[med-svn] [Git][med-team/htseq][upstream] New upstream version 0.10.0
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon May 28 16:32:15 BST 2018
Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / htseq
cb923c31 by Andreas Tille at 2018-05-28T17:25:47+02:00
New upstream version 0.10.0
- - - - -
11 changed files:
- python2/HTSeq/__init__.py
- python2/HTSeq/_version.py
- python2/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
- python2/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
- python3/HTSeq/__init__.py
- python3/HTSeq/_version.py
- python3/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
- python3/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
- setup.cfg
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: HTSeq
-Version: 0.9.1
+Version: 0.10.0
Summary: A framework to process and analyze data from high-throughput sequencing (HTS) assays
Home-page: https://github.com/simon-anders/htseq
-Author: Fabio Zanini
-Author-email: fabio.zanini at stanford.edu
+Author: Simon Anders
+Author-email: sanders at fs.tum.de
+Maintainer: Fabio Zanini
+Maintainer-email: fabio.zanini at stanford.edu
License: GPL3
A framework to process and analyze data from high-throughput sequencing
@@ -21,3 +23,4 @@ Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Provides-Extra: htseq-qa
@@ -1 +1 @@
--- a/python2/HTSeq/__init__.py
+++ b/python2/HTSeq/__init__.py
@@ -3,16 +3,19 @@
See htseq.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html for documentation.
-import itertools, warnings, os, shlex
+import itertools
+import warnings
+import os
+import shlex
- from _HTSeq import *
+ from _HTSeq import *
except ImportError:
- if os.path.isfile( "setup.py" ):
- raise ImportError( "Cannot import 'HTSeq' when working directory is HTSeq's own build directory.")
- else:
- raise
+ if os.path.isfile("setup.py"):
+ raise ImportError("Cannot import 'HTSeq' when working directory is HTSeq's own build directory.")
+ else:
+ raise
from _version import __version__
#from vcf_reader import *
@@ -22,420 +25,424 @@ from _version import __version__
-class FileOrSequence( object ):
- """ The construcutor takes one argument, which may either be a string,
- which is interpreted as a file name (possibly with path), or a
- connection, by which we mean a text file opened for reading, or
- any other object that can provide an iterator over strings
- (lines of the file).
- The advantage of passing a file name instead of an already opened file
- is that if an iterator is requested several times, the file will be
- re-opened each time. If the file is already open, its lines can be read
- only once, and then, the iterator stays exhausted.
- Furthermore, if a file name is passed that end in ".gz" or ".gzip"
- (case insensitive), it is transparently gunzipped.
- """
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence ):
- self.fos = filename_or_sequence
- self.line_no = None
- def __iter__( self ):
- self.line_no = 1
- if isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- if self.fos.lower().endswith( ( ".gz" , ".gzip" ) ):
- lines = gzip.open( self.fos, 'rt' )
- else:
- lines = open( self.fos )
- else:
- lines = self.fos
- for line in lines:
- yield line
- self.line_no += 1
- if isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- lines.close()
- self.line_no = None
- def __repr__( self ):
- if isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- return "<%s object, connected to file name '%s'>" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.fos )
- else:
- return "<%s object, connected to %s >" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, repr( self.fos ) )
- def get_line_number_string( self ):
- if self.line_no is None:
- if isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- return "file %s closed" % self.fos
- else:
- return "file closed"
- if isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- return "line %d of file %s" % ( self.line_no, self.fos )
- else:
- return "line %d" % self.line_no
+class FileOrSequence(object):
+ """ The construcutor takes one argument, which may either be a string,
+ which is interpreted as a file name (possibly with path), or a
+ connection, by which we mean a text file opened for reading, or
+ any other object that can provide an iterator over strings
+ (lines of the file).
+ The advantage of passing a file name instead of an already opened file
+ is that if an iterator is requested several times, the file will be
+ re-opened each time. If the file is already open, its lines can be read
+ only once, and then, the iterator stays exhausted.
+ Furthermore, if a file name is passed that end in ".gz" or ".gzip"
+ (case insensitive), it is transparently gunzipped.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence):
+ self.fos = filename_or_sequence
+ self.line_no = None
+ def __iter__(self):
+ self.line_no = 1
+ if isinstance(self.fos, basestring):
+ if self.fos.lower().endswith((".gz", ".gzip")):
+ lines = gzip.open(self.fos, 'rt')
+ else:
+ lines = open(self.fos)
+ else:
+ lines = self.fos
+ for line in lines:
+ yield line
+ self.line_no += 1
+ if isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ lines.close()
+ self.line_no = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ return "<%s object, connected to file name '%s'>" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.fos)
+ else:
+ return "<%s object, connected to %s >" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.fos))
+ def get_line_number_string(self):
+ if self.line_no is None:
+ if isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ return "file %s closed" % self.fos
+ else:
+ return "file closed"
+ if isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ return "line %d of file %s" % (self.line_no, self.fos)
+ else:
+ return "line %d" % self.line_no
## Features
-class GenomicFeature( object ):
- """A genomic feature, i.e., an interval on a genome with metadata.
- At minimum, the following information should be provided by slots:
- name: a string identifying the feature (e.g., a gene symbol)
- type: a string giving the feature type (e.g., "gene", "exon")
- iv: a GenomicInterval object specifying the feature locus
- """
- def __init__( self, name, type_, interval ):
- self.name = name
- self.type = intern( type_ )
- self.iv = interval
- def __repr__( self ):
- return "<%s: %s '%s' at %s: %d -> %d (strand '%s')>" % \
- ( self.__class__.__name__, self.type, self.name,
- self.iv.chrom, self.iv.start_d, self.iv.end_d, self.iv.strand )
- def __eq__( self, other ):
- if not isinstance( other, GenomicFeature ):
- return False
- return self.name == other.name and self.type == other.type and \
- self.iv == other.iv
- def __neq__( self, other ):
- if not isinstance( other, GenomicFeature ):
- return True
- return not self.__eq__( other )
- def get_gff_line( self, with_equal_sign=False ):
- try:
- source = self.source
- except AttributeError:
- source = "."
- try:
- score = self.score
- except AttributeError:
- score = "."
- try:
- frame = self.frame
- except AttributeError:
- frame = "."
- try:
- attr = self.attr
- except AttributeError:
- attr = { 'ID': self.name }
- if with_equal_sign:
- sep = "="
- else:
- sep = " "
- attr_str = '; '.join( [ '%s%s\"%s\"' % ( ak, sep, attr[ak] ) for ak in attr ] )
- return "\t".join( str(a) for a in ( self.iv.chrom, source,
- self.type, self.iv.start+1, self.iv.end, score,
- self.iv.strand, frame, attr_str ) ) + "\n"
-_re_attr_main = re.compile( "\s*([^\s\=]+)[\s=]+(.*)" )
-_re_attr_empty = re.compile( "^\s*$" )
-def parse_GFF_attribute_string( attrStr, extra_return_first_value=False ):
- """Parses a GFF attribute string and returns it as a dictionary.
- If 'extra_return_first_value' is set, a pair is returned: the dictionary
- and the value of the first attribute. This might be useful if this is the ID.
- """
- if attrStr.endswith( "\n" ):
- attrStr = attrStr[:-1]
- d = {}
- first_val = "_unnamed_"
- for (i, attr) in itertools.izip( itertools.count(), _HTSeq.quotesafe_split( attrStr ) ):
- if _re_attr_empty.match( attr ):
- continue
- if attr.count( '"' ) not in ( 0, 2 ):
- raise ValueError, "The attribute string seems to contain mismatched quotes."
- mo = _re_attr_main.match( attr )
- if not mo:
- raise ValueError, "Failure parsing GFF attribute line"
- val = mo.group(2)
- if val.startswith( '"' ) and val.endswith( '"' ):
- val = val[1:-1]
- #val = urllib.unquote( val )
- d[ intern(mo.group(1)) ] = intern(val)
- if extra_return_first_value and i == 0:
- first_val = val
- if extra_return_first_value:
- return ( d, first_val )
- else:
- return d
-_re_gff_meta_comment = re.compile( "##\s*(\S+)\s+(\S*)" )
-class GFF_Reader( FileOrSequence ):
- """Parse a GFF file
- Pass the constructor either a file name or an iterator of lines of a
- GFF files. If a file name is specified, it may refer to a gzip compressed
- file.
