[med-svn] [r-cran-fastmatch] 02/11: New upstream version 1.1-0
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Mon Oct 23 17:38:09 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-fastmatch.
commit 268d61bff196f8fc38f8856b23992f09f8c1d901
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Mon Oct 23 19:27:33 2017 +0200
New upstream version 1.1-0
MD5 | 20 +-
NEWS | 34 +++-
R/coalesce.R | 1 +
R/ctapply.R | 1 +
R/fastmatch.R | 8 +-
R/hash.R | 7 +
man/coalesce.Rd | 67 +++++++
man/ctapply.Rd | 57 ++++++
man/fmatch.Rd | 42 +++-
src/common.h | 29 +++
src/ctapply.c | 93 +++++++++
src/fasthash.c | 481 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/fastmatch.c | 594 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
15 files changed, 1192 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)
index a9e672e..67a0f50 100644
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
Package: fastmatch
-Version: 1.0-4
+Version: 1.1-0
Title: Fast match() function
Author: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at r-project.org>
Maintainer: Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at r-project.org>
Description: Package providing a fast match() replacement for cases
- that require repeated look-ups. It is slightly faster that R's
- built-in match() function on first match against a table, but
- extremely fast on any subsequent lookup as it keeps the hash
- table in memory.
+ that require repeated look-ups. It is slightly faster that R's
+ built-in match() function on first match against a table, but
+ extremely fast on any subsequent lookup as it keeps the hash
+ table in memory.
License: GPL-2
URL: http://www.rforge.net/fastmatch
-Packaged: 2012-01-21 10:09:18 UTC; svnuser
+NeedsCompilation: yes
+Packaged: 2017-01-28 14:18:51 UTC; svnuser
Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2012-01-21 10:22:24
+Date/Publication: 2017-01-28 17:37:09
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index 28aa699..1a6a557 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
-89f00fff119030016fece98c08b5040b *DESCRIPTION
-7dd3c164abc64183f0681eaf7b85d73e *NAMESPACE
-27e152f5450341fbb88d31cfbff45520 *NEWS
-770a7b76ccff6f95d86152999543269b *R/fastmatch.R
+9599fb099644bde527af6f7e9df71105 *DESCRIPTION
+7e7ec63e6925cc4435d98adf39c5e26d *NAMESPACE
+51291a35ca1fc791fa0ab55e3e9ea21f *NEWS
+f89bb99f16073fd87eb20e3a366e0d2e *R/coalesce.R
+c55a081862af768fb0493109ec5b898d *R/ctapply.R
+aa671c24c5486532d61366bd014ecb26 *R/fastmatch.R
+c4f0cdd605049cd165c501d88bd4f51f *R/hash.R
ddc4a8e8795d9bc6be2c7d507b7e160b *R/match.hash.R
-1cf3221f784b90ed613d2454cc00a727 *man/fmatch.Rd
-632693d50dad9116f97f57578ee10502 *src/fastmatch.c
+f61d17ec420b9ada0a40d24277999f3b *man/coalesce.Rd
+b8d381ce543a5aa2a7f4421bf6c1cbdf *man/ctapply.Rd
+0837fb690176702f0fcd16d2abdc0668 *man/fmatch.Rd
+18e74f8e423543a4004ffbda4eeae2a1 *src/common.h
+e16cc450c8e002f1b819261653706f88 *src/ctapply.c
+461b9689226fc1550c15289a52c5896a *src/fasthash.c
+1f61304c0b28d2b837dbd8c446aac94e *src/fastmatch.c
index eceafca..2b5aa55 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+useDynLib(fastmatch, C_fmatch = fmatch, C_ctapply = ctapply, C_coalesce = coalesce, C_append = append, mk_hash, get_table, get_values)
+export(fmatch, fmatch.hash, ctapply, coalesce, "%fin%")
S3method(print, match.hash)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 13dcc71..c211aaa 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,7 +1,31 @@
NEWS for fastmatch
-0.1-4 2012-01-12
+1.1-0 (under development)
+ o add fmatch.hash() which will create a hash table that can
+ be used later with fmatch(). This can be used in cases where
+ attaching the hash to the table implicitly is not reliable.
+ o added ctapply() - a fast version of tapply()
+ o added coalesce() - fast way of grouping unique values into
+ contiguous groups (in linear time).
+ o added %fin% - a fast version of %in%
+ o fastmatch now supports long vectors. Note that the hash
+ function is the same as in R and thus it uses at most 32-bits,
+ hence long vectors can be used, but they must have less than
+ 2^32 (~4e9) unique values.
+ o bugfix: matching reals against a table that contains NA or NaNs
+ would not match the position of those but return NA instead.
+ o bugfix: fix crash when a newly unserialized hash table is
+ used (since the table hash is not stored during serialization).
+1.0-4 2012-01-12
o some R functions (such as subset assignment like x[1] <- 2)
can create a new object (with possibly modified content) and
copy all attributes including the hash cache. If the original
@@ -11,7 +35,7 @@
identify such cases and discard the hash to prevent errorneous
-0.1-3 2011-12-21
+1.0-3 2011-12-21
o match() coerces POSIXlt objects into characters, but so far
fmatch() performed the match on the actual objects.
Now fmatch() coerces POSIXlt object into characters just like
@@ -20,13 +44,13 @@
POSIXct objects (much more efficient) or use as.character() on
the POSIXlt object to create a table that you want to re-use.
-0.1-2 2011-09-14
+1.0-2 2011-09-14
o bugfix: nomatch was ignored in the fastmatch implementation
(thanks to Enrico Schumann for reporting)
-0.1-1 2010-12-23
+1.0-1 2010-12-23
o minor cleanups
-0.1-0 2010-12-23
+1.0-0 2010-12-23
o initial release
diff --git a/R/coalesce.R b/R/coalesce.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..680772e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/coalesce.R
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+coalesce <- function(x) .Call(C_coalesce, x)
diff --git a/R/ctapply.R b/R/ctapply.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0e171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/ctapply.R
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ctapply <- function(X, INDEX, FUN, ..., MERGE=c) .External(C_ctapply, parent.frame(), X, INDEX, FUN, MERGE, ...)
diff --git a/R/fastmatch.R b/R/fastmatch.R
index fe32610..1458da0 100644
--- a/R/fastmatch.R
+++ b/R/fastmatch.R
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
fmatch <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
- .Call("fmatch", x, table, nomatch, incomparables, PACKAGE = "fastmatch")
+ .Call(C_fmatch, x, table, nomatch, incomparables, FALSE)
+fmatch.hash <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
+ .Call(C_fmatch, x, table, nomatch, incomparables, TRUE)
+`%fin%` <- function (x, table)
+ .Call(C_fmatch, x, table, 0L, NULL, FALSE) > 0L
diff --git a/R/hash.R b/R/hash.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7687792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/hash.R
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+mk.hash <- function(x, size=256L, index=FALSE, values=NULL) .Call(mk_hash, x, index, size, values)
+levels.fasthash <- function(x) .Call(get_table, x)
+map.values <- function(hash, keys) .Call(get_values, hash, keys)
+append.hash <- function(hash, x, index=TRUE, values=NULL) .Call(C_append, hash, x, index, values)
diff --git a/man/coalesce.Rd b/man/coalesce.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a106aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/coalesce.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Create an index that groups unique values together
+ \code{coalesce} makes sure that a given index vector is coalesced,
+ i.e., identical values are grouped into contiguous blocks. This can be
+ used as a much faster alternative to \code{\link{sort.list}} where the
+ goal is to group identical values, but not necessarily in a
+ pre-defined order. The algorithm is linear in the length of the vector.
