknown <- list(...)
+ if (length(unknown) > 0) {
+ if (is.null(names(unknown)) || any(names(unknown) == "")) {
+ warning("All tweaks must be named", call. = FALSE)
+ } else {
+ warning("Unknown tweaks: ", paste(names(unknown), collapse = ", "),
+ call. = FALSE)
+ }
+ }
+ ret <- .(list_call)
+ ret <- ret[!vapply(ret, is.null, logical(1L))]
+ structure(ret, class = "DBItest_tweaks")
+ }
+ , as.environment(list(list_call = list_call))))
+ formals(fun) <- fmls
+ environment(fun) <- envir
+ fun
+#' @export
+#' @rdname tweaks
+tweaks <- make_tweaks()
+#' @export
+format.DBItest_tweaks <- function(x, ...) {
+ if (length(x) == 0L) {
+ return("DBItest tweaks: Empty")
+ }
+ c(
+ "DBItest tweaks:",
+ unlist(mapply(
+ function(name, value) {
+ paste0(" ", name, ": ", format(value)[[1]])
+ },
+ names(x), unclass(x)))
+ )
+#' @export
+print.DBItest_tweaks <- function(x, ...) {
+ cat(format(x), sep = "\n")
diff --git a/R/utf8.R b/R/utf8.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b565f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utf8.R
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+text_cyrillic <- iconv(list(as.raw(
+ c(0xd0, 0x9a, 0xd0, 0xb8, 0xd1, 0x80, 0xd0, 0xb8, 0xd0, 0xbb, 0xd0, 0xbb))), from = "UTF-8", to = "UTF-8")
+text_latin <- iconv(list(as.raw(c(0x4d, 0xc3, 0xbc, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x72))), from = "UTF-8", to = "UTF-8")
+text_chinese <- iconv(list(as.raw(c(0xe6, 0x88, 0x91, 0xe6, 0x98, 0xaf, 0xe8,
+ 0xb0, 0x81))), from = "UTF-8", to = "UTF-8")
+text_ascii <- iconv("ASCII", to = "ASCII")
+texts <- c(text_cyrillic, text_latin, text_chinese, text_ascii)
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1793e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+`%||%` <- function(a, b) if (is.null(a)) b else a
+get_pkg <- function(ctx) {
+ if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
+ skip("devtools not installed")
+ }
+ pkg_name <- package_name(ctx)
+ expect_is(pkg_name, "character")
+ pkg_path <- find.package(pkg_name)
+ devtools::as.package(pkg_path)
+# Expects a variable "ctx" in the environment env,
+# evaluates the code inside local() after defining a variable "con"
+# (can be overridden by specifying con argument)
+# that points to a newly opened connection. Disconnects on exit.
+with_connection <- function(code, con = "con", env = parent.frame()) {
+ code_sub <- substitute(code)
+ con <- as.name(con)
+ eval(bquote({
+ .(con) <- connect(ctx)
+ on.exit(expect_error(dbDisconnect(.(con)), NA), add = TRUE)
+ local(.(code_sub))
+ }
+ ), envir = env)
+get_iris <- function(ctx) {
+ datasets_iris <- datasets::iris
+ if (isTRUE(ctx$tweaks$strict_identifier)) {
+ names(datasets_iris) <- gsub(".", "_", names(datasets_iris), fixed = TRUE)
+ }
+ datasets_iris
+unrowname <- function(x) {
+ rownames(x) <- NULL
+ x
+random_table_name <- function(n = 10) {
+ paste0(sample(letters, n, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb9977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# DBItest [](https://travis-ci.org/rstats-db/DBItest) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rstats-db/DBItest) [](https://cran.r-project.org/package=DBItest)
+This package provides a considerable set of test cases which you can easily incorporate in your DBI driver package.
+## Usage
+Install from CRAN via
+or the development version using
+In your driver backage, add `DBItest` to the `Suggests:`. Then, enable the tests by running
+from your package's directory. This enables testing using `testthat` (if necessary) and creates, among others, a file `test-DBItest.R` in the `tests/testthat` directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:
+DBItest::make_context(Kazam(), NULL)
+(This assumes that `Kazam()` returns an instance of your `DBIDriver` class. Additional arguments to `dbConnect()` are specified as named list instead of the `NULL` argument to `make_context()`.)
+The `skip` argument to `test_all()` allows specifying skipped tests.
+See the package's documentation and the [feature list](https://github.com/rstats-db/DBItest/wiki/Proposal) for a description of the tests.
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8830b39
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/debian/README.test b/debian/README.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 90657cf..0000000
--- a/debian/README.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Notes on how this package can be tested.
-This package can be tested by running the provided test:
- sh run-unit-test
-in order to confirm its integrity.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f1d96..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-r-cran-dbitest (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Initial release (closes: #846967)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 04 Dec 2016 20:08:23 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index f599e28..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index c4052fd..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Source: r-cran-dbitest
-Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: gnu-r
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10),
- dh-r,
- r-base-dev,
- r-cran-dbi (>= 0.4-9),
- r-cran-r6,
- r-cran-testthat (>= 1.0.2),
- r-cran-withr
-Standards-Version: 3.9.8
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-dbitest/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-dbitest/trunk/
-Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/package=DBItest
-Package: r-cran-dbitest
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${R:Depends},
- ${shlibs:Depends},
- ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: ${R:Recommends}
-Suggests: ${R:Suggests}
-Description: GNU R testing 'DBI' back ends
- This package provides a helper that tests 'DBI' back ends for conformity
- to the GNU R interface.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index c87d3da..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: DBItest
-Upstream-Contact: Kirill Müller <krlmlr+r at mailbox.org>
-Source: https://cran.r-project.org/package=DBItest
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2015-2016 Kirill Müller, RStudio
-License: LGPL-2+
-Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 2016 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-License: LGPL-2+
-License: LGPL-2+
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- .
