[med-svn] [Git][med-team/gasic][master] 3 commits: In run_mappers.py the executable mason from seqan-apps version 1.x was called....
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 8 14:54:13 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / gasic
d26a8921 by Andreas Tille at 2019-10-08T13:39:23Z
In run_mappers.py the executable mason from seqan-apps version 1.x was called. This is not available any more in seqan-apps 2.x and thus it was replaced by mason_simulator. Hope that's OK.
- - - - -
84d34693 by Andreas Tille at 2019-10-08T13:39:46Z
2to3 patch
- - - - -
0771aad1 by Andreas Tille at 2019-10-08T13:53:32Z
Packaging now uses Python3
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- + debian/README.Debian
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/patches/2to3.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/patches/use_seqan_mason.patch
- debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+gasic for Debian
+The run_mappers.py script contained code relying on SeQan 1. This was replaced
+by SeQan 2 in Debian which does not contain the executable mason any more. The
+original command:
+ mason illumina -N 10000 -hi 0 -hs 0 -n 72 -sq -o <out> <ref>
+was replaced by
+ mason_simulator illumina --illumina-read-length 10000 -o <out> <ref>
+It is not sure whether this provides comparable results. If you have a better
+suggestion please write a bug report via
+ reportbug gasic
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:01:07 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+gasic (0.0.r19-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * Use 2to3 to port to Python3
+ Closes: #936582
+ * In run_mappers.py the executable mason from seqan-apps version 1.x
+ was called. This is not available any more in seqan-apps 2.x and
+ thus it was replaced by mason_simulator. Hope that's OK.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:01:07 +0200
gasic (0.0.r19-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* debhelper 11
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>,
Section: science
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
- python-all-dev,
+ dh-python,
+ python3,
Standards-Version: 4.2.1
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gasic
@@ -16,12 +17,12 @@ Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gasic/
Package: gasic
Architecture: any
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- ${python:Depends},
- python-scipy,
- python-numpy,
- python-biopython,
- python-pysam,
- python-matplotlib,
+ ${python3:Depends},
+ python3-scipy,
+ python3-numpy,
+ python3-biopython,
+ python3-pysam,
+ python3-matplotlib,
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+Description: Use 2to3 to port to Python3
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/936582
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Tue, 08 Oct 2019 15:01:07 +0200
+--- a/core/gasic.py
++++ b/core/gasic.py
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def similarity_correction(sim, reads, N)
+ A = sim
+ r = reads.astype(np.float) / N
+- rng = range(len(reads))
++ rng = list(range(len(reads)))
+ # Now solve the optimization problem: min_c |Ac-r|^2 s.t. c_i >= 0 and 1-sum(c_i) >= 0
+ # construct objective function
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ def bootstrap(reads, smat_raw, B, test_c
+ # check if the calculated abundance is below the test abundance
+ fails[b,:] = corr[b,:] < test_c
+- print
++ print()
+ p_values = np.mean(fails, axis=0)
+ abundances = np.mean(corr, axis=0)
+ variances = np.var(corr, axis=0)
+--- a/core/tools.py
++++ b/core/tools.py
+@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@ def read_names(filename):
+ def run_bowtie2(index, reads, out, param=""):
+ command = "bowtie2 -U {reads} -x {index} -S {samfile} {param} --local -M 0 ".format(reads=reads, index=index, samfile=out, param=param)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ return 1
+ def run_bowtie(index, reads, out, param=""):
+ command = "bowtie -S -p 2 -q -3 30 -v 2 {param} {index} {reads} > {samfile}".format(index=index, reads=reads, samfile=out, param=param)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ return 1
+ def run_bwa(index, reads, out, param=""):
+ command = "bwa aln {param} {index} {reads} > /tmp/res.sai".format(index=index, reads=reads, param=param)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ # convert the bwa output to SAM and remove temporary file
+ command_sam = "bwa samse %s /tmp/res.sai %s > %s && rm /tmp/res.sai"%(index,reads,out)
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def run_bwa(index, reads, out, param="")
+ def run_bwasw(index, reads, out, param=""):
+ command = "bwa bwasw {param} {index} {reads} > {samfile}".format(index=index, reads=reads, samfile=out, param=param)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ return 1
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ How to add your custom mapper
+ def run_mason_illumina(ref, out):
+ command = "mason illumina -N 10000 -hi 0 -hs 0 -n 72 -sq -o %s %s"%(out,ref)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ # remove the needless SAM file
+ command = "rm %s.sam"%out
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def run_mason_illumina(ref, out):
+ def run_dwgsim(ref, out):
+ command = "dwgsim -c 2 -1 80 -2 0 -r 0 -y 0 -e 0.002 -N 100000 -f TACG %s %s"%(ref, out)
+- print "Executing:",command
++ print("Executing:",command)
+ os.system(command)
+ # remove all additional files and rename reads file
+ command = "mv {out}.bfast.fastq {out} && rm {out}.bwa.read1.fastq && rm {out}.bwa.read2.fastq && rm {out}.mutations.txt".format(out=out)
+--- a/correct_abundances.py
++++ b/correct_abundances.py
+@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ def similarity_correction(names, smat_ra
+ p: p-value for the confidence, that the true abundance is above some threshold
+ """
+- print "\n--- GASiC correction\n"
++ print("\n--- GASiC correction\n")
+ # find out the number of reads
+ total = len( [1 for read in pysam.Samfile(sam_pattern%(names[0]), "r")] )
+- print " found %i reads"%total
++ print(" found %i reads"%total)
+ # initialize some arrays
+ # mapping information; mapped[i,j]=1 if read j was successfully mapped to i.
