[med-svn] [Git][med-team/python-cutadapt][master] 4 commits: New upstream version 2.5
Steffen Möller
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Oct 26 16:54:48 BST 2019
Steffen Möller pushed to branch master at Debian Med / python-cutadapt
ba3c2a62 by Steffen Moeller at 2019-10-26T15:52:07Z
New upstream version 2.5
- - - - -
06c65af3 by Steffen Moeller at 2019-10-26T15:52:07Z
New upstream version
- - - - -
6503d18d by Steffen Moeller at 2019-10-26T15:52:09Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.5'
Update to upstream version '2.5'
with Debian dir cb5fa1ae85ef0afccbb22785bc9c163ff6e97218
- - - - -
5b5e582c by Steffen Moeller at 2019-10-26T15:52:54Z
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
24 changed files:
- README.rst
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- doc/algorithms.rst
- doc/guide.rst
- doc/ideas.rst
- doc/installation.rst
- setup.py
- src/cutadapt/__main__.py
- src/cutadapt/_align.c
- src/cutadapt/_version.py
- src/cutadapt/adapters.py
- src/cutadapt/filters.py
- + src/cutadapt/log.py
- + src/cutadapt/parser.py
- src/cutadapt/pipeline.py
- src/cutadapt/qualtrim.c
- src/cutadapt/utils.py
- tests/test_adapters.py
- tests/test_commandline.py
- tests/test_paired.py
- + tests/test_parser.py
@@ -2,6 +2,22 @@
+v2.5 (2019-09-04)
+* :issue:`391`: Multicore is now supported even when using
+ ``--untrimmed-output``, ``--too-short-output``, ``--too-long-output``
+ or the corresponding ``...-paired-output`` options.
+* :issue:`393`: Using ``--info-file`` no longer crashes when processing
+ paired-end data. However, the info file itself will only contain results
+ for R1.
+* :issue:`394`: Options ``-e``/``--no-indels``/``-O`` were ignored for
+ linked adapters
+* :issue:`320`: When a “Too many open files” error occurs during
+ demultiplexing, Cutadapt can now automatically raise the limit and
+ re-try if the limit is a “soft” limit.
v2.4 (2019-07-09)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: cutadapt
-Version: 2.4
+Version: 2.5
Summary: trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads
Home-page: https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/
Author: Marcel Martin
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@ Author-email: marcel.martin at scilifelab.se
License: MIT
Description: .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/marcelm/cutadapt.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/marcelm/cutadapt
+ :alt:
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cutadapt.svg?branch=master
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cutadapt
+ :alt:
+ .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/marcelm/cutadapt/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
+ :target: https://codecov.io/gh/marcelm/cutadapt
+ :alt:
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/marcelm/cutadapt.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/marcelm/cutadapt
+ :alt:
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/cutadapt.svg?branch=master
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cutadapt
+ :alt:
+.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/marcelm/cutadapt/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
+ :target: https://codecov.io/gh/marcelm/cutadapt
+ :alt:
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+python-cutadapt (2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Team upload.
+ * New upstream version
+ -- Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org> Sat, 26 Oct 2019 17:52:13 +0200
python-cutadapt (2.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Reupload source package
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
python3-xopen (>= 0.5.0),
-Standards-Version: 4.4.0
+Standards-Version: 4.4.1
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-cutadapt
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-cutadapt.git
Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cutadapt
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ overlaps that are actually allowed by the adapter type are actually considered.
.. _quality-trimming-algorithm:
Quality trimming algorithm
The trimming algorithm implemented in Cutadapt is the same as the one used by
BWA, but applied to both
@@ -149,9 +149,6 @@ There are some limitations at the moment:
- ``--info-file``
- ``--rest-file``
- ``--wildcard-file``
- - ``--untrimmed-output``, ``--untrimmed-paired-output``
- - ``--too-short-output``, ``--too-short-paired-output``
- - ``--too-long-output``, ``--too-long-paired-output``
* Multi-core is also not compatible with ``--format``
@@ -167,6 +164,10 @@ Some of these limitations will be lifted in the future, as time allows.
.. versionadded:: 1.18
``--cores=0`` for autodetection
+.. versionadded:: 2.5
+ Multicore works with ``--untrimmed/too-short/too-long-(paired)-output``
Speed-up tricks
@@ -927,23 +928,29 @@ Quality trimming
The ``-q`` (or ``--quality-cutoff``) parameter can be used to trim
-low-quality ends from reads before adapter removal. For this to work
-correctly, the quality values must be encoded as ascii(phred quality +
-33). If they are encoded as ascii(phred quality + 64), you need to add
-``--quality-base=64`` to the command line.
-Quality trimming can be done without adapter trimming, so this will work::
+low-quality ends from reads. If you specify a single cutoff value, the
+3' end of each read is trimmed::
cutadapt -q 10 -o output.fastq input.fastq
-By default, only the 3' end of each read is quality-trimmed. If you want to
-trim the 5' end as well, use the ``-q`` option with two comma-separated cutoffs::
+For Illumina reads, this is sufficient as their quality is high at the beginning,
+but degrades towards the 3' end.
+It is also possible to also trim from the 5' end by specifying two
+comma-separated cutoffs as *5' cutoff,3' cutoff*. For example, ::
cutadapt -q 15,10 -o output.fastq input.fastq
-The 5' end will then be trimmed with a cutoff of 15, and the 3' end will be
-trimmed with a cutoff of 10. If you only want to trim the 5' end, then use a
-cutoff of 0 for the 3' end, as in ``-q 10,0``.
+will quality-trim the 5' end with a cutoff of 15 and the 3' end with a cutoff
+of 10. To only trim the 5' end, use a cutoff of 0 for the 3' end, as in
+``-q 15,0``.
+Quality trimming is done before any adapter trimming.
+By default, quality values are assumed to be encoded as
+ascii(phred quality + 33). Nowadays, this should always be the case.
+Some old Illumina FASTQ files encode qualities as ascii(phred quality + 64).
+For those, you must add ``--quality-base=64`` to the command line.
A :ref:`description of the quality-trimming algorithm is also
available <quality-trimming-algorithm>`. The algorithm is the same as used by BWA.
@@ -955,11 +962,11 @@ Quality trimming of reads using two-color chemistry (NextSeq)
Some Illumina instruments use a two-color chemistry to encode the four bases.
-This includes the NextSeq and the (at the time of this writing) recently
-announced NovaSeq. In those instruments, a 'dark cycle' (with no detected color)
+This includes the NextSeq and the NovaSeq. In those instruments, a
+'dark cycle' (with no detected color)
encodes a ``G``. However, dark cycles also occur when when sequencing "falls
off" the end of the fragment. The read then `contains a run of high-quality, but
-incorrect ``G`` calls <https://sequencing.qcfail.com/articles/illumina-2-colour-chemistry-can-overcall-high-confidence-g-bases/>`_
+incorrect “G” calls <https://sequencing.qcfail.com/articles/illumina-2-colour-chemistry-can-overcall-high-confidence-g-bases/>`_
at its 3' end.
Since the regular quality-trimming algorithm cannot deal with this situation,
@@ -79,15 +79,19 @@ Model somehow all the flags that exist for semiglobal alignment. For start of th
Not degraded and no bases before allowed = anchored.
Degraded and bases before allowed = regular 5'
+* https://github.com/marcelm/cutadapt/labels/API
Paired-end trimming
* Could also use a paired-end read merger, then remove adapters with -a and -g
-Available/used letters for command-line options
+Available letters for command-line options
* Remaining characters: All uppercase letters except A, B, G, M, N, O, U
-* Lowercase letters: i, j, k, s, w
+* Lowercase letters: i, k, s, w
* Planned/reserved: Q (paired-end quality trimming)
@@ -158,5 +158,5 @@ To run Cutadapt and see the version number, type ::
~/cutadapt-venv/bin/cutadapt --version
The reported version number will be something like ``2.2.dev5+gf564208``. This
-means that you are now running the version of Cutadapt that will become 2.2, and that is contains
+means that you are now running the version of Cutadapt that will become 2.2, and that it contains
5 changes (*commits*) since the previous release (2.1 in this case).
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ setup(
package_dir={'': 'src'},
entry_points={'console_scripts': ['cutadapt = cutadapt.__main__:main']},
- install_requires=['dnaio>=0.3', 'xopen>=0.7.3'],
+ install_requires=['dnaio~=0.3.0', 'xopen~=0.8.1'],
'dev': ['Cython', 'pytest', 'pytest-timeout', 'sphinx', 'sphinx_issues'],
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ from xopen import xopen
import dnaio
from cutadapt import __version__
-from cutadapt.adapters import AdapterParser
+from cutadapt.parser import AdapterParser
from cutadapt.modifiers import (LengthTagModifier, SuffixRemover, PrefixSuffixAdder,
ZeroCapper, QualityTrimmer, UnconditionalCutter, NEndTrimmer, AdapterCutter,
PairedAdapterCutterError, PairedAdapterCutter, NextseqQualityTrimmer, Shortener)
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ from cutadapt.report import full_report, minimal_report
from cutadapt.pipeline import (SingleEndPipeline, PairedEndPipeline, InputFiles, OutputFiles,
SerialPipelineRunner, ParallelPipelineRunner)
from cutadapt.utils import available_cpu_count
+from cutadapt.log import setup_logging, REPORT
logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -107,50 +108,6 @@ class CommandLineError(Exception):
-# Custom log level, see setup_logging
-REPORT = 25
-class NiceFormatter(logging.Formatter):
- """
- Do not prefix "INFO:" to info-level log messages (but do it for all other
- levels).
- Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/9218261/715090 .
- """
- def format(self, record):
- if record.levelno not in (logging.INFO, REPORT):
- record.msg = '{}: {}'.format(record.levelname, record.msg)
- return super().format(record)
-def setup_logging(stdout=False, minimal=False, quiet=False, debug=False):
- """
- Attach handler to the global logger object
- """
- # For --report=minimal, we need this custom log level because we want to
- # print nothing except the minimal report and therefore cannot use the
- # INFO level (and the ERROR level would give us an 'ERROR:' prefix).
- logging.addLevelName(REPORT, 'REPORT')
- # Due to backwards compatibility, logging output is sent to standard output
- # instead of standard error if the -o option is used.
- stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout if stdout else sys.stderr)
- stream_handler.setFormatter(NiceFormatter())
- # debug overrides quiet overrides minimal
- if debug:
- level = logging.DEBUG
- elif quiet:
- level = logging.ERROR
- elif minimal:
- level = REPORT
- else:
- level = logging.INFO
- stream_handler.setLevel(level)
- logger.setLevel(level)
- logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
def get_argument_parser():
parser = CutadaptArgumentParser(usage=__doc__, add_help=False)
group = parser.add_argument_group("Options")
@@ -171,7 +128,7 @@ def get_argument_parser():
group.add_argument("--buffer-size", type=int, default=4000000,
# Compression level for gzipped output files. Not exposed since we have -Z
- group.add_argument("--compression-level", default=6,
+ group.add_argument("--compression-level", type=int, default=6,
# Deprecated: The input format is always auto-detected
group.add_argument("-f", "--format", help=SUPPRESS)
@@ -588,15 +545,7 @@ def input_files_from_parsed_args(inputs, paired, interleaved):
return input_filename, input_paired_filename
-def pipeline_from_parsed_args(args, paired, is_interleaved_output):
- """
- Setup a processing pipeline from parsed command-line arguments.
- If there are any problems parsing the arguments, a CommandLineError is thrown.
- Return an instance of Pipeline (SingleEndPipeline or PairedEndPipeline)
- """
+def check_arguments(args, paired, is_interleaved_output):
if not paired:
if args.untrimmed_paired_output:
raise CommandLineError("Option --untrimmed-paired-output can only be used when "
@@ -631,6 +580,17 @@ def pipeline_from_parsed_args(args, paired, is_interleaved_output):
raise CommandLineError("The overlap must be at least 1.")
if not (0 <= args.gc_content <= 100):
raise CommandLineError("GC content must be given as percentage between 0 and 100")
+def pipeline_from_parsed_args(args, paired, is_interleaved_output):
+ """
+ Setup a processing pipeline from parsed command-line arguments.
+ If there are any problems parsing the arguments, a CommandLineError is raised.
+ Return an instance of Pipeline (SingleEndPipeline or PairedEndPipeline)
+ """
+ check_arguments(args, paired, is_interleaved_output)
if args.action == 'none':
args.action = None
@@ -780,7 +740,7 @@ def main(cmdlineargs=None, default_outfile=sys.stdout.buffer):
# Setup logging only if there are not already any handlers (can happen when
# this function is being called externally such as from unit tests)
if not logging.root.handlers:
- setup_logging(stdout=log_to_stdout,
+ setup_logging(logger, stdout=log_to_stdout,
quiet=args.quiet, minimal=args.report == 'minimal', debug=args.debug)
if args.profile:
import cProfile
@@ -820,13 +780,10 @@ def main(cmdlineargs=None, default_outfile=sys.stdout.buffer):
runner_class = ParallelPipelineRunner
runner_kwargs = dict(n_workers=cores, buffer_size=args.buffer_size)
- logger.error('Running in parallel is currently not supported for '
+ parser.error('Running in parallel is currently not supported for '
'the given combination of command-line parameters.\nThese '
'options are not supported: --info-file, --rest-file, '
- '--wildcard-file, --untrimmed-output, '
- '--untrimmed-paired-output, --too-short-output, '
- '--too-short-paired-output, --too-long-output, '
- '--too-long-paired-output, --format\n'
+ '--wildcard-file, --format\n'
'Also, demultiplexing is not supported.\n'
'Omit --cores/-j to continue.')
return # avoid IDE warnings below
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Generated by Cython 0.29.12 */
+/* Generated by Cython 0.29.13 */
/* BEGIN: Cython Metadata
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ END: Cython Metadata */
#elif PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02060000 || (0x03000000 <= PY_VERSION_HEX && PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03030000)
#error Cython requires Python 2.6+ or Python 3.3+.
-#define CYTHON_ABI "0_29_12"
-#define CYTHON_HEX_VERSION 0x001D0CF0
+#define CYTHON_ABI "0_29_13"
+#define CYTHON_HEX_VERSION 0x001D0DF0
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef offsetof
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# coding: utf-8
# file generated by setuptools_scm
# don't change, don't track in version control
-version = '2.4'
+version = '2.5'
@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ Adapter finding and trimming classes
The ...Adapter classes are responsible for finding adapters.
The ...Match classes trim the reads.
-import re
import logging
from enum import Enum
from collections import defaultdict
-from dnaio.readers import FastaReader
-from cutadapt import align
-from .align import hamming_environment
+from . import align
logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -43,408 +40,6 @@ WHERE_TO_REMOVE_MAP = {
-class AdapterSpecification:
- """
- Description of a single adapter. This represents the same information that would be
- given on the commandline through an option such as -a, but does not handle linked
- adapters on also not the file: syntax.
- These are the attributes:
- - name (None or str)
- - restriction (None, 'anchored', or 'noninternal')
- - sequence (nucleotide sequence as string)
- - parameters (dict with extra parameters such as 'max_error_rate', 'min_overlap')
- - cmdline_type ('front' for -a, 'back' for -g and 'anywhere' for -b)
- >>> AdapterSpecification.parse('a_name=ACGT;anywhere', 'back')
- AdapterSpecification(name='a_name', restriction=None, sequence='ACGT', parameters={'anywhere': True}, cmdline_type='back')
- """
- def __init__(self, name, restriction, sequence, parameters, cmdline_type):
- self.name = name
- self.restriction = restriction
- self.sequence = sequence
- self.parameters = parameters
- self.cmdline_type = cmdline_type
- @classmethod
- def parse(cls, spec: str, cmdline_type: str):
- """Factory for creating an instance from a string specification"""
- name, restriction, sequence, parameters = cls._parse(spec, cmdline_type)
- return cls(name, restriction, sequence, parameters, cmdline_type)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '{}(name={!r}, restriction={!r}, sequence={!r}, parameters={!r}, cmdline_type={!r})'.format(
- self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.restriction, self.sequence, self.parameters, self.cmdline_type)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return (
- self.name == other.name
- and self.restriction == other.restriction
- and self.sequence == other.sequence
- and self.parameters == other.parameters
- and self.cmdline_type == other.cmdline_type
- )
- @staticmethod
- def expand_braces(sequence):
- """
- Replace all occurrences of ``x{n}`` (where x is any character) with n
- occurrences of x. Raise ValueError if the expression cannot be parsed.
- >>> AdapterSpecification.expand_braces('TGA{5}CT')
- """
- # Simple DFA with four states, encoded in prev
- result = ''
- prev = None
- for s in re.split('([{}])', sequence):
- if s == '':
- continue
- if prev is None:
- if s == '{':
- raise ValueError('"{" must be used after a character')
- if s == '}':
- raise ValueError('"}" cannot be used here')
- prev = s
- result += s
- elif prev == '{':
- prev = int(s)
- if not 0 <= prev <= 10000:
- raise ValueError('Value {} invalid'.format(prev))
- elif isinstance(prev, int):
- if s != '}':
- raise ValueError('"}" expected')
- result = result[:-1] + result[-1] * prev
- prev = None
- else:
- if s != '{':
- raise ValueError('Expected "{"')
- prev = '{'
- # Check if we are in a non-terminating state
- if isinstance(prev, int) or prev == '{':
- raise ValueError("Unterminated expression")
- return result
- @staticmethod
- def _extract_name(spec):
- """
- Parse an adapter specification given as 'name=adapt' into 'name' and 'adapt'.
- """
- fields = spec.split('=', 1)
- if len(fields) > 1:
- name, spec = fields
- name = name.strip()
- else:
- name = None
- spec = spec.strip()
- return name, spec
- allowed_parameters = {
- # abbreviations
- 'e': 'max_error_rate',
- 'error_rate': 'max_error_rate',
- 'o': 'min_overlap',
- # allowed parameters
- 'max_error_rate': None,
- 'min_overlap': None,
- 'anywhere': None,
- 'required': None,
- 'optional': None, # If this is specified, 'required' will be set to False
- }
- @classmethod
- def _parse_parameters(cls, spec):
- """Parse key=value;key=value;key=value into a dict"""
- fields = spec.split(';')
- result = dict()
- for field in fields:
- field = field.strip()
- if not field:
- continue
- key, equals, value = field.partition('=')
- if equals == '=' and value == '':
- raise ValueError('No value given')
- key = key.strip()
- if key not in cls.allowed_parameters:
- raise KeyError('Unknown parameter {}'.format(key))
- # unabbreviate
- while cls.allowed_parameters[key] is not None:
- key = cls.allowed_parameters[key]
- value = value.strip()
- if value == '':
- value = True
- else:
- try:
- value = int(value)
- except ValueError:
- value = float(value)
- if key in result:
- raise KeyError('Key {} specified twice'.format(key))
- result[key] = value
- if 'optional' in result and 'required' in result:
- raise ValueError("'optional' and 'required' cannot be specified at the same time")
- if 'optional' in result:
- result['required'] = False
- del result['optional']
- return result
- @classmethod
- def _parse(cls, spec, cmdline_type):
- """
- Parse an adapter specification for a non-linked adapter (without '...')