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- .
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- .
- On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Library General
- Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2'.
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 960011c..0000000
--- a/debian/docs
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@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 529c38a..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
- dh $@ --buildsystem R
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
deleted file mode 100644
index b044b0c..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Tests: run-unit-test
-Depends: @, r-cran-testthat
-Restrictions: allow-stderr
diff --git a/debian/tests/run-unit-test b/debian/tests/run-unit-test
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d551f..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/run-unit-test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-pkg=r-cran-`echo $oname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
-if [ "$ADTTMP" = "" ] ; then
- ADTTMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX`
-cp -a /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/tests/* $ADTTMP
-find . -name "*.gz" -exec gunzip \{\} \;
-LC_ALL=C R --no-save < testthat.R
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index d3edf4f..0000000
--- a/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/inst/doc/test.Rmd b/inst/doc/test.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066cade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/test.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+title: "Testing DBI backends"
+author: "Kirill Müller"
+date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
+output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Testing DBI backends}
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+This document shows how to use the `DBItest` package when implementing a new `DBI` backend or when applying it to an existing backend. The `DBItest` package provides a large collection of automated tests.
+## Testing a new backend
+The test cases in the `DBItest` package are structured very similarly to the sections in the "backend" vignette:
+vignette("backend", package = "DBI")
+Like the "backend" vignette, this vignette assumes that you are implementing the `RKazam` package that has a `Kazam()` function that creates a new `DBIDriver` instance for connecting to a "Kazam" database.
+You can add the tests in the `DBItest` package incrementally, as you proceed with implementing the various parts of the DBI. The `DBItest` package builds upon the `testthat` package. To enable it, run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating `devtools`):
+This creates, among others, a file `test-DBItest.R` in the `tests/testthat` directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:
+DBItest::make_context(Kazam(), NULL)
+Now test your package with `devtools::test()`. If you followed at least the "Getting started" section of the `DBI` "backend" vignette, all tests should succeed.
+By adding the corresponding test function to your `tests/test-DBItest.R` file *before* implementing a section, you get immediate feedback which functionality of this section still needs to be implemented by running `devtools::test()` again. Therefore, proceed by appending the following to `tests/test-DBItest.R`, to include a test case for the forthcoming section:
+Again, all tests should succeed when you are done with the "Driver" section. Add the call to the next tester function, implement the following section until all tests succeed, and so forth.
+In this scenario, you are usually interested only in the first error the test suite finds. The `StopReporter` of `testthat` is most helpful here, activate it by passing `reporter = "stop"` to `devtools::test()`. Alternatively, call the relevant `DBItest::test_()` function directly.
+The tests are documented with the corresponding functions: For instance, `?test_driver` shows a coarse description of all tests for the "Driver" test case. Test failures will include the name of the test that is failing; in this case, investigating the documentation or the source code of the `DBItest` package will usually lead to the cause of the error.
+Not all tests can be satisfied: For example, there is one test that tests that `logical` variables survive a write-read roundtrip to the database, whereas another test tests that `logical` variables are converted to `integer` in such a case. Tests can be skipped by adding regular expressions for the tests to skip as character vector to the call, as in the following[^termnull]:
+DBItest::test_driver(skip = c(
+ "data_type" # Reason 1...
+ "constructor.*", # Reason 2...
+[^termnull]: The terminating `NULL` allows appending new lines to the end by copy-pasting an existing line, without having to take care of the terminating comma.
+Some other reasons to skip tests are:
+- your database does not support a feature
+- you want to postpone or avoid the implementation of a feature
+- the test takes too long to run
+## Testing an existing backend
+For an existing backends, simply enabling all tests may be the quickest way to get started. Run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating `devtools`):
+This creates, among others, a file `test-DBItest.R` in the `tests/testthat` directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:
+DBItest::make_context(Kazam(), NULL)
+The notes about "Kazam" and skipping tests from the previous section apply here as well. The `test_all()` function simply calls all test cases.
