[med-svn] [r-cran-bio3d] branch master created (now 501a405)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Fri Sep 22 21:29:08 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository r-cran-bio3d.
at 501a405 Moved packaging from SVN to Git
This branch includes the following new commits:
new e654780 Found this excellent package for protein structure visualisation and analysis in R. Amazing.
new cbdc37d * debian-med maintenance introduced everywhere * final polishing to bio3d that is now also uploaded.
new f924105 Dirk preferred not to be amongst the uploaders.
new 594f098 Added info about Dirk's desparate NMU, the watch file still does not work.
new 109a63d s/Debian-Med/Debian Med
new 9025b16 New upstream release, and package refreshing.
new 6d1891e Syntax corrections.
new 59fcaaf Corrected a syntax error.
new 06c4687 New upstream release, and misc. packaging changes.
new 6d20d9c Commit changes of currently available version
new 60bcde3 New upstream version
new 404c709 r-other-bio3d (1.1-2-1) unstable; urgency=low
new 36b1fc5 New upstream release (no new copyright or license notice).
new 889b2e8 Uploaded r-other-bio3d_1.1-3-1_amd64.changes.
new c5d3e87 Renamed debian/upstream-metadata.yaml to debian/upstream.
new dc5872d debian/upstream: Moved DOI and PMID to the Reference namespace.
new a267543 Corrected the files that did not validate with YAML::XS.
new f3310bc New upstream version
new 6e8c986 removed duplicated entry doi and moved pmid to references
new ad5e92e New handling of R:Depends substitution variable
new ed778d9 Fixed DEP5 issues using `cme fix dpkg-copyright` and some additional information
new 9823359 Upload to unstable
new f4b0870 Normalised VCS URLs following Lintian's standards.
new 9176a1a Deleted obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed field.
new 21b12fd Using Debhelper 9.
new b5605fa Conforms to Policy version 3.9.4.
new 612457f Remove copyright statement for trivial makefile.
new 63b3fe4 New homepage.
new 6442511 No new copyright or license statement in the new upstream release.
new febf32f r-other-bio3d (1.1-5-1) unstable; urgency=low
new ff25a42 Removed myself from Uploaders.
new 107d43b Move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata
new 5af3247 Adpated watch file
new f7cd301 cme fix dpkg-control
new f1a5705 Add unit testing (need to sort out partly failing test before upload)
new baa46b3 Fix uversionmangle in d/watch
new ea00982 Recommends: muscle (since it is used in unit tests)
new 3b2d326 Nuw source location in d/copyright
new 11eca18 fix d/watch to new location on cran
new 115e582 remove redundant README.Debian
new c924db3 follow move to CRAN by renaming r-other-bio3d to r-cran-bio3d
new 0d96dd6 Moved r-other-bio3d to r-cran-bio3d
new c319ccf cme fix dpkg-control
new 398acfb drop other from d/rules
new 32da45e Need to sort out with upstream how to test the package
new 2c7f1f0 update d/copyright and upload to unstable
new 4ba6fcc * New upstream version * Convert to dh-r * cme fix dpkg-control * Canonical homepage for CRAN * New Build-Depends: r-cran-rcpp
new 83dbec4 * New upstream version * debhelper 10 * d/watch: version=4
new 369a53a Architecture: any
new 1953330 New upstream version 2.3-1
new 61e1f3b Updated version 2.3-1 from 'upstream/2.3-1'
new 501a405 Moved packaging from SVN to Git
The 52 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/r-cran-bio3d.git
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