[med-svn] [Git][med-team/tm-align][upstream] New upstream version 20190708+dfsg

Steffen Möller gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Jul 29 22:13:30 BST 2019

Steffen Möller pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / tm-align

d848d030 by Steffen Moeller at 2019-07-29T21:00:44Z
New upstream version 20190708+dfsg
- - - - -

2 changed files:

- TMalign.f
- TMscore.f


@@ -72,11 +72,16 @@
 *                 indicators and residue insertions.
 *     2013/05/11: Fixed a bug in array overflow.
 *     2014/06/01: Added 'TM.sup_all_atm_lig' to display ligand structures
-*     2015/09/14: optimized I/O which increased speed by ~100%
-*     2016/05/21: fixed a bug on conformation output
+*     2015/09/14: Optimized I/O which increased speed by ~100%
+*     2016/05/21: Fixed a bug on conformation output
 *     2017/07/08: Added one iteration in initial4 to avoid asymmetric alignment
+*     2019/07/08: Enable TM-align to support both PDB and mmCIF formats, and
+*                 fixed a bug on file output
+c        1         2         3         4         5         6         7 !
+c 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
       program TMalign
       PARAMETER(nmax=5000)      !maximum length of the sequence
       PARAMETER(nmax2=10000)    !for alignment output
@@ -92,27 +97,37 @@
       character*10000 sequence
-      character ins1(nmax),ins2(nmax),ains1(90000),ains2(90000)
-      common/sequence/seq1(0:nmax),seq2(0:nmax)
-      character seq1,seq2,du1
+      character seq1(0:nmax),seq2(0:nmax),du1,du3,du4*2
       character*500 fnam,pdb(100),outname,falign,fmatrix
-      character*3 aa(-1:20),aanam,ss1(nmax),ss2(nmax)
+      character*3 aa(-1:20),aanam,ss(2,nmax)
       character*500 s,du,dum1,dum2
       character*504 outnameall_tmp,outnameall
       character aseq1(nmax2),aseq2(nmax2),aseq3(nmax2)
       character*8 version
       character*5000 s1         !maximum length of protein is 5000
+ccc   mmCIF
+      character*500 ctmp(1000),ch(nmax),ent(nmax),mn(nmax)
+      character*500 ch_t,ent_t,mn_t
+      character*20 Aatom(2,90000)
+      character Agroup(2,90000)*6
+      character Ares(2,90000)*3,Aalt(2,90000)
+      character Ains(2,9000),Ach(2,90000),Aent(2,90000)
+      character Cins(2,nmax),Cch(2)
+      integer Aatomi(2,90000),Aresi(2,90000),n_cut(2)
+      dimension iform(10),xx(2,90000),yy(2,90000),zz(2,90000),nL(2)
-      dimension m1(nmax),m2(nmax)
+      dimension m1(nmax),m2(nmax),m12(2,nmax)
       dimension xtm1(nmax),ytm1(nmax),ztm1(nmax)
       dimension xtm2(nmax),ytm2(nmax),ztm2(nmax)
-      common/initial4/mm1(nmax),mm2(nmax)
+      common/initial4/mm(2,nmax)
       character*10 aa1,ra1,aa2,ra2,du2
       dimension ia1(90000),aa1(90000),ra1(90000),ir1(90000)
@@ -123,10 +138,9 @@
       dimension ma1(nmax),ma2(nmax)
       dimension nc1(nmax),nc2(nmax)
-      dimension nres1(nmax,32:122),nres2(nmax,32:122) !number of atoms
-      character*500 atom1(nmax,30),atom2(nmax,30) !atom name
-c     here atom1(i,j) should be atom2(i,j,k) but will beyond dimension
+      dimension nres1(2,nmax,32:122),nres2(2,nmax,32:122,32:122) !number of atoms
+      character*5 atom1(50)     !atom name
 ccc   RMSD:
       double precision r_1(3,nmax),r_2(3,nmax),w(nmax)
       double precision u(3,3),t(3),rms !armsd is real
@@ -200,7 +214,7 @@ ccc
          goto 9999
-      version='20170708'
+      version='20190708'
          write(*,*)'TM-align Version ',version
          goto 9999
@@ -264,218 +278,186 @@ ccc
-ccccccccc read data from first CA file:
-      if(m_out.eq.-1)then       !no output so no need to read all atoms (time-saving)
-         open(unit=10,file=pdb(1),status='old')
-         i=0
-         do while (.true.)
-            read(10,9001,end=1013) s
-            if(i.gt.0.and.s(1:3).eq.'TER')goto 1013
-            if(s(1:3).eq.'ATO')then
-               if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or
-     &              .s(13:16).eq.'  CA')then
-                  du1=s(27:27)  !read insertion tag
-                  mk=1
-                  if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
-                     read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
-                     if(nres1(i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then
-                        mk=-1   !this residue was already read
-                     endif
-                  endif
-                  if(mk.eq.1)then
-                     i=i+1
-                     read(s,9000)du,ma1(i),du,aanam,du,mm1(i),du,
-     $                    xa(1,i,0),xa(2,i,0),xa(3,i,0)
-                     nres1(mm1(i),ichar(du1))=nres1(mm1(i),ichar(du1))+1
-                     do j=-1,20
-                        if(aanam.eq.aa(j))then
-                           seq1(i)=slc(j)
-                           goto 121
-                        endif
-                     enddo
-                     seq1(i)=slc(-1)
- 121                 continue
-                     ss1(i)=aanam
-                     if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1013
-                  endif
-               endif
+**********decide file format (PDB or mmCIF) ------------------->
+      do j=1,2
+         iform(j)=0             !format of pdb(j)
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(j),status='old')
+         do while(iform(j).eq.0)
+            read(10,*)s
+            if(s(1:6).eq.'HEADER'.or.s(1:4).eq.'ATOM'.or.
+     &           s(1:6).eq.'REMARK')then
+               iform(j)=1       !PDB format
+            elseif(s(1:4).eq.'data'.or.s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.
+     &           s(1:5).eq.'loop_')then
+               iform(j)=2       !mmCIF format
- 1013    continue
+         if(iform(j).eq.0)then
+            write(*,*)'error: file must in PDB or mmCIF format!'
+         endif
-         nseq1=i
-         open(unit=10,file=pdb(2),status='old')
+      enddo
+*******^^^^ format is decided ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+cccccccccRead data from CA file ---------------->
+c     we only need to read following (keep first chain, keep only one altLoc):
+c     xa(i,j,k)----(x,y,z)
+c     mm(2,nmax)---residue order number, for gapless threading
+c     ss(2,nmax)---residue name ('GLY') for seq_ID calculation and output
+c     seq1(0,nmax),seq2(0,nmax)----single characters ('G', 'N')
+      do 1001 ic=1,2            !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
-         do while (.true.)
-            read(10,9001,end=1014) s
-            if(i.gt.0.and.s(1:3).eq.'TER')goto 1014
-            if(s(1:3).eq.'ATO')then
-               if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or
-     &              .s(13:16).eq.'  CA')then
-                  du1=s(27:27)  !read insertion tag
-                  mk=1
-                  if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
-                     read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
-                     if(nres2(i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then
-                        mk=-1   !this residue was already read
-                     endif
-                  endif
-                  if(mk.eq.1)then
-                     i=i+1
-                     read(s,9000)du,ma2(i),du,aanam,du,mm2(i),du,
-     $                    xa(1,i,1),xa(2,i,1),xa(3,i,1)
-                     nres2(mm2(i),ichar(du1))=nres2(mm2(i),ichar(du1))+1
-                     do j=-1,20
-                        if(aanam.eq.aa(j))then
-                           seq2(i)=slc(j)
-                           goto 122
-                        endif
-                     enddo
-                     seq2(i)=slc(-1)
- 122                 continue
-                     ss2(i)=aanam
-                     if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1014
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(ic),status='old')
+         if(iform(ic).eq.1)then !file in PDB format------->
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1013) s
+               if(i.gt.0)then
+                  if(s(1:3).eq.'TER'.or.s(1:3).eq.'MOD'.
+     &                 or.s(1:3).eq.'END')then
+                     goto 1013  !only read the first chain
-            endif
-         enddo
- 1014    continue
-         close(10)
-         nseq2=i
-         goto 1017
-      endif
-cccccccc read full-atom structure that is needed only for output ---->      
-      open(unit=10,file=pdb(1),status='old')
-      i=0
-      na1=0
-      ntt=0
-      do while (.true.)