diff --git a/inst/doc/test.html b/inst/doc/test.html
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+<meta name="author" content="Kirill Müller" />
+<meta name="date" content="2016-12-03" />
+<title>Testing DBI backends</title>
+<style type="text/css">code{white-space: pre;}</style>
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+<h1 class="title toc-ignore">Testing DBI backends</h1>
+<h4 class="author"><em>Kirill Müller</em></h4>
+<h4 class="date"><em>2016-12-03</em></h4>
+<p>This document shows how to use the <code>DBItest</code> package when implementing a new <code>DBI</code> backend or when applying it to an existing backend. The <code>DBItest</code> package provides a large collection of automated tests.</p>
+<div id="testing-a-new-backend" class="section level2">
+<h2>Testing a new backend</h2>
+<p>The test cases in the <code>DBItest</code> package are structured very similarly to the sections in the “backend” vignette:</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r"><span class="kw">vignette</span>(<span class="st">"backend"</span>, <span class="dt">package =</span> <span class="st">"DBI"</span>)</code></pre></div>
+<p>Like the “backend” vignette, this vignette assumes that you are implementing the <code>RKazam</code> package that has a <code>Kazam()</code> function that creates a new <code>DBIDriver</code> instance for connecting to a “Kazam” database.</p>
+<p>You can add the tests in the <code>DBItest</code> package incrementally, as you proceed with implementing the various parts of the DBI. The <code>DBItest</code> package builds upon the <code>testthat</code> package. To enable it, run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating <code>devtools</code>):</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">devtools::<span class="kw">use_testthat</span>()
+devtools::<span class="kw">use_test</span>(<span class="st">"DBItest"</span>)</code></pre></div>
+<p>This creates, among others, a file <code>test-DBItest.R</code> in the <code>tests/testthat</code> directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">DBItest::<span class="kw">make_context</span>(<span class="kw">Kazam</span>(), <span class="ot">NULL</span>)
+DBItest::<span class="kw">test_getting_started</span>()</code></pre></div>
+<p>Now test your package with <code>devtools::test()</code>. If you followed at least the “Getting started” section of the <code>DBI</code> “backend” vignette, all tests should succeed.</p>
+<p>By adding the corresponding test function to your <code>tests/test-DBItest.R</code> file <em>before</em> implementing a section, you get immediate feedback which functionality of this section still needs to be implemented by running <code>devtools::test()</code> again. Therefore, proceed by appending the following to <code>tests/test-DBItest.R</code>, to include a test case for the forthcoming section:</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">DBItest::<span class="kw">test_driver</span>()</code></pre></div>
+<p>Again, all tests should succeed when you are done with the “Driver” section. Add the call to the next tester function, implement the following section until all tests succeed, and so forth.</p>
+<p>In this scenario, you are usually interested only in the first error the test suite finds. The <code>StopReporter</code> of <code>testthat</code> is most helpful here, activate it by passing <code>reporter = "stop"</code> to <code>devtools::test()</code>. Alternatively, call the relevant <code>DBItest::test_()</code> function directly.</p>
+<p>The tests are documented with the corresponding functions: For instance, <code>?test_driver</code> shows a coarse description of all tests for the “Driver” test case. Test failures will include the name of the test that is failing; in this case, investigating the documentation or the source code of the <code>DBItest</code> package will usually lead to the cause of the error.</p>
+<p>Not all tests can be satisfied: For example, there is one test that tests that <code>logical</code> variables survive a write-read roundtrip to the database, whereas another test tests that <code>logical</code> variables are converted to <code>integer</code> in such a case. Tests can be skipped by adding regular expressions for the tests to skip as character vector to the call, as in the following[^termnull]:</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">DBItest::<span class="kw">test_driver</span>(<span class="dt">skip =</span> <span class="kw">c</span>(
+ <span class="st">"data_type"</span> <span class="co"># Reason 1...</span>
+ <span class="st">"constructor.*"</span>, <span class="co"># Reason 2...</span>
+ <span class="ot">NULL</span>
+[^termnull]:<span class="st"> </span>The terminating <span class="st">`</span><span class="dt">NULL</span><span class="st">`</span> allows appending new lines to the end by copy-pasting an existing line, without having to take care of the terminating comma.</code></pre></div>
+<p>Some other reasons to skip tests are: - your database does not support a feature - you want to postpone or avoid the implementation of a feature - the test takes too long to run</p>
+<div id="testing-an-existing-backend" class="section level2">
+<h2>Testing an existing backend</h2>
+<p>For an existing backends, simply enabling all tests may be the quickest way to get started. Run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating <code>devtools</code>):</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">devtools::<span class="kw">use_testthat</span>()
+devtools::<span class="kw">use_test</span>(<span class="st">"DBItest"</span>)</code></pre></div>
+<p>This creates, among others, a file <code>test-DBItest.R</code> in the <code>tests/testthat</code> directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:</p>
+<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r">DBItest::<span class="kw">make_context</span>(<span class="kw">Kazam</span>(), <span class="ot">NULL</span>)
+DBItest::<span class="kw">test_all</span>()</code></pre></div>
+<p>The notes about “Kazam” and skipping tests from the previous section apply here as well. The <code>test_all()</code> function simply calls all test cases.</p>
+<!-- dynamically load mathjax for compatibility with self-contained -->
+ (function () {
+ var script = document.createElement("script");
+ script.type = "text/javascript";
+ script.src = "https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML";
+ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);
+ })();
diff --git a/man/DBIspec-wip.Rd b/man/DBIspec-wip.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df0931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/DBIspec-wip.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spec.R, R/spec-driver-get-info.R,
+% R/spec-connection-connect.R, R/spec-connection-data-type.R,
+% R/spec-connection-get-info.R, R/spec-result-send-query.R,
+% R/spec-result-fetch.R, R/spec-result-get-query.R,
+% R/spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R, R/spec-result-roundtrip.R,
+% R/spec-sql-quote-string.R, R/spec-sql-quote-identifier.R,
+% R/spec-sql-read-write-table.R, R/spec-sql-read-write-roundtrip.R,
+% R/spec-sql-list-tables.R, R/spec-sql-list-fields.R,
+% R/spec-meta-is-valid-connection.R, R/spec-meta-is-valid-result.R,
+% R/spec-meta-get-statement.R, R/spec-meta-column-info.R,
+% R/spec-meta-get-row-count.R, R/spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R,
+% R/spec-meta-get-info-result.R, R/spec-meta-bind.R,
+% R/spec-meta-bind-multi-row.R, R/spec-transaction-begin-rollback.R,
+% R/spec-transaction-with-transaction.R, R/spec-compliance-methods.R,
+% R/spec-compliance-read-only.R, R/spec-stress-driver.R,
+% R/spec-stress-connection.R
+\title{DBI specification (work in progress)}
+Placeholder page.
