[med-svn] [Git][med-team/libbpp-phyl][master] 2 commits: Removed problematic unit test.
Julien Y. Dutheil
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Mar 12 10:54:58 GMT 2019
Julien Y. Dutheil pushed to branch master at Debian Med / libbpp-phyl
7e720737 by Julien Y. Dutheil at 2019-03-12T09:17:15Z
Removed problematic unit test.
- - - - -
31296979 by Julien Y. Dutheil at 2019-03-12T09:20:30Z
Remove previous test_likelihood_nh patch.
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- − debian/patches/increase_test_tolerance.patch
- + debian/patches/remove_test_likelihood_nh.patch
- debian/patches/series
debian/patches/increase_test_tolerance.patch deleted
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Author: Julien Y. Dutheil
-Last-Update: 2018-04-30 17:48:26 +0200
-Description: By increasing tolerance of test boundaries the package should
- build on all architectures
-diff --git a/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp b/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp
-index b4cd485..c38a277 100644
---- a/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp
-+++ b/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp
-@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ void fitModelNH(SubstitutionModelSet* model, DiscreteDistribution* rdist, const
- tl.initialize();
- cout << setprecision(20) << tl.getValue() << endl;
- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* initial likelihood", tl.getValue());
-- if (abs(tl.getValue() - initialValue) > 0.0001)
-+ if (abs(tl.getValue() - initialValue) > 0.01)
- throw Exception("Incorrect initial value.");
- OptimizationTools::optimizeTreeScale(&tl);
- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* likelihood after tree scale", tl.getValue());
-- OptimizationTools::optimizeNumericalParameters2(&tl, tl.getParameters(), 0, 0.000001, 10000, 0, 0);
-+ OptimizationTools::optimizeNumericalParameters2(&tl, tl.getParameters(), 0, 0.0001, 10000, 0, 0);
- cout << setprecision(20) << tl.getValue() << endl;
- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* likelihood after full optimization", tl.getValue());
-- if (abs(tl.getValue() - finalValue) > 0.0001)
-+ if (abs(tl.getValue() - finalValue) > 0.01)
- throw Exception("Incorrect final value.");
- }
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+diff --git a/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp b/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 6a569b8..0000000
+--- a/test/test_likelihood_nh.cpp
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
+-// File: test_likelihood_nh.cpp
+-// Created by: Julien Dutheil
+-// Created on: Thu Jul 14 11:04 2011
+-Copyright or © or Copr. Bio++ Development Team, (November 17, 2004)
+-This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide classes
+-for numerical calculus. This file is part of the Bio++ project.
+-This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+-abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+-modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+-license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+-As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+-modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+-with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+-economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+-In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+-with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+-software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+-that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+-therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+-professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+-encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+-requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+-data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+-same conditions as regards security.
+-The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+-knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+-#include <Bpp/Numeric/Matrix/MatrixTools.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Seq/Alphabet/AlphabetTools.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/TreeTemplate.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Model/Nucleotide/T92.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Model/FrequenciesSet/NucleotideFrequenciesSet.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Model/SubstitutionModelSetTools.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Model/RateDistribution/GammaDiscreteRateDistribution.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Simulation/NonHomogeneousSequenceSimulator.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Likelihood/RNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/Likelihood/DRNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood.h>
+-#include <Bpp/Phyl/OptimizationTools.h>
+-#include <iostream>
+-using namespace bpp;
+-using namespace std;
+-void fitModelNH(SubstitutionModelSet* model, DiscreteDistribution* rdist, const Tree& tree, const SiteContainer& sites,
