[med-svn] [mia] 01/04: New upstream version 2.4.5
Gert Wollny
gewo at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 17 23:47:56 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gewo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mia.
commit b49c14e0b611e68a0470a7dd0d8b0c43b1177a6b
Author: Gert Wollny <gw.fossdev at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Oct 16 12:12:27 2017 +0200
New upstream version 2.4.5
.travis.yml | 65 ++-
CMakeLists.txt | 9 +-
ChangeLog | 8 +
cmake/macros.cmake | 13 +-
cmake/pluginmacro.cmake | 60 +--
mia/2d/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.cc | 327 +++++++--------
mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh | 3 +-
mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.cc | 213 +++++-----
mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh | 4 +-
mia/3d/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.cc | 23 +-
mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.hh | 4 +-
mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.cc | 38 +-
mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.hh | 2 +
mia/core/CMakeLists.txt | 20 +-
mia/mesh/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +-
src/3dsegment-local-cmeans.cc | 923 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
18 files changed, 903 insertions(+), 820 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 606d06c..acf0bea 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-sudo: required
+sudo: false
dist: trusty
language: generic
@@ -11,29 +11,58 @@ env:
- secure: GJh7knKOeyjofQFswCHI4H1VeRBYDmGrZjBiW/yNoGqLvvAZi32HF2d5gHj2vrsGBqto/5mQrydo1rH6Q85VuZ7ZNZmcmiMVA5htv61WKfxzc50mSrkSfvDTb0MOmR8QcpWpK4YAfCYd4r8drPfpbRdHUvTfEk9tS8I/1LGLuos3cLRU+OojEuvndUC8rGHtCRtDswFmngbc96gkAuHfAd7LiaJ5EY+pqOmHY4xMgi5Ev4FnGdkUczUcpisxee/48QIite9lw5E0pemPepKuhrwUJRvnzb9Tgsp94R42mzymvnKyLsttdUQtUItTQshTqEtWSFf/6GO9GPyUXAgR+BDsQ9ODlxOC6+Cip0HqxCvgDfIZarVaj5/2/ZwiyjocEinhSzFiIJF9SShpqSpP9MUgS/ZL/9y6GMiDXx19zkxBJ9kXP+7vH/G/7qFZ6f1aVuDemgKit5styDQDnLyd/FlBrz3oWftj [...]
-- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gert-die/trusty-mia -y
-- sudo apt-get update -qq
-- sudo apt-get install -o APT::Get::Install-Recommends=false -o APT::Get::Install-Suggests=false -y libmaxflow-dev libdcmtk2-dev libeigen3-dev libfftw3-dev libgsl0-dev libgts-dev libhdf5-dev libitpp-dev libnifti-dev libnlopt-dev libopenexr-dev libpng-dev libtbb-dev libtiff-dev libvtk6-dev libvistaio-dev libxml2-dev xsltproc docbook-xsl doxygen graphviz libblas-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev python-lxml
-- pip install --user cpp-coveralls
+ apt:
+ sources:
+ - sourceline: 'ppa:gert-die/trusty-mia'
+ packages:
+ - libmaxflow-dev
+ - libdcmtk2-dev
+ - libeigen3-dev
+ - libfftw3-dev
+ - libgsl0-dev
+ - libgts-dev
+ - libhdf5-dev
+ - libitpp-dev
+ - libnifti-dev
+ - libnlopt-dev
+ - libopenexr-dev
+ - libpng-dev
+ - libtbb-dev
+ - libtiff-dev
+ - libvtk6-dev
+ - libvistaio-dev
+ - libxml2-dev
+ - xsltproc
+ - docbook-xsl
+ - doxygen
+ - graphviz
+ - libblas-dev
+ - libboost-filesystem-dev
+ - libboost-regex-dev
+ - libboost-serialization-dev
+ - libboost-system-dev
+ - libboost-test-dev
+ - python-lxml
+ coverity_scan:
+ project:
+ name: gerddie/mia
+ version: 2.2.7+
+ description: Medical imaga analysis library
+ notification_email: gw.fossdev at gmail.com
+ build_command: make -j3
+ branch_pattern: coverity_scan
- mkdir build
- cd build
-- make -j2
+- cat /proc/cpuinfo
+- free -h
+- make -j3
- make test
- cd ..
-- if test "x$COVERAGE" = "xON"; then coveralls --exclude CMakeFiles --exclude src --gcov-options '\-lp' -b $(pwd)/build 2>&1 >/dev/null ; fi
- coverity_scan:
- project:
- name: gerddie/mia
- version: 2.2.7+
- description: Medical imaga analysis library
- notification_email: gw.fossdev at gmail.com
- build_command: make -j3
- branch_pattern: coverity_scan
+- if test "x$COVERAGE" = "xON"; then pip install --user cpp-coveralls; coveralls --exclude CMakeFiles --exclude src --gcov-options '\-lp' -b $(pwd)/build 2>&1 >/dev/null ; fi
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 82d1641..941bff1 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ SET(VENDOR "Gert Wollny")
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ OPTION(ENABLE_DEBUG_MESSAGES "Enable debug and trace outputs" TRUE)
OPTION(ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enable code coverage tests" FALSE)
OPTION(DISABLE_PROGRAMS "Don't build the programs nor documentation (only for testing purposes)" FALSE)
OPTION(MIA_CREATE_USERDOC "Enable creation of html user documentation" TRUE)
+OPTION(MIA_ENABLE_TESTING "Enable compiling and running the test suite" TRUE)
@@ -438,8 +438,9 @@ ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DHAVE_CONFIG_H)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 4ea21bb..308781a 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * Fix that mia-3dsegment-local-cmeans would fail when the number of
+ slices N was relatwed to the grid size G according to k*G+1
+ (k integer)
+ * Reduce the amount of template instanciations created by the *ncc cost
+ functions. This should reduce the memory requirements during build time.
Issues fixed:
diff --git a/cmake/macros.cmake b/cmake/macros.cmake
index dc13a5b..8c5352f 100644
--- a/cmake/macros.cmake
+++ b/cmake/macros.cmake
@@ -166,15 +166,18 @@ MACRO(NEW_TEST_BASE name libs)
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${EXENAME} plugin_test_links)
MACRO(NEW_TEST name libs)
- NEW_TEST_BASE(${name} "${libs}")
- ADD_TEST(${name} ${EXENAME})
+ NEW_TEST_BASE(${name} "${libs}")
+ ADD_TEST(${name} ${EXENAME})
MACRO(NEW_TEST_WITH_PARAM name libs param)
- NEW_TEST_BASE(${name} "${libs}")
- ADD_TEST(${name} ${EXENAME} ${param})
+ NEW_TEST_BASE(${name} "${libs}")
+ ADD_TEST(${name} ${EXENAME} ${param})
diff --git a/cmake/pluginmacro.cmake b/cmake/pluginmacro.cmake
index 2c89421..07df8f9 100644
--- a/cmake/pluginmacro.cmake
+++ b/cmake/pluginmacro.cmake
@@ -79,18 +79,20 @@ ENDMACRO(CREATE_PLUGIN_MODULE plugname)
MACRO(CREATE_PLUGIN_TEST plugname file libs)
- add_executable(test-${plugname} ${file} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${plugname}-common>)
- set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
- set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
- target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${libs} ${BOOST_UNITTEST} "${PLUGIN_TESTLIBS}")
- add_test(${plugname} test-${plugname})
+ add_executable(test-${plugname} ${file} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${plugname}-common>)
+ set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
+ set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
+ target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${libs} ${BOOST_UNITTEST} "${PLUGIN_TESTLIBS}")
+ add_test(${plugname} test-${plugname})
MACRO(PLUGIN_WITH_TEST plugname file libs plugindir)
@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ MACRO(TEST_PREFIX type data)
string(COMPARE EQUAL "x${${type}_${data}_prefix}" "x" UNDEFINED_PREFIX)
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "PLUGIN_WITH_TEST_AND_PREFIX2: the prefix for ${type}-${data} is not defined")
MACRO(PLUGIN_WITH_PREFIX2 type data plugname libs)
TEST_PREFIX(${type} ${data})
SET(install_path ${${type}_${data}_dir})
@@ -196,21 +199,22 @@ MACRO(PLUGIN_WITH_TEST_MULTISOURCE name type data src libs)
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(plugin_test_links ${plugname})
# create tests
- add_executable(test-${plugname} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${plugname}-common> test_${name}.cc)
- set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
- set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
- target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${libs})
- target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${BOOST_UNITTEST} "${PLUGIN_TESTLIBS}")
- add_test(${plugname} test-${plugname})
+ add_executable(test-${plugname} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:${plugname}-common> test_${name}.cc)
+ set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
+ set_target_properties(test-${plugname} PROPERTIES
+ target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${libs})
+ target_link_libraries(test-${plugname} ${BOOST_UNITTEST} "${PLUGIN_TESTLIBS}")
+ add_test(${plugname} test-${plugname})
+ endif()
INSTALL(TARGETS ${plugname} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${install_path})
diff --git a/mia/2d/CMakeLists.txt b/mia/2d/CMakeLists.txt
index f1501ed..f8a9f01 100644
--- a/mia/2d/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mia/2d/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -250,11 +250,13 @@ ENDIF(ITPP_FOUND)
set(testperflibs mia2dmyocardperf mia2dtest)
TEST_2DMIA(groundtruthproblem mia2dmyocardperf)
TEST_2DMIA(correlation_weight mia2dmyocardperf)
TEST_2DMIA(segmentation mia2dmyocardperf)
TEST_2DMIA(segframe "${testperflibs}")
TEST_2DMIA(segpoint mia2dmyocardperf)
diff --git a/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.cc b/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
index d5db691..ec4531c 100644
--- a/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
+++ b/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- mia-c++ -*-
- * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
+ * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
* Copyright (c) Leipzig, Madrid 1999-2017 Gert Wollny
* MIA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -19,214 +19,223 @@
#include <mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh>
-#include <mia/core/nccsum.hh>
+#include <mia/core/nccsum.hh>
#include <mia/core/threadedmsg.hh>