+ coalesce(x)
+ \item{x}{character, integer or real vector to coalesce}
+ The current implementation takes two passes through the vector. In the
+ first pass it creates a hash table for the values of \code{x} counting
+ the occurrences in the process. In the second pass it assigns indices
+ for every element based on the index stored in the hash table.
+ The order of the groups of unique values is defined by the first
+ occurence of each unique value, hence it is identical to the order of
+ \code{\link{unique}}.
+ One common use of \code{coalesce} is to allow the use of arbitrary
+ vectors in \code{\link{ctapply}} via
+ \code{ctapply(x[coalesce(x)], ...)}.
+ Integer vector with the resulting permutation. \code{x[coalesce(x)]}
+ gives \code{x} with contiguous unique values.
+Simon Urbanek
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\code{\link{unique}}, \code{\link{sort.list}}, \code{\link{ctapply}}
+i = rnorm(2e6)
+names(i) = as.integer(rnorm(2e6))
+## compare sorting and coalesce
+system.time(o <- i[order(names(i))])
+system.time(o <- i[coalesce(names(i))])
+## more fair comparison taking the coalesce time (and copy) into account
+system.time(tapply(i, names(i), sum))
+system.time({ o <- i[coalesce(names(i))]; ctapply(o, names(o), sum) })
+## in fact, using ctapply() on a dummy vector is faster than table() ...
+## believe it or not ... (that that is actually wasteful, since coalesce
+## already computed the table internally anyway ...)
+ftable <- function(x) {
+ t <- ctapply(rep(0L, length(x)), x[coalesce(x)], length)
+ t[sort.list(names(t))]
diff --git a/man/ctapply.Rd b/man/ctapply.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbad4a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ctapply.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Fast tapply() replacement functions
+ \code{ctapply} is a fast replacement of \code{tapply} that assumes
+ contiguous input, i.e. unique values in the index are never speparated
+ by any other values. This avoids an expensive \code{split} step since
+ both value and the index chungs can be created on the fly. It also
+ cuts a few corners to allow very efficient copying of values. This
+ makes it many orders of magnitude faster than the classical
+ \code{lapply(split(), ...)} implementation.
+ctapply(X, INDEX, FUN, ..., MERGE=c)
+ \item{X}{an atomic object, typically a vector}
+ \item{INDEX}{numeric or character vector of the same length as \code{X}}
+ \item{FUN}{the function to be applied}
+ \item{...}{additional arguments to \code{FUN}. They are passed as-is,
+ i.e., without replication or recycling}
+ \item{MERGE}{function to merge the resulting vector or \code{NULL} if
+ the arguments to such a functiona re to be returned instead}
+ Note that \code{ctapply} supports either integer, real or character
+ vectors as indices (note that factors are integer vectors and thus
+ supported, but you do not need to convert character vectors). Unlike
+ \code{tapply} it does not take a list of factors - if you want to use
+ a cross-product of factors, create the product first, e.g. using
+ \code{paste(i1, i2, i3, sep='\01')} or multiplication - whetever
+ method is convenient for the input types.
+ \code{ctapply} requires the \code{INDEX} to contiguous. One (slow) way
+ to achieve that is to use \code{\link{sort}} or \code{\link{order}}.
+Simon Urbanek
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+i = rnorm(4e6)
+names(i) = as.integer(rnorm(1e6))
+i = i[order(names(i))]
+system.time(tapply(i, names(i), sum))
+system.time(ctapply(i, names(i), sum))
diff --git a/man/fmatch.Rd b/man/fmatch.Rd
index 03eef29..b22172d 100644
--- a/man/fmatch.Rd
+++ b/man/fmatch.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Fast match() replacement
@@ -15,9 +17,19 @@ Although \code{fmatch} can be used separately, in general it is also
safe to use: \code{match <- fmatch} since it is a drop-in
replacement. Any cases not directly handled by \code{fmatch} are passed
to \code{match} with a warning.
+\code{fmatch.hash} is identical to \code{fmatch} but it returns the table
+object with the hash table attached instead of the result, so it can be
+used to create a table object in cases where direct modification is
+not possible.
+\code{\%fin\%} is a version of the built-in \code{\link{\%in\%}} function
+that uses \code{fmatch} instead of \code{\link{match}}().
fmatch(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
+fmatch.hash(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
+x \%fin\% table
\item{x}{values to be matched}
@@ -36,25 +48,32 @@ fmatch(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
and will be passed down to \code{match}.
The first match against a table results in a hash table to be computed
- from the table. This table is then attached as the `.match.hash`
+ from the table. This table is then attached as the \code{".match.hash"}
attribute of the table so that it can be re-used on subsequent calls
to \code{fmatch} with the same table.
The hashing algorithm used is the same as the \code{match} function in
- R, but it is re-implemented in a slight different way to improve its
+ R, but it is re-implemented in a slightly different way to improve its
performance at the cost of supporting only a subset of types (integer,
real and character). For any other types \code{fmatch} falls back to
\code{match} (with a warning).
- A vector of the same length as \code{x} - see \code{\link{match}} for
- details.
+ \code{fmatch}: A vector of the same length as \code{x} - see
+ \code{\link{match}} for details.
+ \code{fmatch.hash}: \code{table}, possibly coerced to match the type
+ of \code{x}, with the hash table attached.
+ \code{\%fin\%}: A logical vector the same length as \code{x} - see
+ \code{\link{\%in\%}} for details.
-%% ~~who you are~~
+Simon Urbanek
\code{fmatch} modifies the \code{table} by attaching an attribute to
it. It is expected that the values will not change unless that
@@ -64,6 +83,12 @@ fmatch(x, table, nomatch = NA_integer_, incomparables = NULL)
is modified directly (e.g. by some C code) without removing
+ In cases where the \code{table} object cannot be modified (or such
+ modification would not survive) \code{fmatch.hash} can be used to build
+ the hash table and return \code{table} object including the hash
+ table. In that case no lookup is done and \code{x} is only used to
+ determine the type into which \code{table} needs to be coerced.
Also \code{fmatch} does not convert to a common encoding so strings
with different representation in two encodings don't match.
@@ -91,7 +116,7 @@ identical(base::match(s, x), fmatch(s, x))
# next, match a factor against the table
# this will require both x and the factor
# to be cast to strings
+s = factor(c("1","1","2","foo","3",NA))
# because the casting will have to allocate a string
# cache in R, we run a dummy conversion to take
# that out of the equation
@@ -118,3 +143,4 @@ identical(base::match(s, y), fmatch(s, y))
identical(base::match(4L, 1:3, nomatch=0), fmatch(4L, 1:3, nomatch=0))
diff --git a/src/common.h b/src/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f4e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* fastmatch - common types */
+#ifndef FM_COMMON_H__
+#define FM_COMMON_H__
+/* for speed (should not really matter in this case as most time is spent in the hashing) */
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+#ifndef XLENGTH /* for compatibility with old R */
+#define IS_LONG_VEC(X) 0
+typedef R_len_t R_xlen_t;
+/* hash_index_t is big enough to cover long vectors */
+typedef R_xlen_t hash_index_t;
+typedef int hash_index_t;
+/* hashes are always 32-bit -- this is for compatibility with
+ the hash function used in R.
