[med-svn] [Git][med-team/gwyddion][master] Append all changes into changelog and 2to3 patch to close bug

Shayan Doust gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Sep 28 19:13:15 BST 2019

Shayan Doust pushed to branch master at Debian Med / gwyddion

11e5ec41 by Shayan Doust at 2019-09-28T07:19:41Z
Append all changes into changelog and 2to3 patch to close bug

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/patches/2to3.patch
- debian/patches/series


@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 gwyddion (2.54-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload
   * New upstream release
+  * Use 2to3 to port over python2 files to python3
+    Closes: #936681
  -- Shayan Doust <hello at shayandoust.me>  Sat, 28 Sep 2019 05:36:31 +0100

@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12~),
-               python-gtk2-dev,
+               python3-gtk2-dev,
-               python,
+               python3,
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         python
+         python3
 Description: plugins for Gwyddion SPM analysis tool
  Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data
  visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         python,
+         python3,
          gwyddion-common (= ${source:Version})
 Suggests: libgwyddion20-doc
 Description: libraries for Gwyddion SPM analysis tool

@@ -0,0 +1,1229 @@
+Description: port over python2 files to python3
+Author: Shayan Doust <hello at shayandoust.me>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/936681
+Last-Update: 2019-09-28
+Index: gwyddion/devel-docs/add-objects.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/devel-docs/add-objects.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/devel-docs/add-objects.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.922097661 +0100
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ debug = False
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+-    print sys.argv[0], 'SECTION_FILE [--standard-files=FILE,...]'
++    print(sys.argv[0], 'SECTION_FILE [--standard-files=FILE,...]')
+     sys.exit(1)
+ title_re = re.compile(r'<TITLE>(?P<object>\w+)</TITLE>')
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+                     tostd.add(symbol)
+             if debug:
+-                print section['FILE'], tostd
++                print(section['FILE'], tostd)
+             section['Symbols'].extend(symbol for symbol in substd
+                                       if symbol not in tostd)
+             section['Standard'] = [symbol for symbol in substd
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/gwyutils.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/gwyutils.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/gwyutils.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.922097661 +0100
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+    and similar functions to get lists of specific data types.
+    """
+    l = []
+-   for key in container.keys():
++   for key in list(container.keys()):
+       x = container.get_value(key)
+       if type(x) is gwy.DataField:
+          l.append(x)
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/argtypes.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/argtypes.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/argtypes.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.922097661 +0100
+@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
+     def __init__(self):
+         self.vars = {}
+     def add(self, ctype, name):
+-        if self.vars.has_key(ctype):
++        if ctype in self.vars:
+             self.vars[ctype] = self.vars[ctype] + (name,)
+         else:
+             self.vars[ctype] = (name,)
+     def __str__(self):
+         ret = []
+-        for type in self.vars.keys():
++        for type in list(self.vars.keys()):
+             ret.append('    ')
+             ret.append(type)
+             ret.append(' ')
+@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
+             self.register('GdkBitmap', oa)
+             self.register('GdkBitmap*', oa)
+     def register_boxed(self, ptype, typecode):
+-        if self.argtypes.has_key(ptype): return
++        if ptype in self.argtypes: return
+         arg = BoxedArg(ptype, typecode)
+         self.register(ptype, arg)
+         self.register(ptype+'*', arg)
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
+     def object_is_a(self, otype, parent):
+         if otype == None: return 0
+         if otype == parent: return 1
+-        if not self.argtypes.has_key(otype): return 0
++        if otype not in self.argtypes: return 0
+         return self.object_is_a(self.get(otype).parent, parent)
+ matcher = ArgMatcher()
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/codegen.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/codegen.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/codegen.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
+ import string
+ import sys
+-import argtypes
+-import definitions
+-import defsparser
+-import override
+-import reversewrapper
++from . import argtypes
++from . import definitions
++from . import defsparser
++from . import override
++from . import reversewrapper
+ import warnings
+ class Coverage(object):
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
+         self.fp.write('\n/* ----------- %s ----------- */\n\n' %
+                       self.objinfo.c_name)
+         substdict = self.get_initial_class_substdict()
+-        if not substdict.has_key('tp_flags'):
++        if 'tp_flags' not in substdict:
+             substdict['tp_flags'] = 'Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE'
+         substdict['typename'] = self.objinfo.c_name
+         if self.overrides.modulename:
+@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
+                 self.write_function(slotname, data)
+                 substdict[slot] = slotfunc
+             else:
+-                if not substdict.has_key(slot):
++                if slot not in substdict:
+                     substdict[slot] = '0'
+         self.fp.write(self.type_tmpl % substdict)
+@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
+                     constructor))[0]
+                 self.fp.write(code)
+             initfunc = '_wrap_' + funcname
+-        except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++        except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+             sys.stderr.write('Could not write constructor for %s: %s\n'
+                              % (self.objinfo.c_name, str(ex)))
+@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
+                                  'flags': methflags,
+                                  'docstring': meth.docstring })
