[med-svn] [Git][med-team/conservation-code][master] 13 commits: Rename test dir in autopktest from ADTTMP to AUTOPKGTEST_TMP
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Dec 15 15:28:16 GMT 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / conservation-code
24188a3d by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T14:56:32Z
Rename test dir in autopktest from ADTTMP to AUTOPKGTEST_TMP
- - - - -
30e20fe1 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T14:59:52Z
Use 2to3 to port from Python2 to Python3
- - - - -
2af1513a by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:00:08Z
routine-update: debhelper-compat 12
- - - - -
80774d29 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:00:12Z
routine-update: Standards-Version: 4.4.1
- - - - -
7b46d429 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:00:13Z
R-U: Trailing whitespace in debian/changelog
- - - - -
b739ec2b by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:14:00Z
routine-update: Do not parse d/changelog
- - - - -
305f4b2f by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:14:00Z
Trim trailing whitespace.
Fixes lintian: file-contains-trailing-whitespace
See https://lintian.debian.org/tags/file-contains-trailing-whitespace.html for more details.
- - - - -
c4bddda2 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:14:08Z
Use secure URI in Homepage field.
Fixes lintian: homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri
See https://lintian.debian.org/tags/homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri.html for more details.
- - - - -
de30ec55 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:14:30Z
Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata.
- - - - -
a3866944 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:14:30Z
Remove unnecessary get-orig-source-target.
Fixes lintian: debian-rules-contains-unnecessary-get-orig-source-target
See https://lintian.debian.org/tags/debian-rules-contains-unnecessary-get-orig-source-target.html for more details.
- - - - -
944a149e by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:15:30Z
Python3 in packaging
- - - - -
ecb87e5d by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:23:55Z
Replace tab by spaces since Python3 is picky about spacing errors
- - - - -
f83e1fd4 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-15T15:26:37Z
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- + debian/patches/2to3.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
- debian/tests/installation-test
- debian/tests/non-default-params-test
- debian/upstream/metadata
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+conservation-code (20110309.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Rename test dir in autopktest from ADTTMP to AUTOPKGTEST_TMP
+ * Use 2to3 to port from Python2 to Python3
+ Closes: #942925
+ * debhelper-compat 12
+ * Standards-Version: 4.4.1
+ * Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog
+ * Do not parse d/changelog
+ * Trim trailing whitespace.
+ * Use secure URI in Homepage field.
+ * Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata.
+ * Remove unnecessary get-orig-source-target.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 15 Dec 2019 16:24:28 +0100
conservation-code (20110309.0-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* debhelper 11
@@ -25,10 +41,10 @@ conservation-code (20110309.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* upstream fix - to load identity matrix without error when no alignment
matrix is found
* add hardening
- * allow-stderr for testsuite to allow test pass instead of fail when matrix
+ * allow-stderr for testsuite to allow test pass instead of fail when matrix
file is not found
* verbose output in test + check distributions usage
- * simplified debian/tests/non-default-params-test, but made more verbose
+ * simplified debian/tests/non-default-params-test, but made more verbose
* cme fix dpkg-copyright
debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ Uploaders: Laszlo Kajan <lkajan at rostlab.org>,
Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Section: science
Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
- python
-Standards-Version: 4.2.1
+ python3
+Standards-Version: 4.4.1
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/conservation-code
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/conservation-code.git
-Homepage: http://compbio.cs.princeton.edu/conservation/
+Homepage: https://compbio.cs.princeton.edu/conservation/
Package: conservation-code
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- ${python:Depends},
- python-numpy
+ ${python3:Depends},
+ python3-numpy
Enhances: concavity
Description: protein sequence conservation scoring tool
This package provides score_conservation(1), a tool to score protein sequence
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+Description: Use 2to3 to port from Python2 to Python3
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/942925
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 15:56:03 +0100
+--- a/score_conservation.py
++++ b/score_conservation.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ ################################################################################
+ # score_conservation.py - Copyright Tony Capra 2007 - Last Update: 03/09/11
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
+ #
+ ################################################################################
+-from __future__ import print_function
+ import math, sys, getopt
+ import re
+ # numarray imported below
+@@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ def weighted_freq_count_pseudocount(col,
+ # if the weights do not match, use equal weight
+ if len(seq_weights) != len(col):
+- seq_weights = [1.] * len(col)
++ seq_weights = [1.] * len(col)
+ aa_num = 0
+ freq_counts = len(amino_acids)*[pc_amount] # in order defined by amino_acids
+ for aa in amino_acids:
+- for j in range(len(col)):
+- if col[j] == aa:
+- freq_counts[aa_num] += 1 * seq_weights[j]
++ for j in range(len(col)):
++ if col[j] == aa:
++ freq_counts[aa_num] += 1 * seq_weights[j]
+- aa_num += 1
++ aa_num += 1
+ freqsum = (sum(seq_weights) + len(amino_acids) * pc_amount)
+ for j in range(len(freq_counts)):
+- freq_counts[j] = freq_counts[j] / freqsum
++ freq_counts[j] = freq_counts[j] / freqsum
+ return freq_counts
+@@ -152,12 +152,12 @@ def weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weight
+ # if the weights do not match, use equal weight
+ if len(seq_weights) != len(col):
+- seq_weights = [1.] * len(col)
++ seq_weights = [1.] * len(col)
+ gap_sum = 0.
