[med-svn] [Git][med-team/gnumed-server][upstream] New upstream version 22.2

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon May 28 20:27:43 BST 2018

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / gnumed-server

d65ebadb by Andreas Tille at 2018-05-28T21:22:55+02:00
New upstream version 22.2
- - - - -

8 changed files:

- + server/bootstrap/bootstrap_gm_db_system.py.bak
- server/bootstrap/fixup_db-v22.conf
- + server/bootstrap/gmAuditSchemaGenerator.py.bak
- server/bootstrap/update_db-v21_v22.conf
- server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
- server/sql/v21-v22/data/v22-Begleitbrief.tex
- server/sql/v21-v22/fixups/v22-release_notes-fixup.sql
- + server/sql/v21-v22/python/v22-2-fixup-form-templates.py


--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/bootstrap/bootstrap_gm_db_system.py.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,1888 @@
+##!/usr/bin/env python
+__doc__="""GNUmed schema installation.
+This script bootstraps a GNUmed database system.
+This will set up databases, tables, groups, permissions and
+possibly users. Most of this will be handled via SQL
+scripts, not directly in the bootstrapper itself.
+There's a special user called "gm-dbo" who owns all the
+database objects.
+For all this to work you must be able to access the database
+server as the standard "postgres" superuser.
+This script does NOT set up user specific configuration options.
+All definitions are loaded from a config file.
+Please consult the User Manual in the GNUmed CVS for
+further details.
+Requires psycopg 2.7.4 !
+# - perhaps create PGPASSFILE
+# - warn if empty password
+# - verify that pre-created database is owned by "gm-dbo"
+# - rework under assumption that there is only one DB
+__author__ = "Karsten.Hilbert at gmx.net"
+__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"
+# standard library
+import sys
+import os.path
+import fileinput
+import os
+import getpass
+import glob
+import re as regex
+import tempfile
+import io
+import logging
+import faulthandler
+# adjust Python path
+local_python_base_dir = os.path.dirname (
+	os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.argv[0], '..', '..'))
+# does the GNUmed import path exist at all, physically ?
+# (*broken* links are reported as False)
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(local_python_base_dir, 'Gnumed')):
+	real_dir = os.path.join(local_python_base_dir, 'server')
+	is_useful_import_dir = (
+		os.path.exists(os.path.join(real_dir, 'pycommon'))
+			and
+		os.path.exists(os.path.join(real_dir, '__init__.py'))
+	)
+	if not is_useful_import_dir:
+		real_dir = os.path.join(local_python_base_dir, 'client')			# CVS tree
+	link_name = os.path.join(local_python_base_dir, 'Gnumed')
+	print("Creating module import symlink ...")
+	print(' real dir:', real_dir)
+	print('     link:', link_name)
+	os.symlink(real_dir, link_name)
+print("Adjusting PYTHONPATH ...")
+sys.path.insert(0, local_python_base_dir)
+# GNUmed imports
+	from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLog2
+except ImportError:
+	print("Please make sure the GNUmed Python modules are in the Python path !")
+	raise
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmCfg2
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPsql
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
+from Gnumed.pycommon.gmExceptions import ConstructorError
+# local imports
+import gmAuditSchemaGenerator
+aud_gen = gmAuditSchemaGenerator
+_log = logging.getLogger('gm.bootstrapper')
+#faulthandler.enable(file = gmLog2._logfile)
+_cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData()
+_interactive = None
+_bootstrapped_servers = {}
+_bootstrapped_dbs = {}
+_dbowner = None
+cached_host = None
+cached_passwd = {}
+_keep_temp_files = False
+conn_ref_count = []
+pg_hba_sermon = """
+I have found a connection to the database, but I am forbidden
+to connect due to the settings in pg_hba.conf. This is a
+PostgreSQL configuration file that controls who can connect
+to the database.
+Depending on your setup, it can be found in
+/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf (Debian)
+/usr/local/pgsql/pgdata/pg_hba.conf (FreeBSD, ?? Mac OS X)
+FIXME: where do RedHat & friends put it
+ or whichever directory your database files are located.
+For gnumed, pg_hba.conf must allow password authentication.
+For deveopment systems, I suggest the following
+local    template1 postgres                             ident sameuser
+local    gnumed    all                                  md5
+host     gnumed    all     md5
+For production systems, a different configuration will be
+required, but gnumed is not production ready.
+There is also a pg_hba.conf.example in this directory.
+You must then restart (or SIGHUP) your PostgreSQL server.
+no_server_sermon = """
+I cannot find a PostgreSQL server running on this machine.
+Try (as root):
+/etc/init.d/postgresql start
+if that fails, you can build a database from scratch:
+PGDATA=some directory you can use
+cp pg_hba.conf.example $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf
+pg_ctl start 
+if none of these commands work, or you don't know what PostgreSQL
+is, go to the website to download for your OS at:
+On the other hand, if you have a PostgreSQL server
+running somewhere strange, type hostname[:port]
+below, or press RETURN to quit.
+superuser_sermon = """
+I can't log on as the PostgreSQL database owner.
+Try running this script as the system administrator (user "root")
+to get the neccessary permissions.
+NOTE: I expect the PostgreSQL database owner to be called "%s"
+If for some reason it is not, you need to adjust my configuration
+script, and run again as that user.
+no_clues = """
+Logging on to the PostgreSQL database returned this error
+on %s
+Please contact the GNUmed development team on gnumed-devel at gnu.org.
+Make sure you include this error message in your mail.
+welcome_sermon = """
+Welcome to the GNUmed server instllation script.
+You must have a PostgreSQL server running and
+administrator access.
+Please select a database configuation from the list below.
+SQL_add_foreign_key = u"""
+ALTER TABLE %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	ADD FOREIGN KEY (%(src_col)s)
+		REFERENCES %(target_schema)s.%(target_tbl)s(%(target_col)s)
+SQL_add_index = u"""
+-- idempotent:
+DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %(idx_schema)s.%(idx_name)s CASCADE;
+CREATE INDEX %(idx_name)s ON %(idx_schema)s.%(idx_table)s(%(idx_col)s);
+def user_exists(cursor=None, user=None):
+	cmd = "SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE usename = %(usr)s"
+	args = {'usr': user}
+	try:
+		cursor.execute(cmd, args)
+	except:
+		_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed for user [%s]", cmd, user)
+		return None
+	res = cursor.fetchone()
+	if cursor.rowcount == 1:
+		_log.info(u"user [%s] exists", user)
+		return True
+	_log.info(u"user [%s] does not exist", user)
+	return None
+def db_group_exists(cursor=None, group=None):
+	cmd = 'SELECT groname FROM pg_group WHERE groname = %(grp)s'
+	args = {'grp': group}
+	try:
+		cursor.execute(cmd, args)
+	except:
+		_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed for group [%s]", cmd, group)
+		return False
+	rows = cursor.fetchall()
+	if len(rows) > 0:
+		_log.info(u"group [%s] exists" % group)
+		return True
+	_log.info(u"group [%s] does not exist" % group)
+	return False
+def create_db_group(cursor=None, group=None):
+	# does this group already exist ?
+	if db_group_exists(cursor, group):
+		return True
+	cmd = 'create group "%s"' % group
+	try:
+		cursor.execute(cmd)
+	except:
+		_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed for group [%s]", cmd, group)
+		return False
+	# paranoia is good
+	if not db_group_exists(cursor, group):
+		return False
+	return True
+def connect(host, port, db, user, passwd, conn_name=None):
+	"""
+	This is a wrapper to the database connect function.
+	Will try to recover gracefully from connection errors where possible
+	"""
+	global cached_host
+	if len(host) == 0 or host == 'localhost':
+		if cached_host:
+			host, port = cached_host
+		else:
+			host = ''
+	if passwd == 'blank' or passwd is None or len(passwd) == 0:
+		if cached_passwd.has_key (user):
+			passwd = cached_passwd[user]
+		else:
+			passwd = ''
+	dsn = gmPG2.make_psycopg2_dsn(database=db, host=host, port=port, user=user, password=passwd)
+	_log.info(u"trying DB connection to %s on %s as %s", db, host or 'localhost', user)
+	try:
+		conn = gmPG2.get_connection(dsn=dsn, readonly=False, pooled=False, verbose=True, connection_name = conn_name)
+	except:
+		_log.exception(u'connection failed')
+		raise
+	cached_host = (host, port) # learn from past successes
+	cached_passwd[user] = passwd
+	conn_ref_count.append(conn)
+	_log.info(u'successfully connected')
+	return conn
+class user:
+	def __init__(self, anAlias = None, aPassword = None):
+		if anAlias is None:
+			raise ConstructorError("need user alias")
+		self.alias = anAlias
+		self.group = "user %s" % self.alias
+		self.name = cfg_get(self.group, "name")
+		if self.name is None:
+			raise ConstructorError("cannot get user name")
+		self.password = aPassword
+		# password not passed in, try to get it from elsewhere
+		if self.password is None:
+			# look into config file
+			self.password = cfg_get(self.group, "password")
+			# undefined or commented out:
+			# this means the user does not need a password
+			# but connects via IDENT or TRUST
+			if self.password is None:
+				_log.info(u'password not defined, assuming connect via IDENT/TRUST')
+			# defined but empty:
+			# this means to ask the user if interactive
+			elif self.password == '':
+				if _interactive:
+					print("I need the password for the database user [%s]." % self.name)
+					self.password = getpass.getpass("Please type the password: ")
+				else:
+					_log.warning('cannot get password for database user [%s]', self.name)
+					raise ValueError('no password for user %s' % self.name)
+		return None
+class db_server:
+	def __init__(self, aSrv_alias, auth_group):
+		_log.info(u"bootstrapping server [%s]" % aSrv_alias)
+		global _bootstrapped_servers
+		if _bootstrapped_servers.has_key(aSrv_alias):
+			_log.info(u"server [%s] already bootstrapped" % aSrv_alias)
+			return None
+		self.alias = aSrv_alias
+		self.section = "server %s" % self.alias
+		self.auth_group = auth_group
+		self.conn = None
+		if not self.__bootstrap():
+			raise ConstructorError("db_server.__init__(): Cannot bootstrap db server.")