+\subsection{\code{dbGetInfo("DBIDriver")} (deprecated)}{
+Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements.
+\subsection{Repeated loading, instantiation, and unloading}{
+Repeated load, instantiation, and unload of package in a new R session.
+\subsection{Construction: \code{dbConnect("DBIDriver")} and \code{dbDisconnect("DBIConnection", "ANY")}}{
+Can connect and disconnect, connection object inherits from
+Repeated disconnect throws warning.
+\subsection{\code{dbDataType("DBIConnection", "ANY")}}{
+SQL Data types exist for all basic R data types. dbDataType() does not
+throw an error and returns a nonempty atomic character
+\subsection{\code{dbGetInfo("DBIConnection")} (deprecated)}{
+Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements
+\subsection{Stress tests}{
+Open 50 simultaneous connections
+Open and close 50 connections
+Repeated load, instantiation, connection, disconnection, and unload of
+package in a new R session.
+\subsection{Construction: \code{dbSendQuery("DBIConnection")} and \code{dbClearResult("DBIResult")}}{
+Can issue trivial query, result object inherits from "DBIResult".
+Return value, currently tests that the return value is always
+\code{TRUE}, and that an attempt to close a closed result set issues a
+Leaving a result open when closing a connection gives a warning.
+Can issue a command query that creates a table, inserts a row, and
+deletes it; the result sets for these query always have "completed"
+Issuing an invalid query throws error (but no warnings, e.g. related to
+pending results, are thrown).
+\subsection{\code{dbFetch("DBIResult")} and \code{dbHasCompleted("DBIResult")}}{
+Single-value queries can be fetched.
+Multi-row single-column queries can be fetched.
+Multi-row queries can be fetched progressively.
+If more rows than available are fetched, the result is returned in full
+but no warning is issued.
+If zero rows are fetched, the result is still fully typed.
+If less rows than available are fetched, the result is returned in full
+but no warning is issued.
+Side-effect-only queries (without return value) can be fetched.
+Fetching from a closed result set raises an error.
+Querying a disconnected connection throws error.
+\subsection{\code{dbGetQuery("DBIConnection", "ANY")}}{
+Single-value queries can be read with dbGetQuery
+Multi-row single-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+Empty single-column queries can be read with
+\code{\link[DBI:dbGetQuery]{DBI::dbGetQuery()}}. Not all SQL dialects support the query
+used here.
+Single-row multi-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+Multi-row multi-column queries can be read with dbGetQuery.
+Empty multi-column queries can be read with
+\code{\link[DBI:dbGetQuery]{DBI::dbGetQuery()}}. Not all SQL dialects support the query
+used here.
+\subsection{Create table with data type}{
+SQL Data types exist for all basic R data types, and the engine can
+process them.
+SQL data type for factor is the same as for character.
+\subsection{Data roundtrip}{
+Data conversion from SQL to R: integer
+Data conversion from SQL to R: integer with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: integer with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: numeric with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical. Optional, conflict with the
+\code{data_logical_int} test.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical with typed NULL values
+in the first row
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers). Optional,
+conflict with the \code{data_logical} test.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers) with typed NULL
+Data conversion from SQL to R: logical (as integers) with typed NULL
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: A NULL value is returned as NA.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: 64-bit integers with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: character.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: character with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: character with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: raw. Not all SQL dialects support the
+syntax of the query used here.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: raw with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: raw with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: date, returned as integer with class.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: date with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: date with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+parentheses for specifying time literals).
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+parentheses for specifying time literals) with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: time (using alternative syntax with
+parentheses for specifying time literals) with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone.
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone with typed NULL
+Data conversion from SQL to R: timestamp with time zone with typed NULL
+in the first row.
+Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+for specifying timestamp literals).
+Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+for specifying timestamp literals) with typed NULL values.
+Data conversion: timestamp (alternative syntax with parentheses
+for specifying timestamp literals) with typed NULL values
+in the first row.
+Can quote strings, and create strings that contain quotes and spaces.
+Can quote more than one string at once by passing a character vector.
+Can quote identifiers that consist of letters only.
+Can quote identifiers with special characters, and create identifiers
+that contain quotes and spaces.
+Character vectors are treated as a single qualified identifier.
+\subsection{\code{dbReadTable("DBIConnection")} and \code{dbWriteTable("DBIConnection")}}{
+Can write the \link[datasets:iris]{datasets::iris} data as a table to the
+database, but won't overwrite by default.
+Can read the \link[datasets:iris]{datasets::iris} data from a database table.
+Can write the \link[datasets:iris]{datasets::iris} data as a table to the
+database, will overwrite if asked.
+Can write the \link[datasets:iris]{datasets::iris} data as a table to the
+database, will append if asked.
+Cannot append to nonexisting table.
+Can write the \link[datasets:iris]{datasets::iris} data as a temporary table to
+the database, the table is not available in a second connection and is
+gone after reconnecting.
+A new table is visible in a second connection.
