[med-svn] [Git][med-team/poretools][master] 8 commits: Apply patch by Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at canonical.com>
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 15 22:57:52 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / poretools
985833f1 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:39:49Z
Apply patch by Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at canonical.com>
- - - - -
2f3f1e9a by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:41:49Z
Close bug
- - - - -
1a7d8765 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:43:02Z
Add myself to Uploaders
- - - - -
0ef295c4 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:43:59Z
debhelper-compat 12
- - - - -
a33ec836 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:44:02Z
Standards-Version: 4.4.0
- - - - -
6c4e3ef3 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:44:02Z
Secure URI in copyright format
- - - - -
4a8b8ed1 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:44:18Z
Use secure URI in Homepage field.
Fixes lintian: homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri
See https://lintian.debian.org/tags/homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri.html for more details.
- - - - -
c025b834 by Andreas Tille at 2019-08-15T21:56:46Z
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- + debian/patches/python3.patch
- + debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+poretools (0.6.0+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ [ Steve Langasek ]
+ * Port to Python3
+ Closes: #934845
+ [ Andreas Tille ]
+ * Afif removed himself from Uploaders
+ * Add myself to Uploaders
+ * debhelper-compat 12
+ * Standards-Version: 4.4.0
+ * Secure URI in copyright format
+ * Use secure URI in Homepage field.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Thu, 15 Aug 2019 23:44:33 +0200
poretools (0.6.0+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Team upload.
debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
Source: poretools
Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Section: science
Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
- python-all,
- python-setuptools,
- python-h5py (>= 2.2),
- python-matplotlib,
- python-seaborn,
- python-pandas
-Standards-Version: 4.1.5
+ python3-all,
+ python3-setuptools,
+ python3-h5py,
+ python3-matplotlib,
+ python3-seaborn,
+ python3-pandas
+Standards-Version: 4.4.0
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/poretools
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/poretools.git
-Homepage: http://poretools.readthedocs.org
+Homepage: https://poretools.readthedocs.org
Package: poretools
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- ${python:Depends},
- python-pkg-resources
+ ${python3:Depends},
+ python3-pkg-resources
Description: toolkit for nanopore nucleotide sequencing data
poretools is a flexible toolkit for exploring datasets generated by nanopore
sequencing devices from MinION for the purposes of quality control and
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Upstream-Name: poretools
Upstream-Contact: Aaron Quinlan <arq5x at virginia.edu>
Source: https://github.com/arq5x/poretools
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+Description: port to python3
+ Python2 is obsolete. Port this code to python3.
+ Changes consist of 2to3 output, plus fixes for tab vs. space issues, and
+ a fix to argparse handling when we're called with no arguments.
+Author: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at ubuntu.com>
+Last-Modified: 2019-08-15
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/934845
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/setup.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/setup.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/setup.py
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ version_py = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'poretools', 'version.py')
+ version = open(version_py).read().strip().split('=')[-1].replace('"','').strip()
+-print version
+ long_description = """
+ ``poretools`` is a toolset for working with nanopore sequencing data'
+ """
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/__init__.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/__init__.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/__init__.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ import os
+ import sys
+-import scripts
+-from Fast5File import *
+-from version import __version__
++from . import scripts
++from .Fast5File import *
++from .version import __version__
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/Fast5File.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/Fast5File.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/Fast5File.py
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+ # poretools imports
+-import formats
+-from Event import Event
++from . import formats
++from .Event import Event
+ fastq_paths = {
+ 'closed' : {},
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
++ def __next__(self):
+ if len(self.files) > 0:
+ return self.files.pop(0)
+ else:
+@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
++ def __next__(self):
+ try:
+- return Fast5File(self.files.next(), self.group)
++ return Fast5File(next(self.files), self.group)
+ except Exception as e:
+ # cleanup our mess
+ if self.set_type == FAST5SET_TARBALL:
+@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+- def next(self):
++ def __next__(self):
+ while True:
+- tarinfo = self._tarfile.next()
++ tarinfo = next(self._tarfile)
+ if tarinfo is None:
+ raise StopIteration
+ elif self._fast5_filename_filter(tarinfo.name):
+@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
+ try:
+ self.hdf5file = h5py.File(self.filename, 'r')
+ return True
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning("Cannot open file: %s. Perhaps it is corrupt? Moving on.\n" % self.filename)
+ return False
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
+ self._extract_fastas_from_fast5()
+ self.have_fastas = True
+- return self.fastas
++ return self.fastas
+ def get_fastq(self):
+ """
+@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
+ https://github.com/arq5x/poretools/issues""" % (self.filename, reason)
+ sys.exit(msg)
+- def find_read_number_block_fixed_raw(self):
++ def find_read_number_block_fixed_raw(self):
+ """
+ New-style FAST5/HDF5 structure:
+ There is a fixed 'Raw/Reads' node with only one 'read_NNN' item
+@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
+ if raw_reads is None:
+ return None
+- reads = raw_reads.keys()
++ reads = list(raw_reads.keys())
+ if len(reads)==0:
+ self.hdf_internal_error("Raw/Reads group does not contain any items")
+ if len(reads)>1:
+@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
+ self.hdf_internal_error("Failed to get HDF5 item '%s'"% (path))
+ return node
+- def find_read_number_block(self):
++ def find_read_number_block(self):
+ """Returns the node of the 'Read_NNN' information, or None if not
+ found"""
+ node = self.find_read_number_block_link()
+@@ -652,31 +652,31 @@
+ self._get_metadata()
+ self.have_metadata = True
+- def get_host_name(self):
+- """
+- Return the MinKNOW host computer name.