- Allow:
- 'back' and ADAPTER
- 'back' and ADAPTERX
- 'back' and ADAPTER$
- 'front' and ADAPTER
- 'front' and XADAPTER
- 'front' and ^ADAPTER
- 'anywhere' and ADAPTER
- """
- if cmdline_type not in ("front", "back", "anywhere"):
- raise ValueError("cmdline_type must be front, back or anywhere")
- error = ValueError(
- "You cannot use multiple placement restrictions for an adapter at the same time. "
- spec, middle, parameters_spec = spec.partition(';')
- name, spec = cls._extract_name(spec)
- spec = spec.strip()
- parameters = cls._parse_parameters(parameters_spec)
- spec = AdapterSpecification.expand_braces(spec)
- # Special case for adapters consisting of only X characters:
- # This needs to be supported for backwards-compatibilitity
- if len(spec.strip('X')) == 0:
- return name, None, spec, {}
- front_restriction = None
- if spec.startswith('^'):
- front_restriction = 'anchored'
- spec = spec[1:]
- if spec.upper().startswith('X'):
- if front_restriction is not None:
- raise error
- front_restriction = 'noninternal'
- spec = spec.lstrip('xX')
- back_restriction = None
- if spec.endswith('$'):
- back_restriction = 'anchored'
- spec = spec[:-1]
- if spec.upper().endswith('X'):
- if back_restriction is not None:
- raise error
- back_restriction = 'noninternal'
- spec = spec.rstrip('xX')
- n_placement_restrictions = int(bool(front_restriction)) + int(bool(back_restriction))
- if n_placement_restrictions > 1:
- raise error
- if cmdline_type == 'front' and back_restriction:
- raise ValueError(
- "Allowed placement restrictions for a 5' adapter are XADAPTER and ^ADAPTER")
- if cmdline_type == 'back' and front_restriction:
- raise ValueError(
- "Allowed placement restrictions for a 3' adapter are ADAPTERX and ADAPTER$")
- assert front_restriction is None or back_restriction is None
- if front_restriction is not None:
- restriction = front_restriction
- else:
- restriction = back_restriction
- if cmdline_type == 'anywhere' and restriction is not None:
- raise ValueError(
- "Placement restrictions (with X, ^, $) not supported for 'anywhere' (-b) adapters")
- return name, restriction, spec, parameters
- @staticmethod
- def _restriction_to_where(cmdline_type, restriction):
- if cmdline_type == 'front':
- if restriction is None:
- return Where.FRONT
- elif restriction == 'anchored':
- return Where.PREFIX
- elif restriction == 'noninternal':
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Value {} for a front restriction not allowed'.format(restriction))
- elif cmdline_type == 'back':
- if restriction is None:
- return Where.BACK
- elif restriction == 'anchored':
- return Where.SUFFIX
- elif restriction == 'noninternal':
- return Where.BACK_NOT_INTERNAL
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Value {} for a back restriction not allowed'.format(restriction))
- else:
- assert cmdline_type == 'anywhere'
- if restriction is None:
- return Where.ANYWHERE
- else:
- raise ValueError('No placement may be specified for "anywhere" adapters')
- def where(self):
- return self._restriction_to_where(self.cmdline_type, self.restriction)
-class AdapterParser:
- """
- Factory for Adapter classes that all use the same default parameters (error rate,
- indels etc.). The given **kwargs will be passed to the Adapter constructors.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- # kwargs: max_error_rate, min_overlap, read_wildcards, adapter_wildcards, indels
- self.default_parameters = kwargs
- def _parse(self, spec: str, cmdline_type='back', name=None):
- """
- Parse an adapter specification not using ``file:`` notation and return
- an object of an appropriate Adapter class.
- name -- Adapter name if not included as part of the spec. (If spec is
- 'name=ADAPTER', name will be 'name'.)
- cmdline_type -- describes which commandline parameter was used (``-a``
- is 'back', ``-b`` is 'anywhere', and ``-g`` is 'front').
- """
- if cmdline_type not in ('front', 'back', 'anywhere'):
- raise ValueError('cmdline_type cannot be {!r}'.format(cmdline_type))
- spec1, middle, spec2 = spec.partition('...')
- del spec
- # Handle linked adapter
- if middle == '...' and spec1 and spec2:
- return self._parse_linked(spec1, spec2, name, cmdline_type)
- elif middle == '...':
- if not spec1:
- if cmdline_type == 'back': # -a ...ADAPTER
- spec = spec2
- else: # -g ...ADAPTER
- raise ValueError('Invalid adapter specification')
- elif not spec2:
- if cmdline_type == 'back': # -a ADAPTER...
- cmdline_type = 'front'
- spec = spec1
- else: # -g ADAPTER...
- spec = spec1
- else:
- assert False, 'This should not happen'
- else:
- spec = spec1
- spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec, cmdline_type)
- where = spec.where()
- if not name:
- name = spec.name
- if spec.parameters.pop('anywhere', False):
- spec.parameters['remove'] = WHERE_TO_REMOVE_MAP[where]
- where = Where.ANYWHERE
- parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
- parameters.update(spec.parameters)
- if where in (Where.FRONT, Where.BACK):
- adapter_class = BackOrFrontAdapter
- else:
- adapter_class = Adapter
- return adapter_class(sequence=spec.sequence, where=where, name=name, **parameters)
- def _parse_linked(self, spec1: str, spec2: str, name, cmdline_type):
- """Return a linked adapter from two specification strings"""
- if cmdline_type == 'anywhere':
- raise ValueError("'anywhere' (-b) adapters may not be linked")
- front_spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec1, 'front')
- back_spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec2, 'back')
- if not name:
- name = front_spec.name
- if cmdline_type == 'back' and front_spec.restriction is None:
- import textwrap
- logger.warning('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(
- "You specified a linked adapter as '-a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2'. "
- "The interpretation of what this means has changed in Cutadapt 2.0. "
- "(The 5' adapter is now no longer anchored by default.) "
- "To get results consist with the old behavior, you need to anchor "
- "the 5' adapter explicitly as in '-a ^ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2'."
- )))
- front_anchored = front_spec.restriction is not None
- back_anchored = back_spec.restriction is not None
- front_parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
- front_parameters.update(front_spec.parameters)
- back_parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
- back_parameters.update(back_spec.parameters)
- if cmdline_type == 'front':
- # -g requires both adapters to be present
- front_required = True
- back_required = True
- else:
- # -a requires only the anchored adapters to be present
- front_required = front_anchored
- back_required = back_anchored
- # Handle parameters overriding whether an adapter is required
- front_required = front_spec.parameters.pop('required', front_required)
- back_required = back_spec.parameters.pop('required', back_required)
- front_adapter = Adapter(front_spec.sequence, where=front_spec.where(), name=None,
- **front_spec.parameters)
- back_adapter = Adapter(back_spec.sequence, where=back_spec.where(), name=None,
- **back_spec.parameters)
- return LinkedAdapter(
- front_adapter=front_adapter,
- back_adapter=back_adapter,
- front_required=front_required,
- back_required=back_required,
- name=name,
- )
- def parse(self, spec, cmdline_type='back'):
- """
- Parse an adapter specification and yield appropriate Adapter classes.
- This works like the _parse_no_file() function above, but also supports the
- ``file:`` notation for reading adapters from an external FASTA
- file. Since a file can contain multiple adapters, this
- function is a generator.
- """
- if spec.startswith('file:'):
- # read adapter sequences from a file
- with FastaReader(spec[5:]) as fasta:
- for record in fasta:
- name = record.name.split(None, 1)
- name = name[0] if name else None
- yield self._parse(record.sequence, cmdline_type, name=name)
- else:
- yield self._parse(spec, cmdline_type, name=None)
- def parse_multi(self, back, anywhere, front):
- """
- Parse all three types of commandline options that can be used to
- specify adapters. back, anywhere and front are lists of strings,
- corresponding to the respective commandline types (-a, -b, -g).
- Return a list of appropriate Adapter classes.
- """
- adapters = []
- for specs, cmdline_type in (back, 'back'), (anywhere, 'anywhere'), (front, 'front'):
- for spec in specs:
- adapters.extend(self.parse(spec, cmdline_type))
- return adapters
def returns_defaultdict_int():
# We need this function to make EndStatistics picklable.
# Even a @staticmethod of EndStatistics is not sufficient
@@ -1016,7 +611,7 @@ class MultiAdapter:
for adapter in self._adapters:
sequence = adapter.sequence
k = int(adapter.max_error_rate * len(sequence))
- for s, errors, matches in hamming_environment(sequence, k):
+ for s, errors, matches in align.hamming_environment(sequence, k):
if s in index:
other_adapter, other_errors, other_matches = index[s]
if matches < other_matches:
@@ -13,15 +13,33 @@ filters is created and each redirector is called in turn until one returns True.
The read is then assumed to have been "consumed", that is, either written
somewhere or filtered (should be discarded).
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import errno
import dnaio
+from .utils import raise_open_files_limit
# Constants used when returning from a Filter’s __call__ method to improve
# readability (it is unintuitive that "return True" means "discard the read").
KEEP = False
-class NoFilter:
+class SingleEndFilter(ABC):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, read, matches):
+ pass
+class PairedEndFilter(ABC):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, read1, matches1, read2, matches2):
+ pass
+class NoFilter(SingleEndFilter):
No filtering, just send each read to the given writer.
@@ -41,7 +59,7 @@ class NoFilter:
return DISCARD
-class PairedNoFilter:
+class PairedNoFilter(PairedEndFilter):
No filtering, just send each paired-end read to the given writer.
@@ -62,11 +80,11 @@ class PairedNoFilter:
return DISCARD
-class Redirector:
+class Redirector(SingleEndFilter):
Redirect discarded reads to the given writer. This is for single-end reads.
- def __init__(self, writer, filter, filter2=None):
+ def __init__(self, writer, filter: SingleEndFilter, filter2=None):
# TODO filter2 should really not be here
self.filtered = 0
self.writer = writer
@@ -85,7 +103,7 @@ class Redirector:
return KEEP
-class PairedRedirector:
+class PairedRedirector(PairedEndFilter):
Redirect paired-end reads matching a filtering criterion to a writer.
Different filtering styles are supported, differing by which of the
@@ -141,7 +159,7 @@ class PairedRedirector:
return KEEP
-class TooShortReadFilter:
+class TooShortReadFilter(SingleEndFilter):
def __init__(self, minimum_length):
self.minimum_length = minimum_length
@@ -149,7 +167,7 @@ class TooShortReadFilter:
return len(read) < self.minimum_length
-class TooLongReadFilter:
+class TooLongReadFilter(SingleEndFilter):
def __init__(self, maximum_length):
self.maximum_length = maximum_length
@@ -157,7 +175,7 @@ class TooLongReadFilter:
return len(read) > self.maximum_length
-class NContentFilter:
+class NContentFilter(SingleEndFilter):
Discards a reads that has a number of 'N's over a given threshold. It handles both raw counts
of Ns as well as proportions. Note, for raw counts, it is a 'greater than' comparison,
@@ -183,7 +201,7 @@ class NContentFilter:
return n_count > self.cutoff
-class DiscardUntrimmedFilter:
+class DiscardUntrimmedFilter(SingleEndFilter):
Return True if read is untrimmed.
@@ -191,7 +209,7 @@ class DiscardUntrimmedFilter:
return not matches
-class DiscardTrimmedFilter:
+class DiscardTrimmedFilter(SingleEndFilter):
Return True if read is trimmed.