+\subsection{Roundtrip tests}{
+Can create tables with keywords as table and column names.
+Can create tables with quotes, commas, and spaces in column names and
+Can create tables with integer columns.
+Can create tables with numeric columns.
+Can create tables with numeric columns that contain special values such
+as \code{Inf} and \code{NaN}.
+Can create tables with logical columns.
+Can create tables with logical columns, returned as integer.
+Can create tables with NULL values.
+Can create tables with 64-bit columns.
+Can create tables with character columns.
+Can create tables with factor columns.
+Can create tables with raw columns.
+Can create tables with date columns.
+Can create tables with timestamp columns.
+Can create tables with row names.
+Can list the tables in the database, adding and removing tables affects
+the list. Can also check existence of a table.
+Can list the fields for a table in the database.
+Only an open connection is valid.
+Only an open result set is valid.
+SQL query can be retrieved from the result.
+Column information is correct.
+Row count information is correct.
+Information on affected rows is correct.
+\subsection{\code{dbGetInfo("DBIResult")} (deprecated)}{
+Return value of dbGetInfo has necessary elements
+\section{Parametrised queries and statements}{
+Empty binding with check of
+return value.
+Binding of integer values raises an
+error if connection is closed.
+Binding of integer values with check of
+return value.
+Binding of integer values with too many
+Binding of integer values with too few
+Binding of integer values, repeated.
+Binding of integer values with wrong names.
+Binding of integer values.
+Binding of numeric values.
+Binding of logical values.
+Binding of logical values (coerced to integer).
+Binding of \code{NULL} values.
+Binding of character values.
+Binding of date values.
+Binding of \link{POSIXct} timestamp values.
+Binding of \link{POSIXlt} timestamp values.
+Binding of raw values.
+Binding of statements.
+Repeated binding of statements.
+Binding of multi-row integer values.
+Binding of multi-row integer values with zero rows.
+Binding of multi-row integer values with unequal length.
+Binding of multi-row statements.
+\subsection{\code{dbBegin("DBIConnection")} and \code{dbRollback("DBIConnection")}}{
+\subsection{\code{dbWithTransaction("DBIConnection")} and \code{dbBreak()}}{
+\section{Full compliance}{
+\subsection{All of DBI}{
+The package defines three classes that implement the required methods.
+All methods have an ellipsis \code{...} in their formals.
+\subsection{Read-only access}{
+Writing to the database fails. (You might need to set up a separate
+test context just for this test.)
diff --git a/man/DBIspec.Rd b/man/DBIspec.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7fe425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/DBIspec.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spec.R, R/spec-getting-started.R,
+% R/spec-driver-class.R, R/spec-driver-constructor.R,
+% R/spec-driver-data-type.R, R/spec-driver.R, R/spec-connection.R,
+% R/spec-result.R, R/spec-sql.R, R/spec-meta-bind.R, R/spec-meta.R,
+% R/spec-transaction-begin-commit.R, R/spec-transaction.R,
+% R/spec-compliance.R, R/spec-stress.R
+\title{DBI specification}
+The \pkg{DBI} package defines the generic DataBase Interface for R.
+The connection to individual DBMS is made by packages that import \pkg{DBI}
+(so-called \emph{DBI backends}).
+This document formalizes the behavior expected by the functions declared in
+\pkg{DBI} and implemented by the individal backends.
+To ensure maximum portability and exchangeability, and to reduce the effort
+for implementing a new DBI backend, the \pkg{DBItest} package defines
+a comprehensive set of test cases that test conformance to the DBI
+In fact, this document is derived from comments in the test definitions of
+the \pkg{DBItest} package.
+This ensures that an extension or update to the tests will be reflected in
+this document.
+\section{Getting started}{
+A DBI backend is an R package,
+which should import the \pkg{DBI}
+and \pkg{methods}
+For better or worse, the names of many existing backends start with
+\sQuote{R}, e.g., \pkg{RSQLite}, \pkg{RMySQL}, \pkg{RSQLServer}; it is up
+to the package author to adopt this convention or not.
+Each DBI backend implements a \dfn{driver class},
+which must be an S4 class and inherit from the \code{DBIDriver} class.
+This section describes the construction of, and the methods defined for,
+this driver class.
+The backend must support creation of an instance of this driver class
+with a \dfn{constructor function}.
+By default, its name is the package name without the leading \sQuote{R}
+(if it exists), e.g., \code{SQLite} for the \pkg{RSQLite} package.
+For the automated tests, the constructor name can be tweaked using the
+\code{constructor_name} tweak.
+The constructor must be exported, and
+it must be a function
+that is callable without arguments.
+For the automated tests, unless the
+\code{constructor_relax_args} tweak is set to \code{TRUE},
+an empty argument list is expected.
+Otherwise, an argument list where all arguments have default values
+is also accepted.
+\subsection{\code{dbDataType("DBIDriver", "ANY")}}{
+The backend can override the \code{\link[DBI:dbDataType]{DBI::dbDataType()}} generic
+for its driver class.
+This generic expects an arbitrary object as second argument
+and returns a corresponding SQL type
+as atomic
+character value
+with at least one character.
+As-is objects (i.e., wrapped by \code{\link[base:I]{base::I()}}) must be
+supported and return the same results as their unwrapped counterparts.
+To query the values returned by the default implementation,
+run \code{example(dbDataType, package = "DBI")}.