+		_bootstrapped_servers[self.alias] = self
+		_log.info(u'done bootstrapping server [%s]', aSrv_alias)
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __bootstrap(self):
+		self.superuser = user(anAlias = cfg_get(self.section, "super user alias"))
+		# connect to server level template database
+		if not self.__connect_superuser_to_srv_template():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot connect to server template database.")
+			return None
+		# add users/groups
+		if not self.__bootstrap_db_users():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot bootstrap database users.")
+			return None
+		self.conn.close()
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __connect_superuser_to_srv_template(self):
+		_log.info(u"connecting to server template database")
+		# sanity checks
+		self.template_db = cfg_get(self.section, "template database")
+		if self.template_db is None:
+			_log.error(u"Need to know the template database name.")
+			return None
+		self.name = cfg_get(self.section, "name")
+		if self.name is None:
+			_log.error(u"Need to know the server name.")
+			return None
+		env_var = 'GM_DB_PORT'
+		self.port = os.getenv(env_var)
+		if self.port is None:
+			_log.info(u'environment variable [%s] is not set, using database port from config file' % env_var)
+			self.port = cfg_get(self.section, "port")
+		else:
+			_log.info(u'using database port [%s] from environment variable [%s]' % (self.port, env_var))
+		if self.port is None:
+			_log.error(u"Need to know the database server port address.")
+			return None
+		if self.conn is not None:
+			if self.conn.closed == 0:
+				self.conn.close()
+		self.conn = connect(self.name, self.port, self.template_db, self.superuser.name, self.superuser.password, conn_name = u'root at template.server')
+		if self.conn is None:
+			_log.error(u'Cannot connect.')
+			return None
+		self.conn.cookie = 'db_server.__connect_superuser_to_srv_template'
+		# verify encoding
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		curs.execute(u"select setting from pg_settings where name = 'lc_ctype'")
+		data = curs.fetchall()
+		lc_ctype = data[0][0]
+		_log.info(u'template database LC_CTYPE is [%s]', lc_ctype)
+		lc_ctype = lc_ctype.lower()
+		if lc_ctype in ['c', 'posix']:
+			_log.warning('while this cluster setting allows to store databases')
+			_log.warning('in any encoding as is it does not allow for locale')
+			_log.warning('sorting etc, hence it is not recommended for use')
+			_log.warning('(although it will, technically, work)')
+		elif not (lc_ctype.endswith('.utf-8') or lc_ctype.endswith('.utf8')):
+			_log.error(u'LC_CTYPE does not end in .UTF-8 or .UTF8')
+			curs.execute(u"show server_encoding")
+			data = curs.fetchall()
+			srv_enc = data[0][0]
+			_log.info(u'server_encoding is [%s]', srv_enc)
+			srv_enc = srv_enc.lower()
+			if not srv_enc in ['utf8', 'utf-8']:
+				_log.error(u'cluster encoding incompatible with utf8 encoded databases but')
+				_log.error(u'for GNUmed installation the cluster must accept this encoding')
+				_log.error(u'you may need to re-initdb or create a new cluster')
+				return None
+			_log.info(u'server encoding seems compatible despite not being reported in LC_CTYPE')
+		# make sure we get english messages
+		curs.execute(u"set lc_messages to 'C'")
+		curs.close()
+		_log.info(u"successfully connected to template database [%s]" % self.template_db)
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	# user and group related
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __bootstrap_db_users(self):
+		_log.info(u"bootstrapping database users and groups")
+		# insert standard groups
+		if not self.__create_groups():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot create GNUmed standard groups.")
+			return None
+		# create GNUmed owner
+		if self.__create_dbowner() is None:
+			_log.error(u"Cannot install GNUmed database owner.")
+			return None
+#		if not _import_schema(group=self.section, schema_opt='schema', conn=self.conn):
+#			_log.error(u"Cannot import schema definition for server [%s] into database [%s]." % (self.name, self.template_db))
+#			return None
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __create_dbowner(self):
+		global _dbowner
+		dbowner_alias = cfg_get("GnuMed defaults", "database owner alias")
+		if dbowner_alias is None:
+			_log.error(u"Cannot load GNUmed database owner name from config file.")
+			return None
+		cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+		# does this user already exist ?
+		name = cfg_get('user %s' % dbowner_alias, 'name')
+		if user_exists(cursor, name):
+			cmd = (
+				'alter group "gm-logins" add user "%s";'	# postgres
+				'alter group "gm-logins" add user "%s";'	# gm-dbo
+				'alter group "%s" add user "%s";'
+				'alter role "%s" createdb createrole;'
+			) % (
+				self.superuser.name,
+				name,
+				self.auth_group, name,
+				name,
+			)
+			try:
+				cursor.execute(cmd)
+			except:
+				_log.error(u">>>[%s]<<< failed." % cmd)
+				_log.exception(u"Cannot add GNUmed database owner [%s] to groups [gm-logins] and [%s]." % (name, self.auth_group))
+				cursor.close()
+				return False
+			self.conn.commit()
+			cursor.close()
+			_dbowner = user(anAlias = dbowner_alias, aPassword = 'should not matter')
+			return True
+		print_msg ((
+u"""The database owner [%s] will be created.
+You will have to provide a new password for it
+unless it is pre-defined in the configuration file.
+Make sure to remember the password for later use !
+""") % name)
+		_dbowner = user(anAlias = dbowner_alias)
+		cmd = 'create user "%s" with password \'%s\' createdb createrole in group "%s", "gm-logins"' % (_dbowner.name, _dbowner.password, self.auth_group)
+		try:
+			cursor.execute(cmd)
+		except:
+			_log.error(u">>>[%s]<<< failed." % cmd)
+			_log.exception(u"Cannot create GNUmed database owner [%s]." % _dbowner.name)
+			cursor.close()
+			return None
+		# paranoia is good
+		if not user_exists(cursor, _dbowner.name):
+			cursor.close()
+			return None
+		self.conn.commit()
+		cursor.close()
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __create_groups(self, aSection = None):
+		if aSection is None:
+			section = "GnuMed defaults"
+		else:
+			section = aSection
+		groups = cfg_get(section, "groups")
+		if groups is None:
+			_log.error(u"Cannot load GNUmed group names from config file (section [%s])." % section)
+			groups = [self.auth_group]
+		else:
+			groups.append(self.auth_group)
+		cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+		for group in groups:
+			if not create_db_group(cursor, group):
+				cursor.close()
+				return False
+		self.conn.commit()
+		cursor.close()
+		return True
+class database:
+	def __init__(self, aDB_alias):
+		_log.info(u"bootstrapping database [%s]" % aDB_alias)
+		self.section = "database %s" % aDB_alias
+		# find database name
+		overrider = cfg_get(self.section, 'override name by')
+		if overrider is not None:
+			self.name = os.getenv(overrider)
+			if self.name is None:
+				_log.info(u'environment variable [%s] is not set, using database name from config file' % overrider)
+				self.name = cfg_get(self.section, 'name')
+		else:
+			self.name = cfg_get(self.section, 'name')
+		if self.name is None or str(self.name).strip() == '':
+			_log.error(u"Need to know database name.")
+			raise ConstructorError("database.__init__(): Cannot bootstrap database.")
+		# already bootstrapped ?
+		global _bootstrapped_dbs
+		if _bootstrapped_dbs.has_key(aDB_alias):
+			if _bootstrapped_dbs[aDB_alias].name == self.name:
+				_log.info(u"database [%s] already bootstrapped", self.name)
+				return None
+		# no, so bootstrap from scratch
+		_log.info(u'bootstrapping database [%s] alias "%s"', self.name, aDB_alias)
+		for db in _bootstrapped_dbs.values():
+			if db.conn.closed == 0:
+				db.conn.close()
+		_bootstrapped_dbs = {}
+		self.conn = None
+		self.server_alias = cfg_get(self.section, "server alias")
+		if self.server_alias is None:
+			_log.error(u"Server alias missing.")
+			raise ConstructorError("database.__init__(): Cannot bootstrap database.")
+		self.template_db = cfg_get(self.section, "template database")
+		if self.template_db is None:
+			_log.error(u"Template database name missing.")
+			raise ConstructorError("database.__init__(): Cannot bootstrap database.")
+		# make sure server is bootstrapped
+		db_server(self.server_alias, auth_group = self.name)
+		self.server = _bootstrapped_servers[self.server_alias]
+		if not self.__bootstrap():
+			raise ConstructorError("database.__init__(): Cannot bootstrap database.")
+		_bootstrapped_dbs[aDB_alias] = self
+		return None
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __bootstrap(self):
+		global _dbowner
+		# get owner
+		if _dbowner is None:
+			_dbowner = user(anAlias = cfg_get("GnuMed defaults", "database owner alias"))
+		if _dbowner is None:
+			_log.error(u"Cannot load GNUmed database owner name from config file.")
+			return None
+		self.owner = _dbowner
+		# connect as owner to template
+		if not self.__connect_superuser_to_template():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot connect to template database.")
+			return False
+		# make sure db exists
+		if not self.__create_db():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot create database.")
+			return False
+		# reconnect as superuser to db
+		if not self.__connect_superuser_to_db():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot connect to database.")
+			return None
+		# create authentication group
+		_log.info(u'creating database-specific authentication group role')
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		if not create_db_group(cursor = curs, group = self.name):
+			curs.close()
+			_log.error(u'cannot create authentication group role')
+			return False
+		self.conn.commit()
+		curs.close()
+		# paranoia check
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		if not db_group_exists(cursor = curs, group = self.name):
+			curs.close()
+			_log.error(u'cannot find authentication group role')
+			return False
+		curs.close()
+		# reindex db so upgrade doesn't fail on broken index
+		if not self.reindex_all():
+			_log.error(u'cannot REINDEX cloned target database')
+			return False
+		if not self.revalidate_constraints():
+			_log.error(u'cannot VALIDATE CONSTRAINTs in cloned target database')
+			return False
+		tmp = cfg_get(self.section, 'superuser schema')
+		if tmp is not None:
+			if not _import_schema(group=self.section, schema_opt='superuser schema', conn=self.conn):
+				_log.error(u"cannot import schema definition for database [%s]" % (self.name))
+				return False
+		del tmp
+		# transfer users
+		if not self.transfer_users():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot transfer users from old to new database.")
