[med-svn] [mypy] 02/03: Updated version 0.530 from 'upstream/0.530'
Michael Crusoe
misterc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Oct 7 17:19:26 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
misterc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mypy.
commit f390d7bb5be98b7ff0af209e21eb38b5329c7c31
Merge: 9abb2ae 8545326
Author: Michael R. Crusoe <michael.crusoe at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Oct 7 10:15:47 2017 -0700
Updated version 0.530 from 'upstream/0.530'
with Debian dir 1cffd86f3a8495171a8e3d15df27e139294b066f
.gitignore | 30 -
.gitmodules | 3 -
.travis.yml | 23 -
CONTRIBUTING.md | 163 --
CREDITS | 101 -
LICENSE | 227 --
MANIFEST.in | 6 +-
PKG-INFO | 5 +-
README.md | 58 +-
ROADMAP.md | 96 -
appveyor.yml | 41 -
build-requirements.txt | 2 -
conftest.py | 13 -
docs/source/basics.rst | 2 +-
docs/source/class_basics.rst | 179 +-
docs/source/command_line.rst | 6 +
docs/source/common_issues.rst | 42 +
docs/source/config_file.rst | 15 +-
docs/source/faq.rst | 37 +-
docs/source/function_overloading.rst | 25 +-
docs/source/generics.rst | 103 +-
docs/source/revision_history.rst | 14 +
docs/source/type_inference_and_annotations.rst | 16 +
extensions/setup.cfg | 2 +
extensions/setup.py | 4 +-
misc/actions_stubs.py | 111 -
misc/analyze_cache.py | 189 --
misc/async_matrix.py | 120 --
misc/fix_annotate.py | 219 --
misc/incremental_checker.py | 356 ----
misc/macs.el | 22 -
misc/perf_checker.py | 93 -
misc/remove-eol-whitespace.sh | 8 -
misc/test_case_to_actual.py | 71 -
misc/touch_checker.py | 151 --
misc/upload-pypi.py | 160 --
misc/variadics.py | 54 -
mypy.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 5 +-
mypy.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 61 +-
mypy.egg-info/requires.txt | 5 +-
mypy/applytype.py | 24 +-
mypy/binder.py | 63 +-
mypy/build.py | 141 +-
mypy/checker.py | 453 ++--
mypy/checkexpr.py | 477 +++--
mypy/checkmember.py | 47 +-
mypy/checkstrformat.py | 14 +-
mypy/constraints.py | 93 +-
mypy/defaults.py | 1 +
mypy/erasetype.py | 12 +-
mypy/errors.py | 41 +-
mypy/exprtotype.py | 4 +-
mypy/fastparse.py | 180 +-
mypy/fastparse2.py | 107 +-
mypy/indirection.py | 3 +
mypy/infer.py | 4 +-
mypy/join.py | 35 +-
mypy/literals.py | 233 +++
mypy/main.py | 45 +-
mypy/maptype.py | 8 +-
mypy/meet.py | 27 +-
mypy/messages.py | 656 ++++--
mypy/myunit/__init__.py | 26 +-
mypy/nodes.py | 297 +--
mypy/options.py | 21 +-
mypy/parse.py | 2 +-
mypy/plugin.py | 4 +-
mypy/report.py | 130 +-
mypy/sametypes.py | 4 +-
mypy/semanal.py | 830 ++++++--
mypy/server/astdiff.py | 9 +-
mypy/server/astmerge.py | 16 +-
mypy/server/aststrip.py | 14 +-
mypy/server/deps.py | 19 +-
mypy/server/update.py | 14 +-
mypy/sharedparse.py | 6 +-
mypy/solve.py | 8 +-
mypy/stats.py | 132 +-
mypy/strconv.py | 10 +-
mypy/stubgen.py | 389 +++-
mypy/stubgenc.py | 6 +-
mypy/subtypes.py | 344 ++-
mypy/test/data.py | 13 +-
mypy/test/helpers.py | 1 +
mypy/test/testcheck.py | 7 +-
mypy/test/testcmdline.py | 11 +-
mypy/test/testdeps.py | 2 -
mypy/test/testdiff.py | 2 -
mypy/test/testfinegrained.py | 3 -
mypy/test/testinfer.py | 18 +-
mypy/test/testmerge.py | 11 +-
mypy/test/testparse.py | 20 +-
mypy/test/testpythoneval.py | 25 +-
mypy/test/testsemanal.py | 37 +-
mypy/test/teststubgen.py | 12 +-
mypy/test/testtransform.py | 14 +-
mypy/test/testtypegen.py | 14 +-
mypy/test/testtypes.py | 51 +-
mypy/treetransform.py | 10 +-
mypy/tvar_scope.py | 6 +-
mypy/typeanal.py | 263 ++-
mypy/typefixture.py | 18 +-
mypy/types.py | 283 ++-
mypy/version.py | 2 +-
mypy/waiter.py | 31 +-
mypy_self_check.ini | 11 +-
pinfer/.gitignore | 3 -
pinfer/LICENSE | 27 -
pinfer/README | 47 -
pinfer/inspect3.py | 122 --
pinfer/p.py | 83 -
pinfer/pinfer.py | 686 ------
pinfer/test_pinfer.py | 302 ---
pinfer/test_pinfer3.py | 31 -
pinfer/unparse.py | 610 ------
pinfer/unparse3.py | 610 ------
pytest.ini | 21 -
runtests.py | 112 +-
scripts/__pycache__/dumpmodule.cpython-36.pyc | Bin 3853 -> 0 bytes
scripts/myunit | 9 +
setup.cfg | 5 -
setup.py | 23 +-
test-data/unit/README.md | 32 +-
test-data/unit/check-abstract.test | 21 +-
test-data/unit/check-async-await.test | 46 +-
test-data/unit/check-bound.test | 10 +-
test-data/unit/check-class-namedtuple.test | 8 +-
test-data/unit/check-classes.test | 570 ++++-
test-data/unit/check-classvar.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-custom-plugin.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-default-plugin.test | 33 +
test-data/unit/check-dynamic-typing.test | 64 +-
test-data/unit/check-enum.test | 20 +-
test-data/unit/check-expressions.test | 119 +-
test-data/unit/check-flags.test | 151 +-
test-data/unit/check-functions.test | 215 +-
test-data/unit/check-generic-subtyping.test | 66 +-
test-data/unit/check-generics.test | 126 +-
test-data/unit/check-ignore.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-incremental.test | 324 +++
test-data/unit/check-inference-context.test | 94 +-
test-data/unit/check-inference.test | 134 +-
test-data/unit/check-isinstance.test | 48 +-
test-data/unit/check-kwargs.test | 26 +-