+If the backend needs to override this generic,
+it must accept all basic R data types as its second argument, namely
+dates (see \code{\link[base:Dates]{base::Dates()}}),
+date-time (see \code{\link[base:DateTimeClasses]{base::DateTimeClasses()}}),
+and \code{\link[base:difftime]{base::difftime()}}.
+It also must accept lists of \code{raw} vectors
+and map them to the BLOB (binary large object) data type.
+The behavior for other object types is not specified.
+\section{Parametrized queries and statements}{
+\pkg{DBI} supports parametrized (or prepared) queries and statements
+via the \code{\link[DBI:dbBind]{DBI::dbBind()}} generic.
+Parametrized queries are different from normal queries
+in that they allow an arbitrary number of placeholders,
+which are later substituted by actual values.
+Parametrized queries (and statements) serve two purposes:
+\item The same query can be executed more than once with different values.
+The DBMS may cache intermediate information for the query,
+such as the execution plan,
+and execute it faster.
+\item Separation of query syntax and parameters protects against SQL injection.
+The placeholder format is currently not specified by \pkg{DBI};
+in the future, a uniform placeholder syntax may be supported.
+Consult the backend documentation for the supported formats.
+For automated testing, backend authors specify the placeholder syntax with
+the \code{placeholder_pattern} tweak.
+Known examples are:
+\item \code{?} (positional matching in order of appearance) in \pkg{RMySQL} and \pkg{RSQLite}
+\item \code{$1} (positional matching by index) in \pkg{RPostgres} and \pkg{RSQLite}
+\item \code{:name} and \code{$name} (named matching) in \pkg{RSQLite}
+\pkg{DBI} clients execute parametrized statements as follows:
+\item Call \code{\link[DBI:dbSendQuery]{DBI::dbSendQuery()}} or \code{\link[DBI:dbSendStatement]{DBI::dbSendStatement()}} with a query or statement
+that contains placeholders,
+store the returned \code{\linkS4class{DBIResult}} object in a variable.
+Mixing placeholders (in particular, named and unnamed ones) is not
+It is good practice to register a call to \code{\link[DBI:dbClearResult]{DBI::dbClearResult()}} via
+\code{\link[=on.exit]{on.exit()}} right after calling \code{dbSendQuery()}, see the last
+enumeration item.
+\item Construct a list with parameters
+that specify actual values for the placeholders.
+The list must be named or unnamed,
+depending on the kind of placeholders used.
+Named values are matched to named parameters, unnamed values
+are matched by position.
+All elements in this list must have the same lengths and contain values
+supported by the backend; a \code{\link[=data.frame]{data.frame()}} is internally stored as such
+a list.
+The parameter list is passed a call to \code{\link[=dbBind]{dbBind()}} on the \code{DBIResult}
+\item Retrieve the data or the number of affected rows from the \code{DBIResult} object.
+\item For queries issued by \code{dbSendQuery()},
+call \code{\link[DBI:dbFetch]{DBI::dbFetch()}}.
+\item For statements issued by \code{dbSendStatements()},
+call \code{\link[DBI:dbGetRowsAffected]{DBI::dbGetRowsAffected()}}.
+(Execution begins immediately after the \code{dbBind()} call,
+the statement is processed entirely before the function returns.
+Calls to \code{dbFetch()} are ignored.)
+\item Repeat 2. and 3. as necessary.
+\item Close the result set via \code{\link[DBI:dbClearResult]{DBI::dbClearResult()}}.
+\subsection{\code{dbBegin("DBIConnection")} and \code{dbCommit("DBIConnection")}}{
+Transactions are available in DBI, but actual support may vary between backends.
+A transaction is initiated by a call to \code{\link[DBI:dbBegin]{DBI::dbBegin()}}
+and committed by a call to \code{\link[DBI:dbCommit]{DBI::dbCommit()}}.
+Both generics expect an object of class \code{\linkS4class{DBIConnection}}
+and return \code{TRUE} (invisibly) upon success.
+The implementations are expected to raise an error in case of failure,
+but this is difficult to test in an automated way.
+In any way, both generics should throw an error with a closed connection.
+In addition, a call to \code{\link[DBI:dbCommit]{DBI::dbCommit()}} without
+a call to \code{\link[DBI:dbBegin]{DBI::dbBegin()}} should raise an error.
+Nested transactions are not supported by DBI,
+an attempt to call \code{\link[DBI:dbBegin]{DBI::dbBegin()}} twice
+should yield an error.
+Data written in a transaction must persist after the transaction is committed.
+For example, a table that is missing when the transaction is started
+but is created
+and populated during the transaction
+must exist and contain the data added there
+both during
+and after the transaction.
+The behavior is not specified if other arguments are passed to these
+functions. In particular, \pkg{RSQLite} issues named transactions
+if the \code{name} argument is set.
+The transaction isolation level is not specified by DBI.
diff --git a/man/DBItest-package.Rd b/man/DBItest-package.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7eb08b
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+++ b/man/DBItest-package.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/DBItest.R
+\title{DBItest: Testing 'DBI' Back Ends}
+A helper that tests 'DBI' back ends for conformity
+to the interface, currently work in progress.
+The two most important functions are \code{\link[=make_context]{make_context()}} and
+\code{\link[=test_all]{test_all()}}. The former tells the package how to connect to your
+DBI backend, the latter executes all tests of the test suite. More
+fine-grained test functions (all with prefix \code{test_}) are available.
