[med-svn] [Git][med-team/gwyddion][master] 2 commits: Update spelling-errors.patch from upstream repo as it broke things

Yavor Doganov gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Nov 21 15:26:27 GMT 2019

Yavor Doganov pushed to branch master at Debian Med / gwyddion

8306181c by Yavor Doganov at 2019-11-21T15:06:31Z
Update spelling-errors.patch from upstream repo as it broke things

- - - - -
1a881e3f by Yavor Doganov at 2019-11-21T15:14:13Z
Update ftbfs-hurd.patch to use the upstream implementation

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/patches/ftbfs-hurd.patch
- debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch


@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+gwyddion (2.55-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * debian/patches/spelling-errors.patch: Update from upstream r22687 as
+    it broke flattened string version.
+  * debian/patches/ftbfs-hurd.patch: Replace with the upstream
+    implementation as it is more efficient.
+ -- Yavor Doganov <yavor at gnu.org>  Thu, 21 Nov 2019 17:12:00 +0200
 gwyddion (2.55-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Shayan Doust ]

@@ -1,38 +1,56 @@
 Description: Fix FTBFS on GNU/Hurd.
  PATH_MAX is undefined there since filenames can be of abritrary length.
-Author: Yavor Doganov <yavor at gnu.org>
-Forwarded: David Nečas (Yeti) <yeti at gwyddion.net>
-Last-Update: 2019-11-20
+Origin: upstream, commit:r22685
+Last-Update: 2019-11-21
 --- gwyddion.orig/modules/file/gwyzip.h
 +++ gwyddion/modules/file/gwyzip.h
-@@ -260,12 +260,23 @@
+@@ -62,14 +62,6 @@
+ #define HAVE_GWYZIP 1
+ #include <unzip.h>
+-#ifdef _MSC_VER
+-    #include <windows.h>
+-    #ifdef PATH_MAX
+-    #undef PATH_MAX
+-    #endif
+-    #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH
+ struct _GwyZipFile {
+     unzFile *unzfile;
+     guint index;
+@@ -260,18 +252,29 @@
      unz_file_info fileinfo;
      gint status;
      gchar *filename_buf;
 -    filename_buf = g_new(gchar, PATH_MAX + 1);
-+    gsize size;
-+    size = 128;
-+    while (1) {
-+        filename_buf = g_new0(gchar, size);
++    guint size = 256;
++    /* unzGetCurrentFileInfo() nul-terminates the string if we pass longer
++     * buffer than actual file name length - which is only uint16. */
++    filename_buf = g_new(gchar, size+1);
+     status = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipfile->unzfile, &fileinfo,
+-                                   filename_buf, PATH_MAX,
++                                   filename_buf, size,
+                                    NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
+-    filename_buf[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
++    if (status == UNZ_OK && fileinfo.size_filename > size) {
++        g_free(filename_buf);
++        size = fileinfo.size_filename;
++        filename_buf = g_new(gchar, size+1);
 +        status = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipfile->unzfile, &fileinfo,
 +                                       filename_buf, size,
 +                                       NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
-+        if (status != UNZ_OK || fileinfo.size_filename == strlen(filename_buf))
-+            break;
-+        size *= 2;
-+        g_free(filename_buf);
 +    }
--    status = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipfile->unzfile, &fileinfo,
--                                   filename_buf, PATH_MAX,
--                                   NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
--    filename_buf[PATH_MAX] = '\0';
      if (status != UNZ_OK) {
          *filename = NULL;
+         err_MINIZIP(status, error);
+         return FALSE;
+     }
++    filename_buf[size] = '\0';
+     *filename = filename_buf;
+     return TRUE;
+ }