#include <mia/core/parallel.hh>
-using namespace mia;
-using std::vector;
-using std::pair;
-using std::make_pair;
+using namespace mia;
+using std::vector;
+using std::pair;
+using std::make_pair;
CLNCC2DImageCost::CLNCC2DImageCost(int hw):
+ m_copy_to_double = produce_2dimage_filter("convert:repn=double,map=copy");
-inline pair<C2DBounds, C2DBounds> prepare_range(const C2DBounds& size, int cx, int cy, int hw)
+inline pair<C2DBounds, C2DBounds> prepare_range(const C2DBounds& size, int cx, int cy, int hw)
- int yb = cy - hw;
- if (yb < 0) yb = 0;
- unsigned ye = cy + hw + 1;
- if (ye > size.y) ye = size.y;
- int xb = cx - hw;
- if (xb < 0) xb = 0;
- unsigned xe = cx + hw + 1;
- if (xe > size.x) xe = size.x;
- return make_pair(C2DBounds(xb,yb), C2DBounds(xe,ye));
+ int yb = cy - hw;
+ if (yb < 0) yb = 0;
+ unsigned ye = cy + hw + 1;
+ if (ye > size.y) ye = size.y;
+ int xb = cx - hw;
+ if (xb < 0) xb = 0;
+ unsigned xe = cx + hw + 1;
+ if (xe > size.x) xe = size.x;
+ return make_pair(C2DBounds(xb,yb), C2DBounds(xe,ye));
class FEvalCost : public TFilter<float> {
- int m_hw;
- const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
+ int m_hw;
+ const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
- FEvalCost(int hw, const C2DBitImage& mask):
- m_hw(hw),
- m_mask(mask)
- {}
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
- auto evaluate_local_cost = [this, &mov, &ref](const C1DParallelRange& range, const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
- CThreadMsgStream msks;
- float lresult = 0.0;
- int count = 0;
- const int max_length = 2 * m_hw +1;
- vector<float> a_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
- vector<float> b_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
- for (auto y = range.begin(); y != range.end(); ++y) {
- auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,y);
- for (size_t x = 0; x < mov.get_size().x; ++x, ++imask) {
- if (!*imask)
- continue;
- auto c_block = prepare_range(mov.get_size(), x, y, m_hw);
- NCCSums sum;
- for (unsigned iy = c_block.first.y; iy < c_block.second.y; ++iy) {
- auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,iy);
- auto ib = ref.begin_at(0, iy);
- auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0, iy);
- for (unsigned ix = c_block.first.x; ix < c_block.second.x; ++ix) {
- // make a local copy
- if (im[ix]) {
- sum.add(ia[ix], ib[ix]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (sum.has_samples()) {
- lresult += sum.value();
- ++count;
- }
- }
- }
- return make_pair(result.first + lresult, result.second + count);
- };
- pair<float,int> init{0, 0};
- auto r = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), init, evaluate_local_cost,
- [](const pair<float,int>& x, const pair<float,int>& y){
- return make_pair(x.first + y.first, x.second + y.second);
- });
- cvdebug() << "result={" << r.first << " / " << r.second << "\n";
- return r.second > 0 ? r.first / r.second : 0.0;
- }
+ FEvalCost(int hw, const C2DBitImage& mask):
+ m_hw(hw),
+ m_mask(mask)
+ {}
+ float operator () ( const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref) const {
+ auto evaluate_local_cost = [this, &mov, &ref](const C1DParallelRange& range, const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
+ CThreadMsgStream msks;
+ float lresult = 0.0;
+ int count = 0;
+ const int max_length = 2 * m_hw +1;
+ vector<float> a_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
+ vector<float> b_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
+ for (auto y = range.begin(); y != range.end(); ++y) {
+ auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < mov.get_size().x; ++x, ++imask) {
+ if (!*imask)
+ continue;
+ auto c_block = prepare_range(mov.get_size(), x, y, m_hw);
+ NCCSums sum;
+ for (unsigned iy = c_block.first.y; iy < c_block.second.y; ++iy) {
+ auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,iy);
+ auto ib = ref.begin_at(0, iy);
+ auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0, iy);
+ for (unsigned ix = c_block.first.x; ix < c_block.second.x; ++ix) {
+ // make a local copy
+ if (im[ix]) {
+ sum.add(ia[ix], ib[ix]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sum.has_samples()) {
+ lresult += sum.value();
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return make_pair(result.first + lresult, result.second + count);
+ };
+ pair<float,int> init{0, 0};
+ auto r = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), init, evaluate_local_cost,
+ [](const pair<float,int>& x, const pair<float,int>& y){
+ return make_pair(x.first + y.first, x.second + y.second);
+ });
+ cvdebug() << "result={" << r.first << " / " << r.second << "\n";
+ return r.second > 0 ? r.first / r.second : 0.0;
+ }
double CLNCC2DImageCost::do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const
- FEvalCost ecost(m_hwidth, m);
- return mia::filter(ecost, a, b);
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const auto& mov = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const auto& ref = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
+ FEvalCost ecost(m_hwidth, m);
+ return ecost(mov, ref);
class FEvalCostForce : public TFilter<float> {
- int m_hw;
- const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
- C2DFVectorfield& m_force;
- FEvalCostForce(int hw, const C2DBitImage& mask, C2DFVectorfield& force):
- m_hw(hw),
- m_mask(mask),
- m_force(force)
- {}
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
- auto ag = get_gradient(mov);
- auto evaluate_local_cost_force = [this, &mov, &ref, &ag](const C1DParallelRange& range,
- const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
- CThreadMsgStream msks;
- float lresult = 0.0;
- int count = 0;
- const int max_length = 2 * m_hw + 1;
- vector<float> a_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
- vector<float> b_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
- for (auto y = range.begin(); y != range.end(); ++y) {
- auto iforce = m_force.begin_at(0,y);
- auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,y);
- auto ig = ag.begin_at(0,y);
- auto imov = mov.begin_at(0,y);
- auto iref = ref.begin_at(0,y);
- for (size_t x = 0; x < mov.get_size().x; ++x, ++iforce, ++imask, ++ig, ++iref, ++imov) {
- if (!*imask)
- continue;
- auto c_block = prepare_range(mov.get_size(), x, y, m_hw);
- NCCSums sum;
- for (unsigned iy = c_block.first.y; iy < c_block.second.y; ++iy) {
- auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,iy);
- auto ib = ref.begin_at(0, iy);
- auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0, iy);
- for (unsigned ix = c_block.first.x; ix < c_block.second.x; ++ix) {
- // make a local copy
- if (im[ix]) {
- sum.add(ia[ix], ib[ix]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (sum.has_samples()) {
- auto res = sum.get_grad_helper();
- lresult += res.first;
- *iforce = res.second.get_gradient_scale(*imov, *iref) * *ig;
- ++count;
- }
- }
- }
- return make_pair(result.first + lresult, result.second + count);
- };
- pair<float,int> init{0, 0};
- auto r = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), init, evaluate_local_cost_force,
- [](const pair<float,int>& x, const pair<float,int>& y){
- return make_pair(x.first + y.first, x.second + y.second);
- });
- return r.second > 0 ? r.first / r.second : 0.0;
- }
+ int m_hw;
+ const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
+ C2DFVectorfield& m_force;
+ FEvalCostForce(int hw, const C2DBitImage& mask, C2DFVectorfield& force):
+ m_hw(hw),
+ m_mask(mask),
+ m_force(force)
+ {}
+ float operator () ( const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref) const {
+ auto ag = get_gradient(mov);
+ auto evaluate_local_cost_force = [this, &mov, &ref, &ag](const C1DParallelRange& range,
+ const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
+ CThreadMsgStream msks;
+ float lresult = 0.0;
+ int count = 0;
+ const int max_length = 2 * m_hw + 1;
+ vector<float> a_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
+ vector<float> b_buffer( max_length * max_length * max_length);
+ for (auto y = range.begin(); y != range.end(); ++y) {
+ auto iforce = m_force.begin_at(0,y);
+ auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,y);
+ auto ig = ag.begin_at(0,y);
+ auto imov = mov.begin_at(0,y);
+ auto iref = ref.begin_at(0,y);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < mov.get_size().x; ++x, ++iforce, ++imask, ++ig, ++iref, ++imov) {
+ if (!*imask)
+ continue;
+ auto c_block = prepare_range(mov.get_size(), x, y, m_hw);
+ NCCSums sum;
+ for (unsigned iy = c_block.first.y; iy < c_block.second.y; ++iy) {
+ auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,iy);
+ auto ib = ref.begin_at(0, iy);
+ auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0, iy);
+ for (unsigned ix = c_block.first.x; ix < c_block.second.x; ++ix) {
+ // make a local copy
+ if (im[ix]) {
+ sum.add(ia[ix], ib[ix]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sum.has_samples()) {
+ auto res = sum.get_grad_helper();
+ lresult += res.first;
+ *iforce = res.second.get_gradient_scale(*imov, *iref) * *ig;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return make_pair(result.first + lresult, result.second + count);
+ };
+ pair<float,int> init{0, 0};
+ auto r = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), init, evaluate_local_cost_force,
+ [](const pair<float,int>& x, const pair<float,int>& y){
+ return make_pair(x.first + y.first, x.second + y.second);
+ });
+ return r.second > 0 ? r.first / r.second : 0.0;
+ }
double CLNCC2DImageCost::do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const
- FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m_hwidth, m, force);
- return mia::filter(ecostforce, a, b);