+ for i in range(len(col)):
+- if col[i] == '-':
+- gap_sum += seq_weights[i]
++ if col[i] == '-':
++ gap_sum += seq_weights[i]
+ return 1 - (gap_sum / sum(seq_weights))
+@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def gap_percentage(col):
+ num_gaps = 0.
+ for aa in col:
+- if aa == '-': num_gaps += 1
++ if aa == '-': num_gaps += 1
+ return num_gaps / len(col)
+@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ def shannon_entropy(col, sim_matrix, bg_
+ h = 0.
+ for i in range(len(fc)):
+- if fc[i] != 0:
+- h += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i])
++ if fc[i] != 0:
++ h += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i])
+ # h /= math.log(len(fc))
+ h /= math.log(min(len(fc), len(col)))
+@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ def shannon_entropy(col, sim_matrix, bg_
+ inf_score = 1 - (-1 * h)
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return inf_score * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return inf_score * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return inf_score
++ return inf_score
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -221,22 +221,22 @@ def property_entropy(col, sim_matrix, bg
+ # sum the aa frequencies to get the property frequencies
+ prop_fc = [0.] * len(property_partition)
+ for p in range(len(property_partition)):
+- for aa in property_partition[p]:
+- prop_fc[p] += fc[aa_to_index[aa]]
++ for aa in property_partition[p]:
++ prop_fc[p] += fc[aa_to_index[aa]]
+ h = 0.
+ for i in range(len(prop_fc)):
+- if prop_fc[i] != 0:
+- h += prop_fc[i] * math.log(prop_fc[i])
++ if prop_fc[i] != 0:
++ h += prop_fc[i] * math.log(prop_fc[i])
+ h /= math.log(min(len(property_partition), len(col)))
+ inf_score = 1 - (-1 * h)
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return inf_score * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return inf_score * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return inf_score
++ return inf_score
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ def property_relative_entropy(col, sim_m
+ prop_bg_freq = []
+ if len(bg_distr) == len(property_partition):
+- prop_bg_freq = bg_distr
++ prop_bg_freq = bg_distr
+ else:
+- prop_bg_freq = [0.248, 0.092, 0.114, 0.075, 0.132, 0.111, 0.161, 0.043, 0.024, 0.000] # from BL62
++ prop_bg_freq = [0.248, 0.092, 0.114, 0.075, 0.132, 0.111, 0.161, 0.043, 0.024, 0.000] # from BL62
+ #fc = weighted_freq_count_ignore_gaps(col, seq_weights)
+ fc = weighted_freq_count_pseudocount(col, seq_weights, PSEUDOCOUNT)
+@@ -267,19 +267,19 @@ def property_relative_entropy(col, sim_m
+ # sum the aa frequencies to get the property frequencies
+ prop_fc = [0.] * len(property_partition)
+ for p in range(len(property_partition)):
+- for aa in property_partition[p]:
+- prop_fc[p] += fc[aa_to_index[aa]]
++ for aa in property_partition[p]:
++ prop_fc[p] += fc[aa_to_index[aa]]
+ d = 0.