+			return False
+		# reconnect as owner to db
+		if not self.__connect_owner_to_db():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot connect to database.")
+			return None
+		if not _import_schema(group=self.section, schema_opt='schema', conn=self.conn):
+			_log.error(u"cannot import schema definition for database [%s]" % (self.name))
+			return None
+		# don't close this here, the  connection will
+		# be reused later by check_data*/import_data etc.
+		#self.conn.close()
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __connect_superuser_to_template(self):
+		if self.conn is not None:
+			if self.conn.closed == 0:
+				self.conn.close()
+		self.conn = connect (
+			self.server.name,
+			self.server.port,
+			self.template_db,
+			self.server.superuser.name,
+			self.server.superuser.password,
+			conn_name = u'postgres at template.db'
+		)
+		self.conn.cookie = 'database.__connect_superuser_to_template'
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		curs.execute(u"set lc_messages to 'C'")
+		curs.close()
+		return self.conn and 1
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __connect_superuser_to_db(self):
+		if self.conn is not None:
+			if self.conn.closed == 0:
+				self.conn.close()
+		self.conn = connect (
+			self.server.name,
+			self.server.port,
+			self.name,
+			self.server.superuser.name,
+			self.server.superuser.password,
+			conn_name = u'postgres at gnumed_vX'
+		)
+		self.conn.cookie = 'database.__connect_superuser_to_db'
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		curs.execute(u'set default_transaction_read_only to off')
+		# we need English messages to detect errors
+		curs.execute(u"set lc_messages to 'C'")
+		curs.execute(u"alter database %s set lc_messages to 'C'" % self.name)
+		# we want READ ONLY default transactions for maximum patient data safety
+		curs.execute("alter database %s set default_transaction_read_only to on" % self.name)
+		# we want checking of function bodies
+		curs.execute("alter database %s set check_function_bodies to on" % self.name)
+		# we want checking of data checksums if available
+		curs.execute("alter database %s set ignore_checksum_failure to off" % self.name)
+		curs.close()
+		self.conn.commit()
+		# we need inheritance or else things will fail miserably but:
+		# default now ON and PG10.0 hardwired to ON
+		# so remove database specific setting
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		try:
+			curs.execute("alter database %s set sql_inheritance to DEFAULT" % self.name)
+		except:
+			_log.exception('PostgreSQL 10 onwards: <sql_inheritance> hardwired')
+		curs.close()
+		self.conn.commit()
+		# we want to track commit timestamps if available
+		# remove exception handler when 9.5 is default
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		try:
+			curs.execute("alter database %s set track_commit_timestamp to on" % self.name)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u'PostgreSQL version < 9.5 does not support <track_commit_timestamp> OR <track_commit_timestamp> cannot be set at runtime')
+		curs.close()
+		self.conn.commit()
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		gmPG2._log_PG_settings(curs = curs)
+		curs.close()
+		self.conn.commit()
+		return self.conn and 1
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __connect_owner_to_db(self):
+		_log.debug(u'__connect_owner_to_db')
+		# reconnect as superuser to db
+		if not self.__connect_superuser_to_db():
+			_log.error(u"Cannot connect to database.")
+			return False
+		self.conn.cookie = 'database.__connect_owner_to_db via database.__connect_superuser_to_db'
+		_log.debug(u'setting session authorization to user %s', self.owner.name)
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		cmd = "set session authorization %(usr)s"
+		curs.execute(cmd, {'usr': self.owner.name})
+		curs.close()
+		return self.conn and 1
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __db_exists(self):
+		#cmd = "BEGIN; SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname='%s'" % self.name
+		cmd = "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname='%s'" % self.name
+		aCursor = self.conn.cursor()
+		try:
+			aCursor.execute(cmd)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed." % cmd)
+			return None
+		res = aCursor.fetchall()
+		tmp = aCursor.rowcount
+		aCursor.close()
+		if tmp == 1:
+			_log.info(u"Database [%s] exists." % self.name)
+			return True
+		_log.info(u"Database [%s] does not exist." % self.name)
+		return None
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __create_db(self):
+		# verify template database hash
+		template_version = cfg_get(self.section, 'template version')
+		if template_version is None:
+			_log.warning('cannot check template database identity hash, no version specified')
+		else:
+			converted, version = gmTools.input2int(template_version.lstrip('v'), 0)
+			if not converted:
+				_log.error(u'invalid template database definition: %s', template_version)
+				return False
+			if not gmPG2.database_schema_compatible(link_obj = self.conn, version = version):
+				_log.error(u'invalid [%s] schema structure in GNUmed template database [%s]', template_version, self.template_db)
+				return False
+		# check for target database
+		if self.__db_exists():
+			drop_existing = bool(int(cfg_get(self.section, 'drop target database')))
+			if drop_existing:
+				print_msg("==> dropping pre-existing target database [%s] ..." % self.name)
+				_log.info(u'trying to drop target database')
+				cmd = 'DROP DATABASE "%s"' % self.name
+				# DROP DATABASE must be run outside transactions
+				self.conn.commit()
+				self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = True)
+				cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+				try:
+					_log.debug(u'running SQL: %s', cmd)
+					cursor.execute(cmd)
+				except:
+					_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed" % cmd)
+					_log.debug(u'conn state after failed DROP: %s', gmPG2.capture_conn_state(self.conn))
+					return False
+				finally:
+					cursor.close()
+					self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = False)
+			else:
+				use_existing = bool(int(cfg_get(self.section, 'use existing target database')))
+				if use_existing:
+					# FIXME: verify that database is owned by "gm-dbo"
+					print_msg("==> using pre-existing target database [%s] ..." % self.name)
+					_log.info(u'using existing database [%s]', self.name)
+					return True
+				else:
+					_log.info(u'not using existing database [%s]', self.name)
+					return False
+		tablespace = cfg_get(self.section, 'tablespace')
+		if tablespace is None:
+			create_db_cmd = """
+				CREATE DATABASE \"%s\" with
+					owner = \"%s\"
+					template = \"%s\"
+					encoding = 'unicode'
+				;""" % (self.name, self.owner.name, self.template_db)
+		else:
+			create_db_cmd = """
+				CREATE DATABASE \"%s\" with
+					owner = \"%s\"
+					template = \"%s\"
+					encoding = 'unicode'
+					tablespace = '%s'
+				;""" % (self.name, self.owner.name, self.template_db, tablespace)
+		# get size
+		cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+		size_cmd = "SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('%s'))" % self.template_db
+		cursor.execute(size_cmd)
+		size = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+		cursor.close()
+		# create database by cloning
+		print_msg("==> cloning [%s] (%s) as target database [%s] ..." % (self.template_db, size, self.name))
+		# CREATE DATABASE must be run outside transactions
+		self.conn.commit()
+		self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = True)
+		cursor = self.conn.cursor()
+		try:
+			cursor.execute(create_db_cmd)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed" % create_db_cmd)
+			return False
+		finally:
+			cursor.close()
+			self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = False)
+		if not self.__db_exists():
+			return None
+		_log.info(u"Successfully created GNUmed database [%s]." % self.name)
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def check_data_plausibility(self):
+		print_msg("==> checking migrated data for plausibility ...")
+		plausibility_queries = cfg_get(self.section, 'upgrade plausibility checks')
+		if plausibility_queries is None:
+			_log.warning('no plausibility checks defined')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped (no checks defined)")
+			return True
+		no_of_queries, remainder = divmod(len(plausibility_queries), 2)
+		if remainder != 0:
+			_log.error(u'odd number of plausibility queries defined, aborting')
+			print_msg("    ... failed (configuration error)")
+			return False
+		template_conn = connect (
+			self.server.name,
+			self.server.port,
+			self.template_db,
+			self.server.superuser.name,
+			self.server.superuser.password
+		)
+		template_conn.cookie = 'check_data_plausibility: template'
+		target_conn = connect (
+			self.server.name,
+			self.server.port,
+			self.name,
+			self.server.superuser.name,
+			self.server.superuser.password
+		)
+		target_conn.cookie = 'check_data_plausibility: target'
+		all_tests_successful = True
+		for idx in range(no_of_queries):
+			check_def = plausibility_queries[idx*2]
+			if check_def.startswith('--'):
+				_log.debug(u'skipped: %s', check_def)
+				continue
+			tag = u'?'
+			old_query = u'?'
