[med-svn] [Git][med-team/snpeff][master] 19 commits: Deleting pom.xml patch, using d/maven.rules and d/maven.ignoreRules instead

Pierre Gruet gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 22:47:57 GMT 2020

Pierre Gruet pushed to branch master at Debian Med / snpeff

c815b412 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:06:49+01:00
Deleting pom.xml patch, using d/maven.rules and d/maven.ignoreRules instead

- - - - -
b98871be by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:07:47+01:00
Attempting to git rid of akka using java.util.concurrent

- - - - -
cb1c0e77 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:08:46+01:00
Switching to biojava4

- - - - -
c753fcad by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:09:19+01:00
Taking samtools in libhtsjdk-java

- - - - -
e576b574 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:10:07+01:00
Adding scala as a dependency in the pom

- - - - -
dcf7f6da by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:11:08+01:00
Updating build-dependencies

- - - - -
e8d6c062 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:11:34+01:00
export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

- - - - -
7b981b72 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:12:17+01:00
debhelper-compat 13

- - - - -
240cf46f by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:12:41+01:00
Standards version 4.5.1

- - - - -
5e5ade1a by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-04T17:15:01+01:00
Removing binary package snpsift, of which source is not in this package

- - - - -
fe681da2 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-08T21:43:12+01:00
Reordering binary packages to put Maven stuff in the first one

- - - - -
0f8c0f43 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-08T21:43:33+01:00
Having the unit tests run

- - - - -
678aa07c by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-08T21:43:56+01:00
Adding a manifest for the main class and the classpath of the jar

- - - - -
e2e4ae63 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-08T21:46:23+01:00
Drop d/maven.cleanIgnoreRules and d/maven.publishedRules which do nothing

- - - - -
531438da by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-09T21:19:25+01:00
Cleaning maven files in debian/

- - - - -
70555d6e by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-09T23:00:15+01:00
Deleting rules linked to snpeff itself in d/maven.rules

- - - - -
301b16b7 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-10T07:43:39+01:00
Changing the section of the package to java

- - - - -
94094d57 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-10T23:47:11+01:00
Having the complete version number in pom and in the name of the jar

- - - - -
0772e188 by Pierre Gruet at 2020-12-10T23:47:30+01:00
Update todo in d/changelog

- - - - -

19 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/libsnpeff-java.manifest
- debian/libsnpeff-java.poms
- − debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules
- debian/maven.ignoreRules
- − debian/maven.properties
- − debian/maven.publishedRules
- debian/maven.rules
- + debian/patches/adapting_to_htsjdk.patch
- + debian/patches/adding_scala_in_pom.patch
- + debian/patches/depending_on_biojava4.patch
- + debian/patches/fix_tests.patch
- − debian/patches/pom_xml.patch
- + debian/patches/prepare_to_put_package_version_in_pom.xml
- + debian/patches/replacing_akka_with_java_util_concurrent.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
- − debian/snpeff.poms


@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
-snpeff (4.3t+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+snpeff (4.3t+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Initial release (Closes: #<bug>)
-     apfloat 1.6.3:
-       https://github.com/mtommila/apfloat
-       http://www.apfloat.org/apfloat_java/maven.html
-     charts4j 1.3:
-       https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.googlecode.charts4j/charts4j/1.3
-     com.typesafe.akka:akka-actor 2.0.1
-     distlib 0.9.1:
-       https://sourceforge.net/projects/statdistlib/?source=navbar
+    - replace name of the jar SnpEff.jar to snpeff.jar (Java policy)
+    - fill in debian/copyright, maybe remove the html/ folder.
+    - complete the binary package snpeff, add manpage, ...
+    - check my patch replacing akka with java.util.concurrent.
+    - snpsift is to package elsewhere on its own.
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:04:51 +0200
+ -- Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>  Thu, 10 Dec 2020 22:40:03 +0100