+- """
+- if self.have_metadata is False:
+- self._get_metadata()
+- self.have_metadata = True
+- try:
+- return self.keyinfo['tracking_id'].attrs['hostname']
+- except:
+- return None
+- if self.have_metadata is False:
+- self._get_metadata()
+- self.have_metadata = True
++ def get_host_name(self):
++ """
++ Return the MinKNOW host computer name.
++ """
++ if self.have_metadata is False:
++ self._get_metadata()
++ self.have_metadata = True
++ try:
++ return self.keyinfo['tracking_id'].attrs['hostname']
++ except:
++ return None
++ if self.have_metadata is False:
++ self._get_metadata()
++ self.have_metadata = True
+ def get_device_id(self):
+ """
+ Return the flowcell's device id.
+ """
+- if self.have_metadata is False:
+- self._get_metadata()
+- self.have_metadata = True
++ if self.have_metadata is False:
++ self._get_metadata()
++ self.have_metadata = True
+ try:
+ return self.keyinfo['tracking_id'].attrs['device_id']
+@@ -688,13 +688,13 @@
+ Return the user supplied sample name
+ """
+- if self.have_metadata is False:
+- self._get_metadata()
+- self.have_metadata = True
++ if self.have_metadata is False:
++ self._get_metadata()
++ self.have_metadata = True
+ try:
+ return self.keyinfo['context_tags'].attrs['user_filename_input']
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[fastq_paths[self.version]['template'] % self.group]
+ return len(table['Events'][()])
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ return 0
+ def get_complement_events_count(self):
+@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[fastq_paths[self.version]['complement'] % self.group]
+ return len(table['Events'][()])
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ return 0
+ def is_high_quality(self):
+@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
+ return 'template'
+ else:
+ return 'complement'
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ return None
+ ####################################################################
+@@ -757,26 +757,26 @@
+ """
+ Return the sequence in the FAST5 file in FASTQ format
+ """
+- for id, h5path in fastq_paths[self.version].iteritems():
++ for id, h5path in fastq_paths[self.version].items():
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[h5path % self.group]
+ fq = formats.Fastq(table['Fastq'][()])
+ fq.name += " " + self.filename
+ self.fastqs[id] = fq
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ def _extract_fastas_from_fast5(self):
+ """
+ Return the sequence in the FAST5 file in FASTA format
+ """
+- for id, h5path in fastq_paths[self.version].iteritems():
++ for id, h5path in fastq_paths[self.version].items():
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[h5path % self.group]
+ fa = formats.Fasta(table['Fastq'][()])
+ fa.name += " " + self.filename
+ self.fastas[id] = fa
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ def _extract_template_events(self):
+@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[fastq_paths[self.version]['template'] % self.group]
+ self.template_events = [Event(x) for x in table['Events'][()]]
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ self.template_events = []
+ def _extract_complement_events(self):
+@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
+ try:
+ table = self.hdf5file[fastq_paths[self.version]['complement'] % self.group]
+ self.complement_events = [Event(x) for x in table['Events'][()]]
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ self.complement_events = []
+ def _extract_pre_basecalled_events(self):
+@@ -815,9 +815,9 @@
+ def _get_metadata(self):
+ try:
+ self.keyinfo = self.hdf5file['/UniqueGlobalKey']
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ try:
+ self.keyinfo = self.hdf5file['/Key']
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ self.keyinfo = None
+ logger.warning("Cannot find keyinfo. Exiting.\n")
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/formats.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/formats.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/formats.py
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ phred = ord(score) - 33
+ error_count += 10.0 ** (-phred / 10.0)
+ return error_count / len(self.qual)
+- except Exception, e:
++ except Exception as e:
+ return 0.0
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/times.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/times.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/times.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ from time import strftime, localtime
+ import sys
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
+ logger = logging.getLogger('poretools')
+ def run(parser, args):
+- print '\t'.join(['channel', 'filename', 'read_length',
