[med-svn] [Git][med-team/community/helper-scripts][master] automatic update

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Apr 6 14:44:45 BST 2020

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / community / helper-scripts

2b508b65 by Andreas Tille at 2020-04-06T13:44:39+00:00
automatic update

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian-med-tests.txt
- outdated_med-packages.txt


@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
+Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:42:03 +0000
  Source                        | Vote   |     Tasks                                           |                                 Tags                                 
- dcmtk                         |    163 | {imaging,covid-19}                                  | 
- orthanc                       |     93 | {practice,imaging,covid-19}                         | 
- gdcm                          |     52 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
- orthanc-wsi                   |     38 | {practice,his,laboratory,imaging,oncology,covid-19} | 
+ dcmtk                         |    165 | {imaging,covid-19}                                  | 
+ orthanc                       |     94 | {practice,imaging,covid-19}                         | 
+ gdcm                          |     47 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
+ orthanc-wsi                   |     39 | {practice,his,laboratory,imaging,oncology,covid-19} | 
  htsjdk                        |     30 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
- amide                         |     28 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ amide                         |     29 | {imaging}                                           | 
  dcm2niix                      |     26 | {imaging}                                           | 
  dicomscope                    |     24 | {imaging}                                           | 
  dicom3tools                   |     22 | {imaging}                                           | 
  gdcm                          |     21 | {covid-19,imaging}                                  | 
- gnumed-server                 |     17 | {covid-19,practice}                                 | 
+ gnumed-server                 |     18 | {covid-19,practice}                                 | 
  ngs-sdk                       |     17 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  invesalius                    |     14 | {imaging}                                           | 
  king                          |     14 | {typesetting,imaging}                               | 
  minc-tools                    |     14 | {imaging}                                           | 
- insighttoolkit4               |     13 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  ncbi-entrez-direct            |     13 | {bio}                                               | 
  pixelmed                      |     13 | {imaging}                                           | 
- cgview                        |     12 | {bio}                                               | 
+ insighttoolkit4               |     12 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  vtk-dicom                     |     12 | {imaging}                                           | 
  adun.app                      |     11 | {bio}                                               | 
  biojava-live                  |     11 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
+ cgview                        |     11 | {bio}                                               | 
  openslide                     |     11 | {imaging}                                           | 
+ psychopy                      |     11 | {psychology}                                        | 
  jebl2                         |     10 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  mia                           |     10 | {imaging}                                           | 
- seqsero                       |     10 | {bio}                                               | 
+ obitools                      |     10 | {bio}                                               | 
  staden                        |     10 | {bio}                                               | 
  ea-utils                      |      9 | {bio}                                               | 
- gasic                         |      9 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
+ hunspell-en-med               |      9 | {tools}                                             | 
  king-probe                    |      9 | {bio}                                               | 
  ngs-sdk                       |      9 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
- obitools                      |      9 | {bio}                                               | 
- plastimatch                   |      9 | {imaging}                                           | 
- psychopy                      |      9 | {psychology}                                        | 
  biosig4c++                    |      8 | {imaging,physics}                                   | 
  dazzdb                        |      8 | {bio}                                               | 
+ gasic                         |      8 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  gdcm                          |      8 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  mipe                          |      8 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
+ plastimatch                   |      8 | {imaging}                                           | 
  radiant                       |      8 | {bio}                                               | 
+ seqsero                       |      8 | {bio}                                               | 
  tree-puzzle                   |      8 | {cloud,bio,bio-phylogeny}                           | 
  abacas                        |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  alter-sequence-alignment      |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  bppsuite                      |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  diamond-aligner               |      7 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
  fastlink                      |      7 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
- fitgcp                        |      7 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
- hunspell-en-med               |      7 | {tools}                                             | 
  librg-utils-perl              |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  ncbi-seg                      |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
+ neobio                        |      7 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  norsp                         |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
+ paml                          |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  parsnp                        |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  phast                         |      7 | {bio}                                               | 
  anfo                          |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  arden                         |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  biomaj3-cli                   |      6 | {cloud}                                             | 
- brig                          |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
+ cluster3                      |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  daligner                      |      6 | {bio-ngs,bio}                                       | 
  ecopcr                        |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  embassy-domainatrix           |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  embassy-domsearch             |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
+ fitgcp                        |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  freecontact                   |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  jaligner                      |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  lagan                         |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  maqview                       |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  melting                       |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
- neobio                        |      6 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  orthanc-webviewer             |      6 | {imaging}                                           | 