+                 methods_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 methods_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write method %s.%s: %s\n'
+                                 % (klass, meth.name, str(ex)))
+@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
+                                  'flags': methflags,
+                                  'docstring': 'NULL' })
+                 methods_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 methods_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write method %s.%s: %s\n'
+                                 % (klass, method_name, str(ex)))
+@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
+                                  'flags': methflags + '|METH_CLASS',
+                                  'docstring': 'NULL'})
+                 vaccessors_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 vaccessors_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 sys.stderr.write(
+                     'Could not write virtual accessor method %s.%s: %s\n'
+@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
+                     self.fp.write(buf.flush())
+                 virtuals.append((fixname(meth.name), '_wrap_' + method_name))
+                 vproxies_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 vproxies_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 virtuals.append((fixname(meth.name), None))
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write virtual proxy %s.%s: %s\n'
+@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
+                                     'field': self.get_field_accessor(cfname),
+                                     'codeafter': info.get_codeafter() })
+                     gettername = funcname
+-                except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++                except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                     sys.stderr.write(
+                         "Could not write getter for %s.%s: %s\n"
+                         % (self.objinfo.c_name, fname, str(ex)))
+@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
+                 functions.append((func.name, '_wrap_' + funcname,
+                                   methflags, func.docstring))
+                 functions_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 functions_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write function %s: %s\n'
+                                  % (func.name, str(ex)))
+@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
+                 functions.append((funcname, '_wrap_' + funcname,
+                                   methflags, 'NULL'))
+                 functions_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 functions_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write function %s: %s\n'
+                                  % (funcname, str(ex)))
+@@ -994,17 +994,17 @@
+     def write_property_based_constructor(self, constructor):
+         self.objinfo.has_new_constructor_api = True
+         out = self.fp
+-        print >> out, "static int"
+-        print >> out, '_wrap_%s(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args,' \
+-              ' PyObject *kwargs)\n{' % constructor.c_name
++        print("static int", file=out)
++        print('_wrap_%s(PyGObject *self, PyObject *args,' \
++              ' PyObject *kwargs)\n{' % constructor.c_name, file=out)
+         if constructor.params:
+             s = "    GType obj_type = pyg_type_from_object((PyObject *) self);"
+-            print >> out, s
++            print(s, file=out)
+         def py_str_list_to_c(arg):
+             if arg:
+                 return "{" + ", ".join(
+-                    map(lambda s: '"' + s + '"', arg)) + ", NULL }"
++                    ['"' + s + '"' for s in arg]) + ", NULL }"
+             else:
+                 return "{ NULL }"
+@@ -1024,21 +1024,21 @@
+             [param.pname
+              for param in mandatory_arguments + optional_arguments])
+-            print >> out, "    GParameter params[%i];" % \
+-                  len(constructor.params)
+-            print >> out, "    PyObject *parsed_args[%i] = {NULL, };" % \
+-                  len(constructor.params)
+-            print >> out, "    char *arg_names[] = %s;" % arg_names
+-            print >> out, "    char *prop_names[] = %s;" % prop_names
+-            print >> out, "    guint nparams, i;"
+-            print >> out
++            print("    GParameter params[%i];" % \
++                  len(constructor.params), file=out)
++            print("    PyObject *parsed_args[%i] = {NULL, };" % \
++                  len(constructor.params), file=out)
++            print("    char *arg_names[] = %s;" % arg_names, file=out)
++            print("    char *prop_names[] = %s;" % prop_names, file=out)
++            print("    guint nparams, i;", file=out)
++            print(file=out)
+             if constructor.deprecated is not None:
+                 out.write(
+                     '    if (PyErr_Warn(PyExc_DeprecationWarning, '
+                     '"%s") < 0)\n' %
+                     constructor.deprecated)
+-                print >> out, '        return -1;'
+-                print >> out
++                print('        return -1;', file=out)
++                print(file=out)
+             out.write("    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, ")
+             template = '"'
+             if mandatory_arguments:
+@@ -1046,9 +1046,9 @@
+             if optional_arguments:
+                 template += "|" + "O"*len(optional_arguments)
+             template += ':%s.__init__"' % classname
+-            print >> out, template, ", arg_names",
++            print(template, ", arg_names", end=' ', file=out)
+             for i in range(len(constructor.params)):
+-                print >> out, ", &parsed_args[%i]" % i,
++                print(", &parsed_args[%i]" % i, end=' ', file=out)
+             out.write(
+                 "))\n"
+@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
+             '    }\n' % classname)
+         if not constructor.caller_owns_return:
+-            print >> out, "    g_object_ref(self->obj);\n"
++            print("    g_object_ref(self->obj);\n", file=out)
+         out.write(
+             '    return 0;\n'
+@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
+                     self.fp.write(buf.flush())
+                 proxies.append((fixname(meth.name), '_wrap_' + method_name))
+                 iproxies_coverage.declare_wrapped()
+-            except argtypes.ArgTypeError, ex:
++            except argtypes.ArgTypeError as ex:
+                 iproxies_coverage.declare_not_wrapped()
+                 proxies.append((fixname(meth.name), None))
+                 sys.stderr.write('Could not write interface proxy %s.%s: %s\n'
+@@ -1620,10 +1620,10 @@
