[med-svn] [Git][med-team/macs][master] 4 commits: New upstream version
Michael R. Crusoe
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 1 11:38:16 BST 2019
Michael R. Crusoe pushed to branch master at Debian Med / macs
a919eaa8 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-10-01T00:44:00Z
New upstream version
- - - - -
8f6bfc8c by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-10-01T00:44:01Z
New upstream version 2.1.4
- - - - -
9d8a196a by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-10-01T01:01:00Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.1.4'
Update to upstream version '2.1.4'
with Debian dir 98e44709befa1dd027c6b1e248cfa17dad1c4207
- - - - -
5b2bb5b2 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2019-10-01T10:37:21Z
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
18 changed files:
- ChangeLog
- MACS2.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- MACS2.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
- MACS2.egg-info/requires.txt
- MACS2/Constants.py
- − MACS2/IO/BinKeeper.py
- MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.c
- MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.pyx
- MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.c
- MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.pyx
- MACS2/bdgdiff_cmd.py
- debian/changelog
- + debian/patches/series
- + debian/patches/spelling
- setup.py
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+2019-09-30 Tao Liu <vladimir.liu at gmail.com>
+ MACS version 2.1.4
+ * Features added
+ Github Actions is used together with Travis CI for testing and
+ deployment.
+ * Bugs fixed
+ PR #322:
+ 1) #318 Random score in bdgdiff output. It turns out the sum_v is
+ not initialized as 0 before adding. Potential bugs are fixed in
+ other functions in ScoreTrack and CallPeakUnit codes.
+ 2) #321 Cython dependency in setup.py script is removed. And place
+ 'cythonzie' call to the correct position.
+ 3) A typo is fixed in Github Actions script.
2019-09-19 Tao Liu <vladimir.liu at gmail.com>
MACS version
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
-Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 15:08:35 taoliu>
+Time-stamp: <2019-09-30 14:47:45 taoliu>
Please check the following instructions to complete your installation.
## Prerequisites
-Python version must be equal to *2.7* to run MACS. I recommend
-using the version *2.7.15*.
+Python version must be equal to *2.7* to run MACS.
-[Numpy](http://www.scipy.org/Download) (>=1.15) are required to run MACS v2.
+[Numpy](http://www.scipy.org/Download) (>=1.16) are required to run MACS v2.
GCC is required to compile `.c` codes in MACS v2 package, and python
header files are needed. If you are using Mac OSX, I recommend you
install Xcode; if you are using Linux, you need to make sure
`python-dev` is installed.
-[Cython](http://cython.org/) (>=0.25) is required to generate `.c`
+[Cython](http://cython.org/) (>=0.29) is required to generate `.c`
files from `.pyx` files using `setup.py` script.
## Easy installation through PyPI
@@ -25,12 +24,12 @@ it's not available in your system. *Note* if you have already
installed numpy and scipy system-wide, you can use `virtualenv
--system-site-packages` to let your virtual Python environment have
access to system-wide numpy and scipy libraries so that you don't need
-to install them again.
+to install them again.
Then under command line, type `pip install MACS2`. PyPI will
install Numpy and Cython automatically if they are absent.
-To upgrade MACS2, type `pip install -U MACS2`. It will check
+To upgrade MACS2, type `pip install --upgrade MACS2`. It will check
currently installed MACS2, compare the version with the one on PyPI
repository, download and install newer version while necessary.
@@ -1,14 +1,32 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: MACS2
+Version: 2.1.4
Summary: Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data
Home-page: http://github.com/taoliu/MACS/
Author: Tao Liu
Author-email: vladimir.liu at gmail.com
License: UNKNOWN
-Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
+Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (2.1.4)
- ###
+ ### 2.1.4
+ * Features added
+ Github Actions is used together with Travis CI for testing and
+ deployment.
+ * Bugs fixed (PR #322)
+ 1) #318 Random score in `bdgdiff` output. It turns out the sum_v
+ is not initialized as 0 before adding. Potential bugs are fixed in
+ other functions in ScoreTrack and CallPeakUnit codes.
+ 2) #321 Cython dependency in `setup.py` script is removed. And
+ place 'cythonzie' call to the correct position.
+ 3) A typo is fixed in Github Actions script.
+ ### 2.1.3
* Features added
1) Support Docker auto-deploy. PR #309
@@ -43,44 +61,7 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
- ### 2.1.2
- * New features
- 1) Added missing BEDPE support. And enable the support for BAMPE
- and BEDPE formats in 'pileup', 'filterdup' and 'randsample'
- subcommands. When format is BAMPE or BEDPE, The 'pileup' command
- will pile up the whole fragment defined by mapping locations of
- the left end and right end of each read pair. Thank @purcaro
- 2) Added options to callpeak command for tweaking max-gap and
- min-len during peak calling. Thank @jsh58!