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const auto& mov = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const auto& ref = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
+ FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m_hwidth, m, force);
+ return ecostforce(mov, ref);
- this->add_parameter("w", make_ci_param(m_hw, 1, 256, false,
- "half width of the window used for evaluating the localized cross correlation"));
+ this->add_parameter("w", make_ci_param(m_hw, 1, 256, false,
+ "half width of the window used for evaluating the localized cross correlation"));
C2DMaskedImageCost *CLNCC2DImageCostPlugin::do_create() const
- return new CLNCC2DImageCost(m_hw);
+ return new CLNCC2DImageCost(m_hw);
const std::string CLNCC2DImageCostPlugin::do_get_descr() const
- return "local normalized cross correlation with masking support.";
+ return "local normalized cross correlation with masking support.";
extern "C" EXPORT CPluginBase *get_plugin_interface()
- return new CLNCC2DImageCostPlugin();
+ return new CLNCC2DImageCostPlugin();
diff --git a/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh b/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
index 23cc91a..c467fc1 100644
--- a/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
+++ b/mia/2d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define mia_2d_maskedcost_lncc_hh
#include <mia/2d/maskedcost.hh>
+#include <mia/2d/filter.hh>
#define NS mia_2d_maskedlncc
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ public:
virtual double do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const;
virtual double do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const;
+ mia::P2DFilter m_copy_to_double;
int m_hwidth;
diff --git a/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.cc b/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
index d527794..e53cfde 100644
--- a/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
+++ b/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- mia-c++ -*-
- * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
+ * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
* Copyright (c) Leipzig, Madrid 1999-2017 Gert Wollny
* MIA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -21,142 +21,147 @@
#include <mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh>
#include <mia/core/threadedmsg.hh>
-#include <mia/core/nccsum.hh>
+#include <mia/core/nccsum.hh>
#include <mia/core/parallel.hh>
-using namespace mia;
+using namespace mia;
+ m_copy_to_double = produce_2dimage_filter("convert:repn=double,map=copy");
-template <typename T, typename S>
struct FEvaluateNCCSum {
- FEvaluateNCCSum(const C2DBitImage& mask, const T& mov, const S& ref);
- NCCSums operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const;
- C2DBitImage m_mask;
- T m_mov;
- S m_ref;
+ FEvaluateNCCSum(const C2DBitImage& mask, const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref);
+ NCCSums operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const;
+ const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
+ const C2DDImage& m_mov;
+ const C2DDImage& m_ref;
-template <typename T, typename S>
-FEvaluateNCCSum<T,S>::FEvaluateNCCSum(const C2DBitImage& mask, const T& mov, const S& ref):
- m_mask(mask), m_mov(mov), m_ref(ref)
+FEvaluateNCCSum::FEvaluateNCCSum(const C2DBitImage& mask, const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref):
+ m_mask(mask), m_mov(mov), m_ref(ref)
-template <typename T, typename S>
-NCCSums FEvaluateNCCSum<T,S>::operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const
+NCCSums FEvaluateNCCSum::operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const
- CThreadMsgStream msks;
- NCCSums sum;
- for (auto z = range.begin(); z != range.end(); ++z) {
- auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,z);
- auto ia = m_mov.begin_at(0, z);
- auto ib = m_ref.begin_at(0, z);
- auto eb = m_ref.begin_at(0, z + 1);
- while (ib != eb) {
- if (*imask) {
- sum.add(*ia, *ib);
- }
- ++ia; ++ib; ++imask;
- }
- }
- return sum + sumacc;
+ CThreadMsgStream msks;
+ NCCSums sum;
+ for (auto z = range.begin(); z != range.end(); ++z) {
+ auto imask = m_mask.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto ia = m_mov.begin_at(0, z);
+ auto ib = m_ref.begin_at(0, z);
+ auto eb = m_ref.begin_at(0, z + 1);
+ while (ib != eb) {
+ if (*imask) {
+ sum.add(*ia, *ib);
+ }
+ ++ia; ++ib; ++imask;
+ }
+ }
+ return sum + sumacc;
class FEvalCost : public TFilter<float> {
- const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
+ const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
- FEvalCost(const C2DBitImage& mask):
- m_mask(mask)
- {}
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
- FEvaluateNCCSum<T,R> ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
- NCCSums sum;
- sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), sum, ev,
- [](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
- return x + y;
- });
- return sum.value();
- }
+ FEvalCost(const C2DBitImage& mask):
+ m_mask(mask)
+ {}
+ float operator () ( const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref) const {
+ FEvaluateNCCSum ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
+ NCCSums sum;
+ sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), sum, ev,
+ [](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
+ return x + y;
+ });
+ return sum.value();
+ }
double CNCC2DImageCost::do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const
- FEvalCost ecost(m);
- return mia::filter(ecost, a, b);
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const auto& mov = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const auto& ref = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
+ FEvalCost ecost(m);
+ return ecost(mov, ref);
class FEvalCostForce : public TFilter<float> {
- const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
- C2DFVectorfield& m_force;
- FEvalCostForce(const C2DBitImage& mask, C2DFVectorfield& force):
- m_mask(mask),
- m_force(force)
- {}
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
- CThreadMsgStream msks;
- NCCSums sum;
- FEvaluateNCCSum<T,R> ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
- sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), sum, ev,
- [](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
- return x + y;
- });
- auto geval = sum.get_grad_helper();
- auto grad = get_gradient(mov);
- auto grad_eval = [this, &mov, &ref, &grad, &geval](const C1DParallelRange& range) {
- for (auto z = range.begin(); z != range.end(); ++z) {
- auto ig = grad.begin_at(0,z);
- auto iforce = m_force.begin_at(0,z);
- auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0,z);
- auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,z);
- auto ib = ref.begin_at(0,z);
- auto eb = ref.begin_at(0,z+1);
- while (ib != eb) {
- if (*im) {
- *iforce = geval.second.get_gradient_scale(*ia, *ib) * *ig;
- }
- ++ig;
- ++iforce;
- ++ia; ++ib; ++im;
- }
- };
- };
- pfor(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), grad_eval);
- return geval.first;
- }
+ const C2DBitImage& m_mask;
+ C2DFVectorfield& m_force;
+ FEvalCostForce(const C2DBitImage& mask, C2DFVectorfield& force):
+ m_mask(mask),
+ m_force(force)
+ {}
+ float operator () ( const C2DDImage& mov, const C2DDImage& ref) const {
+ CThreadMsgStream msks;
+ NCCSums sum;
+ FEvaluateNCCSum ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
+ sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), sum, ev,
+ [](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
+ return x + y;
+ });
+ auto geval = sum.get_grad_helper();
+ auto grad = get_gradient(mov);
+ auto grad_eval = [this, &mov, &ref, &grad, &geval](const C1DParallelRange& range) {
+ for (auto z = range.begin(); z != range.end(); ++z) {
+ auto ig = grad.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto iforce = m_force.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto im = m_mask.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto ia = mov.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto ib = ref.begin_at(0,z);
+ auto eb = ref.begin_at(0,z+1);
+ while (ib != eb) {
+ if (*im) {
+ *iforce = geval.second.get_gradient_scale(*ia, *ib) * *ig;
+ }
+ ++ig;
+ ++iforce;
+ ++ia; ++ib; ++im;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ pfor(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().y, 1), grad_eval);
+ return geval.first;
+ }
double CNCC2DImageCost::do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const
- FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m, force);
- return mia::filter(ecostforce, a, b);
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const auto& mov = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const auto& ref = static_cast<const C2DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
+ FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m, force);
+ return ecostforce(mov, ref);
@@ -167,17 +172,17 @@ C2DMaskedImageCostPlugin("ncc")
C2DMaskedImageCost *CNCC2DImageCostPlugin::do_create() const
- return new CNCC2DImageCost();
+ return new CNCC2DImageCost();
const std::string CNCC2DImageCostPlugin::do_get_descr() const
- return "normalized cross correlation with masking support.";
+ return "normalized cross correlation with masking support.";
extern "C" EXPORT CPluginBase *get_plugin_interface()
- return new CNCC2DImageCostPlugin();
+ return new CNCC2DImageCostPlugin();
diff --git a/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh b/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
index 91d36a2..e09af04 100644
--- a/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