+ This means that long vectors are fine, but they may not have
+ more than 2^32 - 1 unique values */
+typedef unsigned int hash_value_t;
diff --git a/src/ctapply.c b/src/ctapply.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b7c8b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ctapply.c
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+#define MIN_CACHE 128
+SEXP ctapply_(SEXP args) {
+ SEXP rho, vec, by, fun, mfun, cdi = 0, cdv = 0, tmp, acc, tail;
+ int i = 0, n, cdlen;
+ args = CDR(args);
+ rho = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
+ vec = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
+ by = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
+ fun = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
+ mfun= CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
+ tmp = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
+ acc = 0;
+ if (TYPEOF(by) != INTSXP && TYPEOF(by) != REALSXP && TYPEOF(by) != STRSXP)
+ Rf_error("INDEX must be either integer, real or character vector");
+ if (TYPEOF(vec) != INTSXP && TYPEOF(vec) != REALSXP && TYPEOF(vec) != STRSXP && TYPEOF(vec) != VECSXP)
+ Rf_error("X must be either integer, real, character or generic vector (list)");
+ if ((n = LENGTH(vec)) != LENGTH(by)) Rf_error("X and INDEX must have the same length");
+ while (i < n) {
+ int i0 = i, N;
+ SEXP eres;
+ /* find the contiguous stretch */
+ while (++i < n) {
+ if ((TYPEOF(by) == INTSXP && INTEGER(by)[i] != INTEGER(by)[i - 1]) ||
+ (TYPEOF(by) == STRSXP && STRING_ELT(by, i) != STRING_ELT(by, i - 1)) ||
+ (TYPEOF(by) == REALSXP && REAL(by)[i] != REAL(by)[i - 1]))
+ break;
+ }
+ /* [i0, i - 1] is the interval to run on */
+ N = i - i0;
+ /* allocate cache for both the vector and index */
+ if (!cdi) {
+ /* we have to guarantee named > 0 since we'll be modifying it in-place */
+ SET_NAMED(cdi = SET_VECTOR_ELT(tmp, 0, allocVector(TYPEOF(by), (cdlen = ((N < MIN_CACHE) ? MIN_CACHE : N)))), 1);
+ SET_NAMED(cdv = SET_VECTOR_ELT(tmp, 1, allocVector(TYPEOF(vec), cdlen)), 1);
+ } else if (cdlen < N) {
+ SET_NAMED(cdi = SET_VECTOR_ELT(tmp, 0, allocVector(TYPEOF(by), (cdlen = N))), 1);
+ SET_NAMED(cdv = SET_VECTOR_ELT(tmp, 1, allocVector(TYPEOF(vec), cdlen)), 1);
+ }
+ SETLENGTH(cdi, N);
+ SETLENGTH(cdv, N);
+ /* copy the index slice */
+ if (TYPEOF(by) == INTSXP) memcpy(INTEGER(cdi), INTEGER(by) + i0, sizeof(int) * N);
+ else if (TYPEOF(by) == REALSXP) memcpy(REAL(cdi), REAL(by) + i0, sizeof(double) * N);
+ else if (TYPEOF(by) == STRSXP) memcpy(STRING_PTR(cdi), STRING_PTR(by) + i0, sizeof(SEXP) * N);
+ /* copy the vector slice */
+ if (TYPEOF(vec) == INTSXP) memcpy(INTEGER(cdv), INTEGER(vec) + i0, sizeof(int) * N);
+ else if (TYPEOF(vec) == REALSXP) memcpy(REAL(cdv), REAL(vec) + i0, sizeof(double) * N);
+ else if (TYPEOF(vec) == STRSXP) memcpy(STRING_PTR(cdv), STRING_PTR(vec) + i0, sizeof(SEXP) * N);
+ else if (TYPEOF(vec) == VECSXP) memcpy(VECTOR_PTR(cdv), VECTOR_PTR(vec) + i0, sizeof(SEXP) * N);
+ eres = eval(PROTECT(LCONS(fun, CONS(cdv, args))), rho);
+ UNPROTECT(1); /* eval arg */
+ /* if the result has NAMED > 1 then we have to duplicate it
+ see ctapply(x, y, identity). It should be uncommon, though
+ since most functions will return newly allocated objects
+ FIXME: check NAMED == 1 -- may also be bad if the reference is outside,
+ but then NAMED1 should be duplicated before modification so I think we're safe
+ */
+ /* Rprintf("NAMED(eres)=%d\n", NAMED(eres)); */
+ if (NAMED(eres) > 1) eres = duplicate(eres);
+ PROTECT(eres);
+ if (!acc) tail = acc = SET_VECTOR_ELT(tmp, 2, list1(eres));
+ else tail = SETCDR(tail, list1(eres));
+ {
+ char cbuf[64];
+ const char *name = "";
+ if (TYPEOF(by) == STRSXP) name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(by, i0));
+ else if (TYPEOF(by) == INTSXP) {
+ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%d", INTEGER(by)[i0]);
+ name = cbuf;
+ } else { /* FIXME: this one is not consistent with R ... */
+ snprintf(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), "%g", REAL(by)[i0]);
+ name = cbuf;
+ }
+ SET_TAG(tail, install(name));
+ }
+ UNPROTECT(1); /* eres */
+ }
+ UNPROTECT(1); /* tmp */
+ if (!acc) return R_NilValue;
+ acc = eval(PROTECT(LCONS(mfun, acc)), rho);
+ return acc;
diff --git a/src/fasthash.c b/src/fasthash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f55ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fasthash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * fasthash: hash table
+ * This is very similar to fastmatch except that the payload
+ * is stored in the hash table as well and thus can be used to
+ * append values
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Simon Urbanek
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+/* for malloc/free since we handle our hash table memory separately from R */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* for hashing for pointers we need intptr_t */
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* for memcpy */
+#include <string.h>
+typedef struct hash {
+ hash_index_t m, els; /* hash size, added elements */
+ hash_index_t max_load; /* max. load - resize when reached */
+ int k, type; /* used bits, payload type */
+ void *src; /* the data array of the hashed object */
+ SEXP prot; /* object to protect along whith this hash */
+ SEXP parent; /* hashed object */
+ SEXP vals; /* values vector if used as key/value storage */
+ struct hash *next;
+ hash_index_t ix[1];
+} hash_t;
+#define MAX_LOAD 0.85
+/* create a new hash table with the given type and length.