+                 indent_str + 'pyg_set_object_has_new_constructor(%s);\n' %
+                 obj.typecode)
+         else:
+-            print >> sys.stderr, (
++            print((
+                 "Warning: Constructor for %s needs to be updated to new API\n"
+                 "         See http://live.gnome.org/PyGTK_2fWhatsNew28"
+-                "#update-constructors") % obj.c_name
++                "#update-constructors") % obj.c_name, file=sys.stderr)
+         if obj.class_init_func is not None:
+             self.fp.write(
+@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
+             errorfilename = arg
+         elif opt in ('-t', '--load-types'):
+             globals = {}
+-            execfile(arg, globals)
++            exec(compile(open(arg, "rb").read(), arg, 'exec'), globals)
+         elif opt == '-D':
+             nameval = arg.split('=')
+             try:
+@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@
+         elif opt == '--py_ssize_t-clean':
+             py_ssize_t_clean = True
+     if len(args) < 1:
+-        print >> sys.stderr, usage
++        print(usage, file=sys.stderr)
+         return 1
+     if errorfilename:
+         sys.stderr = open(errorfilename, "w")
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/definitions.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/definitions.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/definitions.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
+ class FlagsDef(EnumDef):
+     def __init__(self, *args):
+-        apply(EnumDef.__init__, (self,) + args)
++        EnumDef.__init__(*(self,) + args)
+         self.deftype = 'flags'
+ class BoxedDef(Definition):
+@@ -463,8 +463,8 @@
+                     self.params.append(Parameter(ptype, pname, pdflt, pnull))
+             elif arg[0] == 'properties':
+                 if self.is_constructor_of is None:
+-                    print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: (properties ...) "\
+-                          "is only valid for constructors"
++                    print("Warning: (properties ...) "\
++                          "is only valid for constructors", file=sys.stderr)
+                 for prop in arg[1:]:
+                     pname = prop[0]
+                     optional = False
+@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
+             raise RuntimeError("could not find %s in old_parameters %r" % (
+                 param.pname, [p.pname for p in old.params]))
+         try:
+-            self.params = map(merge_param, self.params)
++            self.params = list(map(merge_param, self.params))
+         except RuntimeError:
+             # parameter names changed and we can't find a match; it's
+             # safer to keep the old parameter list untouched.
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/defsparser.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/defsparser.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/defsparser.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
+ import os, sys
+-import scmexpr
+-from definitions import BoxedDef, EnumDef, FlagsDef, FunctionDef, \
++from . import scmexpr
++from .definitions import BoxedDef, EnumDef, FlagsDef, FunctionDef, \
+      InterfaceDef, MethodDef, ObjectDef, PointerDef, VirtualDef
+ include_path = ['.']
+@@ -47,54 +47,54 @@
+         self.defines = defines      # -Dfoo=bar options, as dictionary
+     def define_object(self, *args):
+-        odef = apply(ObjectDef, args)
++        odef = ObjectDef(*args)
+         self.objects.append(odef)
+         self.c_name[odef.c_name] = odef
+     def define_interface(self, *args):
+-        idef = apply(InterfaceDef, args)
++        idef = InterfaceDef(*args)
+         self.interfaces.append(idef)
+         self.c_name[idef.c_name] = idef
+     def define_enum(self, *args):
+-        edef = apply(EnumDef, args)
++        edef = EnumDef(*args)
+         self.enums.append(edef)
+         self.c_name[edef.c_name] = edef
+     def define_flags(self, *args):
+-        fdef = apply(FlagsDef, args)
++        fdef = FlagsDef(*args)
+         self.enums.append(fdef)
+         self.c_name[fdef.c_name] = fdef
+     def define_boxed(self, *args):
+-        bdef = apply(BoxedDef, args)
++        bdef = BoxedDef(*args)
+         self.boxes.append(bdef)
+         self.c_name[bdef.c_name] = bdef
+     def define_pointer(self, *args):
+-        pdef = apply(PointerDef, args)
++        pdef = PointerDef(*args)
+         self.pointers.append(pdef)
+         self.c_name[pdef.c_name] = pdef
+     def define_function(self, *args):
+-        fdef = apply(FunctionDef, args)
++        fdef = FunctionDef(*args)
+         self.functions.append(fdef)
+         self.c_name[fdef.c_name] = fdef
+     def define_method(self, *args):
+-        mdef = apply(MethodDef, args)
++        mdef = MethodDef(*args)
+         self.functions.append(mdef)
+         self.c_name[mdef.c_name] = mdef
+     def define_virtual(self, *args):
+-        vdef = apply(VirtualDef, args)
++        vdef = VirtualDef(*args)
+         self.virtuals.append(vdef)
+     def merge(self, old, parmerge):
+         for obj in self.objects:
+-            if old.c_name.has_key(obj.c_name):
++            if obj.c_name in old.c_name:
+                 obj.merge(old.c_name[obj.c_name])
+         for f in self.functions:
+-            if old.c_name.has_key(f.c_name):
++            if f.c_name in old.c_name:
+                 f.merge(old.c_name[f.c_name], parmerge)
+     def printMissing(self, old):
+         for obj in self.objects:
+-            if not old.c_name.has_key(obj.c_name):
++            if obj.c_name not in old.c_name:
+                 obj.write_defs()
+         for f in self.functions:
+-            if not old.c_name.has_key(f.c_name):
++            if f.c_name not in old.c_name:
+                 f.write_defs()
+     def write_defs(self, fp=sys.stdout):
+@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@
+     def find_methods(self, obj):
+         objname = obj.c_name
+-        return filter(lambda func, on=objname: isinstance(func, MethodDef) and
+-                      func.of_object == on, self.functions)
++        return list(filter(lambda func, on=objname: isinstance(func, MethodDef) and
++                      func.of_object == on, self.functions))
+     def find_virtuals(self, obj):
+         objname = obj.c_name
+-        retval = filter(lambda func, on=objname: isinstance(func, VirtualDef) and
+-                        func.of_object == on, self.virtuals)
++        retval = list(filter(lambda func, on=objname: isinstance(func, VirtualDef) and
++                        func.of_object == on, self.virtuals))
+         return retval
+     def find_functions(self):
+-        return filter(lambda func: isinstance(func, FunctionDef) and