- Iterating over the object then yields GenomicFeature objects.
- """
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence, end_included=True ):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, filename_or_sequence )
- self.end_included = end_included
- self.metadata = {}
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line == "\n":
- continue
- if line.startswith( '#' ):
- if line.startswith( "##" ):
- mo = _re_gff_meta_comment.match( line )
- if mo:
- self.metadata[ mo.group(1) ] = mo.group(2)
+class GenomicFeature(object):
+ """A genomic feature, i.e., an interval on a genome with metadata.
+ At minimum, the following information should be provided by slots:
+ name: a string identifying the feature (e.g., a gene symbol)
+ type: a string giving the feature type (e.g., "gene", "exon")
+ iv: a GenomicInterval object specifying the feature locus
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, type_, interval):
+ self.name = name
+ self.type = intern(type_)
+ self.iv = interval
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s: %s '%s' at %s: %d -> %d (strand '%s')>" % \
+ (self.__class__.__name__, self.type, self.name,
+ self.iv.chrom, self.iv.start_d, self.iv.end_d, self.iv.strand)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, GenomicFeature):
+ return False
+ return self.name == other.name and self.type == other.type and \
+ self.iv == other.iv
+ def __neq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, GenomicFeature):
+ return True
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def get_gff_line(self, with_equal_sign=False):
+ try:
+ source = self.source
+ except AttributeError:
+ source = "."
+ try:
+ score = self.score
+ except AttributeError:
+ score = "."
+ try:
+ frame = self.frame
+ except AttributeError:
+ frame = "."
+ try:
+ attr = self.attr
+ except AttributeError:
+ attr = {'ID': self.name}
+ if with_equal_sign:
+ sep = "="
+ else:
+ sep = " "
+ attr_str = '; '.join(['%s%s\"%s\"' % (ak, sep, attr[ak]) for ak in attr])
+ return "\t".join(str(a) for a in (self.iv.chrom, source,
+ self.type, self.iv.start+1, self.iv.end, score,
+ self.iv.strand, frame, attr_str)) + "\n"
+_re_attr_main = re.compile("\s*([^\s\=]+)[\s=]+(.*)")
+_re_attr_empty = re.compile("^\s*$")
+def parse_GFF_attribute_string(attrStr, extra_return_first_value=False):
+ """Parses a GFF attribute string and returns it as a dictionary.
+ If 'extra_return_first_value' is set, a pair is returned: the dictionary
+ and the value of the first attribute. This might be useful if this is the ID.
+ """
+ if attrStr.endswith("\n"):
+ attrStr = attrStr[:-1]
+ d = {}
+ first_val = "_unnamed_"
+ for (i, attr) in itertools.izip(itertools.count(), _HTSeq.quotesafe_split(attrStr)):
+ if _re_attr_empty.match(attr):
- ( seqname, source, feature, start, end, score,
- strand, frame, attributeStr ) = line.split( "\t", 8 )
- ( attr, name ) = parse_GFF_attribute_string( attributeStr, True )
- if self.end_included:
- iv = GenomicInterval( seqname, int(start)-1, int(end), strand )
- else:
- iv = GenomicInterval( seqname, int(start)-1, int(end)-1, strand )
- f = GenomicFeature( name, feature, iv )
- if score != ".":
- score = float( score )
- if frame != ".":
- frame = int( frame )
- f.source = source
- f.score = score
- f.frame = frame
- f.attr = attr
- yield f
-def make_feature_dict( feature_sequence ):
- """A feature dict is a convenient way to organize a sequence of Feature
- object (which you have got, e.g., from parse_GFF).
- The function returns a dict with all the feature types as keys. Each value
- of this dict is again a dict, now of feature names. The values of this dict
- is a list of feature.
- An example makes this clear. Let's say you load the C. elegans GTF file
- from Ensemble and make a feature dict:
- >>> worm_features_dict = HTSeq.make_feature_dict( HTSeq.parse_GFF(
- ... "test_data/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS200.55.gtf.gz" ) )
- (This command may take a few minutes to deal with the 430,000 features
- in the GTF file. Note that you may need a lot of RAM if you have millions
- of features.)
- Then, you can simply access, say, exon 0 of gene "F08E10.4" as follows:
- >>> worm_features_dict[ 'exon' ][ 'F08E10.4' ][ 0 ]
- <GenomicFeature: exon 'F08E10.4' at V: 17479353 -> 17479001 (strand '-')>
- """
- res = {}
- for f in feature_sequence:
- if f.type not in res:
- res[ f.type ] = {}
- res_ftype = res[ f.type ]
- if f.name not in res_ftype:
- res_ftype[ f.name ] = [ f ]
- else:
- res_ftype[ f.name ].append( f )
- return res
+ if attr.count('"') not in (0, 2):
+ raise ValueError("The attribute string seems to contain mismatched quotes.")
+ mo = _re_attr_main.match(attr)
+ if not mo:
+ raise ValueError("Failure parsing GFF attribute line")
+ val = mo.group(2)
+ if val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"'):
+ val = val[1:-1]
+ # val = urllib.unquote(val)
+ d[intern(mo.group(1))] = intern(val)
+ if extra_return_first_value and i == 0:
+ first_val = val
+ if extra_return_first_value:
+ return (d, first_val)
+ else:
+ return d
+_re_gff_meta_comment = re.compile("##\s*(\S+)\s+(\S*)")
+class GFF_Reader(FileOrSequence):
+ """Parse a GFF file
+ Pass the constructor either a file name or an iterator of lines of a
+ GFF files. If a file name is specified, it may refer to a gzip compressed
+ file.
+ Iterating over the object then yields GenomicFeature objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence, end_included=True):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, filename_or_sequence)
+ self.end_included = end_included
+ self.metadata = {}
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line == "\n":
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ if line.startswith("##"):
+ mo = _re_gff_meta_comment.match(line)
+ if mo:
+ self.metadata[mo.group(1)] = mo.group(2)
+ continue
+ (seqname, source, feature, start, end, score,
+ strand, frame, attributeStr) = line.split("\t", 8)
+ (attr, name) = parse_GFF_attribute_string(attributeStr, True)
+ if self.end_included:
+ iv = GenomicInterval(seqname, int(start)-1, int(end), strand)
+ else:
+ iv = GenomicInterval(seqname, int(start)-1, int(end)-1, strand)
+ f = GenomicFeature(name, feature, iv)
+ if score != ".":
+ score = float(score)
+ if frame != ".":
+ frame = int(frame)
+ f.source = source
+ f.score = score
+ f.frame = frame
+ f.attr = attr
+ yield f
+def make_feature_dict(feature_sequence):
+ """A feature dict is a convenient way to organize a sequence of Feature
+ object (which you have got, e.g., from parse_GFF).
+ The function returns a dict with all the feature types as keys. Each value
+ of this dict is again a dict, now of feature names. The values of this dict
+ is a list of feature.
+ An example makes this clear. Let's say you load the C. elegans GTF file
+ from Ensemble and make a feature dict:
+ >>> worm_features_dict = HTSeq.make_feature_dict(HTSeq.parse_GFF(
+ ... "test_data/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS200.55.gtf.gz"))
+ (This command may take a few minutes to deal with the 430,000 features
+ in the GTF file. Note that you may need a lot of RAM if you have millions
+ of features.)
+ Then, you can simply access, say, exon 0 of gene "F08E10.4" as follows:
+ >>> worm_features_dict[ 'exon' ][ 'F08E10.4' ][ 0 ]
+ <GenomicFeature: exon 'F08E10.4' at V: 17479353 -> 17479001 (strand '-')>
+ """
+ res = {}
+ for f in feature_sequence:
+ if f.type not in res:
+ res[f.type] = {}
+ res_ftype = res[f.type]
+ if f.name not in res_ftype:
+ res_ftype[f.name] = [f]
+ else:
+ res_ftype[f.name].append(f)
+ return res
## GenomicArray
-def read_chrom_lens( filename, delimiter="\t" ):
- return dict( ( ( chrom, int(len) )
- for chrom, len in csv.reader( open(filename), delimiter=delimiter ) ) )
+def read_chrom_lens(filename, delimiter="\t"):
+ return dict(((chrom, int(len))
+ for chrom, len in csv.reader(open(filename), delimiter=delimiter)))
## Sequence readers
-_re_fasta_header_line = re.compile( r'>\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)' )
+_re_fasta_header_line = re.compile(r'>\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)')
-class FastaReader( FileOrSequence ):
- """A Fasta_Reader is associated with a FASTA file or an open connection
- to a file-like object with content in FASTA format.