@@ -199,7 +217,7 @@ class DiscardTrimmedFilter:
return bool(matches)
-class CasavaFilter:
+class CasavaFilter(SingleEndFilter):
Remove reads that fail the CASAVA filter. These have header lines that
look like ``xxxx x:Y:x:x`` (with a ``Y``). Reads that pass the filter
@@ -212,7 +230,23 @@ class CasavaFilter:
return right[1:4] == ':Y:' # discard if :Y: found
-class Demultiplexer:
+def _open_raise_limit(path, qualities):
+ """
+ Open a FASTA/FASTQ file for writing. If it fails because the number of open files
+ would be exceeded, try to raise the soft limit and re-try.
+ """
+ try:
+ f = dnaio.open(path, mode="w", qualities=qualities)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EMFILE: # Too many open files
+ raise_open_files_limit(8)
+ f = dnaio.open(path, mode="w", qualities=qualities)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return f
+class Demultiplexer(SingleEndFilter):
Demultiplex trimmed reads. Reads are written to different output files
depending on which adapter matches. Files are created when the first read
@@ -241,15 +275,15 @@ class Demultiplexer:
if matches:
name = matches[-1].adapter.name
if name not in self.writers:
- self.writers[name] = dnaio.open(self.template.replace('{name}', name),
- mode='w', qualities=self.qualities)
+ self.writers[name] = _open_raise_limit(
+ self.template.replace('{name}', name), self.qualities)
self.written += 1
self.written_bp[0] += len(read)
if self.untrimmed_writer is None and self.untrimmed_path is not None:
- self.untrimmed_writer = dnaio.open(self.untrimmed_path,
- mode='w', qualities=self.qualities)
+ self.untrimmed_writer = _open_raise_limit(
+ self.untrimmed_path, self.qualities)
if self.untrimmed_writer is not None:
self.written += 1
self.written_bp[0] += len(read)
@@ -263,7 +297,7 @@ class Demultiplexer:
-class PairedDemultiplexer:
+class PairedDemultiplexer(PairedEndFilter):
Demultiplex trimmed paired-end reads. Reads are written to different output files
depending on which adapter (in read 1) matches.
@@ -298,7 +332,7 @@ class PairedDemultiplexer:
-class CombinatorialDemultiplexer:
+class CombinatorialDemultiplexer(PairedEndFilter):
Demultiplex reads depending on which adapter matches, taking into account both matches
on R1 and R2.
@@ -331,7 +365,6 @@ class CombinatorialDemultiplexer:
Write the read to the proper output file according to the most recent matches both on
R1 and R2
- # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
assert read2 is not None
name1 = matches1[-1].adapter.name if matches1 else None
name2 = matches2[-1].adapter.name if matches2 else None
@@ -346,8 +379,8 @@ class CombinatorialDemultiplexer:
path1 = self._make_path(self.template, name1, name2)
path2 = self._make_path(self.paired_template, name1, name2)
self.writers[key] = (
- dnaio.open(path1, mode='w', qualities=self.qualities),
- dnaio.open(path2, mode='w', qualities=self.qualities),
+ _open_raise_limit(path1, qualities=self.qualities),
+ _open_raise_limit(path2, qualities=self.qualities),
writer1, writer2 = self.writers[key]
self.written += 1
@@ -363,7 +396,7 @@ class CombinatorialDemultiplexer:
-class RestFileWriter:
+class RestFileWriter(SingleEndFilter):
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
@@ -375,7 +408,7 @@ class RestFileWriter:
return KEEP
-class WildcardFileWriter:
+class WildcardFileWriter(SingleEndFilter):
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
@@ -385,7 +418,7 @@ class WildcardFileWriter:
return KEEP
-class InfoFileWriter:
+class InfoFileWriter(SingleEndFilter):
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import sys
+import logging
+# Custom log level
+REPORT = 25
+class NiceFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ """
+ Do not prefix "INFO:" to info-level log messages (but do it for all other
+ levels).
+ Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/9218261/715090 .
+ """
+ def format(self, record):
+ if record.levelno not in (logging.INFO, REPORT):
+ record.msg = '{}: {}'.format(record.levelname, record.msg)
+ return super().format(record)
+def setup_logging(logger, stdout=False, minimal=False, quiet=False, debug=False):
+ """
+ Attach handler to the global logger object
+ """
+ # For --report=minimal, we need this custom log level because we want to
+ # print nothing except the minimal report and therefore cannot use the
+ # INFO level (and the ERROR level would give us an 'ERROR:' prefix).
+ logging.addLevelName(REPORT, 'REPORT')
+ # Due to backwards compatibility, logging output is sent to standard output
+ # instead of standard error if the -o option is used.
+ stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout if stdout else sys.stderr)
+ stream_handler.setFormatter(NiceFormatter())
+ # debug overrides quiet overrides minimal
+ if debug:
+ level = logging.DEBUG
+ elif quiet:
+ level = logging.ERROR
+ elif minimal:
+ level = REPORT
+ else:
+ level = logging.INFO
+ stream_handler.setLevel(level)
+ logger.setLevel(level)
+ logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+Parse adapter specifications
+import re
+import logging
+from dnaio.readers import FastaReader
+from .adapters import Where, WHERE_TO_REMOVE_MAP, Adapter, BackOrFrontAdapter, LinkedAdapter
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AdapterSpecification:
+ """
+ Description of a single non-linked adapter.
+ These are the attributes:
+ - name (None or str)
+ - restriction (None, 'anchored', or 'noninternal')
+ - sequence (nucleotide sequence as string)
+ - parameters (dict with extra parameters such as 'max_error_rate', 'min_overlap')
+ - cmdline_type ('front' for -a, 'back' for -g and 'anywhere' for -b)
+ >>> AdapterSpecification.parse('a_name=ACGT;anywhere', 'back')
+ AdapterSpecification(name='a_name', restriction=None, sequence='ACGT', parameters={'anywhere': True}, cmdline_type='back')
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, restriction, sequence, parameters, cmdline_type):
+ assert restriction in (None, "anchored", "noninternal")
+ assert cmdline_type in ("front", "back", "anywhere")
+ self.name = name
+ self.restriction = restriction
+ self.sequence = sequence
+ self.parameters = parameters
+ self.cmdline_type = cmdline_type
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, spec: str, cmdline_type: str):
+ """Factory for creating an instance from a string specification"""
+ name, restriction, sequence, parameters = cls._parse(spec, cmdline_type)
+ return cls(name, restriction, sequence, parameters, cmdline_type)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '{}(name={!r}, restriction={!r}, sequence={!r}, parameters={!r}, cmdline_type={!r})'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.restriction, self.sequence, self.parameters, self.cmdline_type)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (
+ self.name == other.name
+ and self.restriction == other.restriction
+ and self.sequence == other.sequence
+ and self.parameters == other.parameters
+ and self.cmdline_type == other.cmdline_type
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def expand_braces(sequence):
+ """
+ Replace all occurrences of ``x{n}`` (where x is any character) with n
+ occurrences of x. Raise ValueError if the expression cannot be parsed.
+ >>> AdapterSpecification.expand_braces('TGA{5}CT')
+ """
+ # Simple DFA with four states, encoded in prev
+ result = ''
+ prev = None
+ for s in re.split('([{}])', sequence):
+ if s == '':
+ continue
+ if prev is None:
+ if s == '{':
+ raise ValueError('"{" must be used after a character')
+ if s == '}':
+ raise ValueError('"}" cannot be used here')
+ prev = s
+ result += s
+ elif prev == '{':
+ prev = int(s)
+ if not 0 <= prev <= 10000:
+ raise ValueError('Value {} invalid'.format(prev))
+ elif isinstance(prev, int):
+ if s != '}':
+ raise ValueError('"}" expected')
+ result = result[:-1] + result[-1] * prev
+ prev = None
+ else:
+ if s != '{':
+ raise ValueError('Expected "{"')
+ prev = '{'
+ # Check if we are in a non-terminating state
+ if isinstance(prev, int) or prev == '{':
+ raise ValueError("Unterminated expression")
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def _extract_name(spec):
+ """
+ Parse an adapter specification given as 'name=adapt' into 'name' and 'adapt'.
+ """
+ fields = spec.split('=', 1)
+ if len(fields) > 1:
+ name, spec = fields
+ name = name.strip()
+ else:
+ name = None
+ spec = spec.strip()
+ return name, spec
+ allowed_parameters = {
+ # abbreviations
+ 'e': 'max_error_rate',
+ 'error_rate': 'max_error_rate',
+ 'o': 'min_overlap',
+ # allowed parameters
+ 'max_error_rate': None,
+ 'min_overlap': None,
+ 'anywhere': None,
+ 'required': None,
+ 'optional': None, # If this is specified, 'required' will be set to False
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_parameters(cls, spec):
+ """Parse key=value;key=value;key=value into a dict"""
+ fields = spec.split(';')
+ result = dict()
+ for field in fields:
+ field = field.strip()
+ if not field:
+ continue
+ key, equals, value = field.partition('=')
+ if equals == '=' and value == '':
+ raise ValueError('No value given')
+ key = key.strip()
+ if key not in cls.allowed_parameters:
+ raise KeyError('Unknown parameter {}'.format(key))
+ # unabbreviate
+ while cls.allowed_parameters[key] is not None:
+ key = cls.allowed_parameters[key]
+ value = value.strip()
+ if value == '':
+ value = True
+ else:
+ try:
+ value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ value = float(value)
+ if key in result:
+ raise KeyError('Key {} specified twice'.format(key))
+ result[key] = value
+ if 'optional' in result and 'required' in result:
+ raise ValueError("'optional' and 'required' cannot be specified at the same time")
+ if 'optional' in result:
+ result['required'] = False
+ del result['optional']
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse(cls, spec, cmdline_type):
+ """
+ Parse an adapter specification for a non-linked adapter (without '...')
