[med-svn] [Git][med-team/qiime][master] 5 commits: No doc package
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Oct 28 17:07:14 GMT 2018
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / qiime
b9552ff4 by Andreas Tille at 2018-10-28T16:27:41Z
No doc package
- - - - -
24733a16 by Andreas Tille at 2018-10-28T16:28:34Z
Remove remainings to get source package of qiime1
- - - - -
f40b198f by Andreas Tille at 2018-10-28T16:30:19Z
Remove qiime1 patches
- - - - -
0bfafca4 by Andreas Tille at 2018-10-28T16:40:31Z
Remove old qiime config stuff
- - - - -
7d6b5382 by Andreas Tille at 2018-10-28T17:06:36Z
Drop unused overrides
- - - - -
22 changed files:
- − debian/README.source
- debian/control
- − debian/get-orig-source
- − debian/patches/allow_empty_default_taxonomy.patch
- − debian/patches/call_renamed_seqprep_sortmerna.patch
- − debian/patches/check_config_file_in_new_location.patch
- − debian/patches/detect_matplotlib_version.patch
- − debian/patches/exclude_tests_that_need_to_fail.patch
- − debian/patches/fix_binary_helper_location.patch
- − debian/patches/fix_path_for_support_files.patch
- − debian/patches/fix_script_usage_tests.patch
- − debian/patches/make_qiime_accept_new_rdp_classifier.patch
- − debian/patches/prevent_download_on_builds.patch
- − debian/patches/prevent_google_addsense.patch
- − debian/patches/relax_mothur_blast_raxml_versions.patch
- debian/patches/series
- − debian/qiime-doc.doc-base
- − debian/qiime-doc.links
- − debian/qiime_config
- − debian/scripts/print_qiime_config_all
- − debian/source/lintian-overrides
- debian/watch
debian/README.source deleted
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-QIIME for Debian - source
-.py endings and the qiime wrapper of Bio-Linux
-Previous comment by Steffen:
-Lintian complains a lot about script-with-language-extension,
-i.e. the .py endings for files ending up in /usr/bin.
-What to do about this is not clear for the moment. For the
-time speaking it seems like lintian is wrong here, too deeply
-embedded is python in the project and Debian does not
-want to become incompatible.
-New comments by Tim:
-I borrowed the Bio-Linux approach for QIIME which may or may not be the best idea.
-Essentially, the Python scripts are not in the path and instead of running:
-% my_qiime_app.py
-You run:
-% qiime my_qiime_app.py
-or equivalently just:
-% qiime my_qiime_app
-The 'qiime' wrapper script adds the extension if needed and sets the path. If run with
-no arguments it sets the path and drops to an interactive shell.
-The dependencies of QIIME essentially make it non-free despite the DFSG licence on the QIIME
-code itself. Chief among these is UClust. This package is supposed to handle the lack of UClust
-gracefully but it is still up to the user to fetch and install it.
-Other dependencies/TODO:
-Everything else needed should be packaged, if not in Debian proper then in the SVN. QIIME
-keeps adding new deps so these need to be checked with each release.
-To package:
- * Emperor 1.8.0+
- * python-burrito-fillings
- Build-Depends: bwa, infernal, raxml, sortmerna, swarm, vsearch
-are just added to make sure the qiime package will build only on those architectures successfully
-where all these dependencies exist.
-QIIME data
-The QIIME installation instructions say that you need to download some core files from Greengenes.
-Since these barely change and are included in the upstream tarball I am now putting them into the
-qiime-data package for easy access. I have noted in copyright that these are CC licensed.
-See here for a discussion of what these are and why they don't change:
@@ -102,47 +102,6 @@ Description: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
PyCogent toolkit. It makes extensive use of unit tests, and is highly
modular to facilitate custom analyses.
-Package: qiime-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- libjs-jquery,
- libjs-underscore
-Description: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (tutorial)
- QIIME (canonically pronounced ‘Chime’) is a pipeline for performing
- microbial community analysis that integrates many third party tools which
- have become standard in the field. A standard QIIME analysis begins with
- sequence data from one or more sequencing platforms, including
- * Sanger,
- * Roche/454, and
- * Illumina GAIIx.
- QIIME can perform:
- * library de-multiplexing and quality filtering;
- * denoising with PyroNoise;
- * OTU and representative set picking with uclust, cdhit, mothur, BLAST,
- or other tools;
- * taxonomy assignment with BLAST or the RDP classifier;
- * sequence alignment with PyNAST, muscle, infernal, or other tools;
- * phylogeny reconstruction with FastTree, raxml, clearcut, or other tools;
- * alpha diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
- using over 20 metrics including Phylogenetic Diversity, chao1, and
- observed species;
- * beta diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
- using over 25 metrics including weighted and unweighted UniFrac,
- Euclidean distance, and Bray-Curtis;
- * summarization and visualization of taxonomic composition of samples
- using pie charts and histograms
- and many other features.
- .
- QIIME includes parallelization capabilities for many of the
- computationally intensive steps. By default, these are configured to
- utilize a mutli-core environment, and are easily configured to run in
- a cluster environment. QIIME is built in Python using the open-source
- PyCogent toolkit. It makes extensive use of unit tests, and is highly
- modular to facilitate custom analyses.
- .
- This package contains the documentation and a tutorial.