- 3) The callpeak option "--to-large" option is replaced with
- "--scale-to large".
- 4) The randsample option "-t" has been replaced with "-i".
- * Bug fixes
- 1) Fixed memory issue related to #122 and #146
- 2) Fixed a bug caused by a typo. Related to #249, Thank @shengqh
- 3) Fixed a bug while setting commandline qvalue cutoff.
- 4) Better describe the 5th column of narrowPeak. Thank @alexbarrera
- 5) Fixed the calculation of average fragment length for paired-end
- data. Thank @jsh58
- 6) Fixed bugs caused by khash while computing p/q-value and log
- likelihood ratios. Thank @jsh58
- 7) More spelling tweaks in source code. Thank @mr-c
- # README for MACS2 (
+ # README for MACS2 (2.1.4)
## Introduction
@@ -268,8 +249,19 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
##### `--min-length`, `--max-gap`
- These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word, a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a *min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a
- large value such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
+ These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior
+ by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum
+ allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word,
+ a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance
+ between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be
+ merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value
+ for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT
+ value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a
+ *min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO
+ effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a large value
+ such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with
+ default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different
+ cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
##### `--nolambda`
@@ -405,21 +397,33 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
- fold enrichment for this peak summit against random Poisson distribution with local lambda,
- -log10(qvalue) at peak summit
- Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't be called in broad peak calling mode.
+ Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED
+ format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the
+ pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the
+ mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't
+ be called in broad peak calling mode.
2. `NAME_peaks.narrowPeak` is BED6+4 format file which contains the
peak locations together with peak summit, pvalue and qvalue. You
can load it to UCSC genome browser. Definition of some specific
columns are:
- - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t" '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
+ - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as
+ `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on
+ whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score
+ cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the
+ [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak
+ format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You
+ can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by
+ using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t"
+ '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
- 7th: fold-change at peak summit
- 8th: -log10pvalue at peak summit
- 9th: -log10qvalue at peak summit
- 10th: relative summit position to peak start
- The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the beginning track line if you want to
- analyze it by other tools.
+ The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the
+ beginning track line if you want to analyze it by other tools.
3. `NAME_summits.bed` is in BED format, which contains the peak
summits locations for every peaks. The 5th column in this file is
@@ -474,7 +478,8 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
## Tips of fine-tuning peak calling
- There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or customize your analysis:
+ There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or
+ customize your analysis:
1. `bdgcmp` can be used on `*_treat_pileup.bdg` and
`*_control_lambda.bdg` or bedGraph files from other resources
@@ -494,8 +499,9 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
according to parameter settings for minimum length, maximum gap
and cutoff.
- 4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak
- calling. Read detail at [MACS2 wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
+ 4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak calling. Read
+ detail at [MACS2
+ wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ ChangeLog
@@ -51,7 +53,6 @@ MACS2/IO/BedGraph.c
@@ -66,4 +67,24 @@ MACS2/IO/ScoreTrack.c
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+MACS_VERSION = "2.1.4"
#MACSDIFF_VERSION = "1.0.4 20110212 (tag:alpha)"
FILTERDUP_VERSION = "1.0.0 20140616"
RANDSAMPLE_VERSION = "1.0.0 20120703"
MACS2/IO/BinKeeper.py deleted
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 11:38:14 taoliu>
-"""Module Description: BinKeeper for Wiggle-like tracks. (obsolete)
-This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
-the distribution).
-# ------------------------------------
-# python modules
-# ------------------------------------
-import sys
-import re
-from bisect import insort,bisect_left,bisect_right,insort_right
-from array import array
-# ------------------------------------
-# constants
-# ------------------------------------
-# to determine the byte size
-if array('H',[1]).itemsize == 2:
- BYTE2 = 'H'
- raise Exception("BYTE2 type cannot be determined!")
-if array('I',[1]).itemsize == 4:
- BYTE4 = 'I'
-elif array('L',[1]).itemsize == 4:
- BYTE4 = 'L'
- raise Exception("BYTE4 type cannot be determined!")
-if array('f',[1]).itemsize == 4:
- FBYTE4 = 'f'
-elif array('d',[1]).itemsize == 4:
- FBYTE4 = 'd'
- raise Exception("BYTE4 type cannot be determined!")
-# ------------------------------------
-# Misc functions
-# ------------------------------------
-# ------------------------------------
-# Classes
-# ------------------------------------
-class BinKeeperI:
- """BinKeeper keeps point data from a chromosome in a bin list.
