[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/debian-med-flyer][master] 2 commits: latest edits

Michael R. Crusoe gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Nov 19 08:57:03 GMT 2019

Michael R. Crusoe pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / debian-med-flyer

d1e80bb3 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-11-19T08:23:38Z
latest edits

- - - - -
73066e9a by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-11-19T08:56:30Z
add bolding

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- + DebianMedFlyer.pdf
- DebianMedFlyer.sla


Binary files /dev/null and b/DebianMedFlyer.pdf differ

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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-            <ITEXT CH="The Debian Med team main­tains more than 800 packages in the field of medicine and life sciences. The current stable ver­­sion 3.3 is delivered with the release of Debian 10 “Buster” in 2019. All packages are installable from the regular Debian distribution without external re­­quire­­ments or non-official repositories. The packages are Open Source as defined by the Debian Free Software Guide­­lines."/>
+            <ITEXT CH="The Debian Med team main­tains more than 800 soft­ware packages in the fields of medicine and life sciences. All packages are installable from the regular Debian distribution without external re­­quire­­ments or non-official repositories. The packages are Open Source as defined by the Debian Free Software Guide­­lines."/>
             <para LINESP="12"/>
             <para LINESP="12"/>
-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="In co­or­di­na­tion with up­stream, the pack­ages are care­fully ad­justed to per­fectly work to­gether in the De­bian ecosys­tem."/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="In co­or­di­na­tion with "up­stream" soft­ware main­tain­ers, the pack­ages are care­fully ad­justed to per­fectly work to­gether in the De­bian ecosys­tem."/>
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@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@
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-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="    ht­tps://blend­s.debi­an.or­g/med"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="    https://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/"/>
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@@ -166,10 +165,26 @@
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-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Frequently used packages in bioinformatics"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Frequently used pack­ages"/>
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-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="According to Debian’s usage statistics, the following well known packages in Bioinformatics are frequently used in Debian: snap, emboss, bioperl, samtools and ncbi-tools6.  The Debian Med team works closely together with the DebiChem team which is packaging pymol, rasmol and jmol.  Since all these packages are ending up in the main Debian pool, this is transparent for the user experience."/>
+            <ITEXT CH="According to Debian’s usage statistics, the following well-known bioin­form­at­ics soft­ware pack­ages are frequently used in Debian: "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="snap"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="emboss"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
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+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="samtools"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=" and "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="ncbi-tools6"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=".  The Debian Med team works closely together with the DebiChem team which is packaging "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="pymol"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="rasmol"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=" and "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="jmol"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=".  Since all these packages are ending up in the main Debian pool, this is transparent for the user experience."/>
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@@ -183,11 +198,23 @@
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+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Multiple Sequence Align­ment"/>
             <para ALIGN="3" LINESP="12"/>
             <para ALIGN="3" LINESP="12"/>
-            <ITEXT CH="Need to perform multiple sequence alignments? Debian Med includes the most widely used software tools to create (mafft, clustal omega, t_coffee), convert (mview), visualize and edit (seaview, jalview) multiple alignments."/>
+            <ITEXT CH="Do you need to perform multiple sequence alignments? Debian Med includes the most widely used software tools to create ("/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="mafft"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="clustal omega"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="t_coffee"/>
+            <ITEXT CH="), convert ("/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="mview"/>
+            <ITEXT CH="), visualize and edit ("/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="seaview"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" CH="jalview"/>
+            <ITEXT CH=") multiple alignments."/>
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@@ -195,14 +222,22 @@
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-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Many packages are available on Debian Med to support the analysis of Mass Spectrometry data (no, it doesn't have to be in Microsoft Excel ;) ). These packages (e.g. openms, Msxpertsuite) will help you analyzing your MaxQuant data (e.g. mzQuantML, pepXML)! "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Many packages are available on Debian Med to support the analysis of Mass Spectrometry data (no, it doesn't have to be in Microsoft Excel ;) ). These packages (e.g. "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="9" CH="openms"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Msxpertsuite"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH=") will help you analyzing your MaxQuant data (e.g. "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="9" CH="mzQuantML"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH=", "/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="9" CH="pepXML"/>
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-            <ITEXT CH="The Debian Med team puts focus on reproducibly of computation and thus testing of the results.  All packages with high usage numbers are covered by a Continuous Integration test (we call this “autopkgtest”), and we are continuously working on adding more tests to the packages.  This was done in GSoC and Outreachy projects by students who partly remained inside the project."/>
+            <ITEXT CH="The Debian Med team puts focus on reproducibly of computation and thus testing of the results.  All packages with high usage numbers are covered by a Continuous Integration test (we call this “autopkgtest”), and we continuously work on adding more tests to the packages.  This was done in GSoC and Outreachy projects by students who partly con­tinue to con­trib­ute."/>
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@@ -230,11 +265,11 @@
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-            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Since the De­bian Med Pure Blend is an in­te­gral part of De­bian, all pack­ages can be sim­ply in­stalled with"/>
+            <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Roman" FONTSIZE="9" CH="Since the De­bian Med pack­ages are an in­te­gral part of De­bian, all pack­ages can be sim­ply in­stalled with"/>
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             <ITEXT FONT="Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold Oblique" CH="pack­age"/>
-            <ITEXT CH=" in a plain De­bian in­stal­la­tion."/>
+            <ITEXT CH=" in any De­bian based sys­tem."/>
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@@ -259,5 +294,16 @@
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+            <para ALIGN="3" LINESP="12"/>
+            <para ALIGN="3" LINESP="12"/>
+            <ITEXT CH="The package description available for each Debian package is very detailed, and focuses on provenance (linking to the source repository, authors, etc.). In addition, a large portion of the packages have been annotated with EDAM concepts (http://edamontology.org) to provide a formal scientific description that describes the specific domain, the bioinformatics operations performed, and the inputs and outputs of each tool (the data and formats used for their rep­res­ent­a­tion)."/>
+            <para ALIGN="3" LINESP="12"/>
+            <para/>
+            <ITEXT CH="Also in­cluded are bio.tools and SciCrunch RRID IDs"/>
+            <trail/>
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