- paml                          |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  phyutility                    |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  piler                         |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  placnet                       |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  prime-phylo                   |      6 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  pscan-tfbs                    |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  pymia                         |      6 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
- rambo-k                       |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  rdp-readseq                   |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  salmon                        |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
  seqtools                      |      6 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -92,8 +91,8 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  biomaj3-daemon                |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  bio-rainbow                   |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  bitseq                        |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
+ brig                          |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  canu                          |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
- cluster3                      |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  codonw                        |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  edtsurf                       |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  embassy-domalign              |      5 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
@@ -119,6 +118,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  probabel                      |      5 | {cloud,bio}                                         | 
  pscan-chip                    |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  quorum                        |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
+ rambo-k                       |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  rdp-alignment                 |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  saint                         |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
  seqtools                      |      5 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  harvest-tools                 |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  hinge                         |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
  jmodeltest                    |      4 | {bio,bio-phylogeny}                                 | 
- libminc                       |      4 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  libpal-java                   |      4 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  librdp-taxonomy-tree-java     |      4 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  logol                         |      4 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -163,15 +162,17 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  blasr                         |      3 | {bio,bio-ngs}                                       | 
  delly                         |      3 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
  dindel                        |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
- elastix                       |      3 | {imaging}                                           | 
  fsm-lite                      |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
+ libminc                       |      3 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  libncl                        |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  libsbml                       |      3 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  maffilter                     |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
+ mencal                        |      3 | {tools}                                             | 
  metaphlan2                    |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  mptp                          |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  mrs                           |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
  murasaki                      |      3 | {bio}                                               | 
+ ngs-sdk                       |      3 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  nutsqlite                     |      3 | {tools}                                             | 
  orthanc-dicomweb              |      3 | {covid-19,imaging}                                  | 
  orthanc-mysql                 |      3 | {imaging}                                           | 
@@ -200,15 +201,15 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  biosig4c++                    |      2 | {physics,imaging-dev}                               | 
  cufflinks                     |      2 | {bio,cloud}                                         | 
  dicompyler                    |      2 | {oncology}                                          | 
+ elastix                       |      2 | {imaging}                                           | 
  getdata                       |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  igor                          |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  kma                           |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  kmerresistance                |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  libgff                        |      2 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  libsmithwaterman              |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
- mencal                        |      2 | {tools}                                             | 
- ngs-sdk                       |      2 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  qcumber                       |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
+ qrisk2                        |      2 | {practice}                                          | 
  scrm                          |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  segemehl                      |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
  skesa                         |      2 | {bio}                                               | 
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  pal2nal                       |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
  papyrus                       |      1 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  pilercr                       |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
- qrisk2                        |      1 | {practice}                                          | 
+ python-questplus              |      1 | {covid-19}                                          | 
  samtools-legacy               |      1 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  sift                          |      1 | {bio}                                               | 
  stringtie                     |      1 | {bio,covid-19}                                      | 
@@ -298,12 +299,10 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  oscar                         |      0 | {tools,data,practice}                               | 
  pbcopper                      |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  pbseqlib                      |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
- python-etelemetry             |      0 | {covid-19}                                          | 
  python-py2bit                 |      0 | {bio-dev,bio}                                       | 
- python-questplus              |      0 | {covid-19}                                          | 
  python-scitrack               |      0 | {covid-19}                                          | 
- relion                        |      0 | {bio}                                               | 
  relion                        |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
+ relion                        |      0 | {bio}                                               | 
  sambamba                      |      0 | {bio}                                               | 
  sbmltoolbox                   |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
  seqan                         |      0 | {bio-dev}                                           | 
@@ -317,5 +316,6 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  varna                         |      0 | {bio}                                               | 
  vtk-dicom                     |      0 | {imaging-dev}                                       | 
  bustools                      |     -1 | {bio}                                               | 
+ wtdbg2                        |     -1 | {covid-19}                                          | 
 (345 rows)