@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
 Description: Fix some trivial spelling errors.
-Author: Yavor Doganov <yavor at gnu.org>
-Forwarded: David Nečas (Yeti) <yeti at gwyddion.net>
+Origin: upstream, commit:r22686, r22687
 Last-Update: 2019-11-21
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/process/fit-shape.c
++++ gwyddion/modules/process/fit-shape.c
+@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@
+              || controls->state == FIT_SHAPE_QUICK_FIT_FAILED)
+         message = _("Fit failed");
+     else if (controls->state == FIT_SHAPE_FIT_CANCELLED)
+-        message = _("Fit was interruped");
++        message = _("Fit was interrupted");
+     set_widget_as_error_message(controls->fit_message);
+     gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(controls->fit_message), message);
 --- gwyddion.orig/modules/file/iso28600.c
 +++ gwyddion/modules/file/iso28600.c
 @@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
@@ -17,23 +27,247 @@ Last-Update: 2019-11-21
      { "Physical unit of X axis",                     26,  ISO28600_UNIT,      },
      { "Physical unit of Y axis",                     27,  ISO28600_UNIT,      },
      { "Field of view X",                             28,  ISO28600_REAL_NUM,  },
-@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
+@@ -363,17 +363,17 @@
      "ds\000Number of hours in advance of GMT\000scan information\000Scan mo"
      "de\000Scanning system\000Scanner type\000Fast scan axis\000Fast scan d"
      "irection\000Slow scan axis\000Slow scan direction\000Number of discret"
 -    "e X coordintes in full map\000Number of discrete Y coordintes in full "
-+    "e X coordinates in full map\000Number of discrete Y coordinates in full "
-     "map\000Physical unit of X axis\000Physical unit of Y axis\000Field of "
-     "view X\000Field of view Y\000Physical unit of X offset\000Physical uni"
-     "t of Y offset\000X offset\000Y offset\000Rotation angle\000Physical un"
---- gwyddion.orig/modules/process/fit-shape.c
-+++ gwyddion/modules/process/fit-shape.c
-@@ -1881,7 +1881,7 @@
-              || controls->state == FIT_SHAPE_QUICK_FIT_FAILED)
-         message = _("Fit failed");
-     else if (controls->state == FIT_SHAPE_FIT_CANCELLED)
--        message = _("Fit was interruped");
-+        message = _("Fit was interrupted");
+-    "map\000Physical unit of X axis\000Physical unit of Y axis\000Field of "
+-    "view X\000Field of view Y\000Physical unit of X offset\000Physical uni"
+-    "t of Y offset\000X offset\000Y offset\000Rotation angle\000Physical un"
+-    "it of scan speed\000Scan speed\000Physical unit of scan rate\000Scan r"
+-    "ate\000SPM technique\000Bias voltage contact\000Bias voltage\000Number"
+-    " of set items\000Set parameters\000Units of set parameters\000Values o"
+-    "f set parameters\000Calibration comments for set parameters\000Calibra"
+-    "tions for set parameters\000environment description\000Environment mod"
+-    "e\000Sample temperature\000Surroundings pressure\000Environment humidi"
+-    "ty\000Comment (environment)\000probe description\000Probe identifier"
++    "e X coordinates in full map\000Number of discrete Y coordinates in ful"
++    "l map\000Physical unit of X axis\000Physical unit of Y axis\000Field o"
++    "f view X\000Field of view Y\000Physical unit of X offset\000Physical u"
++    "nit of Y offset\000X offset\000Y offset\000Rotation angle\000Physical "
++    "unit of scan speed\000Scan speed\000Physical unit of scan rate\000Scan"
++    " rate\000SPM technique\000Bias voltage contact\000Bias voltage\000Numb"
++    "er of set items\000Set parameters\000Units of set parameters\000Values"
++    " of set parameters\000Calibration comments for set parameters\000Calib"
++    "rations for set parameters\000environment description\000Environment m"
++    "ode\000Sample temperature\000Surroundings pressure\000Environment humi"
++    "dity\000Comment (environment)\000probe description\000Probe identifier"
+     "\000Probe material\000Normal spring constant\000Resonance frequency"
+     "\000Cantilever sensitvity\000Angle between probe and X axis\000Angle b"
+     "etween probe vertical movement and Z axis in X azimuth\000Angle betwee"
+@@ -430,110 +430,110 @@
+     { 366, 22, ISO28600_ENUM },
+     { 381, 23, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+     { 401, 24, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 445, 25, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 489, 26, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 513, 27, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 537, 28, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 553, 29, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 569, 30, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 595, 31, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 621, 32, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 630, 33, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 639, 34, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 654, 35, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 682, 36, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 693, 37, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 720, 38, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 730, 39, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 744, 40, ISO28600_ENUM },
+-    { 765, 41, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 778, 42, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 798, 43, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
+-    { 813, 44, ISO28600_UNITS },
+-    { 837, 45, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
+-    { 862, 46, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
+-    { 902, 47, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
+-    { 934, 48, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 958, 49, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 975, 50, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 994, 51, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1016, 52, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1037, 53, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1059, 54, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1077, 55, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1094, 56, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1109, 57, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1132, 58, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1152, 59, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1174, 60, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1205, 61, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1267, 62, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1329, 63, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1345, 64, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1364, 65, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1382, 66, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1396, 67, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1413, 68, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1448, 69, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1463, 70, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 1495, 71, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1520, 72, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1545, 73, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1563, 74, ISO28600_ENUM },
+-    { 1586, 75, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1601, 76, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 1615, 77, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1630, 78, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1643, 79, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1662, 80, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
+-    { 1696, 81, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 1725, 82, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 1750, 83, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
+-    { 1766, 84, ISO28600_UNITS },
+-    { 1781, 85, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
+-    { 1817, 86, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1840, 87, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1867, 88, ISO28600_ENUM },
+-    { 1882, 89, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1899, 90, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1919, 91, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1940, 92, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 1965, 93, ISO28600_FIXED },
+-    { 1999, 94, ISO28600_INTEGER },