+ Implicitly calls allocVector(type, len) to create the storage
+ of the newly added hash values
+ NOTE: len is the *hash* size, so it should be 2 * length(unique(x))
+ It will be rounded up to the next power of 2 */
+static hash_t *new_hash(SEXPTYPE type, hash_index_t len) {
+ hash_t *h;
+ int k = 8; /* force a minimal size of 256 */
+ hash_index_t m = 1 << k;
+ hash_index_t max_load;
+ SEXP keys;
+ while (m < len) { m *= 2; k++; }
+ max_load = (hash_index_t) (((double) m) * MAX_LOAD);
+ keys = allocVector(type, max_load);
+ h = (hash_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(hash_t) + (sizeof(hash_index_t) * m));
+ if (!h)
+ Rf_error("unable to allocate %.2fMb for a hash table",
+ (double) sizeof(hash_index_t) * (double) m / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
+ h->parent = keys;
+ h->max_load = max_load;
+ R_PreserveObject(h->parent);
+ h->m = m;
+ h->k = k;
+ h->src = DATAPTR(h->parent);
+ h->type = type;
+ return h;
+/* free the hash table (and all chained hash tables as well) */
+static void free_hash(hash_t *h) {
+ if (h->next) free_hash(h->next);
+ if (h->prot) R_ReleaseObject(h->prot);
+ R_ReleaseObject(h->parent);
+ free(h);
+/* R finalized for the hash table object */
+static void hash_fin(SEXP ho) {
+ hash_t *h = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(ho);
+ if (h) free_hash(h);
+/* pi-hash fn */
+#define HASH(X) (3141592653U * ((unsigned int)(X)) >> (32 - h->k))
+static int INCEL(hash_t *h) {
+ if (h->els == h->max_load)
+ Rf_error("Maximal hash load reached, resizing is currently unimplemented");
+ return h->els++;
+/* add an integer value to the hash */
+static int add_hash_int(hash_t *h, int val) {
+ int *src = (int*) h->src;
+ hash_index_t addr = HASH(val);
+ int oa = addr;
+ while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ if (addr != oa) printf("%d: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (!h->ix[addr]) {
+ src[INCEL(h)] = val;
+ h->ix[addr] = h->els;
+ }
+ return addr;
+/* to avoid aliasing rules issues use a union */
+union dint_u {
+ double d;
+ unsigned int u[2];
+/* add the double value at index i (0-based!) to the hash */
+static int add_hash_real(hash_t *h, double val_) {
+ double *src = (double*) h->src;
+ union dint_u val;
+ int addr;
+ /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to nomalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
+ val.d = (val_ == 0.0) ? 0.0 : val_;
+ if (R_IsNA(val.d)) val.d = NA_REAL;
+ else if (R_IsNaN(val.d)) val.d = R_NaN;
+ addr = HASH(val.u[0] + val.u[1]);
+ int oa = addr;
+ while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val.d) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ if (addr != oa) printf("%g: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val.d, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (!h->ix[addr]) {
+ src[INCEL(h)] = val.d;
+ h->ix[addr] = h->els;
+ }
+ return addr;
+/* add a R object to the hash */
+static int add_hash_obj(hash_t *h, SEXP val) {
+ int addr;
+ SEXP *src = (SEXP*) h->src;
+ intptr_t val_i = (intptr_t) val;
+#if (defined _LP64) || (defined __LP64__) || (defined WIN64)
+ addr = HASH((val_i & 0xffffffff) ^ (val_i >> 32));
+ addr = HASH(val_i);
+ int oa = addr;
+ while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ if (addr != oa) printf("%p: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (!h->ix[addr]) {
+ src[INCEL(h)] = val;
+ h->ix[addr] = h->els;
+ }
+ return addr;
+/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
+static hash_index_t get_hash_int(hash_t *h, int val) {
+ int *src = (int*) h->src;
+ hash_index_t addr;
+ addr = HASH(val);
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if (src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
+static hash_index_t get_hash_real(hash_t *h, double val) {
+ double *src = (double*) h->src;
+ hash_index_t addr;
+ union dint_u val_u;
+ /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to normalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
+ if (val == 0.0) val = 0.0;
+ if (R_IsNA(val)) val = NA_REAL;
+ else if (R_IsNaN(val)) val = R_NaN;
+ val_u.d = val;
+ addr = HASH(val_u.u[0] + val_u.u[1]);
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if (src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
+static int get_hash_obj(hash_t *h, SEXP val_ptr) {
+ SEXP *src = (SEXP *) h->src;
+ intptr_t val = (intptr_t) val_ptr;
+ hash_index_t addr;
+#if (defined _LP64) || (defined __LP64__) || (defined WIN64)
+ addr = HASH((val & 0xffffffff) ^ (val >> 32));
+ addr = HASH(val);
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if ((intptr_t) src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static SEXP asCharacter(SEXP s, SEXP env)
+ SEXP call, r;
+ PROTECT(call = lang2(install("as.character"), s));
+ r = eval(call, env);
+ return r;
+/* there are really three modes:
+ 1) if vals in non-NULL then h->vals are populated with the
+ values from vals corresponding to x as the keys
+ 2) if ix is non-NULL then ix is is populated with the
+ indices into the hash table (1-based)
+ 3) if both are NULL then only the hash table is built */
+static void append_hash(hash_t *h, SEXP x, int *ix, SEXP vals) {
+ SEXPTYPE type = TYPEOF(x);
+ R_xlen_t i, n = XLENGTH(x);
+ if (type == INTSXP) {
+ int *iv = INTEGER(x);
+ if (vals)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ SET_VECTOR_ELT(h->vals, h->ix[add_hash_int(h, iv[i])] - 1, VECTOR_ELT(vals, i));
+ else if (ix)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ ix[i] = h->ix[add_hash_int(h, iv[i])];
+ else
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_int(h, iv[i]);
+ } else if (type == REALSXP) {
+ double *dv = REAL(x);
+ if (vals)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ SET_VECTOR_ELT(h->vals, h->ix[add_hash_real(h, dv[i])] - 1, VECTOR_ELT(vals, i));
+ else if (ix)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ ix[i] = h->ix[add_hash_real(h, dv[i])];
+ else
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_real(h, dv[i]);
+ } else {
+ SEXP *sv = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
+ if (vals)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ SET_VECTOR_ELT(h->vals, h->ix[add_hash_obj(h, sv[i])] - 1, VECTOR_ELT(vals, i));
+ else if (ix)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ ix[i] = h->ix[add_hash_obj(h, sv[i])];
+ else
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_obj(h, sv[i]);
+ }
+static hash_t *unwrap(SEXP ht) {
+ hash_t *h;
+ if (!inherits(ht, "fasthash"))
+ Rf_error("Invalid hash object");
+ h = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(ht);