- Example:
- >>> from taolib.CoreLib.Parser import WiggleIO
- >>> w = WiggleIO('sample.wig')
- >>> bk = w.build_binKeeper()
- >>> bk['chrI'].pp2v(1000,2000) # to extract values in chrI:1000..2000
- """
- def __init__ (self,binsize=8000,chromosomesize=1e9):
- """Initializer.
- Parameters:
- binsize : size of bin in Basepair
- chromosomesize : size of chromosome, default is 1G
- """
- self.binsize = binsize
- self.binnumber = int(chromosomesize/self.binsize)+1
- self.cage = []
- a = self.cage.append
- for i in xrange(self.binnumber):
- a([array(BYTE4,[]),array(FBYTE4,[])])
- def add ( self, p, value ):
- """Add a position into BinKeeper.
- Note: position must be sorted before adding. Otherwise, pp2v
- and pp2p will not work.
- """
- bin = p/self.binsize
- self.cage[bin][0].append(p)
- self.cage[bin][1].append(value)
- def p2bin (self, p ):
- """Return the bin index for a position.
- """
- return p/self.binsize
- def p2cage (self, p):
- """Return the bin containing the position.
- """
- return self.cage[p/self.binsize]
- def __pp2cages (self, p1, p2):
- assert p1<=p2
- bin1 = self.p2bin(p1)
- bin2 = self.p2bin(p2)+1
- t = [array(BYTE4,[]),array(FBYTE4,[])]
- for i in xrange(bin1,bin2):
- t[0].extend(self.cage[i][0])
- t[1].extend(self.cage[i][1])
- return t
- def pp2p (self, p1, p2):
- """Give the position list between two given positions.
- Parameters:
- p1 : start position
- p2 : end position
- Return Value:
- list of positions between p1 and p2.
- """
- (ps,vs) = self.__pp2cages(p1,p2)
- p1_in_cages = bisect_left(ps,p1)
- p2_in_cages = bisect_right(ps,p2)
- return ps[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- def pp2v (self, p1, p2):
- """Give the value list between two given positions.
- Parameters:
- p1 : start position
- p2 : end position
- Return Value:
- list of values whose positions are between p1 and p2.
- """
- (ps,vs) = self.__pp2cages(p1,p2)
- p1_in_cages = bisect_left(ps,p1)
- p2_in_cages = bisect_right(ps,p2)
- return vs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- def pp2pv (self, p1, p2):
- """Give the (position,value) list between two given positions.
- Parameters:
- p1 : start position
- p2 : end position
- Return Value:
- list of (position,value) between p1 and p2.
- """
- (ps,vs) = self.__pp2cages(p1,p2)
- p1_in_cages = bisect_left(ps,p1)
- p2_in_cages = bisect_right(ps,p2)
- return zip(ps[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages],vs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages])
-class BinKeeperII:
- """BinKeeperII keeps non-overlapping interval data from a chromosome in a bin list.
- This is especially designed for bedGraph type data.
- """
- def __init__ (self,binsize=8000,chromosomesize=1e9):
- """Initializer.
- Parameters:
- binsize : size of bin in Basepair
- chromosomesize : size of chromosome, default is 1G
- """
- self.binsize = binsize
- self.binnumber = int(chromosomesize/self.binsize)+1
- self.cage = []
- a = self.cage.append
- for i in xrange(self.binnumber):
- a([array(BYTE4,[]),array(BYTE4,[]),array(FBYTE4,[])])
- def add ( self, startp, endp, value ):
- """Add an interval data into BinKeeper.
- Note: position must be sorted before adding. Otherwise, pp2v
- and pp2p will not work.
- """
- startbin = startp/self.binsize
- endbin = endp/self.binsize
- if startbin == endbin:
- # some intervals may only be within a bin
- j = bisect.bisect_left(self.cage[startbin][0],startp)
- self.cage[startbin][0].insert(j,startp)
- self.cage[startbin][1].insert(j,endp)
- self.cage[startbin][2].insert(j,value)
- else:
- # some intervals may cover the end of bins
- # first bin
- j = bisect.bisect_left(self.cage[startbin][0],startp)
- self.cage[startbin][0].insert(j,startp)
- self.cage[startbin][1].insert(j,(startbin+1)*self.binsize)
- self.cage[startbin][2].insert(j,value)
- # other bins fully covered
- for i in xrange(startbin+1,endbin):
- p = i*self.binsize
- j = bisect.bisect_left(self.cage[startbin][0],p)
- self.cage[startbin][0].insert(j,p)
- self.cage[startbin][1].insert(j,(i+1)*self.binsize)
- self.cage[startbin][2].insert(j,value)
- insort_right(self.cage[i][0],i*self.binsize)
- insort_right(self.cage[i][1],(i+1)*self.binsize)
- insort_right(self.cage[i][2],value)
- # last bin -- the start of this bin should be covered
- insort_right(self.cage[endbin][0],endbin*self.binsize)
- insort_right(self.cage[endbin][1],endp)
- insort_right(self.cage[endbin][2],value)
- def p2bin (self, p ):
- """Given a position, return the bin index for a position.