++ print('\t'.join(['channel', 'filename', 'read_length',
+ 'exp_starttime', 'unix_timestamp', 'duration',
+ 'unix_timestamp_end', 'iso_timestamp', 'day',
+- 'hour', 'minute'])
++ 'hour', 'minute']))
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ if fast5.is_open:
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ read_length = 0
+ lt = localtime(start_time)
+- print "\t".join([fast5.get_channel_number(),
++ print("\t".join([fast5.get_channel_number(),
+ fast5.filename,
+ str(read_length),
+ str(fast5.get_exp_start_time()),
+@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@
+ strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z', lt),
+ strftime('%d', lt),
+ strftime('%H', lt),
+- strftime('%M', lt)])
++ strftime('%M', lt)]))
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/events.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/events.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/events.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@
+ 'length', 'model_state', 'model_level', 'move', \
+ 'p_model_state', 'mp_model_state', 'p_mp_model_state', \
+ 'p_A', 'p_C', 'p_G', 'p_T', 'raw_index']
+- print "\t".join(keys)
++ print("\t".join(keys))
+ if args.pre_basecalled:
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ for event in fast5.get_pre_basecalled_events():
+- print '\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'pre_basecalled', str(event)])
++ print('\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'pre_basecalled', str(event)]))
+ else:
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ for event in fast5.get_template_events():
+- print '\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'template', str(event)])
++ print('\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'template', str(event)]))
+ for event in fast5.get_complement_events():
+- print '\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'complement', str(event)])
++ print('\t'.join([fast5.filename, 'complement', str(event)]))
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/qualdist.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/qualdist.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/qualdist.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ from collections import Counter
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
+ fast5.close()
+ for q in qual_count:
+- print '\t'.join(str(s) for s in [chr(q+33), q, qual_count[q],
+- total_nucs, float(qual_count[q]) / float(total_nucs)])
+\ No newline at end of file
++ print ('\t'.join(str(s) for s in [chr(q+33), q, qual_count[q],
++ total_nucs, float(qual_count[q]) / float(total_nucs)]))
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/metadata.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/metadata.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/metadata.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
+ for i, fast5 in enumerate(Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files)):
+ for metadata_dict in fast5.read_metadata:
+ if i == 0:
+- header = metadata_dict.keys()
+- print "\t".join(["filename"] + header)
+- print "\t".join([fast5.filename] + [str( metadata_dict[k] ) for k in header])
++ header = list(metadata_dict.keys())
++ print("\t".join(["filename"] + header))
++ print("\t".join([fast5.filename] + [str( metadata_dict[k] ) for k in header]))
+ else:
+- print "asic_id\tasic_temp\theatsink_temp"
++ print("asic_id\tasic_temp\theatsink_temp")
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ asic_temp = fast5.get_asic_temp()
+ asic_id = fast5.get_asic_id()
+ heatsink_temp = fast5.get_heatsink_temp()
+- print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (asic_id, asic_temp, heatsink_temp)
++ print("%s\t%s\t%s" % (asic_id, asic_temp, heatsink_temp))
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/fastq.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/fastq.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/fastq.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import sys
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ args.max_length > 0):
+ continue
+- print fa
++ print(fa)
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/occupancy.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/occupancy.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/occupancy.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ from collections import Counter
+ import sys
+ import pandas as pd
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ pore_values.append(0)
+ # make a data frame of the lists
+- d = {'rownum': range(1,17)*32,
+- 'colnum': sorted(range(1,33)*16),
++ d = {'rownum': list(range(1,17))*32,
++ 'colnum': sorted(list(range(1,33))*16),