+-                      not func.is_constructor_of, self.functions)
++        return [func for func in self.functions if isinstance(func, FunctionDef) and
++                      not func.is_constructor_of]
+     def ifdef(self, *args):
+         if args[0] in self.defines:
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/h2def.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/h2def.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/h2def.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
+ import string
+ import sys
+-import defsparser
++from . import defsparser
+ # ------------------ Create typecodes from typenames ---------
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
+         if defsfilter:
+             filter = defsparser.DefsParser(defsfilter)
+             filter.startParsing()
+-            for func in filter.functions + filter.methods.values():
++            for func in filter.functions + list(filter.methods.values()):
+                 self._functions[func.c_name] = func
+             for obj in filter.objects + filter.boxes + filter.interfaces:
+                 self._objects[obj.c_name] = obj
+@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
+         self._write_arguments(args)
+     def _write_method(self, obj, name, ret, args):
+-        regex = string.join(map(lambda x: x+'_?', string.lower(obj)),'')
++        regex = string.join([x+'_?' for x in string.lower(obj)],'')
+         mname = re.sub(regex, '', name, 1)
+         if self.prefix:
+             l = len(self.prefix) + 1
+@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
+             defsfilter = v
+     if not args[0:1]:
+-        print 'Must specify at least one input file name'
++        print('Must specify at least one input file name')
+         return -1
+     # read all the object definitions in
+@@ -607,11 +607,11 @@
+                         verbose=verbose, defsfilter=defsfilter)
+         dw.write_obj_defs(objdefs, types)
+         dw.write_enum_defs(enums, types)
+-        print "Wrote %s-types.defs" % separate
++        print("Wrote %s-types.defs" % separate)
+         for filename in args:
+             dw.write_def(filename)
+-        print "Wrote %s.defs" % separate
++        print("Wrote %s.defs" % separate)
+     else:
+         dw = DefsWriter(prefix=modulename, ns=namespace,
+                         verbose=verbose, defsfilter=defsfilter)
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/override.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/override.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/override.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
+             if func.find('.') != -1:
+                 klass, func = func.split('.', 1)
+-                if not self.defines.has_key(klass):
++                if klass not in self.defines:
+                     self.defines[klass] = {}
+                 self.defines[klass][func] = rest
+             else:
+@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
+                     self.dynamicnamespace = True
+     def is_ignored(self, name):
+-        if self.ignores.has_key(name):
++        if name in self.ignores:
+             return 1
+         for glob in self.glob_ignores:
+             if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, glob):
+@@ -220,10 +220,10 @@
+         return name in self.type_ignores
+     def is_overriden(self, name):
+-        return self.overrides.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.overrides
+     def is_already_included(self, name):
+-        return self.overridden.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.overridden
+     def override(self, name):
+         self.overridden[name] = 1
+@@ -240,28 +240,28 @@
+         return self.startlines[name]
+     def wants_kwargs(self, name):
+-        return self.kwargs.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.kwargs
+     def wants_noargs(self, name):
+-        return self.noargs.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.noargs
+     def wants_onearg(self, name):
+-        return self.onearg.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.onearg
+     def is_staticmethod(self, name):
+-        return self.staticmethod.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.staticmethod
+     def is_classmethod(self, name):
+-        return self.classmethod.has_key(name)
++        return name in self.classmethod
+     def attr_is_overriden(self, attr):
+-        return self.override_attrs.has_key(attr)
++        return attr in self.override_attrs
+     def attr_override(self, attr):
+         return self.override_attrs[attr]
+     def slot_is_overriden(self, slot):
+-        return self.override_slots.has_key(slot)
++        return slot in self.override_slots
+     def slot_override(self, slot):
+         return self.override_slots[slot]
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/reversewrapper.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/reversewrapper.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/reversewrapper.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ ### -*- python -*-
+ ### Code to generate "Reverse Wrappers", i.e. C->Python wrappers
+ ### (C) 2004 Gustavo Carneiro <gjc at gnome.org>
+-import argtypes
++from . import argtypes
+ import os
+ DEBUG_MODE = ('PYGTK_CODEGEN_DEBUG' in os.environ)
+@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
+             sink.writeln('static %s' % self.return_type.get_c_type())
+         else:
+             sink.writeln(self.return_type.get_c_type())
+-        c_proto_params = map(Parameter.format_for_c_proto, self.parameters)
++        c_proto_params = list(map(Parameter.format_for_c_proto, self.parameters))
+         sink.writeln("%s(%s)\n{" % (self.cname, ", ".join(c_proto_params)))
+         self.return_type.write_decl()
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/scmexpr.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/scmexpr.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygtk-embed/codegen/scmexpr.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/python2
+ # -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
+-from __future__ import generators
+ import string
+-from cStringIO import StringIO
++from io import StringIO
+ class error(Exception):
+     def __init__(self, filename, lineno, msg):
+@@ -140,4 +140,4 @@
+         fp = StringIO(_testString)
+     statements = parse(fp)
+     for s in statements:
+-        print `s`
++        print(repr(s))
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygwy-fix-defs-2.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygwy-fix-defs-2.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygwy-fix-defs-2.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -510,11 +510,11 @@
+             del fix_function_args[c_name]
+ # Unused fix items mean potential errors.