test-data/unit/check-lists.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-modules.test | 358 +++-
test-data/unit/check-namedtuple.test | 189 +-
test-data/unit/check-newsyntax.test | 14 +-
test-data/unit/check-newtype.test | 24 +-
test-data/unit/check-optional.test | 61 +-
test-data/unit/check-overloading.test | 135 +-
test-data/unit/check-protocols.test | 2181 ++++++++++++++++++++
test-data/unit/check-python2.test | 28 +-
test-data/unit/check-serialize.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-statements.test | 81 +-
test-data/unit/check-super.test | 190 +-
test-data/unit/check-tuples.test | 37 +-
test-data/unit/check-type-aliases.test | 126 +-
test-data/unit/check-type-checks.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-typeddict.test | 131 +-
test-data/unit/check-typevar-values.test | 81 +-
test-data/unit/check-unions.test | 19 +
test-data/unit/check-unreachable-code.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-varargs.test | 115 +-
test-data/unit/check-warnings.test | 17 +-
test-data/unit/cmdline.test | 49 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/async_await.pyi | 9 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/bool.pyi | 4 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/dict.pyi | 9 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/exception.pyi | 4 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/fine_grained.pyi | 7 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/float.pyi | 5 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/floatdict.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/for.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/isinstancelist.pyi | 12 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/list.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/module.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/module_all.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/module_all_python2.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/primitives.pyi | 4 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/set.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/slice.pyi | 4 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/type.pyi | 2 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/typing-full.pyi | 64 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/union.pyi | 7 +-
test-data/unit/lib-stub/builtins.pyi | 1 -
test-data/unit/lib-stub/contextlib.pyi | 10 +
test-data/unit/lib-stub/six.pyi | 3 +-
test-data/unit/lib-stub/typing.pyi | 43 +-
test-data/unit/lib-stub/typing_extensions.pyi | 6 +
test-data/unit/parse.test | 12 +-
test-data/unit/plugins/type_anal_hook.py | 6 +-
test-data/unit/pythoneval-asyncio.test | 10 +-
test-data/unit/pythoneval.test | 44 +-
test-data/unit/reports.test | 338 +++
test-data/unit/semanal-abstractclasses.test | 8 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-classes.test | 4 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-errors.test | 19 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-typeddict.test | 21 +
test-data/unit/stubgen.test | 271 ++-
test-requirements.txt | 9 -
tmp-test-dirs/.gitignore | 4 -
typeshed/stdlib/2/ConfigParser.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/__builtin__.pyi | 42 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/_io.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/ast.pyi | 15 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/builtins.pyi | 42 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/collections.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/email/mime/application.pyi | 11 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/encodings/utf_8.pyi | 17 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/exceptions.pyi | 128 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/fcntl.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/functools.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/heapq.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/io.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/itertools.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/mutex.pyi | 15 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/os/__init__.pyi | 2 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/sre_constants.pyi | 94 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/sre_parse.pyi | 63 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/stringold.pyi | 46 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/symbol.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/thread.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/types.pyi | 3 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/typing.pyi | 5 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/argparse.pyi | 2 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/chunk.pyi | 23 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/codeop.pyi | 17 +
.../stdlib/2and3/distutils/command/bdist_msi.pyi | 7 +-