+			try:
+				tag, old_query = check_def.split('::::')
+			except:
+				_log.exception(u'error in plausibility check, aborting')
+				_log.error(u'check definition: %s', check_def)
+				print_msg("    ... failed (check definition error)")
+				all_tests_successful = False
+				continue
+			new_query = plausibility_queries[(idx*2) + 1]
+			try:
+				rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
+					link_obj = template_conn,
+					queries = [{'cmd': unicode(old_query)}]
+				)
+				old_val = rows[0][0]
+			except:
+				_log.exception(u'error in plausibility check [%s] (old), aborting' % tag)
+				_log.error(u'SQL: %s', old_query)
+				print_msg("    ... failed (SQL error)")
+				all_tests_successful = False
+				continue
+			try:
+				rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
+					link_obj = target_conn,
+					queries = [{'cmd': unicode(new_query)}]
+				)
+				new_val = rows[0][0]
+			except:
+				_log.exception(u'error in plausibility check [%s] (new), aborting' % tag)
+				_log.error(u'SQL: %s', new_query)
+				print_msg("    ... failed (SQL error)")
+				all_tests_successful = False
+				continue
+			if new_val != old_val:
+				_log.error(u'plausibility check [%s] failed, expected: %s (in old DB), found: %s (in new DB)' % (tag, old_val, new_val))
+				_log.error(u'SQL (old DB): %s', old_query)
+				_log.error(u'SQL (new DB): %s', new_query)
+				print_msg("    ... failed (data error, check [%s])" % tag)
+				all_tests_successful = False
+				continue
+			_log.info(u'plausibility check [%s] succeeded' % tag)
+		template_conn.close()
+		target_conn.close()
+		return all_tests_successful
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def check_holy_auth_line(self):
+		holy_pattern = 'local.*samerole.*\+gm-logins'
+		holy_pattern_inactive = '#\s*local.*samerole.*\+gm-logins'
+		conn = connect (
+			self.server.name,
+			self.server.port,
+			self.name,
+			self.server.superuser.name,
+			self.server.superuser.password
+		)
+		conn.cookie = u'holy auth check connection'
+		cmd = u"select setting from pg_settings where name = 'hba_file'"
+		rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+		conn.close()
+		if len(rows) == 0:
+			_log.info(u'cannot check pg_hba.conf for authentication information - not detectable in pg_settings')
+			return
+		hba_file = rows[0][0]
+		_log.info(u'hba file: %s', hba_file)
+		try:
+			f = io.open(hba_file, mode = 'rt').close()
+		except Exception:
+			_log.exception(u'cannot check pg_hba.conf for authentication information - not readable')
+			return
+		found_holy_line = False
+		for line in fileinput.input(hba_file):
+			if regex.match(holy_pattern, line) is not None:
+				found_holy_line = True
+				_log.info(u'found standard GNUmed authentication directive in pg_hba.conf')
+				_log.info(u'[%s]', line)
+				_log.info(u'it may still be in the wrong place, though, so double-check if clients cannot connect')
+				break
+		if not found_holy_line:
+			_log.info(u'did not find active standard GNUmed authentication directive in pg_hba.conf')
+			_log.info(u'regex: %s' % holy_pattern)
+			found_holy_line_inactive = False
+			for line in fileinput.input(hba_file):
+				if regex.match(holy_pattern_inactive, line) is not None:
+					found_holy_line_inactive = True
+					_log.info(u'found inactive standard GNUmed authentication directive in pg_hba.conf')
+					_log.info(u'[%s]', line)
+					_log.info(u'it may still be in the wrong place, though, so double-check if clients cannot connect')
+					break
+			if not found_holy_line_inactive:
+				_log.info(u'did not find inactive standard GNUmed authentication directive in pg_hba.conf either')
+				_log.info(u'regex: %s' % holy_pattern_inactive)
+			_log.info(u'bootstrapping is likely to have succeeded but clients probably cannot connect yet')
+			print_msg('==> sanity checking PostgreSQL authentication settings ...')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('Note that even after successfully bootstrapping the GNUmed ')
+			print_msg('database PostgreSQL may still need to be configured to')
+			print_msg('allow GNUmed clients to connect to it.')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('In many standard PostgreSQL installations this amounts to')
+			print_msg('adding (or uncommenting) the authentication directive:')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('  "local   samerole    +gm-logins   md5"')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('in the proper place of the file:')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('  %s' % hba_file)
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('For details refer to the GNUmed documentation at:')
+			print_msg('')
+			print_msg('  http://wiki.gnumed.de/bin/view/Gnumed/ConfigurePostgreSQL')
+			print_msg('')
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def import_data(self):
+		print_msg("==> upgrading reference data sets ...")
+		import_scripts = cfg_get(self.section, "data import scripts")
+		if (import_scripts is None) or (len(import_scripts) == 0):
+			_log.info(u'skipped data import: no scripts to run')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped (no scripts to run)")
+			return True
+		script_base_dir = cfg_get(self.section, "script base directory")
+		script_base_dir = os.path.expanduser(script_base_dir)
+		# doesn't work on MacOSX:
+		#script_base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(script_base_dir))
+		script_base_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.path.join('.', script_base_dir)))
+		for import_script in import_scripts:
+			try:
+				script = gmTools.import_module_from_directory(module_path = script_base_dir, module_name = import_script, always_remove_path = True)
+			except ImportError:
+				print_msg("    ... failed (cannot load script [%s])" % import_script)
+				_log.error(u'cannot load data set import script [%s/%s]' % (script_base_dir, import_script))
+				return False
+			try:
+				script.run(conn = self.conn)
+			except:
+				print_msg("    ... failed (cannot run script [%s])" % import_script)
+				_log.exception(u'cannot run import script [%s]' % import_script)
+				return False
+			if import_script.endswith('.py'):
+				import_script = import_script[:-3]
+			import gc
+			try:
+				del sys.modules[import_script]
+				del script
+				gc.collect()
+			except:
+				_log.exception(u'cannot remove data import script module [%s], hoping for the best', import_script)
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def verify_result_hash(self):
+		print_msg("==> verifying target database schema ...")
+		target_version = cfg_get(self.section, 'target version')
+		if target_version == 'devel':
+			print_msg("    ... skipped (devel version)")
+			_log.info(u'result schema hash: %s', gmPG2.get_schema_hash(link_obj = self.conn))
+			_log.warning('testing/development only, not failing due to invalid target database identity hash')
+			return True
+		converted, version = gmTools.input2int(target_version.lstrip('v'), 2)
+		if not converted:
+			_log.error(u'cannot convert target database version: %s', target_version)
+			print_msg("    ... failed (invalid target version specification)")
+			return False
+		if gmPG2.database_schema_compatible(link_obj = self.conn, version = version):
+			_log.info(u'database identity hash properly verified')
+			return True
+		_log.error(u'target database identity hash invalid')
+		print_msg("    ... failed (hash mismatch)")
+		return False
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def reindex_all(self):
+		print_msg("==> reindexing target database (can take a while) ...")
+		do_reindex = cfg_get(self.section, 'reindex')
+		if do_reindex is None:
+			do_reindex = True
+		else:
+			do_reindex = (int(do_reindex) == 1)
+		if not do_reindex:
+			_log.warning('skipping REINDEXing')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped")
+			return True
+		_log.info(u'REINDEXing cloned target database so upgrade does not fail in case of a broken index')
+		_log.info(u'this may potentially take "quite a long time" depending on how much data there is in the database')
+		_log.info(u'you may want to monitor the PostgreSQL log for signs of progress')
+		# REINDEX must be run outside transactions
+		self.conn.commit()
+		self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = True)
+		curs_outer = self.conn.cursor()
+		cmd = 'REINDEX (VERBOSE) DATABASE %s' % self.name
+		try:
+			curs_outer.execute(cmd)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed" % cmd)
+			# re-attempt w/o VERBOSE
+			_log.info(u'attempting REINDEXing without VERBOSE')
+			curs_inner = self.conn.cursor()
+			cmd = 'REINDEX DATABASE %s' % self.name
+			try:
+				curs_inner.execute(cmd)
+			except:
+				_log.exception(u">>>[%s]<<< failed" % cmd)
+				return False
+			finally:
+				curs_inner.close()
+				self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = False)
+		finally:
+			curs_outer.close()
+			self.conn.set_session(readonly = False, autocommit = False)
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def revalidate_constraints(self):
+		print_msg("==> revalidating constraints in target database (can take a while) ...")
+		do_revalidate = cfg_get(self.section, 'revalidate')
+		if do_revalidate is None:
+			do_revalidate = True		# default: do it
+		else:
+			do_revalidate = (int(do_revalidate) == 1)
+		if not do_revalidate:
+			_log.warning('skipping VALIDATE CONSTRAINT')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped")
+			return True
+		_log.info(u'reVALIDATing CONSTRAINTs in cloned target database so upgrade does not fail due to broken data')
+		_log.info(u'this may potentially take "quite a long time" depending on how much data there is in the database')
+		_log.info(u'you may want to monitor the PostgreSQL log for signs of progress')
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		cmd = u"""do $$
+				r record;
+				FOR r IN (
+					select con.connamespace, nsp.nspname, con.conname, con.conrelid, rel.relname
+					from pg_constraint con
+						join pg_namespace nsp on nsp.oid = con.connamespace
+						join pg_class rel on rel.oid = con.conrelid
+					where contype in ('c','f')
+				) LOOP
+					RAISE NOTICE 'validating [%] on [%.%]', r.conname, r.nspname, r.relname;
+					EXECUTE 'UPDATE pg_constraint SET convalidated=false WHERE conname=$1 AND connamespace=$2 AND conrelid=$3' USING r.conname, r.connamespace, r.conrelid;
+					EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || r.nspname || '.' || r.relname || ' VALIDATE CONSTRAINT "' || r.conname || '"';
+				END LOOP;
+			END
+		$$;"""
+		try:
+			curs.execute(cmd)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>[VALIDATE CONSTRAINT]<<< failed")
+			return False
+		finally:
+			curs.close()
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def transfer_users(self):
+		print_msg("==> transferring users ...")
+		do_user_transfer = cfg_get(self.section, 'transfer users')
+		if do_user_transfer is None:
+			_log.info(u'user transfer not defined')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped (unconfigured)")
+			return True
+		do_user_transfer = int(do_user_transfer)
+		if not do_user_transfer:
+			_log.info(u'configured to not transfer users')
+			print_msg("    ... skipped (disabled)")
+			return True
+		cmd = u"select gm.transfer_users('%s'::text)" % self.template_db
+		try:
+			rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], end_tx = True, return_data = True)
+		except gmPG2.dbapi.ProgrammingError:
+			# maybe an old database
+			_log.info(u'problem running gm.transfer_users(), trying gm_transfer_users()')
+			cmd = u"select gm_transfer_users('%s'::text)" % self.template_db
+			rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], end_tx = True, return_data = True)
+		if rows[0][0]:
+			_log.info(u'users properly transferred from [%s] to [%s]' % (self.template_db, self.name))
+			return True
+		_log.error(u'error transferring user from [%s] to [%s]' % (self.template_db, self.name))
+		print_msg("    ... failed")
+		return False
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def bootstrap_auditing(self):
+		print_msg("==> setting up auditing ...")
+		# get audit trail configuration
+		tmp = cfg_get(self.section, 'audit disable')
+		# if this option is not given, assume we want auditing
+		if tmp is not None:
+			# if we don't want auditing on these tables, return without error
+			if int(tmp) == 1:
+				print_msg('    ... skipped (disabled)')
+				return True
+		tmp = cfg_get(self.section, 'audit trail parent table')
+		if tmp is None:
+			return None
+		aud_gen.audit_trail_parent_table = tmp
+		tmp = cfg_get(self.section, 'audit trail table prefix')
+		if tmp is None:
+			return None
+		aud_gen.audit_trail_table_prefix = tmp
+		tmp = cfg_get(self.section, 'audit fields table')
+		if tmp is None:
+			return None
+		aud_gen.audit_fields_table = tmp
+		# create auditing schema
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		audit_schema = gmAuditSchemaGenerator.create_audit_ddl(curs)
+		curs.close()
+		if audit_schema is None:
+			_log.error(u'cannot generate audit trail schema for GNUmed database [%s]' % self.name)
+			return None
+		# write schema to file
+		tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'audit-trail-schema.sql')
+		f = io.open(tmpfile, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
+		for line in audit_schema:
+			f.write(u'%s;\n' % line)
+		f.close()
+		# import auditing schema
+		psql = gmPsql.Psql(self.conn)
+		if psql.run(tmpfile) != 0:
+			_log.error(u"cannot import audit schema definition for database [%s]" % (self.name))
+			return None
+		if _keep_temp_files:
+			return True
+		try:
+			os.remove(tmpfile)
+		except Exception:
+			_log.exception(u'cannot remove audit trail schema file [%s]' % tmpfile)
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def bootstrap_notifications(self):
+		# setup clin.clin_root_item child tables FK's
+		print_msg("==> setting up encounter/episode FKs and IDXs ...")