+-    { 2023, 95, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2040, 96, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2063, 97, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2088, 98, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2105, 99, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2128, 100, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2153, 101, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2170, 102, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2193, 103, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2218, 104, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2235, 105, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2258, 106, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2283, 107, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2300, 108, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2323, 109, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2348, 110, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2365, 111, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2388, 112, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2413, 113, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2430, 114, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2453, 115, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2478, 116, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2495, 117, ISO28600_UNIT },
+-    { 2518, 118, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2543, 119, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
+-    { 2575, 120, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2576, 121, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2577, 122, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2578, 123, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2579, 124, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2580, 125, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2581, 126, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2582, 127, ISO28600_RESERVED },
+-    { 2583, 128, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 446, 25, ISO28600_INTEGER },
++    { 491, 26, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 515, 27, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 539, 28, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 555, 29, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 571, 30, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 597, 31, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 623, 32, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 632, 33, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 641, 34, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 656, 35, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 684, 36, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 695, 37, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 722, 38, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 732, 39, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 746, 40, ISO28600_ENUM },
++    { 767, 41, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 780, 42, ISO28600_INTEGER },
++    { 800, 43, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
++    { 815, 44, ISO28600_UNITS },
++    { 839, 45, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
++    { 864, 46, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
++    { 904, 47, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
++    { 936, 48, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 960, 49, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 977, 50, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 996, 51, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1018, 52, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1039, 53, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1061, 54, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 1079, 55, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1096, 56, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1111, 57, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1134, 58, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1154, 59, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1176, 60, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1207, 61, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1269, 62, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1331, 63, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1347, 64, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 1366, 65, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1384, 66, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1398, 67, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1415, 68, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 1450, 69, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1465, 70, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 1497, 71, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1522, 72, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 1547, 73, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1565, 74, ISO28600_ENUM },
++    { 1588, 75, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1603, 76, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 1617, 77, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1632, 78, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1645, 79, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1664, 80, ISO28600_REAL_NUM },
++    { 1698, 81, ISO28600_INTEGER },
++    { 1727, 82, ISO28600_INTEGER },
++    { 1752, 83, ISO28600_TEXT_LIST },
++    { 1768, 84, ISO28600_UNITS },
++    { 1783, 85, ISO28600_REAL_NUMS },
++    { 1819, 86, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1842, 87, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 1869, 88, ISO28600_ENUM },
++    { 1884, 89, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1901, 90, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1921, 91, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1942, 92, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 1967, 93, ISO28600_FIXED },
++    { 2001, 94, ISO28600_INTEGER },
++    { 2025, 95, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2042, 96, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2065, 97, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2090, 98, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2107, 99, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2130, 100, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2155, 101, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2172, 102, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2195, 103, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2220, 104, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2237, 105, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2260, 106, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2285, 107, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2302, 108, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2325, 109, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2350, 110, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2367, 111, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2390, 112, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2415, 113, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2432, 114, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2455, 115, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2480, 116, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2497, 117, ISO28600_UNIT },
++    { 2520, 118, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2545, 119, ISO28600_TEXT_LINE },
++    { 2577, 120, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2578, 121, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2579, 122, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2580, 123, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2581, 124, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2582, 125, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2583, 126, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2584, 127, ISO28600_RESERVED },
++    { 2585, 128, ISO28600_FIXED },
+ };
+ #endif  /* }}} */
-     set_widget_as_error_message(controls->fit_message);
-     gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(controls->fit_message), message);

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gwyddion/compare/9bb2682bb358331f5a5a553c813bc50e2f73c8f3...1a881e3f97fa8c2f44ae0dab555b02a03b54d674

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gwyddion/compare/9bb2682bb358331f5a5a553c813bc50e2f73c8f3...1a881e3f97fa8c2f44ae0dab555b02a03b54d674
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