[med-svn] [mypy] branch upstream updated (8545326 -> e236de0)
Michael Crusoe
misterc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 23 17:43:32 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
misterc-guest pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository mypy.
from 8545326 New upstream version 0.530
adds e236de0 New upstream version 0.540
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
PKG-INFO | 2 +-
docs/source/cheat_sheet_py3.rst | 4 +-
docs/source/getting_started.rst | 8 +-
docs/source/kinds_of_types.rst | 2 +-
docs/source/revision_history.rst | 2 +
mypy.egg-info/PKG-INFO | 2 +-
mypy.egg-info/SOURCES.txt | 5 +
mypy/binder.py | 36 +-
mypy/build.py | 44 +-
mypy/checker.py | 179 +++-
mypy/checkexpr.py | 29 +-
mypy/checkmember.py | 81 +-
mypy/constraints.py | 2 +
mypy/fixup.py | 3 -
mypy/indirection.py | 5 +-
mypy/main.py | 8 +-
mypy/maptype.py | 3 +-
mypy/messages.py | 17 +-
mypy/nodes.py | 90 +-
mypy/semanal.py | 971 ++-------------------
mypy/semanal_pass1.py | 296 +++++++
mypy/semanal_pass3.py | 560 ++++++++++++
mypy/server/astdiff.py | 1 -
mypy/server/deps.py | 2 +-
mypy/strconv.py | 17 +-
mypy/stubgen.py | 5 +-
mypy/test/testcheck.py | 2 +-
mypy/test/testcmdline.py | 2 +-
mypy/test/testpythoneval.py | 29 +-
mypy/traverser.py | 2 +-
mypy/treetransform.py | 15 -
mypy/typeanal.py | 35 +-
mypy/types.py | 50 +-
mypy/util.py | 11 +-
mypy/version.py | 2 +-
mypy_self_check.ini | 11 +
test-data/unit/check-classes.test | 86 +-
test-data/unit/check-functions.test | 6 +-
test-data/unit/check-generics.test | 10 +
test-data/unit/check-incremental.test | 106 ++-
test-data/unit/check-inference.test | 33 +-
test-data/unit/check-isinstance.test | 233 ++++-
test-data/unit/check-overloading.test | 47 +
test-data/unit/check-selftype.test | 143 ++-
test-data/unit/check-tuples.test | 2 +-
test-data/unit/check-type-aliases.test | 42 +
test-data/unit/check-typevar-values.test | 9 +-
test-data/unit/check-unions.test | 425 +++++++++
test-data/unit/cmdline.test | 12 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/dict.pyi | 1 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/for.pyi | 3 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/list.pyi | 2 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/python2.pyi | 1 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/set.pyi | 2 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/tuple.pyi | 1 +
test-data/unit/fixtures/type.pyi | 3 +-
test-data/unit/fixtures/typing-full.pyi | 1 +
test-data/unit/parse-python2.test | 6 +-
test-data/unit/parse.test | 51 +-
test-data/unit/pythoneval.test | 40 +
test-data/unit/semanal-basic.test | 11 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-classes.test | 8 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-symtable.test | 30 +-
test-data/unit/semanal-types.test | 8 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/__builtin__.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/builtins.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/collections.pyi | 1 +
typeshed/stdlib/2/datetime.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/textwrap.pyi | 86 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2/whichdb.pyi | 5 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/crypt.pyi | 18 +
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/socket.pyi | 173 ++--
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/threading.pyi | 12 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/warnings.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/2and3/xml/etree/ElementTree.pyi | 2 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3.3/ipaddress.pyi | 245 ++----
typeshed/stdlib/3.4/asyncio/futures.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/array.pyi | 50 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/builtins.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/collections/__init__.pyi | 1 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/datetime.pyi | 9 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/itertools.pyi | 5 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/os/__init__.pyi | 322 +++++--
typeshed/stdlib/3/pipes.pyi | 4 +-
typeshed/stdlib/3/posix.pyi | 20 +
typeshed/stdlib/3/textwrap.pyi | 103 +--
typeshed/third_party/2/dateutil/tz/__init__.pyi | 13 +-
typeshed/third_party/2/pycurl.pyi | 238 ++++-
typeshed/third_party/2and3/boto/utils.pyi | 239 +++++
typeshed/third_party/2and3/pymysql/connections.pyi | 1 +
typeshed/third_party/2and3/requests/api.pyi | 2 +-
91 files changed, 3784 insertions(+), 1646 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 mypy/semanal_pass1.py
create mode 100644 mypy/semanal_pass3.py
create mode 100644 typeshed/stdlib/2/whichdb.pyi
create mode 100644 typeshed/stdlib/2and3/crypt.pyi
create mode 100644 typeshed/third_party/2and3/boto/utils.pyi
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mypy.git
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