+		child_tables = gmPG2.get_child_tables(link_obj = self.conn, schema = 'clin', table = 'clin_root_item')
+		_log.info(u'clin.clin_root_item child tables:')
+		for child in child_tables:
+			_log.info(u'%s.%s', child['namespace'], child['table'])
+		for child in child_tables:
+			# .fk_episode
+			FKs = gmPG2.get_foreign_key_names (
+				link_obj = self.conn,
+				src_schema = child['namespace'],
+				src_table = child['table'],
+				src_column = 'fk_episode',
+				target_schema = 'clin',
+				target_table = 'episode',
+				target_column = 'pk',
+			)
+			if len(FKs) > 0:
+				_log.info(u'%s FK(s) exist:', len(FKs))
+				for idx in range(len(FKs)):
+					FK = FKs[idx]
+					_log.info(u' #%s = %s.%s: %s.%s.%s -> %s.%s.%s', idx + 1, FK['constraint_schema'], FK['constraint_name'], FK['source_schema'], FK['source_table'], FK['source_column'], FK['target_schema'], FK['target_table'], FK['target_column'])
+			else:
+				_log.info(u'adding FK: %s.%s.fk_episode -> clin.episode.pk', child['namespace'], child['table'])
+				cmd = SQL_add_foreign_key % {
+					'src_schema': child['namespace'],
+					'src_tbl': child['table'],
+					'src_col': 'fk_episode',
+					'target_schema': 'clin',
+					'target_tbl': 'episode',
+					'target_col': 'pk'
+				}
+				gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+			# index on .fk_episode
+			idx_defs = gmPG2.get_index_name(indexed_table = u'%s.%s' % (child['namespace'], child['table']), indexed_column = u'fk_episode', link_obj = self.conn)
+			# drop any existing
+			for idx_def in idx_defs:
+				_log.info(u'dropping index %s.%s', idx_def['index_schema'], idx_def['index_name'])
+				cmd = u'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s.%s CASCADE' % (idx_def['index_schema'], idx_def['index_name'])
+				gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+			# create
+			_log.info(u'creating index idx_%s_%s_fk_episode', child['namespace'], child['table'])
+			cmd = SQL_add_index % {
+				'idx_schema': child['namespace'],
+				'idx_name': u'idx_%s_%s_fk_episode' % (child['namespace'], child['table']),
+				'idx_table': child['table'],
+				'idx_col': u'fk_episode'
+			}
+			gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+			# .fk_encounter
+			FKs = gmPG2.get_foreign_key_names (
+				link_obj = self.conn,
+				src_schema = child['namespace'],
+				src_table = child['table'],
+				src_column = 'fk_encounter',
+				target_schema = 'clin',
+				target_table = 'encounter',
+				target_column = 'pk'
+			)
+			if len(FKs) > 0:
+				_log.info(u'%s FK(s) exist:', len(FKs))
+				for idx in range(len(FKs)):
+					FK = FKs[idx]
+					_log.info(u' #%s = %s.%s: %s.%s.%s -> %s.%s.%s', idx + 1, FK['constraint_schema'], FK['constraint_name'], FK['source_schema'], FK['source_table'], FK['source_column'], FK['target_schema'], FK['target_table'], FK['target_column'])
+			else:
+				_log.info(u'adding FK: %s.%s.fk_encounter -> clin.encounter.pk', child['namespace'], child['table'])
+				cmd = SQL_add_foreign_key % {
+					'src_schema': child['namespace'],
+					'src_tbl': child['table'],
+					'src_col': 'fk_encounter',
+					'target_schema': 'clin',
+					'target_tbl': 'encounter',
+					'target_col': 'pk'
+				}
+				gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+			# index on .fk_encounter
+			idx_defs = gmPG2.get_index_name(indexed_table = u'%s.%s' % (child['namespace'], child['table']), indexed_column = u'fk_encounter', link_obj = self.conn)
+			# drop any existing
+			for idx_def in idx_defs:
+				_log.info(u'dropping index %s.%s', idx_def['index_schema'], idx_def['index_name'])
+				cmd = u'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s.%s CASCADE' % (idx_def['index_schema'], idx_def['index_name'])
+				gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+			# create
+			_log.info(u'creating index idx_%s_%s_fk_encounter', child['namespace'], child['table'])
+			cmd = SQL_add_index % {
+				'idx_schema': child['namespace'],
+				'idx_name': u'idx_%s_%s_fk_encounter' % (child['namespace'], child['table']),
+				'idx_table': child['table'],
+				'idx_col': u'fk_encounter'
+			}
+			gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = self.conn, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+		curs = self.conn.cursor()
+		# re-create fk_encounter/fk_episode sanity check triggers on all tables
+		if gmPG2.function_exists(link_obj = curs, schema = u'gm', function = u'create_all_enc_epi_sanity_check_triggers'):
+			print_msg("==> setting up encounter/episode FK sanity check triggers ...")
+			_log.debug(u'attempting to set up sanity check triggers on all tables linking to encounter AND episode')
+			cmd = u'select gm.create_all_enc_epi_sanity_check_triggers()'
+			curs.execute(cmd)
+			result = curs.fetchone()
+			if result[0] is False:
+				_log.error(u'error creating sanity check triggers on all tables linking to clin.encounter AND clin.episode')
+				curs.close()
+				return None
+		# always re-create generic super signal (if exists)
+		if gmPG2.function_exists(link_obj = curs, schema = u'gm', function = u'create_all_table_mod_triggers'):
+			print_msg("==> setting up generic notifications ...")
+			_log.debug(u'attempting to create generic modification announcement triggers on all registered tables')
+			cmd = u"SELECT gm.create_all_table_mod_triggers(True::boolean)"
+			curs.execute(cmd)
+			result = curs.fetchone()
+			curs.close()
+			if result[0] is False:
+				_log.error(u'cannot create generic modification announcement triggers on all tables')
+				return None
+		self.conn.commit()
+		return True
+class gmBundle:
+	def __init__(self, aBundleAlias = None):
+		# sanity check
+		if aBundleAlias is None:
+			raise ConstructorError("Need to know bundle name to install it.")
+		self.alias = aBundleAlias
+		self.section = "bundle %s" % aBundleAlias
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def bootstrap(self):
+		_log.info(u"bootstrapping bundle [%s]" % self.alias)
+		# load bundle definition
+		database_alias = cfg_get(self.section, "database alias")
+		if database_alias is None:
+			_log.error(u"Need to know database name to install bundle [%s]." % self.alias)
+			return None
+		# bootstrap database
+		try:
+			database(aDB_alias = database_alias)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u"Cannot bootstrap bundle [%s].", self.alias)
+			return None
+		self.db = _bootstrapped_dbs[database_alias]
+		# check PostgreSQL version
+		if not self.__verify_pg_version():
+			_log.error(u"Wrong PostgreSQL version.")
+			return None
+		# import schema
+		if not _import_schema(group=self.section, schema_opt='schema', conn=self.db.conn):
+			_log.error(u"Cannot import schema definition for bundle [%s] into database [%s]." % (self.alias, database_alias))
+			return None
+		return True
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __verify_pg_version(self):
+		"""Verify database version information."""
+		required_version = cfg_get(self.section, "minimum postgresql version")
+		if required_version is None:
+			_log.error(u"Cannot load minimum required PostgreSQL version from config file.")
+			return None
+		_log.info(u"minimum required PostgreSQL version: %s" % required_version)
+		converted, pg_ver = gmTools.input2decimal(gmPG2.postgresql_version)
+		if not converted:
+			_log.error(u'error checking PostgreSQL version')
+			return None
+		converted, req_version = gmTools.input2decimal(required_version)
+		if not converted:
+			_log.error(u'error checking PostgreSQL version')
+			_log.error(u'required: %s', required_version)
+			return None
+		if pg_ver < req_version:
+			_log.error(u"Reported live PostgreSQL version [%s] is smaller than the required minimum version [%s]." % (gmPG2.postgresql_version, required_version))
+			return None
+		_log.info(u"installed PostgreSQL version: %s - this is fine with me" % gmPG2.postgresql_version)
+		return True
+def bootstrap_bundles():
+	# get bundle list
+	bundles = cfg_get("installation", "bundles")
+	if bundles is None:
+		exit_with_msg("Bundle list empty. Nothing to do here.")
