[med-svn] [Git][med-team/parsnp][master] 12 commits: Use 2to3 to port to Python3
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Sep 13 12:34:57 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / parsnp
fe07a083 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T10:56:04Z
Use 2to3 to port to Python3
- - - - -
8e172853 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T10:57:29Z
Adapt packaging
- - - - -
8f300def by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:02:51Z
Refresh patch
- - - - -
7d6db4f5 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:03:51Z
- - - - -
3320e538 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:04:26Z
debhelper-compat 12
- - - - -
02d97017 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:04:30Z
Standards-Version: 4.4.0
- - - - -
506660da by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:04:31Z
Secure URI in copyright format
- - - - -
aa5bb93b by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:04:37Z
Use secure URI in Homepage field.
Fixes lintian: homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri
See https://lintian.debian.org/tags/homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri.html for more details.
- - - - -
c216dce8 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:06:17Z
- - - - -
315762b0 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:07:36Z
Inform users about Python3 migration in NEWS.Debian
- - - - -
da32d293 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:15:36Z
pybuild is only important to keep dh_auto_clean silent. The configuration is rather done by automake
- - - - -
1f861360 by Andreas Tille at 2019-09-13T11:28:15Z
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
9 changed files:
- + debian/NEWS.Debian
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- + debian/docs
- + debian/patches/2to3_new.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+parsnp (1.2+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ Parsnp was converted to Python3 by the Debian Med team since
+ Python2 will be removed from Debian 11.
+ If you notice any issues that might be connected to this conversion
+ please do
+ reportbug parsnp
+ to let us know.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:08:17 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+parsnp (1.2+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Use 2to3 to port to Python3
+ Closes: #937242
+ * debhelper-compat 12
+ * Standards-Version: 4.4.0
+ * Secure URI in copyright format
+ * Use secure URI in Homepage field.
+ * buildsystem=pybuild
+ * Inform users about Python3 migration in NEWS.Debian
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:07:43 +0200
parsnp (1.2+dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* Build-Depends: dh-python
debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
@@ -3,27 +3,27 @@ Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.
Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Section: science
Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
- python-all-dev,
- python-setuptools,
- cython,
+ python3-all-dev,
+ python3-setuptools,
+ cython3,
-Standards-Version: 4.1.5
+Standards-Version: 4.4.0
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/parsnp
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/parsnp.git
-Homepage: http://harvest.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/parsnp.html
+Homepage: https://harvest.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/parsnp.html
Package: parsnp
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
- ${python:Depends},
- python-numpy,
+ ${python3:Depends},
+ python3-numpy,
-Recommends: python-dendropy
+Recommends: python3-dendropy
Description: rapid core genome multi-alignment
Parsnp was designed to align the core genome of hundreds to thousands of
bacterial genomes within a few minutes to few hours. Input can be both
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Upstream-Name: ParSNP
Upstream-Contact: Todd J Treangen <treangen at gmail.com>
Source: https://github.com/marbl/parsnp/releases
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+Description: Use 2to3 to port to Python3
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/937242
+Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+Last-Update: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 12:08:17 +0200
+--- a/Parsnp.py
++++ b/Parsnp.py
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ # See the LICENSE file included with this software for license information.