+-for f in fix_function_args.items():
++for f in list(fix_function_args.items()):
+     sys.stderr.write('Warning: unused fixarg %s: %s\n' % (f[0], str(f[1])))
+-for f in fix_function_props.items():
++for f in list(fix_function_props.items()):
+     sys.stderr.write('Warning: unused fixfunc %s: %s\n' % (f[0], str(f[1])))
+-for f, i in wrapped_funcs.items():
++for f, i in list(wrapped_funcs.items()):
+     if f in added_functions_in_wrap_calls:
+         continue
+     if i is None:
+Index: gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygwy-generate-doc.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/modules/pygwy/pygwy-generate-doc.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/modules/pygwy/pygwy-generate-doc.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+         'cdline': 'CDLine', 'nl_fit_preset': 'NLFitPreset',
+     }
+     py_name = c_name.capitalize()
+-    for c, p in pymap.items():
++    for c, p in list(pymap.items()):
+         if c_name == 'gwy_' + c:
+             py_name = 'Gwy' + p
+             break
+@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@
+     return 'I{(' + datatypes.get(ptype, ptype) + ')}'
+ def printdoc(s):
+-    print replace_special(re.sub(r'\A\s+', r'', s))
++    print(replace_special(re.sub(r'\A\s+', r'', s)))
+ def printcode(s='', level=0):
+     if s:
+-        print indent*level + s
++        print(indent*level + s)
+     else:
+-        print
++        print()
+ def print_function(level, method, docs, enumvals, isconstr=False):
+     # Gather all out-arguments and exclude them from the normal parameter list.
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
+ def print_class(obj, docs, sectionmap):
+     printcode()
+     printcode('class %s:' % obj.name)
+-    if docs.has_key(obj.c_name):
++    if obj.c_name in docs:
+         printcode('"""', 1)
+         if obj.c_name in sectionmap:
+             name = sectionmap[obj.c_name]
+@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
+ docextract.skip_to_identifier = skip_to_identifier
+ docs = docextract.extract(doc_dirs)
+-sectionmap = [s for s in docs.keys() if s.startswith('SECTION:')]
++sectionmap = [s for s in list(docs.keys()) if s.startswith('SECTION:')]
+ for i, s in enumerate(sectionmap):
+     param = [x[1] for x in docs[s].params if x[0] == 'title']
+     if len(param) == 1 and param[0].strip():
+@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
+ override = override.Overrides()
+ # Keep GENERATED seprarated so that this file is not marked generated.
+-print '# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :'
+-print '# This is dummy %s file used for generation of documentation' % 'GENERATED'
++print('# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :')
++print('# This is dummy %s file used for generation of documentation' % 'GENERATED')
+ # Objects/classes
+ for obj in parser.objects + parser.boxes:
+@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
+     printcode()
+     printcode('class %s:' % enum.name)
+     printcode('"""', 1)
+-    if docs.has_key(enum.c_name):
++    if enum.c_name in docs:
+         printdoc(docs[enum.c_name].description)
+         params = docs[enum.c_name].params
+     printdoc('''\
+Index: gwyddion/plugins/process/invert_python.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/plugins/process/invert_python.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/plugins/process/invert_python.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ # Written by Yeti <yeti at gwyddion.net>.  Public domain.
+ import sys, os
+ errmsg = "Plug-in has to be called from Gwyddion plugin-proxy."
+-if os.environ.has_key('GWYPLUGINLIB'):
++if 'GWYPLUGINLIB' in os.environ:
+     sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['GWYPLUGINLIB'], 'python'))
+ try:
+     import Gwyddion
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ """ + ' '.join(run_modes)
+ def register(args):
+-    print plugin_info
++    print(plugin_info)
+ def run(args):
+     run_mode = args.pop(0)
+Index: gwyddion/python/Gwyddion/dump.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/python/Gwyddion/dump.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/python/Gwyddion/dump.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ elif _struct.unpack('>i', _struct.pack('@i', 12345))[0] == 12345:
+     _byte_order = 'Big-endian, need swap'
+ else:
+-    raise NotImplementedError, "Uknown or silly byte order"
++    raise NotImplementedError("Uknown or silly byte order")
+ def _dmove(d1, k1, d2, k2, typ=None):
+     try:
+@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
+         if m:
+             data[m.group('key')] = m.group('val')
+             continue
+-        raise ValueError, 'Malformed header'
++        raise ValueError('Malformed header')
+     fh.close()
+     return data
+ def _dwrite(fh, dfield, base, key, fmt):
+-    if dfield.has_key(key):
++    if key in dfield:
+         fh.write(('%s/%s=' + fmt + '\n') % (base, key, dfield[key]))
+ def _write_dfield(fh, dfield, base):
+@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@
+     Exceptions, caused by fatal errors, are not handled -- it is up to
+     caller to eventually handle them."""
