[med-svn] [r-cran-irlba] 02/05: New upstream version 2.3.1
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Mon Oct 23 18:24:40 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-irlba.
commit b3329e5e8623cc1d30c44d3657132f3984899599
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Mon Oct 23 20:12:02 2017 +0200
New upstream version 2.3.1
MD5 | 43 +++++----
R/irlba.R | 59 ++++++------
R/prcomp.R | 45 ++++++++-
R/ssvd.R | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
R/svdr.R | 31 +++++--
README.md | 42 ++++-----
build/vignette.rds | Bin 197 -> 197 bytes
inst/doc/irlba.Rnw | 129 +++++++++++++------------
inst/doc/irlba.pdf | Bin 181657 -> 181586 bytes
man/irlba.Rd | 29 ++----
man/partial_eigen.Rd | 1 -
man/prcomp_irlba.Rd | 17 +++-
man/ssvd.Rd | 185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
man/summary.irlba_prcomp.Rd | 16 ++++
man/svdr.Rd | 20 +++-
src/irlb.c | 18 +++-
src/utility.c | 2 +-
tests/edge.R | 2 +-
tests/prcomp.r | 91 ++++++++++++++++++
tests/ssvd.R | 34 +++++++
tests/svdr.R | 4 +-
tests/test.R | 34 +++++--
vignettes/irlba.Rnw | 129 +++++++++++++------------
25 files changed, 897 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)
index 35f8396..49a2ac7 100644
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Package: irlba
Type: Package
Title: Fast Truncated Singular Value Decomposition and Principal
Components Analysis for Large Dense and Sparse Matrices
-Version: 2.2.1
-Date: 2017-05-16
+Version: 2.3.1
+Date: 2017-10-18
Authors at R: c(
person("Jim", "Baglama", rol=c("aut", "cph"), email="jbaglama at uri.edu"),
person("Lothar", "Reichel", role=c("aut", "cph"), email="reichel at math.kent.edu"),
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ Description: Fast and memory efficient methods for truncated singular value
Depends: Matrix
LinkingTo: Matrix
Imports: stats, methods
+Suggests: PMA
License: GPL-3
BugReports: https://github.com/bwlewis/irlba/issues
-RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
+RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
-Packaged: 2017-05-16 20:24:46 UTC; blewis
+Packaged: 2017-10-18 19:45:21 UTC; blewis
Author: Jim Baglama [aut, cph],
Lothar Reichel [aut, cph],
B. W. Lewis [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: B. W. Lewis <blewis at illposed.net>
Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2017-05-17 07:28:01 UTC
+Date/Publication: 2017-10-18 20:15:08 UTC
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index 9100742..23e1e8a 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
-0bc045318da221e318dc9eca2f2c614a *DESCRIPTION
-2df3ba50b634767e4f69a4a9d9520166 *NAMESPACE
+8790f38b856ae1df2e03299b8ac0df46 *DESCRIPTION
+1f29b808f13eaa1ff708a79059d02dbf *NAMESPACE
46c031e01c7cb76685cb4ef0837be3b4 *R/eigen.R
-0b00fde03142679e5ff0b9d74d8c648f *R/irlba.R
-da63d5e8855861a4d27d79800bd4c8b0 *R/prcomp.R
-6a74c49b8e03319481133c72d3f4de08 *R/svdr.R
+af985385066dd6568eb994b033fa4b9e *R/irlba.R
+463003ce65f3879e9bcc06a76e1d4581 *R/prcomp.R
+7df1aca6e73bcf10ca58de9e167074fe *R/ssvd.R
+b1edc9c12f09e61f3d1a34bafabf5890 *R/svdr.R
20d6b2a573231dad638a6ed961cbcd40 *R/utility.R
-063e4582d2787b591a11d396b19189f7 *README.md
-adf849b0f1d127b206a67d3a451b64cf *build/vignette.rds
-751d1231241f7229377a7f3e066d1e60 *inst/doc/irlba.Rnw
-c9b5ff4a2272f0174c384d1f8c10045f *inst/doc/irlba.pdf
-3001af394110e4a3afb468f87dfa17b9 *man/irlba.Rd
-4c2aaeb543e9cd98eb6203fada578ce3 *man/partial_eigen.Rd
-3e425d237604f5286d6db3c9d32435ba *man/prcomp_irlba.Rd
-8f38539535f6102529a42e0a40ab423f *man/svdr.Rd
+a0019d133d41fce6a5bc63c79c623684 *README.md
+ccd53b685d0d4a927a7eba155ad0c758 *build/vignette.rds
+ffcb4c3e143d951b9c1a8dffe6267a06 *inst/doc/irlba.Rnw
+261814aecee8ff851cf8e83f0a004797 *inst/doc/irlba.pdf
+a6b1bfb7a98d9bb24de9ee2fe5a34ed4 *man/irlba.Rd
+062e536762dac8ada4b33fc7874dc36a *man/partial_eigen.Rd
+babf215accfc0ce1f434326d32d7d009 *man/prcomp_irlba.Rd
+e328f412fc755f80d64696cd5e8203fb *man/ssvd.Rd
+582c099850634f51829aa36637b605c8 *man/summary.irlba_prcomp.Rd
+3b98bc835e9f9086c095ce3630d031d7 *man/svdr.Rd
619d13ce6900fca2139e2139408d39ad *src/Makevars
-68674c958bdb72d325877006f974ce72 *src/irlb.c
+a19c7820c052795dfa3af06da39b6f45 *src/irlb.c
c3060f4abbe417e55fbed6f15af4ca62 *src/irlb.h
-07f335c271e72b7f0083588c9e214686 *src/utility.c
-7a09897e0456484e488df2f46591b797 *tests/edge.R
-9db2b0b6fd5ec7d6776e6b4bc30fbfe1 *tests/svdr.R
-e106ea2fb269fe4f63ed116b64f3c340 *tests/test.R
-751d1231241f7229377a7f3e066d1e60 *vignettes/irlba.Rnw
+32362225422fd8eb2eb8fe9d63d71062 *src/utility.c
+b0ca96e1ca2a891745a344014f776866 *tests/edge.R
+343ace18c9946b3dda3d41c4b1e90a13 *tests/prcomp.r
+3ad627da0fccf99f31b840fec794b404 *tests/ssvd.R
+c514d2213577042647987a7bcb19da78 *tests/svdr.R
+ed9586c691f0f3bbaedde07949818d76 *tests/test.R
+ffcb4c3e143d951b9c1a8dffe6267a06 *vignettes/irlba.Rnw
index 42d4fe6..5749bd7 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
@@ -10,4 +12,5 @@ importFrom(methods,slotNames)
useDynLib(irlba, .registration=TRUE, .fixes="C_")
diff --git a/R/irlba.R b/R/irlba.R
index 22fd0d8..01e72fb 100644
--- a/R/irlba.R
+++ b/R/irlba.R
@@ -106,10 +106,11 @@
#' The function may generate the following warnings:
#' \itemize{
-#' \item{"did not converge--results might be invalid!; try increasing maxit or fastpath=FALSE" means that the algorithm didn't
+#' \item{"did not converge--results might be invalid!; try increasing work or maxit"
+#' means that the algorithm didn't
#' converge -- this is potentially a serious problem and the returned results may not be valid. \code{irlba}
#' reports a warning here instead of an error so that you can inspect whatever is returned. If this
-#' happens, carefully heed the warning and inspect the result.}
+#' happens, carefully heed the warning and inspect the result. You may also try setting \code{fastpath=FALSE}.}
#' \item{"You're computing a large percentage of total singular values, standard svd might work better!"
#' \code{irlba} is designed to efficiently compute a few of the largest singular values and associated
#' singular vectors of a matrix. The standard \code{svd} function will be more efficient for computing
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@
#' R implementation.
#' @references
-#' Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods, J. Baglama and L. Reichel, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2005.
+#' Baglama, James, and Lothar Reichel. "Augmented implicitly restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27.1 (2005): 19-42.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
@@ -158,24 +159,7 @@
#' # A custom matrix multiplication function that scales the columns of A
#' # (cf the scale option). This function scales the columns of A to unit norm.
-#' # This approach is deprecated (see below for a bettwe way to do this).
#' col_scale <- sqrt(apply(A, 2, crossprod))
-#' mult <- function(x, y)
-#' {
-#' # check if x is a vector
-#' if (is.vector(x))
-#' {
-#' return((x %*% y) / col_scale)
-#' }
-#' # else x is the matrix
-#' x %*% (y / col_scale)
-#' }
-#' irlba(A, 3, mult=mult)$d
-#' # Compare with:
-#' svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
-#' # Compare with the new recommended approach:
#' setClass("scaled_matrix", contains="matrix", slots=c(scale="numeric"))
#' setMethod("%*%", signature(x="scaled_matrix", y="numeric"),
#' function(x ,y) x at .Data %*% (y / x at scale))
@@ -184,6 +168,10 @@
#' a <- new("scaled_matrix", A, scale=col_scale)
#' irlba(a, 3)$d
+#' # Compare with:
+#' svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
#' @seealso \code{\link{svd}}, \code{\link{prcomp}}, \code{\link{partial_eigen}}, \code{\link{svdr}}
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
@@ -221,26 +209,31 @@ function(A, # data matrix
mcall <- as.list(match.call())
# Maximum number of Ritz vectors to use in augmentation, may be less
# depending on workspace size.
- maxritz <- mcall[["maxritz"]]
+ maxritz <- mcall[["maxritz"]] # experimental
if (is.null(maxritz)) maxritz <- 3
- du <- mcall[["du"]]
- dv <- mcall[["dv"]]
- ds <- mcall[["ds"]]
+ du <- mcall[["du"]] # deprecated
+ dv <- mcall[["dv"]] # deprecated
+ ds <- mcall[["ds"]] # deprecated
deflate <- is.null(du) + is.null(ds) + is.null(dv)
- if (smallest) fastpath <- FALSE
+ if (is.logical(scale) && ! scale) scale <- NULL
+ if (is.logical(shift) && ! shift) shift <- NULL
+ if (is.logical(center) && ! center) center <- NULL
+ if (smallest) fastpath <- FALSE # for now anyway
+ if (any(dim(A) > 2 ^ 32 - 1)) fastpath <- FALSE # for now
if (deflate == 3)
deflate <- FALSE
} else if (deflate == 0)
deflate <- TRUE
- warning("The deflation options are deprecated and have been removed as formal arugments. Please modify your code to not use them.")