+ Allow:
+ 'back' and ADAPTER
+ 'back' and ADAPTERX
+ 'back' and ADAPTER$
+ 'front' and ADAPTER
+ 'front' and XADAPTER
+ 'front' and ^ADAPTER
+ 'anywhere' and ADAPTER
+ """
+ if cmdline_type not in ("front", "back", "anywhere"):
+ raise ValueError("cmdline_type must be front, back or anywhere")
+ error = ValueError(
+ "You cannot use multiple placement restrictions for an adapter at the same time. "
+ spec, middle, parameters_spec = spec.partition(';')
+ name, spec = cls._extract_name(spec)
+ spec = spec.strip()
+ parameters = cls._parse_parameters(parameters_spec)
+ spec = AdapterSpecification.expand_braces(spec)
+ # Special case for adapters consisting of only X characters:
+ # This needs to be supported for backwards-compatibilitity
+ if len(spec.strip('X')) == 0:
+ return name, None, spec, {}
+ front_restriction = None
+ if spec.startswith('^'):
+ front_restriction = 'anchored'
+ spec = spec[1:]
+ if spec.upper().startswith('X'):
+ if front_restriction is not None:
+ raise error
+ front_restriction = 'noninternal'
+ spec = spec.lstrip('xX')
+ back_restriction = None
+ if spec.endswith('$'):
+ back_restriction = 'anchored'
+ spec = spec[:-1]
+ if spec.upper().endswith('X'):
+ if back_restriction is not None:
+ raise error
+ back_restriction = 'noninternal'
+ spec = spec.rstrip('xX')
+ n_placement_restrictions = int(bool(front_restriction)) + int(bool(back_restriction))
+ if n_placement_restrictions > 1:
+ raise error
+ if cmdline_type == 'front' and back_restriction:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Allowed placement restrictions for a 5' adapter are XADAPTER and ^ADAPTER")
+ if cmdline_type == 'back' and front_restriction:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Allowed placement restrictions for a 3' adapter are ADAPTERX and ADAPTER$")
+ assert front_restriction is None or back_restriction is None
+ if front_restriction is not None:
+ restriction = front_restriction
+ else:
+ restriction = back_restriction
+ if cmdline_type == 'anywhere' and restriction is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Placement restrictions (with X, ^, $) not supported for 'anywhere' (-b) adapters")
+ return name, restriction, spec, parameters
+ @staticmethod
+ def _restriction_to_where(cmdline_type, restriction):
+ if cmdline_type == 'front':
+ if restriction is None:
+ return Where.FRONT
+ elif restriction == 'anchored':
+ return Where.PREFIX
+ elif restriction == 'noninternal':
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Value {} for a front restriction not allowed'.format(restriction))
+ elif cmdline_type == 'back':
+ if restriction is None:
+ return Where.BACK
+ elif restriction == 'anchored':
+ return Where.SUFFIX
+ elif restriction == 'noninternal':
+ return Where.BACK_NOT_INTERNAL
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Value {} for a back restriction not allowed'.format(restriction))
+ else:
+ assert cmdline_type == 'anywhere'
+ if restriction is None:
+ return Where.ANYWHERE
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('No placement may be specified for "anywhere" adapters')
+ def where(self):
+ return self._restriction_to_where(self.cmdline_type, self.restriction)
+class AdapterParser:
+ """
+ Factory for Adapter classes that all use the same default parameters (error rate,
+ indels etc.). The given **kwargs will be passed to the Adapter constructors.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ # kwargs: max_error_rate, min_overlap, read_wildcards, adapter_wildcards, indels
+ self.default_parameters = kwargs
+ def _parse(self, spec: str, cmdline_type='back', name=None):
+ """
+ Parse an adapter specification not using ``file:`` notation and return
+ an object of an appropriate Adapter class.
+ name -- Adapter name if not included as part of the spec. (If spec is
+ 'name=ADAPTER', name will be 'name'.)
+ cmdline_type -- describes which commandline parameter was used (``-a``
+ is 'back', ``-b`` is 'anywhere', and ``-g`` is 'front').
+ """
+ if cmdline_type not in ('front', 'back', 'anywhere'):
+ raise ValueError('cmdline_type cannot be {!r}'.format(cmdline_type))
+ spec1, middle, spec2 = spec.partition('...')
+ if middle == '...' and spec1 and spec2:
+ return self._parse_linked(spec1, spec2, name, cmdline_type)
+ if middle == '...':
+ spec, cmdline_type = self._normalize_ellipsis(spec1, spec2, cmdline_type)
+ else:
+ spec = spec1
+ return self._parse_not_linked(spec, name, cmdline_type)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _normalize_ellipsis(spec1: str, spec2: str, cmdline_type):
+ if not spec1:
+ if cmdline_type == 'back':
+ # -a ...ADAPTER
+ spec = spec2
+ else:
+ # -g ...ADAPTER
+ raise ValueError('Invalid adapter specification')
+ elif not spec2:
+ if cmdline_type == 'back':
+ # -a ADAPTER...
+ cmdline_type = 'front'
+ spec = spec1
+ else:
+ # -g ADAPTER...
+ spec = spec1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Expected either spec1 or spec2")
+ return spec, cmdline_type
+ def _parse_not_linked(self, spec: str, name, cmdline_type):
+ spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec, cmdline_type)
+ where = spec.where()
+ if not name:
+ name = spec.name
+ if spec.parameters.pop('anywhere', False):
+ spec.parameters['remove'] = WHERE_TO_REMOVE_MAP[where]
+ where = Where.ANYWHERE
+ parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
+ parameters.update(spec.parameters)
+ if where in (Where.FRONT, Where.BACK):
+ adapter_class = BackOrFrontAdapter
+ else:
+ adapter_class = Adapter
+ return adapter_class(sequence=spec.sequence, where=where, name=name, **parameters)
+ def _parse_linked(self, spec1: str, spec2: str, name, cmdline_type):
+ """Return a linked adapter from two specification strings"""
+ if cmdline_type == 'anywhere':
+ raise ValueError("'anywhere' (-b) adapters may not be linked")
+ front_spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec1, 'front')
+ back_spec = AdapterSpecification.parse(spec2, 'back')
+ if not name:
+ name = front_spec.name
+ if cmdline_type == 'back' and front_spec.restriction is None:
+ import textwrap
+ logger.warning('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(
+ "You specified a linked adapter as '-a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2'. "
+ "The interpretation of what this means has changed in Cutadapt 2.0. "
+ "(The 5' adapter is now no longer anchored by default.) "
+ "To get results consist with the old behavior, you need to anchor "
+ "the 5' adapter explicitly as in '-a ^ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2'."
+ )))
+ front_anchored = front_spec.restriction is not None
+ back_anchored = back_spec.restriction is not None
+ front_parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
+ front_parameters.update(front_spec.parameters)
+ back_parameters = self.default_parameters.copy()
+ back_parameters.update(back_spec.parameters)
+ if cmdline_type == 'front':
+ # -g requires both adapters to be present
+ front_required = True
+ back_required = True
+ else:
+ # -a requires only the anchored adapters to be present
+ front_required = front_anchored
+ back_required = back_anchored
+ # Handle parameters overriding whether an adapter is required
+ front_required = front_parameters.pop('required', front_required)
+ back_required = back_parameters.pop('required', back_required)
+ front_adapter = Adapter(front_spec.sequence, where=front_spec.where(), name=None,
+ **front_parameters)
+ back_adapter = Adapter(back_spec.sequence, where=back_spec.where(), name=None,
+ **back_parameters)
+ return LinkedAdapter(
+ front_adapter=front_adapter,
+ back_adapter=back_adapter,
+ front_required=front_required,
+ back_required=back_required,
+ name=name,
+ )
+ def parse(self, spec, cmdline_type='back'):
+ """
+ Parse an adapter specification and yield appropriate Adapter classes.
+ This works like the _parse_no_file() function above, but also supports the
+ ``file:`` notation for reading adapters from an external FASTA
+ file. Since a file can contain multiple adapters, this
+ function is a generator.
+ """
+ if spec.startswith('file:'):
+ # read adapter sequences from a file
+ with FastaReader(spec[5:]) as fasta:
+ for record in fasta:
+ name = record.name.split(None, 1)
+ name = name[0] if name else None
+ yield self._parse(record.sequence, cmdline_type, name=name)
+ else:
+ yield self._parse(spec, cmdline_type, name=None)
+ def parse_multi(self, back, anywhere, front):
+ """
+ Parse all three types of commandline options that can be used to
+ specify adapters. back, anywhere and front are lists of strings,
+ corresponding to the respective commandline types (-a, -b, -g).
+ Return a list of appropriate Adapter classes.
+ """
+ adapters = []
+ for specs, cmdline_type in (back, 'back'), (anywhere, 'anywhere'), (front, 'front'):
+ for spec in specs:
+ adapters.extend(self.parse(spec, cmdline_type))
+ return adapters
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from xopen import xopen
import dnaio
from .utils import Progress
-from .modifiers import PairedModifier, Modifier
+from .modifiers import PairedModifier
from .report import Statistics
from .filters import (Redirector, PairedRedirector, NoFilter, PairedNoFilter, InfoFileWriter,
RestFileWriter, WildcardFileWriter, TooShortReadFilter, TooLongReadFilter, NContentFilter,
@@ -35,26 +35,28 @@ class OutputFiles:
The attributes are open file-like objects except when demultiplex is True. In that case,
untrimmed, untrimmed2, out and out2 are file names or templates
as required by the used demultiplexer ('{name}' etc.).
If interleaved is True, then out is written interleaved.
Files may also be None.