+++ b/mia/2d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define mia_2d_maskedcost_ncc_hh
#include <mia/2d/maskedcost.hh>
+#include <mia/2d/filter.hh>
#define NS mia_2d_maskedncc
@@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ public:
virtual double do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const;
- virtual double do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const;
+ virtual double do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const;
+ mia::P2DFilter m_copy_to_double;
class CNCC2DImageCostPlugin: public mia::C2DMaskedImageCostPlugin {
diff --git a/mia/3d/CMakeLists.txt b/mia/3d/CMakeLists.txt
index 672bb48..0c3cf7b 100644
--- a/mia/3d/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mia/3d/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ ENDIF(APPLE)
# Testing
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ TEST_3D(rot rot)
TEST_3D(splinetransformpenalty splinetransformpenalty)
TEST_3D(imageio imageio)
# installation
diff --git a/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.cc b/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
index 90b3174..5bc9ee2 100644
--- a/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
+++ b/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.cc
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ using std::make_pair;
CLNCC3DImageCost::CLNCC3DImageCost(int hw):
+ m_copy_to_double = produce_3dimage_filter("convert:repn=double,map=copy");
inline pair<C3DBounds, C3DBounds> prepare_range(const C3DBounds& size, int cx, int cy, int cz, int hw)
@@ -70,8 +71,7 @@ public:
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
+ float operator () ( const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref) const {
auto evaluate_local_cost = [this, &mov, &ref](const C1DParallelRange& range, const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
CThreadMsgStream msks;
float lresult = 0.0;
@@ -130,8 +130,13 @@ public:
double CLNCC3DImageCost::do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const C3DDImage& mov = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const C3DDImage& ref = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
FEvalCost ecost(m_hwidth, m);
- return mia::filter(ecost, a, b);
+ return ecost(mov, ref);
@@ -146,8 +151,7 @@ public:
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
+ float operator () ( const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref) const {
auto ag = get_gradient(mov);
auto evaluate_local_cost_force = [this, &mov, &ref, &ag](const C1DParallelRange& range,
const pair<float, int>& result) -> pair<float, int> {
@@ -214,8 +218,13 @@ public:
double CLNCC3DImageCost::do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const
- FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m_hwidth, m, force);
- return mia::filter(ecostforce, a, b);
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const C3DDImage& mov = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const C3DDImage& ref = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
+ FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m_hwidth, m, force);
+ return ecostforce(mov, ref);
diff --git a/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.hh b/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
index 82c67cf..bb68f01 100644
--- a/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
+++ b/mia/3d/maskedcost/lncc.hh
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define mia_3d_maskedcost_lncc_hh
#include <mia/3d/maskedcost.hh>
+#include <mia/3d/filter.hh>
#define NS mia_3d_maskedlncc
@@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ public:
virtual double do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const;
virtual double do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const;
- int m_hwidth;
+ int m_hwidth;
+ mia::P3DFilter m_copy_to_double;
class CLNCC3DImageCostPlugin: public mia::C3DMaskedImageCostPlugin {
diff --git a/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.cc b/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
index e34fd52..49e81f1 100644
--- a/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
+++ b/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.cc
@@ -31,28 +31,26 @@ using namespace mia;
+ m_copy_to_double = produce_3dimage_filter("convert:repn=double,map=copy");
-template <typename T, typename S>
struct FEvaluateNCCSum {
- FEvaluateNCCSum(const C3DBitImage& mask, const T& mov, const S& ref);
+ FEvaluateNCCSum(const C3DBitImage& mask, const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref);
NCCSums operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const;
C3DBitImage m_mask;
- T m_mov;
- S m_ref;
+ const C3DDImage& m_mov;
+ const C3DDImage& m_ref;
-template <typename T, typename S>
-FEvaluateNCCSum<T,S>::FEvaluateNCCSum(const C3DBitImage& mask, const T& mov, const S& ref):
+FEvaluateNCCSum::FEvaluateNCCSum(const C3DBitImage& mask, const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref):
m_mask(mask), m_mov(mov), m_ref(ref)
-template <typename T, typename S>
-NCCSums FEvaluateNCCSum<T,S>::operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const
+NCCSums FEvaluateNCCSum::operator ()(const C1DParallelRange& range, const NCCSums& sumacc) const
CThreadMsgStream msks;
@@ -81,10 +79,9 @@ public:
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
+ float operator () ( const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref) const {
- FEvaluateNCCSum<T,R> ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
+ FEvaluateNCCSum ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
NCCSums sum;
sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().z, 1), sum, ev,
[](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
@@ -97,8 +94,13 @@ public:
double CNCC3DImageCost::do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const C3DDImage& mov = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const C3DDImage& ref = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
FEvalCost ecost(m);
- return mia::filter(ecost, a, b);
+ return ecost(mov, ref);
@@ -111,12 +113,11 @@ public:
- template <typename T, typename R>
- float operator () ( const T& mov, const R& ref) const {
+ float operator () (const C3DDImage& mov, const C3DDImage& ref) const {
CThreadMsgStream msks;
NCCSums sum;
- FEvaluateNCCSum<T,R> ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
+ FEvaluateNCCSum ev(m_mask, mov, ref);
sum = preduce(C1DParallelRange(0, mov.get_size().z, 1), sum, ev,
[](const NCCSums& x, const NCCSums& y){
return x + y;
@@ -154,8 +155,13 @@ public:
double CNCC3DImageCost::do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const
+ auto a_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(a);
+ auto b_double_ptr = m_copy_to_double->filter(b);
+ const C3DDImage& mov = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*a_double_ptr);
+ const C3DDImage& ref = static_cast<const C3DDImage&>(*b_double_ptr);
FEvalCostForce ecostforce(m, force);
- return mia::filter(ecostforce, a, b);
+ return ecostforce(mov, ref);
diff --git a/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.hh b/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
index 25c1ac6..8515215 100644
--- a/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
+++ b/mia/3d/maskedcost/ncc.hh
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#define mia_3d_maskedcost_ncc_hh
#include <mia/3d/maskedcost.hh>
+#include <mia/3d/filter.hh>
#define NS mia_3d_maskedncc
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ public:
virtual double do_value(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m) const;
virtual double do_evaluate_force(const Data& a, const Data& b, const Mask& m, Force& force) const;
+ mia::P3DFilter m_copy_to_double;
class CNCC3DImageCostPlugin: public mia::C3DMaskedImageCostPlugin {
diff --git a/mia/core/CMakeLists.txt b/mia/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 0588d55..8aceacc 100644
--- a/mia/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mia/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -246,15 +246,6 @@ IF(PWPDF_FOUND)
- ADD_EXECUTABLE(test-${name} test_${name}.cc)
- ADD_TEST(core-${name} test-${name})
- IF(WIN32)
# create the revision retrival code
@@ -290,14 +281,16 @@ SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(miacore PROPERTIES
# the test targets
-ADD_TEST(core test-core)
+ ADD_TEST(core test-core)
# CORE_TEST(history)
@@ -313,11 +306,12 @@ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(splinekernel )
#tests that fork themselfs
SET(cmdxmlhelp_params -r 1 --other o)
NEW_TEST_WITH_PARAM(cmdxmlhelp miacore "${cmdxmlhelp_params}")
NEW_TEST(Vector miacore)
NEW_TEST(attributes miacore)
NEW_TEST(boundary_conditions miacore)
NEW_TEST(pwh miacore)
diff --git a/mia/mesh/CMakeLists.txt b/mia/mesh/CMakeLists.txt
index 30f948f..db140fe 100644
--- a/mia/mesh/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mia/mesh/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ SET(MIAMESHLIBS miamesh)
+ TEST_MESH(triangulate)
+ TEST_MESH(triangle_neighbourhood)
diff --git a/src/3dsegment-local-cmeans.cc b/src/3dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
index 19d2a42..0129edf 100644
--- a/src/3dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
+++ b/src/3dsegment-local-cmeans.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* -*- mia-c++ -*-
- * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
+ * This file is part of MIA - a toolbox for medical image analysis
* Copyright (c) Leipzig, Madrid 1999-2017 Gert Wollny
* MIA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -19,12 +19,9 @@
- Todo:
- - parallelize local cmeans runs
- - adaptive filter sizes?