+ warning("The deflation options have been deprecated. Please modify your code to not use them.")
if (length(ds) > 1) stop("deflation limited to one dimension")
if (!is.null(dim(du))) du <- du[, 1]
if (!is.null(dim(dv))) dv <- dv[, 1]
} else stop("all three du ds dv parameters must be specified for deflation")
if (!is.null(center))
+ if (is.logical(center) && center) center <- colMeans(A)
if (deflate) stop("the center parameter can't be specified together with deflation parameters")
if (length(center) != ncol(A)) stop("center must be a vector of length ncol(A)")
if (fastpath && ! right_only) du <- NULL
@@ -249,6 +242,7 @@ function(A, # data matrix
dv <- center
deflate <- TRUE
+ if ("integer" == typeof(A)) A <- A + 0.0
iscomplex <- is.complex(A)
m <- nrow(A)
n <- ncol(A)
@@ -285,7 +279,8 @@ function(A, # data matrix
if (right_only)
w_dim <- 1
- work <- min(min(m, n), work + 20) # typically need this to help convergence
+ # typically need to increase working dimensions to help convergence
+ if (! ("work" %in% names(as.list(match.call())))) work <- min(min(m, n), work + 20)
fastpath <- FALSE
if (n > m && smallest)
@@ -334,7 +329,8 @@ function(A, # data matrix
if (is.null(v))
v <- rnorm(n)
- if (verbose) message("Initializing starting vector v with samples from standard normal distribution.\nUse `set.seed` first for reproducibility.")
+ if (verbose) message("Initializing starting vector v with samples from standard normal distribution.
+Use `set.seed` first for reproducibility.")
} else if (is.list(v)) # restarted case
if (is.null(v$v) || is.null(v$d) || is.null(v$u)) stop("restart requires left and right singular vectors")
@@ -355,7 +351,7 @@ function(A, # data matrix
if (!is.null(scale))
- if (length(scale) != ncol(A)) stop("scale length must mactch number of matrix columns")
+ if (length(scale) != ncol(A)) stop("scale length must match number of matrix columns")
SCALE <- as.double(scale)
if (!is.null(shift))
@@ -377,7 +373,7 @@ function(A, # data matrix
ans$u <- matrix(head(ans$u, m * nu), nrow=m, ncol=nu)
ans$v <- matrix(head(ans$v, n * nv), nrow=n, ncol=nv)
if (tol * ans$d[1] < eps) warning("convergence criterion below machine epsilon")
- if (ans[[6]] == -2) warning("did not converge--results might be invlaid!; try increasing maxit or fastpath=FALSE")
+ if (ans[[6]] == -2) warning("did not converge--results might be invlaid!; try increasing work or maxit")
errors <- c("invalid dimensions",
@@ -534,9 +530,10 @@ function(A, # data matrix
if (interchange) F <- t(drop(mult(A, drop(W[, j_w]))))
else F <- t(drop(mult(drop(W[, j_w]), A)))
-# Optionally apply shift and scale
+# Optionally apply shift, scale, deflate
if (!is.null(shift)) F <- F + shift * W[, j_w]
if (!is.null(scale)) F <- F / scale
+ if (deflate) F <- F - sum(W[, j_w]) * dv
mprod <- mprod + 1
F <- drop(F - S * V[, j])
# Orthogonalize
diff --git a/R/prcomp.R b/R/prcomp.R
index 5a11207..63f1a68 100644
--- a/R/prcomp.R
+++ b/R/prcomp.R
@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
#' scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
#' The default is \code{FALSE} for consistency with S, but scaling is often advisable.
#' Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.
+#' The value of \code{scale} determines how column scaling is performed
+#' (after centering). If \code{scale} is a numeric vector with length
+#' equal to the number of columns of \code{x}, then each column of \code{x} is
+#' divided by the corresponding value from \code{scale}. If \code{scale} is
+#' \code{TRUE} then scaling is done by dividing the (centered) columns of
+#' \code{x} by their standard deviations if \code{center=TRUE}, and the
+#' root mean square otherwise. If \code{scale} is \code{FALSE}, no scaling is done.
+#' See \code{\link{scale}} for more details.
#' @param n integer number of principal component vectors to return, must be less than
#' \code{min(dim(x))}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{irlba}}.
@@ -56,9 +65,10 @@
#' p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
#' summary(p2)
#' @seealso \code{\link{prcomp}}
#' @import Matrix
-#' @importFrom stats rnorm prcomp sd
+#' @importFrom stats rnorm prcomp sd var
#' @importFrom methods slotNames slot
#' @export
prcomp_irlba <- function(x, n = 3, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, ...)
@@ -77,7 +87,15 @@ control that algorithm's convergence tolerance. See `?prcomp_irlba` for help.")
} else args$center <- center
if (is.logical(scale.))
- if (scale.) args$scale <- apply(x, 2, sd)
+ if (scale.)
+ {
+ if (is.numeric(args$center))
+ {
+ f <- function(i) sqrt(sum((x[, i] - center[i]) ^ 2) / (nrow(x) - 1L))
+ scale. <- vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+ } else scale. <- apply(x, 2L, function(v) sqrt(sum(v ^ 2) / max(1, length(v) - 1L)))
+ args$scale <- scale.
+ }
} else args$scale <- scale.
if (!missing(...)) args <- c(args, list(...))
@@ -91,6 +109,27 @@ control that algorithm's convergence tolerance. See `?prcomp_irlba` for help.")
ans <- c(ans, list(x = sweep(s$u, 2, s$d, FUN=`*`)))
colnames(ans$x) <- paste("PC", seq(1, ncol(ans$rotation)), sep="")
- class(ans) <- "prcomp"
+ ans$totalvar <- sum(apply(x, 2, var))
+ class(ans) <- c("irlba_prcomp", "prcomp")
+#' Summary method for truncated pca objects computed by \code{prcomp_irlba}.
+#' @param object An object returned by \code{prcomp_irlba}.
+#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{summary}.
+#' @method summary irlba_prcomp
+#' @export
+summary.irlba_prcomp <- function(object, ...)
+ chkDots(...)
+ vars <- object$sdev ^ 2
+ vars <- vars / object$totalvar
+ importance <- rbind("Standard deviation" = object$sdev,
+ "Proportion of Variance" = round(vars, 5),
+ "Cumulative Proportion" = round(cumsum(vars), 5))
+ k <- ncol(object$rotation)
+ colnames(importance) <- c(colnames(object$rotation), rep("", length(vars) - k))
+ object$importance <- importance
+ class(object) <- "summary.prcomp"
+ object
diff --git a/R/ssvd.R b/R/ssvd.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36cadd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/ssvd.R
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#' Sparse regularized low-rank matrix approximation.
+#' Estimate an \eqn{{\ell}1}{l1}-penalized
+#' singular value or principal components decomposition (SVD or PCA) that introduces sparsity in the
+#' right singular vectors based on the fast and memory-efficient
+#' sPCA-rSVD algorithm of Haipeng Shen and Jianhua Huang.
+#' @param x A numeric real- or complex-valued matrix or real-valued sparse matrix.
+#' @param k Matrix rank of the computed decomposition (see the Details section below).
+#' @param n Number of nonzero components in the right singular vectors. If \code{k > 1},
+#' then a single value of \code{n} specifies the number of nonzero components
+#' in each regularized right singular vector. Or, specify a vector of length
+#' \code{k} indicating the number of desired nonzero components in each
+#' returned vector. See the examples.
+#' @param maxit Maximum number of soft-thresholding iterations.
+#' @param tol Convergence is determined when \eqn{\|U_j - U_{j-1}\|_F < tol}{||U_j - U_{j-1}||_F < tol}, where \eqn{U_j} is the matrix of estimated left regularized singular vectors at iteration \eqn{j}.
+#' @param center a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
+#' shifted to be zero centered. Alternately, a centering vector of length
+#' equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied. Use \code{center=TRUE}
+#' to perform a regularized sparse PCA.
+#' @param scale. a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
+#' scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
+#' Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.
+#' The value of \code{scale} determines how column scaling is performed
+#' (after centering). If \code{scale} is a numeric vector with length
+#' equal to the number of columns of \code{x}, then each column of \code{x} is
+#' divided by the corresponding value from \code{scale}. If \code{scale} is
+#' \code{TRUE} then scaling is done by dividing the (centered) columns of
+#' \code{x} by their standard deviations if \code{center=TRUE}, and the
+#' root mean square otherwise. If \code{scale} is \code{FALSE}, no scaling is done.
+#' See \code{\link{scale}} for more details.
+#' @param alpha Optional scalar regularization parameter between zero and one (see Details below).
+#' @param tsvd Optional initial rank-k truncated SVD or PCA (skips computation if supplied).
+#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{irlba}}.
+#' @details
+#' The \code{ssvd} function implements a version of an algorithm by
+#' Shen and Huang that computes a penalized SVD or PCA that introduces
+#' sparsity in the right singular vectors by solving a penalized least squares problem.
+#' The algorithm in the rank 1 case finds vectors \eqn{u, w}{u, w} that minimize
+#' \deqn{\|x - u w^T\|_F^2 + \lambda \|w\|_1}{||x - u w^T||_F^2 + lambda||w||_1}
+#' such that \eqn{\|u\| = 1}{||u|| = 1},
+#' and then sets \eqn{v = w / \|w\|}{v = w / ||w||} and
+#' \eqn{d = u^T x v}{d = u^T x v};
+#' see the referenced paper for details. The penalty \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} is
+#' implicitly determined from the specified desired number of nonzero values \code{n}.