@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 Source: snpeff
 Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: science
+Section: java
 Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
+Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 13),
-               libtrove-java,
+               libtrove3-java,
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
-               libcommons-cli-java-doc,
@@ -27,18 +26,26 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
-               libtrove-java-doc
-Standards-Version: 4.5.0
+               libhtsjdk-java-doc,
+               libbiojava4-java-doc,
+               libtrove3-java-doc,
+               libcharts4j-java,
+               libapfloat-java,
+               libdistlib-java,
+               scala-library
+Standards-Version: 4.5.1
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/snpeff
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/snpeff.git
 Homepage: http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/
 Rules-Requires-Root: no
-Package: snpeff
+Package: libsnpeff-java
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ${java:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+         ${maven:Depends}
+Suggests: ${maven:OptionalDepends},
+          libsnpeff-java-doc
+Description: genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - lib
  SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates
  and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid
@@ -51,15 +58,29 @@ Description: genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox
  calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid
  changes). A list of effects and annotations that SnpEff can calculate
  can be found here.
+ .
+ This package contains the library.
-Package: libsnpeff-java
+Package: snpeff
 Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends},
-         ${maven:Depends}
-Suggests: ${maven:OptionalDepends},
-          libsnpeff-java-doc
-Description: Snp Effect
- Variant annotation and effect prediction package.
+Depends: ${java:Depends},
+         ${misc:Depends},
+         libsnpeff-java (= ${binary:Version})
+Description: genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox - tool
+ SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates
+ and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid
+ changes).
+ .
+ The inputs are predicted variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions and
+ MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing
+ experiment, and it is usually in variant call format (VCF).
+ .
+ SnpEff analyzes the input variants. It annotates the variants and
+ calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid
+ changes). A list of effects and annotations that SnpEff can calculate
+ can be found here.
+ .
+ This package contains the command line tool.
 Package: libsnpeff-java-doc
 Architecture: all
@@ -72,14 +93,3 @@ Description: Documentation for Snp Effect
  Variant annotation and effect prediction package.
  This package contains the API documentation of libsnpeff-java.
-Package: snpsift
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${java:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends}
-Description: annotates genomic variants using databases
- SnpSift annotates genomic variants using databases, filters, and
- manipulates genomic annotated variants. Once you annotated your files
- using SnpEff, you can use SnpSift to help you filter large genomic
- datasets in order to find the most significant variants for your
- experiment.

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ Class-Path: /usr/share/java/apfloat.jar /usr/share/java/charts4j.jar /usr/share/java/commons-cli.jar /usr/share/java/trove4j.jar /usr/share/java/freemarker.jar /usr/share/java/distlib.jar /usr/share/java/htsjdk.jar /usr/share/java/commons-math3.jar /usr/share/java/commons-io.jar /usr/share/java/commons-codec.jar /usr/share/java/log4j-1.2.jar /usr/share/java/biojava4-core.jar /usr/share/java/biojava4-structure.jar /usr/share/java/scala-library.jar
+ Main-Class: org.snpeff.SnpEff

@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
 #   --site-xml=<location>: Optional, the location for site.xml if it needs to be installed.
 #     Empty by default. [mh_install]
-pom.xml --has-package-version

debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

@@ -1,10 +1,2 @@
-com.googlecode.charts4j charts4j * * * *
 com.typesafe.akka akka-actor * * * *
-distlib distlib * * * *
-org.apache.maven.plugins maven-assembly-plugin * * * *
-org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin * * * *
-org.apfloat apfloat * * * *
-org.biojava biojava3-core * * * *
-org.biojava biojava3-structure * * * *
-samtools samtools * * * *

debian/maven.properties deleted
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Include here properties to pass to Maven during the build.
-# For example:
-# maven.test.skip=true
-# project.build.sourceEncoding=UTF-8

debian/maven.publishedRules deleted
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-org.snpeff SnpEff jar s/.*/debian/ * *

@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
 junit junit jar s/4\..*/4.x/ * *
-org.snpeff SnpEff jar * * *
-org.snpeff SnpEff jar s/.*/debian/ * *
 log4j log4j * s/1\.2\..*/1.2.x/ * *
-net.sf.trove4j trove4j * s/.*/2.x/ * *
+net.sf.trove4j trove4j * s/.*/debian/ * *
+org.apfloat apfloat jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+distlib distlib jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+com.googlecode.charts4j charts4j jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+commons-cli commons-cli jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+junit junit jar s/4\..*/4.x/ * *
+org.freemarker freemarker jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+org.apache.commons commons-math3 jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+commons-io commons-io jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+commons-codec commons-codec jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+s/samtools/com.github.samtools/ s/samtools/htsjdk/ jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+org.scala-lang scala-library jar s/2\..*/2.11.x/ * *

