[med-svn] [Git][med-team/qiime][master] Delete old Qiime dependencies
Liubov Chuprikova
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Mar 11 22:17:25 GMT 2019
Liubov Chuprikova pushed to branch master at Debian Med / qiime
1ae71cf2 by Liubov Chuprikova at 2019-03-11T22:16:02Z
Delete old Qiime dependencies
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+qiime (2019.1.0-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Team upload.
+ * Delete old Qiime dependencies
+ -- Liubov Chuprikova <chuprikovalv at gmail.com> Tue, 12 Mar 2019 00:13:16 +0200
qiime (2019.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Andreas Tille ]
@@ -27,77 +27,30 @@ Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
- python3-matplotlib,
- python3-numpy,
- python-burrito,
- python-burrito-fillings (>= 0.1.1),
- python-biom-format,
- python-cogent (>= 1.5.3),
- python-mpi4py,
- python-qcli,
- pynast (>= 1.2.2),
- qiime-data,
- ampliconnoise,
- blast2 | blast+-legacy,
- bwa,
- cd-hit,
- chimeraslayer,
- clearcut,
- clustalw,
- ea-utils,
- emperor (>= 0.9.51),
- fasttree,
- infernal,
- libjs-jquery,
- mafft,
- muscle,
- parsinsert,
- raxml,
- r-cran-optparse,
- rdp-classifier,
- seqprep,
- sortmerna,
- sumatra,
- swarm,
- vsearch
-Recommends: mothur,
- rtax
-Suggests: t-coffee,
- cytoscape,
- torque-client,
- qiime-default-reference
+ python3-pyparsing,
+ python3-dateutil
Description: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology
- QIIME (canonically pronounced ‘Chime’) is a pipeline for performing
- microbial community analysis that integrates many third party tools which
- have become standard in the field. A standard QIIME analysis begins with
- sequence data from one or more sequencing platforms, including
- * Sanger,
- * Roche/454, and
- * Illumina GAIIx.
- QIIME can perform:
- * library de-multiplexing and quality filtering;
- * denoising with PyroNoise;
- * OTU and representative set picking with uclust, cdhit, mothur, BLAST,
- or other tools;
- * taxonomy assignment with BLAST or the RDP classifier;
- * sequence alignment with PyNAST, muscle, infernal, or other tools;
- * phylogeny reconstruction with FastTree, raxml, clearcut, or other tools;
- * alpha diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
- using over 20 metrics including Phylogenetic Diversity, chao1, and
- observed species;
- * beta diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results,
- using over 25 metrics including weighted and unweighted UniFrac,
- Euclidean distance, and Bray-Curtis;
- * summarization and visualization of taxonomic composition of samples
- using pie charts and histograms
- and many other features.
+ QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis
+ package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables
+ researchers to start an analysis with raw DNA sequence data and finish with
+ publication-quality figures and statistical results.
+ Key features:
+ * Integrated and automatic tracking of data provenance
+ * Semantic type system
+ * Plugin system for extending microbiome analysis functionality
+ * Support for multiple types of user interfaces (e.g. API, command line,
+ graphical)
- QIIME includes parallelization capabilities for many of the
- computationally intensive steps. By default, these are configured to
- utilize a mutli-core environment, and are easily configured to run in
- a cluster environment. QIIME is built in Python using the open-source
- PyCogent toolkit. It makes extensive use of unit tests, and is highly
- modular to facilitate custom analyses.
+ QIIME 2 is a complete redesign and rewrite of the QIIME 1 microbiome analysis
+ pipeline. QIIME 2 will address many of the limitations of QIIME 1, while
+ retaining the features that makes QIIME 1 a powerful and widely-used analysis
+ pipeline.
+ .
+ QIIME 2 currently supports an initial end-to-end microbiome analysis pipeline.
+ New functionality will regularly become available through QIIME 2 plugins. You
+ can view a list of plugins that are currently available on the QIIME 2 plugin
+ availability page. The future plugins page lists plugins that are being
+ developed.
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/qiime/commit/1ae71cf2f21289d4ef3519b994888c256166017a
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/qiime/commit/1ae71cf2f21289d4ef3519b994888c256166017a
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