[med-svn] [altree] branch master created (now 27bce53)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Fri Oct 6 09:55:52 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository altree.
at 27bce53 Point watch file to gitlab.inria.fr
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 69a5a86 Creating trunk directory
new f792902 [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
new be238b3 Added ITP numbers
new 3a2ed5f * Added debian/watch * debian/compat and debhelper dependency updated * debian/control: - added myself in Uploaders - Standards-Version is now 3.7.3
new f4ade40 watch files are cool :-)
new b9b19e3 Fix copyright and all lintian warnings/errors
new b673bdf Merged work on the copyright file that I forgot to commit from my laptop.
new 29f431e fixing typo and previous merge errors in debian/copyright
new 0eae20a Updated my email address.
new 7986619 Ready for upload.
new bede642 Missing build-dep.
new 5775514 Missing build-dep.
new 67e3d9f Update my email address
new 77c3b1c Fix build-depends
new afad50e Really fix build-dependencies texlive-latex-recommended is needed for 'ifpdf.sty'
new a4cdccb Updated debian/changelog
new 0863a59 Corrected the VCS information in debian/control.
new b0d1378 New altree-example package, registration of the manual, and other QA work.
new 288d26b New upstream version available.
new 0fa4526 Added ${misc:Depends} dependency to altree-examples
new e83c2c8 * debian/control: - removed unneeded Build-Dependencies * debian/rules: - removing unneeded included Makefile
new 2d9e2d0 removed myself from Uploaders
new 79893c7 Ready, except that libtamuanova-perl is not yet in Debian.
new fd5dd57 It may be preferable to skip this release.
new aef8f33 s/Debian-Med/Debian Med/
new 0d4a7a3 Added information about Upstream in debian/upstream-metadata.yaml.
new cf87523 Sorted alphabetically and added PubMed ID.
new c2f2756 Aded ghostscript build-depends, some packaging polishing
new 8cdb999 Use short debhelper rules file instead of cdbs because this failed to install as previousely anyway
new 3d07ee9 Remark about new upstream release restored
new 277adf7 Switch to dpkg-source format 1.0. Closes: #643045
new 4d8a776 Corrected VCS URLs.
new 49b5e7e Use Debhelper 8.
new 446f2ee Converted debian/copyright to machine-readable format 1.0.
new 399ac5d Compress binary packages with xz.
new 5639ac2 Conforms with Policy 3.9.2.
new 1b97589 Uploaded, in 3.0 (quilt) format.
new e90e38c Version 1.1.0, to release or not ?
new 1f616e1 Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
new 0f41145 use uscan in get-orig-source target, new version, maybe useable again?
new 57b3d33 debian/upstream: Moved DOI and PMID to the Reference namespace.
new 3143c38 Corrected the files that did not validate with YAML::XS.
new d57c465 Single Reference field instead of Reference-*
new 1c738c5 Work on bugs in recent upstream version rather than hinting to a not to be packaged newer upstream version
new 1c4d3b9 Do not let a version pop up which should not be packaged
new b747121 Bumped standards-version
new a734759 Document the "do not package new version" issue
new 7aaa0f6 Verified DEP5 using `cme fix dpkg-copyright`
new c69e736 Fix FTBFS bug by droping dvips option
new 9f42c24 Debhelper 9, upload to unstable
new 3277e40 Add trailing slash so that the Vcs-Svn URL points to a directory.
new 1857af7 Normalised citation information
new f57ae11 Do not install debian/reference
new 44528d5 Import new release 1.2.1
new 24dca96 New upstream release
new 7416634 Add new dependencies
new d167b90 Upload to unstable
new 519ed9a Update watch file for new release names
new 7fdbb7a Upload new release
new 2babf76 Really fix vcs fields
new a5f185c Closing bug fixed upstream
new 62cc833 Fix Build-Dependency for the new upstream version
new fb69fd3 Fix dependencies and remove bug closure
new 695aefb new (bug fix) release
new d9db8eb Set release for uploading
new 17f6cfc Add missing build-depends for the new release
new 5e1bdf8 Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
new 417bcf6 Avoid nested C function
new 5b6bed1 bump standard-version (no change needed)
new 42ecd71 [debian/control] Update build dependencies for GSL 2, change libgsl0-dev to libgsl-dev. Thanks Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at debian.org> (Closes: #807173)
new 55a1296 Avoid to call 'make install' with PREFIX=...
new ef38f0a Bump Standard-Version
new 30dd7de Upload 1.3.1-3
new 161f28a Fix rules file; commit as uploaded (sorry for missing Vincent's commit)
new 9272049 Revert overriding VIncent's change
new 91c038b reapply Andreas's modification and fix empty package
new dd47b1a ready to upload
new 7d2c5cb Do not forget to add new files :-(
new d4b5834 New upstream version 1.3.1
new 10ee397 Updated version 1.3.1 from 'upstream/1.3.1'
new 2e7fc98 Moved packaging from SVN to Git
new 189587e Standards-Version: 4.1.1
new f195227 New homepage
new 27bce53 Point watch file to gitlab.inria.fr
The 84 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/altree.git
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