Package: qiime-data
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
debian/get-orig-source deleted
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# strip binary JARs
-set -e
-NAME=`dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Source/ { print $2 }'`
-if ! echo $@ | grep -q upstream-version ; then
- VERSION=`dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/ { print $2 }' | sed 's/\([0-9\.]\+\)-[0-9]\+$/\1/'`
- VERSION=`echo $@ | sed "s?^.*--upstream-version \([0-9.]\+\) .*${name}.*?\1?"`
- if echo "$VERSION" | grep -q "upstream-version" ; then
- echo "Unable to parse version number"
- exit
- fi
-# Upstream tarball has upper case 'Q'
-UPSTREAMNAME=`echo ${NAME} | tr [q] [Q]`
-mkdir -p ../tarballs
-cd ../tarballs
-tar xaf ../${UPSTREAMNAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-# Remove useless JAR and CLASS files
-find . -name "*.jar" -delete
-GZIP="--best --no-name" tar --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX -caf "$NAME"_"$VERSION".orig.tar.${COMPRESSION} "${TARDIR}"
-rm -rf "$TARDIR"
debian/patches/allow_empty_default_taxonomy.patch deleted
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-The behaviour in qiime/assign_taxonomy.py is that if the taxonomy file path is
-not set then the RDP classifier will not be retrained.
-But the script bin/assign_taxonomy.py detects if the parameter is set to None
-and replaces it with the default value.
-So you always end up retraining the classifier, which is stupid.
-This is a nasty but effective workaround.
---- a/scripts/assign_taxonomy.py
-+++ b/scripts/assign_taxonomy.py
-@@ -106,6 +106,13 @@
- default_reference_seqs_fp = qiime_config['assign_taxonomy_reference_seqs_fp']
- default_id_to_taxonomy_fp = qiime_config['assign_taxonomy_id_to_taxonomy_fp']
-+# Setting a path that begins with '#' disables the option
-+if default_reference_seqs_fp.lstrip().startswith('#'):
-+ default_reference_seqs_fp = None
-+if default_id_to_taxonomy_fp.lstrip().startswith('#'):
-+ default_id_to_taxonomy_fp = None
- script_info['optional_options'] = [
- make_option('-t', '--id_to_taxonomy_fp', type="existing_filepath",
- help='Path to tab-delimited file mapping sequences to assigned '
debian/patches/call_renamed_seqprep_sortmerna.patch deleted
debian/patches/check_config_file_in_new_location.patch deleted
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-We've moved the default config file, so tell this script to look in the new
-location. See the next patch for other path fixes related to support_files
---- a/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-+++ b/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-@@ -283,8 +283,7 @@
- "config file as they will be ignored by QIIME.")
- qiime_project_dir = get_qiime_project_dir()
-- orig_config = parse_qiime_config_file(open(qiime_project_dir +
-- '/qiime/support_files/qiime_config'))
-+ orig_config = parse_qiime_config_file(open('/etc/qiime/qiime_config'))
- # check the env qiime_config
- qiime_config_env_filepath = getenv('QIIME_CONFIG_FP')
debian/patches/detect_matplotlib_version.patch deleted
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
-Last-Update: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:20:08 +0000
-Description: Enable proper detection of mathplotlib
---- a/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-+++ b/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class QIIMEDependencyBase(QIIMEConfig):
- max_acceptable_version = (1,3,1)
- try:
- from matplotlib import __version__ as matplotlib_lib_version
-- version = tuple(map(int,matplotlib_lib_version.split('.')))
-+ version = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x.replace("rc","")),matplotlib_lib_version.split('.')))
- pass_test = (version >= min_acceptable_version and
- version <= max_acceptable_version)
- version_string = str(matplotlib_lib_version)
debian/patches/exclude_tests_that_need_to_fail.patch deleted
@@ -1,923 +0,0 @@
-Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Last-Update: Thu, 26 Dec 2013 07:39:57 +0100
-Description: Exclude tests that need to fail
- uclust is non-free and can not be packaged. The QIIME package just contains
- a wrapper telling this fact the user and thus the tests will fail. To avoid
- useless failures these tests are excluded.
---- a/tests/test_align_seqs.py
-+++ b/tests/test_align_seqs.py
-@@ -134,20 +134,20 @@ class InfernalAlignerTests(SharedSetupTe
- LoadSeqs(data=infernal_test1_expected_alignment,aligned=Alignment,\
- moltype=DNA)
-- def test_call_infernal_test1_file_output(self):
-- """InfernalAligner writes correct output files for infernal_test1 seqs
-- """
-- # do not collect results; check output files instead
-- actual = self.infernal_test1_aligner(\
-- self.infernal_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-- log_path=self.log_fp)
-- self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-- "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-- expected_aln = self.infernal_test1_expected_aln
-- actual_aln = LoadSeqs(self.result_fp,aligned=Alignment)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln,expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_infernal_test1_file_output(self):
-+# """InfernalAligner writes correct output files for infernal_test1 seqs
-+# """
-+# # do not collect results; check output files instead
-+# actual = self.infernal_test1_aligner(\
-+# self.infernal_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-+# log_path=self.log_fp)
-+# self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-+# "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-+# expected_aln = self.infernal_test1_expected_aln
-+# actual_aln = LoadSeqs(self.result_fp,aligned=Alignment)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln,expected_aln)
- def test_call_infernal_test1(self):
- """InfernalAligner: functions as expected when returing objects
-@@ -221,84 +221,84 @@ class PyNastAlignerTests(SharedSetupTest
- self.pynast_test1_expected_fail = \
- LoadSeqs(data=pynast_test1_expected_failure,aligned=False)
-- def test_call_pynast_test1_file_output(self):
-- """PyNastAligner writes correct output files for pynast_test1 seqs
-- """
-- # do not collect results; check output files instead
-- actual = self.pynast_test1_aligner(\
-- self.pynast_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-- log_path=self.log_fp, failure_path=self.failure_fp)
-- self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-- "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-- expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-- actual_aln = LoadSeqs(self.result_fp,aligned=DenseAlignment)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln,expected_aln)
-- actual_fail = LoadSeqs(self.failure_fp,aligned=False)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_fail.toFasta(),\
-- self.pynast_test1_expected_fail.toFasta())
-- def test_call_pynast_test1_file_output_alt_params(self):
-- """PyNastAligner writes correct output files when no seqs align
-- """
-- aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-- 'min_len':1000})
-- actual = aligner(\
-- self.pynast_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-- log_path=self.log_fp, failure_path=self.failure_fp)
-- self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-- "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-- self.assertEqual(getsize(self.result_fp),0,\
-- "No alignable seqs should result in an empty file.")