+ import os, sys, string, getopt, random,subprocess, time, glob,operator, math, datetime,numpy #pysam
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ else:
+ def handler(signum, frame):
+ global SIGINT
+ SIGINT = True
+- print 'Caught request to terminate by user (CTRL+C), exiting now, bye'
++ print('Caught request to terminate by user (CTRL+C), exiting now, bye')
+ sys.exit(128)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
+@@ -218,79 +218,79 @@ if os.path.exists("%s/MUMmer/nucmer_run"
+ ff.close()
+ def version():
+- print VERSION
++ print(VERSION)
+ def usage():
+- print "usage: parsnp [options] [-g|-r|-q](see below) -d <genome_dir> -p <threads>"
+- print ""
+- print "Parsnp quick start for three example scenarios: "
+- print "1) With reference & genbank file: "
+- print " >parsnp -g <reference_genbank_file1,reference_genbank_file2,..> -d <genome_dir> -p <threads> "
+- print ""
+- print "2) With reference but without genbank file:"
+- print " >parsnp -r <reference_genome> -d <genome_dir> -p <threads> "
+- print ""
+- print "3) Autorecruit reference to a draft assembly:"
+- print " >parsnp -q <draft_assembly> -d <genome_db> -p <threads> "
+- print ""
+- print "[Input parameters]"
+- print "<<input/output>>"
+- print " -c = <flag>: (c)urated genome directory, use all genomes in dir and ignore MUMi? (default = NO)"
+- print " -d = <path>: (d)irectory containing genomes/contigs/scaffolds"
+- print " -r = <path>: (r)eference genome (set to ! to pick random one from genome dir)"
+- print " -g = <string>: Gen(b)ank file(s) (gbk), comma separated list (default = None)"
+- print " -o = <string>: output directory? default [./P_CURRDATE_CURRTIME]"
+- print " -q = <path>: (optional) specify (assembled) query genome to use, in addition to genomes found in genome dir (default = NONE)"
+- print ""
+- print "<<MUMi>>"
+- print " -U = <float>: max MUMi distance value for MUMi distribution "
+- print " -M = <flag>: calculate MUMi and exit? overrides all other choices! (default: NO)"
++ print("usage: parsnp [options] [-g|-r|-q](see below) -d <genome_dir> -p <threads>")
++ print("")
++ print("Parsnp quick start for three example scenarios: ")
++ print("1) With reference & genbank file: ")
++ print(" >parsnp -g <reference_genbank_file1,reference_genbank_file2,..> -d <genome_dir> -p <threads> ")
++ print("")
++ print("2) With reference but without genbank file:")
++ print(" >parsnp -r <reference_genome> -d <genome_dir> -p <threads> ")
++ print("")
++ print("3) Autorecruit reference to a draft assembly:")
++ print(" >parsnp -q <draft_assembly> -d <genome_db> -p <threads> ")
++ print("")
++ print("[Input parameters]")
++ print("<<input/output>>")
++ print(" -c = <flag>: (c)urated genome directory, use all genomes in dir and ignore MUMi? (default = NO)")
++ print(" -d = <path>: (d)irectory containing genomes/contigs/scaffolds")
++ print(" -r = <path>: (r)eference genome (set to ! to pick random one from genome dir)")
++ print(" -g = <string>: Gen(b)ank file(s) (gbk), comma separated list (default = None)")
++ print(" -o = <string>: output directory? default [./P_CURRDATE_CURRTIME]")
++ print(" -q = <path>: (optional) specify (assembled) query genome to use, in addition to genomes found in genome dir (default = NONE)")
++ print("")
++ print("<<MUMi>>")
++ print(" -U = <float>: max MUMi distance value for MUMi distribution ")
++ print(" -M = <flag>: calculate MUMi and exit? overrides all other choices! (default: NO)")
+ #new, mutually exclusive
+- print " -i = <float>: max MUM(i) distance (default: autocutoff based on distribution of MUMi values)"
+- print ""
+- print "<<MUM search>>"
++ print(" -i = <float>: max MUM(i) distance (default: autocutoff based on distribution of MUMi values)")
++ print("")
++ print("<<MUM search>>")
+ #new, default to lower, 12-17
+- print " -a = <int>: min (a)NCHOR length (default = 1.1*Log(S))"
+- print " -C = <int>: maximal cluster D value? (default=100)"
+- print " -z = <path>: min LCB si(z)e? (default = 25)"
+- print ""
+- print "<<LCB alignment>>"
+- print " -D = <float>: maximal diagonal difference? Either percentage (e.g. 0.2) or bp (e.g. 100bp) (default = 0.12)"
+- print " -e = <flag> greedily extend LCBs? experimental! (default = NO)"
+- print " -n = <string>: alignment program (default: libMUSCLE)"
+- print " -u = <flag>: output unaligned regions? .unaligned (default: NO)"
+- print ""
+- print "<<Recombination filtration>>"
++ print(" -a = <int>: min (a)NCHOR length (default = 1.1*Log(S))")
++ print(" -C = <int>: maximal cluster D value? (default=100)")
++ print(" -z = <path>: min LCB si(z)e? (default = 25)")
++ print("")
++ print("<<LCB alignment>>")
++ print(" -D = <float>: maximal diagonal difference? Either percentage (e.g. 0.2) or bp (e.g. 100bp) (default = 0.12)")
++ print(" -e = <flag> greedily extend LCBs? experimental! (default = NO)")
