[med-svn] [Git][med-team/rsem][upstream] New upstream version 1.3.2+dfsg
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Jul 12 21:02:50 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / rsem
a87d5923 by Andreas Tille at 2019-07-12T19:52:07Z
New upstream version 1.3.2+dfsg
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- EM.cpp
- WriteResults.h
- rsem-calculate-expression
@@ -612,35 +612,59 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- general_assert(N1 > 0, "There are no alignable reads!");
- if ((READ_INT_TYPE)nThreads > N1) nThreads = N1;
- //set model parameters
- mparams.M = M;
- mparams.N[0] = N0; mparams.N[1] = N1; mparams.N[2] = N2;
- mparams.refs = &refs;
- sprintf(mparamsF, "%s.mparams", imdName);
- fin.open(mparamsF);
- general_assert(fin.is_open(), "Cannot open " + cstrtos(mparamsF) + "It may not exist.");
- fin>> mparams.minL>> mparams.maxL>> mparams.probF;
- int val; // 0 or 1 , for estRSPD
- fin>>val;
- mparams.estRSPD = (val != 0);
- fin>> mparams.B>> mparams.mate_minL>> mparams.mate_maxL>> mparams.mean>> mparams.sd;
- fin>> mparams.seedLen;
- fin.close();
- //run EM
- switch(read_type) {
- case 0 : EM<SingleRead, SingleHit, SingleModel>(); break;
- case 1 : EM<SingleReadQ, SingleHit, SingleQModel>(); break;
- case 2 : EM<PairedEndRead, PairedEndHit, PairedEndModel>(); break;
- case 3 : EM<PairedEndReadQ, PairedEndHit, PairedEndQModel>(); break;
- default : fprintf(stderr, "Unknown Read Type!\n"); exit(-1);
+ if (N1 == 0) {
+ printf("Warning: There are no alignable reads!\n");
+ theta.resize(M + 1, 0.0);
+ FILE *fo = NULL;
+ sprintf(thetaF, "%s.theta", statName);
+ fo = fopen(thetaF, "w");
+ fclose(fo);
+ sprintf(modelF, "%s.model", statName);
+ fo = fopen(modelF, "w");
+ fclose(fo);
+ eel.resize(M + 1, 0.0);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= M; ++i) eel[i] = transcripts.getTranscriptAt(i).getLength();
+ double *countv = new double[M + 1];
+ memset(countv, 0, sizeof(double) * (M + 1));
+ writeResultsEM(M, refName, imdName, transcripts, theta, eel, countv, appendNames);
+ if (genBamF) {
+ sprintf(outBamF, "%s.transcript.bam", outName);
+ char command[1005];
+ sprintf(command, "cp %s %s", inpSamF, outBamF);
+ printf("%s\n", command);
+ system(command);
+ }
+ delete[] countv;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((READ_INT_TYPE)nThreads > N1) nThreads = N1;
+ //set model parameters
+ mparams.M = M;
+ mparams.N[0] = N0; mparams.N[1] = N1; mparams.N[2] = N2;
+ mparams.refs = &refs;
+ sprintf(mparamsF, "%s.mparams", imdName);
+ fin.open(mparamsF);
+ general_assert(fin.is_open(), "Cannot open " + cstrtos(mparamsF) + "It may not exist.");
+ fin>> mparams.minL>> mparams.maxL>> mparams.probF;
+ int val; // 0 or 1 , for estRSPD
+ fin>>val;
+ mparams.estRSPD = (val != 0);
+ fin>> mparams.B>> mparams.mate_minL>> mparams.mate_maxL>> mparams.mean>> mparams.sd;
+ fin>> mparams.seedLen;
+ fin.close();
+ //run EM
+ switch(read_type) {
+ case 0 : EM<SingleRead, SingleHit, SingleModel>(); break;
+ case 1 : EM<SingleReadQ, SingleHit, SingleQModel>(); break;
+ case 2 : EM<PairedEndRead, PairedEndHit, PairedEndModel>(); break;
+ case 3 : EM<PairedEndReadQ, PairedEndHit, PairedEndQModel>(); break;
+ default : fprintf(stderr, "Unknown Read Type!\n"); exit(-1);
+ }
time_t b = time(NULL);
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ void calcExpressionValues(int M, const std::vector<double>& theta, const std::ve
frac[i] = theta[i];
denom += frac[i];
- general_assert(denom >= EPSILON, "No alignable reads?!");
+ // general_assert(denom >= EPSILON, "No alignable reads?!");
+ if (denom < EPSILON) denom = 1.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; i++) frac[i] /= denom;
//calculate FPKM
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ void calcExpressionValues(int M, const std::vector<double>& theta, const std::ve
tpm.assign(M + 1, 0.0);
denom = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; i++) denom += fpkm[i];
+ if (denom < EPSILON) denom = 1.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= M; i++) tpm[i] = fpkm[i] / denom * 1e6;