+See the package's vignette for more details.
+Useful links:
+ \item Report bugs at \url{https://github.com/rstats-db/DBItest/issues}
+Kirill Müller
diff --git a/man/context.Rd b/man/context.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b13f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/context.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/context.R
+\title{Test contexts}
+make_context(drv, connect_args, set_as_default = TRUE, tweaks = NULL,
+ name = NULL)
+\item{drv}{\code{[DBIDriver]}\cr An expression that constructs a DBI driver,
+like \code{SQLite()}.}
+\item{connect_args}{\code{[named list]}\cr Connection arguments (names and values).}
+\item{set_as_default}{\code{[logical(1)]}\cr Should the created context be
+set as default context?}
+\item{tweaks}{\code{[DBItest_tweaks]}\cr Tweaks as constructed by the
+\code{\link[=tweaks]{tweaks()}} function.}
+\item{name}{\code{[character]}\cr An optional name of the context which will
+be used in test messages.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context.}
+\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context, for
+\code{set_default_context} the previous default context (invisibly) or
+Create a test context, set and query the default context.
diff --git a/man/make_placeholder_fun.Rd b/man/make_placeholder_fun.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a584085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/make_placeholder_fun.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/spec-meta-bind-.R
+\title{Create a function that creates n placeholders}
+\item{pattern}{\code{[character(1)]}\cr Any character, optionally followed by \code{1} or \code{name}. Examples: \code{"?"}, \code{"$1"}, \code{":name"}}
+\code{[function(n)]}\cr A function with one argument \code{n} that
+returns a vector of length \code{n} with placeholders of the specified format.
+Examples: \code{?, ?, ?, ...}, \code{$1, $2, $3, ...}, \code{:a, :b, :c}
+For internal use by the \code{placeholder_format} tweak.
diff --git a/man/test_all.Rd b/man/test_all.Rd
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/man/test_all.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-all.R, R/test-getting-started.R,
+% R/test-driver.R, R/test-connection.R, R/test-result.R, R/test-sql.R,
+% R/test-meta.R, R/test-transaction.R, R/test-compliance.R, R/test-stress.R
+\title{Run all tests}
+test_all(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+This function calls all tests defined in this package (see the section
+"Tests" below).
+This function runs the following tests, except the stress tests:
+Getting started with testing
+Test the "Driver" class
+Test the "Connection" class
+Test the "Result" class
+Test SQL methods
+Test metadata functions
+Test transaction functions
+Test full compliance to DBI
+Stress tests (not tested with \code{test_all})
diff --git a/man/test_compliance.Rd b/man/test_compliance.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea0f957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_compliance.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-compliance.R
+\title{Test full compliance to DBI}
+test_compliance(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test full compliance to DBI
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_connection}},
+ \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_stress}},
+ \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_connection.Rd b/man/test_connection.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a580bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_connection.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-connection.R
+\title{Test the "Connection" class}
+test_connection(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test the "Connection" class
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_stress}},
+ \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_driver.Rd b/man/test_driver.Rd
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_driver.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-driver.R
+\title{Test the "Driver" class}
+test_driver(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test the "Driver" class
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_stress}},
+ \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_getting_started.Rd b/man/test_getting_started.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5775876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_getting_started.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-getting-started.R
+\title{Getting started with testing}
+test_getting_started(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Tests very basic features of a DBI driver package, to support testing
+and test-first development right from the start.
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_stress}},
+ \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_meta.Rd b/man/test_meta.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0e799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_meta.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-meta.R
+\title{Test metadata functions}
+test_meta(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test metadata functions
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_result}}, \code{\link{test_sql}},
+ \code{\link{test_stress}}, \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_result.Rd b/man/test_result.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ebfec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_result.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-result.R
+\title{Test the "Result" class}
+test_result(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test the "Result" class
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_sql}},
+ \code{\link{test_stress}}, \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_sql.Rd b/man/test_sql.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d21eb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_sql.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-sql.R
+\title{Test SQL methods}
+test_sql(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test SQL methods
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_stress}}, \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_stress.Rd b/man/test_stress.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983a252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_stress.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-stress.R
+\title{Stress tests}
+test_stress(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Stress tests
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_transaction}}
diff --git a/man/test_transaction.Rd b/man/test_transaction.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c50054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/test_transaction.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/test-transaction.R
+\title{Test transaction functions}
+test_transaction(skip = NULL, ctx = get_default_context())
+\item{skip}{\code{[character()]}\cr A vector of regular expressions to match
+against test names; skip test if matching any.}
+\item{ctx}{\code{[DBItest_context]}\cr A test context as created by
+Test transaction functions
+Other tests: \code{\link{test_compliance}},
+ \code{\link{test_connection}}, \code{\link{test_driver}},
+ \code{\link{test_getting_started}},
+ \code{\link{test_meta}}, \code{\link{test_result}},