+     fh = file(filename, 'wb')
+-    for k, v in data.items():
++    for k, v in list(data.items()):
+         if type(v) == _types.DictType:
+             continue
+         fh.write('%s=%s\n' % (k, v))
+-    for k, v in data.items():
++    for k, v in list(data.items()):
+         if type(v) != _types.DictType:
+             continue
+         _write_dfield(fh, v, k)
+Index: gwyddion/utils/extract-file-magic.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/utils/extract-file-magic.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/utils/extract-file-magic.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.926097707 +0100
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ footnotes = {}
+ def format_userguide(module, body):
+     parsesupport = re.compile(r'(?P<name>\w+)'
+                               r'(?::(?P<alias>\w+))?'
+                               r'(?:\[(?P<note>\w+)\])?').match
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+     # in source code and the text that should go to the user guide).
+     def register_note(footnotes, note):
+         key, text = note.group('note'), note.group('text').strip()
+-        for fnkey, entry in footnotes.items():
++        for fnkey, entry in list(footnotes.items()):
+             fntext, label = entry
+             if text == fntext:
+                 fmttext = '<footnoteref linkend="%s" label="%s"/>' \
+@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
+     sys.stderr.write('Unknown magic class %s\n' % sys.argv[1])
+     sys.exit(1)
+ except IndexError:
+-    print 'Usage: %s CLASS [FILES...]' % sys.argv[0]
+-    print 'Available classes: %s' % ' '.join(mclasses.keys())
++    print('Usage: %s CLASS [FILES...]' % sys.argv[0])
++    print('Available classes: %s' % ' '.join(list(mclasses.keys())))
+     sys.exit(0)
+ magic_block_re = re.compile(r'(?m)^/\*\*\n \* '
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
+                             + r'(?P<body>(?: \* .*\n)+) \*\*/$')
+ output = []
+-if magic.has_key('header'):
++if 'header' in magic:
+     output.append(magic['header'])
+ # Keep the `GENERATED' string split to prevent match here
+@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
+         sys.stderr.write('Cannot read %s\n' % filename)
+         sys.exit(1)
+-if magic.has_key('footer'):
++if 'footer' in magic:
+     output.append(magic['footer'])
+-print '\n'.join(output)
+Index: gwyddion/utils/gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/utils/gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/utils/gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.930097753 +0100
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ # Created for Visual Studio 2015
+ # Copyright (C) 2015 Petr Grolich
+-from __future__ import division
+ import sys, glob, os, time, xml.dom.minidom, subprocess, platform, uuid, shutil, string, argparse
+ from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
+@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
+     for line in content.split('\n'):
+         if line.startswith('#'): continue
+-        for k in makefile_variables.keys():
++        for k in list(makefile_variables.keys()):
+             #print 'key: ', k                                               
+             # generate projs !!!
+             for v in makefile_variables[k][0]:                
+@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
+ ################################################################################
+ # Get project unique id
+ def get_project_uuid(project_name):
+-    for k in projs.keys():
++    for k in list(projs.keys()):
+         if(k[1] == project_name):
+             return k[2]
+     return False
+@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
+     writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName)
+     attrs = self._get_attributes()
+-    a_names = attrs.keys()
++    a_names = list(attrs.keys())
+     a_names.sort()
+     for a_name in a_names:
+@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
+             pass
+         else:
+             # There was an error on creation, so make sure we know about it
+-            print "Error: Unable to create folder '" + dirname + "'"
++            print("Error: Unable to create folder '" + dirname + "'")
+             raise
+@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@
+     save_xml(Project, filename)
+     # TODO: uncomment next line!!!
+-    print filename
++    print(filename)
+ #    for name, files in proj_files.iteritems():
+ #        print name, files
+@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@
+     filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+     save_xml(Project, filename)
+     #TODO: uncomment next line
+-    print filename
++    print(filename)
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -1199,8 +1199,8 @@
+     for v in definitions:
+         path = os.path.abspath(path)  # normalize path, i.e. 'dir1/./dir2'
+         cmd = ('make', '-C', path, v)
+-        print "path=", path
+-        print "v=", v
++        print("path=", path)
++        print("v=", v)
+         subprocess.call(cmd)
+@@ -1229,12 +1229,12 @@
+         proj_count = proj_count + 1 
+     if(len(excluded_projects_win32) > 0):
+-        print "Excluded projects from build Win32:"
+-        print excluded_projects_win32
++        print("Excluded projects from build Win32:")
++        print(excluded_projects_win32)
+     if(len(excluded_projects_x64) > 0):
+-        print "Excluded projects from build x64:"
+-        print excluded_projects_x64
+-    print "Total number of created projects:", proj_count
++        print("Excluded projects from build x64:")
++        print(excluded_projects_x64)
++    print("Total number of created projects:", proj_count)
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -1255,10 +1255,10 @@
+             n = n + len(definitions) 
+             create_def_file(k[0], k[1], definitions)  
+-        print "Total number of created files:", n            
++        print("Total number of created files:", n)            
+     else:
+-        print "Error: Creating definition files failed"
+-        print "Note: Definition files can be generated on Linux machine only!"
++        print("Error: Creating definition files failed")
++        print("Note: Definition files can be generated on Linux machine only!")