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ def similarity_correction(names, smat_ra
+ # total number of successfully mapped reads per reference
+ num_reads = np.zeros( (len(names),) )
+- print "\n--- Analyzing SAM files\n"
++ print("\n--- Analyzing SAM files\n")
+ # analyze the SAM files
+ for n_ind,nm in enumerate(names):
+ msg = " SAM file %i of %i"%(n_ind+1,len(names))
+@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ def similarity_correction(names, smat_ra
+ mapped[n_ind,:] = np.array([int(not rd.is_unmapped) for rd in sf])
+ num_reads[n_ind] = sum(mapped[n_ind,:])
+- print "\n\n--- Bootstrapping abundances\n"
++ print("\n\n--- Bootstrapping abundances\n")
+ # run similarity correction step
+ p,corr,var = gasic.bootstrap(mapped, smat_raw, bootstrap_samples)
+ err = np.sqrt(var)
+- print "\nDone estimating abundances\n"
++ print("\nDone estimating abundances\n")
+ return total,num_reads,corr,err,p
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ See the provided LICENSE file or source
+ out = "{name}\t{mapped}\t{corr}\t{error}\t{pval}\n"
+ ofile.write(out.format(name=nm,mapped=num_reads[n_ind],corr=corr[n_ind]*total,error=err[n_ind]*total,pval=p[n_ind]))
+ ofile.close()
+- print "--- wrote results to", opt.out
++ print("--- wrote results to", opt.out)
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+--- a/create_matrix.py
++++ b/create_matrix.py
+@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ def similarity_matrix_raw(names, ref_pat
+ os.makedirs(temp_dir)
+ n_seq = len(names)
+- rng = range(n_seq)
++ rng = list(range(n_seq))
+ # construct arrays with real file names from pattern
+ ref_files = [ ref_pattern%nm for nm in names ] # filenames of reference sequences
+ index_files = [ index_pattern%nm for nm in names ] # filenames of mapper index files
+ sim_files = [ temp_dir+'/'+nm+'.fastq' for nm in names ] # filenames of simulated read files
+- print "\n--- Simulating reads for each reference genome with %s\n"%simulator
++ print("\n--- Simulating reads for each reference genome with %s\n"%simulator)
+ # generate reads for every reference genome
+ for i in rng:
+ tools.run_simulator[simulator](ref_files[i], sim_files[i])
+@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ def similarity_matrix_raw(names, ref_pat
+ # and are stored in fastq format
+ num_reads = len( [ True for i in SeqIO.parse(sim_files[0],'fastq') ] )
+- print "\n--- Mapping simulated reads to reference genomes with %s\n"%mapper
++ print("\n--- Mapping simulated reads to reference genomes with %s\n"%mapper)
+ # map the reads of every reference to all references
+ for i in rng:
+ for j in rng:
+ samfile = temp_dir+'/'+names[i]+'-'+names[j]+'.sam'
+ tools.run_mapper[mapper](index_files[j], sim_files[i], samfile)
+- print "\n--- Parsing SAM files\n"
++ print("\n--- Parsing SAM files\n")
+ # parse SAM files
+ mapped_reads = np.zeros((n_seq,n_seq, num_reads))
+ for i in rng:
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def similarity_matrix_raw(names, ref_pat
+ samhandle = pysam.Samfile(samfile, "r")
+ mapped_reads[i,j,:] = np.array( [int(not read.is_unmapped) for read in samhandle] )
+- print "\n\nMatrix creation done\n"
++ print("\n\nMatrix creation done\n")
+ return mapped_reads
+@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ See the provided LICENSE file or source
+ # save the similarity matrix
+ np.save(opt.out, smat)
+- print "Wrote similarity matrix to",opt.out
++ print("Wrote similarity matrix to",opt.out)
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+--- a/run_mappers.py
++++ b/run_mappers.py
+@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ READS: File containing the reads to be
+ for i in range(len(names)):
+ msg = "--- mapping reads with %s to %s"%(options.mapper, ref[i])
+- print msg
++ print(msg)
+ tools.run_mapper[options.mapper](ref[i], reads, out[i])
+- print "\nMapping done.\n"
++ print("\nMapping done.\n")
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
@@ -4,14 +4,21 @@ Description: since there is a name conflict with mason and the Debian package
mason is something else than the seqan tool, the code needs to be patched
to find /usr/lib/seqan/bin/mason
---- gasic.orig/core/tools.py
-+++ gasic/core/tools.py
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
+--- a/core/tools.py
++++ b/core/tools.py
+@@ -115,7 +115,14 @@ How to add your custom mapper
# to create a seperate caller function for every scenario.
def run_mason_illumina(ref, out):
- command = "mason illumina -N 10000 -hi 0 -hs 0 -n 72 -sq -o %s %s"%(out,ref)
-+ command = "/usr/lib/seqan/bin/mason illumina -N 10000 -hi 0 -hs 0 -n 72 -sq -o %s %s"%(out,ref)
- print "Executing:",command
++ print("""Original command with mason from SeQan 1 was
++ mason illumina -N 10000 -hi 0 -hs 0 -n 72 -sq -o %s %s
++Please verify that the following call of mason_simulator fits your needs. If not
++please use
++ reportbug gasic
++to propose enhancements.
++""" % (out,ref))
++ command = "/usr/lib/seqan/bin/mason_simulator illumina --illumina-read-length 10000 -o %s %s"%(out,ref)
+ print("Executing:",command)
# remove the needless SAM file
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
- dh $@ --with python2
+ dh $@ --with python3
+ dh_python3 --shebang=/usr/bin/python3
. debian/get-orig-source
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gasic/compare/636dd7caaf4830d4a7effd19b8b8344244a53989...0771aad1b4f633d48d1b5199869a37441a7c1b11
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gasic/compare/636dd7caaf4830d4a7effd19b8b8344244a53989...0771aad1b4f633d48d1b5199869a37441a7c1b11
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