+ if (!h) /* FIXME: we should just rebuild the hash ... */
+ Rf_error("Hash object is NULL - probably unserialized?");
+ return h;
+static SEXP chk_vals(SEXP vals, SEXP keys) {
+ /* FIXME: requiring vals to be a list is not very flexible, but the
+ easiest to implement. Anything else complicates the
+ append_hash() function enormously and would require
+ a separate solution for each combination of key and value types
+ */
+ if (vals == R_NilValue)
+ vals = 0;
+ else {
+ if (TYPEOF(vals) != VECSXP)
+ Rf_error("`values' must be a list");
+ if (XLENGTH(vals) != XLENGTH(keys))
+ Rf_error("keys and values vectors must have the same length");
+ }
+ return vals;
+static void setval(SEXP res, R_xlen_t i, hash_index_t ix, SEXP vals)
+ SET_VECTOR_ELT(res, i, (ix == 0) ? R_NilValue : VECTOR_ELT(vals, ix - 1));
+/*---- API visible form R ----*/
+SEXP mk_hash(SEXP x, SEXP sGetIndex, SEXP sValueEst, SEXP vals) {
+ SEXP a, six;
+ SEXPTYPE type;
+ hash_t *h = 0;
+ int np = 0, get_index = asInteger(sGetIndex) == 1;
+ int *ix = 0;
+ hash_index_t val_est = 0;
+ if (TYPEOF(sValueEst) == REALSXP) {
+ double ve = REAL(sValueEst)[0];
+ if (ve < 0 || R_IsNaN(ve))
+ Rf_error("Invalid value count estimate, must be positive or NA");
+ if (R_IsNA(ve)) ve = 0.0;
+ val_est = ve;
+ } else {
+ int ve = asInteger(sValueEst);
+ if (ve == NA_INTEGER) ve = 0;
+ if (ve < 0)
+ Rf_error("Invalid value count estimate, must be positive or NA");
+ val_est = ve;
+ }
+ vals = chk_vals(vals, x);
+ /* implicitly convert factors/POSIXlt to character */
+ if (OBJECT(x)) {
+ if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(x));
+ np++;
+ } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacter(x, R_GlobalEnv)); /* FIXME: match() uses env properly - should we switch to .External ? */
+ np++;
+ }
+ }
+ type = TYPEOF(x);
+ /* we only support INT/REAL/STR */
+ if (type != INTSXP && type != REALSXP && type != STRSXP && type != VECSXP)
+ Rf_error("Currently supported types are integer, real, chracter vectors and lists");
+ if (get_index) {
+ ix = INTEGER(six = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, XLENGTH(x))));
+ np++;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: determine the proper hash size */
+ if (!val_est) val_est = XLENGTH(x);
+ /* check for overflow */
+ if (val_est * 2 > val_est) val_est *= 2;
+ h = new_hash(TYPEOF(x), val_est);
+ a = PROTECT(R_MakeExternalPtr(h, R_NilValue, R_NilValue));
+ Rf_setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, Rf_mkString("fasthash"));
+ if (ix)
+ Rf_setAttrib(a, install("index"), six);
+ R_RegisterCFinalizer(a, hash_fin);
+ np++;
+ Rprintf(" - creating new hash for type %d\n", type);
+ append_hash(h, x, ix, vals);
+ return a;
+SEXP append(SEXP ht, SEXP x, SEXP sGetIndex, SEXP vals) {
+ SEXP six;
+ SEXPTYPE type;
+ hash_t *h = 0;
+ int np = 0;
+ int *ix = 0;
+ int get_index = (asInteger(sGetIndex) == 1);
+ h = unwrap(ht);
+ vals = chk_vals(vals, x);
+ /* implicitly convert factors/POSIXlt to character */
+ if (OBJECT(x)) {
+ if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(x));
+ np++;
+ } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacter(x, R_GlobalEnv)); /* FIXME: match() uses env properly - should we switch to .External ? */
+ np++;
+ }
+ }
+ type = TYPEOF(x);
+ /* we only support INT/REAL/STR */
+ if (type != INTSXP && type != REALSXP && type != STRSXP && type != VECSXP)
+ Rf_error("Currently supported types are integer, real, chracter vectors and lists");
+ if (get_index) { /* FIXME: long vec support? */
+ ix = INTEGER(six = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, LENGTH(x))));
+ np++;
+ }
+ append_hash(h, x, ix, vals);
+ if (np) UNPROTECT(np);
+ return ix ? six : ht;
+SEXP get_table(SEXP ht) {
+ R_len_t n;
+ R_xlen_t sz = sizeof(int);
+ SEXP res;
+ hash_t *h = unwrap(ht);
+ n = h->els;
+ res = allocVector(h->type, n);
+ if (h->type == REALSXP) sz = sizeof(double);
+ else if (h->type != INTSXP) sz = sizeof(SEXP);
+ sz *= n;
+ memcpy(DATAPTR(res), DATAPTR(h->parent), sz);
+ return res;
+SEXP get_values(SEXP ht, SEXP x) {
+ SEXP res;
+ SEXPTYPE type;
+ hash_t *h = 0;
+ int np = 0;
+ h = unwrap(ht);
+ if (!h->vals)
+ Rf_error("This is not a key/value hash table");
+ /* implicitly convert factors/POSIXlt to character */
+ if (OBJECT(x)) {
+ if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(x));
+ np++;
+ } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacter(x, R_GlobalEnv)); /* FIXME: match() uses env properly - should we switch to .External ? */
+ np++;
+ }
+ }
+ type = TYPEOF(x);
+ /* we only support INT/REAL/STR */
+ if (type != INTSXP && type != REALSXP && type != STRSXP && type != VECSXP)
+ Rf_error("Currently supported types are integer, real, chracter vectors and lists");
+ {
+ R_xlen_t i, n = XLENGTH(x);
+ res = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, n));
+ np++;
+ if (type == INTSXP) {
+ int *iv = INTEGER(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ setval(res, i, get_hash_int(h, iv[i]), h->vals);
+ } else if (type == REALSXP) {
+ double *rv = REAL(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ setval(res, i, get_hash_real(h, rv[i]), h->vals);
+ } else {
+ SEXP *rv = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ setval(res, i, get_hash_obj(h, rv[i]), h->vals);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
diff --git a/src/fastmatch.c b/src/fastmatch.c
index f92b3e3..ead735f 100644
--- a/src/fastmatch.c
+++ b/src/fastmatch.c
@@ -13,12 +13,11 @@
* GNU General Public License for more details.
-/* for speed (should not really matter in this case as most time is spent in the hashing) */
-#include <Rinternals.h>
+#include "common.h"
/* for malloc/free since we handle our hash table memory separately from R */
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
/* for hashing for pointers we need intptr_t */
#include <stdint.h>
@@ -28,14 +27,15 @@ SEXP match5(SEXP itable, SEXP ix, int nmatch, SEXP incomp, SEXP env);
/* ".match.hash" symbol - cached on first use */
SEXP hs;
-typedef int hash_index_t;
typedef struct hash {
- int m, k, els, type;
- void *src;
- SEXP prot, parent;
- struct hash *next;
- hash_index_t ix[1];
+ hash_index_t m, els; /* hash size, added elements (unused!) */
+ int k; /* used bits */
+ SEXPTYPE type; /* payload type */
+ void *src; /* the data array of the hashed object */
+ SEXP prot; /* object to protect along whith this hash */
+ SEXP parent; /* hashed object */
+ struct hash *next; /* next hash table - typically for another type */
+ hash_index_t ix[1]; /* actual table of indices */
} hash_t;
/* create a new hash table with the given source and length.
