[med-svn] [Git][med-team/camitk][master] 2 commits: Add patches: monitoring gui and config test bug fixes

Emmanuel Promayon gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Jul 23 14:06:57 BST 2018

Emmanuel Promayon pushed to branch master at Debian Med / camitk

7e3a5601 by Emmanuel Promayon at 2018-07-23T08:43:23+02:00
Add patches: monitoring gui and config test bug fixes

- - - - -
12b83293 by Emmanuel Promayon at 2018-07-23T08:45:11+02:00
update changelog

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/0004-FIXED-monitorgui-lib-should-not-depends-on-camitk-co.patch
- + debian/patches/0005-FIXED-config-test-needs-to-ignore-stderr.patch
- debian/patches/series


--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ camitk (4.1.2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * control, rules, and autopkgtest updated for new release
   * watch checks tag on upstream gilab
   * fixed mispelling detected by lintian
+  * fixed config test and lib core dependencies
  -- Emmanuel Promayon <Emmanuel.Promayon at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>  Wed, 18 Jul 2018 13:37:31 +0000

--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0004-FIXED-monitorgui-lib-should-not-depends-on-camitk-co.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Emmanuel Promayon <Emmanuel.Promayon at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
+Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 08:39:47 +0200
+Subject: FIXED monitorgui lib should not depends on camitk core lib
+ modeling/libraries/mml/monitoringgui/MonitoringGuiManager.cpp | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modeling/libraries/mml/monitoringgui/MonitoringGuiManager.cpp b/modeling/libraries/mml/monitoringgui/MonitoringGuiManager.cpp
+index 4a121ed..6839f65 100644
+--- a/modeling/libraries/mml/monitoringgui/MonitoringGuiManager.cpp
++++ b/modeling/libraries/mml/monitoringgui/MonitoringGuiManager.cpp
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ #include "MonitoringDialog.h"
+ #include "MonitoringDriver.h"
+-#include <Log.h>
++#include <iostream>
+ #include <QApplication>
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ MonitoringManager* MonitoringGuiManager::getMonitoringManager() {
+ //--------------- doOneStep ---------------------------------
+ bool MonitoringGuiManager::doOneStep() {
+     if (monitoringManager->checkStop()) {
+-        CAMITK_INFO(tr("Simulation finished: the simulation is finished (Stopping Criterion reached)."))
++        std::cout << tr("Simulation finished: the simulation is finished (Stopping Criterion reached).").toStdString() << std::endl;
+         driver->stopTimer();
+         return false;
+     }