- """
- return p/self.binsize
- def p2cage (self, p):
- """Given a position, return the bin containing the position.
- """
- return self.cage[p/self.binsize]
- def pp2cages (self, p1, p2):
- """Given an interval, return the bins containing this interval.
- """
- assert p1<=p2
- bin1 = self.p2bin(p1)
- bin2 = self.p2bin(p2)
- t = [array(BYTE4,[]),array(BYTE4,[]),array(FBYTE4,[])]
- for i in xrange(bin1,bin2+1):
- t[0].extend(self.cage[i][0])
- t[1].extend(self.cage[i][1])
- t[2].extend(self.cage[i][2])
- return t
- def pp2intervals (self, p1, p2):
- """Given an interval, return the intervals list between two given positions.
- Parameters:
- p1 : start position
- p2 : end position
- Return Value:
- A list of intervals start and end positions (tuple) between p1 and p2.
- * Remember, I assume all intervals saved in this BinKeeperII
- are not overlapping, so if there is some overlap, this
- function will not work as expected.
- """
- (startposs,endposs,vs) = self.pp2cages(p1,p2)
- p1_in_cages = bisect_left(startposs,p1)
- p2_in_cages = bisect_right(endposs,p2)
- output_startpos_list = startposs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- output_endpos_list = endposs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- # check if the bin (p1_in_cages-1) covers p1
- if p1 < endposs[p1_in_cages-1]:
- # add this interval
- output_startpos_list = array(BYTE4,[p1,])+output_startpos_list
- output_endpos_list = array(BYTE4,[endposs[p1_in_cages-1],])+output_endpos_list
- # check if the bin (p2_in_cages+1) covers p2
- if p2 > startposs[p2_in_cages+1]:
- # add this interval
- output_startpos_list = array(BYTE4,[startposs[p2_in_cages+1],])+output_startpos_list
- output_endpos_list = array(BYTE4,[p2,])+output_endpos_list
- return zip(output_startpos_list,output_endpos_list)
- def pp2pvs (self, p1, p2):
- """Given an interval, return the values list between two given positions.
- Parameters:
- p1 : start position
- p2 : end position
- Return Value:
- A list of start, end positions, values (tuple) between p1 and
- p2. Each value represents the value in an interval. Remember
- the interval length and positions are lost in the output.
- * Remember, I assume all intervals saved in this BinKeeperII
- are not overlapping, so if there is some overlap, this
- function will not work as expected.
- """
- (startposs,endposs,vs) = self.pp2cages(p1,p2)
- p1_in_cages = bisect_left(startposs,p1)
- p2_in_cages = bisect_right(endposs,p2)
- output_startpos_list = startposs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- output_endpos_list = endposs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- output_value_list = vs[p1_in_cages:p2_in_cages]
- # print p1_in_cages,p2_in_cages
- # print vs
- print output_startpos_list
- print output_endpos_list
- print output_value_list
- # check if the bin (p1_in_cages-1) covers p1
- if p1_in_cages-1 >= 0 and p1 < self.cage[p1_in_cages-1][1]:
- # add this interval
- output_startpos_list = array(BYTE4,[p1,])+output_startpos_list
- output_endpos_list = array(BYTE4,[self.cage[p1_in_cages-1][1],])+output_endpos_list
- output_value_list = array(BYTE4,[self.cage[p1_in_cages-1][2],])+output_value_list
- # check if the bin (p2_in_cages+1) covers p2
- #print p2_in_cages+1,len(self.cage)
- #print p2, self.cage[p2_in_cages+1][0]
- if p2_in_cages+1 < len(self.cage) and p2 > self.cage[p2_in_cages+1][0]:
- # add this interval
- output_startpos_list = output_startpos_list+array(BYTE4,[self.cage[p2_in_cages+1][0],])
- output_endpos_list = output_endpos_list+array(BYTE4,[p2,])
- output_value_list = output_value_list+array(BYTE4,[self.cage[p2_in_cages+1][2],])
- print output_startpos_list
- print output_endpos_list
- print output_value_list
- return zip(output_startpos_list,output_endpos_list,output_value_list)
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 11:38:30 taoliu>
+# Time-stamp: <2019-09-30 13:05:38 taoliu>
"""Module for Calculate Scores.