+#' Higher rank output is determined similarly
+#' but using a sequence of \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} values determined to maintain the desired number
+#' of nonzero elements in each column of \code{v} specified by \code{n}.
+#' Unlike standard SVD or PCA, the columns of the returned \code{v} when \code{k > 1} may not be orthogonal.
+#' @return
+#' A list containing the following components:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item{u} {regularized left singular vectors with orthonormal columns}
+#' \item{d} {regularized upper-triangluar projection matrix so that \code{x \%*\% v == u \%*\% d}}
+#' \item{v} {regularized, sparse right singular vectors with columns of unit norm}
+#' \item{center, scale} {the centering and scaling used, if any}
+#' \item{lambda} {the per-column regularization parameter found to obtain the desired sparsity}
+#' \item{iter} {number of soft thresholding iterations}
+#' \item{n} {value of input parameter \code{n}}
+#' \item{alpha} {value of input parameter \code{alpha}}
+#' }
+#' @note
+#' Our \code{ssvd} implementation of the Shen-Huang method makes the following choices:
+#' \enumerate{
+#' \item{The l1 penalty is the only available penalty function. Other penalties may appear in the future.}
+#' \item{Given a desired number of nonzero elements in \code{v}, value(s) for the \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}
+#' penalty are determined to achieve the sparsity goal subject to the parameter \code{alpha}.}
+#' \item{An experimental block implementation is used for results with rank greater than 1 (when \code{k > 1})
+#' instead of the deflation method described in the reference.}
+#' \item{The choice of a penalty lambda associated with a given number of desired nonzero
+#' components is not unique. The \code{alpha} parameter, a scalar between zero and one,
+#' selects any possible value of lambda that produces the desired number of
+#' nonzero entries. The default \code{alpha = 0} selects a penalized solution with
+#' largest corresponding value of \code{d} in the 1-d case. Think of \code{alpha} as
+#' fine-tuning of the penalty.}
+#' \item{Our method returns an upper-triangular matrix \code{d} when \code{k > 1} so
+#' that \code{x \%*\% v == u \%*\% d}. Non-zero
+#' elements above the diagonal result from non-orthogonality of the \code{v} matrix,
+#' providing a simple interpretation of cumulative information, or explained variance
+#' in the PCA case, via the singular value decomposition of \code{d \%*\% t(v)}.}
+#' }
+#' What if you have no idea for values of the argument \code{n} (the desired sparsity)?
+#' The reference describes a cross-validation and an ad-hoc approach; neither of which are
+#' in the package yet. Both are prohibitively computationally expensive for matrices with a huge
+#' number of columns. A future version of this package will include a revised approach to
+#' automatically selecting a reasonable sparsity constraint.
+#' Compare with the similar but more general functions \code{SPC} and \code{PMD} in the \code{PMA} package
+#' by Daniela M. Witten, Robert Tibshirani, Sam Gross, and Balasubramanian Narasimhan.
+#' The \code{PMD} function can compute low-rank regularized matrix decompositions with sparsity penalties
+#' on both the \code{u} and \code{v} vectors. The \code{ssvd} function is
+#' similar to the PMD(*, L1) method invocation of \code{PMD} or alternatively the \code{SPC} function.
+#' Although less general than \code{PMD}(*),
+#' the \code{ssvd} function can be faster and more memory efficient for the
+#' basic sparse PCA problem.
+#' See the examples below for more information.
+#' (* Note that the s4vd package by Martin Sill and Sebastian Kaiser, \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=s4vd},
+#' includes a fast optimized version of a closely related algorithm by Shen, Huang, and Marron, that penalizes
+#' both \code{u} and \code{v}.)
+#' @references
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item{Shen, Haipeng, and Jianhua Z. Huang. "Sparse principal component analysis via regularized low rank matrix approximation." Journal of multivariate analysis 99.6 (2008): 1015-1034.}
+#' \item{Witten, Tibshirani and Hastie (2009) A penalized matrix decomposition, with applications to sparse principal components and canonical correlation analysis. _Biostatistics_ 10(3): 515-534.}
+#' }
+#' @examples
+#' set.seed(1)
+#' u <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=1)
+#' v <- matrix(c(runif(50, min=0.1), rep(0,250)), ncol=1)
+#' u <- u / drop(sqrt(crossprod(u)))
+#' v <- v / drop(sqrt(crossprod(v)))
+#' x <- u %*% t(v) + 0.001 * matrix(rnorm(200*300), ncol=300)
+#' s <- ssvd(x, n=50)
+#' table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 1] != 0)
+#' oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
+#' plot(u, cex=2, main="u (black circles), Estimated u (blue discs)")
+#' points(s$u, pch=19, col=4)
+#' plot(v, cex=2, main="v (black circles), Estimated v (blue discs)")
+#' points(s$v, pch=19, col=4)
+#' # Compare with SPC from the PMA package, regularizing only the v vector and choosing
+#' # the regularization constraint `sum(abs(s$v))` computed above by ssvd
+#' # (they find the about same solution in this "sparse SVD" case):
+#' if (requireNamespace("PMA", quietly = TRUE)) {
+#' p <- PMA::SPC(x, sumabsv=sum(abs(s$v)), center=FALSE)
+#' table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=p$v[, 1] != 0)
+#' # compare optimized values
+#' print(c(ssvd=s$d, SPC=p$d))
+#' # Same example, but computing a "sparse PCA", again about the same results:
+#' sp <- ssvd(x, n=50, center=TRUE)
+#' pp <- PMA::SPC(x, sumabsv=sum(abs(sp$v)), center=TRUE)
+#' print(c(ssvd=sp$d, SPC=pp$d))
+#' }
+#' # Let's consider a trivial rank-2 example (k=2) with noise. Like the
+#' # last example, we know the exact number of nonzero elements in each
+#' # solution vector of the noise-free matrix. Note the application of
+#' # different sparsity constraints on each column of the estimated v.
+#' set.seed(1)
+#' u <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(400), ncol=2)))
+#' v <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=300)
+#' v[sample(300, 15), 1] <- runif(15, min=0.1)
+#' v[sample(300, 50), 2] <- runif(50, min=0.1)
+#' v <- qr.Q(qr(v))
+#' x <- u %*% (c(2, 1) * t(v)) + .001 * matrix(rnorm(200 * 300), 200)
+#' s <- ssvd(x, k=2, n=colSums(v != 0))
+#' # Compare actual and estimated vectors:
+#' table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 1] != 0)
+#' table(actual=v[, 2] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 2] != 0)
+#' plot(v[, 1], cex=2, main="True v1 (black circles), Estimated v1 (blue discs)")
+#' points(s$v[, 1], pch=19, col=4)
+#' plot(v[, 2], cex=2, main="True v2 (black circles), Estimated v2 (blue discs)")
+#' points(s$v[, 2], pch=19, col=4)
+#' par(oldpar)
+#' @export
+ssvd <- function(x, k=1, n=2, maxit=500, tol=1e-3, center=FALSE, scale.=FALSE, alpha=0, tsvd=NULL, ...)
+ if (alpha < 0 || alpha >= 1) stop("0 <= alpha < 1")
+ if (is.logical(center) && center) center <- colMeans(x)
+ if (is.logical(scale.))
+ {
+ if (scale.)
+ {
+ if (is.numeric(center))
+ {
+ f <- function(i) sqrt(sum( (x[, i] - center[i]) ^ 2) / (nrow(x) - 1L))
+ scale. <- vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+ } else scale. <- apply(x, 2L, function(v) sqrt(sum(v ^ 2) / max(1, length(v) - 1L)))
+ }
+ }
+ if (all(n > ncol(x) - 1))
+ {
+ warning("no sparsity constraints specified")
+ return(irlba(x, k, ...))
+ }
+ n <- ncol(x) - n
+ if (length(n) != k) n <- rep(n, length.out=k) # warn?
+ s <- tsvd
+ if (is.null(tsvd)) s <- irlba(x, k, scale=scale., center=center, ...)
+ lambda <- c()
+ soft <- function(x, u, p)
+ {
+ y <- crossprod(x, u)
+ if (is.numeric(center)) y <- y - sum(u) * center
+ if (is.numeric(scale.)) y <- y / scale.
+ # apply a column-wise penalty
+ a <- abs(y)
+ z <- apply(a, 2, sort)
+ lambda <<- vapply(seq(length(p)), function(j) (1 - alpha) * z[p[j], j] + alpha * z[p[j] + 1, j], pi, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
+ sign(y) * pmax(sweep(a, 2, lambda, `-`), 0)
+ }
+ s$v <- s$d * s$v
+ iter <- 1
+ delta_u <- Inf
+ while (delta_u > tol && iter < maxit)
+ {
+ u <- s$u
+ s$v <- soft(x, s$u, n)
+ if (is.numeric(scale.)) s$v <- s$v / scale.
+ if (is.numeric(center)) s$u <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% s$v - drop(crossprod(center, s$v))))
+ else s$u <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% s$v))
+ delta_u <- sqrt(sum(apply(u - s$u, 2, crossprod)))
+ iter <- iter + 1
+ }
+ if (iter >= maxit)
+ warning("Maximum number of iterations reached before convergence: solution may not be optimal. Consider increasing 'maxit'.")
+ s$v <- s$v %*% diag(1 / sqrt(apply(s$v, 2, crossprod)), ncol(s$v), ncol(s$v))
+ d <- s$v
+ if (is.numeric(scale.)) d <- d / scale.
+ d1 <- x %*% d
+ if (is.numeric(center)) d1 <- d1 - drop(crossprod(center, d))
+ d <- crossprod(s$u, d1)
+ list(u = s$u, v = s$v, d = d, iter = iter, lambda = lambda, center=center, scale=scale., n=n, alpha=alpha)
diff --git a/R/svdr.R b/R/svdr.R
index 0be2d24..fe3d85c 100644
--- a/R/svdr.R
+++ b/R/svdr.R
@@ -11,9 +11,14 @@
#' the examples). In other problems, \code{irlba} may exhibit faster
#' convergence.