++ print(" -n = <string>: alignment program (default: libMUSCLE)")
++ print(" -u = <flag>: output unaligned regions? .unaligned (default: NO)")
++ print("")
++ print("<<Recombination filtration>>")
+ #new, default is OFF
+- print " -x = <flag>: enable filtering of SNPs located in PhiPack identified regions of recombination? (default: NO)"
+- print ""
+- print "<<Misc>>"
+- print " -h = <flag>: (h)elp: print this message and exit"
+- print " -p = <int>: number of threads to use? (default= 1)"
+- print " -P = <int>: max partition size? limits memory usage (default= 15000000)"
+- print " -v = <flag>: (v)erbose output? (default = NO)"
+- print " -V = <flag>: output (V)ersion and exit"
+- print ""
++ print(" -x = <flag>: enable filtering of SNPs located in PhiPack identified regions of recombination? (default: NO)")
++ print("")
++ print("<<Misc>>")
++ print(" -h = <flag>: (h)elp: print this message and exit")
++ print(" -p = <int>: number of threads to use? (default= 1)")
++ print(" -P = <int>: max partition size? limits memory usage (default= 15000000)")
++ print(" -v = <flag>: (v)erbose output? (default = NO)")
++ print(" -V = <flag>: output (V)ersion and exit")
++ print("")
+ #hidden, not yet supported options
+-#print "-q = <path>: (optional) specify (assembled) query genome to use, in addition to genomes found in genome dir (default = NONE)"
+-#print "-s = <flag>: (s)plit genomes by n's (default = NO)"
+-#print "-z = <path>: min cluster si(z)e? (default = 10)"
+-#print "-F = <flag>: fast MUMi calc? (default=NO)"
+-#print "-g = <bool>: auto-launch (g)ingr? (default = NO)"
++#print("-q = <path>: (optional) specify (assembled) query genome to use, in addition to genomes found in genome dir (default = NONE)")
++#print("-s = <flag>: (s)plit genomes by n's (default = NO)")
++#print("-z = <path>: min cluster si(z)e? (default = 10)")
++#print("-F = <flag>: fast MUMi calc? (default=NO)")
++#print("-g = <bool>: auto-launch (g)ingr? (default = NO)")
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parsnp_dir= sys.path[0]
+- #print parsnp_dir
++ #print(parsnp_dir)
+ #PARSNP_DIR = parsnp_dir
+ opts = []
+ args = []
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hxved:C:F:D:i:g:m:MU:o:a:cln:p:P:q:r:Rsz:uV", ["help","xtrafast","verbose","extend","sequencedir","clusterD","DiagonalDiff","iniFile","genbank","mumlength","onlymumi","MUMi","outputDir","anchorlength","curated","layout","aligNmentprog","threads","max-partition-size","query","reference","nofiltreps","split","minclustersiZe","unaligned","version"])
+- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
++ except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+ # print help information and exit:
+- print str(err)
++ print(str(err))
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif o in ("-R","--filtreps"):
+- print "WARNING: -R option is no longer supported, ignoring. Please see harvest.readthedocs.org for bed filtering w/ harvesttools"
++ print("WARNING: -R option is no longer supported, ignoring. Please see harvest.readthedocs.org for bed filtering w/ harvesttools")
+ filtreps = False
+ elif o in ("-r","--reference"):
+ ref = a
+@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ genbank_ref1.write(">gi|"+giline.split("GI:")[-1])
+ ntdata = False
+ data = ""
+- for line in rf.xreadlines():
++ for line in rf:
+ if ntdata:
+ if "//" in line:
+ ntdata = False
+@@ -549,20 +549,20 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ref = query
+ if 1:
+- print (len(outputDir)+17)*"*"
++ print((len(outputDir)+17)*"*")
+ if ref != "!":
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"refgenome:\t%s"%(ref)+ENDC
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"refgenome:\t%s"%(ref)+ENDC)
+ else:
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"refgenome:\t%s"%("autopick")+ENDC
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"aligner:\tlibMUSCLE"+ENDC
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"seqdir:\t%s"%(seqdir)+ENDC
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"outdir:\t%s"%(outputDir)+ENDC
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"OS:\t\t%s"%(OSTYPE)+ENDC
+- print "|-"+BOLDME+"threads:\t%s"%(threads)+ENDC
+- print (len(outputDir)+17)*"*"
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"refgenome:\t%s"%("autopick")+ENDC)
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"aligner:\tlibMUSCLE"+ENDC)
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"seqdir:\t%s"%(seqdir)+ENDC)
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"outdir:\t%s"%(outputDir)+ENDC)
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"OS:\t\t%s"%(OSTYPE)+ENDC)
++ print("|-"+BOLDME+"threads:\t%s"%(threads)+ENDC)
++ print((len(outputDir)+17)*"*")
+- print "\n<<Parsnp started>>\n"
++ print("\n<<Parsnp started>>\n")