@@ -201,12 +201,13 @@ cdef float median_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
list tmp
int32_t l_half, c, tmp_l
float tmp_v
+ c = 0
tmp = sorted(zip( value, length ))
- l = sum( length )/2
+ l_half = sum( length )/2
for (tmp_v, tmp_l) in tmp:
c += tmp_l
- if c > l:
+ if c > l_half:
return tmp_v
cdef float mean_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
@@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ cdef float mean_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
list tmp
- int32_t tmp_l
+ int32_t tmp_l, l
float tmp_v, sum_v
sum_v = 0
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 11:40:07 taoliu>
+# Time-stamp: <2019-09-30 13:02:11 taoliu>
"""Module for Feature IO classes.
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ from copy import copy
from cpython cimport bool
-#from scipy.stats import chi2
from MACS2.Signal import maxima, enforce_valleys, enforce_peakyness
cimport cython
@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ LOG10_E = 0.43429448190325176
pscore_dict = dict()
-cdef inline double get_pscore ( int observed, double expectation ):
+cdef double get_pscore ( int observed, double expectation ):
"""Get p-value score from Poisson test. First check existing
table, if failed, call poisson_cdf function, then store the result
in table.
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ cdef inline double get_pscore ( int observed, double expectation ):
asym_logLR_dict = dict()
-cdef inline double logLR_asym ( double x, double y ):
+cdef double logLR_asym ( double x, double y ):
"""Calculate log10 Likelihood between H1 ( enriched ) and H0 (
chromatin bias ). Set minus sign for depletion.
@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@ cdef inline double logLR_asym ( double x, double y ):
sym_logLR_dict = dict()
-cdef inline double logLR_sym ( double x, double y ):
+cdef double logLR_sym ( double x, double y ):
"""Calculate log10 Likelihood between H1 ( enriched ) and H0 (
another enriched ). Set minus sign for H0>H1.
@@ -113,12 +111,12 @@ cdef inline double logLR_sym ( double x, double y ):
sym_logLR_dict[ ( x, y ) ] = s
return s
-cdef inline double get_logFE ( float x, float y ):
+cdef double get_logFE ( float x, float y ):
""" return 100* log10 fold enrichment with +1 pseudocount.
return log10( x/y )
-cdef inline float get_subtraction ( float x, float y):
+cdef float get_subtraction ( float x, float y):
""" return subtraction.
return x - y
@@ -130,12 +128,13 @@ cdef float median_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
list tmp
int32_t l_half, c, tmp_l
float tmp_v
+ c = 0
tmp = sorted(zip( value, length ))
- l = sum( length )/2
+ l_half = sum( length )/2
for (tmp_v, tmp_l) in tmp:
c += tmp_l
- if c > l:
+ if c > l_half:
return tmp_v
cdef float mean_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
@@ -143,9 +142,10 @@ cdef float mean_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
list tmp
- int32_t tmp_l
+ int32_t tmp_l, l
float tmp_v, sum_v
+ sum_v = 0
tmp = zip( value, length )
l = sum( length )
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ cdef float mean_from_value_length ( np.ndarray value, list length ):
return sum_v / l
# ------------------------------------
# Classes
# ------------------------------------
@@ -1706,6 +1705,8 @@ cdef class TwoConditionScores:
"""This function try to find regions within which, scores
are continuously higher than a given cutoff.
+ For bdgdiff.
This function is NOT using sliding-windows. Instead, any
regions in bedGraph above certain cutoff will be detected,
then merged if the gap between nearby two regions are below
@@ -1815,9 +1816,11 @@ cdef class TwoConditionScores:
int32_t tmp_s, tmp_e
- int32_t l = 0
+ int32_t l
float tmp_v, sum_v
+ sum_v = 0
+ l = 0
for (tmp_s, tmp_e, tmp_v) in peakcontent:
sum_v += tmp_v * ( tmp_e - tmp_s )
l += tmp_e - tmp_s
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 11:30:12 taoliu>
+# Time-stamp: <2019-09-25 14:40:58 taoliu>
"""Description: Naive call differential peaks from 4 bedGraph tracks for scores.
@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ def run( options ):
info("Write peaks...")
- ofiles = []
- name_prefix = []
if options.ofile:
ofiles = map( lambda x: os.path.join( options.outdir, x ), options.ofile )
name_prefix = options.ofile
@@ -1,14 +1,32 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: MACS2
+Version: 2.1.4
Summary: Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data
Home-page: http://github.com/taoliu/MACS/
Author: Tao Liu
Author-email: vladimir.liu at gmail.com
License: UNKNOWN
-Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
+Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (2.1.4)
- ###
+ ### 2.1.4
+ * Features added
+ Github Actions is used together with Travis CI for testing and
+ deployment.
