[med-svn] [soapdenovo2] 02/03: Updated version 241+dfsg from 'upstream/241+dfsg'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Sep 6 08:50:54 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository soapdenovo2.

commit 6a0b6c23eee5508419e0710d00c66753856a9dcb
Merge: fb6c745 98dff73
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Sep 6 10:04:08 2017 +0200

    Updated version 241+dfsg from 'upstream/241+dfsg'
    with Debian dir fa43c6daeceb1cdf7d31d32e7df4fa55fc533805

 Makefile                                |    31 +-
 README.md                               |    18 +-
 VERSION                                 |     2 +-
 fusion/Makefile                         |    46 +
 fusion/attachPEinfo.c                   |   634 ++
 fusion/bundle.c                         |   517 ++
 fusion/check.c                          |    69 +
 fusion/connect.c                        |   194 +
 fusion/darray.c                         |    60 +
 fusion/fib.c                            |   691 ++
 fusion/fibHeap.c                        |    77 +
 fusion/finalFusion                      |   Bin 0 -> 316190 bytes
 fusion/hashFunction.c                   |    86 +
 fusion/inc/check.h                      |     5 +
 fusion/inc/darray.h                     |    23 +
 fusion/inc/def.h                        |   299 +
 fusion/inc/def2.h                       |    44 +
 {standardPregraph => fusion}/inc/dfib.h |    47 +-
 fusion/inc/dfibHeap.h                   |    43 +
 fusion/inc/dfibpriv.h                   |    97 +
 fusion/inc/extfunc.h                    |   209 +
 fusion/inc/extfunc2.h                   |     7 +
 fusion/inc/extvab.h                     |    92 +
 fusion/inc/fib.h                        |    81 +
 fusion/inc/fibHeap.h                    |    43 +
 fusion/inc/fibpriv.h                    |   112 +
 fusion/inc/general.h                    |    89 +
 fusion/inc/global.h                     |    74 +
 fusion/inc/newhash.h                    |   122 +
 fusion/inc/nuc.h                        |    14 +
 fusion/inc/stack.h                      |    35 +
 fusion/inc/stdinc.h                     |    40 +
 fusion/inc/types.h                      |    14 +
 fusion/kmer.c                           |   145 +
 fusion/lib.c                            |   438 +
 fusion/loadGraph.c                      |   494 +
 fusion/localAsm.c                       |  1976 ++++
 fusion/main.c                           |   210 +
 fusion/map.c                            |    42 +
 fusion/mem_manager.c                    |    95 +
 fusion/newhash.c                        |   630 ++
 fusion/orderContig.c                    |  4426 +++++++++
 fusion/output_scaffold.c                |    76 +
 fusion/potential.c                      |   268 +
 fusion/prepare.c                        |   254 +
 fusion/prlHashCtg.c                     |   387 +
 fusion/prlRead2Ctg.c                    |  1090 +++
 fusion/prlReadFillGap.c                 |  1234 +++
 fusion/read2scaf.c                      |   294 +
 fusion/readseq1by1.c                    |   591 ++
 fusion/scaffold.c                       |    62 +
 fusion/searchPath.c                     |   205 +
 fusion/seq.c                            |   195 +
 fusion/stack.c                          |   132 +
 sparsePregraph/Makefile                 |    40 +-
 sparsePregraph/build_edge.cpp           |  2504 +++---
 sparsePregraph/build_graph.cpp          |  1124 +--
 sparsePregraph/build_preArc.cpp         |  2019 ++---
 sparsePregraph/change.log               |    24 -
 sparsePregraph/convert_soapdenovo.cpp   |   700 +-
 sparsePregraph/global.cpp               |    24 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/build_edge.h         |    70 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/build_graph.h        |    10 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/build_preArc.h       |   152 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/convert_soapdenovo.h |     6 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/core.h               |   164 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/faidx.h              |   104 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/glf.h                |    48 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/global.h             |    24 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/io_func.h            |    14 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/knetfile.h           |    66 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/kstring.h            |    66 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/multi_threads.h      |    28 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/razf.h               |    84 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/sam_header.h         |    18 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/sam_view.h           |    75 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/seq_util.h           |   891 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/sparse_kmer.h        |   447 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/stdinc.h             |     2 +-
 sparsePregraph/inc/xcurses.h            |  1326 +--
 sparsePregraph/inc/xcurses.h.gch        |   Bin 3154808 -> 0 bytes
 sparsePregraph/io_func.cpp              |  1565 ++--