# TODO interleaving for the other file pairs (too_short, too_long, untrimmed)?
def __init__(
- self,
- out=None,
- out2=None,
- untrimmed=None,
- untrimmed2=None,
- too_short=None,
- too_short2=None,
- too_long=None,
- too_long2=None,
- info=None,
- rest=None,
- wildcard=None,
- demultiplex=False,
- interleaved=False,
- force_fasta=None,
+ self,
+ out=None,
+ out2=None,
+ untrimmed=None,
+ untrimmed2=None,
+ too_short=None,
+ too_short2=None,
+ too_long=None,
+ too_long2=None,
+ info=None,
+ rest=None,
+ wildcard=None,
+ demultiplex=False,
+ interleaved=False,
+ force_fasta=None,
self.out = out
self.out2 = out2
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ class Pipeline(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self._close_files = []
self._reader = None
- self._filters = []
+ self._filters = None
self._modifiers = []
self._outfiles = None
self._demultiplexer = None
@@ -107,11 +109,12 @@ class Pipeline(ABC):
self.discard_trimmed = False
self.discard_untrimmed = False
- def set_input(self, infiles: InputFiles):
+ def connect_io(self, infiles: InputFiles, outfiles: OutputFiles):
self._reader = dnaio.open(infiles.file1, file2=infiles.file2,
interleaved=infiles.interleaved, mode='r')
+ self._set_output(outfiles)
- def _open_writer(self, file, file2, force_fasta=None, **kwargs):
+ def _open_writer(self, file, file2=None, force_fasta=None, **kwargs):
# TODO backwards-incompatible change (?) would be to use outfiles.interleaved
# for all outputs
if force_fasta:
@@ -119,33 +122,33 @@ class Pipeline(ABC):
return dnaio.open(file, file2=file2, mode='w', qualities=self.uses_qualities,
- def set_output(self, outfiles: OutputFiles):
+ def _set_output(self, outfiles: OutputFiles):
self._filters = []
self._outfiles = outfiles
filter_wrapper = self._filter_wrapper()
- if outfiles.rest:
- self._filters.append(RestFileWriter(outfiles.rest))
- if outfiles.info:
- self._filters.append(InfoFileWriter(outfiles.info))
- if outfiles.wildcard:
- self._filters.append(WildcardFileWriter(outfiles.wildcard))
+ for filter_class, outfile in (
+ (RestFileWriter, outfiles.rest),
+ (InfoFileWriter, outfiles.info),
+ (WildcardFileWriter, outfiles.wildcard),
+ ):
+ if outfile:
+ self._filters.append(filter_wrapper(None, filter_class(outfile), None))
# minimum length and maximum length
for lengths, file1, file2, filter_class in (
(self._minimum_length, outfiles.too_short, outfiles.too_short2, TooShortReadFilter),
(self._maximum_length, outfiles.too_long, outfiles.too_long2, TooLongReadFilter)
- writer = None
- if lengths is not None:
- if file1:
- writer = self._open_writer(file1, file2)
- f1 = filter_class(lengths[0]) if lengths[0] is not None else None
- if len(lengths) == 2 and lengths[1] is not None:
- f2 = filter_class(lengths[1])
- else:
- f2 = None
- self._filters.append(filter_wrapper(writer, filter=f1, filter2=f2))
+ if lengths is None:
+ continue
+ writer = self._open_writer(file1, file2) if file1 else None
+ f1 = filter_class(lengths[0]) if lengths[0] is not None else None
+ if len(lengths) == 2 and lengths[1] is not None:
+ f2 = filter_class(lengths[1])
+ else:
+ f2 = None
+ self._filters.append(filter_wrapper(writer, filter=f1, filter2=f2))
if self.max_n is not None:
f1 = f2 = NContentFilter(self.max_n)
@@ -251,7 +254,8 @@ class SingleEndPipeline(Pipeline):
return Redirector
def _final_filter(self, outfiles):
- writer = self._open_writer(outfiles.out, outfiles.out2, force_fasta=outfiles.force_fasta)
+ assert outfiles.out2 is None
+ writer = self._open_writer(outfiles.out, force_fasta=outfiles.force_fasta)
return NoFilter(writer)
def _create_demultiplexer(self, outfiles):
@@ -283,13 +287,10 @@ class PairedEndPipeline(Pipeline):
paired = True
def __init__(self, pair_filter_mode):
- """
- Setting modify_first_read_only to True enables "legacy mode"
- """
self._pair_filter_mode = pair_filter_mode
self._reader = None
- # Whether to gnore pair_filter mode for discard-untrimmed filter
+ # Whether to ignore pair_filter mode for discard-untrimmed filter
self.override_untrimmed_pair_filter = False
def add(self, modifier1, modifier2):
@@ -396,6 +397,15 @@ def reader_process(file, file2, connections, queue, buffer_size, stdin_fd):
and finally sends "poison pills" (the value -1) to all connections.
+ def send_to_worker(chunk_index, chunk1, chunk2=None):
+ worker_index = queue.get()
+ connection = connections[worker_index]
+ connection.send(chunk_index)
+ connection.send_bytes(chunk1)
+ if chunk2 is not None:
+ connection.send_bytes(chunk2)
if stdin_fd != -1:
sys.stdin = os.fdopen(stdin_fd)
@@ -404,19 +414,10 @@ def reader_process(file, file2, connections, queue, buffer_size, stdin_fd):
if file2:
with xopen(file2, 'rb') as f2:
for chunk_index, (chunk1, chunk2) in enumerate(dnaio.read_paired_chunks(f, f2, buffer_size)):
- # Determine the worker that should get this chunk
- worker_index = queue.get()
- pipe = connections[worker_index]
- pipe.send(chunk_index)
- pipe.send_bytes(chunk1)
- pipe.send_bytes(chunk2)
+ send_to_worker(chunk_index, chunk1, chunk2)
for chunk_index, chunk in enumerate(dnaio.read_chunks(f, buffer_size)):
- # Determine the worker that should get this chunk
- worker_index = queue.get()
- pipe = connections[worker_index]
- pipe.send(chunk_index)
- pipe.send_bytes(chunk)
+ send_to_worker(chunk_index, chunk)
# Send poison pills to all workers
for _ in range(len(connections)):
@@ -437,13 +438,12 @@ class WorkerProcess(Process):
To notify the reader process that it wants data, it puts its own identifier into the
need_work_queue before attempting to read data from the read_pipe.
- def __init__(self, id_, pipeline, input_path1, input_path2,
+ def __init__(self, id_, pipeline, two_input_files,
interleaved_input, orig_outfiles, read_pipe, write_pipe, need_work_queue):
self._id = id_
self._pipeline = pipeline
- self._input_path1 = input_path1
- self._input_path2 = input_path2
+ self._two_input_files = two_input_files
self._interleaved_input = interleaved_input
self._orig_outfiles = orig_outfiles
self._read_pipe = read_pipe
@@ -466,45 +466,13 @@ class WorkerProcess(Process):
logger.error('%s', tb_str)
raise e
- # Setting the .buffer.name attributess below is necessary because
- # file format detection uses the file name
- data = self._read_pipe.recv_bytes()
- input = io.BytesIO(data)
- input.name = self._input_path1
- if self._input_path2:
- data = self._read_pipe.recv_bytes()
- input2 = io.BytesIO(data)
- input2.name = self._input_path2
- else:
- input2 = None
- output = io.BytesIO()
- output.name = self._orig_outfiles.out.name
- if self._orig_outfiles.out2 is not None:
- output2 = io.BytesIO()
- output2.name = self._orig_outfiles.out2.name
- else:
- output2 = None
- infiles = InputFiles(input, input2, interleaved=self._interleaved_input)
- outfiles = OutputFiles(out=output, out2=output2, interleaved=self._orig_outfiles.interleaved, force_fasta=self._orig_outfiles.force_fasta)
- self._pipeline.set_input(infiles)
- self._pipeline.set_output(outfiles)
+ infiles = self._make_input_files()
+ outfiles = self._make_output_files()
+ self._pipeline.connect_io(infiles, outfiles)
(n, bp1, bp2) = self._pipeline.process_reads()
cur_stats = Statistics().collect(n, bp1, bp2, [], self._pipeline._filters)
stats += cur_stats
- output.flush()
- processed_chunk = output.getvalue()
- self._write_pipe.send(chunk_index)
- self._write_pipe.send(n) # no. of reads processed in this chunk
- self._write_pipe.send_bytes(processed_chunk)
- if self._orig_outfiles.out2 is not None:
- output2.flush()
- processed_chunk2 = output2.getvalue()
- self._write_pipe.send_bytes(processed_chunk2)
+ self._send_outfiles(outfiles, chunk_index, n)
m = self._pipeline._modifiers
modifier_stats = Statistics().collect(0, 0, 0 if self._pipeline.paired else None, m, [])
@@ -515,6 +483,47 @@ class WorkerProcess(Process):
self._write_pipe.send((e, traceback.format_exc()))
+ def _make_input_files(self):
+ data = self._read_pipe.recv_bytes()
+ input = io.BytesIO(data)
+ if self._two_input_files:
+ data = self._read_pipe.recv_bytes()
+ input2 = io.BytesIO(data)
+ else:
+ input2 = None
+ return InputFiles(input, input2, interleaved=self._interleaved_input)
+ def _make_output_files(self):
+ """
+ Using self._orig_outfiles as a template, make a new OutputFiles instance
+ that has BytesIO instances for each non-None output file
+ """
+ output_files = copy.copy(self._orig_outfiles)
+ # TODO info, rest, wildcard need to be StringIO()
+ for attr in (
+ "out", "out2", "untrimmed", "untrimmed2", "too_short", "too_short2", "too_long",
+ "too_long2", "info", "rest", "wildcard"
+ ):
+ orig_outfile = getattr(self._orig_outfiles, attr)
+ if orig_outfile is not None:
+ output = io.BytesIO()
+ output.name = orig_outfile.name
+ setattr(output_files, attr, output)
+ return output_files
+ def _send_outfiles(self, outfiles, chunk_index, n_reads):
+ self._write_pipe.send(chunk_index)
+ self._write_pipe.send(n_reads)
+ for f in outfiles:
+ if f is None:
+ continue
+ f.flush()
+ processed_chunk = f.getvalue()
+ self._write_pipe.send_bytes(processed_chunk)
class OrderedChunkWriter:
@@ -527,10 +536,10 @@ class OrderedChunkWriter:
self._current_index = 0
self._outfile = outfile
- def write(self, data, chunk_index):
+ def write(self, data, index):
- self._chunks[chunk_index] = data
+ self._chunks[index] = data
while self._current_index in self._chunks:
del self._chunks[self._current_index]
@@ -561,7 +570,7 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
Run a Pipeline in parallel
- - When set_input() is called, a reader process is spawned.
+ - When connect_io() is called, a reader process is spawned.
- When run() is called, as many worker processes as requested are spawned.
- In the main process, results are written to the output files in the correct
order, and statistics are aggregated.
