[med-svn] [Git][med-team/aeskulap][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 0.2.2-beta2+git20190406.ef77f01

Gert Wollny gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Aug 3 16:39:30 BST 2019

Gert Wollny pushed to branch master at Debian Med / aeskulap

4b6da35f by Gert Wollny at 2019-08-03T15:35:41Z
New upstream version 0.2.2-beta2+git20190406.ef77f01
- - - - -
e6f0ba23 by Gert Wollny at 2019-08-03T15:35:42Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.2.2-beta2+git20190406.ef77f01'

Update to upstream version '0.2.2-beta2+git20190406.ef77f01'
with Debian dir 01cb8fc4bd1678f5aa247fbfbbdaa946d4486e4a
- - - - -
030e0310 by Gert Wollny at 2019-08-03T15:36:28Z
d/.gitlab-ci.yml: add CI

- - - - -
505fd99f by Gert Wollny at 2019-08-03T15:37:01Z
Update changelog

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- + debian/.gitlab-ci.yml
- debian/changelog


@@ -1,82 +1,6 @@
-Aeskulap - OpenSource DICOM Viewer
+I'm not able to work on this project anymore.
+Lack of time and power, sorry.
+If anyone is interested in maintaining it, please fork it and send me a short message.
-Aeskulap is able to load a series of special images stored in the
-DICOM format for review. Additionally Aeskulap is able to query
-and fetch DICOM images from archive nodes (also called PACS) over
-the network.
-The goal of this project is to create a full open source replacement
-for commercially available DICOM viewers.
-Aeskulap is based on gtkmm, glademm and gconfmm and designed to run
-under Linux. Ports of these packages are available for different
-platforms. It should be quite easy to port Aeskulap to any platform
-were these packages are available.
-Aeskulap version history:
-0.2.2 - unreleased
-- added windowlevel "invert" function
-- added "doubleclick" handling. activates "single series" mode
-- speedup queries if server supports "NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances"
-- rendering performance improvements
-- support for more international charsets
-- Value Picker tool
-- realized GNOME GOAL #2
-0.2.1 - 20060308
-- added AboutDialog
-- fixed crashes in SeriesView::scroll_to(pos)
-- fixed multiframe control bugs
-- specific characterset support
-- support lossy compression (low bandwith connections)
-- new "walk through" browsing for a series
-  press (and keep pressed) SHIFT + LEFT MOUSEBUTTON, move mouse up/down
-- autolayout on loading images from files
-- SCU conformance improvements
-- separated configuration backend
-- added windowlevel presets
-0.2.0 - 20051002
-- fixed loading of local images
-  now prescanning files. proper handling of progress
-- added network error dialog
-- new preferences dialog
-- added C-Echo test
-- added servergroups
-- fixed querying and loading from different servers
-- added DateFilter widgets
-- new query form (much simpler)
-- autolayout (currently based on number of series)
-- added 3D cursor (3D location and slice synchronzation tool)
-- an uncountable number of smaller fixes :)
-- autoconf / automake / gettext framework cleanup
-0.1.1 - 20050911
-- Bugfix release
-- Some build fixes.
-- Fix major bugs in the C-Find / C-Move operations
-0.1.0 - 20050909
-- Initial release.
-- Basic study management and viewing.
-Alexander Pipelka <pipelka at teleweb.at>
+In any case I will archive this repo sooner or later.

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+image: debian:sid
+  stage: build
+  before_script:
+    - apt-get update && apt-get -y install devscripts git-buildpackage 
+    - mk-build-deps --tool "apt -y -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends" --install -r debian/control 
+  script:
+    - git checkout pristine-tar 
+    - git pull 
+    - git checkout master
+    - git pull 
+    # silence build to not exceed build log size of gitlab-ci
+    - gbp buildpackage -uc -us 2>&1 >../build.log ||  tail -n 100 ../build.log && exit 1

@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+aeskulap (0.2.2-beta2+git20180219.8787e95-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version 0.2.2-beta2+git20190406.ef77f01
+  * d/.gitlab-ci.yml: add CI
+ -- Gert Wollny <gewo at debian.org>  Sat, 03 Aug 2019 17:36:43 +0200
 aeskulap (0.2.2-beta2+git20180219.8787e95-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/p/dcmtk: Add patch to build with dcmtk 3.6.4

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/aeskulap/compare/d51b2a0ee737872ff4927597524bf461b084dc4c...505fd99f7eb13acf2aaea8c1e95b1e0dbc860277

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/aeskulap/compare/d51b2a0ee737872ff4927597524bf461b084dc4c...505fd99f7eb13acf2aaea8c1e95b1e0dbc860277
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