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
+Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:42:04 +0000
  source                        |             version             |        upstream_version         |                       uploaders                                             | Last uploader        |     Last uploaded      
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  kineticstools                 | 0.6.1+git20180425.27a1878       | 0.6.1+git20200325.3558942       | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-02-14 13:26:09+00
  king-probe                    | 2.16.160404+git20180613.a09b012 | 2.16.160404+git20200121.9b198c1 | Andreas Tille,Malihe Asemani,Michael Prisant                                | Andreas Tille        | 2018-07-16 07:34:48+00
  kma                           | 1.2.21                          | 1.2.22                          | Andreas Tille                                                               | Steffen Moeller      | 2020-01-17 22:54:10+00
+ libgclib                      | 0.11.4                          | 0.11.7                          | Andreas Tille,Michael R. Crusoe,Steffen Moeller                             | Michael R. Crusoe    | 2020-02-14 13:04:26+00
  libjloda-java                 | 0.0+git20180523.cbaf6d1         | 0.0+git20200330.cb91494         | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2018-05-25 21:49:43+00
  libmaus2                      | 2.0.713                         | 2.0.715                         | Andreas Tille,Steffen Moeller                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2020-03-27 09:34:39+00
  libsis-base-java              | 18.09~pre1+git20180827.fe4953e  | 18.09~pre1+git20180928.45fbd31  | Andreas Tille,Olivier Sallou,Tim Booth                                      | Andreas Tille        | 2018-09-26 08:35:30+00
@@ -50,18 +51,21 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  q2-demux                      | 2019.10.0                       | 2020.2.0                        | Liubov Chuprikova                                                           | Liubov Chuprikova    | 2020-01-26 07:34:40+00
  q2-feature-classifier         | 2019.4.0                        | 2020.2.0                        | Liubov Chuprikova                                                           | Liubov Chuprikova    | 2019-11-11 10:00:33+00
  q2-metadata                   | 2019.10.0                       | 2020.2.0                        | Liubov Chuprikova                                                           | Andreas Tille        | 2020-02-03 08:42:28+00
+ q2-types                      | 2019.10.0                       | 2020.2.0                        | Liubov Chuprikova                                                           | Liubov Chuprikova    | 2019-12-23 20:39:42+00
  qiime                         | 2019.10.0                       | 2020.2.0                        | Andreas Tille,Liubov Chuprikova,Steffen Moeller                             | Liubov Chuprikova    | 2019-12-16 09:51:27+00
  resfinder-db                  | 0.0+git20191001.149209d         | 0.0+git20200318.d6f36d3         | Andreas Tille                                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-11-16 23:00:12+00
  salmon                        | 0.12.0                          | 1.1.0                           | Kevin Murray,Michael R. Crusoe                                              | Andreas Tille        | 2018-12-13 19:05:56+00
  seaview                       | 4.7                             | 5.0.2                           | Andreas Tille,Charles Plessy                                                | Andreas Tille        | 2018-05-09 13:43:40+00
  simka                         | 1.5.1                           | 1.5.2                           | Shayan Doust                                                                | Andreas Tille        | 2020-01-12 18:49:47+00
+ spades                        | 3.13.1                          | 3.14.0                          | Alexandre Mestiashvili,Andreas Tille,Michael R. Crusoe,Sascha Steinbiss     | Andreas Tille        | 2019-11-22 10:05:04+00
  sra-sdk                       | 2.9.3                           | 2.10.5                          | Andreas Tille,Charles Plessy                                                | Steffen Moeller      | 2018-10-23 20:40:02+00
  stacks                        | 2.52                            | 2.53                            | Andreas Tille,Tim Booth                                                     | Steffen Moeller      | 2020-03-26 02:50:13+00
  sumatra                       | 1.0.31                          | 1.0.34                          | Andreas Tille,Tim Booth                                                     | Andreas Tille        | 2018-10-16 10:06:33+00
  t-coffee                      | 12.00.7fb08c2                   |                 | Andreas Tille,Steffen Moeller                                               | Andreas Tille        | 2019-02-15 07:57:10+00
+ toil                          | 3.24.0                          | 4.0.0                           | Michael R. Crusoe,Steffen Moeller                                           | Michael R. Crusoe    | 2020-02-14 13:05:40+00
  vsearch                       | 2.14.1                          | 2.14.2                          | Andreas Tille,Tim Booth                                                     | Andreas Tille        | 2019-12-17 10:07:09+00
  xmedcon                       | 0.16.1                          | 0.16.2                          | Andreas Tille,Roland Marcus Rutschmann                                      | Andreas Tille        | 2019-01-25 18:23:59+00
-(59 rows)
+(63 rows)
  source                        |   id   | severity  |                                                                                               title                                                                                               
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  gdcm                          | 826048 | wishlist  | Faulty CMake file impairs compiling against GDCM