-- # all seqs reported to fail
-- actual_fail = LoadSeqs(self.failure_fp,aligned=False)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_fail.getNumSeqs(),3)
-- def test_call_pynast_test1(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: functions as expected when returing objects
-- """
-- actual_aln = self.pynast_test1_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-- expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-- def test_call_pynast_template_aln_with_dots(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: functions when template alignment contains dots
-- """
-- pynast_aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test_template_w_dots_fp,
-- 'min_len': 15,
-- })
-- actual_aln = pynast_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-- expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-- def test_call_pynast_template_aln_with_lower(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: functions when template alignment contains lower case
-- """
-- pynast_aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test_template_w_lower_fp,
-- 'min_len': 15,
-- })
-- actual_aln = pynast_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-- expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_test1_file_output(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner writes correct output files for pynast_test1 seqs
-+# """
-+# # do not collect results; check output files instead
-+# actual = self.pynast_test1_aligner(\
-+# self.pynast_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-+# log_path=self.log_fp, failure_path=self.failure_fp)
-+# self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-+# "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-+# expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-+# actual_aln = LoadSeqs(self.result_fp,aligned=DenseAlignment)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln,expected_aln)
-+# actual_fail = LoadSeqs(self.failure_fp,aligned=False)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_fail.toFasta(),\
-+# self.pynast_test1_expected_fail.toFasta())
-+# def test_call_pynast_test1_file_output_alt_params(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner writes correct output files when no seqs align
-+# """
-+# aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-+# 'min_len':1000})
-+# actual = aligner(\
-+# self.pynast_test1_input_fp, result_path=self.result_fp,
-+# log_path=self.log_fp, failure_path=self.failure_fp)
-+# self.assertTrue(actual == None,\
-+# "Result should be None when result path provided.")
-+# self.assertEqual(getsize(self.result_fp),0,\
-+# "No alignable seqs should result in an empty file.")
-+# # all seqs reported to fail
-+# actual_fail = LoadSeqs(self.failure_fp,aligned=False)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_fail.getNumSeqs(),3)
-+# def test_call_pynast_test1(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: functions as expected when returing objects
-+# """
-+# actual_aln = self.pynast_test1_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-+# expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_template_aln_with_dots(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: functions when template alignment contains dots
-+# """
-+# pynast_aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test_template_w_dots_fp,
-+# 'min_len': 15,
-+# })
-+# actual_aln = pynast_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-+# expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_template_aln_with_lower(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: functions when template alignment contains lower case
-+# """
-+# pynast_aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test_template_w_lower_fp,
-+# 'min_len': 15,
-+# })
-+# actual_aln = pynast_aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-+# expected_names = ['1 description field 1..23', '2 1..23']
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln.Names, expected_names)
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
- def test_call_pynast_template_aln_with_U(self):
- """PyNastAligner: error message when template contains bad char
-@@ -309,43 +309,43 @@ class PyNastAlignerTests(SharedSetupTest
- })
- self.assertRaises(KeyError,pynast_aligner,self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- def test_call_pynast_alt_pairwise_method(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: alternate pairwise alignment method produces correct alignment
-- """
-- aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'pairwise_alignment_method': 'muscle',
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-- 'min_len': 15,
-- })
-- actual_aln = aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-- def test_call_pynast_test1_alt_min_len(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: returns no result when min_len too high
-- """
-- aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-- 'min_len':1000})
-- actual_aln = aligner(\
-- self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = {}
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-- def test_call_pynast_test1_alt_min_pct(self):
-- """PyNastAligner: returns no result when min_pct too high
-- """
-- aligner = PyNastAligner({
-- 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-- 'min_len':15,
-- 'min_pct':100.0})
-- actual_aln = aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-- expected_aln = {}
-- self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_alt_pairwise_method(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: alternate pairwise alignment method produces correct alignment
-+# """
-+# aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'pairwise_alignment_method': 'muscle',
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-+# 'min_len': 15,
-+# })
-+# actual_aln = aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = self.pynast_test1_expected_aln
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_test1_alt_min_len(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: returns no result when min_len too high
-+# """
-+# aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-+# 'min_len':1000})
-+# actual_aln = aligner(\
-+# self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = {}
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
-+# def test_call_pynast_test1_alt_min_pct(self):
-+# """PyNastAligner: returns no result when min_pct too high
-+# """
-+# aligner = PyNastAligner({
-+# 'template_filepath': self.pynast_test1_template_fp,
-+# 'min_len':15,
-+# 'min_pct':100.0})
-+# actual_aln = aligner(self.pynast_test1_input_fp)
-+# expected_aln = {}
-+# self.assertEqual(actual_aln, expected_aln)
- def tearDown(self):
- """
---- a/tests/test_assign_taxonomy.py
-+++ b/tests/test_assign_taxonomy.py
-@@ -134,53 +134,53 @@ class UclustConsensusTaxonAssignerTests(
- if exists(d):
- rmtree(d)
-- def test_uclust_assigner_write_to_file(self):
-- """UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner returns without error, writing results
-- """