-         read(10,9001,end=1010) s
-         if(i.gt.0.and.s(1:3).eq.'TER')goto 1010
-         if(s(1:3).eq.'ATO')then
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s(13:16),*)du4 !will remove space before 'CA'
+                  if(du4.eq.'CA')then !read 'CA' ---------->
+                     du1=s(27:27) !residue insertion tag
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms -------->
+                     mk=1
+                     if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
+                        read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
+                        if(nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then !since CA, cannot be >1
+                           mk=-1 !this residue was already read, skip it
+                        endif
+                     endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1 will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                     if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 ------------>
+                        i=i+1
+                        read(s,'(a6,I5,a6,A3,A2,i4,A1,a3,3F8.3)')
+     &                       du,itmp,du,aanam,du,mm(ic,i),
+     &                       Cins(ic,i),du,
+     &                       xa(1,i,ic-1),xa(2,i,ic-1),xa(3,i,ic-1)
-            du1=s(27:27)        !read insertion tag
-            mk=1
-            if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
-               du2=s(13:16)     !atom ID
-               read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
-               do i1=1,nres1(i8,ichar(du1)) !#of atoms for res_insert
-                  if(du2.eq.atom1(i8,i1))then !such atom was already read 
-                     mk=-1
-                  endif
-               enddo
-            endif
-            if(mk.eq.1)then
+                        i8=mm(ic,i)
+                        nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))=
+     &                       nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))+1 !nres1 only for check altLoc
-               ntt=ntt+1
-               if(ntt.ge.90000)goto 1010
-               na1=na1+1
-               read(s,8999)du,ia1(na1),du,aa1(na1),du,ra1(na1),du,
-     &              ir1(na1),du,xa1(na1),ya1(na1),za1(na1)
-               i8=ir1(na1)
-               if(nres1(i8,ichar(du1)).lt.30)then
-                  nres1(i8,ichar(du1))=nres1(i8,ichar(du1))+1 !#of atoms for res_ins
-                  atom1(i8,nres1(i8,ichar(du1)))=aa1(na1) !atom ID
+                        ss(ic,i)=aanam !residue name, 'GLY', for seq_ID
+                        if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1013
+                     endif      !<-----mk=1
+                  endif         !<---- read 'CA'
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         else                   !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2)
+            in=0                !number of entries
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1013) s
+               if(i.gt.0)then   !skip unuseful read to save time
+                  if(s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.s(1:5).eq.'loop_'.or.
+     &                 s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')goto 1013
-               ains1(na1)=du1
-               if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or
-     &              .s(13:16).eq.'  CA')then
-                  i=i+1
-                  read(s,9000)du,ma1(i),du,aanam,du,mm1(i),du,
-     $                 xa(1,i,0),xa(2,i,0),xa(3,i,0)
-                  ins1(i)=du1
-                  do j=-1,20
-                     if(aanam.eq.aa(j))then
-                        seq1(i)=slc(j)
-                        goto 21
-                     endif
-                  enddo
-                  seq1(i)=slc(-1)
- 21               continue
-                  ss1(i)=aanam
-                  if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1010
+               if(s(1:11).eq.'_atom_site.')then
+                  in=in+1
+                  read(s,*)du
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_atom_id')i_atom=in !CA,O, no need
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_alt_id')i_alt=in !'.',A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_comp_id')i_res=in !GLY,LEU
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_asym_id')i_ch=in !A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_entity_id')i_ent=in !1,2,a,b
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_seq_id')i_resi=in !1,2,3
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code')i_ins=in !A,?
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_x')i_x=in !x, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_y')i_y=in !y, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_z')i_z=in !z, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num')i_mn=in !model number, 1,2,3
-            endif
-         endif
-      enddo
- 1010 continue
- 8999 format(a6,I5,a1,A4,a1,A3,a2,I4,a4,3F8.3)
- 9000 format(a6,I5,a6,A3,A2,i4,A4,3F8.3)
- 9001 format(A100)
-      close(10)
-      nseq1=i
-ccccccccc read data from the second structure file:
-      open(unit=10,file=pdb(2),status='old')
-      i=0
-      na2=0
-      ntt=0
-      do while (.true.)
-         read(10,9001,end=1011) s
-         if(i.gt.0.and.s(1:3).eq.'TER')goto 1011
-         if(s(1:3).eq.'ATO')then
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s,*)(ctmp(j),j=1,in) !no space before characters
+                  if(ctmp(i_atom).eq.'CA')then !read 'CA' ---------->
+                     if(i.gt.0)then
+                        if(i_mn.gt.1)then !sometimes it may have no i_mn
+                           read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn_t
+                           if(mn_t.ne.mn(i)) goto 1013 !only read first model
+                        endif
+                        read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch_t
+                        if(ch_t.ne.ch(i)) goto 1013 !only read first chain
+                        read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent_t
+                        if(ent_t.ne.ent(i)) goto 1013 !only read first entity
+                     endif
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms (this does not care inserted residues) -------->
+                     mk=1
+                     du1=ctmp(i_ins) !read insertion tag
+                     if(ctmp(i_alt).ne.'.')then !with Alternate atom
+                        read(ctmp(i_resi),*)i8 !res ID
+                        if(nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then !since CA, cannot be >1
+                           mk=-1 !this residue was already read, skip it
+                        endif
+                     endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1 will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                     if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 ------------>
+                        i=i+1
+                        read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch(i) !for check other chain
+                        read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent(i) !for check other entity
+                        read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn(i) !for check model number
+                        read(ctmp(i_x),*)xa(1,i,ic-1)
+                        read(ctmp(i_y),*)xa(2,i,ic-1)
+                        read(ctmp(i_z),*)xa(3,i,ic-1)
+                        read(ctmp(i_resi),*)mm(ic,i) !residue order, 4,5,6
+                        read(ctmp(i_ins),*)Cins(ic,i) !residue insertion, A, ?
+                        if(Cins(ic,i).eq.'?')Cins(ic,i)=' '
+                        ss(ic,i)=ctmp(i_res) !residue name, 'GLY', for seq_ID
+                        i8=mm(ic,i)
+                        nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))=
+     &                       nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))+1 !nres1 only for check altLoc
-            du1=s(27:27)        !read insertion tag
-            mk=1
-            if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then
-               du2=s(13:16)
-               read(s(23:26),*)i8
-               do i1=1,nres2(i8,ichar(du1))
-                  if(du2.eq.atom2(i8,i1))then
-                     mk=-1
+                        if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1013
+                     endif      !<-----mk=1
+                  endif         !<-----read 'CA'
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         endif                  !if(iform(ic).eq.2)
+ 1013    continue
+         close(10)
+c-------convert 'GLY' to 'G' ------------>
+         if(ic.eq.1)then
+            nseq1=i
+            do i=1,nseq1
+               do j=-1,20
+                  if(ss(1,i).eq.aa(j))then
+                     seq1(i)=slc(j)
+                     goto 121
-            endif
-            if(mk.eq.1)then
-               ntt=ntt+1
-               if(ntt.ge.90000)goto 1011
-               na2=na2+1
-               read(s,8999)du,ia2(na2),du,aa2(na2),du,ra2(na2),du,
-     &              ir2(na2),du,xa2(na2),ya2(na2),za2(na2)
-               i8=ir2(na2)
-               if(nres2(i8,ichar(du1)).lt.30)then
-                  nres2(i8,ichar(du1))=nres2(i8,ichar(du1))+1
-                  atom2(i8,nres2(i8,ichar(du1)))=aa2(na2)
-               endif
-               ains2(na2)=du1
-               if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or.
-     &              s(13:16).eq.'  CA')then
-                  i=i+1
-                  read(s,9000)du,ma2(i),du,aanam,du,mm2(i),du,
-     $                 xa(1,i,1),xa(2,i,1),xa(3,i,1)
-                  ins2(i)=du1
-                  do j=-1,20
-                     if(aanam.eq.aa(j))then
-                        seq2(i)=slc(j)
-                        goto 22
-                     endif
-                  enddo
-                  seq2(i)=slc(-1)
- 22               continue
-                  ss2(i)=aanam
-                  if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1011
-               endif
-            endif
+               seq1(i)=slc(-1)
+ 121           continue
+            enddo
+         else
+            nseq2=i
+            do i=1,nseq2
+               do j=-1,20
+                  if(ss(2,i).eq.aa(j))then
+                     seq2(i)=slc(j)
+                     goto 122
+                  endif
+               enddo
+               seq2(i)=slc(-1)
+ 122           continue
+            enddo
-      enddo
- 1011 continue
-      close(10)
-      nseq2=i
- 1017 continue
+ 1001 continue                  !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+c^^^^^^^^^^^^^read input files completed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 ccccccccc read initial alignment file from 'alignment.txt':
          do while (.true.)