- It can generate an iterator over the sequences.
- """
- def __init__(self, file_, raw_iterator=False):
- FileOrSequence.__init__(self, file_)
- self.raw_iterator = raw_iterator
- def __iter__( self ):
- seq = None
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line.startswith( ">" ):
- if seq:
- if self.raw_iterator:
- s = (seq, name, descr)
- else:
- s = Sequence( seq, name )
- s.descr = descr
- yield s
- mo = _re_fasta_header_line.match( line )
- name = mo.group(1)
- descr = mo.group(2)
- seq = ""
- else:
- assert seq is not None, "FASTA file does not start with '>'."
- seq += line[:-1]
- if seq is not None:
- if self.raw_iterator:
- s = (seq, name, descr)
- else:
- s = Sequence( seq, name )
- s.descr = descr
- yield s
- def get_sequence_lengths( self ):
- seqname = None
- seqlengths = {}
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line.startswith( ">" ):
- if seqname is not None:
- seqlengths[ seqname ] = length
- mo = _re_fasta_header_line.match( line )
- seqname = mo.group(1)
- length = 0
- else:
- assert seqname is not None, "FASTA file does not start with '>'."
- length += len( line.rstrip() )
- if seqname is not None:
- seqlengths[ seqname ] = length
- return seqlengths
- @staticmethod
- def _import_pysam():
- global pysam
- try:
- import pysam
- except ImportError:
- sys.stderr.write( "Please install the 'pysam' package to be able to use the Fasta indexing functionality." )
- raise
- def build_index( self, force = False ):
- self._import_pysam()
- if not isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- raise TypeError, "This function only works with FastaReader objects " + \
- "connected to a fasta file via file name"
- index_filename = self.fos + ".fai"
- if os.access( index_filename, os.R_OK ):
- if (not force) and os.stat( self.filename_or_sequence ).st_mtime <= \
- os.stat( index_filename ).st_mtime:
- # index is up to date
- return
- pysam.faidx( self.fos )
- if not os.access( index_filename, os.R_OK ):
- raise SystemError, "Building of Fasta index failed due to unknown error."
- def __getitem__( self, iv ):
- if not isinstance( iv, GenomicInterval ):
- raise TypeError, "GenomicInterval expected as key."
- if not isinstance( self.fos, str ):
- raise TypeError, "This function only works with FastaReader objects " + \
- "connected to a fasta file via file name"
- self._import_pysam()
- fasta = pysam.faidx( self.fos, "%s:%d-%d" % ( iv.chrom, iv.start, iv.end-1 ) )
- ans = list( FastaReader( fasta ) )
- assert len( ans ) == 1
- ans[0].name = str(iv)
- if iv.strand != "-":
- return ans[0]
- else:
- return ans[0].get_reverse_complement()
-class FastqReader( FileOrSequence ):
- """A Fastq object is associated with a FASTQ self.file. When an iterator
- is requested from the object, the FASTQ file is read.
- qual_scale is one of "phred", "solexa", "solexa-old".
- """
+class FastaReader(FileOrSequence):
+ """A Fasta_Reader is associated with a FASTA file or an open connection
+ to a file-like object with content in FASTA format.
+ It can generate an iterator over the sequences.
+ """
- def __init__( self, file_, qual_scale = "phred", raw_iterator=False):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, file_ )
- self.qual_scale = qual_scale
- if qual_scale not in ( "phred", "solexa", "solexa-old" ):
- raise ValueError, "Illegal quality scale."
- self.raw_iterator = raw_iterator
- def __iter__( self ):
- fin = FileOrSequence.__iter__( self )
- while True:
- id1 = fin.next()
- seq = fin.next()
- id2 = fin.next()
- qual = fin.next()
- if qual == "":
- if id1 != "":
- warnings.warn( "Number of lines in FASTQ file is not "
- "a multiple of 4. Discarding the last, "
- "incomplete record" )
- break
- if not qual.endswith( "\n" ):
- qual += "\n"
- if not id1.startswith( "@" ):
- raise ValueError( "Primary ID line in FASTQ file does"
- "not start with '@'. Either this is not FASTQ data or the parser got out of sync." )
- if not id2.startswith( "+" ):
- raise ValueError( "Secondary ID line in FASTQ file does"
- "not start with '+'. Maybe got out of sync." )
- if len( id2 ) > 2 and id1[1:] != id2[1:]:
- raise ValueError( "Primary and secondary ID line in FASTQ"
- "disagree." )
- if self.raw_iterator:
- s = (seq[:-1], id1[1:-1], qual[:-1], self.qual_scale)
- else:
- s = SequenceWithQualities( seq[:-1], id1[1:-1], qual[:-1],
- self.qual_scale )
- yield s
-class BowtieReader( FileOrSequence ):
- """A BowtieFile object is associated with a Bowtie output file that
- contains short read alignments. It can generate an iterator of Alignment
- objects."""
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- try:
- algnt = BowtieAlignment( line )
- except ValueError:
- if line.startswith( "Reported " ):
- continue
- warnings.warn( "BowtieReader: Ignoring the following line, which could not be parsed:\n%s\n" % line,
- RuntimeWarning )
- yield algnt
-def bundle_multiple_alignments( sequence_of_alignments ):
+ def __init__(self, file_, raw_iterator=False):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, file_)
+ self.raw_iterator = raw_iterator
+ def __iter__(self):
+ seq = None
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line.startswith(">"):
+ if seq:
+ if self.raw_iterator:
+ s = (seq, name, descr)
+ else:
+ s = Sequence(seq, name)
+ s.descr = descr
+ yield s
+ mo = _re_fasta_header_line.match(line)
+ name = mo.group(1)
+ descr = mo.group(2)
+ seq = ""
+ else:
+ assert seq is not None, "FASTA file does not start with '>'."
+ seq += line[:-1]
+ if seq is not None:
+ if self.raw_iterator:
+ s = (seq, name, descr)
+ else:
+ s = Sequence(seq, name)
+ s.descr = descr
+ yield s
+ def get_sequence_lengths(self):
+ seqname = None
+ seqlengths = {}
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line.startswith(">"):
+ if seqname is not None:
+ seqlengths[ seqname ] = length
+ mo = _re_fasta_header_line.match(line)
+ seqname = mo.group(1)
+ length = 0
+ else:
+ assert seqname is not None, "FASTA file does not start with '>'."
+ length += len(line.rstrip())
+ if seqname is not None:
+ seqlengths[ seqname ] = length
+ return seqlengths
+ @staticmethod
+ def _import_pysam():
+ global pysam
+ try:
+ import pysam
+ except ImportError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Please install the 'pysam' package to be able to use the Fasta indexing functionality.")
+ raise
+ def build_index(self, force = False):
+ self._import_pysam()
+ if not isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ raise TypeError, "This function only works with FastaReader objects " + \
+ "connected to a fasta file via file name"
+ index_filename = self.fos + ".fai"
+ if os.access(index_filename, os.R_OK):
+ if (not force) and os.stat(self.filename_or_sequence).st_mtime <= \
+ os.stat(index_filename).st_mtime:
+ # index is up to date
+ return
+ pysam.faidx(self.fos)
+ if not os.access(index_filename, os.R_OK):
+ raise SystemError, "Building of Fasta index failed due to unknown error."
+ def __getitem__(self, iv):
+ if not isinstance(iv, GenomicInterval):
+ raise TypeError, "GenomicInterval expected as key."
+ if not isinstance(self.fos, str):
+ raise TypeError, "This function only works with FastaReader objects " + \
+ "connected to a fasta file via file name"
+ self._import_pysam()
+ fasta = pysam.faidx(self.fos, "%s:%d-%d" % (iv.chrom, iv.start, iv.end-1))
+ ans = list(FastaReader(fasta))
+ assert len(ans) == 1
+ ans[0].name = str(iv)
+ if iv.strand != "-":
+ return ans[0]
+ else:
+ return ans[0].get_reverse_complement()
+class FastqReader(FileOrSequence):
+ """A Fastq object is associated with a FASTQ self.file. When an iterator
+ is requested from the object, the FASTQ file is read.
+ qual_scale is one of "phred", "solexa", "solexa-old".