.../stdlib/2and3/distutils/command/build_py.pyi | 10 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/formatter.pyi | 105 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/ftplib.pyi | 10 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/logging/__init__.pyi | 3 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/logging/handlers.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/mmap.pyi | 35 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/socket.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/traceback.pyi | 51 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/locks.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/streams.pyi | 15 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/tasks.pyi | 31 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/enum.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/_threading_local.pyi | 18 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/ast.pyi | 15 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/builtins.pyi | 67 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/collections/__init__.pyi | 127 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/configparser.pyi | 39 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/mime/__init__.py | 0
.../stdlib/3/email/mime/__init__.pyi | 0
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/policy.pyi | 3 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/email/utils.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/encodings/utf_8.pyi | 17 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/fcntl.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/functools.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/gzip.pyi | 22 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/heapq.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/http/cookiejar.pyi | 3 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/io.pyi | 31 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/json/__init__.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/json/decoder.pyi | 8 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/json/encoder.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/multiprocessing/__init__.pyi | 94 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/multiprocessing/context.pyi | 21 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/multiprocessing/managers.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/multiprocessing/pool.pyi | 29 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/os/__init__.pyi | 29 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/os/path.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/queue.pyi | 8 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/re.pyi | 122 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/resource.pyi | 12 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/shlex.pyi | 15 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/smtplib.pyi | 69 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/sre_constants.pyi | 40 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/sre_parse.pyi | 81 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/ssl.pyi | 22 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/subprocess.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/sys.pyi | 50 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/time.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/tkinter/__init__.pyi | 16 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/types.pyi | 1 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/typing.pyi | 18 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/unittest/__init__.pyi | 9 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/unittest/mock.pyi | 13 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/urllib/parse.pyi | 18 +-
typeshed/tests/mypy_selftest.py | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2/simplejson/__init__.pyi | 6 +-
typeshed/third_party/2/six/__init__.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/click/__init__.pyi | 94 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/click/globals.pyi | 3 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/emoji.pyi | 18 +
typeshed/third_party/2and3/jinja2/__init__.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/jinja2/environment.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/jinja2/utils.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/pynamodb/attributes.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/pytz/lazy.pyi | 19 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/requests/adapters.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/requests/auth.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/requests/models.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/requests/structures.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/typing_extensions.pyi | 33 +
typeshed/third_party/3/enum.pyi | 7 +-
typeshed/third_party/3/lxml/etree.pyi | 10 +-
typeshed/third_party/3/six/__init__.pyi | 2 +-
xml/mypy-html.xslt | 2 +-
xml/mypy.xsd | 1 +
304 files changed, 12403 insertions(+), 7976 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mypy.git
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