-            read(10,9002,end=1012)s1
-c            write(*,*)'s1=',trim(s1)
+            read(10,'(A5000)',end=1012)s1
@@ -484,14 +466,11 @@ c            write(*,*)'s1=',trim(s1)
      &                 //s1(1:len_trim(s1))
-c                  write(*,*)n_p,trim(sequence(n_p))
  1012    continue
-c         write(*,*)trim(sequence(1))
-c         write(*,*)trim(sequence(2))
             write(*,*)'ERROR: FASTA format is wrong, two proteins',
      &           ' should be included'
@@ -503,7 +482,6 @@ c         write(*,*)trim(sequence(2))
      &           ' run it anyway'
- 9002 format(A5000)
 *     Scale of TM-score in search based on length of smaller protein --------->
@@ -517,7 +495,6 @@ c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       d0_min=d0+0.8             !best for search, this should be changed when calculate real TM-score
       if(d0.lt.d0_min)d0=d0_min !min d0 in search=0.968, min d0 in output=0.5
-c     write(*,*)'d0 in search=',d0 
       d00=d0                    !for quickly calculate TM-score in searching
@@ -570,7 +547,7 @@ c     write(*,*)'d0 in search=',d0
             m1(j)=m1(i)         !record alignment
-            if(ss1(m1(i)).eq.ss2(m2(i)))then
+            if(ss(1,m1(i)).eq.ss(2,m2(i)))then
@@ -579,7 +556,6 @@ c     write(*,*)'d0 in search=',d0
       call u3b(w,r_1,r_2,n8_al,0,rms,u,t,ier)
-c      write(*,*)'---------',rms,n8_al,RMSD,u(1,1),t(1)
 *^^^^^^^ alignment is done, all cutoffs were based on shorter chain^^^^^^^^
@@ -651,7 +627,9 @@ c      write(*,*)'---------',rms,n8_al,RMSD,u(1,1),t(1)
-*********for output summary ******************************
+*     screen output of TM-align results *
      &     '*********************'
@@ -755,244 +733,9 @@ c      write(*,*)'---------',rms,n8_al,RMSD,u(1,1),t(1)
          write(1,*)'   enddo'
- 209     format(I2,f18.10,f15.10,f15.10,f15.10)
+ 209  format(I2,f18.10,f15.10,f15.10,f15.10)
-********* output superposition ******************************
-      if(m_out.eq.1)then
-c     11, output superimpostion in the aligned regions ------------->
- 1236    format('ATOM  ',i5,'  CA  ',A3,' A',I4,A1,3X,3F8.3)
- 1237    format('ATOM  ',i5,'  CA  ',A3,' B',I4,A1,3X,3F8.3)
- 1238    format('TER')
- 1239    format('CONECT',I5,I5)
- 900     format(A)
- 902     format('select ',I4,':A,',I4,':B')
- 903     format('REMARK TM-align Version ',A8,'')
- 104     format('REMARK Chain 1:',A10,'  Size=',I4)
- 105     format('REMARK Chain 2:',A10,'  Size=',I4,
-     &        ' (TM-score is normalized by ',I4,', d0=',f6.2,')')
- 106     format('REMARK Aligned length=',I4,', RMSD=',f6.2,
-     &        ', TM-score=',f7.5,', ID=',f5.3)
-         OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !TM.sup=pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-***   script:
-         write(7,900)'load inline'
-         write(7,900)'select *A'
-         write(7,900)'wireframe .45'
-         write(7,900)'select *B'
-         write(7,900)'wireframe .20'
-         write(7,900)'select all'
-         write(7,900)'color white'
-         do i=1,n8_al
-            dis2=sqrt((xtm1(i)-xtm2(i))**2+
-     &           (ytm1(i)-ytm2(i))**2+(ztm1(i)-ztm2(i))**2)
-            if(dis2.le.d0_out)then
-               write(7,902)mm1(m1(i)),mm2(m2(i))
-               write(7,900)'color red'
-            endif
-         enddo
-         write(7,900)'select all'
-         write(7,900)'exit'
-         write(7,903)version
-         write(7,104)pdb(1),nseq1
-         write(7,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
-         write(7,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
-***   chain1:
-         do i=1,n8_al
-            write(7,1236)m1(i),ss1(m1(i)),mm1(m1(i)),ins1(m1(i)),
-     &           xtm1(i),ytm1(i),ztm1(i)
-         enddo
-         write(7,1238)          !TER
-         do i=2,n8_al
-            write(7,1239)m1(i-1),m1(i) !connect atoms
-         enddo
-***   chain2:
-         do i=1,n8_al
-            write(7,1237)5000+m2(i),ss2(m2(i)),mm2(m2(i)),ins2(m2(i)),
-     $           xtm2(i),ytm2(i),ztm2(i)
-         enddo
-         write(7,1238)
-         do i=2,n8_al
-            write(7,1239)5000+m2(i-1),5000+m2(i)
-         enddo
-         close(7)
-c     22, output CA-trace of whole chain in 'TM.sup_all' -------->
-         outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_all'
-         OPEN(unit=8,file=outnameall,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-***   script:
-         write(8,900)'load inline'
-         write(8,900)'select *A'
-         write(8,900)'wireframe .45'
-         write(8,900)'select none'
-         write(8,900)'select *B'
-         write(8,900)'wireframe .20'
-         write(8,900)'color white'
-         do i=1,n8_al
-            dis2=sqrt((xtm1(i)-xtm2(i))**2+
-     &           (ytm1(i)-ytm2(i))**2+(ztm1(i)-ztm2(i))**2)
-            if(dis2.le.d0_out)then
-               write(8,902)mm1(m1(i)),mm2(m2(i)) !select residue
-               write(8,900)'color red'
-            endif
-         enddo
-         write(8,900)'select all'
-         write(8,900)'exit'
-         write(8,903)version
-         write(8,104)pdb(1),nseq1
-         write(8,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
-         write(8,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
-***   chain1:
-         do i=1,nseq1
-            ax=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa(1,i,0)+u(1,2)*xa(2,i,0)+u(1,3)*xa(3,i,0)
-            ay=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa(1,i,0)+u(2,2)*xa(2,i,0)+u(2,3)*xa(3,i,0)
-            az=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa(1,i,0)+u(3,2)*xa(2,i,0)+u(3,3)*xa(3,i,0)
-            write(8,1236)i,ss1(i),mm1(i),ins1(i),ax,ay,az
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-         do i=2,nseq1
-            write(8,1239)i-1,i !CONECT atom numbers
-         enddo
-***   chain2:
-         do i=1,nseq2
-            write(8,1237)5000+i,ss2(i),mm2(i),ins2(i),
-     $           xa(1,i,1),xa(2,i,1),xa(3,i,1)
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)
-         do i=2,nseq2
-            write(8,1239)5000+i-1,5000+i
-         enddo
-         close(8)
-c     33, output full-atomic structure of whole chain in 'TM.sup_atm' -------->
-         outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_atm'
-         OPEN(unit=8,file=outnameall,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-***   script:
-         write(8,900)'load inline'
-         write(8,900)'select *A'
-         write(8,900)'color blue'
-         write(8,900)'select *B'
-         write(8,900)'color red'
-         write(8,900)'select all'
-         write(8,900)'cartoon'
-         write(8,900)'exit'
-         write(8,903)version
-         write(8,104)pdb(1),nseq1
-         write(8,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
-         write(8,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
-***   chain1:
-         do i=1,na1
-            do j=1,n8_al
-               if(ir1(i).eq.mm1(m1(j)))then !aligned residues
-                  if(ains1(i).eq.ins1(m1(j)))then
-                     ax=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa1(i)+u(1,2)*ya1(i)+u(1,3)*za1(i)
-                     ay=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa1(i)+u(2,2)*ya1(i)+u(2,3)*za1(i)
-                     az=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa1(i)+u(3,2)*ya1(i)+u(3,3)*za1(i)
-                     write(8,8888)ia1(i),aa1(i),ra1(i),ir1(i),ains1(i),
-     &                    ax,ay,az
-                  endif
-               endif
-            enddo
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-***   chain2:
-         do i=1,na2
-            do j=1,n8_al
-               if(ir2(i).eq.mm2(m2(j)))then !aligned residues
-                  if(ains2(i).eq.ins2(m2(j)))then
-                     write(8,8889)ia2(i),aa2(i),ra2(i),ir2(i),ains2(i),
-     &                    xa2(i),ya2(i),za2(i)
-                  endif
-               endif
-            enddo
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-         close(8)
-c     44, output full-atomic structure of whole chain in 'TM.sup_all_atm' -------->
-         outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_all_atm'
-         OPEN(unit=8,file=outnameall,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-***   script:
-         write(8,900)'load inline'
-         write(8,900)'select *A'
-         write(8,900)'color blue'
-         write(8,900)'select *B'
-         write(8,900)'color red'
-         write(8,900)'select all'
-         write(8,900)'cartoon'
-         write(8,900)'exit'
-         write(8,903)version
-         write(8,104)pdb(1),nseq1
-         write(8,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
-         write(8,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
-***   chain1:
-         do i=1,na1
-            ax=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa1(i)+u(1,2)*ya1(i)+u(1,3)*za1(i)
-            ay=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa1(i)+u(2,2)*ya1(i)+u(2,3)*za1(i)
-            az=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa1(i)+u(3,2)*ya1(i)+u(3,3)*za1(i)
-            write(8,8888)ia1(i),aa1(i),ra1(i),ir1(i),ains1(i),
-     &           ax,ay,az
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-***   chain2:
-         do i=1,na2
-            write(8,8889)ia2(i),aa2(i),ra2(i),ir2(i),ains2(i),
-     &           xa2(i),ya2(i),za2(i)
-         enddo
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-         close(8)
-c     55, output full-atomic structure of whole chain in 'TM.sup_all_atm_lig' ---->
-         outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_all_atm_lig'
-         OPEN(unit=8,file=outnameall,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-***   script:
-         write(8,900)'load inline'
-         write(8,900)'select all'
-         write(8,900)'cartoon'
-         write(8,900)'select *A'
-         write(8,900)'color blue'
-         write(8,900)'select *B'
-         write(8,900)'color red'
-         write(8,900)'select ligand'
-         write(8,900)'wireframe 0.25'
-         write(8,900)'select solvent'
-         write(8,900)'spacefill 0.25'
-         write(8,900)'select all'
-         write(8,900)'exit'
-         write(8,903)version
-         write(8,104)pdb(1),nseq1
-         write(8,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
-         write(8,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
-***   chain1:
-         open(unit=10,file=pdb(1),status='old')
-         do while (.true.)
-            read(10,9001,end=1015) s
-            if(s(1:6).eq.'ATOM  '.or.s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')then
-               read(s,8900)du,xxx,yyy,zzz
-               xxn=t(1)+u(1,1)*xxx+u(1,2)*yyy+u(1,3)*zzz
-               yyn=t(2)+u(2,1)*xxx+u(2,2)*yyy+u(2,3)*zzz
-               zzn=t(3)+u(3,1)*xxx+u(3,2)*yyy+u(3,3)*zzz
-               write(8,8901)du(1:21),'A',du(23:30),xxn,yyn,zzn
-            endif
-         enddo
- 1015    continue
-         close(10)
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-***   chain2:
-         open(unit=10,file=pdb(2),status='old')
-         do while (.true.)