+ \code{\link{test_sql}}, \code{\link{test_stress}}
diff --git a/man/tweaks.Rd b/man/tweaks.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a2799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/tweaks.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/tweaks.R
+\title{Tweaks for DBI tests}
+tweaks(..., constructor_name = NULL, constructor_relax_args = NULL,
+ strict_identifier = NULL, omit_blob_tests = NULL,
+ current_needs_parens = NULL, union = NULL, placeholder_pattern = NULL)
+Unknown tweaks are accepted, with a warning. The ellipsis
+also asserts that all arguments are named.}
+Name of the function that constructs the \code{Driver} object.}
+If \code{TRUE}, allow a driver constructor with default values for all
+arguments; otherwise, require a constructor with empty argument list
+Set to \code{TRUE} if the DBMS does not support arbitrarily-named
+identifiers even when quoting is used.}
+Set to \code{TRUE} if the DBMS does not support a \code{BLOB} data
+Set to \code{TRUE} if the SQL functions \code{current_date},
+\code{current_time}, and \code{current_timestamp} require parentheses.}
+Function that combines several subqueries into one so that the
+resulting query returns the concatenated results of the subqueries}
+A pattern for placeholders used in \code{\link[DBI:dbBind]{DBI::dbBind()}}, e.g.,
+\code{"?"}, \code{"$1"}, or \code{":name"}. See
+\code{\link[=make_placeholder_fun]{make_placeholder_fun()}} for details.}
diff --git a/tests/testthat.R b/tests/testthat.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..635ce99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat.R
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-context.R b/tests/testthat/test-context.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdff1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-context.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+test_that("default context is NULL", {
+ expect_null(get_default_context())
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-lint.R b/tests/testthat/test-lint.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd7e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-lint.R
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+test_that("lintr is happy", {
+ skip_on_cran()
+ expect_false("package:DBI" %in% search())
+ require(DBI)
+ on.exit(detach(), add = TRUE)
+ expect_true("package:DBI" %in% search())
+ #lintr::expect_lint_free()
+ detach()
+ on.exit(NULL, add = FALSE)
+ expect_false("package:DBI" %in% search())
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-tweaks.R b/tests/testthat/test-tweaks.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302dc89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-tweaks.R
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+test_that("multiplication works", {
+ expect_true(names(formals(tweaks))[[1]] == "...")
+ expect_warning(tweaks(`_oooops` = 42, `_darn` = -1), "_oooops, _darn")
+ expect_warning(tweaks(), NA)
+ expect_warning(tweaks(5), "named")
+ expect_warning(tweaks(5, `_ooops` = 42), "named")
+ expect_warning(tweaks(constructor_name = "constr"), NA)
diff --git a/vignettes/test.Rmd b/vignettes/test.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066cade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/test.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+title: "Testing DBI backends"
+author: "Kirill Müller"
+date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
+output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
+vignette: >
+ %\VignetteIndexEntry{Testing DBI backends}
+ %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+This document shows how to use the `DBItest` package when implementing a new `DBI` backend or when applying it to an existing backend. The `DBItest` package provides a large collection of automated tests.
+## Testing a new backend
+The test cases in the `DBItest` package are structured very similarly to the sections in the "backend" vignette:
+vignette("backend", package = "DBI")
+Like the "backend" vignette, this vignette assumes that you are implementing the `RKazam` package that has a `Kazam()` function that creates a new `DBIDriver` instance for connecting to a "Kazam" database.
+You can add the tests in the `DBItest` package incrementally, as you proceed with implementing the various parts of the DBI. The `DBItest` package builds upon the `testthat` package. To enable it, run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating `devtools`):
+This creates, among others, a file `test-DBItest.R` in the `tests/testthat` directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:
+DBItest::make_context(Kazam(), NULL)
+Now test your package with `devtools::test()`. If you followed at least the "Getting started" section of the `DBI` "backend" vignette, all tests should succeed.
+By adding the corresponding test function to your `tests/test-DBItest.R` file *before* implementing a section, you get immediate feedback which functionality of this section still needs to be implemented by running `devtools::test()` again. Therefore, proceed by appending the following to `tests/test-DBItest.R`, to include a test case for the forthcoming section:
+Again, all tests should succeed when you are done with the "Driver" section. Add the call to the next tester function, implement the following section until all tests succeed, and so forth.
+In this scenario, you are usually interested only in the first error the test suite finds. The `StopReporter` of `testthat` is most helpful here, activate it by passing `reporter = "stop"` to `devtools::test()`. Alternatively, call the relevant `DBItest::test_()` function directly.
+The tests are documented with the corresponding functions: For instance, `?test_driver` shows a coarse description of all tests for the "Driver" test case. Test failures will include the name of the test that is failing; in this case, investigating the documentation or the source code of the `DBItest` package will usually lead to the cause of the error.
+Not all tests can be satisfied: For example, there is one test that tests that `logical` variables survive a write-read roundtrip to the database, whereas another test tests that `logical` variables are converted to `integer` in such a case. Tests can be skipped by adding regular expressions for the tests to skip as character vector to the call, as in the following[^termnull]:
+DBItest::test_driver(skip = c(
+ "data_type" # Reason 1...
+ "constructor.*", # Reason 2...
+[^termnull]: The terminating `NULL` allows appending new lines to the end by copy-pasting an existing line, without having to take care of the terminating comma.
+Some other reasons to skip tests are:
+- your database does not support a feature
+- you want to postpone or avoid the implementation of a feature
+- the test takes too long to run
+## Testing an existing backend
+For an existing backends, simply enabling all tests may be the quickest way to get started. Run the following in your package directory (after installing or updating `devtools`):
+This creates, among others, a file `test-DBItest.R` in the `tests/testthat` directory. Replace its entire contents by the following:
+DBItest::make_context(Kazam(), NULL)
+The notes about "Kazam" and skipping tests from the previous section apply here as well. The `test_all()` function simply calls all test cases.
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