[med-svn] [r-cran-randomforest] branch master created (now 49dbe9c)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Fri Oct 20 10:09:51 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository r-cran-randomforest.
at 49dbe9c Moved packaging from SVN to Git
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 2a10cf7 New package r-cran-randomforest
new 9daa8d4 Reduced build dependencies.
new a20d652 Update of packages that previously had Dirk as co-uploader.
new fd0c7ea Ready for upload, but there are problems with building in Sid.
new 93f7c6e Uploaded.
new 0885d59 s/Debian-Med/Debian Med
new 6991df3 New upstream release and misc. packaging improvements.
new 18f558a New upstream release and misc. packaging changes.
new 554f34a New upstream version, somme packing polishing
new ac67dee New upstream version
new c3b5878 New upstream release. No new copyright nor license statement.
new 6ae0f0f Suggest r-cran-mass (as in DESCRIPTION) and correct Vcs URLs.
new d50d258 Using debhelper 8.
new c8ba7d3 Corrected Debian revision number.
new 8c30428 Conforms to Policy 3.9.2.
new 848fd50 Renamed debian/README.Debian debian/README.test.
new 82700bd Renamed debian/README.Debian debian/README.test.
new a78e0ab Reformatted machine-readable debian/copyright.
new d3811ad Removed accidentally committed file.
new 4100f61 Should have been committed at 4.5-36-1.
new daaac25 Uploaded.
new 9b0f0b3 Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
new d0313f1 New upstream release with minor copyright update.
new f184eee Normalised VCS fields (lintian).
new 8058767 Debhelper 9.
new a066f83 DM-Upload-Allowed obsolete, removed.
new e3c9c39 Conforms with Policy 3.9.4.
new e0ccf40 Acquire substitution variable R:Dedpends from r-base-dev.
new 608592e Removed copyright notice for such a trivial file.
new af164e5 r-cran-randomforest (4.6-7-1) unstable; urgency=low
new f0ec507 Removed myself from Uploaders.
new 02be5bf Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
new b3b0976 New upstream version
new a2fa1b7 Add xvfb, xauth to Build-Depends
new 5176844 Uhmmm, I mixed up randomforest and randomfields - these Build-Dependencies should not be needed
new 0303a59 Update changelog
new a55c637 New upstream version
new 4a896d4 New upstream version 4.6-12
new 8bfa203 Updated version 4.6-12 from 'upstream/4.6-12'
new 49dbe9c Moved packaging from SVN to Git
The 40 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-cran-randomforest.git
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