+ for i in range(len(prop_fc)):
+- if prop_fc[i] != 0 and prop_bg_freq[i] != 0:
+- d += prop_fc[i] * math.log(prop_fc[i] / prop_bg_freq[i], 2)
++ if prop_fc[i] != 0 and prop_bg_freq[i] != 0:
++ d += prop_fc[i] * math.log(prop_fc[i] / prop_bg_freq[i], 2)
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return d
++ return d
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -293,14 +293,14 @@ def vn_entropy(col, sim_matrix, bg_distr
+ aa_counts = [0.] * 20
+ for aa in col:
+- if aa != '-': aa_counts[aa_to_index[aa]] += 1
++ if aa != '-': aa_counts[aa_to_index[aa]] += 1
+ dm_size = 0
+ dm_aas = []
+ for i in range(len(aa_counts)):
+- if aa_counts[i] != 0:
+- dm_aas.append(i)
+- dm_size += 1
++ if aa_counts[i] != 0:
++ dm_aas.append(i)
++ dm_size += 1
+ if dm_size == 0: return 0.0
+@@ -308,31 +308,31 @@ def vn_entropy(col, sim_matrix, bg_distr
+ col_i = 0
+ dm = zeros((dm_size, dm_size), Float32)
+ for i in range(dm_size):
+- row_i = dm_aas[i]
+- for j in range(dm_size):
+- col_i = dm_aas[j]
+- dm[i][j] = aa_counts[row_i] * sim_matrix[row_i][col_i]
++ row_i = dm_aas[i]
++ for j in range(dm_size):
++ col_i = dm_aas[j]
++ dm[i][j] = aa_counts[row_i] * sim_matrix[row_i][col_i]
+ ev = la.eigenvalues(dm).real
+ temp = 0.
+ for e in ev:
+- temp += e
++ temp += e
+ if temp != 0:
+- for i in range(len(ev)):
+- ev[i] = ev[i] / temp
++ for i in range(len(ev)):
++ ev[i] = ev[i] / temp
+ vne = 0.0
+ for e in ev:
+- if e > (10**-10):
+- vne -= e * math.log(e) / math.log(20)
++ if e > (10**-10):
++ vne -= e * math.log(e) / math.log(20)
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- #return (1-vne) * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+- return (1-vne) * weighted_gap_penalty(col, [1.] * len(col))
++ #return (1-vne) * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return (1-vne) * weighted_gap_penalty(col, [1.] * len(col))
+ else:
+- return 1 - vne
++ return 1 - vne
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -350,25 +350,25 @@ def relative_entropy(col, sim_matix, bg_
+ # remove gap count
+ if len(distr) == 20:
+- new_fc = fc[:-1]
+- s = sum(new_fc)
+- for i in range(len(new_fc)):
+- new_fc[i] = new_fc[i] / s
+- fc = new_fc
++ new_fc = fc[:-1]
++ s = sum(new_fc)
++ for i in range(len(new_fc)):
++ new_fc[i] = new_fc[i] / s
++ fc = new_fc
+ if len(fc) != len(distr): return -1
+ d = 0.
+ for i in range(len(fc)):
+- if distr[i] != 0.0:
+- d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/distr[i])
++ if distr[i] != 0.0:
++ d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/distr[i])
+ d /= math.log(len(fc))
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return d
++ return d
+@@ -386,36 +386,36 @@ def js_divergence(col, sim_matrix, bg_di
+ # if background distrubtion lacks a gap count, remove fc gap count
+ if len(distr) == 20:
+- new_fc = fc[:-1]
+- s = sum(new_fc)
+- for i in range(len(new_fc)):
+- new_fc[i] = new_fc[i] / s
+- fc = new_fc
++ new_fc = fc[:-1]
++ s = sum(new_fc)
++ for i in range(len(new_fc)):
++ new_fc[i] = new_fc[i] / s
++ fc = new_fc
+ if len(fc) != len(distr): return -1
+ # make r distriubtion
+ r = []
+ for i in range(len(fc)):
+- r.append(.5 * fc[i] + .5 * distr[i])
++ r.append(.5 * fc[i] + .5 * distr[i])
+ d = 0.
+ for i in range(len(fc)):
+- if r[i] != 0.0:
+- if fc[i] == 0.0:
+- d += distr[i] * math.log(distr[i]/r[i], 2)
+- elif distr[i] == 0.0:
+- d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/r[i], 2)
+- else:
+- d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/r[i], 2) + distr[i] * math.log(distr[i]/r[i], 2)
++ if r[i] != 0.0:
++ if fc[i] == 0.0:
++ d += distr[i] * math.log(distr[i]/r[i], 2)
++ elif distr[i] == 0.0:
++ d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/r[i], 2)
++ else:
++ d += fc[i] * math.log(fc[i]/r[i], 2) + distr[i] * math.log(distr[i]/r[i], 2)
+ # d /= 2 * math.log(len(fc))
+ d /= 2
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return d * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return d
++ return d
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -430,20 +430,20 @@ def sum_of_pairs(col, sim_matrix, bg_dis
+ max_sum = 0.