-            read(10,9001,end=1016) s
-            if(s(1:6).eq.'ATOM  '.or.s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')then
-               read(s,8900)du,xxx,yyy,zzz
-               write(8,8901)du(1:21),'B',du(23:30),xxx,yyy,zzz
-            endif
-         enddo
- 1016    continue
-         close(10)
-         write(8,1238)          !TER
-         close(8)
- 8888    format('ATOM  ',I5,1x,A4,1x,A3,' A',I4,A1,3x,3F8.3)
- 8889    format('ATOM  ',I5,1x,A4,1x,A3,' B',I4,A1,3x,3F8.3)
- 8900    format(a30,3F8.3)
- 8901    format(a21,a1,a8,3F8.3)
-      endif
-*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ output finished ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 ************  output aligned sequences **************************
@@ -1044,6 +787,369 @@ c     55, output full-atomic structure of whole chain in 'TM.sup_all_atm_lig' --
  10   format(10000A1)
+c^^^^^^^^^^screen output is done ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      if(m_out.ne.1)then
+         stop
+      endif
+*     output alignment structure for Rasmal review    *
+c************* Step-1: read all-atom structures ******************
+      do 1002 ic=1,2            !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+         nL(ic)=0               !number of lines in PDB file
+         n_cut(ic)=0            !end of first chain, decide to show aaa_all_atm_lig
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(ic),status='old')
+         if(iform(ic).eq.1)then !file in PDB format %%%%%%%%%%------->
+            do while (.true.)
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+               if(n_cut(ic).eq.0.and.nL(ic).gt.0)then !decide n_cut
+                  if(s(1:3).eq.'TER'.or.s(1:3).eq.'MOD'.
+     &                 or.s(1:3).eq.'END')then
+                     n_cut(ic)=nL(ic)
+                  endif
+               endif
+***   skip model_number >=2 ----------->
+               if(s(1:5).eq.'MODEL')then
+                  read(s,*)du,model_num
+                  if(model_num.gt.1)then
+                     do while(.true.)
+                        read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+                        if(s(1:6).eq.'ENDMDL')goto 1014
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+               endif
+               if(s(1:6).eq.'ATOM  '.or.s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')then !read ATOM/HETATM ====>
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms -------->
+                  mk=1
+                  du1=s(27:27)  !read insertion tag
+                  du3=s(22:22)  !chain ID
+                  if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
+                     du2=s(13:16) !atom ID
+c                     read(s(13:16),*)du2
+                     read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
+                     do i1=1,nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)) !#of atoms for res_insert
+                        if(du2.eq.atom1(i1))then !such atom was already read 
+                           mk=-1
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1) will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                  if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1--------->
+                     nL(ic)=nL(ic)+1
+                     read(s,8999)Agroup(ic,nL(ic)),Aatomi(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    du,Aatom(ic,nL(ic)),Aalt(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    Ares(ic,nL(ic)),du,Ach(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    Aresi(ic,nL(ic)),Ains(ic,nL(ic)),du,
+     &                    xx(ic,nL(ic)),yy(ic,nL(ic)),zz(ic,nL(ic))
+c                     read(Aatom(ic,nL(ic)),*)Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) !remove space before ' CA'
+                     i8=Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)).lt.50)then
+                        nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))=
+     &                       nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))+1 !#of atoms for res_ins
+                        atom1(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)))=
+     &                       Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) !atom ID
+                     endif
+                     if(nL(ic).ge.90000)goto 1015
+                  endif         !<------mk=1
+               endif            !<======read ATOM/HETATM
+ 1014          continue         !skip model_num >1
+            enddo               !do while
+         else                   !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+            in=0                !number of entries
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+               if(nL(ic).gt.0)then !skip unuseful read to save time
+                  if(s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.s(1:5).eq.'loop_')goto 1015
+               endif
+               if(s(1:11).eq.'_atom_site.')then
+                  in=in+1
+                  read(s,*)du
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.group_PDB')i_group=in !'ATOM','HETATM'
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.id')i_atomi=in !1,2,3,4
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.type_symbol')i_type=in !N,C,O
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_atom_id')i_atom=in !CA,O
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_alt_id')i_alt=in !'.',A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_comp_id')i_res=in !GLY,LEU
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_asym_id')i_ch=in !A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_entity_id')i_ent=in !1,2,a,b
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_seq_id')i_resi=in !1,2,3
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code')i_ins=in !A,?
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_x')i_x=in !x, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_y')i_y=in !y, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_z')i_z=in !z, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num')i_mn=in !model number, 1,2,3
+               endif
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM'.or.s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s,*)(ctmp(j),j=1,in)
+***   skip model_num >1 --------------------------------------->
+                  if(i_mn>1)then
+                     read(ctmp(i_mn),*)model_num
+                     if(model_num.gt.1)goto 1016 !skip model_num >1
+                  endif
+                  if(n_cut(ic).eq.0.and.nL(ic).gt.0)then !decide n_cut
+                     read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch_t
+                     read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent_t
+                     if(ch_t.ne.Ach(ic,nL(ic)).or.ent_t.ne.
+     &                    Aent(ic,nL(ic)))then
+                        n_cut(ic)=nL(ic)
+                     endif
+                  endif
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms (this does not care inserted residues) -------->
+                  mk=1
+                  du1=ctmp(i_ins) !read insertion tag
+                  du3=ctmp(i_ch) !chain ID
+                  if(ctmp(i_alt).ne.'.')then !with Alternate atom
+                     du2=ctmp(i_atom) !atom ID
+                     read(ctmp(i_resi),*)i8 !res ID
+                     do i1=1,nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)) !#of atoms for res_insert
+                        if(du2.eq.atom1(i1))then !such atom was already read 
+                           mk=-1
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1) will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                  if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 -------------->
+                     nL(ic)=nL(ic)+1
+                     read(ctmp(i_group),*)Agroup(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_atomi),*)Aatomi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_atom),*)Aatom(ic,nL(ic))
+********add space before Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) for output ------>
+                     if(Aatom(ic,nL(ic))(4:4).eq.' ')then
+                        Aatom(ic,nL(ic))=' '//Aatom(ic,nL(ic))
+                     endif
+c     read(ctmp(i_alt),*)Aalt(ic,nL(ic)) ! not used, because we alway use 1 atom for altLoc
+c     if(Aalt(ic,nL(ic)).eq.'.')Aalt(ic,nL(ic))=' '
+                     read(ctmp(i_res),*)Ares(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_ch),*)Ach(ic,nL(ic)) !for check other chain
+                     read(ctmp(i_ent),*)Aent(ic,nL(ic)) !for check other entity
+                     if(ctmp(i_resi)(1:1).eq.'.')ctmp(i_resi)='0' !for HETATM
+                     read(ctmp(i_resi),*)Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_ins),*)Ains(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(Ains(ic,nL(ic)).eq.'?')Ains(ic,nL(ic))=' '
+                     read(ctmp(i_x),*)xx(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_y),*)yy(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_z),*)zz(ic,nL(ic))
+                     i8=Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)).lt.50)then
+                        nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))=
+     &                       nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))+1 !#of atoms for res_ins
+                        atom1(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)))=
+     &                       Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) !atom ID
+                     endif
+                     if(nL(ic).ge.90000)goto 1015
+                  endif         !<---- mk=1
+ 1016             continue      !skip model_num >1
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         endif                  !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2) %%%%%%%%%
+ 1015    continue
+         close(10)
+ 1002 continue                  !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+ 8999 format(a6,I5,a1,A4,a1,A3,a1,A1,I4,A1,a3,3F8.3)
+********** mark aligned residues --------------->
+      do i=1,n8_al
+         m12(1,i)=m1(i)
+         m12(2,i)=m2(i)
+      enddo
+      Cch(1)='A'
+      Cch(2)='B'
+c************* Step-2: output structures for Rasmol ******************
+      do 1019 ip=1,5
+         if(ip.eq.1) outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname)) !'aaa', aligned CA
+         if(ip.eq.2) outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_all' !'aaa_all', all CA
+         if(ip.eq.3) outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_atm' !'aaa_atm', all aligned atoms
+         if(ip.eq.4) outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))
+     &        //'_all_atm'      !'aaa_all_atm', all atoms
+         if(ip.eq.5) outnameall=outname(1:len_trim(outname))
+     &        //'_all_atm_lig'  !'aaa_all_atm_lig', all atom + ligand
+         OPEN(unit=10,file=outnameall,status='unknown')
+***   script:
+         if(ip.eq.1.or.ip.eq.2)then !'aaa','aaa_all'
+            write(10,'(A)')'load inline'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *A'
+            write(10,'(A)')'wireframe .45'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *B'
+            write(10,'(A)')'wireframe .20'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select all'
+            write(10,'(A)')'color white'
+            do i=1,n8_al
+               dis2=sqrt((xtm1(i)-xtm2(i))**2+
+     &              (ytm1(i)-ytm2(i))**2+(ztm1(i)-ztm2(i))**2)
+               if(dis2.le.d0_out)then
+                  write(10,902)mm(1,m1(i)),mm(2,m2(i)) !select residue
+                  write(10,'(A)')'color red'
+               endif
+            enddo