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ typedef struct hash {
so you must make sure the source is still alive when used */
static hash_t *new_hash(void *src, hash_index_t len) {
hash_t *h;
- hash_index_t m = 2, k = 1, desired = len * 2; /* we want a maximal load of 50% */
+ int k = 1;
+ hash_index_t m = 2, desired = len * 2; /* we want a maximal load of 50% */
while (m < desired) { m *= 2; k++; }
h = (hash_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(hash_t) + (sizeof(hash_index_t) * m));
- if (!h) Rf_error("unable to allocate %.2Mb for a hash table", (double) sizeof(hash_index_t) * (double) m / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
+ if (!h) Rf_error("unable to allocate %.2fMb for a hash table", (double) sizeof(hash_index_t) * (double) m / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
h->m = m;
h->k = k;
h->src = src;
@@ -70,286 +71,415 @@ static void hash_fin(SEXP ho) {
#define HASH(X) (3141592653U * ((unsigned int)(X)) >> (32 - h->k))
/* add the integer value at index i (0-based!) to the hash */
-static void add_hash_int(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
- int *src = (int*) h->src;
- int val = src[i++], addr;
- addr = HASH(val);
+static hash_value_t add_hash_int(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
+ int *src = (int*) h->src;
+ int val = src[i++];
+ hash_value_t addr = HASH(val);
- int oa = addr;
+ hash_value_t oa = addr;
- while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
- addr++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
+ while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
- if (addr != oa) printf("%d: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (addr != oa) Rprintf("%d: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val,
+ (int) (addr - oa), (int) addr, (int) oa);
- if (!h->ix[addr])
- h->ix[addr] = i;
+ if (!h->ix[addr])
+ h->ix[addr] = i;
+ return addr;
/* to avoid aliasing rules issues use a union */
union dint_u {
- double d;
- unsigned int u[2];
+ double d;
+ unsigned int u[2];
/* add the double value at index i (0-based!) to the hash */
-static void add_hash_real(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
- double *src = (double*) h->src;
- union dint_u val;
- int addr;
- /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to nomalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
- val.d = (src[i] == 0.0) ? 0.0 : src[i];
- if (R_IsNA(val.d)) val.d = NA_REAL;
- else if (R_IsNaN(val.d)) val.d = R_NaN;
- addr = HASH(val.u[0]+ val.u[1]);
+static hash_value_t add_hash_real(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
+ double *src = (double*) h->src;
+ union dint_u val;
+ hash_value_t addr;
+ /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to nomalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
+ val.d = (src[i] == 0.0) ? 0.0 : src[i];
+ if (R_IsNA(val.d)) val.d = NA_REAL;
+ else if (R_IsNaN(val.d)) val.d = R_NaN;
+ addr = HASH(val.u[0]+ val.u[1]);
- int oa = addr;
+ hash_value_t oa = addr;
- while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val.d) {
- addr++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
+ while (h->ix[addr] && src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val.d) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
- if (addr != oa) printf("%g: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val.d, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (addr != oa)
+ Rprintf("%g: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val.d,
+ (int) (addr - oa), (int)addr, (int)oa);
- if (!h->ix[addr])
- h->ix[addr] = i + 1;
+ if (!h->ix[addr])
+ h->ix[addr] = i + 1;
+ return addr;
/* add the pointer value at index i (0-based!) to the hash */
-static void add_hash_ptr(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
- int addr;
- void **src = (void**) h->src;
- intptr_t val = (intptr_t) src[i++];
+static int add_hash_ptr(hash_t *h, hash_index_t i) {
+ hash_value_t addr;
+ void **src = (void**) h->src;
+ intptr_t val = (intptr_t) src[i++];
#if (defined _LP64) || (defined __LP64__) || (defined WIN64)
- addr = HASH((val & 0xffffffff) ^ (val >> 32));
+ addr = HASH((val & 0xffffffff) ^ (val >> 32));
- addr = HASH(val);
+ addr = HASH(val);
- int oa = addr;
+ hash_value_t oa = addr;
- while (h->ix[addr] && (intptr_t) src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
- addr++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
+ while (h->ix[addr] && (intptr_t) src[h->ix[addr] - 1] != val) {
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
- if (addr != oa) printf("%p: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val, addr - oa, addr, oa);
+ if (addr != oa)
+ Rprintf("%p: dist=%d (addr=%d, oa=%d)\n", val,
+ (int)(addr - oa), (int)addr, (int)oa);
- if (!h->ix[addr])
- h->ix[addr] = i;
+ if (!h->ix[addr])
+ h->ix[addr] = i;
+ return addr;
/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
-static int get_hash_int(hash_t *h, int val, int nmv) {
- int *src = (int*) h->src;
- int addr;
- addr = HASH(val);
- while (h->ix[addr]) {
- if (src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
- return h->ix[addr];
- addr ++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
- return nmv;
+static hash_index_t get_hash_int(hash_t *h, int val, int nmv) {
+ int *src = (int*) h->src;
+ hash_value_t addr = HASH(val);
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if (src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return nmv;
/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
-static int get_hash_real(hash_t *h, double val, int nmv) {
- double *src = (double*) h->src;
- int addr;
- union dint_u val_u;
- /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to normalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
- if (val == 0.0) val = 0.0;
- if (R_IsNA(val)) val = NA_REAL;
- else if (R_IsNaN(val)) val = R_NaN;
- val_u.d = val;
- addr = HASH(val_u.u[0] + val_u.u[1]);
- while (h->ix[addr]) {
- if (src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
- return h->ix[addr];
- addr++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
- return nmv;
+static hash_index_t get_hash_real(hash_t *h, double val, int nmv) {
+ double *src = (double*) h->src;
+ hash_value_t addr;
+ union dint_u val_u;
+ /* double is a bit tricky - we nave to normalize 0.0, NA and NaN */
+ if (val == 0.0) val = 0.0;
+ if (R_IsNA(val)) val = NA_REAL;
+ else if (R_IsNaN(val)) val = R_NaN;
+ val_u.d = val;
+ addr = HASH(val_u.u[0] + val_u.u[1]);
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if (!memcmp(&src[h->ix[addr] - 1], &val, sizeof(val)))
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return nmv;
/* NOTE: we are returning a 1-based index ! */
-static int get_hash_ptr(hash_t *h, void *val_ptr, int nmv) {
- void **src = (void **) h->src;
- intptr_t val = (intptr_t) val_ptr;
- int addr;
+static hash_index_t get_hash_ptr(hash_t *h, void *val_ptr, int nmv) {
+ void **src = (void **) h->src;
+ intptr_t val = (intptr_t) val_ptr;
+ hash_value_t addr;