+ for i in range(len(col)):
+- for j in range(i):
+- if col[i] != '-' and col[j] != '-':
+- max_sum += seq_weights[i] * seq_weights[j]
+- sum += seq_weights[i] * seq_weights[j] * sim_matrix[aa_to_index[col[i]]][aa_to_index[col[j]]]
++ for j in range(i):
++ if col[i] != '-' and col[j] != '-':
++ max_sum += seq_weights[i] * seq_weights[j]
++ sum += seq_weights[i] * seq_weights[j] * sim_matrix[aa_to_index[col[i]]][aa_to_index[col[j]]]
+ if max_sum != 0:
+- sum /= max_sum
++ sum /= max_sum
+ else:
+- sum = 0.
++ sum = 0.
+ if gap_penalty == 1:
+- return sum * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
++ return sum * weighted_gap_penalty(col, seq_weights)
+ else:
+- return sum
++ return sum
+@@ -461,18 +461,18 @@ def window_score(scores, window_len, lam
+ w_scores = scores[:]
+ for i in range(window_len, len(scores) - window_len):
+- if scores[i] < 0:
+- continue
++ if scores[i] < 0:
++ continue
+- sum = 0.
+- num_terms = 0.
+- for j in range(i - window_len, i + window_len + 1):
+- if i != j and scores[j] >= 0:
+- num_terms += 1
+- sum += scores[j]
++ sum = 0.
++ num_terms = 0.
++ for j in range(i - window_len, i + window_len + 1):
++ if i != j and scores[j] >= 0:
++ num_terms += 1
++ sum += scores[j]
+- if num_terms > 0:
+- w_scores[i] = (1 - lam) * (sum / num_terms) + lam * scores[i]
++ if num_terms > 0:
++ w_scores[i] = (1 - lam) * (sum / num_terms) + lam * scores[i]
+ return w_scores
+@@ -487,22 +487,22 @@ def calc_z_scores(scores, score_cutoff):
+ num_scores = 0
+ for s in scores:
+- if s > score_cutoff:
+- average += s
+- num_scores += 1
++ if s > score_cutoff:
++ average += s
++ num_scores += 1
+ if num_scores != 0:
+- average /= num_scores
++ average /= num_scores
+ for s in scores:
+- if s > score_cutoff:
+- std_dev += ((s - average)**2) / num_scores
++ if s > score_cutoff:
++ std_dev += ((s - average)**2) / num_scores
+ std_dev = math.sqrt(std_dev)
+ for s in scores:
+- if s > score_cutoff and std_dev != 0:
+- z_scores.append((s-average)/std_dev)
+- else:
+- z_scores.append(-1000.0)
++ if s > score_cutoff and std_dev != 0:
++ z_scores.append((s-average)/std_dev)
++ else:
++ z_scores.append(-1000.0)
+ return z_scores
+@@ -525,37 +525,37 @@ def read_scoring_matrix(sm_file):
+ list_sm = [] # hold the matrix in list form
+ try:
+- matrix_file = open(sm_file, 'r')
++ matrix_file = open(sm_file, 'r')
+- for line in matrix_file:
++ for line in matrix_file:
+- if line[0] != '#' and first_line:
+- first_line = 0
+- if len(amino_acids) == 0:
+- for c in line.split():
+- aa_to_index[string.lower(c)] = aa_index
+- amino_acids.append(string.lower(c))
+- aa_index += 1
+- elif line[0] != '#' and first_line == 0:
+- if len(line) > 1:
+- row = line.split()
+- list_sm.append(row)
+- except IOError, e:
+- print( "Could not load similarity matrix: %s. Using identity matrix..." % sm_file, file=sys.stderr )
+- from numpy import identity
+- return identity(20)
++ if line[0] != '#' and first_line:
++ first_line = 0
++ if len(amino_acids) == 0:
++ for c in line.split():
++ aa_to_index[string.lower(c)] = aa_index
++ amino_acids.append(string.lower(c))
++ aa_index += 1
++ elif line[0] != '#' and first_line == 0:
++ if len(line) > 1:
++ row = line.split()
++ list_sm.append(row)
++ except IOError as e:
++ print( "Could not load similarity matrix: %s. Using identity matrix..." % sm_file, file=sys.stderr )
++ from numpy import identity
++ return identity(20)
+ # if matrix is stored in lower tri form, copy to upper
+ if len(list_sm[0]) < 20:
+- for i in range(0,19):
+- for j in range(i+1, 20):
+- list_sm[i].append(list_sm[j][i])
++ for i in range(0,19):
++ for j in range(i+1, 20):
++ list_sm[i].append(list_sm[j][i])
+ for i in range(len(list_sm)):
+- for j in range(len(list_sm[i])):
+- list_sm[i][j] = float(list_sm[i][j])
++ for j in range(len(list_sm[i])):
++ list_sm[i][j] = float(list_sm[i][j])
+ return list_sm
+ #sim_matrix = array(list_sm, type=Float32)
+@@ -595,16 +595,16 @@ def load_sequence_weights(fname):
+ seq_weights = []
+ try:
+- f = open(fname)
++ f = open(fname)
+- for line in f:
+- l = line.split()
+- if line[0] != '#' and len(l) == 2:
+- seq_weights.append(float(l[1]))
+- except IOError, e:
+- pass
+- #print "No sequence weights. Can't find: ", fname
++ for line in f:
++ l = line.split()
++ if line[0] != '#' and len(l) == 2:
++ seq_weights.append(float(l[1]))
++ except IOError as e:
++ pass
++ #print "No sequence weights. Can't find: ", fname
+ return seq_weights
+@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ def get_column(col_num, alignment):
+ """Return the col_num column of alignment as a list."""