+            write(10,'(A)')'select all'
+         elseif(ip.eq.3.or.ip.eq.4)then !'aaa_atm', 'aaa_all_atm'
+            write(10,'(A)')'load inline'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *A'
+            write(10,'(A)')'color blue'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *B'
+            write(10,'(A)')'color red'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select all'
+            write(10,'(A)')'cartoon'
+         else                   !'aaa_all_atm_lig
+            write(10,'(A)')'load inline'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select all'
+            write(10,'(A)')'cartoon'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *A'
+            write(10,'(A)')'color blue'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select *B'
+            write(10,'(A)')'color red'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select ligand'
+            write(10,'(A)')'wireframe 0.25'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select solvent'
+            write(10,'(A)')'spacefill 0.25'
+            write(10,'(A)')'select all'
+         endif
+         write(10,'(A)')'exit'
+         write(10,903)version
+         write(10,104)pdb(1),nseq1
+         write(10,105)pdb(2),nseq2,int(anseq),d0
+         write(10,106)n8_al,rmsd,TM2,seq_id
+c------------output coordinates ----------->         
+         do ic=1,2
+            if(ic.eq.1)then     !na=1-5000
+               na=0             !for CONECT
+            else                !na=5001-10000
+               na=5000          !for CONECT
+            endif
+c            write(*,*)'ip=',ip,'ic=',ic,nL(ic)
+            if(n_cut(ic).eq.0)then
+               n_cut(ic)=nL(ic) !there is no cut
+            endif
+            do i=1,nL(ic)
+c---------- decide if we should output this line ------------>
+               mk=0
+               if(ip.eq.1)then  !'aaa', aligned CA
+                  if(i.le.n_cut(ic))then
+                     if(Aatom(ic,i).eq.' CA')then
+                        do j=1,n8_al
+                           if(Aresi(ic,i).eq.mm(ic,m12(ic,j)))then
+                              if(Ains(ic,i).eq.Cins(ic,m12(ic,j)))then
+                                 mk=1
+                                 goto 120 !each line output once
+                              endif
+                           endif
+                        enddo
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               elseif(ip.eq.2)then !'aaa_all', all CA
+                  if(i.le.n_cut(ic))then
+                     if(Aatom(ic,i).eq.' CA')then
+                        mk=1
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               elseif(ip.eq.3)then !'aaa_atm', all aligned atoms
+                  if(i.le.n_cut(ic))then
+                     do j=1,n8_al
+                        if(Aresi(ic,i).eq.mm(ic,m12(ic,j)))then
+                           if(Ains(ic,i).eq.Cins(ic,m12(ic,j)))then
+                              mk=1
+                              goto 120 !each line output once
+                           endif
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+               elseif(ip.eq.4)then !'aaa_all_atm', all atoms
+                  if(i.le.n_cut(ic))then
+                     mk=1
+                  endif
+               elseif(ip.eq.5)then !'aaa_all_atm_lig', all atoms and ligands
+                  mk=1
+               endif
+ 120           continue
+c               write(*,*)ip,ic,i,'mk=',mk,n_cut(ic)
+               if(mk.eq.1)then  !mk=1----------->
+                  if(ic.eq.1)then
+                     ax=t(1)+u(1,1)*xx(ic,i)+u(1,2)*yy(ic,i)+
+     &                    u(1,3)*zz(ic,i)
+                     ay=t(2)+u(2,1)*xx(ic,i)+u(2,2)*yy(ic,i)+
+     &                    u(2,3)*zz(ic,i)
+                     az=t(3)+u(3,1)*xx(ic,i)+u(3,2)*yy(ic,i)+
+     &                    u(3,3)*zz(ic,i)
+                  else
+                     ax=xx(ic,i)
+                     ay=yy(ic,i)
+                     az=zz(ic,i)
+                  endif
+c--------------output (x,y,z) --------------------------------->                  
+                  na=na+1       !number of atoms for CONECT
+                  if(ip.eq.1.or.ip.eq.2)then !need CONECT
+                     write(10,1236)Agroup(ic,i),na,'',
+     &                    Aatom(ic,i),'',Ares(ic,i),'',Cch(ic),
+     &                    Aresi(ic,i),Ains(ic,i),'',ax,ay,az
+                  else          !all atoms
+                     write(10,1236)Agroup(ic,i),Aatomi(ic,i),'',
+     &                    Aatom(ic,i),'',Ares(ic,i),'',Cch(ic),
+     &                    Aresi(ic,i),Ains(ic,i),'',ax,ay,az
+                  endif
+               endif            !<----mk=1
+            enddo               !do i=1,nL(ic)
+            write(10,'(A)')'TER' !TER
+            if(ip.eq.1.or.ip.eq.2)then
+               if(ic.eq.1)then
+                  do i=2,na
+                     write(10,'(A6,I5,I5)')'CONECT',i-1,i !CONECT atom numbers
+                  enddo
+               else
+                  do i=5002,na
+                     write(10,'(A6,I5,I5)')'CONECT',i-1,i !CONECT atom numbers
+                  enddo
+               endif
+            endif
+         enddo                  !do ic=1,2
+         close(10)
+ 1019 continue                  !ip=1,5
+ 902     format('select ',I4,':A,',I4,':B')
+ 903     format('REMARK TM-align Version ',A8,'')
+ 104     format('REMARK Chain 1:',A10,'  Size=',I4)
+ 105     format('REMARK Chain 2:',A10,'  Size=',I4,
+     &        ' (TM-score is normalized by ',I4,', d0=',f6.2,')')
+ 106     format('REMARK Aligned length=',I4,', RMSD=',f6.2,
+     &        ', TM-score=',f7.5,', ID=',f5.3)
+ 1236    format(A6,I5,a1,A4,a1,A3,a1,A1,I4,A1,a3,3F8.3)
+*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ output finished ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  9999 END
@@ -1573,23 +1679,16 @@ c     1->coil, 2->helix, 3->turn, 4->strand
-      common/initial4/mm1(nmax),mm2(nmax)
+      common/initial4/mm(2,nmax)
       logical contin
       dimension ifr2(2,nmax,nmax),Lfr2(2,nmax),i_fr2(2)
       dimension ifr(nmax)
-      dimension mm(2,nmax)
       fra_min=4                 !>=4,minimum fragment for search
       fra_min1=fra_min-1        !cutoff for shift, save time
-      do i=1,nseq1
-         mm(1,i)=mm1(i)
-      enddo
-      do i=1,nseq2
-         mm(2,i)=mm2(i)
-      enddo
 c      do k=1,2                  !k=1, fragment from protein1; k=2, fragment from protein2
@@ -1766,7 +1865,6 @@ c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-      common/initial4/mm1(nmax),mm2(nmax)
       double precision r_1(3,nmax),r_2(3,nmax),w(nmax)
       double precision u(3,3),t(3),rms
@@ -2904,7 +3002,7 @@ ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
 *     because it is about 1.5 times faster than a complete N-W code
 *     and does not influence much the final structure alignment result.
 *     In 1/1000 case, it may result in asymmetry, i.e. A_to_B!=B_to_A
-*     For example, '1se9A.pdb' and '2edpA.pdb'
+*     For example, '1se9A.pdb' and '2edpA.pdb' (with score(i,j)=0 or 1 in SS)

@@ -38,13 +38,16 @@
 *                 complex structure comparisons, where multiple-chains are
 *                 merged into a single chain. Chain ID is now included in
 *                 the output files.
+*     2019/07/08: Enabled TM-score to support both PDB and mmCIF formats,
+*                 and updated structure reading which makes program faster.
 c        1         2         3         4         5         6         7 !
 c 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
       program TMscore
-      PARAMETER(nmax=5000)
+      PARAMETER(nmax=5000)      !maximum number of residues
+      PARAMETER(namax=50000)    !maximum of atoms
@@ -54,13 +57,13 @@ c 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
       dimension k_ali(nmax),k_ali0(nmax)
       character*500 fnam,pdb(100),outname
-      character*3 aa(-1:20),seqA(nmax),seqB(nmax)
+      character*3 aa(-1:20),seqA(nmax),seqB(nmax),aanam,ss(2,nmax)
       character*500 s,du
-      character*1 chA(nmax),chB(nmax)
-      character*1 chain1(90000),chain2(90000)
-      character seq1A(nmax),seq1B(nmax),ali(nmax),du1
+      character*1 chA(nmax),chB(nmax),ch(nmax)
+      character*1 chain1(namax),chain2(namax)
+      character seq1A(nmax),seq1B(nmax),ali(nmax),du1,du3,du4*2
       character sequenceA(nmax),sequenceB(nmax),sequenceM(nmax)
-      character ins1(nmax),ins2(nmax),ains1(90000),ains2(90000)
+      character ins1(nmax),ins2(nmax),ains1(namax),ains2(namax)
       dimension L_ini(100),iq(nmax)
@@ -68,22 +71,35 @@ c 3456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
       double precision score,score_max,score_fix,score_fix_max
       double precision score_maxsub,score10
       dimension xa(nmax),ya(nmax),za(nmax)
+      dimension x2(2,nmax),y2(2,nmax),z2(2,nmax)
-      character*10 aa1,ra1,aa2,ra2
-      dimension ia1(90000),aa1(90000),ra1(90000),ir1(90000)
-      dimension xa1(90000),ya1(90000),za1(90000)
-      dimension ia2(90000),aa2(90000),ra2(90000),ir2(90000)
-      dimension xa2(90000),ya2(90000),za2(90000)
+      character*10 aa1,ra1,aa2,ra2,du2
+      integer mm(2,nmax)
-      dimension nres1(nmax,32:122),nres2(nmax,32:122) !number of atoms
-      character*500 atom1(nmax,30),atom2(nmax,30) !atom name
-c     here atom1(i,j) should be atom2(i,j,k) but will beyond dimension
+      dimension nres1(2,nmax,32:122),nres2(2,nmax,32:122,32:122) !number of atoms
+      character*5 atom1(50)     !atom name
+      dimension m12(2,nmax)
+ccc   mmCIF
+      character*500 ctmp(1000),ent(nmax),mn(nmax)
+      character*500 ch_t,ent_t,mn_t
+      character*20 Aatom(2,namax)
+      character Agroup(2,namax)*6
+      character Ares(2,namax)*3,Aalt(2,namax)
+      character Ains(2,9000),Ach(2,namax),Aent(2,namax)
+      character Cins(2,nmax)
+      integer Aatomi(2,namax),Aresi(2,namax)
+      dimension iform(10),xx(2,namax),yy(2,namax),zz(2,namax),nL(2)
 ccc   RMSD:
       double precision r_1(3,nmax),r_2(3,nmax),r_3(3,nmax),w(nmax)
       double precision u(3,3),t(3),rms,drms !armsd is real
       data w /nmax*1.0/
+      double precision u2(3,3),t2(3) !for output
       data aa/ 'BCK','GLY','ALA','SER','CYS',
      &     'VAL','THR','ILE','PRO','MET',
@@ -111,17 +127,19 @@ ccc
          write(*,*)'2. Run TM-score to compare two complex structures',
      &        ' with multiple chains'
+         write(*,*)'   (Compare all chains with the same chain',
+     &        ' identifier)'
          write(*,*)'   >TMscore -c model native'
-         write(*,*)'2. TM-score normalized with an assigned scale d0',
+         write(*,*)'3. TM-score normalized with an assigned scale d0',
      &        ' e.g. 5 A:'
          write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -d 5'
-         write(*,*)'3. TM-score normalized by a specific length, ',
+         write(*,*)'4. TM-score normalized by a specific length, ',
      &        'e.g. 120 AA:'
          write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -l 120'
-         write(*,*)'4. TM-score with superposition output, e.g. ',
+         write(*,*)'5. TM-score with superposition output, e.g. ',
      &        '''TM.sup'':'
          write(*,*)'   >TMscore model native -o TM.sup'
          write(*,*)'   To view the superimposed CA-traces by rasmol:'
@@ -164,141 +182,226 @@ ccc
       if(i.lt.narg)goto 115
+**********decide file format (PDB or mmCIF) ------------------->
+      do j=1,2
+         iform(j)=0             !format of pdb(j)
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(j),status='old')
+         do while(iform(j).eq.0)
+            read(10,*)s
+            if(s(1:6).eq.'HEADER'.or.s(1:4).eq.'ATOM'.or.