+	# run through bundles
+	for bundle_alias in bundles:
+		print_msg('==> bootstrapping "%s" ...' % bundle_alias)
+		bundle = gmBundle(bundle_alias)
+		if not bundle.bootstrap():
+			return None
+	return True
+def import_data():
+	for db_key in _bootstrapped_dbs.keys():
+		db = _bootstrapped_dbs[db_key]
+		if not db.import_data():
+			return None
+	return True
+def bootstrap_auditing():
+	"""bootstrap auditing in all bootstrapped databases"""
+	for db_key in _bootstrapped_dbs.keys():
+		db = _bootstrapped_dbs[db_key]
+		if not db.bootstrap_auditing():
+			return None
+	return True
+def bootstrap_notifications():
+	"""bootstrap notification in all bootstrapped databases"""
+	for db_key in _bootstrapped_dbs.keys():
+		db = _bootstrapped_dbs[db_key]
+		if not db.bootstrap_notifications():
+			return None
+	return True
+def _run_query(aCurs, aQuery, args=None):
+	# FIXME: use gmPG2.run_rw_query()
+	if args is None:
+		try:
+			aCurs.execute(aQuery)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>%s<<< failed" % aQuery)
+			return False
+	else:
+		try:
+			aCurs.execute(aQuery, args)
+		except:
+			_log.exception(u">>>%s<<< failed" % aQuery)
+			_log.error(str(args))
+			return False
+	return True
+def ask_for_confirmation():
+	bundles = cfg_get("installation", "bundles")
+	if bundles is None:
+		return True
+	if len(bundles) == 0:
+		return True
+	if not _interactive:
+		print_msg("You are about to install the following parts of GNUmed:")
+		print_msg("-------------------------------------------------------")
+		for bundle in bundles:
+			db_alias = cfg_get("bundle %s" % bundle, "database alias")
+			db_name = cfg_get("database %s" % db_alias, "name")
+			srv_alias = cfg_get("database %s" % db_alias, "server alias")
+			srv_name = cfg_get("server %s" % srv_alias, "name")
+			print_msg('bundle "%s" in <%s> (or overridden) on <%s>' % (bundle, db_name, srv_name))
+		print_msg("-------------------------------------------------------")
+		desc = cfg_get("installation", "description")
+		if desc is not None:
+			for line in desc:
+				print_msg(line)
+		return True
+	print("You are about to install the following parts of GNUmed:")
+	print("-------------------------------------------------------")
+	for bundle in bundles:
+		db_alias = cfg_get("bundle %s" % bundle, "database alias")
+		db_name = cfg_get("database %s" % db_alias, "name")
+		srv_alias = cfg_get("database %s" % db_alias, "server alias")
+		srv_name = cfg_get("server %s" % srv_alias, "name")
+		print('bundle "%s" in <%s> (or overridden) on <%s>' % (bundle, db_name, srv_name))
+	print("-------------------------------------------------------")
+	desc = cfg_get("installation", "description")
+	if desc is not None:
+		for line in desc:
+			print(line)
+	print("Do you really want to install this database setup ?")
+	answer = input("Type yes or no: ")
+	if answer == "yes":
+		return True
+	return None
+def _import_schema (group=None, schema_opt="schema", conn=None):
+	# load schema
+	schema_files = cfg_get(group, schema_opt)
+	if schema_files is None:
+		_log.error(u"Need to know schema definition to install it.")
+		return None
+	schema_base_dir = cfg_get(group, "schema base directory")
+	if schema_base_dir is None:
+		_log.warning("no schema files base directory specified")
+		# look for base dirs for schema files
+		if os.path.exists (os.path.join ('.', 'sql')):
+			schema_base_dir = '.'
+		if os.path.exists ('../sql'):
+			schema_base_dir = '..'
+		if os.path.exists ('/usr/share/gnumed/server/sql'):
+			schema_base_dir = '/usr/share/gnumed/server'
+		if os.path.exists (os.path.expandvars('$GNUMED_DIR/server/sql')):
+			schema_base_dir = os.path.expandvars('$GNUMED_DIR/server')
+	# and import them
+	psql = gmPsql.Psql(conn)
+	for filename in schema_files:
+		if filename.strip() == u'':
+			continue						# skip empty line
+		if filename.startswith(u'# '):
+			_log.info(filename)				# log as comment
+			continue
+		full_path = os.path.join(schema_base_dir, filename)
+		if psql.run(full_path) == 0:
+			#_log.info(u'success')
+			continue
+		_log.error(u'failure')
+		return None
+	return True
+def exit_with_msg(aMsg = None):
+	if aMsg is not None:
+		print(aMsg)
+	print('')
+	print("Please check the log file for details:")
+	print('')
+	print(' ', gmLog2._logfile_name)
+	print('')
+	_log.error(aMsg)
+	_log.info(u'shutdown')
+	sys.exit(1)
+def print_msg(msg=None):
+	if quiet:
+		return
+	print(msg)
+def become_pg_demon_user():
+	"""Become "postgres" user.
+	On UNIX type systems, attempt to use setuid() to
+	become the postgres user if possible.
+	This is so we can use the IDENT method to get to
+	the database (NB by default, at least on Debian and
+	postgres source installs, this is the only way,
+	as the postgres user has no password [-- and TRUST
+	is not allowed -KH])
+	"""
+	try:
+		import pwd
+	except ImportError:
+		_log.warning("running on broken OS -- can't import pwd module")
+		return None
+	try:
+		running_as = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
+		_log.info(u'running as user [%s]' % running_as)
+	except:
+		running_as = None
+	gmPG2.log_auth_environment()
+	pg_demon_user_passwd_line = None
+	try:
+		pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam('postgres')
+		# make sure we actually use this name to log in
+		_cfg.set_option(group = 'user postgres', option = 'name', value = 'postgres', source = 'file')
+	except KeyError:
+		try:
+			pg_demon_user_passwd_line = pwd.getpwnam ('pgsql')
+			_cfg.set_option(group = 'user postgres', option = 'name', value = 'pgsql', source = 'file')
+		except KeyError:
+			_log.warning('cannot find postgres user')
+			return None
+	if os.getuid() == 0: # we are the super-user
+		_log.info(u'switching to UNIX user [%s]' % pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0])
+		os.setuid(pg_demon_user_passwd_line[2])
+		gmPG2.log_auth_environment()
+	elif running_as == pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0]: # we are the postgres user already
+		_log.info(u'I already am the UNIX user [%s]' % pg_demon_user_passwd_line[0])
+	else:
+		_log.warning('not running as root or postgres, cannot become postmaster demon user')
+		_log.warning('may have trouble connecting as gm-dbo if IDENT auth is forced upon us')
+		if _interactive:
+			print_msg("WARNING: This script may not work if not running as the system administrator.")
+def cfg_get(group=None, option=None):
+	return _cfg.get (
+		group = group,
+		option = option,
+		source_order = [('file', 'return')]
+	)
+def handle_cfg():
+	"""Bootstrap the source 'file' in _cfg."""
+	_log.info(u'config file: %s', _cfg.source_files['file'])
+	become_pg_demon_user()
+	global _interactive
+	if _interactive is None:
+		tmp = cfg_get("installation", "interactive")
+		if tmp == "no":
+			_interactive = False
+		else:
+			_interactive = True
+	tmp = cfg_get('installation', 'keep temp files')
+	if tmp == "yes":
+		global _keep_temp_files
+		_keep_temp_files = True
+	if not ask_for_confirmation():
+		exit_with_msg("Bootstrapping aborted by user.")
+	if not bootstrap_bundles():
+		exit_with_msg("Cannot bootstrap bundles.")
+	if not bootstrap_auditing():
+		exit_with_msg("Cannot bootstrap audit trail.")
+	if not bootstrap_notifications():
+		exit_with_msg("Cannot bootstrap notification tables.")
+	if not import_data():
+		exit_with_msg("Bootstrapping failed: unable to import data")
+def main():
+	_cfg.add_cli(long_options = ['conf-file=', 'log-file=', 'quiet'])
+	global quiet
+	quiet = bool(_cfg.get(option = '--quiet', source_order = [('cli', 'return')]))
+	print_msg("=======================================")
+	print_msg("Bootstrapping GNUmed database system...")
+	print_msg("=======================================")
+	# get initial conf file from CLI
+	cfg_file = _cfg.get(option = '--conf-file', source_order = [('cli', 'return')])
+	if cfg_file is None:
+		_log.error(u"no config file specified on command line")
+		exit_with_msg('Cannot bootstrap without config file. Use --conf-file=<FILE>.')
+	_log.info(u'initial config file: %s', cfg_file)
+	# read that conf file
+	_cfg.add_file_source (
+		source = 'file',
+		file = cfg_file
+	)
+	# does it point to other conf files ?
+	cfg_files = _cfg.get (
+		group = 'installation',
+		option = 'config files',
+		source_order = [('file', 'return')]
+	)
+	if cfg_files is None:
+		_log.info(u'single-shot config file')
+		handle_cfg()
+	else:
+		_log.info(u'aggregation of config files')
+		tmp = cfg_get("installation", "interactive")
+		global _interactive
+		if tmp == "no":
+			_interactive = False
+		else:
+			_interactive = True
+		for cfg_file in cfg_files:
+			# read that conf file
+			_cfg.add_file_source (
+				source = 'file',
+				file = cfg_file
+			)
+			handle_cfg()
+	global _bootstrapped_dbs
+	db = _bootstrapped_dbs[_bootstrapped_dbs.keys()[0]]
+	if not db.verify_result_hash():
+		exit_with_msg("Bootstrapping failed: wrong result hash")
+	if not db.check_data_plausibility():
+		exit_with_msg("Bootstrapping failed: plausibility checks inconsistent")
+#	if not db.import_data():
+#		exit_with_msg("Bootstrapping failed: unable to import data")
+	db.check_holy_auth_line()
+	_log.info(u"shutdown")
+	print("Done bootstrapping GNUmed database: We very likely succeeded.")
+	print('log:', gmLog2._logfile_name)
+if __name__ != "__main__":
+	print("This currently is not intended to be used as a module.")
+	sys.exit(1)
+	main()
+except Exception:
+	_log.exception(u'unhandled exception caught, shutting down connections')
+	exit_with_msg(u'Bootstrapping failed: unhandled exception occurred')
+	for conn in conn_ref_count:
+		if conn.closed == 0:
+			_log.warning(u'open connection detected: %s', conn.cookie)
+			_log.warning(u'%s', conn)
+			_log.warning(u'closing connection')
+			conn.close()
+_log.info(u'after main, before sys.exit(0)')
+#	pipe = popen2.Popen3(cmd, 1==1)
+#	pipe.tochild.write("%s\n" % aPassword)
+#	pipe.tochild.flush()
+#	pipe.tochild.close()
+#	result = pipe.wait()
+#	print result
+	# read any leftovers
+#	pipe.fromchild.flush()
+#	pipe.childerr.flush()
+#	tmp = pipe.fromchild.read()
+#	lines = tmp.split("\n")
+#	for line in lines:
+#		_log.debug(u"child stdout: [%s]" % line, gmLog.lCooked)
+#	tmp = pipe.childerr.read()
+#	lines = tmp.split("\n")
+#	for line in lines:
+#		_log.error(u"child stderr: [%s]" % line, gmLog.lCooked)
+#	pipe.fromchild.close()
+#	pipe.childerr.close()
+#	del pipe

--- a/server/bootstrap/fixup_db-v22.conf
+++ b/server/bootstrap/fixup_db-v22.conf
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ $upgrade plausibility checks$
 script base directory = ../sql/v21-v22/python/
 data import scripts = $data import scripts$
 $data import scripts$

--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/bootstrap/gmAuditSchemaGenerator.py.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+"""Automatic GNUmed audit trail generation.