@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Description: adapting the program to use samtools from htsjdk
+ Imports in Java headers have to be changed.
+ SAMFileReader has to be changed to SamReader.
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Origin: htsjdk-api.patch of Sascha Steinbiss for fastqc
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2020-12-04
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/coverage/CountReads.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/coverage/CountReads.java
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ package org.snpeff.coverage;
+ import java.io.File;
++import java.io.IOException;
+ import java.util.ArrayList;
+ import java.util.Collection;
+ import java.util.HashSet;
+@@ -22,9 +23,12 @@
+ import org.snpeff.util.Timer;
+ import org.snpeff.vcf.VcfEntry;
+-import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader;
+-import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader.ValidationStringency;
+-import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamInputResource;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory;
++import htsjdk.samtools.ValidationStringency;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord;
++import htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeIOException;
+ /**
+  * Count how many reads map (from many SAM/BAM files) onto markers
+@@ -197,35 +201,40 @@
+ 	 * Count all markers from a SAM/BAM file
+ 	 */
+ 	void countSamFile(String fileName) {
+-		// Open file
+-		int readNum = 1;
+-		SAMFileReader sam = new SAMFileReader(new File(fileName));
+-		sam.setValidationStringency(ValidationStringency.SILENT);
+-		for (SAMRecord samRecord : sam) {
+-			try {
+-				if (!samRecord.getReadUnmappedFlag()) { // Mapped?
+-					Chromosome chr = genome.getOrCreateChromosome(samRecord.getReferenceName());
+-					if (chr != null) {
+-						// Create a marker from read
+-						Marker read = new Marker(chr, samRecord.getAlignmentStart(), samRecord.getAlignmentEnd(), false, "");
+-						readLengthCount++;
+-						readLengthSum += read.size();
+-						countMarker(fileName, read);
+-					}
+-				}
+-				if (verbose) Gpr.showMark(readNum, SHOW_EVERY);
+-				readNum++;
+-			} catch (Exception e) {
+-				countExceptions++;
+-				if (countExceptions < 10) e.printStackTrace();
+-				else if (countExceptions == 10) System.err.println("Not showing more exceptions!");
+-			}
+-		}
+-		sam.close();
++                try {
++                        // Open file
++                        int readNum = 1;
++                        SamInputResource sir = SamInputResource.of(new File(fileName));
++                        SamReaderFactory srf = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().validationStringency(ValidationStringency.SILENT);
++                        SamReader sam = srf.open(sir);
++                        for (SAMRecord samRecord : sam) {
++                                try {
++                                        if (!samRecord.getReadUnmappedFlag()) { // Mapped?
++                                                Chromosome chr = genome.getOrCreateChromosome(samRecord.getReferenceName());
++                                                if (chr != null) {
++                                                        // Create a marker from read
++                                                        Marker read = new Marker(chr, samRecord.getAlignmentStart(), samRecord.getAlignmentEnd(), false, "");
++                                                        readLengthCount++;
++                                                        readLengthSum += read.size();
++                                                        countMarker(fileName, read);
++                                                }
++                                        }
++                                        if (verbose) Gpr.showMark(readNum, SHOW_EVERY);
++                                        readNum++;
++                                } catch (Exception e) {
++                                        countExceptions++;
++                                        if (countExceptions < 10) e.printStackTrace();
++                                        else if (countExceptions == 10) System.err.println("Not showing more exceptions!");
++                                }
++                        }
++                        sam.close();
++                } catch (final IOException e) {
++                        throw new RuntimeIOException(e);
++                }
+ 	}
+ 	/**
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdCount.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdCount.java
+@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Timer;
+-import net.sf.samtools.AbstractBAMFileIndex;
+-import net.sf.samtools.BAMIndexMetaData;
+-import net.sf.samtools.SAMFileReader;
++import htsjdk.samtools.AbstractBAMFileIndex;
++import htsjdk.samtools.BAMIndexMetaData;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamInputResource;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader;
++import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory;
+ /**
+  * Count reads from a BAM file given a list of intervals
+@@ -42,8 +44,10 @@
+ 	int countTotalReads(String samFileName) {
+ 		try {
+ 			if (verbose) Timer.showStdErr("Counting reads on file: " + samFileName);
+-			SAMFileReader samReader = new SAMFileReader(new File(samFileName));
+-			AbstractBAMFileIndex index = (AbstractBAMFileIndex) samReader.getIndex();
++                        SamInputResource sir = SamInputResource.of(new File(samFileName));
++                        SamReaderFactory srf = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault();
++			SamReader samReader = srf.open(sir);
++			AbstractBAMFileIndex index = (AbstractBAMFileIndex) samReader.indexing().getIndex();
+ 			int count = 0;
+ 			for (int i = 0; i < index.getNumberOfReferences(); i++) {
+ 				BAMIndexMetaData meta = index.getMetaData(i);
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdPdb.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdPdb.java
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Timer;
+-import net.sf.samtools.util.RuntimeEOFException;
++import htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeEOFException;
+ /**
+  * PDB distance analysis
+--- a/src/main/java/net/sf/samtools/tabix/TabixReader.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/sf/samtools/tabix/TabixReader.java
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Variant;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+-import net.sf.samtools.util.BlockCompressedInputStream;
++import htsjdk.samtools.util.BlockCompressedInputStream;
+ public class TabixReader implements Iterable<String> {

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Description: Adding the scala library as a dependency
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2020-12-04
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -118,6 +118,11 @@
+         <scope>system</scope>
+         <systemPath>/usr/share/java/biojava4-structure.jar</systemPath>
+     </dependency>
++    <dependency>
++      <groupId>org.scala-lang</groupId>
++      <artifactId>scala-library</artifactId>
++      <version>2.11.x</version>
++    </dependency>
+   </dependencies>
+   <repositories>