+- double initialValue, double finalValue, bool reparam) {
+- DRNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood tl(tree, sites, model, rdist, false, reparam);
+- tl.initialize();
+- cout << setprecision(20) << tl.getValue() << endl;
+- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* initial likelihood", tl.getValue());
+- if (abs(tl.getValue() - initialValue) > 0.0001)
+- throw Exception("Incorrect initial value.");
+- OptimizationTools::optimizeTreeScale(&tl);
+- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* likelihood after tree scale", tl.getValue());
+- OptimizationTools::optimizeNumericalParameters2(&tl, tl.getParameters(), 0, 0.000001, 10000, 0, 0);
+- cout << setprecision(20) << tl.getValue() << endl;
+- ApplicationTools::displayResult("* likelihood after full optimization", tl.getValue());
+- if (abs(tl.getValue() - finalValue) > 0.0001)
+- throw Exception("Incorrect final value.");
+-int main() {
+- TreeTemplate<Node>* tree = TreeTemplateTools::parenthesisToTree("(((A:0.1, B:0.2):0.3,C:0.1):0.2,(D:0.3,(E:0.2,F:0.05):0.1):0.1);");
+- vector<string> seqNames= tree->getLeavesNames();
+- vector<int> ids = tree->getNodesId();
+- //-------------
+- const NucleicAlphabet* alphabet = &AlphabetTools::DNA_ALPHABET;
+- FrequenciesSet* rootFreqs = new GCFrequenciesSet(alphabet);
+- SubstitutionModel* model = new T92(alphabet, 3.);
+- std::vector<std::string> globalParameterNames;
+- globalParameterNames.push_back("T92.kappa");
+- map<string, string> alias;
+- SubstitutionModelSet* modelSet = SubstitutionModelSetTools::createNonHomogeneousModelSet(model, rootFreqs, tree, alias, globalParameterNames);
+- //DiscreteDistribution* rdist = new ConstantDistribution(1.0, true);
+- //Very difficult to optimize on small datasets:
+- DiscreteDistribution* rdist = new GammaDiscreteRateDistribution(4, 1.0);
+- size_t nsites = 1000;
+- unsigned int nrep = 3;
+- size_t nmodels = modelSet->getNumberOfModels();
+- vector<double> thetas(nmodels);
+- vector<double> thetasEst1(nmodels);
+- vector<double> thetasEst2(nmodels);
+- for (size_t i = 0; i < nmodels; ++i) {
+- double theta = RandomTools::giveRandomNumberBetweenZeroAndEntry(0.9) + 0.05;
+- cout << "Theta" << i << " set to " << theta << endl;
+- modelSet->setParameterValue("T92.theta_" + TextTools::toString(i + 1), theta);
+- thetas[i] = theta;
+- }
+- NonHomogeneousSequenceSimulator simulator(modelSet, rdist, tree);
+- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nrep; j++) {
+- OutputStream* profiler = new StlOutputStream(new ofstream("profile.txt", ios::out));
+- OutputStream* messenger = new StlOutputStream(new ofstream("messages.txt", ios::out));
+- //Simulate data:
+- unique_ptr<SiteContainer> sites(simulator.simulate(nsites));
+- //Now fit model:
+- unique_ptr<SubstitutionModelSet> modelSet2(modelSet->clone());
+- unique_ptr<SubstitutionModelSet> modelSet3(modelSet->clone());
+- RNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood tl(*tree, *sites.get(), modelSet2.get(), rdist, true, true, false);
+- tl.initialize();
+- RNonHomogeneousTreeLikelihood tl2(*tree, *sites.get(), modelSet3.get(), rdist, true, true, true);
+- tl2.initialize();
+- unsigned int c1 = OptimizationTools::optimizeNumericalParameters2(
+- &tl, tl.getSubstitutionModelParameters(), 0,
+- 0.0001, 10000, messenger, profiler, false, false, 1, OptimizationTools::OPTIMIZATION_NEWTON);
+- unsigned int c2 = OptimizationTools::optimizeNumericalParameters2(
+- &tl2, tl2.getSubstitutionModelParameters(), 0,
+- 0.0001, 10000, messenger, profiler, false, false, 1, OptimizationTools::OPTIMIZATION_NEWTON);
+- cout << c1 << ": " << tl.getValue() << "\t" << c2 << ": " << tl2.getValue() << endl;
+- for (size_t i = 0; i < nmodels; ++i) {
+- cout << modelSet2->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue() << "\t" << modelSet3->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue() << endl;
+- //if (abs(modelSet2->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue() - modelSet3->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue()) > 0.1)
+- // return 1;
+- thetasEst1[i] += modelSet2->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue();
+- thetasEst2[i] += modelSet3->getModel(i)->getParameter("theta").getValue();
+- }
+- }
+- thetasEst1 /= static_cast<double>(nrep);
+- thetasEst2 /= static_cast<double>(nrep);
+- //Now compare estimated values to real ones:
+- for (size_t i = 0; i < thetas.size(); ++i) {
+- cout << thetas[i] << "\t" << thetasEst1[i] << "\t" << thetasEst2[i] << endl;
+- double diff1 = abs(thetas[i] - thetasEst1[i]);
+- double diff2 = abs(thetas[i] - thetasEst2[i]);
+- if (diff1 > 0.2 || diff2 > 0.2)
+- return 1;
+- }
+- //-------------
+- delete tree;
+- delete modelSet;
+- delete rdist;
+- return 0;
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libbpp-phyl/compare/5267f4642165a67e7c294adf2561a004003e3fe2...3129697908c116570e6facacffe475f6b4f98148
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libbpp-phyl/compare/5267f4642165a67e7c294adf2561a004003e3fe2...3129697908c116570e6facacffe475f6b4f98148
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