[med-svn] [mcl] 04/08: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/14-137+ds'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Jan 22 11:05:00 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mcl.

commit 96db8e52a215379a2b13a08f32f6872af72175c5
Merge: e4a95b6 cc86e81
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 22 11:45:47 2018 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/14-137+ds'
    Update to upstream version '14-137+ds'
    with Debian dir 82f538f9156cd5e72461342232c186fa98bf5707

 Makefile.in                            |  704 ---------
 doc/Makefile.in                        |  804 ----------
 doc/clm.1                              |  147 --
 doc/clm.html                           |  226 ---
 doc/clm.ps                             |  349 -----
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 doc/clmclose.html                      |  226 ---
 doc/clmclose.ps                        |  366 -----
 doc/clmdist.1                          |  409 ------
 doc/clmdist.html                       |  454 ------
 doc/clmdist.ps                         |  828 -----------
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 doc/clmformat.html                     |  674 ---------
 doc/clmformat.ps                       | 1039 -------------
 doc/clmimac.1                          |  120 --
 doc/clmimac.html                       |  214 ---
 doc/clmimac.ps                         |  338 -----
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 doc/clminfo2.html                      |  264 ----
 doc/clminfo2.ps                        |  426 ------
 doc/clmmate.1                          |  146 --
 doc/clmmate.html                       |  218 ---
 doc/clmmate.ps                         |  360 -----
 doc/clmmeet.1                          |   74 -
 doc/clmmeet.html                       |  173 ---
 doc/clmmeet.ps                         |  281 ----
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 doc/clmoptics.html                     |  218 ---
 doc/clmoptics.ps                       |  376 -----
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 doc/clmorder.html                      |  182 ---
 doc/clmorder.ps                        |  310 ----
 doc/clmprotocols.html                  |  435 ------
 doc/clmprotocols.ps                    |  781 ----------
 doc/clmprotocols2.html                 |  521 -------
 doc/clmprotocols2.ps                   |  744 ----------
 doc/clmresidue.1                       |   96 --
 doc/clmresidue.html                    |  196 ---
 doc/clmresidue.ps                      |  309 ----
 doc/clmvol.1                           |   81 -
 doc/clmvol.html                        |  178 ---
 doc/clmvol.ps                          |  294 ----
 doc/distindex.html                     |  199 ---
 doc/index.html                         |  199 ---
 doc/mcl.1                              | 1569 --------------------
 doc/mcl.html                           | 1522 -------------------
 doc/mcl.ps                             | 2521 --------------------------------
 doc/mclblastline.html                  |  227 ---
 doc/mclblastline.ps                    |  401 -----
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 doc/mclcm.html                         |  404 -----
 doc/mclcm.ps                           |  655 ---------
 doc/mclfamily.html                     |  245 ----
 doc/mclfamily.ps                       |  306 ----
 doc/mclfaq.html                        | 1487 -------------------
 doc/mclfaq.ps                          | 2299 -----------------------------
 doc/mclindex.ps                        |  300 ----
 doc/mclpipeline.1                      |  551 -------
 doc/mclpipeline.html                   |  620 --------
 doc/mclpipeline.ps                     |  891 -----------
 doc/mcx.1                              |  134 --
 doc/mcx.html                           |  219 ---
 doc/mcx.ps                             |  340 -----
 doc/mcxalter.1                         |  112 --
 doc/mcxalter.html                      |  210 ---
 doc/mcxalter.ps                        |  298 ----
 doc/mcxarray.1                         |  495 -------
 doc/mcxarray.html                      |  437 ------
 doc/mcxarray.ps                        |  685 ---------
 doc/mcxassemble.1                      |  560 -------
 doc/mcxassemble.html                   |  522 -------
 doc/mcxassemble.ps                     |  841 -----------
 doc/mcxclcf.1                          |  157 --
 doc/mcxclcf.html                       |  215 ---
 doc/mcxclcf.ps                         |  357 -----
 doc/mcxconvert.1                       |  114 --
 doc/mcxconvert.html                    |  209 ---
 doc/mcxconvert.ps                      |  345 -----
 doc/mcxctty.1                          |  195 ---
 doc/mcxctty.html                       |  253 ----
 doc/mcxctty.ps                         |  411 ------
 doc/mcxdeblast.html                    |  303 ----
 doc/mcxdeblast.ps                      |  452 ------
 doc/mcxdiameter.1                      |  172 ---
 doc/mcxdiameter.html                   |  224 ---
 doc/mcxdiameter.ps                     |  384 -----
 doc/mcxdump.1                          |  434 ------
 doc/mcxdump.html                       |  452 ------
 doc/mcxdump.ps                         |  730 ---------
 doc/mcxerdos.1                         |  173 ---
 doc/mcxerdos.html                      |  260 ----
 doc/mcxerdos.ps                        |  423 ------
 doc/mcxi.1                             |  349 -----
 doc/mcxi.html                          |  460 ------
 doc/mcxi.ps                            |  680 ---------
 doc/mcxio.html                         |  780 ----------
 doc/mcxio.ps                           | 1172 ---------------
 doc/mcxload.1                          |  583 --------
 doc/mcxload.html                       |  589 --------
 doc/mcxload.ps                         |  956 ------------
 doc/mcxmap.1                           |  223 ---
 doc/mcxmap.html                        |  281 ----
 doc/mcxmap.ps                          |  401 -----
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 doc/mcxquery.html                      |  372 -----
 doc/mcxquery.ps                        |  588 --------
 doc/mcxrand.1                          |  236 ---
 doc/mcxrand.html                       |  304 ----
 doc/mcxrand.ps                         |  530 -------
 doc/mcxsubs.1                          |  605 --------
 doc/mcxsubs.html                       |  682 ---------
 doc/mcxsubs.ps                         |  947 ------------
 doc/tingea.log.html                    |  213 ---
 doc/tingea.log.ps                      |  448 ------
 graphs/Makefile.in                     |  389 -----
 img/Makefile.in                        |  382 -----
 img/fa.ps                              | 1814 -----------------------
 img/falkner-bidi.ps                    | 1606 --------------------
 img/falkner.ps                         |  678 ---------
 img/small.ps                           |  162 --
 include/Makefile.in                    |  537 -------
 scripts/Makefile.in                    |  405 -----
 src/Makefile.in                        |  534 -------
 src/alien/Makefile.in                  |  535 -------
 src/alien/oxygen/Makefile.in           |  535 -------
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/Makefile.in       |  481 ------
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mclblastline.1    |  136 --
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mclblastline.html |  227 ---
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mclblastline.ps   |  401 -----
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mcxdeblast.1      |  193 ---
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mcxdeblast.html   |  303 ----
 src/alien/oxygen/doc/mcxdeblast.ps     |  452 ------
 src/alien/oxygen/src/Makefile.in       |  395 -----
 src/clew/Makefile.in                   |  443 ------
 src/gryphon/Makefile.in                |  439 ------
 src/impala/Makefile.in                 |  453 ------
 src/mcl/Makefile.in                    |  451 ------
 src/shcl/Makefile.in                   |  609 --------
 src/shmcl/Makefile.in                  |  486 ------
 src/shmcx/Makefile.in                  |  481 ------
 src/shmcxquery/Makefile.in             |  437 ------
 src/shmx/Makefile.in                   |  639 --------
 testing/Makefile.in                    |  534 -------
 testing/blast/Makefile.in              |  338 -----
 testing/setops/Makefile.in             |  338 -----
 testing/stream/Makefile.in             |  338 -----
 util/Makefile.in                       |  461 ------
 150 files changed, 69822 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/mcl.git

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