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Description: Adapt pom and imports to biojava4
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2020-12-02
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -106,13 +106,17 @@
+     </dependency>
+     <dependency>
+     	<groupId>org.biojava</groupId>
+-    	<artifactId>biojava3-core</artifactId>
+-    	<version>3.0.7</version>
++    	<artifactId>biojava4-core</artifactId>
++    	<version>debian</version>
++        <scope>system</scope>
++        <systemPath>/usr/share/java/biojava4-core.jar</systemPath>
+     </dependency>
+     <dependency>
+     	<groupId>org.biojava</groupId>
+-    	<artifactId>biojava3-structure</artifactId>
+-    	<version>3.0.7</version>
++    	<artifactId>biojava4-structure</artifactId>
++    	<version>debian</version>
++        <scope>system</scope>
++        <systemPath>/usr/share/java/biojava4-structure.jar</systemPath>
+     </dependency>
+   </dependencies>
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/pdb/DistanceResult.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/pdb/DistanceResult.java
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ package org.snpeff.pdb;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcid;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.AminoAcid;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Chromosome;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Transcript;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/pdb/PdbFile.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/pdb/PdbFile.java
+@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
+ import java.io.IOException;
+ import java.io.InputStream;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Structure;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.FileParsingParameters;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBFileParser;
+-import org.biojava3.core.util.InputStreamProvider;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.FileParsingParameters;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.PDBFileParser;
++import org.biojava.nbio.core.util.InputStreamProvider;
+ /**
+  * A structure that reads PDB files
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdPdb.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdPdb.java
+@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
+ import java.util.Set;
+ import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.AminoAcid;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Atom;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Calc;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Chain;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Compound;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.DBRef;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Group;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.Structure;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.StructureException;
+-import org.biojava.bio.structure.io.PDBFileReader;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.AminoAcid;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Atom;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Calc;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Chain;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Compound;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.DBRef;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Group;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.GroupType;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.Structure;
++import org.biojava.nbio.structure.io.PDBFileReader;
+ import org.snpeff.SnpEff;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Gene;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Transcript;
+@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
+ 				if (debug) Gpr.debug("\tMapping OK    :\t" + trId + "\terror: " + err);
+ 				int trAaLen = tr.protein().length();
+-				int pdbAaLen = chain.getAtomGroups("amino").size();
++				int pdbAaLen = chain.getAtomGroups(GroupType.AMINOACID).size();
+ 				for (IdMapperEntry idm : idmapsOri) {
+ 					if (trId.equals(idm.trId) && pdbId.equals(idm.pdbId)) {
+@@ -261,12 +261,8 @@
+ 		for (Atom atom1 : aa1.getAtoms())
+ 			for (Atom atom2 : aa2.getAtoms()) {
+-				try {
+-					double dist = Calc.getDistance(atom1, atom2);
+-					distMin = Math.min(distMin, dist);
+-				} catch (StructureException e) {
+-					throw new RuntimeException(e);
+-				}
++                                double dist = Calc.getDistance(atom1, atom2);
++                                distMin = Math.min(distMin, dist);
+ 			}
+ 		return distMin;
+@@ -307,14 +303,14 @@
+ 	 * I.e.: Organism matches
+ 	 */
+ 	boolean filterPdbChain(Chain chain) {
+-		if (chain.getHeader() == null) return false;
++		if (chain.getCompound() == null) return false;
+-		String orgs = chain.getHeader().getOrganismScientific();
++		String orgs = chain.getCompound().getOrganismScientific();
+ 		if (orgs != null && orgs.indexOf(pdbOrganismScientific) >= 0) return true;
+-		orgs = chain.getHeader().getOrganismCommon();
++		orgs = chain.getCompound().getOrganismCommon();
+ 		if (orgs == null) return false;
+ 		// Multiple organisms?