+ """
+ def __init__(self, file_, qual_scale="phred", raw_iterator=False):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, file_)
+ self.qual_scale = qual_scale
+ if qual_scale not in ("phred", "solexa", "solexa-old"):
+ raise ValueError("Illegal quality scale.")
+ self.raw_iterator = raw_iterator
+ def __iter__(self):
+ fin = FileOrSequence.__iter__(self)
+ while True:
+ id1 = fin.next()
+ seq = fin.next()
+ id2 = fin.next()
+ qual = fin.next()
+ if qual == "":
+ if id1 != "":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Number of lines in FASTQ file is not "
+ "a multiple of 4. Discarding the last, "
+ "incomplete record")
+ break
+ if not qual.endswith("\n"):
+ qual += "\n"
+ if not id1.startswith("@"):
+ raise ValueError("Primary ID line in FASTQ file does"
+ "not start with '@'. Either this is not FASTQ data or the parser got out of sync.")
+ if not id2.startswith("+"):
+ raise ValueError("Secondary ID line in FASTQ file does"
+ "not start with '+'. Maybe got out of sync.")
+ if len(id2) > 2 and id1[1:] != id2[1:]:
+ raise ValueError("Primary and secondary ID line in FASTQ"
+ "disagree.")
+ if self.raw_iterator:
+ s = (seq[:-1], id1[1:-1], qual[:-1], self.qual_scale)
+ else:
+ s = SequenceWithQualities(seq[:-1], id1[1:-1], qual[:-1],
+ self.qual_scale)
+ yield s
+class BowtieReader(FileOrSequence):
+ """A BowtieFile object is associated with a Bowtie output file that
+ contains short read alignments. It can generate an iterator of Alignment
+ objects."""
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ try:
+ algnt = BowtieAlignment(line)
+ except ValueError:
+ if line.startswith("Reported "):
+ continue
+ warnings.warn("BowtieReader: Ignoring the following line, which could not be parsed:\n%s\n" % line,
+ RuntimeWarning)
+ yield algnt
+def bundle_multiple_alignments(sequence_of_alignments):
"""Some alignment programs, e.g., Bowtie, can output multiple alignments,
i.e., the same read is reported consecutively with different alignments.
This function takes an iterator over alignments and bundles consecutive
alignments regarding the same read to a list of Alignment objects and
returns an iterator over these.
- alignment_iter = iter( sequence_of_alignments )
+ alignment_iter = iter(sequence_of_alignments)
algnt = alignment_iter.next()
ma = [ algnt ]
for algnt in alignment_iter:
@@ -443,75 +450,75 @@ def bundle_multiple_alignments( sequence_of_alignments ):
yield ma
ma = [ algnt ]
- ma.append( algnt )
- yield ma
-class SolexaExportAlignment( Alignment ):
+ ma.append(algnt)
+ yield ma
+class SolexaExportAlignment(Alignment):
"""Iterating over SolexaExportReader objects will yield SoelxaExportRecord
objects. These have four fields:
- read - a SequenceWithQualities object
+ read - a SequenceWithQualities object
aligned - a boolean, indicating whether the object was aligned
iv - a GenomicInterval giving the alignment (or None, if not aligned)
passed_filter - a boolean, indicating whether the object passed the filter
nomatch_code - a code indicating why no match was found (or None, if the
read was aligned)
- As long as 'aligned' is True, a SolexaExportRecord can be treated as an
+ As long as 'aligned' is True, a SolexaExportRecord can be treated as an
Alignment object.
- def __init__( self ):
+ def __init__(self):
# Data is filled in by SolexaExportRecord
- def __repr__( self ):
+ def __repr__(self):
if self.aligned:
return "< %s object: Read '%s', aligned to %s >" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.read.name, self.iv )
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.read.name, self.iv)
- return "< %s object: Non-aligned read '%s' >" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self.read.name )
+ return "< %s object: Non-aligned read '%s' >" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.read.name)
-class SolexaExportReader( FileOrSequence ):
+class SolexaExportReader(FileOrSequence):
"""Parser for *_export.txt files from the SolexaPipeline software.
Iterating over a SolexaExportReader yields SolexaExportRecord objects.
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence, solexa_old = False ):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, filename_or_sequence)
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence, solexa_old = False):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, filename_or_sequence)
if solexa_old:
self.qualscale = "solexa-old"
self.qualscale = "solexa"
- def parse_line_bare( dummy, line ):
+ def parse_line_bare(dummy, line):
if line[-1] == "\n":
line = line[:-1]
res = {}
- ( res['machine'], res['run_number'], res['lane'], res['tile'], res['x_coord'],
- res['y_coord'], res['index_string'], res['read_nbr'], res['read_seq'],
- res['qual_str'], res['chrom'], res['contig'], res['pos'], res['strand'],
- res['match_descr'], res['single_read_algnt_score'],
- res['paired_read_algnt_score'], res['partner_chrom'], res['partner_contig'],
- res['partner_offset'], res['partner_strand'], res['passed_filtering'] ) \
- = line.split( "\t" )
+ (res['machine'], res['run_number'], res['lane'], res['tile'], res['x_coord'],
+ res['y_coord'], res['index_string'], res['read_nbr'], res['read_seq'],
+ res['qual_str'], res['chrom'], res['contig'], res['pos'], res['strand'],
+ res['match_descr'], res['single_read_algnt_score'],
+ res['paired_read_algnt_score'], res['partner_chrom'], res['partner_contig'],
+ res['partner_offset'], res['partner_strand'], res['passed_filtering']) \
+ = line.split("\t")
return res
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
record = SolexaExportAlignment()
- fields = SolexaExportReader.parse_line_bare( line )
+ fields = SolexaExportReader.parse_line_bare(line)
if fields['read_nbr'] != "1":
- warnings.warn( "Paired-end read encountered. PE is so far supported only for " +
- "SAM files, not yet for SolexaExport. All PE-related fields are ignored. " )
- record.read = SequenceWithQualities(
- fields['read_seq'],
- "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s#0" % (fields['machine'], fields['lane'], fields['tile'],
- fields['x_coord'], fields['y_coord'] ),
- fields['qual_str'], self.qualscale )
+ warnings.warn("Paired-end read encountered. PE is so far supported only for " +
+ "SAM files, not yet for SolexaExport. All PE-related fields are ignored. ")
+ record.read = SequenceWithQualities(
+ fields['read_seq'],
+ "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s#0" % (fields['machine'], fields['lane'], fields['tile'],
+ fields['x_coord'], fields['y_coord']),
+ fields['qual_str'], self.qualscale)
if fields['passed_filtering'] == 'Y':
record.passed_filter = True
elif fields['passed_filtering'] == 'N':
@@ -529,115 +536,116 @@ class SolexaExportReader( FileOrSequence ):
strand = '-'
raise ValueError, "Illegal strand value in Solexa export data."
- start = int( fields['pos'] )
+ start = int(fields['pos'])
chrom = fields['chrom']
if fields['chrom'] == "":
chrom = fields['contig']
- record.iv = GenomicInterval( chrom, start,
- start + len( fields['read_seq'] ), strand )
+ record.iv = GenomicInterval(chrom, start,
+ start + len(fields['read_seq']), strand)
yield record
-class SAM_Reader( FileOrSequence ):
- """A SAM_Reader object is associated with a SAM file that
- contains short read alignments. It can generate an iterator of Alignment
- objects."""
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line.startswith( "@" ):
- # do something with the header line
- continue
- try:
- algnt = SAM_Alignment.from_SAM_line( line )
- except ValueError, e:
- e.args = e.args + ( self.get_line_number_string(), )
- raise
- yield algnt
-class GenomicArrayOfSets( GenomicArray ):
- """A GenomicArrayOfSets is a specialization of GenomicArray that allows to store
- sets of objects. On construction, the step vectors are initialized with empty sets.
- By using the 'add_value' method, objects can be added to intervals. If an object
- is already present in the set(s) at this interval, an the new object is added to
- the present set, and the set is split if necessary.
- """
- def __init__( self, chroms, stranded=True, storage='step', memmap_dir = "" ):
- GenomicArray.__init__( self, chroms, stranded, 'O', storage, memmap_dir )
- def add_chrom( self, chrom, length = sys.maxint, start_index = 0 ):
- GenomicArray.add_chrom( self, chrom, length, start_index )
- for cv in self.chrom_vectors[ chrom ].values():
- cv[:] = set()
- cv.is_vector_of_sets = True
+class SAM_Reader(FileOrSequence):
+ """A SAM_Reader object is associated with a SAM file that
+ contains short read alignments. It can generate an iterator of Alignment
+ objects."""