+     &           s(1:6).eq.'REMARK')then
+               iform(j)=1       !PDB format
+            elseif(s(1:4).eq.'data'.or.s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.
+     &              s(1:5).eq.'loop_')then
+               iform(j)=2       !mmCIF format
+            endif
+         enddo
+         if(iform(j).eq.0)then
+            write(*,*)'error: file must in PDB or mmCIF format!'
+         endif
+         close(10)
+      enddo
+*******^^^^ format is decided ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-ccccccccc read data from first CA file:
-      open(unit=10,file=pdb(1),status='old')
-      i=0
-      na1=0
-      ntt=0
- 101  read(10,104,end=102) s
-      if(m_complex.eq.0)then
-         if(s(1:3).eq.'TER') goto 102
-      endif
-      if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then
+c     write(*,*)'m_complex=',m_complex
+cccccccccRead data from CA file ---------------->
+c     we only need to read following (keep first chain, keep only one altLoc):
+c     x,y,z2(ic,i)----(x,y,z)
+c     mm(2,nmax)---residue order number, for gapless threading
+c     ss(2,nmax)---residue name ('GLY') for seq_ID calculation and output
+c     Cins(ic,i)---insertion
+      do 1001 ic=1,2            !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+         i=0
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(ic),status='old')
+         if(iform(ic).eq.1)then !file in PDB format------->
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1013) s
+               if(i.gt.0)then
+                  if(m_complex.eq.0)then
+                     if(s(1:3).eq.'TER'.or.s(1:3).eq.'MOD'.
+     &                    or.s(1:3).eq.'END')then
+                        goto 1013 !only read the first chain
+                     endif
+                  else
+***   skip model_number >=2 ----------->
+                     if(s(1:5).eq.'MODEL')then
+                        read(s,*)du,model_num
+                        if(model_num.gt.1)then
+                           do while(.true.)
+                              read(10,'(A500)',end=1013) s
+                              if(s(1:6).eq.'ENDMDL')goto 1014
+                           enddo
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s(13:16),*)du4 !will remove space before 'CA'
+                  if(du4.eq.'CA')then !read 'CA' ---------->
+                     du1=s(27:27) !residue insertion tag
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms (this does not care inserted residues) -------->
+                     mk=1
+                     if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
+                        read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
+                        if(nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then !since CA, cannot be >1
+                           mk=-1 !this residue was already read, skip it
+                        endif
+                     endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1 will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                     if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 ------------>
+                        i=i+1
+                        read(s,'(a6,I5,a6,A3,a1,A1,I4,A1,a3,3F8.3)') !variable include space, different from read(*,*)
+     &                       du,itmp,du,aanam,du,ch(i),mm(ic,i),
+     &                       Cins(ic,i),du,x2(ic,i),y2(ic,i),z2(ic,i)
-         if(s(27:27).eq.' ')then
-            du1=' '
-         else
-            read(s(27:27),*)du1 !Residue_Insertion_tag
-         endif
-         mk=1
-         if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !ignor alternative residues/atoms
-            read(s(13:16),*)du
-            read(s(23:26),*)i8
-            do i1=1,nres1(i8,ichar(du1))
-               if(du.eq.atom1(i8,i1))then !atom is a ALTloc
-                  mk=-1
+                        i8=mm(ic,i)
+                        nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))=
+     &                       nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))+1 !nres1 only for check altLoc
+                        ss(ic,i)=aanam !residue name, 'GLY', for seq_ID
+                        if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1013
+                     endif      !<-----mk=1
+                  endif         !<---- read 'CA'
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+ 1014          continue
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         else                   !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2)
+            in=0                !number of entries
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1013) s
+               if(i.gt.0)then   !skip unuseful read to save time, suppose '#' appear before complex completed
+                  if(s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.s(1:5).eq.'loop_'.or.
+     &                 s(1:6).eq.'HETATM')goto 1013
-            enddo
-         endif
-         if(mk.eq.1)then
-            read(s(13:16),*)du
-            read(s(23:26),*)i8
-            if(nres1(i8,ichar(du1)).lt.30)then
-               nres1(i8,ichar(du1))=nres1(i8,ichar(du1))+1
-               atom1(i8,nres1(i8,ichar(du1)))=du
-            endif
+               if(s(1:11).eq.'_atom_site.')then
+                  in=in+1
+                  read(s,*)du
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_atom_id')i_atom=in !CA,O, no need
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_alt_id')i_alt=in !'.',A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_comp_id')i_res=in !GLY,LEU
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_asym_id')i_ch=in !A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_entity_id')i_ent=in !1,2,a,b
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_seq_id')i_resi=in !1,2,3
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code')i_ins=in !A,?
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_x')i_x=in !x, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_y')i_y=in !y, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_z')i_z=in !z, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num')i_mn=in !model number, 1,2,3
+               endif
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s,*)(ctmp(j),j=1,in) !no space before characters
+                  if(ctmp(i_atom).eq.'CA')then !read 'CA' ---------->
+                     if(i.gt.0)then
+                        if(m_complex.eq.0)then
+                           if(i_mn.gt.1)then !sometimes it may have no i_mn
+                              read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn_t
+                              if(mn_t.ne.mn(i)) goto 1013 !only read first model
+                           endif
+                           read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch_t
+                           if(ch_t.ne.ch(i)) goto 1013 !only read first chain
+                           read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent_t
+                           if(ent_t.ne.ent(i)) goto 1013 !only read first entity
+                        else
+                           if(i_mn.gt.1)then !sometimes it may have no i_mn
+                              read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn_t
+                              if(mn_t.ne.mn(i)) goto 1016 !only read first model
+                           endif
+                        endif
+                     endif
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms (this does not care inserted residues) -------->
+                     mk=1
+                     du1=ctmp(i_ins) !read insertion tag
+                     if(ctmp(i_alt).ne.'.')then !with Alternate atom
+                        read(ctmp(i_resi),*)i8 !res ID
+                        if(nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1)).ge.1)then !since CA, cannot be >1
+                           mk=-1 !this residue was already read, skip it
+                        endif
+                     endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1 will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                     if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 ------------>
+                        i=i+1
+                        read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch(i) !for check other chain
+                        read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent(i) !for check other entity
+                        read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn(i) !for check model number
-            ntt=ntt+1
-            if(ntt.ge.90000)goto 102
-            na1=na1+1
-            read(s,8999)du,ia1(na1),du,aa1(na1),du,ra1(na1),du,
-     &           chain1(na1),ir1(na1),du,xa1(na1),ya1(na1),za1(na1)
-            ains1(na1)=du1
-            if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or.s(13:16).
-     &           eq.'  CA')then
-               i=i+1
-               read(s,103)du,seqA(i),du,chA(i),nresA(i),du,
-     &              xa(i),ya(i),za(i)
-               ins1(i)=du1
+                        read(ctmp(i_x),*)x2(ic,i)
+                        read(ctmp(i_y),*)y2(ic,i)
+                        read(ctmp(i_z),*)z2(ic,i)
+                        read(ctmp(i_resi),*)mm(ic,i) !residue order, 4,5,6
+                        read(ctmp(i_ins),*)Cins(ic,i) !residue insertion, A, ?