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Description: bringing corrections in failing tests
+ Deactivating tests requiring files that do not exist.
+ Correcting an assertEquals to care for tiny numerical differences.
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2020-12-08
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesGenomicSequences.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesGenomicSequences.java
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ import java.util.Random;
+ import org.junit.Assert;
++import org.junit.Ignore;
+ import org.junit.Test;
+ import org.snpeff.binseq.GenomicSequences;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Chromosome;
+@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
+ 	 * Create many small chromosomes, check that they are saved in only one sequences.bin file
+ 	 * Test that we can recover the exact sequences
+ 	 */
++        @Ignore("relies on a file that does not exist")
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void test_01() {
+ 		Gpr.debug("Test");
+@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@
+ 	 * and the large ones are saved into separate files
+ 	 * Test that we can recover the exact sequences
+ 	 */
++        @Ignore("relies on a file that does not exist")
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void test_02() {
+ 		Gpr.debug("Test");
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesZzz.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesZzz.java
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ import java.util.List;
+ import org.junit.Assert;
++import org.junit.Ignore;
+ import org.junit.Test;
+ import org.snpeff.snpEffect.testCases.integration.TestCasesIntegrationBase;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
+ 	 * at GRCh38 chr1:1232300 includes NM_016176.3:c.-562A>C and NM_016547.2:c.-562A>C.
+ 	 *
+ 	 */
++        @Ignore("it seems the file does not contain testHg38Chr1")
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void test_06_hgvs_upstream_negative_strand() {
+ 		Gpr.debug("Test");
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesCytoBands.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesCytoBands.java
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ package org.snpeff.snpEffect.testCases.unity;
+ import org.junit.Assert;
++import org.junit.Ignore;
+ import org.junit.Test;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.Chromosome;
+ import org.snpeff.interval.CytoBands;
+@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
+ 	/**
+ 	 * Test that we can load cytobands
+ 	 */
++        @Ignore("seems to rely on a file which does not exist")
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void test01() {
+ 		Gpr.debug("Test");
+@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
+ 	/**
+ 	 * Query cytobands
+ 	 */
++        @Ignore("seems to rely on a file which does not exist")
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void test02() {
+ 		Gpr.debug("Test");
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesGenePvalueList.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity/TestCasesGenePvalueList.java
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+ 		// Check pvalues
+ 		double pvalue = gpl.score(ScoreSummary.Z_SCORES);
+-		Assert.assertEquals(0.01651203260896289, pvalue);
++		Assert.assertEquals(0.01651203260896289, pvalue, 1.E-13);
+ 	}
+ 	/**

debian/patches/pom_xml.patch deleted
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-Author: Andreas Tille
-FIXME: I've found this on my hard disk some time ago - no idea what I was approaching
---- a/pom.xml
-+++ b/pom.xml
-@@ -1,194 +1,143 @@
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-+	<description>Variant annotation and effect prediction package.</description>
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-+			<name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3.0</name>
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-+			<name>Pablo Cingolani</name>
-+			<email>pcingola at users.sourceforge.net</email>
-+		</developer>
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-+			<artifactId>junit</artifactId>
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-+		<repository>
-+			<id>ncimvn-public</id>
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-+			<url>https://ncimvn.nci.nih.gov/nexus/content/groups/public/</url>
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-+			<id>typesafe</id>
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-\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Description: Preparing pom.xml to receive the right version number
+ Upstream provides a pom.xml with a version number that does not wholly
+ corresponds to the package upstream version. We put a @VERSION@ in the pom, 
+ which will be replaced by the correct version number in debian/rules.
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2020-12-10
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -199,5 +199,5 @@
+       </plugin>
+     </plugins>
+   </build>
+-  <version>4.3</version>
++  <version>@VERSION@</version>
+ </project>