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line.startswith("@"):
+ # do something with the header line
+ continue
+ try:
+ algnt = SAM_Alignment.from_SAM_line(line)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ e.args = e.args + (self.get_line_number_string(),)
+ raise
+ yield algnt
+class GenomicArrayOfSets(GenomicArray):
+ """A GenomicArrayOfSets is a specialization of GenomicArray that allows to store
+ sets of objects. On construction, the step vectors are initialized with empty sets.
+ By using the 'add_value' method, objects can be added to intervals. If an object
+ is already present in the set(s) at this interval, an the new object is added to
+ the present set, and the set is split if necessary.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, chroms, stranded=True, storage='step', memmap_dir=""):
+ GenomicArray.__init__(self, chroms, stranded, 'O', storage, memmap_dir)
+ def add_chrom(self, chrom, length=sys.maxint, start_index=0):
+ GenomicArray.add_chrom(self, chrom, length, start_index)
+ for cv in self.chrom_vectors[chrom].values():
+ cv[:] = set()
+ cv.is_vector_of_sets = True
## paired-end handling
-def pair_SAM_alignments( alignments, bundle=False ):
- mate_missing_count = [0]
- def process_list( almnt_list ):
- while len( almnt_list ) > 0:
- a1 = almnt_list.pop( 0 )
- # Find its mate
- for a2 in almnt_list:
- if a1.pe_which == a2.pe_which:
- continue
- if a1.aligned != a2.mate_aligned or a1.mate_aligned != a2.aligned:
- continue
- if not (a1.aligned and a2.aligned):
- break
- if a1.iv.chrom == a2.mate_start.chrom and a1.iv.start == a2.mate_start.pos and \
- a2.iv.chrom == a1.mate_start.chrom and a2.iv.start == a1.mate_start.pos:
- break
- else:
- if a1.mate_aligned:
- mate_missing_count[0] += 1
- if mate_missing_count[0] == 1:
- warnings.warn( "Read " + a1.read.name + " claims to have an aligned mate " +
- "which could not be found in an adjacent line." )
- a2 = None
- if a2 is not None:
- almnt_list.remove( a2 )
- if a1.pe_which == "first":
- yield ( a1, a2 )
- else:
- assert a1.pe_which == "second"
- yield ( a2, a1 )
- almnt_list = []
- current_name = None
- for almnt in alignments:
- if not almnt.paired_end:
- raise ValueError, "'pair_alignments' needs a sequence of paired-end alignments"
- if almnt.pe_which == "unknown":
- raise ValueError, "Paired-end read found with 'unknown' 'pe_which' status."
- if almnt.read.name == current_name:
- almnt_list.append( almnt )
- else:
- if bundle:
- yield list( process_list( almnt_list ) )
- else:
- for p in process_list( almnt_list ):
- yield p
- current_name = almnt.read.name
- almnt_list = [ almnt ]
- if bundle:
- yield list( process_list( almnt_list ) )
- else:
- for p in process_list( almnt_list ):
- yield p
- if mate_missing_count[0] > 1:
- warnings.warn( "%d reads with missing mate encountered." % mate_missing_count[0] )
+def pair_SAM_alignments(alignments, bundle=False):
+ mate_missing_count = [0]
+ def process_list(almnt_list):
+ while len(almnt_list) > 0:
+ a1 = almnt_list.pop(0)
+ # Find its mate
+ for a2 in almnt_list:
+ if a1.pe_which == a2.pe_which:
+ continue
+ if a1.aligned != a2.mate_aligned or a1.mate_aligned != a2.aligned:
+ continue
+ if not (a1.aligned and a2.aligned):
+ break
+ if a1.iv.chrom == a2.mate_start.chrom and a1.iv.start == a2.mate_start.pos and \
+ a2.iv.chrom == a1.mate_start.chrom and a2.iv.start == a1.mate_start.pos:
+ break
+ else:
+ if a1.mate_aligned:
+ mate_missing_count[0] += 1
+ if mate_missing_count[0] == 1:
+ warnings.warn("Read " + a1.read.name + " claims to have an aligned mate " +
+ "which could not be found in an adjacent line.")
+ a2 = None
+ if a2 is not None:
+ almnt_list.remove(a2)
+ if a1.pe_which == "first":
+ yield (a1, a2)
+ else:
+ assert a1.pe_which == "second"
+ yield (a2, a1)
+ almnt_list = []
+ current_name = None
+ for almnt in alignments:
+ if not almnt.paired_end:
+ raise ValueError, "'pair_alignments' needs a sequence of paired-end alignments"
+ if almnt.pe_which == "unknown":
+ raise ValueError, "Paired-end read found with 'unknown' 'pe_which' status."
+ if almnt.read.name == current_name:
+ almnt_list.append(almnt)
+ else:
+ if bundle:
+ yield list(process_list(almnt_list))
+ else:
+ for p in process_list(almnt_list):
+ yield p
+ current_name = almnt.read.name
+ almnt_list = [almnt]
+ if bundle:
+ yield list(process_list(almnt_list))
+ else:
+ for p in process_list(almnt_list):
+ yield p
+ if mate_missing_count[0] > 1:
+ warnings.warn("%d reads with missing mate encountered." % mate_missing_count[0])
-def pair_SAM_alignments_with_buffer( alignments, max_buffer_size=30000000 ):
+def pair_SAM_alignments_with_buffer(alignments, max_buffer_size=30000000):
almnt_buffer = {}
ambiguous_pairing_counter = 0
@@ -648,56 +656,56 @@ def pair_SAM_alignments_with_buffer( alignments, max_buffer_size=30000000 ):
if almnt.pe_which == "unknown":
raise ValueError, "Cannot process paired-end alignment found with 'unknown' 'pe_which' status."
- matekey = (
- almnt.read.name,
+ matekey = (
+ almnt.read.name,
"second" if almnt.pe_which == "first" else "first",
- almnt.mate_start.chrom if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
- almnt.mate_start.pos if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
- almnt.iv.chrom if almnt.aligned else None,
- almnt.iv.start if almnt.aligned else None,
- -almnt.inferred_insert_size if almnt.aligned and almnt.mate_aligned else None )
+ almnt.mate_start.chrom if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
+ almnt.mate_start.pos if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
+ almnt.iv.chrom if almnt.aligned else None,
+ almnt.iv.start if almnt.aligned else None,
+ -almnt.inferred_insert_size if almnt.aligned and almnt.mate_aligned else None)
if matekey in almnt_buffer:
- if len( almnt_buffer[ matekey ] ) == 1:
+ if len(almnt_buffer[ matekey ]) == 1:
mate = almnt_buffer[ matekey ][ 0 ]
del almnt_buffer[ matekey ]
- mate = almnt_buffer[ matekey ].pop( 0 )
+ mate = almnt_buffer[ matekey ].pop(0)
if ambiguous_pairing_counter == 0:
ambiguous_pairing_first_occurance = matekey
ambiguous_pairing_counter += 1
if almnt.pe_which == "first":
- yield ( almnt, mate )
+ yield (almnt, mate)
- yield ( mate, almnt )
+ yield (mate, almnt)
- almntkey = (
- almnt.read.name, almnt.pe_which,
- almnt.iv.chrom if almnt.aligned else None,
- almnt.iv.start if almnt.aligned else None,
- almnt.mate_start.chrom if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
- almnt.mate_start.pos if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
- almnt.inferred_insert_size if almnt.aligned and almnt.mate_aligned else None )
+ almntkey = (
+ almnt.read.name, almnt.pe_which,
+ almnt.iv.chrom if almnt.aligned else None,
+ almnt.iv.start if almnt.aligned else None,
+ almnt.mate_start.chrom if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
+ almnt.mate_start.pos if almnt.mate_aligned else None,
+ almnt.inferred_insert_size if almnt.aligned and almnt.mate_aligned else None)
if almntkey not in almnt_buffer:
almnt_buffer[ almntkey ] = [ almnt ]
- almnt_buffer[ almntkey ].append( almnt )
+ almnt_buffer[ almntkey ].append(almnt)
if len(almnt_buffer) > max_buffer_size:
raise ValueError, "Maximum alignment buffer size exceeded while pairing SAM alignments."