+#' Also see an alternate implementation (\code{rsvd}) of this method by N. Benjamin Erichson
+#' in the https://cran.r-project.org/package=rsvd package.
#' @param x numeric real- or complex-valued matrix or real-valued sparse matrix.
#' @param k dimension of subspace to estimate (number of approximate singular values to compute).
-#' @param it fixed number of algorithm iterations, larger values improve accuracy.
+#' @param tol stop iteration when the largest absolute relative change in estimated singular
+#' values from one iteration to the next falls below this value.
+#' @param it maximum number of algorithm iterations.
#' @param extra number of extra vectors of dimension \code{ncol(x)}, larger values generally improve accuracy (with increased
#' computational cost).
#' @param center optional column centering vector whose values are implicitly subtracted from each
@@ -22,15 +27,17 @@
#' Use for efficient principal components computation.
#' @param Q optional initial random matrix, defaults to a matrix of size \code{ncol(x)} by \code{k + extra} with
#' entries sampled from a normal random distribution.
+#' @param return.Q if \code{TRUE} return the \code{Q} matrix for restarting (see examples).
#' @return
#' Returns a list with entries:
#' \describe{
#' \item{d:}{ k approximate singular values}
#' \item{u:}{ k approximate left singular vectors}
#' \item{v:}{ k approximate right singular vectors}
-#' \item{mprod:}{ The total number of matrix vector products carried out}
+#' \item{mprod:}{ total number of matrix products carried out}
+#' \item{Q:}{ optional subspace matrix (when \code{return.Q=TRUE})}
#' }
-#' @seealso \code{\link{irlba}}, \code{\link{svd}}
+#' @seealso \code{\link{irlba}}, \code{\link{svd}}, \code{rsvd} in the rsvd package
#' @references
#' Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing
#' approximate matrix decompositions N. Halko, P. G. Martinsson, J. Tropp. Sep. 2009.
@@ -82,27 +89,34 @@
#' row.names=c("IRLBA", "Randomized SVD"))
#' }
#' @export
-svdr <- function(x, k, it=3, extra=10, center=NULL, Q=NULL)
+svdr <- function(x, k, tol=1e-5, it=100L, extra=min(10L, dim(x) - k), center=NULL, Q=NULL, return.Q=FALSE)
n <- min(ncol(x), k + extra)
if (isTRUE(center)) center <- colMeans(x)
if (is.null(Q)) Q <- matrix(rnorm(ncol(x) * n), ncol(x))
+ d <- rep(0, k)
for (j in 1:it)
if (is.null(center))
Q <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% Q))
- Q <- qr.Q(qr(t(crossprod(Q, x)))) # a.k.a. Q <- qr.Q(qr(t(x) %*% Q)), but avoiding t(x)
+ B <- crossprod(x, Q)
+ Q <- qr.Q(qr(B))
} else
Q <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% Q - rep(1, nrow(x)) %*% crossprod(center, Q)))
- Q <- qr.Q(qr(t(crossprod(Q, x) - tcrossprod(crossprod(Q, rep(1, nrow(x))), center))))
+ B <- crossprod(Q, x) - tcrossprod(crossprod(Q, rep(1, nrow(x))), center)
+ Q <- qr.Q(qr(t(B)))
+ d1 <- svd(B, nu=0, nv=0)$d[1:k]
+ if (max(abs( (d1 - d) / d)) < tol) break
+ d <- d1
+ if (return.Q) Q1 <- Q
if (is.null(center))
Q <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% Q))
- B <- t(Q) %*% x
+ B <- crossprod(Q, x)
} else
Q <- qr.Q(qr(x %*% Q - rep(1, nrow(x)) %*% crossprod(center, Q)))
@@ -113,6 +127,7 @@ svdr <- function(x, k, it=3, extra=10, center=NULL, Q=NULL)
s$u <- s$u[, 1:k]
s$d <- s$d[1:k]
s$v <- s$v[, 1:k]
- s$mprod <- 2 * it + 1
+ s$mprod <- 2 * j + 1
+ if (return.Q) s$Q <- Q1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 836ec4d..866f099 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,35 +8,22 @@ functions (see help on each for details and examples).
* `irlba()` partial SVD function
* `svdr()` alternate partial SVD function based on randomized SVD
+* `svds()` l1-penalized matrix decompoisition for sparse PCA (based on Shen and Huang's algorithm)
* `prcomp_irlba()` principal components function similar to the `prcomp` function in stats package for computing the first few principal components of large matrices
* `partial_eigen()` a very limited partial eigenvalue decomposition for symmetric matrices (see the [RSpectra](https://cran.r-project.org/package=RSpectra) package for more comprehensive truncated eigenvalue decomposition)
Help documentation for each function includes extensive documentation and
examples. Also see the package vignette, `vignette("irlba", package="irlba")`.
-## What's new in Version 2.2.1?
+An overview web page is here: https://bwlewis.github.io/irlba/.
-We include stronger convergence criteria and a new argument `svtol`
-for that. The new approach helps guarantee more accurate solutions for some
-difficult problems. The tradeoff is that the default behavior is a little
-slower than before because at least two Lanczos iterations are always run. The
-new convergence behavior can be disabled with `svtol=Inf`.
+## What's new in Version 2.3.0?
-The new package version includes a new function, svdr()--another state of the
-art truncated SVD method based on the randomized SVD algorithm of Gunnar
-Martinsson and others. Both irlba() and svdr() work well. Svdr uses a block
-method and may exhibit better convergence in problems where the largest
-singular values are clustered. See the documentation and examples in the
-package. (Block versions of irlba exists, but are not yet implemented by this R
-package--something coming in the future.)
-We re-introduced a solver for estimating the smallest singular values of a
-matrix and associated singular vector spaces. The solver is based on the
-oringial Harmonic Ritz vector augmentation method of Baglama and Reichel.
-Beware that this method is somewhat experimental and may fail to converge, or
-may converge poorly, to estimated singular values for very ill-conditioned
-matrices. Along with block methods for irlba, this is an active area of
-work--feel free to contribute!
+- Fixed an `irlba()` bug associated with centering (PCA), see https://github.com/bwlewis/irlba/issues/21.
+- Fixed `irlba()` scaling to conform to `scale`, see https://github.com/bwlewis/irlba/issues/22.
+- Improved `prcomp_irlba()` from a suggestion by N. Benjamin Erichson, see https://github.com/bwlewis/irlba/issues/23.
+- Significanty changed/improved `svdr()` convergence criterion.
+- Added a version of Shen and Huang's Sparse PCA/SVD L1-penalized matrix decomposition (`ssvd()`).
## Deprecated features
@@ -90,7 +77,7 @@ flexible than using custom arguments with idiosyncratic syntax and behavior.
We've even used the new approach to implement distributed parallel matrix
products for very large problems with amazingly little code.
-## Wishlist
+## Wishlist / help wanted...
- Optional block implementation for some use cases
- More Matrix classes supported in the fast code path
@@ -98,10 +85,10 @@ products for very large problems with amazingly little code.
## References
-* Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods, J. Baglama and L. Reichel, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2005. (http://www.math.uri.edu/~jbaglama/papers/paper14.pdf)
-* Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions N. Halko, P. G. Martinsson, J. Tropp. Sep. 2009.
+* Baglama, James, and Lothar Reichel. "Augmented implicitly restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27.1 (2005): 19-42.
+* Halko, Nathan, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel A. Tropp. "Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions." (2009).
+* Shen, Haipeng, and Jianhua Z. Huang. "Sparse principal component analysis via regularized low rank matrix approximation." Journal of multivariate analysis 99.6 (2008): 1015-1034.
+* Witten, Daniela M., Robert Tibshirani, and Trevor Hastie. "A penalized matrix decomposition, with applications to sparse principal components and canonical correlation analysis." Biostatistics 10.3 (2009): 515-534.
## Status
<a href="https://travis-ci.org/bwlewis/irlba">
@@ -113,3 +100,6 @@ products for very large problems with amazingly little code.
<a href="https://www.r-pkg.org/pkg/irlba">
<img src="http://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/irlba" />
+<a href="https://cran.r-project.org/package=irlba">
+ <img src="https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/irlba" />
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
index e919b8c..0441a8d 100644
Binary files a/build/vignette.rds and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/inst/doc/irlba.Rnw b/inst/doc/irlba.Rnw
index 5f11eb8..8fbe2a8 100644
--- a/inst/doc/irlba.Rnw
+++ b/inst/doc/irlba.Rnw
@@ -189,10 +189,15 @@ in the estimated singular values:
\subsection{Convergence tolerance}
-IRLBA is an iterative method that estimates a few largest singular values
+IRLBA is an iterative method that estimates a few singular values
and associated singular vectors. A sketch of the algorithm is outlined
-in Section \ref{sketch} below. The R {\tt tol} argument controls when the algorithm converges.
-Convergence occurs when
+in Section \ref{sketch} below. The R {\tt tol} and {\tt svtol} arguments control
+when the algorithm converges with {\tt tol} specifying
+subspace convergence, and {\tt svtol} specifying convergence of estimated
+singular values.
+Subspace convergence occurs when the algorithm iterations find
+estimated singular vectors that satisfy
\|AV_k - US_k\| < \mbox{tol} \cdot \|A\|,
@@ -205,10 +210,23 @@ the algorithm stops when
L <- irlba(A, k, tol)
svd(A %*% L$v - L$u %*% diag(L$d))$d[1] < tol * L$d[1]
-It's possible, but unlikely, to encounter problems that fail to converge before
+It's possible to encounter problems that fail to converge before
the maximum number of algorithm iterations specified by the {\tt maxit}
+When the largest singular values are clustered together it can be hard to
+detect subspace convergence. More recent versions of the IRLBA implementation
+include the {\tt svtol} argument that specifies a maximum for the relative
+change in each estimated singular value from one iteration to the next.
+The convergence tolerance values together help improve correct subspace
+detection in difficult settings when the singular values are clustered.