+ * Bugs fixed (PR #322)
+ 1) #318 Random score in `bdgdiff` output. It turns out the sum_v
+ is not initialized as 0 before adding. Potential bugs are fixed in
+ other functions in ScoreTrack and CallPeakUnit codes.
+ 2) #321 Cython dependency in `setup.py` script is removed. And
+ place 'cythonzie' call to the correct position.
+ 3) A typo is fixed in Github Actions script.
+ ### 2.1.3
* Features added
1) Support Docker auto-deploy. PR #309
@@ -43,44 +61,7 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
- ### 2.1.2
- * New features
- 1) Added missing BEDPE support. And enable the support for BAMPE
- and BEDPE formats in 'pileup', 'filterdup' and 'randsample'
- subcommands. When format is BAMPE or BEDPE, The 'pileup' command
- will pile up the whole fragment defined by mapping locations of
- the left end and right end of each read pair. Thank @purcaro
- 2) Added options to callpeak command for tweaking max-gap and
- min-len during peak calling. Thank @jsh58!
- 3) The callpeak option "--to-large" option is replaced with
- "--scale-to large".
- 4) The randsample option "-t" has been replaced with "-i".
- * Bug fixes
- 1) Fixed memory issue related to #122 and #146
- 2) Fixed a bug caused by a typo. Related to #249, Thank @shengqh
- 3) Fixed a bug while setting commandline qvalue cutoff.
- 4) Better describe the 5th column of narrowPeak. Thank @alexbarrera
- 5) Fixed the calculation of average fragment length for paired-end
- data. Thank @jsh58
- 6) Fixed bugs caused by khash while computing p/q-value and log
- likelihood ratios. Thank @jsh58
- 7) More spelling tweaks in source code. Thank @mr-c
- # README for MACS2 (
+ # README for MACS2 (2.1.4)
## Introduction
@@ -268,8 +249,19 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
##### `--min-length`, `--max-gap`
- These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word, a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a *min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a
- large value such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
+ These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior
+ by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum
+ allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word,
+ a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance
+ between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be
+ merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value
+ for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT
+ value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a
+ *min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO
+ effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a large value
+ such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with
+ default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different
+ cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
##### `--nolambda`
@@ -405,21 +397,33 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
- fold enrichment for this peak summit against random Poisson distribution with local lambda,
- -log10(qvalue) at peak summit
- Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't be called in broad peak calling mode.
+ Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED
+ format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the
+ pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the
+ mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't
+ be called in broad peak calling mode.
2. `NAME_peaks.narrowPeak` is BED6+4 format file which contains the
peak locations together with peak summit, pvalue and qvalue. You
can load it to UCSC genome browser. Definition of some specific
columns are:
- - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t" '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
+ - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as
+ `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on
+ whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score
+ cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the
+ [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak
+ format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You
+ can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by
+ using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t"
+ '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
- 7th: fold-change at peak summit
- 8th: -log10pvalue at peak summit
- 9th: -log10qvalue at peak summit
- 10th: relative summit position to peak start
- The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the beginning track line if you want to
- analyze it by other tools.
+ The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the
+ beginning track line if you want to analyze it by other tools.
3. `NAME_summits.bed` is in BED format, which contains the peak
summits locations for every peaks. The 5th column in this file is
@@ -474,7 +478,8 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
## Tips of fine-tuning peak calling
- There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or customize your analysis:
+ There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or
+ customize your analysis:
1. `bdgcmp` can be used on `*_treat_pileup.bdg` and
`*_control_lambda.bdg` or bedGraph files from other resources
@@ -494,8 +499,9 @@ Description: # Recent Changes for MACS (
according to parameter settings for minimum length, maximum gap
and cutoff.
- 4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak
- calling. Read detail at [MACS2 wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
+ 4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak calling. Read
+ detail at [MACS2
+ wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
-# Recent Changes for MACS (
+# Recent Changes for MACS (2.1.4)
+### 2.1.4
+ * Features added
+ Github Actions is used together with Travis CI for testing and
+ deployment.
+ * Bugs fixed (PR #322)
+ 1) #318 Random score in `bdgdiff` output. It turns out the sum_v
+ is not initialized as 0 before adding. Potential bugs are fixed in
+ other functions in ScoreTrack and CallPeakUnit codes.