if len(almnt_buffer) > 0:
- warnings.warn( "Mate records missing for %d records; first such record: %s." %
- ( len(almnt_buffer), str( almnt_buffer.values()[0][0] ) ) )
+ warnings.warn("Mate records missing for %d records; first such record: %s." %
+ (len(almnt_buffer), str(almnt_buffer.values()[0][0])))
for almnt_list in almnt_buffer.values():
for almnt in almnt_list:
if almnt.pe_which == "first":
- yield ( almnt, None )
+ yield (almnt, None)
- yield ( None, almnt )
+ yield (None, almnt)
if ambiguous_pairing_counter > 0:
- warnings.warn( "Mate pairing was ambiguous for %d records; mate key for first such record: %s." %
- ( ambiguous_pairing_counter, str( ambiguous_pairing_first_occurance ) ) )
+ warnings.warn("Mate pairing was ambiguous for %d records; mate key for first such record: %s." %
+ (ambiguous_pairing_counter, str(ambiguous_pairing_first_occurance)))
@@ -705,11 +713,11 @@ def pair_SAM_alignments_with_buffer( alignments, max_buffer_size=30000000 ):
-_re_vcf_meta_comment = re.compile( "^##([a-zA-Z]+)\=(.*)$" )
+_re_vcf_meta_comment = re.compile("^##([a-zA-Z]+)\=(.*)$")
_re_vcf_meta_descr = re.compile('ID=[^,]+,?|Number=[^,]+,?|Type=[^,]+,?|Description="[^"]+",?')
-_re_vcf_meta_types = re.compile( "[INFO|FILTER|FORMAT]" )
+_re_vcf_meta_types = re.compile("[INFO|FILTER|FORMAT]")
_vcf_typemap = {
@@ -718,9 +726,9 @@ _vcf_typemap = {
-class VariantCall( object ):
- def __init__( self, chrom = None, pos = None, identifier = None, ref = None, alt = None, qual = None, filtr = None, info = None ):
+class VariantCall(object):
+ def __init__(self, chrom = None, pos = None, identifier = None, ref = None, alt = None, qual = None, filtr = None, info = None):
self.chrom = chrom
self.pos = pos
self.id = identifier
@@ -730,9 +738,9 @@ class VariantCall( object ):
self.filter = filtr
self.info = info
self._original_line = None
- def fromdict( cls, dictionary ):
+ def fromdict(cls, dictionary):
ret = cls()
ret.chrom = dictionary["chrom"]
ret.pos = dictionary["pos"]
@@ -745,7 +753,7 @@ class VariantCall( object ):
ret._original_line = None
- def fromline( cls, line, nsamples = 0, sampleids = [] ):
+ def fromline(cls, line, nsamples = 0, sampleids = []):
ret = cls()
if nsamples == 0:
ret.format = None
@@ -757,106 +765,106 @@ class VariantCall( object ):
ret.samples = {}
for sid in sampleids:
- ret.samples[ sid ] = dict( ( name, value ) for (name, value) in itertools.izip( ret.format, lsplit[spos].split(":") ) )
+ ret.samples[ sid ] = dict((name, value) for (name, value) in itertools.izip(ret.format, lsplit[spos].split(":")))
spos += 1
- ret.pos = GenomicPosition( ret.chrom, int(ret.pos) )
+ ret.pos = GenomicPosition(ret.chrom, int(ret.pos))
ret.alt = ret.alt.split(",")
ret._original_line = line
return ret
- def infoline( self ):
+ def infoline(self):
if self.info.__class__ == dict:
- return ";".join(map((lambda key: str(key) + "=" + str(self.info[key])), self.info ))
+ return ";".join(map((lambda key: str(key) + "=" + str(self.info[key])), self.info))
return self.info
- def get_original_line( self ):
- warnings.warn( "Original line is empty, probably this object was created from scratch and not from a line in a .vcf file!" )
+ def get_original_line(self):
+ warnings.warn("Original line is empty, probably this object was created from scratch and not from a line in a .vcf file!")
return self._original_line
- def sampleline( self ):
+ def sampleline(self):
if self.format == None:
- print >> sys.stderr, "No samples in this variant call!"
+ print >> sys.stderr, "No samples in this variant call!"
return ""
keys = self.format
- ret = [ ":".join( keys ) ]
+ ret = [ ":".join(keys) ]
for sid in self.samples:
tmp = []
for k in keys:
if k in self.samples[sid]:
- tmp.append( self.samples[sid][k] )
- ret.append( ":".join(tmp) )
- return "\t".join( ret )
- def to_line( self ):
+ tmp.append(self.samples[sid][k])
+ ret.append(":".join(tmp))
+ return "\t".join(ret)
+ def to_line(self):
if self.format == None:
- return "\t".join( map( str, [ self.pos.chrom, self.pos.pos, self.id, self.ref, ",".join( self.alt ), self.qual, self.filter, self.infoline() ] ) ) + "\n"
+ return "\t".join(map(str, [ self.pos.chrom, self.pos.pos, self.id, self.ref, ",".join(self.alt), self.qual, self.filter, self.infoline() ])) + "\n"
- return "\t".join( map( str, [ self.pos.chrom, self.pos.pos, self.id, self.ref, ",".join( self.alt ), self.qual, self.filter, self.infoline(), self.sampleline() ] ) ) + "\n"
- def __descr__( self ):
+ return "\t".join(map(str, [ self.pos.chrom, self.pos.pos, self.id, self.ref, ",".join(self.alt), self.qual, self.filter, self.infoline(), self.sampleline() ])) + "\n"
+ def __descr__(self):
return "<VariantCall at %s, ref '%s', alt %s >" % (str(self.pos).rstrip("/."), self.ref, str(self.alt).strip("[]"))
- def __str__( self ):
+ def __str__(self):
return "%s:'%s'->%s" % (str(self.pos).rstrip("/."), self.ref, str(self.alt).strip("[]"))
- def unpack_info( self, infodict ):
+ def unpack_info(self, infodict):
tmp = {}
for token in self.info.strip(";").split(";"):
if re.compile("=").search(token):
token = token.split("=")
- if infodict.has_key( token[0] ):
- tmp[token[0]] = map( infodict[token[0]], token[1].split(",") )
+ if infodict.has_key(token[0]):
+ tmp[token[0]] = map(infodict[token[0]], token[1].split(","))
tmp[token[0]] = token[1].split(",")
- if len( tmp[ token[0] ] ) == 1:
+ if len(tmp[ token[0] ]) == 1:
tmp[token[0]] = tmp[token[0]][0]
else: #Flag attribute found
tmp[token] = True
- diff = set( infodict.keys() ).difference( set( tmp.keys() ) )
+ diff = set(infodict.keys()).difference(set(tmp.keys()))
for key in diff:
if infodict[key] == bool:
tmp[key] = False
self.info = tmp
-class VCF_Reader( FileOrSequence ):
+class VCF_Reader(FileOrSequence):
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence ):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, filename_or_sequence )
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, filename_or_sequence)
self.metadata = {}
self.info = {}
self.filters = {}
self.formats = {}
self.nsamples = 0
self.sampleids = []
- def make_info_dict( self ):
- self.infodict = dict( ( key, _vcf_typemap[self.info[key]["Type"]] ) for key in self.info.keys() )
- def parse_meta( self, header_filename = None ):
+ def make_info_dict(self):
+ self.infodict = dict((key, _vcf_typemap[self.info[key]["Type"]]) for key in self.info.keys())
+ def parse_meta(self, header_filename = None):
if header_filename == None:
- the_iter = FileOrSequence.__iter__( self )
+ the_iter = FileOrSequence.__iter__(self)
- the_iter = open( header_filename, "r" )
+ the_iter = open(header_filename, "r")
for line in the_iter:
- if line.startswith( '#' ):
- if line.startswith( "##" ):
- mo = _re_vcf_meta_comment.match( line )
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ if line.startswith("##"):
+ mo = _re_vcf_meta_comment.match(line)
if mo:
value = mo.group(2)
if mo.group(1) == "INFO":
- value = dict( e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value) )
+ value = dict(e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value))
key = value["ID"]
del value["ID"]
self.info[ key ] = value
elif mo.group(1) == "FILTER":
- value = dict( e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value) )
+ value = dict(e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value))
key = value["ID"]
del value["ID"]
self.filters[ key ] = value
elif mo.group(1) == "FORMAT":
- value = dict( e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value) )
+ value = dict(e.rstrip(",").split("=",1) for e in _re_vcf_meta_descr.findall(value))
key = value["ID"]
del value["ID"]
self.formats[ key ] = value
@@ -864,51 +872,51 @@ class VCF_Reader( FileOrSequence ):
self.metadata[ mo.group(1) ] = mo.group(2)
self.sampleids = line.rstrip("\t\n").split("\t")[9:]
- self.nsamples = len( self.sampleids )
+ self.nsamples = len(self.sampleids)
- def meta_info( self, header_filename = None ):
- ret = []
- if header_filename == None:
- the_iter = FileOrSequence.__iter__( self )
- else:
- the_iter = open( header_filename, "r" )
- for line in the_iter:
- if line.startswith( '#' ):
- ret.append( line )
- else:
- break
- return ret
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line == "\n" or line.startswith( '#' ):