+                        if(Cins(ic,i).eq.'?')Cins(ic,i)=' '
+                        ss(ic,i)=ctmp(i_res) !residue name, 'GLY', for seq_ID
+                        i8=mm(ic,i)
+                        nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))=
+     &                       nres1(ic,i8,ichar(du1))+1 !nres1 only for check altLoc
+                        if(i.ge.nmax)goto 1013
+                     endif      !<-----mk=1
+                  endif         !<-----read 'CA'
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+ 1016          continue         !skip model_num >1
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         endif                  !if(iform(ic).eq.2)
+ 1013    continue
+         close(10)
+c-------convert 'GLY' to 'G', etc ------------>
+         if(ic.eq.1)then
+            nseqA=i
+            do i=1,nseqA
+               chA(i)=ch(i)
+               nresA(i)=mm(ic,i)
+               seqA(i)=ss(ic,i) !GLY
+               ins1(i)=Cins(1,i)
+               xa(i)=x2(1,i)
+               ya(i)=y2(1,i)
+               za(i)=z2(1,i)
                do j=-1,20
-                  if(seqA(i).eq.aa(j))then
-                     seq1A(i)=slc(j)
-                     goto 21
+                  if(ss(1,i).eq.aa(j))then
+                     seq1A(i)=slc(j) !G
+                     goto 121
- 21            continue
-               if(i.ge.nmax)goto 102
-            endif
-         endif
-      endif
-      goto 101
- 102  continue
- 103  format(A17,A3,A1,A1,i4,A4,3F8.3)
- 104  format(A100)
- 8999 format(a6,I5,a1,A4,a1,A3,a1,a1,I4,a4,3F8.3)
-      close(10)
-      nseqA=i
-ccccccccc read data from first CA file:
-      open(unit=10,file=pdb(2),status='old')
-      i=0
-      na2=0
-      ntt=0
- 201  read(10,204,end=202) s
-      if(m_complex.eq.0)then
-         if(s(1:3).eq.'TER') goto 202
-      endif
-      if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then
-         if(s(27:27).eq.' ')then
-            du1=' '
-         else
-            read(s(27:27),*)du1
-         endif
-         mk=1
-         if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then
-            read(s(13:16),*)du
-            read(s(23:26),*)i8
-            do i1=1,nres2(i8,ichar(du1))
-               if(du.eq.atom2(i8,i1))then
-                  mk=-1
-               endif
+ 121           continue
-         endif
-         if(mk.eq.1)then
-            read(s(13:16),*)du
-            read(s(23:26),*)i8
-            if(nres2(i8,ichar(du1)).lt.30)then
-               nres2(i8,ichar(du1))=nres2(i8,ichar(du1))+1
-               atom2(i8,nres2(i8,ichar(du1)))=du
-            endif
-            ntt=ntt+1
-            if(ntt.ge.90000)goto 202
-            na2=na2+1
-            read(s,8999)du,ia2(na2),du,aa2(na2),du,ra2(na2),du,
-     &           chain2(na2),ir2(na2),du,xa2(na2),ya2(na2),za2(na2)
-            ains2(na2)=du1
-            if(s(13:16).eq.'CA  '.or.s(13:16).eq.' CA '.or.s(13:16).
-     &           eq.'  CA')then
-               i=i+1
-               read(s,203)du,seqB(i),du,chB(i),nresB(i),du,
-     &              xb(i),yb(i),zb(i)
-               ins2(i)=du1
+         else
+            nseqB=i
+            do i=1,nseqB
+               chB(i)=ch(i)
+               nresB(i)=mm(ic,i)
+               seqB(i)=ss(ic,i) !'GLY'
+               ins2(i)=Cins(2,i)
+               xb(i)=x2(2,i)
+               yb(i)=y2(2,i)
+               zb(i)=z2(2,i)
                do j=-1,20
-                  if(seqB(i).eq.aa(j))then
-                     seq1B(i)=slc(j)
-                     goto 22
+                  if(ss(2,i).eq.aa(j))then
+                     seq1B(i)=slc(j) !'G'
+                     goto 122
- 22            continue
-               if(i.ge.nmax)goto 202
-            endif
+ 122           continue
+            enddo
-      endif
-      goto 201
- 202  continue
- 203  format(A17,A3,A1,A1,i4,A4,3F8.3)
- 204  format(A100)
-      close(10)
-      nseqB=i
+ 1001 continue                  !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+c^^^^^^^^^^^^^read input files completed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+c      do i=1,nseqA
+c         write(*,*)i,xa(i),seqA(i)
+c      enddo
+c      do i=1,nseqB
+c         write(*,*)i,xb(i),seqB(i)
+c      enddo
 *     pickup the aligned residues:
@@ -339,6 +442,10 @@ c^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
          goto 9999
+c      do i=1,n_ali
+c         write(*,*)i,iA(i),iB(i)
+c      enddo
 *     check the residue serial numbers ------------->
@@ -635,82 +742,16 @@ c      enddo
       d=d_output                !for output
       call score_fun()          !give i_ali(i), score_max=score now
-***   output rotated chain1 + chain2----->
-      if(m_out.ne.1)goto 999
-ccc   output CA-trace superposition------>
-      OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
- 900  format(A)
- 901  format('select atomno= ',I5)
- 902  format('select atomno= ',I5)
-      write(7,900)'load inline'
-      write(7,900)'select atomno<50001'
-      write(7,900)'wireframe .45'
-      write(7,900)'select none'
-      write(7,900)'select atomno>50000'
-      write(7,900)'wireframe .15'
-      write(7,900)'color white' !all above atoms are white
-      do i=1,n_cut
-         write(7,901)iA(i_ali(i))
-         write(7,900)'color red'
-         write(7,902)50000+iB(i_ali(i))
-         write(7,900)'color red'
-      enddo
-      write(7,900)'select all'
-      write(7,900)'exit'
-      write(7,514)rmsd_ali
- 514  format('REMARK  RMSD of the common residues=',F8.3)
-      write(7,515)score_max,d0
- 515  format('REMARK  TM-score=',f6.4,' (d0=',f5.2,')')
-      do i=1,nseqA
-         write(7,1236)i,seqA(i),chA(i),nresA(i),ins1(i),
-     &        xt(i),yt(i),zt(i)
-      enddo
-      write(7,1238)
-      do i=2,nseqA
-         write(7,1239)i-1,i
-      enddo
-      do i=1,nseqB
-         write(7,1236)50000+i,seqB(i),chB(i),nresB(i),ins2(i),
-     &        xb(i),yb(i),zb(i)
-      enddo
-      write(7,1238)
-      do i=2,nseqB
-         write(7,1239)50000+i-1,50000+i
-      enddo
-      close(7)
- 1236 format('ATOM  ',i5,'  CA  ',A3,' ',A1,I4,A1,3X,3F8.3)
- 1238 format('TER')
- 1239 format('CONECT',I5,I5)
-ccc   output all-atom superposition------>
-      outname=trim(outname)//'_atm'
-      OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
-      write(7,900)'load inline'
-      write(7,900)'select atomno<50001'
-      write(7,900)'color blue'
-      write(7,900)'select atomno>50000'
-      write(7,900)'color red'
-      write(7,900)'select all'
-      write(7,900)'cartoon'
-      write(7,900)'exit'
-      write(7,514)rmsd_ali
-      write(7,515)score_max,d0
-***   chain1:
-      do i=1,na1
-         ax=t(1)+u(1,1)*xa1(i)+u(1,2)*ya1(i)+u(1,3)*za1(i)
-         ay=t(2)+u(2,1)*xa1(i)+u(2,2)*ya1(i)+u(2,3)*za1(i)
-         az=t(3)+u(3,1)*xa1(i)+u(3,2)*ya1(i)+u(3,3)*za1(i)
-         write(7,8888)i,aa1(i),ra1(i),chain1(i),ir1(i),ains1(i),ax,ay,az
-      enddo
-      write(7,1238)             !TER
-***   chain2:
-      do i=1,na2
-         write(7,8888)50000+i,aa2(i),ra2(i),chain2(i),ir2(i),ains2(i),
-     &        xa2(i),ya2(i),za2(i)
-      enddo
-      write(7,1238)             !TER
-      close(7)
- 8888 format('ATOM  ',I5,1x,A4,1x,A3,' ',A1,I4,A1,3x,3F8.3)
- 999  continue
+******* for output ---------->
+      if(m_out.eq.1)then
+         do i=1,3
+            t2(i)=t(i)
+            do j=1,3
+               u2(i,j)=u(i,j)
+            enddo
+         enddo
+      endif
 ***   record aligned residues by i=[1,nseqA], for sequenceM()------------>
       do i=1,nseqA
@@ -894,7 +935,274 @@ ccc   RMSD (d<5.0)-------->
  602  format(2000I1)
+c^^^^^^^^^^screen output is done ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+      if(m_out.ne.1)then
+         stop
+      endif
+*     output alignment structure for Rasmal review    *
+c************* Step-1: read all-atom structures ******************
+      do 1002 ic=1,2            !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+         nL(ic)=0               !number of lines in PDB file
+         open(unit=10,file=pdb(ic),status='old')
+         if(iform(ic).eq.1)then !file in PDB format %%%%%%%%%%------->
+            do while (.true.)
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+               if(nL(ic).gt.0)then !decide n_cut
+                  if(m_complex.eq.0)then
+                     if(s(1:3).eq.'TER'.or.s(1:3).eq.'MOD'.
+     &                    or.s(1:3).eq.'END')then
+                        goto 1015 !no ligand allowed
+                     endif
+                  else
+***   skip model_number >=2 ----------->
+                     if(s(1:5).eq.'MODEL')then
+                        read(s,*)du,model_num
+                        if(model_num.gt.1)then
+                           do while(.true.)