 sparsePregraph/main.cpp                 |     8 +-
 sparsePregraph/multi_threads.cpp        |   176 +-
 sparsePregraph/pregraph_sparse.cpp      |  1197 +--
 standardPregraph/Makefile               |    32 +-
 standardPregraph/arc.c                  |   396 +-
 standardPregraph/attachPEinfo.c         |  1028 +--
 standardPregraph/bubble.c               |  3440 +++----
 standardPregraph/check.c                |   172 +-
 standardPregraph/compactEdge.c          |   182 +-
 standardPregraph/concatenateEdge.c      |   526 +-
 standardPregraph/connect.c              |   258 +-
 standardPregraph/contig.c               |   492 +-
 standardPregraph/cutTipPreGraph.c       |  1084 +--
 standardPregraph/cutTip_graph.c         |   810 +-
 standardPregraph/cutTip_graph2.c        |   770 +-
 standardPregraph/darray.c               |    88 +-
 standardPregraph/dfib.c                 |   866 +-
 standardPregraph/dfibHeap.c             |    50 +-
 standardPregraph/fib.c                  |  1002 +--
 standardPregraph/fibHeap.c              |    38 +-
 standardPregraph/hashFunction.c         |   190 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/check.h            |     8 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/darray.h           |    20 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/def.h              |   340 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/def2.h             |    34 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/dfib.h             |     4 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/dfibHeap.h         |    22 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/dfibpriv.h         |    34 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/extfunc.h          |   222 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/extfunc2.h         |    10 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/extvab.h           |    56 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/faidx.h            |   104 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/fib.h              |    10 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/fibHeap.h          |    22 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/fibpriv.h          |    58 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/glf.h              |    48 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/global.h           |    56 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/kmerhash.h         |    48 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/knetfile.h         |    66 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/kstring.h          |    66 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/newhash.h          |    68 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/nuc.h              |     2 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/razf.h             |    84 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/sam_header.h       |    18 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/sam_view.h         |    75 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/stack.h            |    36 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/stdinc.h           |     2 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/types.h            |     2 +-
 standardPregraph/inc/xcurses.h          |  1326 +--
 standardPregraph/iterate.c              |  4180 ++++-----
 standardPregraph/kmer.c                 |   921 +-
 standardPregraph/kmerhash.c             |   678 +-
 standardPregraph/lib.c                  |  1128 +--
 standardPregraph/linearEdge.c           |   598 +-
 standardPregraph/loadGraph.c            |  1042 +--
 standardPregraph/loadPath.c             |   522 +-
 standardPregraph/loadPreGraph.c         |  1014 +--
 standardPregraph/localAsm.c             |  3997 ++++-----
 standardPregraph/main.c                 |  1008 ++-
 standardPregraph/map.c                  |   276 +-
 standardPregraph/mem_manager.c          |   110 +-
 standardPregraph/newhash.c              |   844 +-
 standardPregraph/node2edge.c            |  1010 +--
 standardPregraph/orderContig.c          | 14376 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 standardPregraph/output_contig.c        |   691 +-
 standardPregraph/output_pregraph.c      |   128 +-
 standardPregraph/output_scaffold.c      |   120 +-
 standardPregraph/pregraph.c             |   309 +-
 standardPregraph/prlHashCtg.c           |   682 +-
 standardPregraph/prlHashReads.c         |  1905 ++--
 standardPregraph/prlRead2Ctg.c          |  2178 ++---
 standardPregraph/prlRead2path.c         |  2312 ++---
 standardPregraph/prlReadFillGap.c       |  3516 ++++----
 standardPregraph/read2edge.c            |  2757 +++---
 standardPregraph/read2scaf.c            |   526 +-
 standardPregraph/readInterval.c         |    46 +-
 standardPregraph/readseq1by1.c          |  2350 ++---
 standardPregraph/scaffold.c             |   343 +-
 standardPregraph/searchPath.c           |   416 +-
 standardPregraph/seq.c                  |   204 +-
 standardPregraph/splitReps.c            |   868 +-
 standardPregraph/stack.c                |   236 +-
 update.log                              |    91 -
 165 files changed, 57227 insertions(+), 38555 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/soapdenovo2.git

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