-- params = {'id_to_taxonomy_fp':self.id_to_tax1_fp,
-- 'reference_sequences_fp':self.refseqs1_fp}
-- t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-- result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-- result_path=self.output_txt_fp,
-- uc_path=self.output_uc_fp,
-- log_path=self.output_log_fp)
-- del t
-- # result files exist after the UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner
-- # no longer exists
-- self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_txt_fp))
-- self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_uc_fp))
-- self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_log_fp))
-- # check that result has the expected lines
-- output_lines = list(open(self.output_txt_fp,'U'))
-- self.assertTrue('q1\tA;F;G\t1.00\t1\n' in output_lines)
-- self.assertTrue('q2\tA;H;I;J\t1.00\t1\n' in output_lines)
-+# def test_uclust_assigner_write_to_file(self):
-+# """UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner returns without error, writing results
-+# """
-+# params = {'id_to_taxonomy_fp':self.id_to_tax1_fp,
-+# 'reference_sequences_fp':self.refseqs1_fp}
-+# t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-+# result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-+# result_path=self.output_txt_fp,
-+# uc_path=self.output_uc_fp,
-+# log_path=self.output_log_fp)
-+# del t
-+# # result files exist after the UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner
-+# # no longer exists
-+# self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_txt_fp))
-+# self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_uc_fp))
-+# self.assertTrue(exists(self.output_log_fp))
-+# # check that result has the expected lines
-+# output_lines = list(open(self.output_txt_fp,'U'))
-+# self.assertTrue('q1\tA;F;G\t1.00\t1\n' in output_lines)
-+# self.assertTrue('q2\tA;H;I;J\t1.00\t1\n' in output_lines)
-- def test_uclust_assigner(self):
-- """UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner returns without error, returning dict
-- """
-- params = {'id_to_taxonomy_fp':self.id_to_tax1_fp,
-- 'reference_sequences_fp':self.refseqs1_fp}
-- t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-- result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-- result_path=None,
-- uc_path=self.output_uc_fp,
-- log_path=self.output_log_fp)
-- self.assertEqual(result['q1'],(['A','F','G'],1.0,1))
-- self.assertEqual(result['q2'],(['A','H','I','J'],1.0,1))
-- # no result paths provided
-- t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-- result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-- result_path=None,
-- uc_path=None,
-- log_path=None)
-- self.assertEqual(result['q1'],(['A','F','G'],1.0,1))
-- self.assertEqual(result['q2'],(['A','H','I','J'],1.0,1))
-+# def test_uclust_assigner(self):
-+# """UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner returns without error, returning dict
-+# """
-+# params = {'id_to_taxonomy_fp':self.id_to_tax1_fp,
-+# 'reference_sequences_fp':self.refseqs1_fp}
-+# t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-+# result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-+# result_path=None,
-+# uc_path=self.output_uc_fp,
-+# log_path=self.output_log_fp)
-+# self.assertEqual(result['q1'],(['A','F','G'],1.0,1))
-+# self.assertEqual(result['q2'],(['A','H','I','J'],1.0,1))
-+# # no result paths provided
-+# t = UclustConsensusTaxonAssigner(params)
-+# result = t(seq_path=self.inseqs1_fp,
-+# result_path=None,
-+# uc_path=None,
-+# log_path=None)
-+# self.assertEqual(result['q1'],(['A','F','G'],1.0,1))
-+# self.assertEqual(result['q2'],(['A','H','I','J'],1.0,1))
- def test_get_consensus_assignment(self):
- """_get_consensus_assignment fuctions as expected """
---- a/tests/test_pick_otus.py
-+++ b/tests/test_pick_otus.py
-@@ -2478,40 +2478,40 @@ class UclustOtuPickerTests(TestCase):
- exp = {0:['s1','s4','s6','s2','s3','s5']}
- self.assertEqual(obs,exp)
-- def test_abundance_sort(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker: abundance sort functions as expected
-- """
-- #enable abundance sorting with suppress sort = False (it gets
-- # set to True internally, otherwise uclust's length sort would
-- # override the abundance sorting)
-- seqs = [('s1 comment1','ACCTTGTTACTTT'), # three copies
-- ('s2 comment2','ACCTTGTTACTTTC'), # one copy
-- ('s3 comment3','ACCTTGTTACTTTCC'),# two copies
-- ('s4 comment4','ACCTTGTTACTTT'),
-- ('s5 comment5','ACCTTGTTACTTTCC'),
-- ('s6 comment6','ACCTTGTTACTTT')]
-- seqs_fp = self.seqs_to_temp_fasta(seqs)
-- # abundance sorting changes order
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.80,
-- 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':True,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(seqs_fp)
-- exp = {0:['s1','s4','s6','s3','s5','s2']}
-- self.assertEqual(obs,exp)
-- # abundance sorting changes order -- same results with suppress_sort =
-- # True b/c (it gets set to True to when presorting by abundance)
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.80,
-- 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-- 'suppress_sort':True,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':True,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(seqs_fp)
-- exp = {0:['s1','s4','s6','s3','s5','s2']}
-- self.assertEqual(obs,exp)
-+# def test_abundance_sort(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker: abundance sort functions as expected
-+# """
-+# #enable abundance sorting with suppress sort = False (it gets
-+# # set to True internally, otherwise uclust's length sort would
-+# # override the abundance sorting)
-+# seqs = [('s1 comment1','ACCTTGTTACTTT'), # three copies
-+# ('s2 comment2','ACCTTGTTACTTTC'), # one copy
-+# ('s3 comment3','ACCTTGTTACTTTCC'),# two copies
-+# ('s4 comment4','ACCTTGTTACTTT'),
-+# ('s5 comment5','ACCTTGTTACTTTCC'),
-+# ('s6 comment6','ACCTTGTTACTTT')]
-+# seqs_fp = self.seqs_to_temp_fasta(seqs)
-+# # abundance sorting changes order
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.80,
-+# 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':True,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(seqs_fp)
-+# exp = {0:['s1','s4','s6','s3','s5','s2']}
-+# self.assertEqual(obs,exp)
-+# # abundance sorting changes order -- same results with suppress_sort =
-+# # True b/c (it gets set to True to when presorting by abundance)
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.80,
-+# 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-+# 'suppress_sort':True,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':True,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(seqs_fp)
-+# exp = {0:['s1','s4','s6','s3','s5','s2']}
-+# self.assertEqual(obs,exp)
- def test_call_default_params(self):
- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters default params"""
-@@ -2542,35 +2542,35 @@ class UclustOtuPickerTests(TestCase):
- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- def test_call_default_params_suppress_sort(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters default params"""
-- # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-- exp_otu_ids = range(10)
-- exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_6'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'save_uc_files':False,
-- 'suppress_sort':True})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-- obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-- obs_otu_ids.sort()
-- obs_clusters = obs.values()
-- obs_clusters.sort()
-- # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-- # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-- # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-+# def test_call_default_params_suppress_sort(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters default params"""
-+# # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-+# exp_otu_ids = range(10)
-+# exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_6'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'save_uc_files':False,
-+# 'suppress_sort':True})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-+# obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-+# obs_otu_ids.sort()
-+# obs_clusters = obs.values()
-+# obs_clusters.sort()
-+# # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-+# # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-+# # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
- def test_call_default_params_save_uc_file(self):
-@@ -2627,69 +2627,69 @@ class UclustOtuPickerTests(TestCase):
- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- def test_call_alt_threshold(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters with alt threshold
-- """
-- # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-- exp_otu_ids = range(9)
-- exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-- obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-- obs_otu_ids.sort()
-- obs_clusters = obs.values()
-- obs_clusters.sort()
-- # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-- # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-- # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- def test_call_otu_id_prefix(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters with alt threshold
-- """
-- # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-- exp_otu_ids = ['my_otu_%d' % i for i in range(9)]
-- exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-- 'new_cluster_identifier':'my_otu_',
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-- obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-- obs_otu_ids.sort()
-- obs_clusters = obs.values()
-- obs_clusters.sort()
-- # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-- # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-- # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-+# def test_call_alt_threshold(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters with alt threshold
-+# """
-+# # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-+# exp_otu_ids = range(9)
-+# exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-+# obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-+# obs_otu_ids.sort()
-+# obs_clusters = obs.values()
-+# obs_clusters.sort()
-+# # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-+# # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-+# # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-+# def test_call_otu_id_prefix(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ returns expected clusters with alt threshold
-+# """
-+# # adapted from test_app.test_cd_hit.test_cdhit_clusters_from_seqs
-+# exp_otu_ids = ['my_otu_%d' % i for i in range(9)]
-+# exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-+# 'new_cluster_identifier':'my_otu_',
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1)
-+# obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-+# obs_otu_ids.sort()
-+# obs_clusters = obs.values()
-+# obs_clusters.sort()
-+# # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-+# # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-+# # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
- def test_call_suppress_sort(self):
- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ handles suppress sort
-@@ -2716,131 +2716,131 @@ class UclustOtuPickerTests(TestCase):
- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- def test_call_rev_matching(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ handles reverse strand matching
-- """
-- exp_otu_ids = range(2)
-- exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],['uclust_test_seqs_0_rc']]
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-- 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath3)
-- obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-- obs_otu_ids.sort()
-- obs_clusters = obs.values()
-- obs_clusters.sort()
-- # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-- # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-- # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- exp = {0: ['uclust_test_seqs_0','uclust_test_seqs_0_rc']}
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-- 'enable_rev_strand_matching':True,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath3)
-- self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
-- def test_call_output_to_file(self):
-- """UclustHitOtuPicker.__call__ output to file functions as expected
-- """
-- tmp_result_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-- prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_',\
-- suffix='.txt')
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-- 'suppress_sort':False,
-- 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1,result_path=tmp_result_filepath)
-- result_file = open(tmp_result_filepath)
-- result_file_str = result_file.read()
-- result_file.close()
-- # remove the result file before running the test, so in
-- # case it fails the temp file is still cleaned up
-- remove(tmp_result_filepath)
-- exp_otu_ids = map(str,range(9))
-- exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-- ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-- obs_otu_ids = []
-- obs_clusters = []
-- for line in result_file_str.split('\n'):
-- if line:
-- fields = line.split('\t')
-- obs_otu_ids.append(fields[0])
-- obs_clusters.append(fields[1:])
-- obs_otu_ids.sort()
-- obs_clusters.sort()
-- # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-- # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-- # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-- self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-- self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-- # confirm that nothing is returned when result_path is specified
-- self.assertEqual(obs,None)
-- def test_call_log_file(self):
-- """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ writes log when expected
-- """
-- tmp_log_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-- prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_l_',\
-- suffix='.txt')
-- tmp_result_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-- prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_r_',\