+ #1)read fasta files (contigs/scaffolds/finished/DBs/dirs)
+ sys.stderr.write( "-->Reading Genome (asm, fasta) files from %s..\n"%(seqdir))
+@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ for char in special_chars:
+ if char in file:
+- print "WARNING: File %s contains a non-supported special character (\'%s\') in file name. Please remove if you'd like to include. For best practices see: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202808"%(file,char)
++ print("WARNING: File %s contains a non-supported special character (\'%s\') in file name. Please remove if you'd like to include. For best practices see: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202808"%(file,char))
+ nameok = False
+ break
+ if nameok:
+@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ for char in special_chars:
+ if char in file:
+- #print "WARNING: File %s contains a non-supported special character (%s) in file name. Please remove if you'd like to include. For best practices see: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202808"%(file,char)
++ #print("WARNING: File %s contains a non-supported special character (%s) in file name. Please remove if you'd like to include. For best practices see: http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202808"%(file,char))
+ nameok = False
+ break
+ if not nameok:
+@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ data = []
+ totlen = 0
+- for line in ff.xreadlines():
++ for line in ff:
+ if line[0] != ">":
+ data.append(line.replace("\n",""))
+ if "-" in line:
+@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ continue
+ seq_dict[hdr] = nt
+ seq_len[hdr] = len(nt.replace("\n",""))
+- seq_len_sort = sorted(seq_len.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
++ seq_len_sort = sorted(iter(seq_len.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+ seq_len_sort.reverse()
+ ffo = open("%s"%(outputDir+os.sep+ref.split(os.sep)[-1]+".ref"),'w')
+ for item in seq_len_sort:
+@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if not inifile_exists:
+ if len(fnafiles) < 1 or ref == "":
+ sys.stderr.write( "Parsnp requires 2 or more genomes to run, exiting\n")
+- print fnafiles, ref
++ print(fnafiles, ref)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ file_string = ""
+@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ run_command(command)
+ try:
+ mumif = open(outputDir+os.sep+"all.mumi",'r')
+- for line in mumif.xreadlines():
++ for line in mumif:
+ line = line.replace("\n","")
+ try:
+ idx,mi = line.split(":")
+@@ -791,13 +791,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ i = 0
+ for file in fnafiles:
+ mumi_dict[i] = 1
+- print " |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print(" |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ finalfiles = []
+ lowest_mumi = 100
+ auto_ref = ""
+ if autopick_ref:
+- for idx in mumi_dict.keys():
++ for idx in list(mumi_dict.keys()):
+ if mumi_dict[idx] < lowest_mumi:
+ auto_ref = seqdir+os.sep+fnafiles[idx]
+ ref = auto_ref
+@@ -813,9 +813,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ mumi_f = open(outputDir+os.sep+"recruited_genomes.lst",'w')
++ print("RECRUITED GENOMES:\n")
+- sorted_x = sorted(mumi_dict.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
++ sorted_x = sorted(iter(mumi_dict.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+ scnt = 0
+ mumivals = []
+ for item in sorted_x:
+@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ hpv = minv+(3*stdv)
+- for idx in mumi_dict.keys():
++ for idx in list(mumi_dict.keys()):
+ if mumi_dict[idx] < (float(mumidistance)) or curated:
+ if fastmum and mumi_dict[idx] > hpv:
+ continue
+@@ -846,11 +846,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if mumi_only:
+ mumi_f.write(os.path.abspath(seqdir+os.sep+fnafiles[idx])+",%f"%(mumi_dict[idx])+"\n")
+- print "\t"+fnafiles[idx]
++ print("\t"+fnafiles[idx])
+ finalfiles.append(fnafiles[idx])
+ allfiles.append(fnafiles[idx])
+- print
++ print()
+ if curated:
+ for file in fnafiles:
+@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ continue
+ seq_dict[hdr] = nt
+ seq_len[hdr] = len(nt.replace("\n",""))
+- seq_len_sort = sorted(seq_len.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
++ seq_len_sort = sorted(iter(seq_len.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+ seq_len_sort.reverse()
+ ffo = open("%s"%(outputDir+os.sep+auto_ref.split(os.sep)[-1]+".ref"),'w')
+ for item in seq_len_sort:
+@@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ ffo.close()
+ auto_ref = outputDir+os.sep+auto_ref.split(os.sep)[-1]+".ref"
+ ref = auto_ref
+- #print ref
+- #print ref
++ #print(ref)
++ #print(ref)
+ inifiled_closest = inifiled
+ if not inifile_exists:
+ if len(finalfiles) < 1 or ref == "":
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #3)run parsnp (cores, grid?)
