[med-svn] [r-cran-openssl] 03/03: Updated version 0.9.7 from 'upstream/0.9.7'
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Oct 10 17:14:38 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-openssl.
commit 3404bbdc1ccd2889d9f8aa0b1adfa12f12c27132
Merge: 8a7e621 859d8f2
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Tue Oct 10 19:12:55 2017 +0200
Updated version 0.9.7 from 'upstream/0.9.7'
with Debian dir f9e5051e77bd8cca3ce0e82240447eebb0b9e4e0
DESCRIPTION | 16 +++---
LICENSE | 2 +-
MD5 | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
NEWS | 14 +++++
R/aes.R | 2 +-
R/bignum.R | 17 +++++-
R/cert.R | 6 ++-
R/diffie.R | 2 +-
R/envelope.R | 2 +-
R/read.R | 31 +++++++++--
R/stopifnot.R | 10 ++++
build/vignette.rds | Bin 355 -> 355 bytes
configure | 37 +++++++++----
inst/doc/bignum.Rmd | 2 +-
inst/doc/bignum.html | 36 ++++++-------
inst/doc/crypto_hashing.Rmd | 2 +-
inst/doc/crypto_hashing.html | 16 +++---
inst/doc/keys.html | 48 ++++++++---------
inst/doc/secure_rng.html | 24 ++++-----
man/aes_cbc.Rd | 3 +-
man/askpass.Rd | 1 -
man/base64_encode.Rd | 1 -
man/bignum.Rd | 5 +-
man/certificates.Rd | 5 +-
man/ec_dh.Rd | 3 +-
man/encrypt_envelope.Rd | 3 +-
man/fingerprint.Rd | 1 -
man/hash.Rd | 1 -
man/keygen.Rd | 1 -
man/my_key.Rd | 1 -
man/openssl.Rd | 1 -
man/openssl_config.Rd | 1 -
man/pkcs12.Rd | 1 -
man/rand_bytes.Rd | 1 -
man/read_key.Rd | 3 +-
man/rsa_encrypt.Rd | 1 -
man/signatures.Rd | 1 -
man/write_pem.Rd | 1 -
src/Makevars.win | 7 +--
src/aes.c | 4 ++
src/base64.c | 1 +
src/bignum.c | 7 +++
src/cert.c | 1 +
src/keygen.c | 28 ++++------
src/keys.c | 11 ++--
src/onload.c | 4 +-
src/openssh.c | 11 ++--
src/pem.c | 26 +++++++--
src/pkcs12.c | 9 ++--
src/pkcs7.c | 9 ++--
src/rsa.c | 1 +
src/signing.c | 15 ++++--
src/ssl.c | 9 +++-
src/{onload.c => tests/main.c} | 17 +-----
src/tests/soname.h | 5 ++
tests/testthat/test_bignum.R | 7 +++
tests/testthat/test_google.R | 30 +++++++++++
tools/winlibs.R | 8 +--
vignettes/bignum.Rmd | 2 +-
vignettes/crypto_hashing.Rmd | 2 +-
61 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 249 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-cran-openssl.git
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