+ def meta_info(self, header_filename=None):
+ ret = []
+ if header_filename is None:
+ the_iter = FileOrSequence.__iter__(self)
+ else:
+ the_iter = open(header_filename, "r")
+ for line in the_iter:
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ ret.append(line)
+ else:
+ break
+ return ret
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line == "\n" or line.startswith('#'):
- vc = VariantCall.fromline( line, self.nsamples, self.sampleids )
+ vc = VariantCall.fromline(line, self.nsamples, self.sampleids)
yield vc
-class WiggleReader( FileOrSequence ):
+class WiggleReader(FileOrSequence):
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence, verbose = True ):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, filename_or_sequence )
- self.attributes = {}
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence, verbose=True):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, filename_or_sequence)
+ self.attributes = {}
self.stepType = 'none'
self.verbose = verbose
- def __iter__( self ):
+ def __iter__(self):
span = 1
pos = None
step = None
chrom = None
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line.startswith( 'track' ):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line.startswith('track'):
fields = shlex.split(line)[1:]
self.attributes = dict([(p[0], p[1].strip('"')) for p in [x.split("=") for x in fields]])
- elif line.startswith( 'fixedStep' ): # do fixed step stuff
+ elif line.startswith('fixedStep'): # do fixed step stuff
self.stepType = 'fixed'
fields = shlex.split(line)[1:]
declarations = dict([(p[0], p[1].strip('"')) for p in [x.split("=") for x in fields]])
@@ -919,7 +927,7 @@ class WiggleReader( FileOrSequence ):
span = int(declarations['span'])
span = 1
- elif line.startswith( 'variableStep' ): # do variable step stuff
+ elif line.startswith('variableStep'): # do variable step stuff
self.stepType = 'variable'
fields = shlex.split(line)[1:]
declarations = dict([(p[0], p[1].strip('"')) for p in [x.split("=") for x in fields]])
@@ -928,124 +936,132 @@ class WiggleReader( FileOrSequence ):
span = int(declarations['span'])
span = 1
- elif line.startswith( 'browser' ) or line.startswith( '#' ): #Comment or ignored
+ elif line.startswith('browser') or line.startswith('#'): # Comment or ignored
if self.verbose:
print "Ignored line:", line
if self.stepType == 'fixed':
- yield ( GenomicInterval( chrom, pos, pos + span, '.' ), float(line.strip()) )
+ yield (GenomicInterval(chrom, pos, pos + span, '.'), float(line.strip()))
pos += step
elif self.stepType == 'variable':
tmp = line.strip().split(" ")
pos = int(tmp[0])
- yield ( GenomicInterval( chrom, pos, pos + span, '.' ), float(tmp[1]) )
-class BAM_Reader( object ):
+ yield (GenomicInterval(chrom, pos, pos + span, '.'), float(tmp[1]))
+class BAM_Reader(object):
- def __init__( self, filename ):
+ def __init__(self, filename, check_sq=True):
global pysam
self.filename = filename
self.sf = None # This one is only used by __getitem__
self.record_no = -1
+ self.check_sq = check_sq
- import pysam
+ import pysam
except ImportError:
- sys.stderr.write( "Please Install PySam to use the BAM_Reader Class (http://code.google.com/p/pysam/)" )
- raise
- def __iter__( self ):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ sys.stderr.write("Please Install PySam to use the BAM_Reader Class (http://code.google.com/p/pysam/)")
+ raise
+ def __iter__(self):
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
self.record_no = 0
for pa in sf:
- #yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead( pa, sf )
- yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedSegment( pa, sf )
+ #yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead(pa, sf)
+ yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedSegment(pa, sf)
self.record_no += 1
- def fetch( self, reference = None, start = None, end = None, region = None ):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ def fetch(self, reference=None, start=None, end=None, region=None):
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
self.record_no = 0
- for pa in sf.fetch( reference, start, end, region ):
- yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead( pa, sf )
- self.record_no += 1
+ for pa in sf.fetch(reference, start, end, region):
+ yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead(pa, sf)
+ self.record_no += 1
except ValueError as e:
- if e.message == "fetch called on bamfile without index":
- print "Error: ", e.message
- print "Your bam index file is missing or wrongly named, convention is that file 'x.bam' has index file 'x.bam.bai'!"
- else:
- raise
+ if e.message == "fetch called on bamfile without index":
+ print "Error: ", e.message
+ print "Your bam index file is missing or wrongly named, convention is that file 'x.bam' has index file 'x.bam.bai'!"
+ else:
+ raise
- raise
+ raise
- def get_line_number_string( self ):
+ def get_line_number_string(self):
if self.record_no == -1:
- return "unopened file %s" % ( self.filename )
+ return "unopened file %s" % (self.filename)
- return "record #%d in file %s" % ( self.record_no, self.filename )
- def __getitem__( self, iv ):
- if not isinstance( iv, GenomicInterval ):
- raise TypeError, "Use a HTSeq.GenomicInterval to access regions within .bam-file!"
+ return "record #%d in file %s" % (self.record_no, self.filename)
+ def __getitem__(self, iv):
+ if not isinstance(iv, GenomicInterval):
+ raise TypeError("Use a HTSeq.GenomicInterval to access regions within .bam-file!")
if self.sf is None:
- self.sf = pysam.Samfile( self.filename, "rb" )
- # NOTE: pysam 0.9 has renames _hasIndex into has_index
- if (hasattr(self.sf, '_hasIndex') and (not self.sf._hasIndex())) or (not self.sf.has_index()):
- raise ValueError, "The .bam-file has no index, random-access is disabled!"
- for pa in self.sf.fetch( iv.chrom, iv.start+1, iv.end ):
- yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead( pa, self.sf )
- def get_header_dict( self ):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
- return sf.header
-class BAM_Writer( object ):
- def __init__( self, filename, template = None, referencenames = None, referencelengths = None, text = None, header = None ):
- try:
- import pysam
- except ImportError:
- sys.stderr.write( "Please Install PySam to use the BAM_Writer Class (http://code.google.com/p/pysam/)" )
- raise
- self.filename = filename
- self.template = template
- self.referencenames = referencenames
- self.referencelengths = referencelengths
- self.text = text
- self.header = header
- self.sf = pysam.Samfile( self.filename, mode="wb", template = self.template, referencenames = self.referencenames, referencelengths = self.referencelengths, text = self.text, header = self.header )
- @classmethod
- def from_BAM_Reader( cls, fn, br ):
- return BAM_Writer( filename = fn, header = br.get_header_dict() )
- def write( self, alnmt):
- #self.sf.write( alnmt.to_pysam_AlignedRead( self.sf ) )
- self.sf.write( alnmt.to_pysam_AlignedSegment( self.sf ) )
- def close( self ):
- self.sf.close()
-class BED_Reader( FileOrSequence ):
- def __init__( self, filename_or_sequence ):
- FileOrSequence.__init__( self, filename_or_sequence )
- def __iter__( self ):
- for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__( self ):
- if line.startswith( "track" ):
- continue
- fields = line.split()
- if len(fields) < 3:
- raise ValueError, "BED file line contains less than 3 fields"
- if len(fields) > 9:
- raise ValueError, "BED file line contains more than 9 fields"
- iv = GenomicInterval( fields[0], int(fields[1]), int(fields[2]), fields[5] if len(fields) > 5 else "." )
- f = GenomicFeature( fields[3] if len(fields) > 3 else "unnamed", "BED line", iv )
- f.score = float( fields[4] ) if len(fields) > 4 else None
- f.thick = GenomicInterval( iv.chrom, int( fields[6] ), int( fields[7] ), iv.strand ) if len(fields) > 7 else None
- f.itemRgb = [ int(a) for a in fields[8].split(",") ] if len(fields) > 8 else None
- yield(f)
+ self.sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
+ # NOTE: pysam 0.9 has renames _hasIndex into has_index
+ if (hasattr(self.sf, '_hasIndex') and (not self.sf._hasIndex())) or (not self.sf.has_index()):
+ raise ValueError("The .bam-file has no index, random-access is disabled!")