@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+Description: replacing akka using java.util.concurrent
+Author: Pierre Gruet <pgtdebian at free.fr>
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2020-12-04
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/ConcurrentFactory.java
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
++package org.snpeff.akka;
++public interface ConcurrentFactory {
++        public ConcurrentActor create();
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/ConcurrentActor.java
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++package org.snpeff.akka;
++public abstract class ConcurrentActor {
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/ConcurrentProperties.java
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++package org.snpeff.akka;
++public class ConcurrentProperties {
++        public ConcurrentProperties(ConcurrentFactory pFactory) {
++                this.factory = pFactory;
++        }
++        public ConcurrentFactory getFactory() {
++                return factory;
++        }
++        private ConcurrentFactory factory;
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/Master.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/Master.java
+@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
+ import org.snpeff.akka.msg.Work;
+ import org.snpeff.util.Gpr;
+-import akka.actor.ActorRef;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
+-import akka.actor.UntypedActor;
+-import akka.routing.SmallestMailboxRouter;
++import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService;
++import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
++import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
++import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
++import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
++import java.util.concurrent.Future;
+ /**
+  * Master: Distributes the jobs to all workers, sends the results to 'listener'
+@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@
+  * @param <TI>
+  * @param <TO>
+  */
+-public abstract class Master<TI, TO> extends UntypedActor implements Iterable<TI>, Iterator<TI> {
++public abstract class Master<TI, TO> extends ConcurrentActor implements Iterable<TI>, Iterator<TI> {
+ 	public static int LOAD_FACTOR = 3; // Number of works distributed per worker
+@@ -40,15 +42,17 @@
+ 	protected int countInputObjects; // Count number of input objects
+ 	protected int numWorkers; // Number of workers (threads)
+ 	protected int sentWorks; // Number of workers still working
+-	protected ActorRef workerRouter;
+ 	protected HashMap<Long, Result<TO>> worksBySerial;
++        protected ExecutorService pool;
++        protected CompletionService<Result<TO>> completion;
++        protected ConcurrentProperties props;
+ 	/**
+ 	 * Constructor
+ 	 * @param numWorkers: How may workers will be used
+ 	 * @param listener : Listener
+ 	 */
+-	public Master(Props props, int numWorkers) {
++	public Master(ConcurrentProperties props, int numWorkers) {
+ 		// Initialize 
+ 		sentWorks = 0;
+ 		this.numWorkers = numWorkers;
+@@ -58,9 +62,10 @@
+ 		showEvery = DEFAULT_SHOW_EVERY;
+ 		countInputObjects = 1;
+-		// Create router
+-		SmallestMailboxRouter router = new SmallestMailboxRouter(numWorkers);
+-		workerRouter = getContext().actorOf(props.withRouter(router), "workerRouter");
++                this.props = props;
++		// Create workers
++                pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numWorkers);
++                completion = new ExecutorCompletionService<Result<TO>>(pool);
+ 	}
+ 	@Override
+@@ -124,43 +129,54 @@
+ 	 * Master-receive: Handle-messages
+ 	 */
+ 	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+-	@Override
+-	public void onReceive(Object message) {
+-		//---
+-		// Message specific processing
+-		//---
+-		if (message instanceof StartMaster) {
+-			if (debug) Gpr.debug("Start");
+-			// Process start message
+-			StartMaster start = (StartMaster) message;
+-			startMaster(start);
+-		} else if (message instanceof Result) {
+-			// Process results 
+-			sentWorks--;
+-			Result<TO> result = (Result<TO>) message;
+-			if (debug) Gpr.debug("Result: " + result.serialNumber);
+-			processResults(result);
+-		} else unhandled(message);
+-		//---
+-		// Distribute some work
+-		//---
+-		int threshold = LOAD_FACTOR * numWorkers; // We want all the workers to have some work at all times
+-		if (sentWorks < threshold) {
+-			// Send all works to workers
+-			for (Work<TI> work : this.iterableWork()) {
+-				sentWorks++;
+-				workerRouter.tell(work, getSelf());
+-				if (debug) Gpr.debug("Sent: " + work.serialNumber);
+-				if (sentWorks >= threshold) break; // Enough, wait until we get some results
+-			}
++                public void get(Object message) {
+-			// Nothing else to do? => Stop
+-			if ((sentWorks == 0) && !hasNext()) shutdown(); // Shutdown all agents (including router)
+-		}
+-	}
++                        //---
++                        // Message specific processing
++                        //---
++                        if (message instanceof StartMaster) {
++                                if (debug) Gpr.debug("Start");
++                                // Process start message
++                                StartMaster start = (StartMaster) message;
++                                startMaster(start);
++                        } else throw new RuntimeException("Message of unknown type received by Master.");
++                        while ((sentWorks != 0) || hasNext()) {
++                                //---
++                                // Distribute some work
++                                //---
++                                int threshold = LOAD_FACTOR * numWorkers; // We want all the workers to have some work at all times
++                                if (sentWorks < threshold) {
++                                        // Send all works to workers
++                                        for (Work<TI> work : this.iterableWork()) {
++                                                sentWorks++;
++                                                Worker wrker = (Worker)(props.getFactory().create());
++                                                wrker.setMessage(work);
++                                                completion.submit(wrker);
++                                                if (debug) Gpr.debug("Sent: " + work.serialNumber);
++                                                if (sentWorks >= threshold) break; // Enough, wait until we get some results
++                                        }
++                                        //Process results.
++                                        try {
++                                                Future<Result<TO>> result = completion.take();
++                                                sentWorks--;
++                                                if (debug) Gpr.debug("Result: " + result.get().serialNumber);
++                                                processResults(result.get());
++                                        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
++                                                System.out.println(e.getMessage());
++                                                System.exit(1);
++                                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
++                                                System.out.println(e.getMessage());
++                                                System.exit(1);
++                                        }
++                                        // Nothing else to do? => Stop
++                                        if ((sentWorks == 0) && !hasNext()) pool.shutdown(); // Shutdown all agents
++                                }
++                        }
++                }
+ 	/**
+ 	 * Output all contents of a result
+@@ -203,14 +219,6 @@
+ 	}
+ 	/**
+-	 * Shut down all agents
+-	 */
+-	protected void shutdown() {
+-		if (debug) Gpr.debug("Shutting down");
+-		getContext().system().shutdown();
+-	}
+-	/**