#if (defined _LP64) || (defined __LP64__) || (defined WIN64)
- addr = HASH((val & 0xffffffff) ^ (val >> 32));
+ addr = HASH((val & 0xffffffff) ^ (val >> 32));
- addr = HASH(val);
+ addr = HASH(val);
- while (h->ix[addr]) {
- if ((intptr_t) src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
- return h->ix[addr];
- addr ++;
- if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
- }
- return nmv;
+ while (h->ix[addr]) {
+ if ((intptr_t) src[h->ix[addr] - 1] == val)
+ return h->ix[addr];
+ addr ++;
+ if (addr == h->m) addr = 0;
+ }
+ return nmv;
static SEXP asCharacter(SEXP s, SEXP env)
- SEXP call, r;
- PROTECT(call = lang2(install("as.character"), s));
- PROTECT(r = eval(call, env));
- return r;
+ SEXP call, r;
+ PROTECT(call = lang2(install("as.character"), s));
+ r = eval(call, env);
+ return r;
+static double NA_int2real(hash_index_t res) {
+ return (res == NA_INTEGER) ? R_NaReal : ((double) res);
/* the only externally visible function to be called from R */
-SEXP fmatch(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP nonmatch, SEXP incomp) {
- SEXP a;
- SEXPTYPE type;
- hash_t *h = 0;
- int nmv = asInteger(nonmatch), n = LENGTH(x), np = 0, y_to_char = 0, y_factor = 0;
- /* edge-cases of 0 length */
- if (n == 0) return allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
- if (LENGTH(y) == 0) { /* empty table -> vector full of nmv */
- int *ai;
- a = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
- ai = INTEGER(a);
- for (np = 0; np < n; np++) ai[np] = nmv;
- return a;
- }
- /* if incomparables are used we fall back straight to match() */
- if (incomp != R_NilValue && !(isLogical(incomp) && LENGTH(incomp) == 1 && LOGICAL(incomp)[0] == 0)) {
- Rf_warning("incomparables used in fmatch(), falling back to match()");
- return match5(y, x, nmv, incomp, R_BaseEnv);
- }
+SEXP fmatch(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP nonmatch, SEXP incomp, SEXP hashOnly) {
+ SEXP a;
+ SEXPTYPE type;
+ hash_t *h = 0;
+ int nmv = asInteger(nonmatch), np = 0, y_to_char = 0, y_factor = 0, hash_only = asInteger(hashOnly);
+ hash_index_t n = XLENGTH(x);
+ /* edge-cases of 0 length */
+ if (n == 0) return allocVector(INTSXP, 0);
+ if (XLENGTH(y) == 0) { /* empty table -> vector full of nmv */
+ int *ai;
+ hash_index_t ii;
+ a = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
+ ai = INTEGER(a);
+ for (ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) ai[ii] = nmv;
+ return a;
+ }
+ /* if incomparables are used we fall back straight to match() */
+ if (incomp != R_NilValue && !(isLogical(incomp) && LENGTH(incomp) == 1 && LOGICAL(incomp)[0] == 0)) {
+ Rf_warning("incomparables used in fmatch(), falling back to match()");
+ return match5(y, x, nmv, incomp, R_BaseEnv);
+ }
/* implicitly convert factors/POSIXlt to character */
- if (OBJECT(x)) {
- if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
- x = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(x));
- np++;
- } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) {
- x = PROTECT(asCharacter(x, R_GlobalEnv)); /* FIXME: match() uses env properly - should we switch to .External ? */
- np++;
+ if (OBJECT(x)) {
+ if (inherits(x, "factor")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacterFactor(x));
+ np++;
+ } else if (inherits(x, "POSIXlt")) {
+ x = PROTECT(asCharacter(x, R_GlobalEnv)); /* FIXME: match() uses env properly - should we switch to .External ? */
+ np++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* for y we may need to do that later */
+ y_factor = OBJECT(y) && inherits(y, "factor");
+ y_to_char = y_factor || (OBJECT(y) && inherits(y, "POSIXlt"));
+ /* coerce to common type - in the order of SEXP types */
+ if(TYPEOF(x) >= STRSXP || TYPEOF(y) >= STRSXP)
+ type = STRSXP;
+ else
+ type = (TYPEOF(x) < TYPEOF(y)) ? TYPEOF(y) : TYPEOF(x);
+ /* we only support INT/REAL/STR */
+ if (type != INTSXP && type != REALSXP && type != STRSXP) {
+ Rf_warning("incompatible type, fastmatch() is falling back to match()");
+ return match5(y, x, nmv, NULL, R_BaseEnv);
- }
- /* for y we may need to do that later */
- y_factor = OBJECT(y) && inherits(y, "factor");
- y_to_char = y_factor || (OBJECT(y) && inherits(y, "POSIXlt"));
- /* coerce to common type - in the order of SEXP types */
- if(TYPEOF(x) >= STRSXP || TYPEOF(y) >= STRSXP)
- type = STRSXP;
- else
- type = (TYPEOF(x) < TYPEOF(y)) ? TYPEOF(y) : TYPEOF(x);
- /* we only support INT/REAL/STR */
- if (type != INTSXP && type != REALSXP && type != STRSXP) {
- Rf_warning("incompatible type, fastmatch() is falling back to match()");
- return match5(y, x, nmv, NULL, R_BaseEnv);
- }
- if (y_to_char && type != STRSXP) /* y = factor -> character -> type must be STRSXP */
- type = STRSXP;
- /* coerce x - not y yet because we may get away with the existing cache */
- if (TYPEOF(x) != type) {
- x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, type));
- np++;
- }
- /* find existing cache(s) */
- if (!hs) hs = Rf_install(".match.hash");
- a = Rf_getAttrib(y, hs);
- if (a != R_NilValue) { /* if there is a cache, try to find the matching type */
- h = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(a);
- /* could the object be out of sync ? If so, better remove the hash and ignore it */
- if (h->parent != y) {
+ if (y_to_char && type != STRSXP) /* y = factor -> character -> type must be STRSXP */
+ type = STRSXP;
+ /* coerce x - not y yet because we may get away with the existing cache */
+ if (TYPEOF(x) != type) {
+ x = PROTECT(coerceVector(x, type));
+ np++;
+ }
+ /* find existing cache(s) */
+ if (!hs) hs = Rf_install(".match.hash");
+ a = Rf_getAttrib(y, hs);
+ if (a != R_NilValue) { /* if there is a cache, try to find the matching type */
+ h = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(a);
+ /* could the object be out of sync ? If so, better remove the hash and ignore it */
+ if (!h || h->parent != y) {
- Rprintf(" - DISCARDING hash, its parent and the bearer don't match, taking no chances.\n");
+ Rprintf(" - DISCARDING hash, its parent and the bearer don't match, taking no chances.\n");
- h = 0;
- Rf_setAttrib(y, hs, R_NilValue);
+ h = 0;
+ Rf_setAttrib(y, hs, R_NilValue);
+ }
+ while (h && h->type != type) h = h->next;
- while (h && h->type != type) h = h->next;
- }
- /* if there is no cache or not of the needed coerced type, create one */
- if (a == R_NilValue || !h) {
- h = new_hash(DATAPTR(y), LENGTH(y));
- h->type = type;
- h->parent = y;
+ /* if there is no cache or not of the needed coerced type, create one */
+ if (a == R_NilValue || !h) {
+ h = new_hash(DATAPTR(y), XLENGTH(y));
+ h->type = type;
+ h->parent = y;
- Rprintf(" - creating new hash for type %d\n", type);
+ Rprintf(" - creating new hash for type %d\n", type);
- if (a == R_NilValue) { /* if there is no cache attribute, create one */
- a = R_MakeExternalPtr(h, R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
- Rf_setAttrib(y, hs, a);
- Rf_setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, Rf_mkString("match.hash"));