+ for pa in self.sf.fetch(iv.chrom, iv.start+1, iv.end):
+ yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead(pa, self.sf)
+ def get_header_dict(self):
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
+ return sf.header
+class BAM_Writer(object):
+ def __init__(self, filename, template=None, referencenames=None, referencelengths=None, text=None, header=None):
+ try:
+ import pysam
+ except ImportError:
+ sys.stderr.write("Please Install PySam to use the BAM_Writer Class (http://code.google.com/p/pysam/)")
+ raise
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.template = template
+ self.referencenames = referencenames
+ self.referencelengths = referencelengths
+ self.text = text
+ self.header = header
+ self.sf = pysam.Samfile(
+ self.filename,
+ mode="wb",
+ template=self.template,
+ referencenames=self.referencenames,
+ referencelengths=self.referencelengths,
+ text=self.text,
+ header=self.header)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_BAM_Reader(cls, fn, br):
+ return BAM_Writer(filename=fn, header=br.get_header_dict())
+ def write(self, alnmt):
+ #self.sf.write(alnmt.to_pysam_AlignedRead(self.sf))
+ self.sf.write(alnmt.to_pysam_AlignedSegment(self.sf))
+ def close(self):
+ self.sf.close()
+class BED_Reader(FileOrSequence):
+ def __init__(self, filename_or_sequence):
+ FileOrSequence.__init__(self, filename_or_sequence)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for line in FileOrSequence.__iter__(self):
+ if line.startswith("track"):
+ continue
+ fields = line.split()
+ if len(fields) < 3:
+ raise ValueError("BED file line contains less than 3 fields")
+ if len(fields) > 9:
+ raise ValueError("BED file line contains more than 9 fields")
+ iv = GenomicInterval(fields[0], int(fields[1]), int(fields[2]), fields[5] if len(fields) > 5 else ".")
+ f = GenomicFeature(fields[3] if len(fields) > 3 else "unnamed", "BED line", iv)
+ f.score = float(fields[4]) if len(fields) > 4 else None
+ f.thick = GenomicInterval(iv.chrom, int(fields[6]), int(fields[7]), iv.strand) if len(fields) > 7 else None
+ f.itemRgb = [int(a) for a in fields[8].split(",")] if len(fields) > 8 else None
+ yield(f)
--- a/python2/HTSeq/_version.py
+++ b/python2/HTSeq/_version.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = "0.9.1"
\ No newline at end of file
+__version__ = "0.10.0"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/python2/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
+++ b/python2/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
i += 1
if i % 100000 == 0 and not quiet:
sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
"Error occured when processing GFF file (%s):\n" %
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
if not quiet:
sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
if len(counts) == 0:
@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
"%d SAM alignment record%s processed.\n" %
(i, "s" if not pe_mode else " pairs"))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
i += 1
if not pe_mode:
@@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
"%d SAM %s processed.\n" %
(i, "alignments " if not pe_mode else "alignment pairs"))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
if samoutfile is not None:
--- a/python2/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
+++ b/python2/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
@@ -576,7 +576,9 @@ cdef class GenomicArray(object):
self.storage, self.memmap_dir)
self.chrom_vectors[chrom] = {
- strand_nostrand: ChromVector.create(iv, self.typecode, self.storage)}
+ strand_nostrand: ChromVector.create(iv, self.typecode,
+ self.storage,
+ self.memmap_dir)}
def __reduce__(self):
return (_GenomicArray_unpickle, (self.stranded, self.typecode, self.chrom_vectors))
--- a/python3/HTSeq/__init__.py
+++ b/python3/HTSeq/__init__.py
@@ -993,11 +993,12 @@ class WiggleReader(FileOrSequence):
class BAM_Reader(object):
- def __init__(self, filename):
+ def __init__(self, filename, check_sq=True):
global pysam
self.filename = filename
self.sf = None # This one is only used by __getitem__
self.record_no = -1
+ self.check_sq = check_sq
import pysam
except ImportError:
@@ -1006,7 +1007,7 @@ class BAM_Reader(object):
def __iter__(self):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
self.record_no = 0
for pa in sf:
# yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead( pa, sf )
@@ -1014,7 +1015,7 @@ class BAM_Reader(object):
self.record_no += 1
def fetch(self, reference=None, start=None, end=None, region=None):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
self.record_no = 0
for pa in sf.fetch(reference, start, end, region):
@@ -1041,7 +1042,7 @@ class BAM_Reader(object):
raise TypeError(
"Use a HTSeq.GenomicInterval to access regions within .bam-file!")
if self.sf is None:
- self.sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ self.sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
# NOTE: pysam 0.9 has renames _hasIndex into has_index
if (hasattr(self.sf, '_hasIndex') and (not self.sf._hasIndex())) or (not self.sf.has_index()):
raise ValueError(
@@ -1050,7 +1051,7 @@ class BAM_Reader(object):
yield SAM_Alignment.from_pysam_AlignedRead(pa, self.sf)
def get_header_dict(self):
- sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb")
+ sf = pysam.Samfile(self.filename, "rb", check_sq=self.check_sq)
return sf.header
--- a/python3/HTSeq/_version.py
+++ b/python3/HTSeq/_version.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = "0.9.1"
\ No newline at end of file
+__version__ = "0.10.0"
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/python3/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
+++ b/python3/HTSeq/scripts/count.py
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
i += 1
if i % 100000 == 0 and not quiet:
sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
"Error occured when processing GFF file (%s):\n" %
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
if not quiet:
sys.stderr.write("%d GFF lines processed.\n" % i)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
if len(counts) == 0:
@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
"%d SAM alignment record%s processed.\n" %
(i, "s" if not pe_mode else " pairs"))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
i += 1
if not pe_mode:
@@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ def count_reads_in_features(sam_filenames, gff_filename,
"%d SAM %s processed.\n" %
(i, "alignments " if not pe_mode else "alignment pairs"))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
if samoutfile is not None:
--- a/python3/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
+++ b/python3/src/HTSeq/_HTSeq.pyx
@@ -579,7 +579,9 @@ cdef class GenomicArray(object):
self.storage, self.memmap_dir)
self.chrom_vectors[chrom] = {
- strand_nostrand: ChromVector.create(iv, self.typecode, self.storage)}
+ strand_nostrand: ChromVector.create(iv, self.typecode,
+ self.storage,
+ self.memmap_dir)}
def __reduce__(self):
return (_GenomicArray_unpickle, (self.stranded, self.typecode, self.chrom_vectors))
@@ -1513,12 +1515,19 @@ cdef class SAM_Alignment(AlignmentWithSequenceReversal):
cigar = "*"
- return '\t'.join((self.read.name, str(self.flag), query_start.chrom,
- str(query_start.start +
- 1), str(self.aQual), cigar, mate_start.chrom,
- str(mate_start.pos + 1), str(self.inferred_insert_size),
- self.read_as_aligned.seq, self.read_as_aligned.qualstr,
- '\t'.join(self.raw_optional_fields())))
+ return '\t'.join(
+ (self.read.name,
+ str(self.flag),
+ query_start.chrom,
+ str(query_start.start + 1),
+ str(self.aQual),
+ cigar,
+ mate_start.chrom,
+ str(mate_start.pos + 1),
+ str(self.inferred_insert_size),
+ self.read_as_aligned.seq.decode(),
+ self.read_as_aligned.qualstr.decode(),
+ '\t'.join(self.raw_optional_fields())))
def optional_field(SAM_Alignment self, str tag):
res = [p for p in self.optional_fields if p[0] == tag]
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
tag_build =
tag_date = 0
-tag_svn_revision = 0
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/htseq/commit/cb923c31b4c6e074e4a5bfc951629e468d9ae492
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