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -1292,12 +1292,12 @@
+             n = n + 1
+             create_path(dst_filename2)
+-            print "from:", src_filename
++            print("from:", src_filename)
+             #print "to:  ", dst_filename1
+-            print "to:  ", dst_filename2        
++            print("to:  ", dst_filename2)        
+             shutil.copy(src_filename, dst_filename2)  
+-    print "Total number of copied files:", n        
++    print("Total number of copied files:", n)        
+ ################################################################################
+ # Copy Files Generated by './autogen.sh' and 'make' command on Linux machine
+@@ -1312,13 +1312,13 @@
+     filename_config_h = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'config.h')
+     create_path(filename_config_h)     
+     file(filename_config_h, 'w').write(config_h)
+-    print "from: gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py"
+-    print "to  :", filename_config_h
++    print("from: gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py")
++    print("to  :", filename_config_h)
+     gwyfilename_config_h = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'gwyconfig.h')     
+     file(gwyfilename_config_h, 'w').write(gwyconfig_h)
+-    print "from: gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py"
+-    print "to  :", gwyfilename_config_h
++    print("from: gen-gwyddion-msvc-sln.py")
++    print("to  :", gwyfilename_config_h)
+     #for root, dirs, files in os.walk('gwyddion'):
+     for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
+@@ -1341,10 +1341,10 @@
+                       create_path(dst_filename)
+                       shutil.copy(src_filename, dst_filename)
+-                      print "from:", src_filename
+-                      print "to  :", dst_filename                                                                                                                                  
++                      print("from:", src_filename)
++                      print("to  :", dst_filename)                                                                                                                                  
+-    print "Total number of copied files:", n+2       
++    print("Total number of copied files:", n+2)       
+ ################################################################################
+ # Create Solution file (.sln)
+@@ -1367,12 +1367,12 @@
+     #####
+     if(0):
+-        keys = projs.keys()
++        keys = list(projs.keys())
+         keys = [x[0] for x in keys]
+         keys.sort()
+-        print keys
++        print(keys)
+         for k in keys:
+-            print k
++            print(k)
+         raise SystemExit
+     #####
+@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@
+         id_sp = 0
+         solution_folders_local = {}
+         n = len(path_simple.split(os.path.sep)) 
+-        for i in reversed(range(n)):
++        for i in reversed(list(range(n))):
+             sub_path_len = 0
+             path_simple = filename_rel.rsplit(os.path.sep, n-i-1)[0]
+             parent_path = filename_rel.rsplit(os.path.sep, n-i)[0]
+@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@
+     fh.close()
+     # TODO: uncomment next line!!!
+-    print filename
++    print(filename)
+ ################################################################################
+@@ -1635,23 +1635,23 @@
+ parse_makefiles()           
+-print "Step 1 of 5"
+-print "Creating project (.vcxproj) and filters (.vcxproj.filters) files:"
++print("Step 1 of 5")
++print("Creating project (.vcxproj) and filters (.vcxproj.filters) files:")
+ create_project_and_filters_files()
+-print "\nStep 2 of 5"
+-print "Creating solution (.sln):"
++print("\nStep 2 of 5")
++print("Creating solution (.sln):")
+ create_sln()
+-print "\nStep 3 of 5"
+-print "Creating definition (.def) files:"
++print("\nStep 3 of 5")
++print("Creating definition (.def) files:")
+ create_def_files()
+-print "\nStep 4 of 5"
+-print "Copying definition (.def) files:"
++print("\nStep 4 of 5")
++print("Copying definition (.def) files:")
+ copy_def_files()
+-print "\nStep 5 of 5"
+-print "Copying generated (.c, .h) files:"
+-print "Note: compile 'gwyddion' to create .c, .h files (run './autogen.sh' and 'make')"
++print("\nStep 5 of 5")
++print("Copying generated (.c, .h) files:")
++print("Note: compile 'gwyddion' to create .c, .h files (run './autogen.sh' and 'make')")
+ copy_gen_files()
+Index: gwyddion/utils/generate-gwyddion-nsi.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/utils/generate-gwyddion-nsi.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/utils/generate-gwyddion-nsi.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.930097753 +0100
+@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
+         if l.startswith("#define PACKAGE_VERSION"):
+             return l.split('"')[1]
+         l = config_file.readline()
+-    print "Warning: Cannot determine version."
++    print("Warning: Cannot determine version.")
+     return ""
+ ignore_dirs = ['devel-docs', 'gone'] # in lowercase
+ ignore_files = ['pygwy.dll'] # in lowercase
+ def list_of_files(arg, dirname, fnames):
+-    print dirname
++    print(dirname)
+     for c in dirname.split('\\'):      
+         if c.lower() in ignore_dirs:        
+             return    
+Index: gwyddion/utils/vim-syn-gen.py
+--- gwyddion.orig/utils/vim-syn-gen.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.934097799 +0100
++++ gwyddion/utils/vim-syn-gen.py	2019-09-28 08:03:02.930097753 +0100
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
+     'filter_regexp': r'^_',
+ }
+-if len(sys.argv) not in range(2, 4):
+-    print """\
++if len(sys.argv) not in list(range(2, 4)):
++    print("""\
+ Usage: %s config-file.py [OUTPUT.vim]
+ If output is unspecified, dumps the vim syntax file to the standard output.