- R_RegisterCFinalizer(a, hash_fin);
- } else { /* otherwise append the new cache */
- hash_t *lh = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(a);
- while (lh->next) lh = lh->next;
- lh->next = h;
+ if (a == R_NilValue || !EXTPTR_PTR(a)) { /* if there is no cache attribute, create one */
+ a = R_MakeExternalPtr(h, R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
+ Rf_setAttrib(y, hs, a);
+ Rf_setAttrib(a, R_ClassSymbol, Rf_mkString("match.hash"));
+ R_RegisterCFinalizer(a, hash_fin);
+ } else { /* otherwise append the new cache */
+ hash_t *lh = (hash_t*) EXTPTR_PTR(a);
+ while (lh->next) lh = lh->next;
+ lh->next = h;
- Rprintf(" (appended to the cache list)\n");
+ Rprintf(" (appended to the cache list)\n");
- }
+ }
- if (TYPEOF(y) != type) {
+ if (TYPEOF(y) != type) {
- if (y_to_char)
- Rprintf(" (need to convert table factor/POSIXlt to strings\n");
- else
- Rprintf(" (need to coerce table to %d)\n", type);
+ if (y_to_char)
+ Rprintf(" (need to convert table factor/POSIXlt to strings\n");
+ else
+ Rprintf(" (need to coerce table to %d)\n", type);
- y = y_to_char ? (y_factor ? asCharacterFactor(y) : asCharacter(y, R_GlobalEnv)) : coerceVector(y, type);
- h->src = DATAPTR(y); /* this is ugly, but we need to adjust the source since we changed it */
- h->prot = y; /* since the coerced object is temporary, we let the hash table handle its life span */
- R_PreserveObject(y);
+ y = y_to_char ? (y_factor ? asCharacterFactor(y) : asCharacter(y, R_GlobalEnv)) : coerceVector(y, type);
+ h->src = DATAPTR(y); /* this is ugly, but we need to adjust the source since we changed it */
+ h->prot = y; /* since the coerced object is temporary, we let the hash table handle its life span */
+ R_PreserveObject(y);
+ }
+ /* make sure y doesn't go away while we create the hash */
+ /* R_PreserveObject(y); */
+ /* spawn a thread to create the hash */
+ /* nope - so far we do it serially */
+ { /* create the hash table */
+ hash_index_t i, n = XLENGTH(y);
+ if (type == INTSXP)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_int(h, i);
+ else if (type == REALSXP)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_real(h, i);
+ else
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ add_hash_ptr(h, i);
+ }
- /* make sure y doesn't go away while we create the hash */
- /* R_PreserveObject(y); */
- /* spawn a thread to create the hash */
- /* nope - so far we do it serially */
- { /* create the hash table */
- int i, n = LENGTH(y);
- if (type == INTSXP)
+ if (hash_only) {
+ if (np) UNPROTECT(np);
+ return y;
+ }
+ { /* query the hash table */
+ SEXP r;
+ if (IS_LONG_VEC(x)) {
+ hash_index_t i, n = XLENGTH(x);
+ double *v = REAL(r = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
+ if (nmv == NA_INTEGER) {
+ /* we have to treat nmv = NA differently,
+ because is has to be transformed into
+ NA_REAL in the result. To avoid checking
+ when nmv is different, we have two paths */
+ if (type == INTSXP) {
+ int *k = INTEGER(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = NA_int2real(get_hash_int(h, k[i], NA_INTEGER));
+ } else if (type == REALSXP) {
+ double *k = REAL(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = NA_int2real(get_hash_real(h, k[i], NA_INTEGER));
+ } else {
+ SEXP *k = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = NA_int2real(get_hash_ptr(h, k[i], NA_INTEGER));
+ }
+ } else { /* no need to transcode nmv */
+ if (type == INTSXP) {
+ int *k = INTEGER(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = (double) get_hash_int(h, k[i], nmv);
+ } else if (type == REALSXP) {
+ double *k = REAL(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = (double) get_hash_real(h, k[i], nmv);
+ } else {
+ SEXP *k = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = (double) get_hash_ptr(h, k[i], nmv);
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ /* short vector - everything is int */
+ int i, n = LENGTH(x);
+ int *v = INTEGER(r = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
+ if (type == INTSXP) {
+ int *k = INTEGER(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = get_hash_int(h, k[i], nmv);
+ } else if (type == REALSXP) {
+ double *k = REAL(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = get_hash_real(h, k[i], nmv);
+ } else {
+ SEXP *k = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v[i] = get_hash_ptr(h, k[i], nmv);
+ }
+ }
+ if (np) UNPROTECT(np);
+ return r;
+ }
+/* FIXME: should we also attach the hash? */
+SEXP coalesce(SEXP x) {
+ SEXPTYPE type = TYPEOF(x);
+ SEXP res;
+ hash_index_t i, n = XLENGTH(x), dst = 0;
+ hash_t *h;
+ hash_index_t *count;
+ res = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, XLENGTH(x)));
+ h = new_hash(DATAPTR(x), XLENGTH(x));
+ h->type = type;
+ h->parent = x;
+ if (!(count = calloc(h->m, sizeof(*count)))) {
+ free_hash(h);
+ Rf_error("Unable to allocate memory for counts");
+ }
+ /* count the size of each category - we're using negative numbers
+ since we will re-purpose the array later to hold the pointer to the
+ index of the next entry to stroe which will be positive */
+ if (type == INTSXP)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- add_hash_int(h, i);
- else if (type == REALSXP)
+ count[add_hash_int(h, i)]--;
+ else if (type == REALSXP)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- add_hash_real(h, i);
- else
+ count[add_hash_real(h, i)]--;
+ else
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
- add_hash_ptr(h, i);
- }
- }
- { /* query the hash table */
- int i, n = LENGTH(x);
- SEXP r = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
- int *v = INTEGER(r);
- if (type == INTSXP) {
- int *k = INTEGER(x);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- v[i] = get_hash_int(h, k[i], nmv);
- } else if (type == REALSXP) {
- double *k = REAL(x);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- v[i] = get_hash_real(h, k[i], nmv);
- } else {
- SEXP *k = (SEXP*) DATAPTR(x);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- v[i] = get_hash_ptr(h, k[i], nmv);
- }
- if (np) UNPROTECT(np);
- return r;
- }
+ count[add_hash_ptr(h, i)]--;
+ if (type == INTSXP)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ hash_value_t addr = add_hash_int(h, i);
+ if (count[addr] < 0) { /* this cat has not been used yet, reserve the index space for it*/
+ hash_index_t ni = -count[addr];
+ count[addr] = dst;
+ dst += ni;
+ }
+ INTEGER(res)[count[addr]++] = i + 1;
+ }
+ else if (type == REALSXP)
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ hash_value_t addr = add_hash_real(h, i);
+ if (count[addr] < 0) {
+ hash_index_t ni = -count[addr];
+ count[addr] = dst;
+ dst += ni;
+ }
+ INTEGER(res)[count[addr]++] = i + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ hash_value_t addr = add_hash_ptr(h, i);
+ if (count[addr] < 0) {
+ hash_index_t ni = -count[addr];
+ count[addr] = dst;
+ dst += ni;
+ }
+ INTEGER(res)[count[addr]++] = i + 1;
+ }
+ free(count);
+ free_hash(h);
+ return res;
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