-- suffix='.txt')
-- app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.99,
-- 'save_uc_files':False})
-- obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1,\
-- result_path=tmp_result_filepath,log_path=tmp_log_filepath)
-- log_file = open(tmp_log_filepath)
-- log_file_str = log_file.read()
-- log_file.close()
-- # remove the temp files before running the test, so in
-- # case it fails the temp file is still cleaned up
-- remove(tmp_log_filepath)
-- remove(tmp_result_filepath)
-- log_file_99_exp = ["UclustOtuPicker parameters:",
-- "Similarity:0.99","Application:uclust",
-- "enable_rev_strand_matching:False",
-- "suppress_sort:True",
-- "optimal:False",
-- 'max_accepts:20',
-- 'max_rejects:500',
-- 'stepwords:20',
-- 'word_length:12',
-- "exact:False",
-- "Num OTUs:10",
-- "new_cluster_identifier:None",
-- "presort_by_abundance:True",
-- "stable_sort:True",
-- "output_dir:.",
-- "save_uc_files:False",
-- "prefilter_identical_sequences:True",
-- "Result path: %s" % tmp_result_filepath]
-- # compare data in log file to fake expected log file
-- # NOTE: Since app.params is a dict, the order of lines is not
-- # guaranteed, so testing is performed to make sure that
-- # the equal unordered lists of lines is present in actual and expected
-- self.assertEqualItems(log_file_str.split('\n'), log_file_99_exp)
-+# def test_call_rev_matching(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ handles reverse strand matching
-+# """
-+# exp_otu_ids = range(2)
-+# exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],['uclust_test_seqs_0_rc']]
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-+# 'enable_rev_strand_matching':False,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath3)
-+# obs_otu_ids = obs.keys()
-+# obs_otu_ids.sort()
-+# obs_clusters = obs.values()
-+# obs_clusters.sort()
-+# # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-+# # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-+# # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-+# exp = {0: ['uclust_test_seqs_0','uclust_test_seqs_0_rc']}
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-+# 'enable_rev_strand_matching':True,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath3)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs, exp)
-+# def test_call_output_to_file(self):
-+# """UclustHitOtuPicker.__call__ output to file functions as expected
-+# """
-+# tmp_result_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-+# prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_',\
-+# suffix='.txt')
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.90,
-+# 'suppress_sort':False,
-+# 'presort_by_abundance':False,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1,result_path=tmp_result_filepath)
-+# result_file = open(tmp_result_filepath)
-+# result_file_str = result_file.read()
-+# result_file.close()
-+# # remove the result file before running the test, so in
-+# # case it fails the temp file is still cleaned up
-+# remove(tmp_result_filepath)
-+# exp_otu_ids = map(str,range(9))
-+# exp_clusters = [['uclust_test_seqs_0'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_1'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_2'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_3'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_4'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_5'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_6','uclust_test_seqs_8'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_7'],
-+# ['uclust_test_seqs_9']]
-+# obs_otu_ids = []
-+# obs_clusters = []
-+# for line in result_file_str.split('\n'):
-+# if line:
-+# fields = line.split('\t')
-+# obs_otu_ids.append(fields[0])
-+# obs_clusters.append(fields[1:])
-+# obs_otu_ids.sort()
-+# obs_clusters.sort()
-+# # The relation between otu ids and clusters is abitrary, and
-+# # is not stable due to use of dicts when parsing clusters -- therefore
-+# # just checks that we have the expected group of each
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_otu_ids, exp_otu_ids)
-+# self.assertEqual(obs_clusters, exp_clusters)
-+# # confirm that nothing is returned when result_path is specified
-+# self.assertEqual(obs,None)
-+# def test_call_log_file(self):
-+# """UclustOtuPicker.__call__ writes log when expected
-+# """
-+# tmp_log_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-+# prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_l_',\
-+# suffix='.txt')
-+# tmp_result_filepath = get_tmp_filename(\
-+# prefix='UclustOtuPickerTest.test_call_output_to_file_r_',\
-+# suffix='.txt')
-+# app = UclustOtuPicker(params={'Similarity':0.99,
-+# 'save_uc_files':False})
-+# obs = app(self.tmp_seq_filepath1,\
-+# result_path=tmp_result_filepath,log_path=tmp_log_filepath)
-+# log_file = open(tmp_log_filepath)
-+# log_file_str = log_file.read()
-+# log_file.close()
-+# # remove the temp files before running the test, so in
-+# # case it fails the temp file is still cleaned up
-+# remove(tmp_log_filepath)
-+# remove(tmp_result_filepath)
-+# log_file_99_exp = ["UclustOtuPicker parameters:",
-+# "Similarity:0.99","Application:uclust",
-+# "enable_rev_strand_matching:False",
-+# "suppress_sort:True",
-+# "optimal:False",
-+# 'max_accepts:20',
-+# 'max_rejects:500',
-+# 'stepwords:20',
-+# 'word_length:12',
-+# "exact:False",
-+# "Num OTUs:10",
-+# "new_cluster_identifier:None",
-+# "presort_by_abundance:True",
-+# "stable_sort:True",
-+# "output_dir:.",
-+# "save_uc_files:False",
-+# "prefilter_identical_sequences:True",
-+# "Result path: %s" % tmp_result_filepath]
-+# # compare data in log file to fake expected log file
-+# # NOTE: Since app.params is a dict, the order of lines is not
-+# # guaranteed, so testing is performed to make sure that
-+# # the equal unordered lists of lines is present in actual and expected
-+# self.assertEqualItems(log_file_str.split('\n'), log_file_99_exp)
- def test_map_filtered_clusters_to_full_clusters(self):
debian/patches/fix_binary_helper_location.patch deleted
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Last-Update: Mon, 06 Aug 2012 09:22:42 +0200
-Description: Fix path to binary helper for denoiser
---- a/qiime/denoiser/utils.py
-+++ b/qiime/denoiser/utils.py
-@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ def get_denoiser_data_dir():
- def get_flowgram_ali_exe():
- """Return the path to the flowgram alignment prog
- """
-- fp = get_qiime_scripts_dir() + "/FlowgramAli_4frame"
-- return fp
-+ #fp = get_qiime_scripts_dir() + "/FlowgramAli_4frame"
-+ #return fp
-+ return "/usr/lib/qiime/support_files/denoiser/bin/FlowgramAli_4frame"
- def check_flowgram_ali_exe():
- """Check if we have a working FlowgramAligner"""
debian/patches/fix_path_for_support_files.patch deleted
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
-Last-Update: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:20:08 +0000
-Description: This may be a much simpler fix than patching every single mention
- of support_files, but I'm not sure what else this function is used
- to find?