+This module creates SQL DDL commands for the audit
+trail triggers and functions to be created in the schema "audit".
+Theory of operation:
+Any table that needs to be audited (all modifications
+logged) must be recorded in the table "audit.audited_tables".
+This script creates the triggers, functions and tables
+neccessary to establish the audit trail. Some or all
+audit trail tables may have been created previously but
+need not contain all columns of the audited table. Do not
+put any constraints on the audit trail tables except for
+"not null" on those columns that cannot be null in the
+audited table.
+__author__ = "Horst Herb, Karsten.Hilbert at gmx.net"
+__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"		# (details at http://www.gnu.org)
+import sys, os.path, string, logging, io
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
+_log = logging.getLogger('gm.bootstrapper')
+LOG_TABLE_PREFIX = u'log_'						# the audit trail tables start with this prefix
+AUDIT_TRAIL_PARENT_TABLE = u'audit_trail'		# and inherit from this table
+AUDIT_FIELDS_TABLE = u'audit_fields'			# audited tables inherit these fields
+AUDIT_SCHEMA = u'audit'							# audit stuff lives in this schema
+# SQL statements for auditing setup script
+# audit triggers are named "zt_*_*" to make
+# reasonably sure they are executed last
+# insert
+SQL_TEMPLATE_INSERT = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	_is_allowed_inserter boolean;
+	-- is the session user allowed to insert data ?
+	SELECT gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(SESSION_USER) INTO STRICT _is_allowed_inserter;
+	IF _is_allowed_inserter IS FALSE THEN
+			''INSERT: gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(NAME): <%%> is neither database owner, nor <postgres>, nor on staff'', SESSION_USER
+			USING ERRCODE = ''integrity_constraint_violation''
+		;
+		return NEW;
+	NEW.row_version := 0;
+	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
+	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
+	return NEW;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_ins_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE INSERT ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s();
+SQL_TEMPLATE_INSERT_NO_INSERTER_CHECK = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	NEW.row_version := 0;
+	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
+	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
+	return NEW;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_ins_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE INSERT ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_ins_%(src_tbl)s();
+# update
+SQL_TEMPLATE_UPDATE = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	_is_allowed_updater boolean;
+	-- is the session user allowed to update data ?
+	SELECT gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(SESSION_USER) INTO STRICT _is_allowed_updater;
+	IF _is_allowed_updater IS FALSE THEN
+			''UPDATE: gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(NAME): <%%> is neither database owner, nor <postgres>, nor on staff'', SESSION_USER
+			USING ERRCODE = ''integrity_constraint_violation''
+		;
+		return NEW;
+	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
+	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
+	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
+	INSERT INTO audit.%(log_tbl)s (
+		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
+		%(cols_clause)s
+	) VALUES (
+		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
+		%(vals_clause)s
+	);
+	return NEW;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_upd_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE UPDATE ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s();
+SQL_TEMPLATE_UPDATE_NO_UPDATER_CHECK = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
+	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
+	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
+	INSERT INTO audit.%(log_tbl)s (
+		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
+		%(cols_clause)s
+	) VALUES (
+		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
+		%(vals_clause)s
+	);
+	return NEW;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_upd_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE UPDATE ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_upd_%(src_tbl)s();
+# delete
+SQL_TEMPLATE_DELETE = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	_is_allowed_deleter boolean;
+	-- is the session user allowed to delete data ?
+	SELECT gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(SESSION_USER) INTO STRICT _is_allowed_deleter;
+	IF _is_allowed_deleter IS FALSE THEN
+			''DELETE: gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff(NAME): <%%> is neither database owner, nor <postgres>, nor on staff'', SESSION_USER
+			USING ERRCODE = ''integrity_constraint_violation''
+		;
+		return OLD;
+	INSERT INTO audit.%(log_tbl)s (
+		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
+		%(cols_clause)s
+	) VALUES (
+		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
+		%(vals_clause)s
+	);
+	return OLD;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_del_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE DELETE ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s();
+SQL_TEMPLATE_DELETE_NO_DELETER_CHECK = u"""DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s() cascade;
+CREATE FUNCTION audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s()
+	RETURNS trigger
+	LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
+	AS '
+	INSERT INTO audit.%(log_tbl)s (
+		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
+		%(cols_clause)s
+	) VALUES (
+		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
+		%(vals_clause)s
+	);
+	return OLD;
+CREATE TRIGGER zt_del_%(src_tbl)s
+	BEFORE DELETE ON %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.ft_del_%(src_tbl)s();
+# we cannot do this because NOT VALID only applies to the time when
+# we add the constraint, the FK would still be enforced during later
+#SQL_TEMPLATE_FK_MODIFIED_BY = u"""ALTER TABLE %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+#	DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS fk_%(src_schema)s_%(src_tbl)s_fk_modified_by CASCADE;
+#-- this is set NOT VALID because it only serves to tell pg_dump
+#-- to dump dem.staff before other tables such that we do not run
+#-- into trouble with checking gm.is_dbowner_or_staff(SESSION_USER)
+#ALTER TABLE %(src_schema)s.%(src_tbl)s
+#	ADD CONSTRAINT fk_%(src_schema)s_%(src_tbl)s_fk_modified_by
+#		FOREIGN KEY (modified_by)
+#		REFERENCES dem.staff(db_user)
+#	NOT VALID;"""
+#ALTER TABLE dem.staff
+#	DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS fk_dem_staff_fk_modified_by CASCADE;
+create table %(log_schema)s.%(log_tbl)s (
+	%(log_cols)s
+) inherits (%(log_schema)s.%(log_base_tbl)s);
+COMMENT ON COLUMN %(log_schema)s.%(log_tbl)s.orig_version is
+	'the .row_version in the original row before the audited action took place, should be equal to .row_version';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN %(log_schema)s.%(log_tbl)s.orig_when is
+	'the .modified_when in the original row before the audited action took place, should be equal to .modified_when';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN %(log_schema)s.%(log_tbl)s.orig_by is
+	'the .modified_by in the original row before the audited action took place, should be equal to .modified_by';
+COMMENT ON COLUMN %(log_schema)s.%(log_tbl)s.orig_tableoid is
+	'the TG_RELID when the audit trigger was run';
+#grant insert on %s.%s to group "gm-public"
+def audit_trail_table_ddl(aCursor=None, schema=None, table2audit=None):
+	audit_trail_table = '%s%s' % (LOG_TABLE_PREFIX, table2audit)
+	# which columns to potentially audit
+	cols2potentially_audit = gmPG2.get_col_defs(link_obj = aCursor, schema = schema, table = table2audit)
+	# which to skip
+	cols2skip = gmPG2.get_col_names(link_obj = aCursor, schema = AUDIT_SCHEMA, table = AUDIT_FIELDS_TABLE)
+	# which ones to really audit
+	cols2really_audit = []
+	for col in cols2potentially_audit[0]:
+		if col in cols2skip:
+			continue
+		cols2really_audit.append("\t%s %s" % (col, cols2potentially_audit[1][col]))
+	# does the audit trail target table exist ?