+ Todo:
+ - adaptive filter sizes?
- Consider different tresholds for larger filter width
@@ -43,518 +40,522 @@
#include <numeric>
using namespace mia;
-using namespace std;
+using namespace std;
typedef vector<C3DFImage> C3DFImageVec;
const SProgramDescription g_description = {
- {pdi_group, "Analysis, filtering, combining, and segmentation of 3D images"},
- {pdi_short, "Run a c-means segmentation of a 3D image."},
- {pdi_description, "This program runs the segmentation of a 3D image by applying "
- "a localized c-means approach that helps to overcome intensity inhomogeneities "
- "in the image. The approach evaluates a global c-means clustering, and then "
- "separates the image into overlapping regions where more c-means iterations "
- "are run only including the locally present classes, i.e. the classes that "
- "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshold."},
- {pdi_example_descr, "Run the segmentation on image test.png using three classes, "
- "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshold of 0.01." },
- {pdi_example_code, "-i test.png -o label.png -n 3 -g 20 -t 0.01"}
+ {pdi_group, "Analysis, filtering, combining, and segmentation of 3D images"},
+ {pdi_short, "Run a c-means segmentation of a 3D image."},
+ {pdi_description, "This program runs the segmentation of a 3D image by applying "
+ "a localized c-means approach that helps to overcome intensity inhomogeneities "
+ "in the image. The approach evaluates a global c-means clustering, and then "
+ "separates the image into overlapping regions where more c-means iterations "
+ "are run only including the locally present classes, i.e. the classes that "
+ "relatively contain more pixels than a given threshold."},
+ {pdi_example_descr, "Run the segmentation on image test.png using three classes, "
+ "local regions of 40 pixels (grid width 20 pixels), and a class ignore threshold of 0.01." },
+ {pdi_example_code, "-i test.png -o label.png -n 3 -g 20 -t 0.01"}
class FRunHistogram : public TFilter<void> {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image);
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image);
- CSparseHistogram::Compressed get_histogram() const;
- CSparseHistogram m_sparse_histogram;
+ CSparseHistogram::Compressed get_histogram() const;
+ CSparseHistogram m_sparse_histogram;
struct ProtectedProbBuffer {
- CMutex mutex;
- vector<C3DFDatafield> probmap;
+ CMutex mutex;
+ vector<C3DFDatafield> probmap;
- ProtectedProbBuffer(int n_classes, const C3DBounds& size);
+ ProtectedProbBuffer(int n_classes, const C3DBounds& size);
- ProtectedProbBuffer(const ProtectedProbBuffer& orig);
+ ProtectedProbBuffer(const ProtectedProbBuffer& orig);
class FLocalCMeans: public TFilter<void> {
- typedef map<int, CMeans::DVector> Probmap;
- FLocalCMeans(float epsilon, const vector<double>& global_class_centers,
- const C3DBounds& start, const C3DBounds& end,
- const Probmap& global_probmap,
- float rel_cluster_threshold,
- const map<int, unsigned>& segmap,
- ProtectedProbBuffer& prob_buffer,
- bool partition_with_background);
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image);
+ typedef map<int, CMeans::DVector> Probmap;
+ FLocalCMeans(float epsilon, const vector<double>& global_class_centers,
+ const C3DBounds& start, const C3DBounds& end,
+ const Probmap& global_probmap,
+ float rel_cluster_threshold,
+ const map<int, unsigned>& segmap,
+ ProtectedProbBuffer& prob_buffer,
+ bool partition_with_background);
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image);
- const float m_epsilon;
- const vector<double>& m_global_class_centers;
- const C3DBounds m_start;
- const C3DBounds m_end;
- const Probmap& m_global_probmap;
- const float m_rel_cluster_threshold;
- const map<int, unsigned>& m_segmap;
+ const float m_epsilon;
+ const vector<double>& m_global_class_centers;
+ const C3DBounds m_start;
+ const C3DBounds m_end;
+ const Probmap& m_global_probmap;
+ const float m_rel_cluster_threshold;
+ const map<int, unsigned>& m_segmap;
- ProtectedProbBuffer& m_prob_buffer;
- size_t m_count;
- bool m_partition_with_background;
+ ProtectedProbBuffer& m_prob_buffer;
+ size_t m_count;
+ bool m_partition_with_background;
class FCrispSeg: public TFilter<P3DImage> {
- FCrispSeg(const map<int, unsigned>& segmap):
- m_segmap(segmap)
- {
- }
- template <typename T>
- P3DImage operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image) const {
- P3DImage out_image = make_shared<C3DUBImage>(image.get_size());
- C3DUBImage *help = static_cast<C3DUBImage*>(out_image.get());
- transform(image.begin(), image.end(), help->begin(),
- [this](T x){return m_segmap.at(x);});
- return out_image;
- }
+ FCrispSeg(const map<int, unsigned>& segmap):
+ m_segmap(segmap)
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ P3DImage operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image) const {
+ P3DImage out_image = make_shared<C3DUBImage>(image.get_size());
+ C3DUBImage *help = static_cast<C3DUBImage*>(out_image.get());
+ transform(image.begin(), image.end(), help->begin(),
+ [this](T x){return m_segmap.at(x);});
+ return out_image;
+ }
- const map<int, unsigned>& m_segmap;
+ const map<int, unsigned>& m_segmap;
int do_main(int argc, char *argv[])
- string in_filename;
- string out_filename;
- string out_filename2;
- string cls_filename;
- string debug_filename;
+ string in_filename;
+ string out_filename;
+ string out_filename2;
+ string cls_filename;
+ string debug_filename;
int blocksize = 15;
- double rel_cluster_threshold = 0.02;
- float cmeans_epsilon = 0.0001;
- float class_label_thresh = 0.0f;
- bool ignore_partition_with_background = false;
- CMeans::PInitializer class_center_initializer;
- const auto& image3dio = C3DImageIOPluginHandler::instance();
- CCmdOptionList opts(g_description);
- opts.set_group("File-IO");
- opts.add(make_opt( in_filename, "in-file", 'i', "image to be segmented",
- CCmdOptionFlags::required_input, &image3dio ));
- opts.add(make_opt( out_filename, "out-file", 'o', "class label image based on "
- "merging local labels", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
- opts.add(make_opt( out_filename2, "out-global-crisp", 'G', "class label image based on "
- "global segmentation", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
- opts.add(make_opt( cls_filename, "class-prob", 'C', "class probability image file, filetype "
- "must support floating point multi-frame images", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
- opts.set_group("Parameters");
- opts.add(make_opt( blocksize, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed, {3},
- "grid-spacing", 'g', "Spacing of the grid used to modulate "
- "the intensity inhomogeneities"));
- opts.add(make_opt( class_center_initializer, "kmeans:nc=3",
- "cmeans", 'c', "c-means initializer"));
- opts.add(make_opt( cmeans_epsilon, EParameterBounds::bf_min_open,
- {0.0}, "c-means-epsilon", 'e', "c-means breaking condition for update tolerance"));
- opts.add(make_opt( rel_cluster_threshold, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_open,
- {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshold", 't', "threshhold to ignore classes when initializing"
- " the local cmeans from the global one."));
- opts.add(make_opt(ignore_partition_with_background, "ignore-background", 'B',
- "Don't take background probablities into account when desiding whether classes are to be ignored"));
- opts.add(make_opt(class_label_thresh,
- EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_closed,
- {0.0f, 1.0f},
- "label-threshold", 'L',
- "for values <= 0.5: create segmentation based on highest class probability, "
- "labels staat at 0. For values >0.5: create labels only for voxels with a "
- "class probability higher than theg given value, labels start at 1 and voxels "
- "without an according class probability are set to 0; this output is suitable "
- "for the seeded watershed filter."));
- if (opts.parse(argc, argv) != CCmdOptionList::hr_no)
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- if (out_filename.empty() && out_filename2.empty()) {
- throw invalid_argument("You must specify at least one output file");
- }
- auto in_image = load_image3d(in_filename);
- FRunHistogram global_histogram;
- mia::accumulate(global_histogram, *in_image);