+ 'tot_reads': pore_values,
+ 'labels': flowcell_layout}
+ df = pd.DataFrame(d)
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ tot_reads_per_pore = Counter()
+ tot_bp_per_pore = Counter()
+- print "\t".join(['channel_number', 'start_time', 'duration'])
++ print("\t".join(['channel_number', 'start_time', 'duration']))
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ if fast5.is_open:
+ fq = fast5.get_fastq()
+@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@
+ tot_reads_per_pore[int(pore_id)] += 1
+ tot_bp_per_pore[int(pore_id)] += len(fq.seq)
+- print "\t".join([
++ print("\t".join([
+ str(pore_id),
+ str(start_time),
+- str(fast5.get_duration())])
++ str(fast5.get_duration())]))
+ fast5.close()
+ if args.plot_type == 'read_count':
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/index.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/index.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/index.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import datetime
+ ############
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ def run(parser, args):
+- print "source_filename\ttemplate_fwd_length\tcomplement_rev_length\t2d_length\tasic_id\tasic_temp\theatsink_temp\tchannel\texp_start_time\texp_start_time_string_date\texp_start_time_string_time\tstart_time\tstart_time_string_date\tstart_time_string_time\tduration\tfast5_version"
++ print("source_filename\ttemplate_fwd_length\tcomplement_rev_length\t2d_length\tasic_id\tasic_temp\theatsink_temp\tchannel\texp_start_time\texp_start_time_string_date\texp_start_time_string_time\tstart_time\tstart_time_string_date\tstart_time_string_time\tduration\tfast5_version")
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
+ length_complement = len(fastq_reads[1].seq)
+ length_2d = len(fastq_reads[2].seq)
+- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
++ print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
+ fast5.filename,
+ length_template,
+ length_complement,
+ length_2d,
+- asic_id, asic_temp, heatsink_temp,channel_number,exp_start_time,exp_start_time_string,start_time,start_time_string,duration,fast5_version)
++ asic_id, asic_temp, heatsink_temp,channel_number,exp_start_time,exp_start_time_string,start_time,start_time_string,duration,fast5_version))
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/readstats.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/readstats.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/readstats.py
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ def run(parser, args):
+- print "start_time\tchannel_number\tread_number\ttemplate_events\tcomplement_events"
++ print("start_time\tchannel_number\tread_number\ttemplate_events\tcomplement_events")
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+@@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
+ else:
+ complement_len = 0
+- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (start_time, channel_number, read_number, template_len, complement_len)
++ print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (start_time, channel_number, read_number, template_len, complement_len))
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/winner.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/winner.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/winner.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import sys
+ #logging
+@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@
+ fast5.close()
+ logger.info("Wow, it's a whopper: your longest read is %d bases." % (longest_size,))
+- print longest_read
++ print(longest_read)
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/stats.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/stats.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/stats.py
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+-import statistics as stat
+-import Fast5File
++from . import statistics as stat
++from . import Fast5File
+ import logging
+ from collections import defaultdict
+ logger = logging.getLogger('poretools')
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ fas = fast5.get_fastas_dict()
+ if len(fas) > 0:
+ basecalled_files += 1
+- for category, fa in fas.iteritems():
++ for category, fa in fas.items():
+ if fa is not None:
+ stats[category].append(len(fa.seq))
+ if category == 'twodirections':
+@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@
+ fast5.close()
+- print "files\ttotal reads\t%d" % (files)
+- print "files\ttotal base-called reads\t%d" % (basecalled_files)
++ print("files\ttotal reads\t%d" % (files))
++ print("files\ttotal base-called reads\t%d" % (basecalled_files))
+ for category in sorted(stats.keys()):
+ sizes = stats[category]
+ if len(sizes) > 0:
