[med-svn] [edfbrowser] branch master updated (d373b1d -> 822deef)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Sat Sep 9 20:57:51 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository edfbrowser.
from d373b1d Moved packaging from SVN to Git
new 82babf1 New upstream version 1.59
new c4045c1 Updated version 1.59 from 'upstream/1.59'
new 75ce739 New upstream version
new 73a0f55 debhelper 10
new 5946ffb Standards-Version: 4.1.0 (no changes needed)
new 822deef remove unused variable definitions; upload to unstable
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
README.txt | 29 ++
about_dialog.cpp | 4 +-
about_dialog.h | 2 +-
active_file_chooser.cpp | 2 +-
active_file_chooser.h | 2 +-
adjustfiltersettings.cpp | 2 +-
adjustfiltersettings.h | 2 +-
annotations_dock.cpp | 417 +++++++++--------
annotations_dock.h | 4 +-
ascii2edf.cpp | 2 +-
ascii2edf.h | 2 +-
ascii_export.cpp | 2 +-
ascii_export.h | 2 +-
averager_curve_wnd.cpp | 2 +-
averager_curve_wnd.h | 2 +-
averager_dialog.cpp | 43 +-
averager_dialog.h | 2 +-
bdf2edf.cpp | 2 +-
bdf2edf.h | 2 +-
bdf_triggers.cpp | 44 +-
bdf_triggers.h | 9 +-
bi9800.cpp | 2 +-
bi9800.h | 2 +-
biosemi2bdfplus.cpp | 80 ++--
biosemi2bdfplus.h | 2 +-
biox2edf.cpp | 2 +-
biox2edf.h | 2 +-
check_edf_file.cpp | 2 +-
check_edf_file.h | 2 +-
check_for_updates.cpp | 2 +-
check_for_updates.h | 2 +-
colordialog.cpp | 2 +-
colordialog.h | 2 +-
date_time_stamp_parser.c | 2 +-
date_time_stamp_parser.h | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +-
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/rules | 6 -
doc/manual.html | 15 +-
ecg_export.cpp | 53 ++-
ecg_export.h | 8 +-
ecg_filter.cpp | 2 +-
ecg_filter.h | 2 +-
edf_annot_list.c | 442 ++++++++----------
edf_annot_list.h | 53 ++-
edf_annotations.cpp | 108 ++---
edf_annotations.h | 6 +-
edf_annotations_new.cpp | 769 -------------------------------
edf_compat.cpp | 2 +-
edf_compat.h | 2 +-
edf_helper.c | 113 +++++
date_time_stamp_parser.h => edf_helper.h | 16 +-
edfbrowser.pro | 2 +
edflib.c | 2 +-
edflib.h | 2 +-
edfplusd_cnv.cpp | 234 +++++-----
edfplusd_cnv.h | 4 +-
edit_annotation_dock.cpp | 150 +++---
edit_annotation_dock.h | 8 +-
edit_predefined_mtg.cpp | 2 +-
edit_predefined_mtg.h | 2 +-
emsa2edf.cpp | 2 +-
emsa2edf.h | 2 +-
export_annotations.cpp | 54 ++-
export_annotations.h | 2 +-
filter.cpp | 2 +-
filter.h | 2 +-
filter_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
filter_dialog.h | 2 +-
filtercurve.cpp | 2 +-
filtercurve.h | 2 +-
filteredblockread.cpp | 2 +-
filteredblockread.h | 2 +-
fino2edf.cpp | 2 +-
fino2edf.h | 2 +-
flywheel.cpp | 2 +-
flywheel.h | 2 +-
fma_ecg2edf.cpp | 30 +-
fma_ecg2edf.h | 14 +-
global.h | 23 +-
header_editor.cpp | 69 ++-
header_editor.h | 7 +-
images/splash.png | Bin 9307 -> 9305 bytes
import_annotations.cpp | 239 +++++-----
import_annotations.h | 4 +-
jump_dialog.cpp | 34 +-
jump_dialog.h | 5 +-
load_montage_dialog.cpp | 306 ++++++++----
load_montage_dialog.h | 2 +-
main.cpp | 2 +-
mainwindow.cpp | 149 +++---
mainwindow.h | 8 +-
mainwindow_constr.cpp | 9 +-
manscan2edf.cpp | 2 +-
manscan2edf.h | 2 +-
mit2edf.cpp | 291 ++++++------
mit2edf.h | 2 +-
nexfin2edf.cpp | 2 +-
nexfin2edf.h | 2 +-
nk2edf.cpp | 2 +-
nk2edf.h | 2 +-
options_dialog.cpp | 4 +-
options_dialog.h | 4 +-
pagetime_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
pagetime_dialog.h | 2 +-
popup_save_cancelwindow.cpp | 2 +-
popup_save_cancelwindow.h | 2 +-
print_to_bdf.cpp | 67 +--
print_to_bdf.h | 4 +-
print_to_edf.cpp | 69 ++-
print_to_edf.h | 4 +-
ravg_filter.cpp | 2 +-
ravg_filter.h | 2 +-
raw2edf.cpp | 2 +-
raw2edf.h | 2 +-
read_write_settings.cpp | 34 +-
reduce_signals.cpp | 100 ++--
reduce_signals.h | 3 +-
save_annots.cpp | 57 ++-
save_annots.h | 5 +-
save_montage_dialog.cpp | 6 +-
save_montage_dialog.h | 2 +-
scp_ecg2edf.cpp | 2 +-
scp_ecg2edf.h | 2 +-
show_actual_montage_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
show_actual_montage_dialog.h | 2 +-
show_edf_hdr.cpp | 2 +-
show_edf_hdr.h | 2 +-
signal_chooser.cpp | 2 +-
signal_chooser.h | 2 +-
signalcurve.cpp | 4 +-
signalcurve.h | 2 +-
signals_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
signals_dialog.h | 2 +-
special_button.cpp | 2 +-
special_button.h | 2 +-
spectrum_dock.cpp | 2 +-
spectrum_dock.h | 2 +-
spectrumanalyzer.cpp | 2 +-
spectrumanalyzer.h | 2 +-
spike_filter.cpp | 2 +-
spike_filter.h | 2 +-
spike_filter_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
spike_filter_dialog.h | 2 +-
statistics_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
statistics_dialog.h | 2 +-
unisens2edf.cpp | 20 +-
unisens2edf.h | 2 +-
utc_date_time.c | 2 +-
utc_date_time.h | 2 +-
utils.c | 2 +-
utils.h | 2 +-
version.txt | 25 +
videoplayer.cpp | 2 +-
view_montage_dialog.cpp | 2 +-
view_montage_dialog.h | 2 +-
viewbuf.cpp | 2 +-
viewcurve.cpp | 31 +-
viewcurve.h | 2 +-
wav2edf.cpp | 2 +-
wav2edf.h | 2 +-
xml.cpp | 7 +-
xml.h | 2 +-
z_ratio_filter.cpp | 2 +-
z_ratio_filter.h | 2 +-
z_score_dialog.cpp | 26 +-
z_score_dialog.h | 2 +-
168 files changed, 2037 insertions(+), 2520 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 edf_annotations_new.cpp
create mode 100644 edf_helper.c
copy date_time_stamp_parser.h => edf_helper.h (75%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/edfbrowser.git
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