@@ -592,8 +601,7 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
self._pipes = [] # the workers read from these
self._reader_process = None
self._outfiles = None
- self._input_path1 = None
- self._input_path2 = None
+ self._two_input_files = None
self._interleaved_input = None
self._n_workers = n_workers
self._need_work_queue = Queue()
@@ -603,9 +611,8 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
def _assign_input(self, file1, file2=None, interleaved=False):
if self._reader_process is not None:
- raise RuntimeError('Do not call set_input more than once')
- self._input_path1 = file1 if type(file1) is str else file1.name
- self._input_path2 = file2 if type(file2) is str or file2 is None else file2.name
+ raise RuntimeError('Do not call connect_io more than once')
+ self._two_input_files = file2 is not None
self._interleaved_input = interleaved
connections = [Pipe(duplex=False) for _ in range(self._n_workers)]
self._pipes, connw = zip(*connections)
@@ -627,12 +634,6 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
and outfiles.rest is None
and outfiles.info is None
and outfiles.wildcard is None
- and outfiles.too_short is None
- and outfiles.too_short2 is None
- and outfiles.too_long is None
- and outfiles.too_long2 is None
- and outfiles.untrimmed is None
- and outfiles.untrimmed2 is None
and not outfiles.demultiplex
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
worker = WorkerProcess(
index, self._pipeline,
- self._input_path1, self._input_path2,
+ self._two_input_files,
self._interleaved_input, self._outfiles,
self._pipes[index], conn_w, self._need_work_queue)
worker.daemon = True
@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ class ParallelPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
def run(self):
workers, connections = self._start_workers()
writers = []
- for outfile in [self._outfiles.out, self._outfiles.out2]:
+ for outfile in self._outfiles:
if outfile is None:
@@ -730,8 +731,7 @@ class SerialPipelineRunner(PipelineRunner):
def __init__(self, pipeline: Pipeline, infiles: InputFiles, outfiles: OutputFiles):
- self._pipeline.set_input(infiles)
- self._pipeline.set_output(outfiles)
+ self._pipeline.connect_io(infiles, outfiles)
def run(self):
(n, total1_bp, total2_bp) = self._pipeline.process_reads(progress=self._progress)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Generated by Cython 0.29.12 */
+/* Generated by Cython 0.29.13 */
/* BEGIN: Cython Metadata
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ END: Cython Metadata */
#elif PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02060000 || (0x03000000 <= PY_VERSION_HEX && PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03030000)
#error Cython requires Python 2.6+ or Python 3.3+.
-#define CYTHON_ABI "0_29_12"
-#define CYTHON_HEX_VERSION 0x001D0CF0
+#define CYTHON_ABI "0_29_13"
+#define CYTHON_HEX_VERSION 0x001D0DF0
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef offsetof
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import re
import sys
import time
+import resource
import multiprocessing
@@ -27,6 +28,12 @@ def available_cpu_count():
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+def raise_open_files_limit(n):
+ soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
+ soft += n
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (soft, hard))
class Progress:
Write progress
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-from textwrap import dedent
import pytest
from dnaio import Sequence
-from cutadapt.adapters import (Adapter, Match, Where, LinkedAdapter, AdapterParser,
- AdapterSpecification)
+from cutadapt.adapters import Adapter, Match, Where, LinkedAdapter
def test_issue_52():
@@ -65,27 +63,6 @@ def test_str():
str(a.match_to(Sequence(name='seq', sequence='TTACGT')))
-def test_expand_braces():
- expand_braces = AdapterSpecification.expand_braces
- assert expand_braces('') == ''
- assert expand_braces('A') == 'A'
- assert expand_braces('A{0}') == ''
- assert expand_braces('A{1}') == 'A'
- assert expand_braces('A{2}') == 'AA'
- assert expand_braces('A{2}C') == 'AAC'
- assert expand_braces('ACGTN{3}TGACCC') == 'ACGTNNNTGACCC'
- assert expand_braces('ACGTN{10}TGACCC') == 'ACGTNNNNNNNNNNTGACCC'
- assert expand_braces('ACGTN{3}TGA{4}CCC') == 'ACGTNNNTGAAAACCC'
- assert expand_braces('ACGTN{0}TGA{4}CCC') == 'ACGTTGAAAACCC'
-def test_expand_braces_fail():
- for expression in ['{', '}', '{}', '{5', '{1}', 'A{-7}', 'A{', 'A{1', 'N{7', 'AN{7', 'A{4{}',
- 'A{4}{3}', 'A{b}', 'A{6X}', 'A{X6}']:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- AdapterSpecification.expand_braces(expression)
def test_linked_adapter():
front_adapter = Adapter('AAAA', where=Where.PREFIX, min_overlap=4)
back_adapter = Adapter('TTTT', where=Where.BACK, min_overlap=3)
@@ -193,143 +170,6 @@ def test_issue_265():
assert la.match_to(s).matches == 3
-def test_parse_file_notation(tmpdir):
- tmp_path = str(tmpdir.join('adapters.fasta'))
- with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f:
- f.write(dedent(""">first_name
- >second_name
- """))
- parser = AdapterParser(
- max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
- adapter_wildcards=False, indels=False)
- adapters = list(parser.parse('file:' + tmp_path, cmdline_type='back'))
- assert len(adapters) == 2
- assert adapters[0].name == 'first_name'
- assert adapters[0].sequence == 'ADAPTER1'
- assert adapters[1].name == 'second_name'
- assert adapters[1].sequence == 'ADAPTER2'
- for a in adapters:
- assert a.max_error_rate == 0.2
- assert a.min_overlap == 4
- assert not a.read_wildcards
- assert not a.adapter_wildcards
- assert not a.indels
-def test_parse_not_linked():
- p = AdapterSpecification.parse
- assert p('A', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'front')
- assert p('A', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'back')
- assert p('A', 'anywhere') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'anywhere')
- assert p('^A', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'anchored', 'A', {}, 'front')
- assert p('XXXA', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'noninternal', 'A', {}, 'front')
- assert p('A$', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'anchored', 'A', {}, 'back')
- assert p('AXXXX', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'noninternal', 'A', {}, 'back')
- assert p('a_name=ADAPT', 'front') == AdapterSpecification('a_name', None, 'ADAPT', {}, 'front')
-def test_parse_parameters():
- p = AdapterSpecification._parse_parameters
- assert p('e=0.1') == {'max_error_rate': 0.1}
- assert p('error_rate=0.1') == {'max_error_rate': 0.1}
- assert p('o=5') == {'min_overlap': 5}
- assert p('min_overlap=5') == {'min_overlap': 5}
- assert p('o=7; e=0.4') == {'min_overlap': 7, 'max_error_rate': 0.4}
- assert p('anywhere') == {'anywhere': True}
- assert p('required') == {'required': True}
- assert p('optional') == {'required': False}
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- p('e=hallo')
- with pytest.raises(KeyError):
- p('bla=0.1')
- with pytest.raises(ValueError):
- p('e=')
-def test_parse_with_parameters():
- parser = AdapterParser(
- max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
- adapter_wildcards=False, indels=False)
- a = parser._parse('ACGTACGT; e=0.15', 'front')
- assert a.max_error_rate == 0.15
- assert a.min_overlap == 4
- a = parser._parse('ACGTAAAA; o=5; e=0.11', 'back')
- assert a.max_error_rate == 0.11
- assert a.min_overlap == 5
- for spec in ('thename=ACG;e=0.15 ... TGT;e=0.17', 'thename=ACG;e=0.15...TGT;e=0.17'):
- a = parser._parse(spec, 'back')
- assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
- assert a.front_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.15
- assert a.back_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.17
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("seq,req1,req2", [
- ("ACG...TGT", False, False),
- ("ACG...TGT$", False, True),
- ("^ACG...TGT", True, False),
- ("^ACG...TGT$", True, True),
-def test_anchoring_makes_front_linked_adapter_required(seq, req1, req2):
- # -a X...Y
- a = AdapterParser()._parse(seq, "back")
- assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
- assert a.front_required is req1
- assert a.back_required is req2
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("r1,r2,req1,req2", [
- ("", "", False, False),
- ("", ";required", False, True),
- (";required", "", True, False),
- (";required", ";required", True, True),
- ("", ";optional", False, False),
- (";optional", "", False, False),
- (";optional", ";optional", False, False),
-def test_linked_adapter_back_required_optional(r1, r2, req1, req2):
- # -a X...Y
- a = AdapterParser()._parse("ACG" + r1 + "...TGT" + r2, "back")
- assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
- assert a.front_required is req1
- assert a.back_required is req2
- at pytest.mark.parametrize("r1,r2,exp1,exp2", [
- ("", "", True, True),
- ("", ";required", True, True),
- (";required", "", True, True),
- (";required", ";required", True, True),
- ("", ";optional", True, False),
- (";optional", "", False, True),
- (";optional", ";optional", False, False),
-def test_linked_adapter_front_required_optional(r1, r2, exp1, exp2):
- # -g X...Y
- a = AdapterParser()._parse("ACG" + r1 + "...TGT" + r2, "front")
- assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
- assert a.front_required is exp1
- assert a.back_required is exp2
-def test_anywhere_parameter():
- parser = AdapterParser(max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
- adapter_wildcards=False, indels=True)
- adapter = list(parser.parse('CTGAAGTGAAGTACACGGTT;anywhere', 'back'))[0]
- assert adapter.remove == 'suffix'
- assert adapter.where is Where.ANYWHERE
- read = Sequence('foo1', 'TGAAGTACACGGTTAAAAAAAAAA')
- from cutadapt.modifiers import AdapterCutter
- cutter = AdapterCutter([adapter])
- trimmed_read = cutter(read, [])
- assert trimmed_read.sequence == ''
@pytest.mark.parametrize("where", [Where.PREFIX, Where.SUFFIX])
def test_no_indels_empty_read(where):
# Issue #376
@@ -98,10 +98,15 @@ def test_minimum_length(run):
run("-m 5 -a TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG", "minlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
-def test_too_short(run, tmpdir):
+def test_too_short(run, tmpdir, cores):
too_short_path = str(tmpdir.join('tooshort.fa'))
- run("-m 5 -a TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG --too-short-output " + too_short_path, "minlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