+- print "-->Running Parsnp multi-MUM search and libMUSCLE aligner.."
++ print("-->Running Parsnp multi-MUM search and libMUSCLE aligner..")
+ if not os.path.exists(outputDir+os.sep+"blocks"):
+ os.mkdir(outputDir+os.sep+"blocks")
+ command = ""
+@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ totseqs = 0
+ try:
+ cf = open("%sparsnpAligner.log"%(outputDir+os.sep))
+- for line in cf.xreadlines():
++ for line in cf:
+ if "Total coverage among all sequences:" in line:
+ coverage = line.split(":",1)[-1].replace("\n","")
+ coverage = float(coverage.replace("%",""))/100.0
+@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ totlength += int(line.split(":",1)[-1].replace("\n","").split("bps")[0])
+ totseqs +=1
+ except IOError:
+- print ERROR_RED+"parsnpAligner.log missing, parsnpAligner failed, exiting.."+ENDC
++ print(ERROR_RED+"parsnpAligner.log missing, parsnpAligner failed, exiting.."+ENDC)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #update thresholds
+@@ -1002,10 +1002,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.stderr.write( " |->["+WARNING_YELLOW+"WARNING"+ENDC+"]"+": aligned regions cover less than 10% of reference genome! please verify recruited genomes are all strain of interest"+ENDC)
+ else:
+ pass
+- print " |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print(" |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ t2 = time.time()
+ elapsed = float(t2)-float(t1)
+- #print "-->Getting list of LCBs.."
++ #print("-->Getting list of LCBs..")
+ allbfiles = glob.glob(outputDir+os.sep+"blocks/b*/*")
+ blockfiles = []
+ icnt = 0
+@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ recombination_sites = {}
+ bedfile = ""
+ bedfile_dict = {}
+- print "-->Running PhiPack on LCBs to detect recombination.."
++ print("-->Running PhiPack on LCBs to detect recombination..")
+ if run_recomb_filter and len(blockfiles) > 0:
+ bedfile = open("%s/parsnp.rec"%(outputDir),'w')
+@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #run parallelPhiPack
+ pool = Pool(processes=int(threads))
+- result = pool.map_async(parallelPhiWrapper,tasks).get(sys.maxint)
++ result = pool.map_async(parallelPhiWrapper,tasks).get(sys.maxsize)
+ for i in result:
+ if (i["status"] == 1):
+@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ bedfile_dict[srpos] = "1\t%s\t%s\tREC\t%.3f\t+\n"%(srpos,pos+50+block_spos,eval)
+ else:
+ chrnum = 1
+- chr_spos = ref_seqs.keys()
++ chr_spos = list(ref_seqs.keys())
+ for cs in chr_spos:
+ if block_spos < chr_spos:
+ chrnum = ref_seqs[cs]
+@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+- brkeys = bedfile_dict.keys()
++ brkeys = list(bedfile_dict.keys())
+ brkeys.sort()
+ for key in brkeys:
+ bedfile.write(bedfile_dict[key])
+@@ -1160,14 +1160,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ run_command("harvesttools -q -i %s/parsnp.ggr -S "%(outputDir)+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.snps.mblocks")
+ command = "fasttree -nt -quote -gamma -slow -boot 100 "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.snps.mblocks > "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.tree"
+- print "-->Reconstructing core genome phylogeny.."
++ print("-->Reconstructing core genome phylogeny..")
+ run_command(command)
+ #7)reroot to midpoint
+ if os.path.exists("outtree"):
+ os.system("rm outtree")
+ if reroot_tree and len(finalfiles) > 1:
+- #print "-->Midpoint reroot.."
++ #print("-->Midpoint reroot..")