+But in the worst cases, block methods can perform better as shown in
+the documentation for the {\tt svdr} method.
+Also see the related {\tt rsvd} function by N. Benjamin Erichson,
\subsection{Differences with {\tt svd}}
The {\tt irlba} function is designed to compute a {\it partial} singular
@@ -260,20 +278,20 @@ are only unique up to sign!
> x <- matrix(rnorm(200), nrow=20)
> p1 <- prcomp_irlba(x, n=3)
> summary(p1)
-Importance of components:
- PC1 PC2 PC3
-Standard deviation 1.541 1.2513 1.1916
-Proportion of Variance 0.443 0.2921 0.2649
-Cumulative Proportion 0.443 0.7351 1.0000
+Importance of components%s:
+ PC1 PC2 PC3
+Standard deviation 1.5411 1.2513 1.1916
+Proportion of Variance 0.2806 0.1850 0.1678
+Cumulative Proportion 0.2806 0.4656 0.6334
> # Compare with
> p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
> summary(p2)
Importance of components:
- PC1 PC2 PC3
-Standard deviation 1.541 1.2513 1.1916
-Proportion of Variance 0.443 0.2921 0.2649
-Cumulative Proportion 0.443 0.7351 1.0000
+ PC1 PC2 PC3
+Standard deviation 1.5411 1.2513 1.1916
+Proportion of Variance 0.2806 0.1850 0.1678
+Cumulative Proportion 0.2806 0.4656 0.6334
Alternatively, you can compute principal components directly using the
singular value decomposition and the {\tt center} option:
@@ -289,10 +307,7 @@ singular value decomposition and the {\tt center} option:
[1,] 1.652423e-12
-The implementation of the {\tt center} function argument takes advantage of
-computational efficiencies in the IRLB algorithm that result in a modest
-savings of a few vector inner products per iteration compared to a naive
-implementation using a custom matrix vector product to center the matrix.
\subsection{Truncated symmetric eigenvalue decomposition}
@@ -302,59 +317,43 @@ sparse real-valued matrix. The function is particularly well-suited to
estimating the largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of symmetric
positive semi-definite matrices of the form $A^T A$.
\subsection{User-Defined Matrix Multiplication}
-The {\tt irlba} function includes options for specifying a custom matrix
-multiplication function. Custom matrix multiplication functions can be used,
-for example, with the {\tt big.matrix} class from the {\tt bigmemory}/{\tt
-bigalgebra} packages, or to compute the partial SVD of matrix-free linear
-User-defined matrix operations may specified using the optional {\tt mult}
-parameter. If defined, it must be a function of two arguments that computes
-matrix vector products. Either argument can be a vector, and the {\tt mult}
-function must deal with that. The following example illustrates a simple
-custom matrix function that scales the columns of the matrix, and then
-compares it with other ways of doing the same thing.
+The {\tt irlba} function only uses matrix vector products with the input data
+matrix to compute its solution. It's easy to use R's native object model to
+define custom matrix classes with user-defined matrix multiplication functions.
+Such functions can be used to support special matrix objects, out of core
+computation of large problems, or matrix-free operators.
+Here is a simple example that defines a matrix product that scales the
+columns of the matrix to have unit norm (cf the {\tt scale} option).
-> set.seed(1)
-> A <- matrix(runif(200), nrow=20)
-> col_scale <- 1:10
-> mult <- function(x,y)
-+ {
-+ # check if x is a plain vector
-+ if(is.vector(x))
-+ {
-+ return((x %*% y)/col_scale)
-+ }
-+ # else x is the matrix
-+ x %*% (y/col_scale)
-+ }
-> irlba(A, 3, mult=mult)$d
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
-> # Compare with:
-> irlba(A, 3, scale=col_scale)$d
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
-> # Compare with:
-> svd(scale(A, scale=col_scale, center=FALSE))$d[1:3]
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
+> A <- matrix(runif(400), nrow=20)
+> col_scale <- sqrt(apply(A, 2, crossprod))
+> setClass("scaled_matrix", contains="matrix", slots=c(scale="numeric"))
+> setMethod("%*%", signature(x="scaled_matrix", y="numeric"),
++ function(x ,y) x at .Data %*% (y / x at scale))
+> setMethod("%*%", signature(x="numeric", y="scaled_matrix"),
++ function(x ,y) (x %*% y at .Data) / y at scale)
+> a <- new("scaled_matrix", A, scale=col_scale)
+> irlba(a, 3)$d
+[1] 3.9298391 0.9565016 0.8266859
+# Compare with
+> svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
+[1] 3.9298391 0.9565016 0.8266859
-Alternatively, simply use R's operator overloading methods to define
-customized matrix vector products. This is the approach taken in
+See the following link for an example that uses large-scale out of core computation:
-vignette to work with large out of core genomics data.
-I prefer the simple operator overloading approach and may consider
-retiring the {\tt mult} function argument in some future package version.
-NOTE! When a user-defined matrix multiplication function is used, either using
-the {\tt mult} argument or through operator overloading, the R reference IRLBA
-implementation is used instead of the faster C code path in newer package
+NOTE! The reference R algorithm implementation is used whenever user-defined
+matrix multiplication is specified (instead of the faster C code path).
\section{A Quick Summary of the IRLBA Method}\label{sketch}
diff --git a/inst/doc/irlba.pdf b/inst/doc/irlba.pdf
index 432a249..73962b7 100644
Binary files a/inst/doc/irlba.pdf and b/inst/doc/irlba.pdf differ
diff --git a/man/irlba.Rd b/man/irlba.Rd
index d62dff6..b0fd54b 100644
--- a/man/irlba.Rd
+++ b/man/irlba.Rd
@@ -134,10 +134,11 @@ subspace. See the examples.
The function may generate the following warnings:
- \item{"did not converge--results might be invalid!; try increasing maxit or fastpath=FALSE" means that the algorithm didn't
+ \item{"did not converge--results might be invalid!; try increasing work or maxit"
+ means that the algorithm didn't
converge -- this is potentially a serious problem and the returned results may not be valid. \code{irlba}
reports a warning here instead of an error so that you can inspect whatever is returned. If this
- happens, carefully heed the warning and inspect the result.}
+ happens, carefully heed the warning and inspect the result. You may also try setting \code{fastpath=FALSE}.}
\item{"You're computing a large percentage of total singular values, standard svd might work better!"
\code{irlba} is designed to efficiently compute a few of the largest singular values and associated
singular vectors of a matrix. The standard \code{svd} function will be more efficient for computing
@@ -183,24 +184,7 @@ cbind(P$v,
# A custom matrix multiplication function that scales the columns of A
# (cf the scale option). This function scales the columns of A to unit norm.
-# This approach is deprecated (see below for a bettwe way to do this).
col_scale <- sqrt(apply(A, 2, crossprod))
-mult <- function(x, y)
- {
- # check if x is a vector
- if (is.vector(x))
- {
- return((x \%*\% y) / col_scale)
- }
- # else x is the matrix
- x \%*\% (y / col_scale)
- }
-irlba(A, 3, mult=mult)$d
-# Compare with:
-svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
-# Compare with the new recommended approach:
setClass("scaled_matrix", contains="matrix", slots=c(scale="numeric"))
setMethod("\%*\%", signature(x="scaled_matrix", y="numeric"),
function(x ,y) x at .Data \%*\% (y / x at scale))
@@ -209,11 +193,14 @@ setMethod("\%*\%", signature(x="numeric", y="scaled_matrix"),
a <- new("scaled_matrix", A, scale=col_scale)
irlba(a, 3)$d
+# Compare with:
+svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
-Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods, J. Baglama and L. Reichel, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2005.
+Baglama, James, and Lothar Reichel. "Augmented implicitly restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization methods." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27.1 (2005): 19-42.
\code{\link{svd}}, \code{\link{prcomp}}, \code{\link{partial_eigen}}, \code{\link{svdr}}
diff --git a/man/partial_eigen.Rd b/man/partial_eigen.Rd
index efc1685..e26ccbb 100644
--- a/man/partial_eigen.Rd
+++ b/man/partial_eigen.Rd
@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ Augmented Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Bidiagonalization Methods, J. Baglama and
\code{\link{eigen}}, \code{\link{irlba}}
diff --git a/man/prcomp_irlba.Rd b/man/prcomp_irlba.Rd
index e7f5592..da4f864 100644
--- a/man/prcomp_irlba.Rd
+++ b/man/prcomp_irlba.Rd
@@ -20,9 +20,18 @@ shifted to be zero centered. Alternately, a centering vector of length
equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.}
\item{scale.}{a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
-scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
-The default is \code{FALSE} for consistency with S, but scaling is often advisable.
-Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.}
+ scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
+ The default is \code{FALSE} for consistency with S, but scaling is often advisable.
+ Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.
+ The value of \code{scale} determines how column scaling is performed
+ (after centering). If \code{scale} is a numeric vector with length
+ equal to the number of columns of \code{x}, then each column of \code{x} is
+ divided by the corresponding value from \code{scale}. If \code{scale} is
+ \code{TRUE} then scaling is done by dividing the (centered) columns of
+ \code{x} by their standard deviations if \code{center=TRUE}, and the
+ root mean square otherwise. If \code{scale} is \code{FALSE}, no scaling is done.
+ See \code{\link{scale}} for more details.}
\item{...}{additional arguments passed to \code{\link{irlba}}.}
@@ -69,8 +78,8 @@ summary(p1)
p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
diff --git a/man/ssvd.Rd b/man/ssvd.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3c2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/ssvd.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/ssvd.R
+\title{Sparse regularized low-rank matrix approximation.}
+ssvd(x, k = 1, n = 2, maxit = 500, tol = 0.001, center = FALSE,
+ scale. = FALSE, alpha = 0, tsvd = NULL, ...)