- CMeans globale_cmeans(cmeans_epsilon, class_center_initializer);
- auto gh = global_histogram.get_histogram();
- CMeans::DVector global_class_centers;
- auto global_sparse_probmap = globale_cmeans.run(gh, global_class_centers, false);
- cvinfo() << "Histogram range: [" << gh[0].first << ", " << gh[gh.size()-1].first << "]\n";
- cvmsg() << "Global class centers: " << global_class_centers << "\n";
- cvinfo() << "Probmap size = " << global_sparse_probmap.size()
- << " weight number " << global_sparse_probmap[0].second.size() << "\n";
- const unsigned n_classes = global_class_centers.size();
- // need the normalized class centers
- map<int, unsigned> segmap;
- for_each(global_sparse_probmap.begin(), global_sparse_probmap.end(),
- [&segmap](const CMeans::SparseProbmap::value_type& x) {
- int c = 0;
- float max_prob = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i< x.second.size(); ++i) {
- auto f = x.second[i];
- if (f > max_prob) {
- max_prob = f;
- c = i;
- };
- }
- segmap[x.first] = c;
- });
- FLocalCMeans::Probmap global_probmap;
- for (auto k : global_sparse_probmap) {
- global_probmap[k.first] = k.second;
- };
- if (!out_filename2.empty()) {
- FCrispSeg cs(segmap);
- auto crisp_global_seg = mia::filter(cs, *in_image);
- if (!save_image (out_filename2, crisp_global_seg)) {
- cverr() << "Unable to save to '" << out_filename2 << "'\n";
- }
- }
- int nx = (in_image->get_size().x + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
- int ny = (in_image->get_size().y + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
- int nz = (in_image->get_size().z + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
- int start_x = - static_cast<int>(nx * blocksize - in_image->get_size().x) / 2;
- int start_y = - static_cast<int>(ny * blocksize - in_image->get_size().y) / 2;
- int start_z = - static_cast<int>(nz * blocksize - in_image->get_size().z) / 2;
- cvdebug() << "Start at " << start_x << ", " << start_y << ", " << start_z << "\n";
- int max_threads = CMaxTasks::get_max_tasks();
- assert(max_threads > 0);
- CMutex current_probbuffer_mutex;
- int current_probbuffer = 0;
- vector<ProtectedProbBuffer> prob_buffers(max_threads,
- ProtectedProbBuffer(global_class_centers.size(),
- in_image->get_size()));
- auto block_runner = [&](const C1DParallelRange& z_range) -> void {
- CThreadMsgStream msg_stream;
- current_probbuffer_mutex.lock();
- int my_prob_buffer = current_probbuffer++;
- if (current_probbuffer >= max_threads)
- current_probbuffer = 0;
- current_probbuffer_mutex.unlock();
- for (int i = z_range.begin(); i < z_range.end(); ++i) {
- int iz_base = start_z + i * blocksize;
- unsigned iz = iz_base < 0 ? 0 : iz_base;
- unsigned iz_end = iz_base + 2 * blocksize;
- if (iz_end > in_image->get_size().z)
- iz_end = in_image->get_size().z;
- cvmsg() << "Run slices " << iz_base << " - " << iz_end
- << " with buffer " << my_prob_buffer << "\n";
- for (int iy_base = start_y; iy_base < (int)in_image->get_size().y; iy_base += blocksize) {
- unsigned iy = iy_base < 0 ? 0 : iy_base;
- unsigned iy_end = iy_base + 2 * blocksize;
- if (iy_end > in_image->get_size().y)
- iy_end = in_image->get_size().y;
- for (int ix_base = start_x; ix_base < (int)in_image->get_size().x; ix_base += blocksize) {
- unsigned ix = ix_base < 0 ? 0 : ix_base;
- unsigned ix_end = ix_base + 2 * blocksize;
- if (ix_end > in_image->get_size().x)
- ix_end = in_image->get_size().x;
- FLocalCMeans lcm(cmeans_epsilon, global_class_centers,
- C3DBounds(ix, iy, iz),
- C3DBounds(ix_end, iy_end, iz_end),
- global_probmap,
- rel_cluster_threshold,
- segmap,
- prob_buffers[my_prob_buffer],
- !ignore_partition_with_background);
- mia::accumulate(lcm, *in_image);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- pfor(C1DParallelRange(0, nz, 1), block_runner);
- // sum the probabilities
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < prob_buffers.size(); ++i) {
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
- transform(prob_buffers[i].probmap[c].begin(), prob_buffers[i].probmap[c].end(),
- prob_buffers[0].probmap[c].begin(), prob_buffers[0].probmap[c].begin(),
- [](float x, float y){return x+y;});
- }
- }
- // normalize probability images
- vector<C3DFDatafield>& prob_buffer = prob_buffers[0].probmap;
- C3DFImage sum(prob_buffer[0]);
- for (unsigned c = 1; c < n_classes; ++c) {
- transform(sum.begin(), sum.end(), prob_buffer[c].begin(), sum.begin(),
- [](float x, float y){return x+y;});
- }
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
- transform(sum.begin(), sum.end(), prob_buffer[c].begin(), prob_buffer[c].begin(),
- [](float s, float p){return p/s;});
- }
- if (!cls_filename.empty()) {
- C3DImageIOPluginHandler::Instance::Data classes;
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c)
- classes.push_back(make_shared<C3DFImage>(prob_buffer[c]));
- if (!C3DImageIOPluginHandler::instance().save(cls_filename, classes))
- cverr() << "Error writing class images to '" << cls_filename << "'\n";
- }
- // now for each pixel we have a probability sum that should take inhomogeinities
- // into account
- C3DUBImage out_image(in_image->get_size(), *in_image);
- fill(out_image.begin(), out_image.end(), 0);
- if (class_label_thresh <= 0.5f) {
- for (unsigned c = 1; c < n_classes; ++c) {
- auto iout = out_image.begin();
- auto eout = out_image.end();
- auto itest = prob_buffer[0].begin();
- auto iprob = prob_buffer[c].begin();
- while ( iout != eout ){
- if (*itest < *iprob) {
- *itest = *iprob;
- *iout = c;
- }
- ++iout; ++itest; ++iprob;
- }
- }
- }else{
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
- auto iout = out_image.begin();
- auto eout = out_image.end();
- auto iprob = prob_buffer[c].begin();
- while ( iout != eout ){
- if (class_label_thresh < *iprob) {
- *iout = c +1;
- }
- ++iout; ++iprob;
- }
- }
- }
- return save_image(out_filename, out_image) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
+ double rel_cluster_threshold = 0.02;
+ float cmeans_epsilon = 0.0001;
+ float class_label_thresh = 0.0f;
+ bool ignore_partition_with_background = false;
+ CMeans::PInitializer class_center_initializer;
+ const auto& image3dio = C3DImageIOPluginHandler::instance();
+ CCmdOptionList opts(g_description);
+ opts.set_group("File-IO");
+ opts.add(make_opt( in_filename, "in-file", 'i', "image to be segmented",
+ CCmdOptionFlags::required_input, &image3dio ));
+ opts.add(make_opt( out_filename, "out-file", 'o', "class label image based on "
+ "merging local labels", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
+ opts.add(make_opt( out_filename2, "out-global-crisp", 'G', "class label image based on "
+ "global segmentation", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
+ opts.add(make_opt( cls_filename, "class-prob", 'C', "class probability image file, filetype "
+ "must support floating point multi-frame images", CCmdOptionFlags::output, &image3dio ));
+ opts.set_group("Parameters");
+ opts.add(make_opt( blocksize, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed, {3},
+ "grid-spacing", 'g', "Spacing of the grid used to modulate "
+ "the intensity inhomogeneities"));
+ opts.add(make_opt( class_center_initializer, "kmeans:nc=3",
+ "cmeans", 'c', "c-means initializer"));
+ opts.add(make_opt( cmeans_epsilon, EParameterBounds::bf_min_open,
+ {0.0}, "c-means-epsilon", 'e', "c-means breaking condition for update tolerance"));
+ opts.add(make_opt( rel_cluster_threshold, EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_open,
+ {0.0,1.0}, "relative-cluster-threshold", 't', "threshhold to ignore classes when initializing"
+ " the local cmeans from the global one."));
+ opts.add(make_opt(ignore_partition_with_background, "ignore-background", 'B',
+ "Don't take background probablities into account when desiding whether classes are to be ignored"));
+ opts.add(make_opt(class_label_thresh,
+ EParameterBounds::bf_min_closed | EParameterBounds::bf_max_closed,
+ {0.0f, 1.0f},
+ "label-threshold", 'L',
+ "for values <= 0.5: create segmentation based on highest class probability, "
+ "labels start at 0. For values >0.5: create labels only for voxels with a "
+ "class probability higher than the given value, labels start at 1 and voxels "
+ "without an according class probability are set to 0; this output is suitable "