+ try:
+ mtree = open("%sparsnp.tree"%(outputDir+os.sep), 'r')
+ mtreedata = mtree.read()
+@@ -1175,32 +1175,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ tree = dendropy.Tree.get_from_string(mtreedata,"newick")
+ tree.reroot_at_midpoint(update_splits=False)
+ mftreef = tree.as_string('newick').split(" ",1)[1]
+- #print mftreef
++ #print(mftreef)
+ mtreef = open(outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.final.tree",'w')
+ mtreef.write(mftreef)
+ mtreef.close()
+ os.system("mv %s %s"%(outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.final.tree",outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.tree"))
+ except IOError:
+ sys.stderr.write( "ERROR: cannot process fasttree output, skipping midpoint reroot..\n")
+- print " |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print(" |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ if 1 or len(use_gingr) > 0:
+- print "-->Creating Gingr input file.."
++ print("-->Creating Gingr input file..")
+ if xtrafast or 1:
+ #if newick available, add
+ #new flag to update branch lengths
+ run_command("harvesttools --midpoint-reroot -u -q -i "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.ggr -o "+outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.ggr -n %s"%(outputDir+os.sep+"parsnp.tree "))
+- print " |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print(" |->["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+- print "-->Calculating wall clock time.. "
++ print("-->Calculating wall clock time.. ")
+ if float(elapsed)/float(60.0) > 60:
+- print " |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f hours"%(totseqs,float(elapsed)/float(3600.0))+ENDC
++ print(" |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f hours"%(totseqs,float(elapsed)/float(3600.0))+ENDC)
+ elif float(elapsed) > 60:
+- print " |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f minutes"%(totseqs,float(elapsed)/float(60.0))+ENDC
++ print(" |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f minutes"%(totseqs,float(elapsed)/float(60.0))+ENDC)
+ else:
+- print " |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f seconds"%(totseqs,float(elapsed))+ENDC
++ print(" |->"+BOLDME+"Aligned %d genomes in %.2f seconds"%(totseqs,float(elapsed))+ENDC)
+ #cleanup
+ rmfiles = glob.glob(outputDir+os.sep+"*.aln")
+ #rmfiles2 = glob.glob(outputDir+os.sep+"blocks/b*/*")
+@@ -1211,33 +1211,33 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ os.system("rm -rf %s"%(file))
+ filepres = 0
+- print BOLDME+"\n<<Parsnp finished! All output available in %s>>"%(outputDir)+ENDC
+- print
+- print BOLDME+"Validating output directory contents..."+ENDC
+- print BOLDME+"\t1)parsnp.tree:\t\tnewick format tree"+ENDC,
++ print(BOLDME+"\n<<Parsnp finished! All output available in %s>>"%(outputDir)+ENDC)
++ print()
++ print(BOLDME+"Validating output directory contents..."+ENDC)
++ print(BOLDME+"\t1)parsnp.tree:\t\tnewick format tree"+ENDC, end=' ')
+ if os.path.exists("%sparsnp.tree"%(outputDir+os.sep)) and os.path.getsize("%sparsnp.tree"%(outputDir+os.sep)) > 0:
+- print "\t\t\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print("\t\t\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ filepres+=1
+ else:
+- print "\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC
+- print BOLDME+"\t2)parsnp.ggr:\t\tharvest input file for gingr (GUI)"+ENDC,
++ print("\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC)
++ print(BOLDME+"\t2)parsnp.ggr:\t\tharvest input file for gingr (GUI)"+ENDC, end=' ')
+ if os.path.exists("%sparsnp.ggr"%(outputDir+os.sep)) and os.path.getsize("%sparsnp.ggr"%(outputDir+os.sep)) > 0:
+- print "\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print("\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ filepres+=1
+ else:
+- print "\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC
+- print BOLDME+"\t3)parsnp.xmfa:\t\tXMFA formatted multi-alignment"+ENDC,
++ print("\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC)
++ print(BOLDME+"\t3)parsnp.xmfa:\t\tXMFA formatted multi-alignment"+ENDC, end=' ')
+ if os.path.exists("%sparsnp.xmfa"%(outputDir+os.sep)) and os.path.getsize("%sparsnp.xmfa"%(outputDir+os.sep)) > 0:
+- print "\t\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]"
++ print("\t\t["+OK_GREEN+"OK"+ENDC+"]")
+ filepres+=1
+ else:
+- print "\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC
++ print("\t|->"+ERROR_RED+"MISSING"+ENDC)
+ if filepres == 3:
+ pass
+ else:
+- print "\t\t["+ERROR_RED+"Output files missing, something went wrong. Check logs and relaunch or contact developers for assistance"+ENDC+"]"
+- print
++ print("\t\t["+ERROR_RED+"Output files missing, something went wrong. Check logs and relaunch or contact developers for assistance"+ENDC+"]")
++ print()
+ if os.path.exists("%sblocks"%(outputDir+os.sep)):
+ os.rmdir("%sblocks"%(outputDir+os.sep))
+ if os.path.exists("allmums.out"):
+@@ -1281,6 +1281,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #check if available first
+ rc = 0
+ if binary_type == "osx":
+- print ">>Launching gingr.."