+ run([
+ "--cores", str(cores),
+ "-m", "5",
+ "--too-short-output", too_short_path
+ ], "minlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
assert_files_equal(datapath('tooshort.fa'), too_short_path)
@@ -110,10 +115,15 @@ def test_maximum_length(run):
run("-M 5 -a TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG", "maxlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
-def test_too_long(run, tmpdir):
+def test_too_long(run, tmpdir, cores):
too_long_path = str(tmpdir.join('toolong.fa'))
- run("-M 5 -a TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG --too-long-output " + too_long_path, "maxlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
+ run([
+ "--cores", str(cores),
+ "-M", "5",
+ "--too-long-output", too_long_path
+ ], "maxlen.fa", "lengths.fa")
assert_files_equal(datapath('toolong.fa'), too_long_path)
@@ -394,9 +404,10 @@ def test_unconditional_cut_both(run):
run('-u -5 -u 5', 'unconditional-both.fastq', 'small.fastq')
-def test_untrimmed_output(run, tmpdir):
+def test_untrimmed_output(run, cores, tmpdir):
path = str(tmpdir.join("untrimmed.fastq"))
- run(["-a", "TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG", "--untrimmed-output", path], "small.trimmed.fastq", "small.fastq")
+ run(["--cores", str(cores), "-a", "TTAGACATATCTCCGTCG", "--untrimmed-output", path],
+ "small.trimmed.fastq", "small.fastq")
assert_files_equal(cutpath("small.untrimmed.fastq"), path)
@@ -666,3 +677,8 @@ def test_force_fasta_output(tmpdir, cores):
def test_empty_read_with_wildcard_in_adapter(run):
run("-g CWC", "empty.fastq", "empty.fastq")
+def test_print_progress_to_tty(tmpdir, mocker):
+ mocker.patch("cutadapt.utils.sys.stderr").isatty.return_value = True
+ main(["-o", str(tmpdir.join("out.fastq")), datapath("small.fastq")])
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import os.path
import shutil
-import tempfile
from itertools import product
import pytest
@@ -352,29 +351,31 @@ def test_pair_filter_first(run_paired, cores):
-def test_too_short_paired_output(run_paired, tmpdir):
+def test_too_short_paired_output(run_paired, tmpdir, cores):
p1 = str(tmpdir.join("too-short.1.fastq"))
p2 = str(tmpdir.join("too-short.2.fastq"))
- "-a TTAGACATAT -A CAGTGGAGTA -m 14 --too-short-output "
- "{0} --too-short-paired-output {1}".format(p1, p2),
+ " --too-short-output {}"
+ " --too-short-paired-output {}".format(p1, p2),
in1="paired.1.fastq", in2="paired.2.fastq",
expected1="paired.1.fastq", expected2="paired.2.fastq",
- cores=1
+ cores=cores
assert_files_equal(cutpath("paired-too-short.1.fastq"), p1)
assert_files_equal(cutpath("paired-too-short.2.fastq"), p2)
-def test_too_long_output(run_paired, tmpdir):
+def test_too_long_output(run_paired, tmpdir, cores):
p1 = str(tmpdir.join("too-long.1.fastq"))
p2 = str(tmpdir.join("too-long.2.fastq"))
- "-a TTAGACATAT -A CAGTGGAGTA -M 14 --too-long-output "
- "{0} --too-long-paired-output {1}".format(p1, p2),
+ " --too-long-output {}"
+ " --too-long-paired-output {}".format(p1, p2),
in1="paired.1.fastq", in2="paired.2.fastq",
expected1="paired-too-short.1.fastq", expected2="paired-too-short.2.fastq",
- cores=1
+ cores=cores
assert_files_equal(cutpath("paired.1.fastq"), p1)
assert_files_equal(cutpath("paired.2.fastq"), p2)
@@ -522,3 +523,15 @@ def test_combinatorial_demultiplexing(tmpdir):
path = cutpath(os.path.join("combinatorial", name))
assert tmpdir.join(name).check(), "Output file missing"
assert_files_equal(path, str(tmpdir.join(name)))
+def test_info_file(tmpdir):
+ info_path = str(tmpdir.join("info.txt"))
+ params = [
+ "--info-file", info_path,
+ "-o", str(tmpdir.join("out.1.fastq")),
+ "-p", str(tmpdir.join("out.2.fastq")),
+ datapath("paired.1.fastq"),
+ datapath("paired.2.fastq"),
+ ]
+ assert main(params) is None
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+from textwrap import dedent
+import pytest
+from dnaio import Sequence
+from cutadapt.adapters import Adapter, Where, LinkedAdapter
+from cutadapt.parser import AdapterParser, AdapterSpecification
+def test_expand_braces():
+ expand_braces = AdapterSpecification.expand_braces
+ assert expand_braces('') == ''
+ assert expand_braces('A') == 'A'
+ assert expand_braces('A{0}') == ''
+ assert expand_braces('A{1}') == 'A'
+ assert expand_braces('A{2}') == 'AA'
+ assert expand_braces('A{2}C') == 'AAC'
+ assert expand_braces('ACGTN{3}TGACCC') == 'ACGTNNNTGACCC'
+ assert expand_braces('ACGTN{10}TGACCC') == 'ACGTNNNNNNNNNNTGACCC'
+ assert expand_braces('ACGTN{3}TGA{4}CCC') == 'ACGTNNNTGAAAACCC'
+ assert expand_braces('ACGTN{0}TGA{4}CCC') == 'ACGTTGAAAACCC'
+def test_expand_braces_fail():
+ for expression in ['{', '}', '{}', '{5', '{1}', 'A{-7}', 'A{', 'A{1', 'N{7', 'AN{7', 'A{4{}',
+ 'A{4}{3}', 'A{b}', 'A{6X}', 'A{X6}']:
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ AdapterSpecification.expand_braces(expression)
+def test_parse_file_notation(tmpdir):
+ tmp_path = str(tmpdir.join('adapters.fasta'))
+ with open(tmp_path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(dedent(""">first_name
+ >second_name
+ """))
+ parser = AdapterParser(
+ max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
+ adapter_wildcards=False, indels=False)
+ adapters = list(parser.parse('file:' + tmp_path, cmdline_type='back'))
+ assert len(adapters) == 2
+ assert adapters[0].name == 'first_name'
+ assert adapters[0].sequence == 'ADAPTER1'
+ assert adapters[1].name == 'second_name'
+ assert adapters[1].sequence == 'ADAPTER2'
+ for a in adapters:
+ assert a.max_error_rate == 0.2
+ assert a.min_overlap == 4
+ assert not a.read_wildcards
+ assert not a.adapter_wildcards
+ assert not a.indels
+def test_parse_not_linked():
+ p = AdapterSpecification.parse
+ assert p('A', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'front')
+ assert p('A', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'back')
+ assert p('A', 'anywhere') == AdapterSpecification(None, None, 'A', {}, 'anywhere')
+ assert p('^A', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'anchored', 'A', {}, 'front')
+ assert p('XXXA', 'front') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'noninternal', 'A', {}, 'front')
+ assert p('A$', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'anchored', 'A', {}, 'back')
+ assert p('AXXXX', 'back') == AdapterSpecification(None, 'noninternal', 'A', {}, 'back')
+ assert p('a_name=ADAPT', 'front') == AdapterSpecification('a_name', None, 'ADAPT', {}, 'front')
+def test_parse_parameters():
+ p = AdapterSpecification._parse_parameters
+ assert p('e=0.1') == {'max_error_rate': 0.1}
+ assert p('error_rate=0.1') == {'max_error_rate': 0.1}
+ assert p('o=5') == {'min_overlap': 5}
+ assert p('min_overlap=5') == {'min_overlap': 5}
+ assert p('o=7; e=0.4') == {'min_overlap': 7, 'max_error_rate': 0.4}
+ assert p('anywhere') == {'anywhere': True}
+ assert p('required') == {'required': True}
+ assert p('optional') == {'required': False}
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ p('e=hallo')
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ p('bla=0.1')
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ p('e=')
+def test_parse_with_parameters():
+ parser = AdapterParser(
+ max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
+ adapter_wildcards=False, indels=False)
+ a = parser._parse('ACGTACGT; e=0.15', 'front')
+ assert a.max_error_rate == 0.15
+ assert a.min_overlap == 4
+ a = parser._parse('ACGTAAAA; o=5; e=0.11', 'back')
+ assert a.max_error_rate == 0.11
+ assert a.min_overlap == 5
+ for spec in ('thename=ACG;e=0.15 ... TGT;e=0.17', 'thename=ACG;e=0.15...TGT;e=0.17'):
+ a = parser._parse(spec, 'back')
+ assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
+ assert a.front_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.15
+ assert a.back_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.17
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("seq,req1,req2", [
+ ("ACG...TGT", False, False),
+ ("ACG...TGT$", False, True),
+ ("^ACG...TGT", True, False),
+ ("^ACG...TGT$", True, True),
+def test_anchoring_makes_front_linked_adapter_required(seq, req1, req2):
+ # -a X...Y
+ a = AdapterParser()._parse(seq, "back")
+ assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
+ assert a.front_required is req1
+ assert a.back_required is req2
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("r1,r2,req1,req2", [
+ ("", "", False, False),
+ ("", ";required", False, True),
+ (";required", "", True, False),
+ (";required", ";required", True, True),
+ ("", ";optional", False, False),
+ (";optional", "", False, False),
+ (";optional", ";optional", False, False),
+def test_linked_adapter_back_required_optional(r1, r2, req1, req2):
+ # -a X...Y
+ a = AdapterParser()._parse("ACG" + r1 + "...TGT" + r2, "back")
+ assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
+ assert a.front_required is req1
+ assert a.back_required is req2
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("r1,r2,exp1,exp2", [
+ ("", "", True, True),
+ ("", ";required", True, True),
+ (";required", "", True, True),
+ (";required", ";required", True, True),
+ ("", ";optional", True, False),
+ (";optional", "", False, True),
+ (";optional", ";optional", False, False),
+def test_linked_adapter_front_required_optional(r1, r2, exp1, exp2):
+ # -g X...Y
+ a = AdapterParser()._parse("ACG" + r1 + "...TGT" + r2, "front")
+ assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
+ assert a.front_required is exp1
+ assert a.back_required is exp2
+def test_linked_adapter_parameters():
+ # issue #394
+ a = AdapterParser(max_error_rate=0.17, indels=False)._parse("ACG...TGT")
+ assert isinstance(a, LinkedAdapter)
+ assert a.front_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.17
+ assert a.back_adapter.max_error_rate == 0.17
+ assert not a.front_adapter.indels
+ assert not a.back_adapter.indels
+def test_anywhere_parameter():
+ parser = AdapterParser(max_error_rate=0.2, min_overlap=4, read_wildcards=False,
+ adapter_wildcards=False, indels=True)
+ adapter = list(parser.parse('CTGAAGTGAAGTACACGGTT;anywhere', 'back'))[0]
+ assert adapter.remove == 'suffix'
+ assert adapter.where is Where.ANYWHERE
+ read = Sequence('foo1', 'TGAAGTACACGGTTAAAAAAAAAA')
+ from cutadapt.modifiers import AdapterCutter
+ cutter = AdapterCutter([adapter])
+ trimmed_read = cutter(read, [])
+ assert trimmed_read.sequence == ''
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