+ "for the seeded watershed filter."));
+ if (opts.parse(argc, argv) != CCmdOptionList::hr_no)
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ if (out_filename.empty() && out_filename2.empty()) {
+ throw invalid_argument("You must specify at least one output file");
+ }
+ auto in_image = load_image3d(in_filename);
+ FRunHistogram global_histogram;
+ mia::accumulate(global_histogram, *in_image);
+ CMeans globale_cmeans(cmeans_epsilon, class_center_initializer);
+ auto gh = global_histogram.get_histogram();
+ CMeans::DVector global_class_centers;
+ auto global_sparse_probmap = globale_cmeans.run(gh, global_class_centers, false);
+ cvinfo() << "Histogram range: [" << gh[0].first << ", " << gh[gh.size()-1].first << "]\n";
+ cvmsg() << "Global class centers: " << global_class_centers << "\n";
+ cvinfo() << "Probmap size = " << global_sparse_probmap.size()
+ << " weight number " << global_sparse_probmap[0].second.size() << "\n";
+ const unsigned n_classes = global_class_centers.size();
+ // need the normalized class centers
+ map<int, unsigned> segmap;
+ for_each(global_sparse_probmap.begin(), global_sparse_probmap.end(),
+ [&segmap](const CMeans::SparseProbmap::value_type& x) {
+ int c = 0;
+ float max_prob = 0.0f;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i< x.second.size(); ++i) {
+ auto f = x.second[i];
+ if (f > max_prob) {
+ max_prob = f;
+ c = i;
+ };
+ }
+ segmap[x.first] = c;
+ });
+ FLocalCMeans::Probmap global_probmap;
+ for (auto k : global_sparse_probmap) {
+ global_probmap[k.first] = k.second;
+ };
+ if (!out_filename2.empty()) {
+ FCrispSeg cs(segmap);
+ auto crisp_global_seg = mia::filter(cs, *in_image);
+ if (!save_image (out_filename2, crisp_global_seg)) {
+ cverr() << "Unable to save to '" << out_filename2 << "'\n";
+ }
+ }
+ int nx = (in_image->get_size().x + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
+ int ny = (in_image->get_size().y + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
+ int nz = (in_image->get_size().z + blocksize - 1) / blocksize + 1;
+ int start_x = - static_cast<int>(nx * blocksize - in_image->get_size().x) / 2;
+ int start_y = - static_cast<int>(ny * blocksize - in_image->get_size().y) / 2;
+ int start_z = - static_cast<int>(nz * blocksize - in_image->get_size().z) / 2;
+ cvdebug() << "Start at " << start_x << ", " << start_y << ", " << start_z << "\n";
+ int max_threads = CMaxTasks::get_max_tasks();
+ assert(max_threads > 0);
+ CMutex current_probbuffer_mutex;
+ int current_probbuffer = 0;
+ vector<ProtectedProbBuffer> prob_buffers(max_threads,
+ ProtectedProbBuffer(global_class_centers.size(),
+ in_image->get_size()));
+ auto block_runner = [&](const C1DParallelRange& z_range) -> void {
+ CThreadMsgStream msg_stream;
+ current_probbuffer_mutex.lock();
+ int my_prob_buffer = current_probbuffer++;
+ if (current_probbuffer >= max_threads)
+ current_probbuffer = 0;
+ current_probbuffer_mutex.unlock();
+ for (int i = z_range.begin(); i < z_range.end(); ++i) {
+ int iz_base = start_z + i * blocksize;
+ unsigned iz = iz_base < 0 ? 0 : iz_base;
+ /* Work around the case that the image size (k*blocksize+1) */
+ if (iz >= in_image->get_size().z)
+ break;
+ unsigned iz_end = iz_base + 2 * blocksize;
+ if (iz_end > in_image->get_size().z)
+ iz_end = in_image->get_size().z;
+ cvmsg() << "Run slices " << iz_base << " - " << iz_end
+ << " with buffer " << my_prob_buffer << "\n";
+ for (int iy_base = start_y; iy_base < (int)in_image->get_size().y; iy_base += blocksize) {
+ unsigned iy = iy_base < 0 ? 0 : iy_base;
+ unsigned iy_end = iy_base + 2 * blocksize;
+ if (iy_end > in_image->get_size().y)
+ iy_end = in_image->get_size().y;
+ for (int ix_base = start_x; ix_base < (int)in_image->get_size().x; ix_base += blocksize) {
+ unsigned ix = ix_base < 0 ? 0 : ix_base;
+ unsigned ix_end = ix_base + 2 * blocksize;
+ if (ix_end > in_image->get_size().x)
+ ix_end = in_image->get_size().x;
+ FLocalCMeans lcm(cmeans_epsilon, global_class_centers,
+ C3DBounds(ix, iy, iz),
+ C3DBounds(ix_end, iy_end, iz_end),
+ global_probmap,
+ rel_cluster_threshold,
+ segmap,
+ prob_buffers[my_prob_buffer],
+ !ignore_partition_with_background);
+ mia::accumulate(lcm, *in_image);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ pfor(C1DParallelRange(0, nz, 1), block_runner);
+ // sum the probabilities
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i < prob_buffers.size(); ++i) {
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
+ transform(prob_buffers[i].probmap[c].begin(), prob_buffers[i].probmap[c].end(),
+ prob_buffers[0].probmap[c].begin(), prob_buffers[0].probmap[c].begin(),
+ [](float x, float y){return x+y;});
+ }
+ }
+ // normalize probability images
+ vector<C3DFDatafield>& prob_buffer = prob_buffers[0].probmap;
+ C3DFImage sum(prob_buffer[0]);
+ for (unsigned c = 1; c < n_classes; ++c) {
+ transform(sum.begin(), sum.end(), prob_buffer[c].begin(), sum.begin(),
+ [](float x, float y){return x+y;});
+ }
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
+ transform(sum.begin(), sum.end(), prob_buffer[c].begin(), prob_buffer[c].begin(),
+ [](float s, float p){return p/s;});
+ }
+ if (!cls_filename.empty()) {
+ C3DImageIOPluginHandler::Instance::Data classes;
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c)
+ classes.push_back(make_shared<C3DFImage>(prob_buffer[c]));
+ if (!C3DImageIOPluginHandler::instance().save(cls_filename, classes))
+ cverr() << "Error writing class images to '" << cls_filename << "'\n";
+ }
+ // now for each pixel we have a probability sum that should take inhomogeinities
+ // into account
+ C3DUBImage out_image(in_image->get_size(), *in_image);
+ fill(out_image.begin(), out_image.end(), 0);
+ if (class_label_thresh <= 0.5f) {
+ for (unsigned c = 1; c < n_classes; ++c) {
+ auto iout = out_image.begin();
+ auto eout = out_image.end();
+ auto itest = prob_buffer[0].begin();
+ auto iprob = prob_buffer[c].begin();
+ while ( iout != eout ){
+ if (*itest < *iprob) {
+ *itest = *iprob;
+ *iout = c;
+ }
+ ++iout; ++itest; ++iprob;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c) {
+ auto iout = out_image.begin();
+ auto eout = out_image.end();
+ auto iprob = prob_buffer[c].begin();
+ while ( iout != eout ){
+ if (class_label_thresh < *iprob) {
+ *iout = c +1;
+ }
+ ++iout; ++iprob;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return save_image(out_filename, out_image) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
ProtectedProbBuffer::ProtectedProbBuffer(int n_classes, const C3DBounds& size):
- probmap(n_classes, C3DFDatafield(size))
+ probmap(n_classes, C3DFDatafield(size))
ProtectedProbBuffer::ProtectedProbBuffer(const ProtectedProbBuffer& orig):
- probmap(orig.probmap)
+ probmap(orig.probmap)
-template <typename T>
+template <typename T>
void FRunHistogram::operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image)
- m_sparse_histogram(image.begin(), image.end());
+ m_sparse_histogram(image.begin(), image.end());
CSparseHistogram::Compressed FRunHistogram::get_histogram() const
- return m_sparse_histogram.get_compressed_histogram();
+ return m_sparse_histogram.get_compressed_histogram();
FLocalCMeans::FLocalCMeans(float epsilon, const vector<double>& global_class_centers,
- const C3DBounds& start, const C3DBounds& end,
- const Probmap& global_probmap,
- float rel_cluster_threshold,
- const map<int, unsigned>& segmap,
- ProtectedProbBuffer& prob_buffer,
- bool partition_with_background):
- m_epsilon(epsilon),
- m_global_class_centers(global_class_centers),
- m_start(start),
- m_end(end),
- m_global_probmap(global_probmap),
- m_rel_cluster_threshold(rel_cluster_threshold),
- m_segmap(segmap),
- m_prob_buffer(prob_buffer),
- m_count((m_end - m_start).product()),
- m_partition_with_background(partition_with_background)
+ const C3DBounds& start, const C3DBounds& end,
+ const Probmap& global_probmap,
+ float rel_cluster_threshold,
+ const map<int, unsigned>& segmap,
+ ProtectedProbBuffer& prob_buffer,
+ bool partition_with_background):
+ m_epsilon(epsilon),
+ m_global_class_centers(global_class_centers),
+ m_start(start),
+ m_end(end),
+ m_global_probmap(global_probmap),
+ m_rel_cluster_threshold(rel_cluster_threshold),
+ m_segmap(segmap),
+ m_prob_buffer(prob_buffer),
+ m_count((m_end - m_start).product()),
+ m_partition_with_background(partition_with_background)