+ col = []
+ for seq in alignment:
+- if col_num < len(seq): col.append(seq[col_num])
++ if col_num < len(seq): col.append(seq[col_num])
+ return col
+@@ -623,23 +623,23 @@ def get_distribution_from_file(fname):
+ distribution = []
+ try:
+- f = open(fname)
+- for line in f:
+- if line[0] == '#': continue
+- line = line[:-1]
+- distribution = line.split()
+- distribution = map(float, distribution)
+- except IOError, e:
+- print( e, "Using default (BLOSUM62) background.", file=sys.stderr )
+- return []
++ f = open(fname)
++ for line in f:
++ if line[0] == '#': continue
++ line = line[:-1]
++ distribution = line.split()
++ distribution = list(map(float, distribution))
++ except IOError as e:
++ print( e, "Using default (BLOSUM62) background.", file=sys.stderr )
++ return []
+ # use a range to be flexible about round off
+ if .997 > sum(distribution) or sum(distribution) > 1.003:
+- print( "Distribution does not sum to 1. Using default (BLOSUM62) background.", file=sys.stderr )
+- print( sum(distribution), file=sys.stderr )
+- return []
++ print( "Distribution does not sum to 1. Using default (BLOSUM62) background.", file=sys.stderr )
++ print( sum(distribution), file=sys.stderr )
++ return []
+ return distribution
+@@ -655,22 +655,22 @@ def read_fasta_alignment(filename):
+ cur_seq = ''
+ for line in f:
+- line = line[:-1]
+- if len(line) == 0: continue
++ line = line[:-1]
++ if len(line) == 0: continue
+- if line[0] == ';': continue
+- if line[0] == '>':
+- names.append(line[1:].replace('\r', ''))
++ if line[0] == ';': continue
++ if line[0] == '>':
++ names.append(line[1:].replace('\r', ''))
+- if cur_seq != '':
++ if cur_seq != '':
+ cur_seq = cur_seq.upper()
+ for i, aa in enumerate(cur_seq):
+ if aa not in iupac_alphabet:
+ cur_seq = cur_seq.replace(aa, '-')
+- alignment.append(cur_seq.replace('B', 'D').replace('Z', 'Q').replace('X', '-'))
+- cur_seq = ''
+- elif line[0] in iupac_alphabet:
+- cur_seq += line.replace('\r', '')
++ alignment.append(cur_seq.replace('B', 'D').replace('Z', 'Q').replace('X', '-'))
++ cur_seq = ''
++ elif line[0] in iupac_alphabet:
++ cur_seq += line.replace('\r', '')
+ # add the last sequence
+ cur_seq = cur_seq.upper()
+@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ def read_fasta_alignment(filename):
+ alignment.append(cur_seq.replace('B', 'D').replace('Z', 'Q').replace('X', '-'))
+ return names, alignment
+ def read_clustal_alignment(filename):
+ """ Read in the alignment stored in the CLUSTAL or Stockholm file, filename. Return
+ two lists: the names and sequences. """
+@@ -693,26 +693,26 @@ def read_clustal_alignment(filename):
+ f = open(filename)
+ for line in f:
+- line = line[:-1]
+- if len(line) == 0: continue
+- if '*' in line: continue
+- if line[0:7] == 'CLUSTAL': continue
+- if line[0:11] == '# STOCKHOLM': continue
+- if line[0:2] == '//': continue
+- if re_stock_markup.match(line): continue
+- t = line.split()
+- if len(t) == 2 and t[1][0] in iupac_alphabet:
+- ali = t[1].upper().replace('B', 'D').replace('Z', 'Q').replace('X', '-').replace('\r', '').replace('.', '-')
+- if t[0] not in names:
+- names.append(t[0])
+- alignment.append(ali)
+- else:
+- alignment[names.index(t[0])] += ali
++ line = line[:-1]
++ if len(line) == 0: continue
++ if '*' in line: continue
++ if line[0:7] == 'CLUSTAL': continue
++ if line[0:11] == '# STOCKHOLM': continue
++ if line[0:2] == '//': continue
++ if re_stock_markup.match(line): continue
++ t = line.split()
++ if len(t) == 2 and t[1][0] in iupac_alphabet:
++ ali = t[1].upper().replace('B', 'D').replace('Z', 'Q').replace('X', '-').replace('\r', '').replace('.', '-')
++ if t[0] not in names:
++ names.append(t[0])
++ alignment.append(ali)
++ else:
++ alignment[names.index(t[0])] += ali
+ return names, alignment
+@@ -756,57 +756,57 @@ if len(args) < 1:
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt == "-h":
+- usage()
+- sys.exit()
++ usage()
++ sys.exit()
+ if opt == "-o":
+- outfile_name = arg
++ outfile_name = arg
+ elif opt == "-l":
+- if 'false' in arg.lower():
+- use_seq_weights = False
++ if 'false' in arg.lower():
++ use_seq_weights = False
+ elif opt == "-p":
+- if 'false' in arg.lower():
+- use_gap_penalty = 0
++ if 'false' in arg.lower():
++ use_gap_penalty = 0
+ elif opt == "-m":
+- s_matrix_file = arg
++ s_matrix_file = arg
+ elif opt == "-d":
+- d = get_distribution_from_file(arg)
+- if d != []:
+- bg_distribution = d
+- background_name = arg
++ d = get_distribution_from_file(arg)
++ if d != []:
++ bg_distribution = d
++ background_name = arg
+ elif opt == "-w":
+- try:
+- window_size = int(arg)
+- except ValueError:
+- print( "ERROR: Window size must be an integer. Using window_size 3...", file=sys.stderr )
+- window_size = 3
++ try:
++ window_size = int(arg)
++ except ValueError:
++ print( "ERROR: Window size must be an integer. Using window_size 3...", file=sys.stderr )
++ window_size = 3
+ elif opt == "-b":
+- try:
+- win_lam = float(arg)
+- if not (0. <= win_lam <= 1.): raise ValueError
+- except ValueError:
+- print( "ERROR: Window lambda must be a real in [0,1]. Using lambda = .5...", file=sys.stderr )
+- win_lam = .5
++ try:
++ win_lam = float(arg)
++ if not (0. <= win_lam <= 1.): raise ValueError
++ except ValueError:
++ print( "ERROR: Window lambda must be a real in [0,1]. Using lambda = .5...", file=sys.stderr )
++ win_lam = .5
+ elif opt == "-g":
+- try:
+- gap_cutoff = float(arg)
+- if not (0. <= gap_cutoff < 1.): raise ValueError
+- except ValueError:
+- print( "ERROR: Gap cutoff must be a real in [0,1). Using a gap cutoff of .3...", file=sys.stderr )
+- gap_cutoff = .3
++ try:
++ gap_cutoff = float(arg)
++ if not (0. <= gap_cutoff < 1.): raise ValueError
++ except ValueError:
++ print( "ERROR: Gap cutoff must be a real in [0,1). Using a gap cutoff of .3...", file=sys.stderr )
++ gap_cutoff = .3
+ elif opt == '-a':
+- seq_specific_output = arg
++ seq_specific_output = arg
+ elif opt == '-n':
+- normalize_scores = True
++ normalize_scores = True
+ elif opt == '-s':
+- if arg == 'shannon_entropy': scoring_function = shannon_entropy
+- elif arg == 'property_entropy': scoring_function = property_entropy
+- elif arg == 'property_relative_entropy': scoring_function = property_relative_entropy
+- elif arg == 'vn_entropy': scoring_function = vn_entropy; from numpy.numarray import *; import numpy.numarray.linear_algebra as la
+- elif arg == 'relative_entropy': scoring_function = relative_entropy
+- elif arg == 'js_divergence': scoring_function = js_divergence
+- elif arg == 'sum_of_pairs': scoring_function = sum_of_pairs
+- else: print( "%s is not a valid scoring method. Using %s.\n" % (arg, scoring_function.__name__), file=sys.stderr )
++ if arg == 'shannon_entropy': scoring_function = shannon_entropy
++ elif arg == 'property_entropy': scoring_function = property_entropy
++ elif arg == 'property_relative_entropy': scoring_function = property_relative_entropy
++ elif arg == 'vn_entropy': scoring_function = vn_entropy; from numpy.numarray import *; import numpy.numarray.linear_algebra as la
++ elif arg == 'relative_entropy': scoring_function = relative_entropy
++ elif arg == 'js_divergence': scoring_function = js_divergence
++ elif arg == 'sum_of_pairs': scoring_function = sum_of_pairs
++ else: print( "%s is not a valid scoring method. Using %s.\n" % (arg, scoring_function.__name__), file=sys.stderr )
+ align_file = args[0]
+@@ -821,27 +821,27 @@ seq_weights = []
+ try:
+ names, alignment = read_clustal_alignment(align_file)
+ if names == []:
+- names, alignment = read_fasta_alignment(align_file)
+-except IOError, e:
++ names, alignment = read_fasta_alignment(align_file)
++except IOError as e:
+ print( e, "Could not find %s. Exiting..." % align_file, file=sys.stderr )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(alignment) != len(names) or alignment == []:
+ print( "Unable to parse alignment.\n", file=sys.stderr )
+- sys.exit(1)
++ sys.exit(1)
+ seq_len = len(alignment[0])
+ for i, seq in enumerate(alignment):
+ if len(seq) != seq_len:
+- print( "ERROR: Sequences of different lengths: %s (%d) != %s (%d).\n" % (names[0], seq_len, names[i], len(seq)), file=sys.stderr )
+- sys.exit(1)
++ print( "ERROR: Sequences of different lengths: %s (%d) != %s (%d).\n" % (names[0], seq_len, names[i], len(seq)), file=sys.stderr )
++ sys.exit(1)
+ if use_seq_weights:
+ seq_weights = load_sequence_weights(align_file.replace('.%s' % align_suffix, '.weights'))
+ if seq_weights == []:
+- seq_weights = calculate_sequence_weights(alignment)
++ seq_weights = calculate_sequence_weights(alignment)
+ if len(seq_weights) != len(alignment): seq_weights = [1.] * len(alignment)
+@@ -859,10 +859,10 @@ for i in range(len(alignment[0])):
+ col = get_column(i, alignment)
+ if len(col) == len(alignment):
+- if gap_percentage(col) <= gap_cutoff:
+- scores.append(scoring_function(col, s_matrix, bg_distribution, seq_weights, use_gap_penalty))
+- else:
+- scores.append(-1000.)
++ if gap_percentage(col) <= gap_cutoff:
++ scores.append(scoring_function(col, s_matrix, bg_distribution, seq_weights, use_gap_penalty))
++ else:
++ scores.append(-1000.)
+ if window_size > 0:
+ scores = window_score(scores, window_size, win_lam)
+@@ -874,36 +874,36 @@ if normalize_scores:
+ # print to file/stdout
+ try:
+ if outfile_name != "":
+- outfile = open(outfile_name, 'w')
+- outfile.write("# %s -- %s - window_size: %d - window lambda: %.2f - background: %s - seq. weighting: %s - gap penalty: %d - normalized: %s\n" % (align_file, scoring_function.__name__, window_size, win_lam, background_name, use_seq_weights, use_gap_penalty, normalize_scores))
+- if seq_specific_output:
+- outfile.write("# reference sequence: %s\n" % seq_specific_output)
+- outfile.write("# align_column_number\tamino acid\tscore\n")
+- else:
+- outfile.write("# align_column_number\tscore\tcolumn\n")
++ outfile = open(outfile_name, 'w')
++ outfile.write("# %s -- %s - window_size: %d - window lambda: %.2f - background: %s - seq. weighting: %s - gap penalty: %d - normalized: %s\n" % (align_file, scoring_function.__name__, window_size, win_lam, background_name, use_seq_weights, use_gap_penalty, normalize_scores))
++ if seq_specific_output:
++ outfile.write("# reference sequence: %s\n" % seq_specific_output)
++ outfile.write("# align_column_number\tamino acid\tscore\n")
++ else:
++ outfile.write("# align_column_number\tscore\tcolumn\n")
+ else:
+- print( "# %s -- %s - window_size: %d - background: %s - seq. weighting: %s - gap penalty: %d - normalized: %s" % (align_file, scoring_function.__name__, window_size, background_name, use_seq_weights, use_gap_penalty, normalize_scores) )
+- if seq_specific_output:
+- print( "# reference sequence: %s" % seq_specific_output )
+- print( "# align_column_number\tamino acid\tscore\n" )
+- else:
+- print( "# align_column_number\tscore\tcolumn\n" )
++ print( "# %s -- %s - window_size: %d - background: %s - seq. weighting: %s - gap penalty: %d - normalized: %s" % (align_file, scoring_function.__name__, window_size, background_name, use_seq_weights, use_gap_penalty, normalize_scores) )
++ if seq_specific_output:
++ print( "# reference sequence: %s" % seq_specific_output )
++ print( "# align_column_number\tamino acid\tscore\n" )
++ else:
++ print( "# align_column_number\tscore\tcolumn\n" )
+-except IOError, e:
++except IOError as e:
+ print( "Could not open %s for output. Printing results to standard out..." % outfile_name, file=sys.stderr )
+ outfile_name = ""
+ for i, score in enumerate(scores):