+\item{x}{A numeric real- or complex-valued matrix or real-valued sparse matrix.}
+\item{k}{Matrix rank of the computed decomposition (see the Details section below).}
+\item{n}{Number of nonzero components in the right singular vectors. If \code{k > 1},
+then a single value of \code{n} specifies the number of nonzero components
+in each regularized right singular vector. Or, specify a vector of length
+\code{k} indicating the number of desired nonzero components in each
+returned vector. See the examples.}
+\item{maxit}{Maximum number of soft-thresholding iterations.}
+\item{tol}{Convergence is determined when \eqn{\|U_j - U_{j-1}\|_F < tol}{||U_j - U_{j-1}||_F < tol}, where \eqn{U_j} is the matrix of estimated left regularized singular vectors at iteration \eqn{j}.}
+\item{center}{a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
+shifted to be zero centered. Alternately, a centering vector of length
+equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied. Use \code{center=TRUE}
+to perform a regularized sparse PCA.}
+\item{scale.}{a logical value indicating whether the variables should be
+ scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place.
+ Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of \code{x} can be supplied.
+ The value of \code{scale} determines how column scaling is performed
+ (after centering). If \code{scale} is a numeric vector with length
+ equal to the number of columns of \code{x}, then each column of \code{x} is
+ divided by the corresponding value from \code{scale}. If \code{scale} is
+ \code{TRUE} then scaling is done by dividing the (centered) columns of
+ \code{x} by their standard deviations if \code{center=TRUE}, and the
+ root mean square otherwise. If \code{scale} is \code{FALSE}, no scaling is done.
+ See \code{\link{scale}} for more details.}
+\item{alpha}{Optional scalar regularization parameter between zero and one (see Details below).}
+\item{tsvd}{Optional initial rank-k truncated SVD or PCA (skips computation if supplied).}
+\item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{irlba}}.}
+A list containing the following components:
+ \item{u} {regularized left singular vectors with orthonormal columns}
+ \item{d} {regularized upper-triangluar projection matrix so that \code{x \%*\% v == u \%*\% d}}
+ \item{v} {regularized, sparse right singular vectors with columns of unit norm}
+ \item{center, scale} {the centering and scaling used, if any}
+ \item{lambda} {the per-column regularization parameter found to obtain the desired sparsity}
+ \item{iter} {number of soft thresholding iterations}
+ \item{n} {value of input parameter \code{n}}
+ \item{alpha} {value of input parameter \code{alpha}}
+Estimate an \eqn{{\ell}1}{l1}-penalized
+singular value or principal components decomposition (SVD or PCA) that introduces sparsity in the
+right singular vectors based on the fast and memory-efficient
+sPCA-rSVD algorithm of Haipeng Shen and Jianhua Huang.
+The \code{ssvd} function implements a version of an algorithm by
+Shen and Huang that computes a penalized SVD or PCA that introduces
+sparsity in the right singular vectors by solving a penalized least squares problem.
+The algorithm in the rank 1 case finds vectors \eqn{u, w}{u, w} that minimize
+\deqn{\|x - u w^T\|_F^2 + \lambda \|w\|_1}{||x - u w^T||_F^2 + lambda||w||_1}
+such that \eqn{\|u\| = 1}{||u|| = 1},
+and then sets \eqn{v = w / \|w\|}{v = w / ||w||} and
+\eqn{d = u^T x v}{d = u^T x v};
+see the referenced paper for details. The penalty \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} is
+implicitly determined from the specified desired number of nonzero values \code{n}.
+Higher rank output is determined similarly
+but using a sequence of \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} values determined to maintain the desired number
+of nonzero elements in each column of \code{v} specified by \code{n}.
+Unlike standard SVD or PCA, the columns of the returned \code{v} when \code{k > 1} may not be orthogonal.
+Our \code{ssvd} implementation of the Shen-Huang method makes the following choices:
+\item{The l1 penalty is the only available penalty function. Other penalties may appear in the future.}
+\item{Given a desired number of nonzero elements in \code{v}, value(s) for the \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}
+ penalty are determined to achieve the sparsity goal subject to the parameter \code{alpha}.}
+\item{An experimental block implementation is used for results with rank greater than 1 (when \code{k > 1})
+ instead of the deflation method described in the reference.}
+\item{The choice of a penalty lambda associated with a given number of desired nonzero
+ components is not unique. The \code{alpha} parameter, a scalar between zero and one,
+ selects any possible value of lambda that produces the desired number of
+ nonzero entries. The default \code{alpha = 0} selects a penalized solution with
+ largest corresponding value of \code{d} in the 1-d case. Think of \code{alpha} as
+ fine-tuning of the penalty.}
+\item{Our method returns an upper-triangular matrix \code{d} when \code{k > 1} so
+ that \code{x \%*\% v == u \%*\% d}. Non-zero
+ elements above the diagonal result from non-orthogonality of the \code{v} matrix,
+ providing a simple interpretation of cumulative information, or explained variance
+ in the PCA case, via the singular value decomposition of \code{d \%*\% t(v)}.}
+What if you have no idea for values of the argument \code{n} (the desired sparsity)?
+The reference describes a cross-validation and an ad-hoc approach; neither of which are
+in the package yet. Both are prohibitively computationally expensive for matrices with a huge
+number of columns. A future version of this package will include a revised approach to
+automatically selecting a reasonable sparsity constraint.
+Compare with the similar but more general functions \code{SPC} and \code{PMD} in the \code{PMA} package
+by Daniela M. Witten, Robert Tibshirani, Sam Gross, and Balasubramanian Narasimhan.
+The \code{PMD} function can compute low-rank regularized matrix decompositions with sparsity penalties
+on both the \code{u} and \code{v} vectors. The \code{ssvd} function is
+similar to the PMD(*, L1) method invocation of \code{PMD} or alternatively the \code{SPC} function.
+Although less general than \code{PMD}(*),
+the \code{ssvd} function can be faster and more memory efficient for the
+basic sparse PCA problem.
+See the examples below for more information.
+(* Note that the s4vd package by Martin Sill and Sebastian Kaiser, \url{https://cran.r-project.org/package=s4vd},
+includes a fast optimized version of a closely related algorithm by Shen, Huang, and Marron, that penalizes
+both \code{u} and \code{v}.)
+u <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=1)
+v <- matrix(c(runif(50, min=0.1), rep(0,250)), ncol=1)
+u <- u / drop(sqrt(crossprod(u)))
+v <- v / drop(sqrt(crossprod(v)))
+x <- u \%*\% t(v) + 0.001 * matrix(rnorm(200*300), ncol=300)
+s <- ssvd(x, n=50)
+table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 1] != 0)
+oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
+plot(u, cex=2, main="u (black circles), Estimated u (blue discs)")
+points(s$u, pch=19, col=4)
+plot(v, cex=2, main="v (black circles), Estimated v (blue discs)")
+points(s$v, pch=19, col=4)
+# Compare with SPC from the PMA package, regularizing only the v vector and choosing
+# the regularization constraint `sum(abs(s$v))` computed above by ssvd
+# (they find the about same solution in this "sparse SVD" case):
+if (requireNamespace("PMA", quietly = TRUE)) {
+ p <- PMA::SPC(x, sumabsv=sum(abs(s$v)), center=FALSE)
+ table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=p$v[, 1] != 0)
+ # compare optimized values
+ print(c(ssvd=s$d, SPC=p$d))
+ # Same example, but computing a "sparse PCA", again about the same results:
+ sp <- ssvd(x, n=50, center=TRUE)
+ pp <- PMA::SPC(x, sumabsv=sum(abs(sp$v)), center=TRUE)
+ print(c(ssvd=sp$d, SPC=pp$d))
+# Let's consider a trivial rank-2 example (k=2) with noise. Like the
+# last example, we know the exact number of nonzero elements in each
+# solution vector of the noise-free matrix. Note the application of
+# different sparsity constraints on each column of the estimated v.
+u <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(400), ncol=2)))
+v <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=300)
+v[sample(300, 15), 1] <- runif(15, min=0.1)
+v[sample(300, 50), 2] <- runif(50, min=0.1)
+v <- qr.Q(qr(v))
+x <- u \%*\% (c(2, 1) * t(v)) + .001 * matrix(rnorm(200 * 300), 200)
+s <- ssvd(x, k=2, n=colSums(v != 0))
+# Compare actual and estimated vectors:
+table(actual=v[, 1] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 1] != 0)
+table(actual=v[, 2] != 0, estimated=s$v[, 2] != 0)
+plot(v[, 1], cex=2, main="True v1 (black circles), Estimated v1 (blue discs)")
+points(s$v[, 1], pch=19, col=4)
+plot(v[, 2], cex=2, main="True v2 (black circles), Estimated v2 (blue discs)")
+points(s$v[, 2], pch=19, col=4)
+ \item{Shen, Haipeng, and Jianhua Z. Huang. "Sparse principal component analysis via regularized low rank matrix approximation." Journal of multivariate analysis 99.6 (2008): 1015-1034.}
+ \item{Witten, Tibshirani and Hastie (2009) A penalized matrix decomposition, with applications to sparse principal components and canonical correlation analysis. _Biostatistics_ 10(3): 515-534.}
diff --git a/man/summary.irlba_prcomp.Rd b/man/summary.irlba_prcomp.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f0dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/summary.irlba_prcomp.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prcomp.R
+\title{Summary method for truncated pca objects computed by \code{prcomp_irlba}.}
+\method{summary}{irlba_prcomp}(object, ...)