  gemma                         | 952190 | serious   | gemma: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j1 check returned exit code 2
  gentle                        | 732691 | normal    | Pressing "alignment or Ctrl+G"   only results in a dialog with a  cancel button
- ghmm                          | 936609 | normal    | ghmm: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ ghmm                          | 936609 | serious   | ghmm: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  harvest-tools                 | 943055 | normal    | harvest-tools: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  htsjdk                        | 877590 | normal    | FTBFS: error: package org.testng does not exist
  htsjdk                        | 920588 | normal    | htsjdk: Autopkgtest for htsjdk
@@ -147,9 +151,9 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  khmer                         | 851830 | minor     | arm64 has flaky tests
  khmer                         | 955566 | serious   | khmer: autopkgtest regression: undefined references
  kineticstools                 | 936797 | serious   | kineticstools: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
- kissplice                     | 936798 | normal    | kissplice: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ kissplice                     | 936798 | serious   | kissplice: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  kmc                           | 954270 | important | kmc: arm64 autopkgtest time out
- kmer                          | 936802 | normal    | kmer: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ kmer                          | 936802 | serious   | kmer: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  libgtextutils                 | 925745 | serious   | libgtextutils: ftbfs with GCC-9
  libhmsbeagle                  | 950367 | normal    | confuses DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH and DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE
  libjung-free-java             | 884379 | minor     | libjung-free-java: New version available
@@ -165,7 +169,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  macs                          | 949204 | serious   | macs FTBFS on most architectures. test failures
  macs                          | 953323 | serious   | src:macs: fails to migrate to testing for too long
  macsyfinder                   | 933928 | normal    | macsyfinder: Port to Python3 needed
- macsyfinder                   | 936977 | normal    | macsyfinder: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ macsyfinder                   | 936977 | serious   | macsyfinder: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  medicalterms                  | 602423 | important | hunspell-de-med: german dictionary unusable
  mencal                        | 607008 | normal    | mencal: with l10n, calendar header formatting not aligned with column content
  metaphlan2-data               | 839925 | important | metaphlan2-data: postinst deletes shipped file: /var/lib/metaphlan2-data/markers.fasta
@@ -188,7 +192,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  orthanc-postgresql            | 829383 | wishlist  | orthanc-postgresql: please provide backup script
  orthanc-webviewer             | 828949 | minor     | orthanc-webviewer: "better" suggestion for cache location
  paleomix                      | 933750 | normal    | paleomix: Port to Python3 needed
- paleomix                      | 937232 | normal    | paleomix: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ paleomix                      | 937232 | serious   | paleomix: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  pbbam                         | 829741 | important | pbbam: FTBFS (32-bit): pbmerge assertion failure
  pbgenomicconsensus            | 937255 | serious   | pbgenomicconsensus: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  phast                         | 911983 | important | phast FTBFS on architectures where char is unsigned
@@ -200,7 +204,6 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  pixelmed                      | 728569 | normal    | Add PixelMed SCP
  praat                         | 919490 | normal    | praat FTCBFS: many reasons
  praat                         | 955576 | serious   | src:praat: fails to migrate to testing for too long: ftbfs mips64el
- praat                         | 955659 | serious   | praat: FTBFS: failed tests
  profnet                       | 905206 | serious   | profnet: autopkgtest regression
  profphd                       | 897605 | normal    | profphd failure in stretch
  profphd                       | 942064 | grave     | profphd: autopkgtest failure
@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  psychopy                      | 829424 | normal    | psychopy: ioHub uses inappropriate PID file location
  psychopy                      | 953052 | important | psychopy: python2 dependencies
  psychopy                      | 953053 | important | psychopy: missing python3 dependencies
- pynast                        | 937488 | normal    | pynast: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
+ pynast                        | 937488 | serious   | pynast: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
  pynast                        | 948081 | serious   | pynast build depends on and recommends the removed blast2 transitional package
  python-biom-format            | 820060 | normal    | python-biom-format: broken on big-endian architectures
  python-biom-format            | 950929 | normal    | python-biom-format: FTBFS with pandas 1.0: test failures
@@ -267,5 +270,5 @@ Last-Update: Mon, 06 Apr 2020 01:42:04 +0000
  xmedcon                       | 671828 | normal    | xmedcon: Cannot open file with YBR photometric interpretation
  xmedcon                       | 779707 | normal    | Errors when reading dicomdir file: "No images found" / "Loading: DICM Error reading file"
  xmedcon                       | 924017 | normal    | desktop entry
-(201 rows)
+(200 rows)

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