---- a/qiime/util.py
-+++ b/qiime/util.py
-@@ -268,14 +268,10 @@
- def get_qiime_project_dir():
- """ Returns the top-level QIIME directory
-- """
-- # Get the full path of util.py
-- current_file_path = abspath(__file__)
-- # Get the directory containing util.py
-- current_dir_path = dirname(current_file_path)
-- # Return the directory containing the directory containing util.py
-- return dirname(current_dir_path)
-+ In Debian we know this is always /usr/lib/[qiime]
-+ """
-+ return "/usr/lib"
- def get_qiime_scripts_dir():
- """Return the directory containing QIIME scripts.
debian/patches/fix_script_usage_tests.patch deleted
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
-Last-Update: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:20:08 +0000
-Description: Enhancing unit tests
---- a/qiime/test.py
-+++ b/qiime/test.py
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- from os import chdir, getcwd
- from shutil import copytree, rmtree
- from glob import glob
--from site import addsitedir
-+import sys
- from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
- from traceback import format_exc
- from skbio.util import remove_files
-@@ -806,7 +806,9 @@
- self._log('Scripts to test:\n %s' % ' '.join(scripts))
- self._log('')
-- addsitedir(scripts_dir)
-+ #addsitedir(scripts_dir)
-+ # This is not strong enough. The scripts-dir must be the first thing in the PATH
-+ sys.path = [ scripts_dir ] + sys.path
- for script_name in scripts:
- self.total_scripts += 1
---- a/tests/all_tests.py
-+++ b/tests/all_tests.py
-@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@
- bad_tests.append(unittest_name)
- qiime_test_data_dir = join(get_qiime_project_dir(), 'qiime_test_data')
-+ #Allow tests to be run without installing test data to system dir
-+ if exists("../qiime_test_data"):
-+ qiime_test_data_dir = "../qiime_test_data"
- qiime_test_data_dir_exists = exists(qiime_test_data_dir)
- if not opts.suppress_script_usage_tests and qiime_test_data_dir_exists:
- if opts.script_usage_tests is not None:
debian/patches/make_qiime_accept_new_rdp_classifier.patch deleted
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
-Last-Update: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:49:19 +0100
-Description: This patch twists QIIME's arm to accept running a newer version
- of the RDP classifier by setting RDP_JAR_VERSION_OK, which is done
- by the QIIME wrapper.
- This is a nasty hack and hopefully the patch can be dropped for QIIME 1.6
---- a/qiime/assign_taxonomy.py
-+++ b/qiime/assign_taxonomy.py
-@@ -54,14 +54,19 @@
- "http://qiime.org/install/install.html#rdp-install"
- )
-- rdp_jarname = os.path.basename(rdp_jarpath)
-- version_match = re.search("\d\.\d", rdp_jarname)
-- if version_match is None:
-- raise RuntimeError(
-- "Unable to detect RDP Classifier version in file %s" % rdp_jarname
-- )
-+ #Patch for Bio-Linux/Debian. Allow us to reassure QIIME about the version
-+ #of RDP Classifier using an environment variable.
-+ if os.getenv('RDP_JAR_VERSION_OK') is not None :
-+ version = os.getenv('RDP_JAR_VERSION_OK')
-+ else :
-+ rdp_jarname = os.path.basename(rdp_jarpath)
-+ version_match = re.search("\d\.\d", rdp_jarname)
-+ if version_match is None:
-+ raise RuntimeError(
-+ "Unable to detect RDP Classifier version in file %s" % rdp_jarname
-+ )
-+ version = float(version_match.group())
-- version = float(version_match.group())
- if version < 2.1:
- raise RuntimeError(
- "RDP Classifier does not look like version 2.2 or greater."
---- a/scripts/assign_taxonomy.py
-+++ b/scripts/assign_taxonomy.py
-@@ -366,6 +366,11 @@
- 'training_data_properties_fp'] = opts.training_data_properties_fp
- params['max_memory'] = "%sM" % opts.rdp_max_memory
-+ #Record actual RDP version. This shouldn't fail as it was called once
-+ #already.
-+ params['real_rdp_version'] = str(validate_rdp_version())
- elif assignment_method == 'rtax':
- params['id_to_taxonomy_fp'] = opts.id_to_taxonomy_fp
- params['reference_sequences_fp'] = opts.reference_seqs_fp
debian/patches/prevent_download_on_builds.patch deleted
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>, Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Last-Update: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 08:51:45 +0100
-Description: Do not try to download uclust at build time
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -358,9 +358,8 @@
- chdir(cwd)
--# don't build any of the non-Python dependencies if the following modes are
--# invoked
--if all([e not in sys.argv for e in 'egg_info', 'sdist', 'register']):
-+# don't build any of the non-Python dependencies - let DPKG handle it
-+if False:
- catch_install_errors(build_denoiser, 'denoiser')
- catch_install_errors(download_UCLUST, 'UCLUST')
- catch_install_errors(build_FastTree, 'FastTree')
debian/patches/prevent_google_addsense.patch deleted
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Last-Update: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 08:50:20 +0100
-Description: Remove Google Addsense from user documentation
- to save user privacy
---- a/doc/_templates/layout.html
-+++ b/doc/_templates/layout.html
-@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
- {% block extrahead %}
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
--<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=ABQIAAAAbW_pA971hrPgosv-Msv7hRRE2viNBUPuU405tK6p2cguOFmlFBQSwZMG6_q_v6Z42nkdo9ejT1aHmA"></script>
--<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ pathto("_static/google_feed.js",1)}}"></script>
- {% endblock %}
- {% block relbar1 %}
-@@ -47,10 +45,6 @@
- <br /></div>
- {{ super() }}
- <script type="text/javascript">
--var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
--document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
--<script type="text/javascript">
- try {
- var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-6636235-4");
- pageTracker._trackPageview();
debian/patches/relax_mothur_blast_raxml_versions.patch deleted
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Author: Tim Booth <tbooth at ceh.ac.uk>
-Last-Update: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:20:08 +0000
-Description: Enable running more tests successfully by relaxing version number
---- a/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-+++ b/scripts/print_qiime_config.py
-@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
- version_string = stdout.strip().split('v')[-1].strip('q')
- try:
- version = tuple(map(int, version_string.split('.')))
-- pass_test = version == acceptable_version
-+ pass_test = version >= acceptable_version
- except ValueError:
- pass_test = False
- version_string = stdout
-@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
- try:
- version = tuple(map(int, version_str.split('.')))
-- pass_test = version == acceptable_version
-+ pass_test = version >= acceptable_version
- except ValueError:
- pass_test = False
-@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
- version_string = stdout.strip().split(' ')[1].strip()
- try:
- version = tuple(map(int, version_string.split('.')))