++ print(">>Launching gingr..")
+ os.system("open -n %s --args %s/parsnp.ggr"%(use_gingr,outputDir))
+--- a/install.py
++++ b/install.py
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ import os,sys,string
+ #parsnp basic INSTALL script
+ user_home = os.environ["HOME"]
+-print "<<Welcome to Parsnp utility script install>>"
++print("<<Welcome to Parsnp utility script install>>")
+ #check for python version
+ if (sys.version_info[0] < 2) or (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 6):
+- print "Python version is %s. Parsnp requires at least 2.6"%(sys.version)
++ print("Python version is %s. Parsnp requires at least 2.6"%(sys.version))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #complete shebang
+--- a/script/shuffle.py
++++ b/script/shuffle.py
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ rnumber = 0
+ shuffleperseq = 1
+ if len(sys.argv) < 6:
+- print "\nUsage: shuffleGenome <FastA input file> <output file> <Rearrangement size> <Number of rearrangements> <Shuffled sequences per seq>"
++ print("\nUsage: shuffleGenome <FastA input file> <output file> <Rearrangement size> <Number of rearrangements> <Shuffled sequences per seq>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ infileName = sys.argv[1]
+@@ -77,22 +77,22 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ header = infile.readline()
+ infiled = infile.read()
+ filelen = len(infiled)
+- print "\nInput sequence:%s"%seqfile
+- print "Input sequence length: %d\n"%filelen
++ print("\nInput sequence:%s"%seqfile)
++ print("Input sequence length: %d\n"%filelen)
+ #split genome into filelen/rsize parts
+ partlist = []
+ pos = 0
+ if rsize > filelen:
+ rsize = filelen
+- for part in xrange(0,filelen/rsize):
++ for part in range(0,filelen/rsize):
+ partlist.append(infiled[pos:(part+1)*rsize])
+ pos +=rsize
+ partlist.append(infiled[pos:])
+- for shuffleit in xrange(0,shuffleperseq):
++ for shuffleit in range(0,shuffleperseq):
+ count = 0
+ seq = ""
+ parttemp = ""
+@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parttemp = partlist[part1]
+ partlist[part1] = partlist[part2]
+ partlist[part2] = parttemp
+- print "Transposition"
+- print " Positions %d and %d swapped"%(part1,part2)
++ print("Transposition")
++ print(" Positions %d and %d swapped"%(part1,part2))
+ elif operation == 2:
+ #inversion
+ partlist[part1] = invertSeq(partlist[part1])
+- print "Inversion"
+- print " Position %d"%part1
++ print("Inversion")
++ print(" Position %d"%part1)
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #write output to file
+ fname = seqfile[:-4]
+ fname+= "_Shuffled_%d.fna"%(shuffleit+1)
+- print "output: %s"%(fname)
++ print("output: %s"%(fname))
+ fout = open(fname,'w')
+ fout.write(output)
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ proper_calls_to_tools.patch
@@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
- dh $@ --with python2
+ dh $@ --with python3
+ dh_auto_clean -O--buildsystem=pybuild
dh_auto_configure -- --with-libmuscle=/usr/include/libMUSCLE-3.7
- # The actual user interface is the Python script so move the binary to /usr/lib
+ # The actual user interface is the Python3 script so move the binary to /usr/lib
mkdir -p debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)/usr/lib/$(DEB_SOURCE)
mv debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)/usr/bin/$(DEB_SOURCE) debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)/usr/lib/$(DEB_SOURCE)
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/parsnp/compare/d12bea2f4b5d9f5a7d9fdccad8baf663494782fc...1f8613601625fefb10d504c984fffa370fe85124
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/parsnp/compare/d12bea2f4b5d9f5a7d9fdccad8baf663494782fc...1f8613601625fefb10d504c984fffa370fe85124
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