-template <typename T>
+template <typename T>
void FLocalCMeans::operator()(const T3DImage<T>& image)
- cvinfo() << "Run subrange ["<< m_start << "]-["<< m_end<<"]\n";
- // obtain the histogram for the current patch
- CSparseHistogram histogram;
- histogram(image.begin_range(m_start, m_end),
- image.end_range(m_start, m_end));
- auto ch = histogram.get_compressed_histogram();
- // calculate the class avaliability in the patch
- vector<double> partition(m_global_class_centers.size());
- for (auto idx: ch) {
- const double n = idx.second;
- auto v = m_global_probmap.at(idx.first);
- transform(partition.begin(), partition.end(), v.begin(),
- partition.begin(), [n](double p, double value){return p + n * value;});
- }
- // don't count background class in partition
- int start_class = m_partition_with_background ? 0 : 1;
- auto part_thresh = std::accumulate(partition.begin() + start_class, partition.end(), 0.0) * m_rel_cluster_threshold;
- cvinfo() << "Partition=" << partition
- << ", thresh=" << part_thresh
- << "\n";
- // select the classes that should be used further on
- vector<double> retained_class_centers;
- vector<unsigned> used_classed;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition.size(); ++i) {
- if (partition[i] >= part_thresh) {
- retained_class_centers.push_back(m_global_class_centers[i]);
- used_classed.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- // prepare linear interpolation summing
- auto center = C3DFVector((m_end + m_start)) / 2.0f;
- auto max_distance = C3DFVector((m_end - m_start)) / 2.0f;
- if (retained_class_centers.size() > 1) {
- ostringstream cci_descr;
- cci_descr << "predefined:cc=[" << retained_class_centers<<"]";
- cvinfo() << "Initializing local cmeans with '" << cci_descr.str()
- << " for retained classes " << used_classed << "'\n";
- auto cci = CMeansInitializerPluginHandler::instance().produce(cci_descr.str());
- // remove data that was globally assigned to now unused class
- CSparseHistogram::Compressed cleaned_histogram;
- cleaned_histogram.reserve(ch.size());
- // copy used intensities
- for (auto c: used_classed) {
- for (auto ich: ch) {
- if ( m_segmap.at(ich.first) == c) {
- cleaned_histogram.push_back(ich);
- }
- }
- }
- // evluate the local c-means classification
- CMeans local_cmeans(m_epsilon, cci);
- auto local_map = local_cmeans.run(cleaned_histogram, retained_class_centers);
- // create a lookup map intensity -> probability vector
- map<unsigned short, CMeans::DVector> mapper;
- for (auto i: local_map) {
- mapper[i.first] = i.second;
- }
- // now add the new probabilities to the global maps.
- auto ii = image.begin_range(m_start, m_end);
- auto ie = image.end_range(m_start, m_end);
- CScopedLock prob_lock(m_prob_buffer.mutex);
- while (ii != ie) {
- auto probs = mapper.find(*ii);
- auto delta = (C3DFVector(ii.pos()) - center) / max_distance;
- float lin_scale = (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.x))* (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.y));
- if (probs != mapper.end()) {
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < used_classed.size(); ++c) {
- m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[c]](ii.pos()) += lin_scale * probs->second[c];
- }
- }else{ // not in local map: retain global probabilities
- auto v = m_global_probmap.at(*ii);
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < v.size(); ++c) {
- m_prob_buffer.probmap[c](ii.pos()) += lin_scale * v[c];
- }
- }
- ++ii;
- }
- }else{// only one class retained, add 1.0 to probabilities, linearly smoothed
- cvinfo() << "Only one class used:" << used_classed[0] << "\n";
- auto ii = m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[0]].begin_range(m_start, m_end);
- auto ie = m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[0]].end_range(m_start, m_end);
- CScopedLock prob_lock(m_prob_buffer.mutex);
- while (ii != ie) {
- auto delta = (C3DFVector(ii.pos()) - center) / max_distance;
- *ii += (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.x))* (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.y)); ;
- ++ii;
- }
- }
- cvinfo() << "Done subrange ["<< m_start << "]-["<< m_end<<"]\n";
+ cvinfo() << "Run subrange ["<< m_start << "]-["<< m_end<<"]\n";
+ // obtain the histogram for the current patch
+ CSparseHistogram histogram;
+ histogram(image.begin_range(m_start, m_end),
+ image.end_range(m_start, m_end));
+ auto ch = histogram.get_compressed_histogram();
+ // calculate the class avaliability in the patch
+ vector<double> partition(m_global_class_centers.size());
+ for (auto idx: ch) {
+ const double n = idx.second;
+ auto v = m_global_probmap.at(idx.first);
+ transform(partition.begin(), partition.end(), v.begin(),
+ partition.begin(), [n](double p, double value){return p + n * value;});
+ }
+ // don't count background class in partition
+ int start_class = m_partition_with_background ? 0 : 1;
+ auto part_thresh = std::accumulate(partition.begin() + start_class, partition.end(), 0.0) * m_rel_cluster_threshold;
+ cvinfo() << "Partition=" << partition
+ << ", thresh=" << part_thresh
+ << "\n";
+ // select the classes that should be used further on
+ vector<double> retained_class_centers;
+ vector<unsigned> used_classed;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < partition.size(); ++i) {
+ if (partition[i] >= part_thresh) {
+ retained_class_centers.push_back(m_global_class_centers[i]);
+ used_classed.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // prepare linear interpolation summing
+ auto center = C3DFVector((m_end + m_start)) / 2.0f;
+ auto max_distance = C3DFVector((m_end - m_start)) / 2.0f;
+ if (retained_class_centers.size() > 1) {
+ ostringstream cci_descr;
+ cci_descr << "predefined:cc=[" << retained_class_centers<<"]";
+ cvinfo() << "Initializing local cmeans with '" << cci_descr.str()
+ << " for retained classes " << used_classed << "'\n";
+ auto cci = CMeansInitializerPluginHandler::instance().produce(cci_descr.str());
+ // remove data that was globally assigned to now unused class
+ CSparseHistogram::Compressed cleaned_histogram;
+ cleaned_histogram.reserve(ch.size());
+ // copy used intensities
+ for (auto c: used_classed) {
+ for (auto ich: ch) {
+ if ( m_segmap.at(ich.first) == c) {
+ cleaned_histogram.push_back(ich);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // evluate the local c-means classification
+ CMeans local_cmeans(m_epsilon, cci);
+ auto local_map = local_cmeans.run(cleaned_histogram, retained_class_centers);
+ // create a lookup map intensity -> probability vector
+ map<unsigned short, CMeans::DVector> mapper;
+ for (auto i: local_map) {
+ mapper[i.first] = i.second;
+ }
+ // now add the new probabilities to the global maps.
+ auto ii = image.begin_range(m_start, m_end);
+ auto ie = image.end_range(m_start, m_end);
+ CScopedLock prob_lock(m_prob_buffer.mutex);
+ while (ii != ie) {
+ auto probs = mapper.find(*ii);
+ auto delta = (C3DFVector(ii.pos()) - center) / max_distance;
+ float lin_scale = (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.x))* (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.y));
+ if (probs != mapper.end()) {
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < used_classed.size(); ++c) {
+ m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[c]](ii.pos()) += lin_scale * probs->second[c];
+ }
+ }else{ // not in local map: retain global probabilities
+ auto v = m_global_probmap.at(*ii);
+ for (unsigned c = 0; c < v.size(); ++c) {
+ m_prob_buffer.probmap[c](ii.pos()) += lin_scale * v[c];
+ }
+ }
+ ++ii;
+ }
+ }else{// only one class retained, add 1.0 to probabilities, linearly smoothed
+ cvinfo() << "Only one class used:" << used_classed[0] << "\n";
+ auto ii = m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[0]].begin_range(m_start, m_end);
+ auto ie = m_prob_buffer.probmap[used_classed[0]].end_range(m_start, m_end);
+ CScopedLock prob_lock(m_prob_buffer.mutex);
+ while (ii != ie) {
+ auto delta = (C3DFVector(ii.pos()) - center) / max_distance;
+ *ii += (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.x))* (1.0 - std::fabs(delta.y)); ;
+ ++ii;
+ }
+ }
+ cvinfo() << "Done subrange ["<< m_start << "]-["<< m_end<<"]\n";
#include <mia/internal/main.hh>
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