+ if seq_specific_output:
+- cur_aa = get_column(i, alignment)[ref_seq_num]
+- if cur_aa == '-': continue
+- if outfile_name == "":
+- print( "%d\t%s\t%.5f" % (i, cur_aa, score) )
+- else:
+- outfile.write("%d\t%s\t%5f\n" % (i, cur_aa, score))
++ cur_aa = get_column(i, alignment)[ref_seq_num]
++ if cur_aa == '-': continue
++ if outfile_name == "":
++ print( "%d\t%s\t%.5f" % (i, cur_aa, score) )
++ else:
++ outfile.write("%d\t%s\t%5f\n" % (i, cur_aa, score))
+ else:
+- if outfile_name == "":
+- print( "%d\t%.5f\t%s" % (i, score, "".join(get_column(i, alignment))) )
+- else:
+- outfile.write("%d\t%5f\t%s\n" % (i, score, "".join(get_column(i, alignment))))
++ if outfile_name == "":
++ print( "%d\t%.5f\t%s" % (i, score, "".join(get_column(i, alignment))) )
++ else:
++ outfile.write("%d\t%5f\t%s\n" % (i, score, "".join(get_column(i, alignment))))
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ stockholm_format
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pkgdatadir:=${datarootdir}/$(DEB_SOURCE)
- dh $@ --with python2
+ dh $@ --with python3
override_dh_auto_build: $(MANS)
@@ -37,19 +37,3 @@ override_dh_auto_clean:
rm -f $(MANS) ChangeLog
# Policy §4.9 says that the get-orig-source target 'may be invoked in any directory'. So we do not use variables set from dpkg-parsechangelog.
- set -e; \
- if ! ( which xz >/dev/null ); then \
- echo "Could not find 'xz' tool for compression. Please install the package 'xz-utils'." >&2; \
- exit 1; \
- fi ; \
- t=$$(mktemp -d) || exit 1; \
- trap "rm -rf -- '$$t'" EXIT; \
- ( cd "$$t"; \
- wget -O conservation-code_20110309.0.orig.tar.gz http://compbio.cs.princeton.edu/conservation/conservation_code.tar.gz; \
- gunzip *.tar.gz; \
- tar --owner=root --group=root --mode=a+rX --delete -f *.tar --wildcards '*/._*'; \
- xz --best *.tar; \
- ); \
- mv $$t/*.tar.?z ./
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ set -e
-if [ "$ADTTMP" = "" ] ; then
- ADTTMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
+if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
+ AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
cp -a /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/examples/* .
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ set -e
-if [ "$ADTTMP" = "" ] ; then
- ADTTMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
+if [ "$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP" = "" ] ; then
+ AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
cp -a /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/examples/* .
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
-Name: conservation-code
-Contact: Tony Capra <http://compbio.cs.princeton.edu/conservation/>
- - Author: John A. Capra and Mona Singh
- Title: Predicting functionally important residues from sequence conservation
- Journal: Bioinformatics
- Volume: 23
- Number: 15
- Pages: 1875-82
- Year: 2007
- URL: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/23/15/1875.full
- DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm270
- PMID: 17519246
+- Author: John A. Capra and Mona Singh
+ Title: Predicting functionally important residues from sequence conservation
+ Journal: Bioinformatics
+ Volume: 23
+ Number: 15
+ Pages: 1875-82
+ Year: 2007
+ URL: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/23/15/1875.full
+ DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm270
+ PMID: 17519246
- - Name: OMICtools
- Entry: OMICS_06943
- - Name: SciCrunch
- Entry: NA
- - Name: bio.tools
- Entry: NA
+- Name: OMICtools
+ Entry: OMICS_06943
+- Name: SciCrunch
+ Entry: NA
+- Name: bio.tools
+ Entry: NA
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/conservation-code/compare/b7176bea5f3d9c048e9f041adb86b26f376afa56...f83e1fd4e55bf279d5ee76bf46a9451ca5522861
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