+- print "%s\ttotal reads\t%d" % (category, len(sizes))
+- print "%s\ttotal base pairs\t%d" % (category, sum(sizes))
+- print "%s\tmean\t%.2f" % (category, stat.mean(sizes))
+- print "%s\tmedian\t%d" % (category, stat.median(sizes))
+- print "%s\tmin\t%d" % (category, min(sizes))
+- print "%s\tmax\t%d" % (category, max(sizes))
++ print("%s\ttotal reads\t%d" % (category, len(sizes)))
++ print("%s\ttotal base pairs\t%d" % (category, sum(sizes)))
++ print("%s\tmean\t%.2f" % (category, stat.mean(sizes)))
++ print("%s\tmedian\t%d" % (category, stat.median(sizes)))
++ print("%s\tmin\t%d" % (category, min(sizes)))
++ print("%s\tmax\t%d" % (category, max(sizes)))
+ nxvalues = stat.NX(sizes, [25,50,75])
+- print "%s\tN25\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[25])
+- print "%s\tN50\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[50])
+- print "%s\tN75\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[75])
++ print("%s\tN25\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[25]))
++ print("%s\tN50\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[50]))
++ print("%s\tN75\t%d" % (category, nxvalues[75]))
+ else:
+ logger.warning("No valid sequences observed.\n")
+ else:
+@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@
+ fast5.close()
+ if len(sizes) > 0:
+- print "total reads\t%d" % (len(sizes))
+- print "total base pairs\t%d" % (sum(sizes))
+- print "mean\t%.2f" % (stat.mean(sizes))
+- print "median\t%d" % (stat.median(sizes))
+- print "min\t%d" % (min(sizes))
+- print "max\t%d" % (max(sizes))
+- nxvalues = stat.NX(sizes, [25,50,75])
+- print "N25\t%d" % (nxvalues[25])
+- print "N50\t%d" % (nxvalues[50])
+- print "N75\t%d" % (nxvalues[75])
++ print("total reads\t%d" % (len(sizes)))
++ print("total base pairs\t%d" % (sum(sizes)))
++ print("mean\t%.2f" % (stat.mean(sizes)))
++ print("median\t%d" % (stat.median(sizes)))
++ print("min\t%d" % (min(sizes)))
++ print("max\t%d" % (max(sizes)))
++ nxvalues = stat.NX(sizes, [25,50,75])
++ print("N25\t%d" % (nxvalues[25]))
++ print("N50\t%d" % (nxvalues[50]))
++ print("N75\t%d" % (nxvalues[75]))
+ else:
+ logger.warning("No valid sequences observed.\n")
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/nucdist.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/nucdist.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/nucdist.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ from collections import Counter
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@
+ fast5.close()
+ for n in nuc_count:
+- print '\t'.join(str(s) for s in [n, nuc_count[n],
+- total_nucs, float(nuc_count[n]) / float(total_nucs)])
+\ No newline at end of file
++ print ('\t'.join(str(s) for s in [n, nuc_count[n],
++ total_nucs, float(nuc_count[n]) / float(total_nucs)]))
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/tabular.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/tabular.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/tabular.py
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ def run(parser, args):
+- print '\t'.join(['length', 'name', 'sequence', 'quals'])
++ print('\t'.join(['length', 'name', 'sequence', 'quals']))
+ for fast5 in Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files):
+ fqs = fast5.get_fastqs(args.type)
+@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
+ if fq is None:
+ fast5.close()
+ continue
+- print '\t'.join([str(len(fq.seq)), fq.name, fq.seq, fq.qual])
+- fast5.close()
+\ No newline at end of file
++ print ('\t'.join([str(len(fq.seq)), fq.name, fq.seq, fq.qual]))
++ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/fasta.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/fasta.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/fasta.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import sys
+ def run(parser, args):
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ args.max_length > 0):
+ continue
+- print fa
++ print(fa)
+ fast5.close()
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/statistics.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/statistics.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/statistics.py
+@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
+ return None
+ def NX(l, x=[25,50,75]):
+- """
+- Returns NX for all x for a list of numbers l.
+- Default: N25, N50, N75
+- Assumes all values in list x are between 0 and 100.
+- Interpretation: When NX = NX_value, X% of data (in bp) is contained in reads at least NX_value bp long.
+- """
++ """
++ Returns NX for all x for a list of numbers l.
++ Default: N25, N50, N75
++ Assumes all values in list x are between 0 and 100.
++ Interpretation: When NX = NX_value, X% of data (in bp) is contained in reads at least NX_value bp long.