-- pass_test = version == acceptable_version
-+ pass_test = version >= acceptable_version
- except ValueError:
- pass_test = False
- version_string = stdout
-@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
- version_string = stdout.strip().split(' ')[2].strip()
- try:
- version = tuple(map(int, version_string.split('.')))
-- pass_test = version == acceptable_version
-+ pass_test = version >= acceptable_version
- except ValueError:
- pass_test = False
- version_string = stdout
-@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
- version_string = stdout.strip().split(' ')[1].strip('v.')
- try:
- version = tuple(map(int, version_string.split('.')))
-- pass_test = version == acceptable_version
-+ pass_test = version >= acceptable_version
- except ValueError:
- pass_test = False
- version_string = stdout
-@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
- def test_raxmlHPC_supported_version(self):
- """raxmlHPC is in path and version is supported """
-- acceptable_version = [(7, 3, 0), (7, 3, 0)]
-+ acceptable_version = [(7, 3, 0), (7, 3, 5)]
- self.assertTrue(which('raxmlHPC'),
- "raxmlHPC not found. This may or may not be a problem depending on " +
- "which components of QIIME you plan to use.")
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
debian/qiime-doc.doc-base deleted
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Document: qiime
-Title: QIIME: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
-Author: Greg Caporaso <gregcaporaso at gmail.com>
-Abstract: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
- QIIME (canonically pronounced ‘Chime’) is a pipeline for performing
- microbial community analysis that integrates many third party tools
- which have become standard in the field.
- .
- Rather than reimplementing commonly used algorithms, QIIME wraps popular
- implementations of those algorithms. This allows us to make use of the
- many excellent tools available in this area, and allows faster
- integration of new tools. If you use tools that you think would be
- useful additions to QIIME, consider submitting a feature request.
- .
- A standard QIIME analysis begins with sequence data from one or more
- sequencing platforms, including Sanger, Roche/454, and Illumina GAIIx.
- QIIME can perform library de-multiplexing and quality filtering;
- denoising with AmpliconNoise or the QIIME Denoiser; OTU and
- representative set picking with uclust, cdhit, mothur, BLAST, or other
- tools; taxonomy assignment with BLAST or the RDP classifier; sequence
- alignment with PyNAST, muscle, infernal, or other tools; phylogeny
- reconstruction with FastTree, raxml, clearcut, or other tools; alpha
- diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results, using
- over 20 metrics including Phylogenetic Diversity, chao1, and observed
- species; beta diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of
- results, using over 25 metrics including weighted and unweighted
- UniFrac, Euclidean distance, and Bray-Curtis; summarization and
- visualization of taxonomic composition of samples using area, bar and
- pie charts along with distance histograms; and many other features.
- While QIIME is primarily used for analysis of amplicon data, many of the
- downstream analysis pipeline (such as alpha rarefaction and jackknifed
- beta diversity) can be performed on any type of sample x observation
- tables if they are formatted correctly.
-Section: Science/Biology
-Format: html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/qiime/html/*
-Index: /usr/share/doc/qiime/html/index.html
debian/qiime-doc.links deleted
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js usr/share/doc/qiime/html/_static/jquery.js
-usr/share/javascript/underscore/underscore.js usr/share/doc/qiime/html/_static/underscore.js
debian/qiime_config deleted
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# qiime_config
-# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE /etc/qiime/qiime_config
-# To overwrite defaults, copy this file to $HOME/.qiime_config or a path
-# specified by $QIIME_CONFIG_FP and edit that copy of the file.
-# This file refers to default GreenGenes data files installed by the qiime-data
-# package.
-python_exe_fp python
-working_dir .
-blastmat_dir /usr/share/ncbi/data
-blastall_fp blastall
-pynast_template_alignment_fp /usr/share/qiime/data/core_set_aligned.fasta.imputed
-#template_alignment_lanemask_fp /usr/share/qiime/data/lanemask_in_1s_and_0s
-jobs_to_start 1
-seconds_to_sleep 60
-qiime_scripts_dir /usr/lib/qiime/bin/
-temp_dir /tmp
-# Uncomment these to enable always re-training the RDP classifier, which is the
-# default behaviour for QIIME 1.9. This takes a lot of time and RAM, so
-# for Bio-Linux the default behaviour is to quickly use the built-in index.
-# If you are using another assignment method you may need to specify these settings
-# in all cases.
-assign_taxonomy_id_to_taxonomy_fp # /usr/share/qiime/data/gg_13_8_otus/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt
-assign_taxonomy_reference_seqs_fp # /usr/share/qiime/data/gg_13_8_otus/rep_set/97_otus.fasta
debian/scripts/print_qiime_config_all deleted
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-print_qiime_config.py -t
-echo "Here are the versions of the packages that QIIME depends on as reported by"
-echo "the system package manager:"
-dpkg -s qiime | perl -ne '/^Depends: (.*)/ &&
- map {s/[ :].*//;
- printf "%-26s: %s", $_, `dpkg -s "$_" | sed -n "/Version:/s/.* //p"`
- }
- grep {! /^lib/}
- sort
- split(/, /,"$1, mothur")' | uniq \
-&& { echo ; echo OK ; }
debian/source/lintian-overrides deleted
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# These files are actually editable JS source files and the lintian error is a false positive
-qiime source: source-is-missing qiime/support_files/js/overlib.js*
-qiime source: source-is-missing qiime/support_files/js/otu_count_display.js*
-qiime source: source-is-missing qiime_test_data/make_2d_plots/js/overlib.js*
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-##opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=auto,repack,compression=xz" \
https://github.com/qiime2/qiime2/releases .*/archive/(\d[\d.]+)@ARCHIVE_EXT@
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/qiime/compare/c4c1063f9ef9a29ea1c74344ab0d9e8a9e1cf98d...7d6b53826988db773b76d73d5606098497efba53
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