+ 	 * This is executed when the 'start' message arrives (at the beginning of the processing)
+ 	 * @param startMaster
+ 	 */
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/Worker.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/Worker.java
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ import org.snpeff.akka.msg.Result;
+ import org.snpeff.akka.msg.Work;
+-import akka.actor.UntypedActor;
++import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+ /**
+  * Worker: Performs a simple work and get the data back
+@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
+  * 
+  * @author pablocingolani
+  */
+-public class Worker<TI, TO> extends UntypedActor {
++public class Worker<TI, TO> extends ConcurrentActor implements Callable<Result<TO>> {
+ 	private static int WORKER_ID = 0;
+ 	private static String WORKER_ID_MUTEX = "WORKER_ID_MUTEX";
+ 	protected int id;
++        protected Object message;
+ 	public static int getId() {
+ 		synchronized (WORKER_ID_MUTEX) {
+@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
+ 	public Worker() {
+ 		id = getId();
++                message=null;
+ 	}
+ 	/**
+@@ -57,11 +59,16 @@
+ 	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ 	@Override
+-	public void onReceive(Object message) {
++	public Result<TO> call() {
++                Result<TO> result;
+ 		if (message instanceof Work) {
+ 			// Perform some kind of calculation
+-			Result<TO> result = calculate((Work<TI>) message);
+-			getSender().tell(result, getSelf());
+-		} else unhandled(message);
++			result = calculate((Work<TI>) message);
++		} else throw new RuntimeException("Message received by Worker does not require any work.");
++                return result;
+ 	}
+\ No newline at end of file
++        public void setMessage(Object pMessage) {
++                this.message = pMessage;
++        }
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcf/MasterVcf.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcf/MasterVcf.java
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ import org.snpeff.fileIterator.VcfFileIterator;
+ import org.snpeff.vcf.VcfEntry;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentProperties;
+ /**
+  * A master that prcess VCF files
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ 	protected String addHeader[]; // Add lines to VCF header before showing it
+ 	protected VcfFileIterator vcfFileIterator;
+-	public MasterVcf(Props props, int numWorkers) {
++	public MasterVcf(ConcurrentProperties props, int numWorkers) {
+ 		super(props, numWorkers);
+ 	}
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+ 			}
+ 		} catch (Throwable t) {
+ 			t.printStackTrace();
+-			shutdown();
++			pool.shutdown();
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcf/VcfWorkQueue.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcf/VcfWorkQueue.java
+@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
+ import org.snpeff.snpEffect.Config;
+-import akka.actor.Actor;
+-import akka.actor.ActorRef;
+-import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
++import org.snpeff.akka.Master;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentProperties;
+ /**
+  * A work queue that processes a VCF file
+@@ -18,11 +16,10 @@
+ 	String fileName;
+ 	int batchSize, showEvery;
+-	Class<? extends Actor> masterClazz;
+-	Props masterProps;
++	ConcurrentProperties masterProps;
+ 	Config config;
+-	public VcfWorkQueue(String fileName, Config config, int batchSize, int showEvery, Props masterProps) {
++	public VcfWorkQueue(String fileName, Config config, int batchSize, int showEvery, ConcurrentProperties masterProps) {
+ 		this.fileName = fileName;
+ 		this.batchSize = batchSize;
+ 		this.showEvery = showEvery;
+@@ -30,19 +27,12 @@
+ 		this.config = config;
+ 	}
++        //Argument wait is now unused.
+ 	public void run(boolean wait) {
+-		// Create an Akka system
+-		ActorSystem workQueue = ActorSystem.create("vcfWorkQueue");
+ 		// Create the master
+-		ActorRef master;
+-		if (masterClazz != null) master = workQueue.actorOf(new Props(masterClazz), "masterVcf");
+-		else master = workQueue.actorOf(masterProps, "masterVcf");
++		Master master = (Master)(masterProps.getFactory().create());
+ 		// Start processing
+-		master.tell(new StartMasterVcf(fileName, config, batchSize, showEvery));
+-		// Wait until completion
+-		if (wait) workQueue.awaitTermination();
++		master.get(new StartMasterVcf(fileName, config, batchSize, showEvery));
+ 	}
+ }
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcfStr/MasterVcfStr.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/akka/vcfStr/MasterVcfStr.java
+@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
+ import org.snpeff.akka.vcf.MasterVcf;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentActor;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentFactory;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentProperties;
+ /**
+  * A simple demo of a master process
+@@ -12,7 +14,13 @@
+ public class MasterVcfStr extends MasterVcf<String> {
+ 	public MasterVcfStr(int numWorkers) {
+-		super(new Props(WorkerVcfStr.class), numWorkers);
++		super(new ConcurrentProperties(
++                        new ConcurrentFactory() {
++                                @Override
++                                public ConcurrentActor create() {
++						return new WorkerVcfStr();
++					}
++                        }), numWorkers);
+ 	}
+ }
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdEff.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/SnpEffCmdEff.java
+@@ -47,9 +47,10 @@
+ import org.snpeff.vcf.VcfEntry;
+ import org.snpeff.vcf.VcfGenotype;
+-import akka.actor.Actor;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
+-import akka.actor.UntypedActorFactory;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentFactory;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentActor;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentProperties;
+ import freemarker.template.Configuration;
+ import freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper;
+ import freemarker.template.Template;
+@@ -496,12 +497,12 @@
+ 		VcfFileIterator vcf = new VcfFileIterator(inputFile, config.getGenome());
+ 		// Master factory
+-		Props props = new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() {
++                ConcurrentProperties props = new ConcurrentProperties(new ConcurrentFactory() {
+ 			private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ 			@Override
+-			public Actor create() {
++			public ConcurrentActor create() {
+ 				MasterEff master = new MasterEff(numWorkers, snpEffCmdEff, snpEffectPredictor, outputFormatter, filterIntervals);
+ 				master.setAddHeader(vcfOutForm.getNewHeaderLines().toArray(new String[0]));
+ 				return master;
+--- a/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/eff/MasterEff.java
++++ b/src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/commandLine/eff/MasterEff.java
+@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
+ import org.snpeff.snpEffect.SnpEffectPredictor;
+ import org.snpeff.snpEffect.commandLine.SnpEffCmdEff;
+-import akka.actor.Actor;
+-import akka.actor.Props;
+-import akka.actor.UntypedActorFactory;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentFactory;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentActor;
++import org.snpeff.akka.ConcurrentProperties;
+ /**
+  * Master agent for SnpEff 'eff' command
+@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
+ public class MasterEff extends MasterVcf<String> {
+ 	public MasterEff(int numWorkers, final SnpEffCmdEff snpEffCmdEff, final SnpEffectPredictor snpEffectPredictor, final OutputFormatter outputFormatter, final IntervalForest filterIntervals) {
+-		super(new Props( //
++		super(new ConcurrentProperties( //
+ 				// Create a factory
+-				new UntypedActorFactory() {
++				new ConcurrentFactory() {
+ 					private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+ 					@Override
+-					public Actor create() {
++					public ConcurrentActor create() {
+ 						return new WorkerEff(snpEffCmdEff, snpEffectPredictor, outputFormatter.clone(), filterIntervals);
+ 					}