--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0005-FIXED-config-test-needs-to-ignore-stderr.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+From: Emmanuel Promayon <Emmanuel.Promayon at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
+Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 08:40:06 +0200
+Subject: FIXED config test needs to ignore stderr
+ sdk/applications/config/testing/config-test.sh | 135 ++++++++++---------------
+ 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/sdk/applications/config/testing/config-test.sh b/sdk/applications/config/testing/config-test.sh
+index f6b8b7a..9d05cf7 100644
+--- a/sdk/applications/config/testing/config-test.sh
++++ b/sdk/applications/config/testing/config-test.sh
+@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
+ # This test entirely depends on the CamitK version (version string, number of extensions...)
+ # (see the expectedConfigOutput)
+ # 
+-# For a CamiTK major or minor version update the expected number and release date
++# For a CamiTK major or minor version please update the expected number and release date
++# in function initTestData
+ # 
+ # echo $? get the last returned value of the script
+ # a return value of 0 indicates success (by convention)
+@@ -17,6 +18,42 @@ set -e
+ # Uncomment next line to debug
+ # set -x
++# ---------------------- initTestData ----------------------
++# values to check
++initTestData() {
++    # fill test data
++    extensionCount=(           [4.2]=41  [4.1]=41  [4.0]=31  )
++    componentExtensionCount=(  [4.2]=14  [4.1]=14  [4.0]=14  )
++    actionExtensionCount=(     [4.2]=27  [4.1]=27  [4.0]=27  )
++    fileExtensionCount=(       [4.2]=37  [4.1]=37  [4.0]=37  )
++    actionCount=(              [4.2]=105 [4.1]=105 [4.0]=105 )
++    # fill release date
++    releaseDate=(              [4.2]="not yet released, current development version" \
++                               [4.1]="15 July 2018" \
++                               [4.0]="22 July 2016" \
++                               [3.5]="29 January 2016"
++                               [3.4]="31 October 2014" \
++                               [3.3]="4 March 2014" \
++                               [3.2]="26 June 2013" \
++                               [3.1]="1 March 2013" \
++                               [3.0]="7 July 2012" )
++# ---------------------- declareTestData ----------------------
++declareTestData() {
++    # declare all associative arrays (-g is to declare the arrays
++    # in the global scope)
++    declare -Ag extensionCount
++    declare -Ag componentExtensionCount
++    declare -Ag actionExtensionCount
++    declare -Ag fileExtensionCount
++    declare -Ag actionCount
++    declare -Ag releaseDate
++# ---------------------- cleanup ----------------------
+ # cleanup on exit
+ cleanup() {
+     # backup the current exit status
+@@ -35,8 +72,8 @@ cleanup() {
+ }
+ # ---------------------- checkcommand ----------------------
++# usage: checkcommand name 
+ checkcommand() {
+-    # usage: checkcommand name 
+     if [ "$inBuild" == "0" ] ; then
+         # check if current build is on windows debug version
+         if ! hash ${1} 2>/dev/null; then
+@@ -111,7 +148,7 @@ init() {
+ getconfig() {
+     # initialize config output
+     echo "===== Get CamiTK configuration ====="
+-    $camitkConfig --config > ./config-output 2>&1
++    $camitkConfig --config 2>/dev/null > ./config-output
+     camitkConfig=$(cat config-output | sed "s/QStandardPaths.*'.*'//")
+     echo "===== config-output ====="
+@@ -133,45 +170,17 @@ getExpectedValue() {
+       echo $(pwd) | sed -e "s+^/c+C:+"
+       ;;
+     "Number of Component Extensions")
+-      case "$shortVersion" in
+-        "4.0" | "4.1" | "4.2")
+-          echo "14" # 11 in sdk, imaging and modeling and 3 in tutorials
+-          ;;
+-        "3.3" | *)
+-          echo "12" 
+-          ;;
+-      esac
++      echo ${componentExtensionCount[$shortVersion]}
+       ;;       
+     "Number of Action Extensions")
+-      case "$shortVersion" in
+-        "4.0" | "4.1" | "4.2")
+-          echo "27" # 19 in sdk, imaging and modeling and 8 in tutorials
+-          ;;
+-        "3.3" | *)
+-          echo "71"
+-          ;;
+-      esac
+-      ;;
++      echo ${actionExtensionCount[$shortVersion]}
++      ;;       
+     "Number of File Extensions Supported")
+-      case "$shortVersion" in
+-        "4.0" | "4.1" | "4.2")
+-          echo "37" # 34 in sdk, imaging and modeling and 3 in tutorials
+-          ;;
+-        "3.3" | *)
+-          echo "35"
+-          ;;
+-      esac
+-      ;;
++      echo ${fileExtensionCount[$shortVersion]}
++      ;;       
+     "Number of Actions")
+-      case "$shortVersion" in
+-        "4.0" | "4.1" | "4.2")
+-          echo "105" # 92 in sdk, imaging and modeling and 14 in tutorials
+-          ;;
+-        "3.3" | *)
+-          echo "81"
+-          ;;
+-      esac
+-      ;;
++      echo ${actionCount[$shortVersion]}
++      ;;       
+   esac
+ }
+@@ -182,40 +191,11 @@ getInstalledVersion() {
+ # ------------------- getReleaseDate -------------------
+ getReleaseDate() {
+-  # get the release date of minor version 
+-  if [[ $1 =~ .*dev.* ]]; then
+-    echo "not yet released"
+-  else
+-    case "$1" in
+-        "3.0")
+-           echo "7 July 2012"
+-           ;;
+-        "3.1")
+-           echo "1 March 2013"
+-           ;;
+-        "3.2")
+-           echo "26 June 2013"
+-           ;;
+-        "3.3")
+-           echo "4 March 2014"
+-           ;;
+-        "3.4")
+-           echo "31 October 2014"
+-           ;;
+-        "3.5")
+-           echo "29 January 2016"
+-           ;;
+-        "4.0")
+-           echo "22 July 2016"
+-           ;;
+-        "4.1")
+-           echo "15 July 2018"
+-           ;;
+-        *)
+-           echo "unknown version"
+-           ;;
+-      esac
+-  fi
++    if [ ! ${releaseDate[$1]+validCamiTKVersion} ]; then
++      echo "unknown version"
++    else
++        echo ${releaseDate[$1]}
++    fi
+ }
+ # ---------------------- extension count ----------------------
+@@ -224,14 +204,7 @@ getExtensionCount() {
+ }
+ getExpectedExtensionCount() {
+-  case "$1" in
+-    "4.0" | "4.1" | "4.2")    
+-      echo "41"  # 30 extensions in sdk, imaging and modeling and 11 extensions in tutorials
+-      ;;
+-    "3.3" | *)
+-      echo "12" 
+-      ;;    
+-  esac
++  echo ${extensionCount[$1]}
+ }
+ # ---------------------- get config ----------------------
+@@ -269,6 +242,8 @@ checkValue() {
+ # if a problem occurs, call the clean method
+ trap "cleanup" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM EXIT
+ init $*
+ getconfig

--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/camitk/compare/a04201a09269045d5045a3e93b9d9bad90214d4f...12b83293998abc4858bedc679fa56b06758d58b9
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