+\item{object}{An object returned by \code{prcomp_irlba}.}
+\item{...}{Optional arguments passed to \code{summary}.}
+Summary method for truncated pca objects computed by \code{prcomp_irlba}.
diff --git a/man/svdr.Rd b/man/svdr.Rd
index 608a45b..7fb8b87 100644
--- a/man/svdr.Rd
+++ b/man/svdr.Rd
@@ -5,14 +5,18 @@
\title{Find a few approximate largest singular values and corresponding
singular vectors of a matrix.}
-svdr(x, k, it = 3, extra = 10, center = NULL, Q = NULL)
+svdr(x, k, tol = 1e-05, it = 100L, extra = min(10L, dim(x) - k),
+ center = NULL, Q = NULL, return.Q = FALSE)
\item{x}{numeric real- or complex-valued matrix or real-valued sparse matrix.}
\item{k}{dimension of subspace to estimate (number of approximate singular values to compute).}
-\item{it}{fixed number of algorithm iterations, larger values improve accuracy.}
+\item{tol}{stop iteration when the largest absolute relative change in estimated singular
+values from one iteration to the next falls below this value.}
+\item{it}{maximum number of algorithm iterations.}
\item{extra}{number of extra vectors of dimension \code{ncol(x)}, larger values generally improve accuracy (with increased
computational cost).}
@@ -24,6 +28,8 @@ Use for efficient principal components computation.}
\item{Q}{optional initial random matrix, defaults to a matrix of size \code{ncol(x)} by \code{k + extra} with
entries sampled from a normal random distribution.}
+\item{return.Q}{if \code{TRUE} return the \code{Q} matrix for restarting (see examples).}
Returns a list with entries:
@@ -31,7 +37,8 @@ Returns a list with entries:
\item{d:}{ k approximate singular values}
\item{u:}{ k approximate left singular vectors}
\item{v:}{ k approximate right singular vectors}
- \item{mprod:}{ The total number of matrix vector products carried out}
+ \item{mprod:}{ total number of matrix products carried out}
+ \item{Q:}{ optional subspace matrix (when \code{return.Q=TRUE})}
@@ -45,6 +52,10 @@ less work for problems with clustered large singular values (see
the examples). In other problems, \code{irlba} may exhibit faster
+Also see an alternate implementation (\code{rsvd}) of this method by N. Benjamin Erichson
+in the https://cran.r-project.org/package=rsvd package.
@@ -98,6 +109,5 @@ Finding structure with randomness: Stochastic algorithms for constructing
approximate matrix decompositions N. Halko, P. G. Martinsson, J. Tropp. Sep. 2009.
-\code{\link{irlba}}, \code{\link{svd}}
+\code{\link{irlba}}, \code{\link{svd}}, \code{rsvd} in the rsvd package
diff --git a/src/irlb.c b/src/irlb.c
index e269341..6ebd989 100644
--- a/src/irlb.c
+++ b/src/irlb.c
double *V1, *U1, *W, *F, *B, *BU, *BV, *BS, *BW, *res, *T, *scale, *shift,
*center, *SVRATIO;
int i, iter, mprod, ret;
- R_xlen_t m, n;
+ int m, n;
int mult = INTEGER (MULT)[0];
void *AS = NULL;
n = ncols (X);
int nu = INTEGER (NU)[0];
- R_xlen_t work = INTEGER (WORK)[0];
+ int work = INTEGER (WORK)[0];
int maxit = INTEGER (MAXIT)[0];
double tol = REAL (TOL)[0];
double svtol = REAL (SVTOL)[0];
irlb (double *A, // Input data matrix (double case)
- void * AS, // input data matrix (sparse case)
+ void *AS, // input data matrix (sparse case)
int mult, // 0 -> use double *A, 1 -> use AS
int m, // data matrix number of rows, must be > 3.
int n, // data matrix number of columns, must be > 3.
@@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ irlb (double *A, // Input data matrix (double case)
if (restart == 0)
memset (B, 0, work * work * sizeof (double));
+ memset(svratio, 0, work * sizeof(double));
/* Main iteration */
while (iter < maxit)
@@ -325,9 +327,10 @@ irlb (double *A, // Input data matrix (double case)
R_CheckUserInterrupt ();
-/* optionally apply shift and scale */
+/* optionally apply shift, scale, center */
if (shift)
+ // Note, not a bug because shift only applies to square matrices
for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk)
F[kk] = F[kk] + shift[0] * W[j * m + kk];
@@ -336,6 +339,13 @@ irlb (double *A, // Input data matrix (double case)
for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
F[kk] = F[kk] / scale[kk];
+ if (center)
+ {
+ beta = 0;
+ for (kk = 0; kk < m; ++kk) beta += W[j *m + kk];
+ for (kk = 0; kk < n; ++kk)
+ F[kk] = F[kk] - beta * center[kk]; // XXX XXX XXX
+ }
SS = -S;
F77_NAME (daxpy) (&n, &SS, V + j * n, &inc, F, &inc);
orthog (V, F, T, n, j + 1, 1);
diff --git a/src/utility.c b/src/utility.c
index a2d6385..e3ac3cc 100644
--- a/src/utility.c
+++ b/src/utility.c
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ convtests (int Bsz, int n, double tol, double svtol, double Smax,
double *svratio, double *residuals, int *k, int *converged, double S)
int j, Len_res = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < Bsz; ++j)
+ for (j = 0; j < Bsz; j++)
if ((fabs (residuals[j]) < tol * Smax) && (svratio[j] < svtol))
diff --git a/tests/edge.R b/tests/edge.R
index 19da719..02b9ce1 100644
--- a/tests/edge.R
+++ b/tests/edge.R
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ test <- function()
# Convergence
loc <<- "convergence"
A <- S$u %*% (c(1e-5, rep(1e-9, 9)) * t(S$v))
- for (tol in 10 ^ - (7:12))
+ for (tol in 10 ^ - (7:11))
L <- irlba(A, 3, tol=tol, svtol=Inf)
converged <- svd(A %*% L$v - L$u %*% diag(L$d))$d[1] < tol * L$d[1]
diff --git a/tests/prcomp.r b/tests/prcomp.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2d260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/prcomp.r
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# prcomp convenience function
+x <- matrix(rnorm(200), nrow=20)
+p1 <- prcomp_irlba(x, n=3)
+p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
+if (!isTRUE(all.equal(p1$sdev[1:2], p2$sdev[1:2])))
+ stop("Failed basic prcomp test")
+s <- summary(p1)
+# scaling bug identified in issue #21
+normalize_signs <- function(X, Y) {
+ for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
+ if (sign(X[1, i]) != sign(Y[1, i])) {
+ Y[, i] <- -Y[, i]
+ }
+ }
+ return(Y)
+all.equal_pca <- function(X, Y) {
+ Y <- normalize_signs(X, Y)
+ return(all.equal(X, Y, check.attributes=F, tolerance=1e-4))
+X <- matrix(rnorm(2000), ncol=40)
+M <- 5 # number of PCA components
+centers <- colMeans(X)
+sds <- apply(X, 2, sd)
+rms <- apply(X, 2, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2) / (length(x) - 1)))
+Xc <- sweep(X, 2, centers, `-`)
+Xs <- sweep(X, 2, sds, `/`)
+Xcs <- sweep(Xc, 2, sds, `/`)
+Xrms <- sweep(X, 2, rms, `/`)
+# unscaled
+scaled <- FALSE
+centered <- FALSE
+pca <- prcomp(X, center=centered, scale.=scaled)
+sv <- svd(X)
+svir <- irlba(X, nv=M, nu=M)
+pcair <- prcomp_irlba(X, n=M, center=centered, scale.=scaled)
+Xpca <- predict(pca)[, 1:M]
+Xsvl <- sv$u[, 1:M] %*% diag(sv$d[1:M])
+Xsvr <- X %*% sv$v[, 1:M]
+Xsvirl <- svir$u %*% diag(svir$d)
+Xsvirr <- X %*% svir$v
+Xpcair <- predict(pcair)
+Xpcair2 <- X %*% pcair$rotation
+if (! isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xsvl, Xsvr)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xsvl)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xsvirl, Xsvirr)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xsvirl)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpcair, Xpcair2)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xpcair)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpcair, Xsvirl)))
+ stop("failed unscaled, uncentered prcomp")
+# scaled, uncentered
+scaled <- TRUE
+centered <- FALSE
+pca <- prcomp(X, center=centered, scale.=scaled)
+sv <- svd(Xrms)
+svir <- irlba(X, nv=M, nu=M, scale=rms)
+pcair <- prcomp_irlba(X, n=M, center=centered, scale.=scaled)
+Xpca <- predict(pca)[, 1:M]
+Xsvl <- sv$u[, 1:M] %*% diag(sv$d[1:M])
+Xsvr <- Xrms %*% sv$v[, 1:M]
+Xsvirl <- svir$u %*% diag(svir$d)
+Xsvirr <- Xrms %*% svir$v
+Xpcair <- predict(pcair)
+Xpcair2 <- Xrms %*% pcair$rotation
+if (! isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xsvl, Xsvr)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xsvl)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xsvirl, Xsvirr)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xsvirl)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpcair, Xpcair2)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpca, Xpcair)) &&
+ isTRUE(all.equal_pca(Xpcair, Xsvirl)))
+ stop("failed scaled, uncentered prcomp")
diff --git a/tests/ssvd.R b/tests/ssvd.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50fd999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ssvd.R
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Tests for sparse SVD/PCA
+loc <- ""
+test <- function()
+ on.exit(message("Error occured in: ", loc))
+ loc <<- "sparse SVD"
+ set.seed(1)
+ x <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
+ s <- ssvd(x, 1, n=5)
+ stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(sqrt(drop(crossprod(x %*% s$v - s$u %*% s$d))), 0)))
+ loc <<- "sparse PCA"
+ set.seed(1)
+ x <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
+ s <- ssvd(x, 1, n=5, center=TRUE)
+ stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(sqrt(drop(crossprod(scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) %*% s$v - s$u %*% s$d))), 0)))
+ loc <<- "sparse PCA + scale"
+ set.seed(1)
+ x <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
+ s <- ssvd(x, 1, n=5, center=TRUE, scale.=TRUE)
+ isTRUE(all.equal(sqrt(drop(crossprod(scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) %*% s$v - s$u %*% s$d))), 0))
+ loc <<- "sparse scaled"
+ set.seed(1)