++ """
+ if isinstance(l, list) and isinstance(x, list):
+ l = sorted(l)
+ x = sorted(x)
+ total = sum(l)
+- nxsum = 0
+- nxvalues = {e:0 for e in x}
++ nxsum = 0
++ nxvalues = {e:0 for e in x}
+ for e in x:
+- xpct = total*e/100.0
+- while nxsum < xpct and l:
+- nxsum += l[-1]
+- lastsize = l.pop()
+- nxvalues[e] = lastsize
+- return nxvalues
++ xpct = total*e/100.0
++ while nxsum < xpct and l:
++ nxsum += l[-1]
++ lastsize = l.pop()
++ nxvalues[e] = lastsize
++ return nxvalues
+ else:
+ return None
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/poretools_main.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/poretools_main.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/poretools_main.py
+@@ -13,43 +13,43 @@
+ def run_subtool(parser, args):
+ if args.command == 'combine':
+- import combine as submodule
++ from . import combine as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'events':
+- import events as submodule
++ from . import events as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'fasta':
+- import fasta as submodule
++ from . import fasta as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'fastq':
+- import fastq as submodule
++ from . import fastq as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'hist':
+- import hist as submodule
++ from . import hist as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'metadata':
+- import metadata as submodule
++ from . import metadata as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'nucdist':
+- import nucdist as submodule
++ from . import nucdist as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'occupancy':
+- import occupancy as submodule
++ from . import occupancy as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'qualdist':
+- import qualdist as submodule
++ from . import qualdist as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'qualpos':
+- import qual_v_pos as submodule
++ from . import qual_v_pos as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'readstats':
+- import readstats as submodule
++ from . import readstats as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'stats':
+- import stats as submodule
++ from . import stats as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'tabular':
+- import tabular as submodule
++ from . import tabular as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'times':
+- import times as submodule
++ from . import times as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'squiggle':
+- import squiggle as submodule
++ from . import squiggle as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'winner':
+- import winner as submodule
++ from . import winner as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'yield_plot':
+- import yield_plot as submodule
++ from . import yield_plot as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'index':
+- import index as submodule
++ from . import index as submodule
+ elif args.command == 'organise':
+- import organise as submodule
++ from . import organise as submodule
+ # run the chosen submodule.
+ submodule.run(parser, args)
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ class ArgumentParserWithDefaults(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ArgumentParserWithDefaults, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+- self.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Do not output warnings to stderr",
++ self.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", help="Do not output warnings to stderr",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="quiet")
+@@ -526,12 +526,16 @@
+ #######################################################
+ args = parser.parse_args()
++ if not args.command:
++ parser.print_help()
++ sys.exit(0)
+ if args.quiet:
+ logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+ try:
+ args.func(parser, args)
+- except IOError, e:
++ except IOError as e:
+ if e.errno != 32: # ignore SIGPIPE
+ raise
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/combine.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/combine.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/combine.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ import tarfile
+ import sys
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ #logging
+ import logging
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/hist.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/hist.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/hist.py
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+ import seaborn as sns
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import logging
+ logger = logging.getLogger('poretools')
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/organise.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/organise.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/organise.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import sys
+ import os
+ from os import makedirs
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/qual_v_pos.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/qual_v_pos.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/qual_v_pos.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ from collections import defaultdict
+ import pandas
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/squiggle.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/squiggle.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/squiggle.py
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ import logging
+ logger = logging.getLogger('poretools')
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ def plot_squiggle(args, filename, start_times, mean_signals):
+ """
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+ fast5_set = Fast5File.Fast5FileSet(args.files)
+- first_fast5 = fast5_set.next()
++ first_fast5 = next(fast5_set)
+ for fast5 in fast5_set:
+ # only create a squiggle plot for multiple reads if saving to file.
+ if args.saveas is None:
+Index: poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/yield_plot.py
+--- poretools-0.6.0+dfsg.orig/poretools/yield_plot.py
++++ poretools-0.6.0+dfsg/poretools/yield_plot.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-import Fast5File
++from . import Fast5File
+ import matplotlib
+ #matplotlib.use('Agg') # Must be called before any other matplotlib calls
+ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
+ # compute the cumulative based on reads or total base pairs
+ if args.plot_type == 'reads':
+ y_label = "Total reads"
+- cumulative = np.cumsum(range(len(start_times)))
++ cumulative = np.cumsum(list(range(len(start_times))))
+ elif args.plot_type == 'basepairs':
+ y_label = "Total base pairs"
+ cumulative = np.cumsum(read_lengths)
+ step = args.skip
+ # make a data frame of the lists
+- d = {'start': [start_times[n] for n in xrange(0, len(start_times), step)],
+- 'lengths': [read_lengths[n] for n in xrange(0, len(read_lengths), step)],
+- 'cumul': [cumulative[n] for n in xrange(0, len(cumulative), step)]}
++ d = {'start': [start_times[n] for n in range(0, len(start_times), step)],
++ 'lengths': [read_lengths[n] for n in range(0, len(read_lengths), step)],
++ 'cumul': [cumulative[n] for n in range(0, len(cumulative), step)]}
+ df = pd.DataFrame(d)
+ if args.savedf:
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export PYBUILD_DESTDIR=debian/poretools
- dh $@ --with python2 --buildsystem=pybuild
+ dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
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