+ 2) #321 Cython dependency in `setup.py` script is removed. And
+ place 'cythonzie' call to the correct position.
+ 3) A typo is fixed in Github Actions script.
+### 2.1.3
* Features added
1) Support Docker auto-deploy. PR #309
@@ -35,44 +53,7 @@
-### 2.1.2
- * New features
- 1) Added missing BEDPE support. And enable the support for BAMPE
- and BEDPE formats in 'pileup', 'filterdup' and 'randsample'
- subcommands. When format is BAMPE or BEDPE, The 'pileup' command
- will pile up the whole fragment defined by mapping locations of
- the left end and right end of each read pair. Thank @purcaro
- 2) Added options to callpeak command for tweaking max-gap and
- min-len during peak calling. Thank @jsh58!
- 3) The callpeak option "--to-large" option is replaced with
- "--scale-to large".
- 4) The randsample option "-t" has been replaced with "-i".
- * Bug fixes
- 1) Fixed memory issue related to #122 and #146
- 2) Fixed a bug caused by a typo. Related to #249, Thank @shengqh
- 3) Fixed a bug while setting commandline qvalue cutoff.
- 4) Better describe the 5th column of narrowPeak. Thank @alexbarrera
- 5) Fixed the calculation of average fragment length for paired-end
- data. Thank @jsh58
- 6) Fixed bugs caused by khash while computing p/q-value and log
- likelihood ratios. Thank @jsh58
- 7) More spelling tweaks in source code. Thank @mr-c
-# README for MACS2 (
+# README for MACS2 (2.1.4)
## Introduction
@@ -260,8 +241,19 @@ of qvalue.
##### `--min-length`, `--max-gap`
-These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word, a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a *min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a
-large value such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
+These two options can be used to fine-tune the peak calling behavior
+by specifying the minimum length of a called peak and the maximum
+allowed gap between two nearby regions to be merged. In another word,
+a called peak has to be longer than *min-length*, and if the distance
+between two nearby peaks is smaller than *max-gap* then they will be
+merged as one. If they are not set, MACS2 will set the DEFAULT value
+for *min-length* as the predicted fragment size d, and the DEFAULT
+value for *max-gap* as the detected read length. Note, if you set a
+*min-length* value smaller than the fragment size, it may have NO
+effect on the result. For BROAD peak calling, try to set a large value
+such as 500bps. You can also use '--cutoff-analysis' option with
+default setting, and check the column 'avelpeak' under different
+cutoff values to decide a reasonable *min-length* value.
##### `--nolambda`
@@ -397,21 +389,33 @@ for reading an alignment file is about # of CHROMOSOME * BUFFER_SIZE *
- fold enrichment for this peak summit against random Poisson distribution with local lambda,
- -log10(qvalue) at peak summit
- Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't be called in broad peak calling mode.
+ Coordinates in XLS is 1-based which is different with BED
+ format. When `--broad` is enabled for broad peak calling, the
+ pileup, pvalue, qvalue, and fold change in the XLS file will be the
+ mean value across the entire peak region, since peak summit won't
+ be called in broad peak calling mode.
2. `NAME_peaks.narrowPeak` is BED6+4 format file which contains the
peak locations together with peak summit, pvalue and qvalue. You
can load it to UCSC genome browser. Definition of some specific
columns are:
- - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t" '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
+ - 5th: integer score for display. It's calculated as
+ `int(-10*log10pvalue)` or `int(-10*log10qvalue)` depending on
+ whether `-p` (pvalue) or `-q` (qvalue) is used as score
+ cutoff. Please note that currently this value might be out of the
+ [0-1000] range defined in [UCSC Encode narrowPeak
+ format](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12). You
+ can let the value saturated at 1000 (i.e. p/q-value = 10^-100) by
+ using the following 1-liner awk: `awk -v OFS="\t"
+ '{$5=$5>1000?1000:$5} {print}' NAME_peaks.narrowPeak`
- 7th: fold-change at peak summit
- 8th: -log10pvalue at peak summit
- 9th: -log10qvalue at peak summit
- 10th: relative summit position to peak start
- The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the beginning track line if you want to
- analyze it by other tools.
+ The file can be loaded directly to UCSC genome browser. Remove the
+ beginning track line if you want to analyze it by other tools.
3. `NAME_summits.bed` is in BED format, which contains the peak
summits locations for every peaks. The 5th column in this file is
@@ -466,7 +470,8 @@ for reading an alignment file is about # of CHROMOSOME * BUFFER_SIZE *
## Tips of fine-tuning peak calling
-There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or customize your analysis:
+There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or
+customize your analysis:
1. `bdgcmp` can be used on `*_treat_pileup.bdg` and
`*_control_lambda.bdg` or bedGraph files from other resources
@@ -486,5 +491,6 @@ There are several subcommands within MACSv2 package to fine-tune or customize yo
according to parameter settings for minimum length, maximum gap
and cutoff.