+ x <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
+ s <- ssvd(x, 1, n=5, center=FALSE, scale.=TRUE)
+ isTRUE(all.equal(sqrt(drop(crossprod(scale(x, center=FALSE, scale=TRUE) %*% s$v - s$u %*% s$d))), 0))
+ on.exit()
diff --git a/tests/svdr.R b/tests/svdr.R
index 7feecdb..f1acdd2 100644
--- a/tests/svdr.R
+++ b/tests/svdr.R
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ test <- function()
loc <<- "svdr dense m > n"
A <- matrix(rnorm(50 * 40), 50)
- L <- svdr(A, 5, 10, extra=15)
+ L <- svdr(A, 5, extra=15)
S <- svd(A, nu=5, nv=5)
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(L$d, S$d[1:5])))
loc <<- "svdr dense m < n"
A <- matrix(rnorm(50 * 40), 40)
- L <- svdr(A, 5, 10, extra=15)
+ L <- svdr(A, 5, extra=15)
S <- svd(A, nu=5, nv=5)
stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(L$d, S$d[1:5])))
diff --git a/tests/test.R b/tests/test.R
index ecaabdf..b8c85b8 100644
--- a/tests/test.R
+++ b/tests/test.R
@@ -115,15 +115,6 @@ for (FAST in c(FALSE, TRUE))
stop("Failed reorthogonalization test", " fastpath=", FAST)
- # prcomp convenience function
- x <- matrix(rnorm(200), nrow=20)
- p1 <- prcomp_irlba(x, n=3, fastpath=FAST)
- p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
- if (!isTRUE(all.equal(p1$sdev[1:2], p2$sdev[1:2])))
- {
- stop("Failed prcomp test", " fastpath=", FAST)
- }
# very non-square dense matrices
A <- matrix(rnorm(2000), 20)
@@ -161,6 +152,31 @@ for (FAST in c(FALSE, TRUE))
stop("Failed tprolate test fastpath=", FAST)
+ # test for issue #7 and issue #14
+ mx <- matrix(sample(1:100, 100 * 100, replace=TRUE), nrow=100)
+ set.seed(1)
+ l <- irlba(mx, nv=30, center=colMeans(mx), fastpath=FAST)
+ s <- svd(scale(mx, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))
+ if (isTRUE(max(abs(l$d - s$d[1:30])) > 1e-3))
+ {
+ stop("Failed integer matrix test fastpath=", FAST)
+ }
+ # test for https://github.com/bwlewis/irlba/issues/22
+ set.seed(1000)
+ ncells <- 50
+ ngenes <- 1000
+ counts <- matrix(as.double(rpois(ncells*ngenes, lambda=100)), nrow=ncells)
+ centers <- colMeans(counts)
+ set.seed(1)
+ out <- irlba(scale(counts, scale=FALSE, center=centers), nu=10, nv=10)
+ set.seed(1)
+ l <- irlba(counts, center=centers, nu=10, nv=10, fastpath=FAST)
+ if (isTRUE(max(abs(out$d - l$d)) > 1e-3))
+ {
+ stop("Failed centering test (n > m) fastpath=", FAST)
+ }
# smallest=TRUE, m > n (fastpath always FALSE in this case)
diff --git a/vignettes/irlba.Rnw b/vignettes/irlba.Rnw
index 5f11eb8..8fbe2a8 100644
--- a/vignettes/irlba.Rnw
+++ b/vignettes/irlba.Rnw
@@ -189,10 +189,15 @@ in the estimated singular values:
\subsection{Convergence tolerance}
-IRLBA is an iterative method that estimates a few largest singular values
+IRLBA is an iterative method that estimates a few singular values
and associated singular vectors. A sketch of the algorithm is outlined
-in Section \ref{sketch} below. The R {\tt tol} argument controls when the algorithm converges.
-Convergence occurs when
+in Section \ref{sketch} below. The R {\tt tol} and {\tt svtol} arguments control
+when the algorithm converges with {\tt tol} specifying
+subspace convergence, and {\tt svtol} specifying convergence of estimated
+singular values.
+Subspace convergence occurs when the algorithm iterations find
+estimated singular vectors that satisfy
\|AV_k - US_k\| < \mbox{tol} \cdot \|A\|,
@@ -205,10 +210,23 @@ the algorithm stops when
L <- irlba(A, k, tol)
svd(A %*% L$v - L$u %*% diag(L$d))$d[1] < tol * L$d[1]
-It's possible, but unlikely, to encounter problems that fail to converge before
+It's possible to encounter problems that fail to converge before
the maximum number of algorithm iterations specified by the {\tt maxit}
+When the largest singular values are clustered together it can be hard to
+detect subspace convergence. More recent versions of the IRLBA implementation
+include the {\tt svtol} argument that specifies a maximum for the relative
+change in each estimated singular value from one iteration to the next.
+The convergence tolerance values together help improve correct subspace
+detection in difficult settings when the singular values are clustered.
+But in the worst cases, block methods can perform better as shown in
+the documentation for the {\tt svdr} method.
+Also see the related {\tt rsvd} function by N. Benjamin Erichson,
\subsection{Differences with {\tt svd}}
The {\tt irlba} function is designed to compute a {\it partial} singular
@@ -260,20 +278,20 @@ are only unique up to sign!
> x <- matrix(rnorm(200), nrow=20)
> p1 <- prcomp_irlba(x, n=3)
> summary(p1)
-Importance of components:
- PC1 PC2 PC3
-Standard deviation 1.541 1.2513 1.1916
-Proportion of Variance 0.443 0.2921 0.2649
-Cumulative Proportion 0.443 0.7351 1.0000
+Importance of components%s:
+ PC1 PC2 PC3
+Standard deviation 1.5411 1.2513 1.1916
+Proportion of Variance 0.2806 0.1850 0.1678
+Cumulative Proportion 0.2806 0.4656 0.6334
> # Compare with
> p2 <- prcomp(x, tol=0.7)
> summary(p2)
Importance of components:
- PC1 PC2 PC3
-Standard deviation 1.541 1.2513 1.1916
-Proportion of Variance 0.443 0.2921 0.2649
-Cumulative Proportion 0.443 0.7351 1.0000
+ PC1 PC2 PC3
+Standard deviation 1.5411 1.2513 1.1916
+Proportion of Variance 0.2806 0.1850 0.1678
+Cumulative Proportion 0.2806 0.4656 0.6334
Alternatively, you can compute principal components directly using the
singular value decomposition and the {\tt center} option:
@@ -289,10 +307,7 @@ singular value decomposition and the {\tt center} option:
[1,] 1.652423e-12
-The implementation of the {\tt center} function argument takes advantage of
-computational efficiencies in the IRLB algorithm that result in a modest
-savings of a few vector inner products per iteration compared to a naive
-implementation using a custom matrix vector product to center the matrix.
\subsection{Truncated symmetric eigenvalue decomposition}
@@ -302,59 +317,43 @@ sparse real-valued matrix. The function is particularly well-suited to
estimating the largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of symmetric
positive semi-definite matrices of the form $A^T A$.
\subsection{User-Defined Matrix Multiplication}
-The {\tt irlba} function includes options for specifying a custom matrix
-multiplication function. Custom matrix multiplication functions can be used,
-for example, with the {\tt big.matrix} class from the {\tt bigmemory}/{\tt
-bigalgebra} packages, or to compute the partial SVD of matrix-free linear
-User-defined matrix operations may specified using the optional {\tt mult}
-parameter. If defined, it must be a function of two arguments that computes
-matrix vector products. Either argument can be a vector, and the {\tt mult}
-function must deal with that. The following example illustrates a simple
-custom matrix function that scales the columns of the matrix, and then
-compares it with other ways of doing the same thing.
+The {\tt irlba} function only uses matrix vector products with the input data
+matrix to compute its solution. It's easy to use R's native object model to
+define custom matrix classes with user-defined matrix multiplication functions.
+Such functions can be used to support special matrix objects, out of core
+computation of large problems, or matrix-free operators.
+Here is a simple example that defines a matrix product that scales the
+columns of the matrix to have unit norm (cf the {\tt scale} option).
-> set.seed(1)
-> A <- matrix(runif(200), nrow=20)
-> col_scale <- 1:10
-> mult <- function(x,y)
-+ {
-+ # check if x is a plain vector
-+ if(is.vector(x))
-+ {
-+ return((x %*% y)/col_scale)
-+ }
-+ # else x is the matrix
-+ x %*% (y/col_scale)
-+ }
-> irlba(A, 3, mult=mult)$d
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
-> # Compare with:
-> irlba(A, 3, scale=col_scale)$d
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
-> # Compare with:
-> svd(scale(A, scale=col_scale, center=FALSE))$d[1:3]
-[1] 3.1384503 0.9477628 0.4313855
+> A <- matrix(runif(400), nrow=20)
+> col_scale <- sqrt(apply(A, 2, crossprod))
+> setClass("scaled_matrix", contains="matrix", slots=c(scale="numeric"))
+> setMethod("%*%", signature(x="scaled_matrix", y="numeric"),
++ function(x ,y) x at .Data %*% (y / x at scale))
+> setMethod("%*%", signature(x="numeric", y="scaled_matrix"),
++ function(x ,y) (x %*% y at .Data) / y at scale)
+> a <- new("scaled_matrix", A, scale=col_scale)
+> irlba(a, 3)$d
+[1] 3.9298391 0.9565016 0.8266859
+# Compare with
+> svd(sweep(A, 2, col_scale, FUN=`/`))$d[1:3]
+[1] 3.9298391 0.9565016 0.8266859
-Alternatively, simply use R's operator overloading methods to define
-customized matrix vector products. This is the approach taken in
+See the following link for an example that uses large-scale out of core computation:
-vignette to work with large out of core genomics data.
-I prefer the simple operator overloading approach and may consider
-retiring the {\tt mult} function argument in some future package version.
-NOTE! When a user-defined matrix multiplication function is used, either using
-the {\tt mult} argument or through operator overloading, the R reference IRLBA
-implementation is used instead of the faster C code path in newer package
+NOTE! The reference R algorithm implementation is used whenever user-defined
+matrix multiplication is specified (instead of the faster C code path).
\section{A Quick Summary of the IRLBA Method}\label{sketch}
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