+	exists = gmPG2.table_exists(aCursor, AUDIT_SCHEMA, audit_trail_table)
+	if exists is None:
+		_log.error('cannot check existence of table [audit.%s]' % audit_trail_table)
+		return None
+	if exists:
+		_log.info('audit trail table [audit.%s] already exists' % audit_trail_table)
+		# sanity check table structure
+		currently_audited_cols = gmPG2.get_col_defs(link_obj = aCursor, schema = AUDIT_SCHEMA, table = audit_trail_table)
+		currently_audited_cols = [ '\t%s %s' % (c, currently_audited_cols[1][c]) for c in currently_audited_cols[0] ]
+		for col in cols2really_audit:
+			try:
+				currently_audited_cols.index(col)
+			except ValueError:
+				_log.error('table structure incompatible: column ".%s" not found in audit table' % col.strip())
+				_log.error('%s.%s:' % (schema, table2audit))
+				_log.error('%s' % ','.join(cols2really_audit))
+				_log.error('%s.%s:' % (AUDIT_SCHEMA, audit_trail_table))
+				_log.error('%s' % ','.join(currently_audited_cols))
+				return None
+		return []
+	# must create audit trail table
+	_log.info('no audit trail table found for [%s.%s]' % (schema, table2audit))
+	_log.info('creating audit trail table [audit.%s]' % audit_trail_table)
+	args = {
+		'log_schema': AUDIT_SCHEMA,
+		'log_base_tbl': AUDIT_TRAIL_PARENT_TABLE,
+		'log_tbl': audit_trail_table,
+		'log_cols': u',\n	'.join(cols2really_audit)
+	}
+def trigger_ddl(aCursor='default', schema=AUDIT_SCHEMA, audited_table=None):
+	target_columns = gmPG2.get_col_names(link_obj = aCursor, schema = schema, table = audited_table)
+	columns2skip = gmPG2.get_col_names(link_obj = aCursor, schema = AUDIT_SCHEMA, table =  AUDIT_FIELDS_TABLE)
+	columns = []
+	values = []
+	for column in target_columns:
+		if column not in columns2skip:
+			columns.append(column)
+			values.append(u'OLD.%s' % column)
+	args = {
+		'src_tbl': audited_table,
+		'src_schema': schema,
+		'log_tbl': u'%s%s' % (LOG_TABLE_PREFIX, audited_table),
+		'cols_clause': u', '.join(columns),
+		'vals_clause': u', '.join(values)
+	}
+	modified_by_func_exists = gmPG2.function_exists(link_obj = aCursor, schema = u'gm', function = u'account_is_dbowner_or_staff')
+	ddl = []
+	if modified_by_func_exists:
+		ddl.append(SQL_TEMPLATE_INSERT % args)
+		ddl.append(u'')
+		ddl.append(SQL_TEMPLATE_UPDATE % args)
+		ddl.append(u'')
+		ddl.append(SQL_TEMPLATE_DELETE % args)
+		#ddl.append(u'')
+		#ddl.append(SQL_TEMPLATE_FK_MODIFIED_BY % args)
+	else:
+		# the *_NO_*_CHECK variants are needed for pre-v21 databases
+		# where gm.account_is_dbowner_or_staff() doesn't exist yet
+		ddl.append(u'')
+		ddl.append(u'')
+	ddl.append(u'')
+	return ddl
+def create_audit_ddl(aCursor):
+	# get list of all marked tables
+	# we could also get the child tables for audit.audit_fields
+	# but we would have to potentially parse down several levels
+	# of interitance (such as with clin.clin_root_item) to find
+	# the actual leaf table to audit
+	cmd = u"select schema, table_name from audit.audited_tables"
+	rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = aCursor, queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
+	if len(rows) == 0:
+		_log.info('no tables to audit')
+		return None
+	_log.debug('the following tables will be audited:')
+	_log.debug(rows)
+	ddl = []
+	ddl.append('\set check_function_bodies 1\n')
+	ddl.append('set check_function_bodies to on;\n\n')
+	# for each marked table
+	for row in rows:
+		if not gmPG2.table_exists(link_obj = aCursor, schema = row['schema'], table = row['table_name']):
+			_log.error('table to audit (%s) does not exist', row)
+			return None
+		# create log table if necessary
+		audit_trail_ddl = audit_trail_table_ddl(aCursor = aCursor, schema = row['schema'], table2audit = row['table_name'])
+		if audit_trail_ddl is None:
+			_log.error('cannot generate audit trail DDL for audited table [%s]' % row['table_name'])
+			return None
+		ddl.extend(audit_trail_ddl)
+		if len(audit_trail_ddl) != 0:
+			ddl.append('-- ----------------------------------------------')
+		# create functions and triggers on log table
+		ddl.extend(trigger_ddl(aCursor = aCursor, schema = row['schema'], audited_table = row['table_name']))
+		ddl.append('-- ----------------------------------------------')
+	return ddl
+# main
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+	tmp = ''
+	try:
+		tmp = raw_input("audit trail parent table [%s]: " % AUDIT_TRAIL_PARENT_TABLE)
+	except KeyboardError:
+		pass
+	if tmp != '':
+	conn = gmPG2.get_connection(readonly=False, pooled=False)
+	curs = conn.cursor()
+	schema = create_audit_ddl(curs)
+	curs.close()
+	conn.close()
+	if schema is None:
+		print "error creating schema"
+		sys.exit(-1)
+	f = io.open('audit-trail-schema.sql', mode = 'wb', encoding = 'utf8')
+	for line in schema:
+		f.write("%s;\n" % line)
+	f.close()

--- a/server/bootstrap/update_db-v21_v22.conf
+++ b/server/bootstrap/update_db-v21_v22.conf
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ $superuser schema$
 script base directory = ../sql/v21-v22/python/
 data import scripts = $data import scripts$
 $data import scripts$
@@ -212,9 +213,9 @@ v_all_persons::::select count(1) from dem.v_persons
 v_active_persons::::select count(1) from dem.v_active_persons
 	select count(1) from dem.v_active_persons	-- new
 staff::::select count(1) from dem.staff								-- old
-	select count(1) from dem.v_staff where not person_is_deleted	-- new
+	select count(1) from dem.v_staff								-- new
 v_staff::::select count(1) from dem.v_staff
-	select count(1) from dem.v_staff	-- new
+	select count(1) from dem.v_staff
 addresses::::select count(1) from dem.address
 	select count(1) from dem.address	-- new
 unique URBs with ZIP::::select count(1) from dem.v_uniq_zipped_urbs		-- old
@@ -317,10 +318,12 @@ paperwork templates::::select count(1) from ref.paperwork_templates
 	select count(1) from ref.paperwork_templates
 automatic hints::::select count(1) from ref.auto_hint
 	select count(1) - 1 from ref.auto_hint
--- do NOT try to check the number of suppressed hints because
--- even though we do know the number of *hints* that will have
--- changed we simply cannot know the number of suppressions that
--- will be lifted by those changes
+-- do NOT try to check the number of suppressed hints because even though
+-- we do know the number of *hints* that will have changed we simply cannot
+-- know the number of suppressions that will be lifted by those changes
 --suppressed hints::::select count(1) from clin.suppressed_hint
 --	select count(1) from clin.suppressed_hint
 raw keyword expansions::::select count(1) from ref.keyword_expansion

--- a/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
+++ b/server/doc/schema/gnumed-entire_schema.html
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
     <!-- Primary Index -->
-	<p><br><br>Dumped on 2018-04-05</p>
+	<p><br><br>Dumped on 2018-05-10</p>
 <h1><a name="index">Index of database - gnumed_v22</a></h1>

--- a/server/sql/v21-v22/data/v22-Begleitbrief.tex
+++ b/server/sql/v21-v22/data/v22-Begleitbrief.tex
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 	$<praxis::%(praxis)s, %(branch)s::120>$\\
 	$<praxis_address::%(street)s %(number)s (%(subunit)s), %(postcode)s %(urb)s::60>$
+\setkomavar{fromlogo}{$<data_snippet::praxis-logo//\includegraphics[width=30mm]{%s}//image/png//.png::250>$}%$ -- this dollarsign unconfuses mcedit syntax coloring
 \setkomavar{backaddress}{$<current_provider_firstnames::::1>$.$<current_provider_lastnames::::>$\\$<praxis_address::%(street)s %(number)s\\%(postcode)s %(urb)s::60>$}
@@ -86,15 +86,15 @@
 % Betreff, nämlich Patientendaten
-	$<free_text::Betreff für den Brief::120>$\\
+	$<<free_text::Betreff für den Brief::120>>$\\
 	Patient: $<title::::>$ $<firstname::::>$ $<lastname::::>$ (geb $<date_of_birth::%d.%B %Y::>$)\\
 	Adresse: $<adr_street::home::>$ $<adr_number::home::>$, $<adr_postcode::home::>$ $<adr_location::home::>$
 % Unterschrift
 	$<data_snippet::autograph-$<<current_provider_lastnames::::>>$_$<<current_provider_firstnames::::>>$//\includegraphics[width=30mm]{%s}\\//image/png//.png::250>$\rule{\widthof{\tiny (Der Unterzeichner haftet nicht für unsignierte Änderungen des Inhalts.)}}{.1pt}\\
 	$<current_provider_name::%(title)s %(firstnames)s %(lastnames)s::>$\\
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 % Fußzeile 1.Seite
-	\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{
+	\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
 %			\multicolumn{2}{l}{Erreichbarkeit:}\\
@@ -152,22 +152,29 @@
 	$<receiver_street::::>$\ $<receiver_number::::>$\ $<receiver_subunit::::>$\\
 	$<receiver_postcode::::>$\ $<receiver_location::::>$\\
 % Anrede
-\opening{$<free_text::Anrede, z.B. "Sehr geehrte Frau" (wird automatisch ergänzt durch " <Name des Empfängers>,")::140>$ $<receiver_name::::>$,}
+	$<<free_text::Anrede, z.B. "Sehr geehrte Frau" (wird automatisch ergänzt durch " $<receiver_name::::>$,")::140>>$ $<receiver_name::::>$,
 % Brieftext
-$<free_text::Der eigentliche Brieftext (in LaTeX !)::>$
+$<<free_text::Der eigentliche Brieftext (in LaTeX)::>>$
+	$<<free_text::Grußformel, z.B. "Mit freundlichen Grüßen" (ohne Komma am Ende)::140>>$,
-\closing{$<free_text::Grußformel, z.B. "Mit freundlichen Grüßen" (ohne Komma am Ende)::140>$,}
 % Anlagen
 %\setkomavar*{enclseparator}[Anlage(n)]					% Titel für Anlagebereich
-\encl{$<free_text::Liste von Anlagen::300>$}
+\encl{$<<free_text::Liste von Anlagen::300>>$}
 % kein Verteiler

--- a/server/sql/v21-v22/fixups/v22-release_notes-fixup.sql
+++ b/server/sql/v21-v22/fixups/v22-release_notes-fixup.sql
@@ -17,8 +17,17 @@ INSERT INTO dem.message_inbox (
 	(select pk from dem.staff where db_user = 'any-doc'),
 	(select pk_type from dem.v_inbox_item_type where type = 'memo' and category = 'administrative'),
-	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.7.1 (database v22.1)',
-	'GNUmed 1.7.1 Release Notes:
+	'Release Notes for GNUmed 1.7.2 (database v22.2)',
+	'GNUmed 1.7.2 Release Notes:
+	1.7.2
+FIX: GTK3 related size adjustments for PatientOverview/SimpleSoap plugins
+FIX: GTK3 related bitmap adjustments
+FIX: [Save] functionality of Export Area
+FIX: placeholders $current_provider_[title/firstnames/lastnames]$
+FIX: receiver selection address list setup
+FIX: exception on creation of duplicate patient [thanks Marc]
@@ -28,10 +37,15 @@ IMPROVED: make DWV optional
 IMPROVED: prerequisites check tool
 IMPROVED: update timeline code to 1.17.0 release
+	22.2
+FIX: staff/v_staff plausibility check [thanks Marc]
+FIX: LaTeX-Template for Begleitbrief
 IMPROVED: concurrency robustness of backup/restore scripts
 -- --------------------------------------------------------------
-select gm.log_script_insertion('v22-release_notes-fixup.sql', '22.1');
+select gm.log_script_insertion('v22-release_notes-fixup.sql', '22.2');

--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sql/v21-v22/python/v22-2-fixup-form-templates.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# coding: utf8
+# GNUmed database schema change script
+# License: GPL v2 or later
+# Author: karsten.hilbert at gmx.net
+import os
+from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
+def run(conn=None):
+	# Begleitbrief
+	gmPG2.file2bytea (
+		query = u"""
+			UPDATE ref.paperwork_templates SET
+				data = %(data)s::bytea,
+				external_version = '22.2'
+				name_long = 'Begleitbrief ohne medizinische Daten [K.Hilbert]'""",
+		filename = os.path.join('..', 'sql', 'v21-v22', 'data', 'v22-Begleitbrief.tex'),
+		conn = conn
+	)
+	return True

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