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ void writeResultsEM(int M, const char* refName, const char* imdName, Transcripts
else {
for (int j = b; j < e; j++) {
- isopct[j] = tpm[j] / gene_tpm[i];
+ isopct[j] = gene_tpm[i] > EPSILON ? tpm[j] / gene_tpm[i] : 0.0;
glens[i] += tlens[j] * isopct[j];
gene_eels[i] += eel[j] * isopct[j];
@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ void writeResultsEM(int M, const char* refName, const char* imdName, Transcripts
else {
for (int j = b; j < e; j++) {
- ta_pct[j] = tpm[j] / trans_tpm[i];
+ ta_pct[j] = trans_tpm[i] > EPSILON ? tpm[j] / trans_tpm[i] : 0.0;
trans_lens[i] += tlens[j] * ta_pct[j];
trans_eels[i] += eel[j] * ta_pct[j];
@@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ void writeResultsEM(int M, const char* refName, const char* imdName, Transcripts
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (gene_tpm[i] >= EPSILON) {
int b = gt.spAt(i), e = gt.spAt(i + 1);
- for (int j = b; j < e; j++) gt_pct[j] = trans_tpm[j] / gene_tpm[i];
+ for (int j = b; j < e; j++) gt_pct[j] = gene_tpm[i] > EPSILON ? trans_tpm[j] / gene_tpm[i] : 0.0;
@@ -417,25 +417,11 @@ if (!$is_alignment) {
" --outFileNamePrefix $imdName ";
-#<<<<<<< HEAD
- #if ( $gzipped_read_file ) {
- # $command .= ' --readFilesCommand zcat ';
- #} elsif ( $bzipped_read_file ) {
- # $command .= ' --readFilesCommand bzcat ';
- #}
- #if ( $read_type == 0 || $read_type == 1 ) {
- # $command .= " --readFilesIn $mate1_list ";
- #} else {
- # $command .= " --readFilesIn $mate1_list $mate2_list";
- #}
if ( $star_gzipped_read_file ) {
$command .= ' --readFilesCommand zcat ';
} elsif ( $star_bzipped_read_file ) {
$command .= ' --readFilesCommand bzip2 -c ';
-#>>>>>>> master
if ( $read_type == 0 || $read_type == 1 ) {
$command .= " --readFilesIn $mate1_list ";
@@ -552,13 +538,24 @@ if ($quiet) { $command .= " -q"; }
-$command = "rsem-build-read-index $gap";
-if ($read_type == 0) { $command .= " 0 $quiet $imdName\_alignable.fa"; }
-elsif ($read_type == 1) { $command .= " 1 $quiet $imdName\_alignable.fq"; }
-elsif ($read_type == 2) { $command .= " 0 $quiet $imdName\_alignable_1.fa $imdName\_alignable_2.fa"; }
-elsif ($read_type == 3) { $command .= " 1 $quiet $imdName\_alignable_1.fq $imdName\_alignable_2.fq"; }
-else { print "Impossible! read_type is not in [1,2,3,4]!\n"; exit(-1); }
+my $inpCntF = "$statName.cnt";
+my $local_status = open(INPUT, $inpCntF);
+if ($local_status == 0) { print "Fail to open file $inpF!\n"; exit(-1); }
+my $line = <INPUT>;
+my @Ns = split(/ /, $line);
+my $no_aligned = ($Ns[1] == 0);
+if (!$no_aligned) {
+ $command = "rsem-build-read-index $gap";
+ if ($read_type == 0) { $command .= " 0 $quiet $imdName\_alignable.fa"; }
+ elsif ($read_type == 1) { $command .= " 1 $quiet $imdName\_alignable.fq"; }
+ elsif ($read_type == 2) { $command .= " 0 $quiet $imdName\_alignable_1.fa $imdName\_alignable_2.fa"; }
+ elsif ($read_type == 3) { $command .= " 1 $quiet $imdName\_alignable_1.fq $imdName\_alignable_2.fq"; }
+ else { print "Impossible! read_type is not in [1,2,3,4]!\n"; exit(-1); }
+ &runCommand($command);
my $doesOpen = open(OUTPUT, ">$imdName.mparams");
if ($doesOpen == 0) { print "Cannot generate $imdName.mparams!\n"; exit(-1); }
@@ -628,6 +625,20 @@ if ($mTime) { $time_end = time(); $time_rsem = $time_end - $time_start; }
if ($mTime) { $time_start = time(); }
+if ($no_aligned) {
+ print "Since no aligned reads, further steps will not be performed!\n";
+ if (!$keep_intermediate_files) {
+ &runCommand("rm -rf $temp_dir", "Fail to delete the temporary folder!");
+ }
+ if ($mTime) {
+ open(OUTPUT, ">$sampleName.time");
+ print OUTPUT "Aligning reads: $time_alignment s.\n";
+ print OUTPUT "Estimating expression levels: $time_rsem s.\n";
+ close(OUTPUT);
+ }
+ exit(0);
if ($calcPME || $calcCI ) {
$command = "rsem-run-gibbs $refName $imdName $statName $BURNIN $NCV $SAMPLEGAP";
$command .= " -p $nThreads";
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/rsem/commit/a87d5923b625c95c335e7664764c07e804107125
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/rsem/commit/a87d5923b625c95c335e7664764c07e804107125
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