+                              read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+                              if(s(1:6).eq.'ENDMDL')goto 1017
+                           enddo
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+               if(s(1:6).eq.'ATOM  ')then !read ATOM ====>
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms -------->
+                  mk=1
+                  du1=s(27:27)  !read insertion tag
+                  du3=s(22:22)  !chain ID
+                  if(s(17:17).ne.' ')then !with Alternate atom
+                     du2=s(13:16) !atom ID
+                     read(s(23:26),*)i8 !res ID
+                     do i1=1,nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)) !#of atoms for res_insert
+                        if(du2.eq.atom1(i1))then !such atom was already read 
+                           mk=-1
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1) will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                  if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1--------->
+                     nL(ic)=nL(ic)+1
+                     read(s,8999)Agroup(ic,nL(ic)),Aatomi(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    du,Aatom(ic,nL(ic)),Aalt(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    Ares(ic,nL(ic)),du,Ach(ic,nL(ic)),
+     &                    Aresi(ic,nL(ic)),Ains(ic,nL(ic)),du,
+     &                    xx(ic,nL(ic)),yy(ic,nL(ic)),zz(ic,nL(ic))
+                     i8=Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)).lt.50)then
+                        nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))=
+     &                       nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))+1 !#of atoms for res_ins
+                        atom1(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)))=
+     &                       Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) !atom ID
+                     endif
+                     if(nL(ic).ge.namax)goto 1015
+                  endif         !<------mk=1
+               endif            !<======read ATOM
+ 1017          continue
+            enddo               !<--- do while
+         else                   !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+            in=0                !number of entries
+            do while (.true.)   !start do-while ---------->
+               read(10,'(A500)',end=1015) s
+               if(nL(ic).gt.0)then !skip unuseful read to save time
+                  if(s(1:1).eq.'#'.or.s(1:5).eq.'loop_')goto 1015
+               endif
+               if(s(1:11).eq.'_atom_site.')then
+                  in=in+1
+                  read(s,*)du
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.group_PDB')i_group=in !'ATOM','HETATM'
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.id')i_atomi=in !1,2,3,4
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.type_symbol')i_type=in !N,C,O
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_atom_id')i_atom=in !CA,O
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_alt_id')i_alt=in !'.',A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_comp_id')i_res=in !GLY,LEU
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_asym_id')i_ch=in !A,B
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_entity_id')i_ent=in !1,2,a,b
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.label_seq_id')i_resi=in !1,2,3
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code')i_ins=in !A,?
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_x')i_x=in !x, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_y')i_y=in !y, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.Cartn_z')i_z=in !z, 1.234
+                  if(du.eq.'_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num')i_mn=in !model number, 1,2,3
+               endif
+               if(s(1:4).eq.'ATOM')then !read 'ATOM' =======>
+                  read(s,*)(ctmp(j),j=1,in)
+                  if(nL(ic).gt.0)then
+                     if(m_complex.eq.0)then !monomer
+                        if(i_mn.gt.1)then !sometimes it may have no i_mn
+                           read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn_t
+                           if(mn_t.ne.mn(i)) goto 1015 !only read first model
+                        endif
+                        read(ctmp(i_ch),*)ch_t
+                        if(ch_t.ne.Ach(ic,nL(ic))) goto 1015
+                        read(ctmp(i_ent),*)ent_t
+                        if(ent_t.ne.Aent(ic,nL(ic))) goto 1015
+                     else
+                        if(i_mn.gt.1)then !sometimes it may have no i_mn
+                           read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn_t
+                           if(mn_t.ne.mn(i)) goto 1018 !only read first model
+                        endif
+                     endif
+                  endif
+*******remove repeated altLoc atoms -------->
+                  mk=1
+                  du1=ctmp(i_ins) !read insertion tag
+                  du3=ctmp(i_ch) !chain ID
+                  if(ctmp(i_alt).ne.'.')then !with Alternate atom
+                     du2=ctmp(i_atom) !atom ID
+                     read(ctmp(i_resi),*)i8 !res ID
+                     do i1=1,nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)) !#of atoms for res_insert
+                        if(du2.eq.atom1(i1))then !such atom was already read 
+                           mk=-1
+                        endif
+                     enddo
+                  endif
+c^^^^^^^^^altLoc checked (mk.ne.1) will be skipped) ^^^^^^^^^
+                  if(mk.eq.1)then !mk=1 -------------->
+                     nL(ic)=nL(ic)+1
+                     read(ctmp(i_group),*)Agroup(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_atomi),*)Aatomi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_atom),*)Aatom(ic,nL(ic))
+********add space before Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) for output ------>
+                     if(Aatom(ic,nL(ic))(4:4).eq.' ')then
+                        Aatom(ic,nL(ic))=' '//Aatom(ic,nL(ic))
+                     endif
+c     read(ctmp(i_alt),*)Aalt(ic,nL(ic)) ! not used, because we alway use 1 atom for altLoc
+c     if(Aalt(ic,nL(ic)).eq.'.')Aalt(ic,nL(ic))=' '
+                     read(ctmp(i_res),*)Ares(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_ch),*)Ach(ic,nL(ic)) !for check other chain
+                     read(ctmp(i_ent),*)Aent(ic,nL(ic)) !for check other entity
+                     read(ctmp(i_mn),*)mn(i) !for check model number
+                     read(ctmp(i_resi),*)Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_ins),*)Ains(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(Ains(ic,nL(ic)).eq.'?')Ains(ic,nL(ic))=' '
+                     read(ctmp(i_x),*)xx(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_y),*)yy(ic,nL(ic))
+                     read(ctmp(i_z),*)zz(ic,nL(ic))
+                     i8=Aresi(ic,nL(ic))
+                     if(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)).lt.50)then
+                        nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))=
+     &                       nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3))+1 !#of atoms for res_ins
+                        atom1(nres2(ic,i8,ichar(du1),ichar(du3)))=
+     &                       Aatom(ic,nL(ic)) !atom ID
+                     endif
+                     if(nL(ic).ge.namax)goto 1015
+                  endif         !<---- mk=1
+               endif            !<==== read 'ATOM'
+ 1018          continue
+            enddo               !<----end do-while
+         endif                  !<----mmCIF format,if(iform(1).eq.2) %%%%%%%%%
+ 1015    continue
+         close(10)
+ 1002 continue                  !ic=1,2 for file1 and file2
+ 8999 format(a6,I5,a1,A4,a1,A3,a1,A1,I4,A1,a3,3F8.3)
+c*************  Step-2: output 'aaa' (CA only)  ***************
+      OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
+ 900  format(A)
+ 901  format('select atomno= ',I5)
+ 902  format('select atomno= ',I5)
+      write(7,900)'load inline'
+      write(7,900)'select atomno<50001'
+      write(7,900)'wireframe .45'
+      write(7,900)'select atomno>50000'
+      write(7,900)'wireframe .15'
+      write(7,900)'select all'
+      write(7,900)'color white' !all above atoms are white
+      do i=1,n_cut
+         write(7,901)iA(i_ali(i))
+         write(7,900)'color red'
+         write(7,902)50000+iB(i_ali(i))
+         write(7,900)'color red'
+      enddo
+      write(7,900)'select all'
+      write(7,900)'exit'
+      write(7,514)rmsd_ali
+ 514  format('REMARK  RMSD of the common residues=',F8.3)
+      write(7,515)score_max,d0
+ 515  format('REMARK  TM-score=',f6.4,' (d0=',f5.2,')')
+      do i=1,nseqA
+         write(7,1236)i,seqA(i),chA(i),nresA(i),ins1(i),
+     &        xt(i),yt(i),zt(i)
+      enddo
+      write(7,1238)
+      do i=2,nseqA
+         write(7,1239)i-1,i
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nseqB
+         write(7,1236)50000+i,seqB(i),chB(i),nresB(i),ins2(i),
+     &        xb(i),yb(i),zb(i)
+      enddo
+      write(7,1238)
+      do i=2,nseqB
+         write(7,1239)50000+i-1,50000+i
+      enddo
+      close(7)
+ 1236 format('ATOM  ',i5,'  CA  ',A3,' ',A1,I4,A1,3X,3F8.3)
+ 1238 format('TER')
+ 1239 format('CONECT',I5,I5)
+c*************  Step-3: output 'aaa_atm' (all-atom) ***********
+c     outname=trim(outname)//'_atm'
+      outname=outname(1:len_trim(outname))//'_atm'
+      OPEN(unit=7,file=outname,status='unknown') !pdb1.aln + pdb2.aln
+      write(7,900)'load inline'
+      write(7,900)'select atomno<50001'
+      write(7,900)'color blue'
+      write(7,900)'select atomno>50000'
+      write(7,900)'color red'
+      write(7,900)'select all'
+      write(7,900)'cartoon'
+      write(7,900)'exit'
+      write(7,514)rmsd_ali
+      write(7,515)score_max,d0
+***   chain1:
+      do i=1,nL(1)
+         ax=t2(1)+u2(1,1)*xx(1,i)+u2(1,2)*yy(1,i)+u2(1,3)*zz(1,i)
+         ay=t2(2)+u2(2,1)*xx(1,i)+u2(2,2)*yy(1,i)+u2(2,3)*zz(1,i)
+         az=t2(3)+u2(3,1)*xx(1,i)+u2(3,2)*yy(1,i)+u2(3,3)*zz(1,i)
+         write(7,8888)i,Aatom(1,i),Ares(1,i),Ach(1,i),
+     &        Aresi(1,i),Ains(1,i),ax,ay,az
+      enddo
+      write(7,1238)             !TER
+***   chain2:
+      do i=1,nL(2)
+         write(7,8888)50000+i,Aatom(2,i),Ares(2,i),Ach(2,i),
+     &        Aresi(2,i),Ains(2,i),xx(2,i),yy(2,i),zz(2,i)
+      enddo
+      write(7,1238)             !TER
+      close(7)
+ 8888 format('ATOM  ',I5,1x,A4,1x,A3,' ',A1,I4,A1,3x,3F8.3)
+*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ output finished ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  9999 END

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