-4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak
- calling. Read detail at [MACS2 wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
+4. You can combine subcommands to do a step-by-step peak calling. Read
+ detail at [MACS2
+ wikipage](https://github.com/taoliu/MACS/wiki/Advanced%3A-Call-peaks-using-MACS2-subcommands)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+macs (2.1.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream version
+ * Add patch to fix spelling typo
+ -- Michael R. Crusoe <michael.crusoe at gmail.com> Tue, 01 Oct 2019 12:35:55 +0200
macs ( unstable; urgency=medium
[ Jelmer Vernooij ]
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+From: Michael R. Crusoe <michael.crusoe at gmail.com>
+Subject: typo fix
+--- macs.orig/MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.pyx
++++ macs/MACS2/IO/CallPeakUnit.pyx
+@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
+ self.cutoff_analysis_filename = cutoff_analysis_filename
+ cpdef destroy ( self ):
+- """Remove temparary files for pileup values of each chromosome.
++ """Remove temporary files for pileup values of each chromosome.
+ Note: This function MUST be called if the class object won't
+ be used anymore.
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Time-stamp: <2019-09-20 15:08:11 taoliu>
+# Time-stamp: <2019-09-30 17:27:35 taoliu>
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
the distribution).
-import os
import sys
from setuptools import setup, Extension
@@ -22,14 +21,14 @@ try:
from Cython.Build import cythonize
has_cython = True
# Note: if this script is run under pip, cython should be installed already due to requirements.txt setting.
+except ImportError:
has_cython = False
- from numpy import get_include as numpy_get_include
- numpy_include_dir = [numpy_get_include()]
- numpy_include_dir = []
+ from numpy import get_include as numpy_get_include
+ numpy_include_dir = [numpy_get_include()]
+except ImportError:
+ numpy_include_dir = []
def main():
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ def main():
Extension("MACS2.PeakDetect", ["MACS2/PeakDetect.pyx"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.Signal", ["MACS2/Signal.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.PeakIO", ["MACS2/IO/PeakIO.pyx"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
- Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraphIO", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.pyx"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
+ Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraphIO", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.pyx"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.FixWidthTrack", ["MACS2/IO/FixWidthTrack.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.PairedEndTrack", ["MACS2/IO/PairedEndTrack.pyx"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraph", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraph.pyx"], libraries=["m"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
@@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ def main():
Extension("MACS2.hashtable", ["MACS2/hashtable.pyx"], include_dirs=["MACS2/",numpy_get_include()], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.Statistics", ["MACS2/Statistics.pyx"], libraries=["m"], include_dirs=["MACS2/",numpy_get_include()], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
+ ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules, language_level=2)
ext_modules = [Extension("MACS2.Prob", ["MACS2/Prob.c"], libraries=["m"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args ),
Extension("MACS2.IO.Parser",["MACS2/IO/Parser.c"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def main():
Extension("MACS2.PeakDetect", ["MACS2/PeakDetect.c"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.Signal", ["MACS2/Signal.c"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.PeakIO", ["MACS2/IO/PeakIO.c"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
- Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraphIO", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.c"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
+ Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraphIO", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraphIO.c"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.FixWidthTrack", ["MACS2/IO/FixWidthTrack.c"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.PairedEndTrack", ["MACS2/IO/PairedEndTrack.c"], include_dirs=numpy_include_dir, extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
Extension("MACS2.IO.BedGraph", ["MACS2/IO/BedGraph.c"], libraries=["m"], extra_compile_args=extra_c_args),
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def main():
long_description = fh.read()
- version="",
+ version="2.1.4",
description="Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data",
long_description = long_description,
@@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ def main():
package_dir={'MACS2' : 'MACS2'},
packages=['MACS2', 'MACS2.IO'],
- #package_data={'MACS2': ['data/*.dat']},
- scripts=['bin/macs2',
- ],
+ scripts=['bin/macs2', ],
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: Console',
@@ -104,11 +102,10 @@ def main():
'Programming Language :: Cython',
- 'numpy>=1.15',
- 'cython>=0.25',
+ 'numpy>=1.16',
cmdclass = command_classes,
- ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules, language_level="2")
+ ext_modules = ext_modules
if __name__ == '__main__':
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View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/macs/compare/80c600ce7b134f707ca923396ac8a671bffa1cb4...5b2bb5b2030f7b64d102f661f724637ae32f4426
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