+@@ -34,20 +34,20 @@
+   Define (parameterless macro)
+ Version: $Id: vim-syn-gen.py 21284 2018-07-31 19:14:38Z yeti-dn $\
+-""" % sys.argv[0]
++""" % sys.argv[0])
+     sys.exit(0)
+ xoptions = {}
+-execfile(sys.argv[1], xoptions)
++exec(compile(open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read(), sys.argv[1], 'exec'), xoptions)
+ options.update(xoptions)
+-assert options.has_key('syntax_name') and options.has_key('file_glob')
++assert 'syntax_name' in options and 'file_glob' in options
+ syntax_name = options['syntax_name']
+-if not options.has_key('maintainer'):
++if 'maintainer' not in options:
+     options['maintainer'] = '@'.join(pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0], os.uname())
+-if not options.has_key('description'):
++if 'description' not in options:
+     options['description'] = 'C %s extension' % syntax_name
+-if options.has_key('url'):
++if 'url' in options:
+     url_line = '" URL: %s\n' % options['url']
+ else:
+     url_line = ''
+@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
+     'USER_FUNCTION': 'Type'
+ }
+-if options.has_key('types'):
+-    types.update(dict([(k.upper(), v) for k, v in options['types'].items()]))
++if 'types' in options:
++    types.update(dict([(k.upper(), v) for k, v in list(options['types'].items())]))
+ header_template = """\
+ " Vim syntax file
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
+ hi_link_template = 'hi def link %s%s %s'
+ hi_link_template_v = '    hi def link %s%s%s %s'
+-re_decl = re.compile(r'<(?P<type>' + r'|'.join(types.keys()) + r')>\n'
++re_decl = re.compile(r'<(?P<type>' + r'|'.join(list(types.keys())) + r')>\n'
+                      + r'<NAME>(?P<ident>\w+)</NAME>\n'
+                      + r'(?P<body>.*?)'
+                      + r'</(?P=type)>\n',
+@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
+     outputfile.write('\n')
+ def types_present(decldict, value=''):
+-    pt = [t for t, d in decldict.items()
+-          if [k for k, v in d.items() if v == value]]
++    pt = [t for t, d in list(decldict.items())
++          if [k for k, v in list(d.items()) if v == value]]
+     return dict([(x, types[x]) for x in pt])
+ def deprecated_from_devhelp2(filename):
+@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
+     return deprecated
+ def output_decls(decldict, value=''):
+-    for t, d in decldict.items():
+-        d = [k for k, v in d.items() if v == value]
++    for t, d in list(decldict.items()):
++        d = [k for k, v in list(d.items()) if v == value]
+         if not d:
+             continue
+         d.sort()
+@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@
+                                           normalize(t), ' '.join(d)))
+ def override(decldict, overrides, create_new):
+-    for o, v in overrides.items():
++    for o, v in list(overrides.items()):
+         if v:
+             v = v.upper()
+         has_it = False
+-        for k, d in decldict.items():
+-            if d.has_key(o):
++        for k, d in list(decldict.items()):
++            if o in d:
+                 if create_new:
+                     sys.stderr.write("%s already exists in %s" % (o, k))
+                 else:
+@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@
+ # Kill macros if the same symbol also exists as a regular function
+ # (this fixes things like g_file_test()).
+ todelete = []
+-for macro in identdefs.keys():
+-    if decls['FUNCTION'].has_key(macro):
++for macro in list(identdefs.keys()):
++    if macro in decls['FUNCTION']:
+         todelete.append(macro)
+ for macro in todelete:
+@@ -229,9 +229,9 @@
+ # Change macros defined to functions back to macros
+ # FIXME: this is not recursive, and also doesn't catch defines to symbols
+ # from other libraries -- how to handle that?
+-for macro, body in identdefs.items():
+-    for k, d in decls.items():
+-        if not d.has_key(body):
++for macro, body in list(identdefs.items()):
++    for k, d in list(decls.items()):
++        if body not in d:
+             continue
+         #sys.stderr.write('%s -> %s (%s)\n' % (macro, body, k))
+         if k == 'FUNCTION' or k == 'MACRO':
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+ # Kill types that are named FooPrivate where Foo is also a type.  This keeps
+ # symbols such as GPrivate and GStaticPrivate but gets rid of various rubbish.
+ todelete = []
+-for symbol in decls['STRUCT'].keys():
++for symbol in list(decls['STRUCT'].keys()):
+     privsymbol = symbol + 'Private'
+     if privsymbol in decls['STRUCT']:
+         todelete.append(privsymbol)
+@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@
+     del decls['STRUCT'][symbol]
+ del todelete
+-if options.has_key('supplement'):
++if 'supplement' in options:
+     override(decls, options['supplement'], True)
+-if options.has_key('override'):
++if 'override' in options:
+     override(decls, options['override'], False)
+ # Find types that are really present
+@@ -261,13 +261,13 @@
+ deprecated_types = types_present(decls, 'Deprecated')
+ hi_links = '\n'.join([hi_link_template % (syntax_name, normalize(k), v)
+-                      for k, v in normal_types.items()])
++                      for k, v in list(normal_types.items())])
+ hi_links_depA = '\n'.join([hi_link_template_v
+                            % (syntax_name, 'Deprecated', normalize(k), v)
+-                          for k, v in deprecated_types.items()])
++                          for k, v in list(deprecated_types.items())])
+ hi_links_depE = '\n'.join([hi_link_template_v
+                            % (syntax_name, 'Deprecated', normalize(k), 'Error')
+-                          for k, v in deprecated_types.items()])
++                          for k, v in list(deprecated_types.items())])
+ # Header
+ header = header_template % (options['description'], options['maintainer'],

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

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