@@ -1 +1,6 @@

@@ -2,7 +2,36 @@
 # DH_VERBOSE := 1
+include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk
 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
 	dh $@ --with javahelper
+	dh_auto_clean
+	# Removing the unit tests we copied into a subdirectory of src/test.
+	if [ -e src/test/java/org ]; then \
+	        $(RM) -rf src/test/java/org; \
+	fi
+	# Replacing our pom with the true version number by the original one.
+	if [ -e pom.xml.old ]; then \
+	        mv pom.xml.old pom.xml; \
+	fi
+	# Upstream provides pom.xml with an incomplete version number. We do a trick
+	# with a patch in debian/patches and with the next lines to put the right one.
+	cp pom.xml pom.xml.old
+	sed 's/@VERSION@/$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM)/ ; s/\+dfsg[[:digit:]]*//' pom.xml.old > pom.xml
+	dh_auto_configure
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+	# Moving the unit tests into a subdir of src/test so that Maven sees them.
+	mkdir -p src/test/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity
+	cp -a src/main/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases/unity src/test/java/org/snpeff/snpEffect/testCases
+	dh_auto_test

debian/snpeff.poms deleted
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# List of POM files for the package
-# Format of this file is:
-# <path to pom file> [option]*
-# where option can be:
-#   --ignore: ignore this POM and its artifact if any
-#   --ignore-pom: don't install the POM. To use on POM files that are created
-#     temporarily for certain artifacts such as Javadoc jars. [mh_install, mh_installpoms]
-#   --no-parent: remove the <parent> tag from the POM
-#   --package=<package>: an alternative package to use when installing this POM
-#      and its artifact
-#   --has-package-version: to indicate that the original version of the POM is the same as the upstream part
-#      of the version for the package.
-#   --keep-elements=<elem1,elem2>: a list of XML elements to keep in the POM
-#      during a clean operation with mh_cleanpom or mh_installpom
-#   --artifact=<path>: path to the build artifact associated with this POM,
-#      it will be installed when using the command mh_install. [mh_install]
-#   --java-lib: install the jar into /usr/share/java to comply with Debian
-#      packaging guidelines
-#   --usj-name=<name>: name to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
-#   --usj-version=<version>: version to use when installing the library in /usr/share/java
-#   --no-usj-versionless: don't install the versionless link in /usr/share/java
-#   --dest-jar=<path>: the destination for the real jar.
-#     It will be installed with mh_install. [mh_install]
-#   --classifier=<classifier>: Optional, the classifier for the jar. Empty by default.
-#   --site-xml=<location>: Optional, the location for site.xml if it needs to be installed.
-#     Empty by default. [mh_install]

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